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Page 1: A rapid advice guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of 2019 … · 2020. 3. 22. · POSITION ARTICLE AND GUIDELINE Open Access A rapid advice guideline for the diagnosis and


A rapid advice guideline for the diagnosisand treatment of 2019 novel coronavirus(2019-nCoV) infected pneumonia (standardversion)Ying-Hui Jin1, Lin Cai2, Zhen-Shun Cheng3, Hong Cheng4, Tong Deng1,5, Yi-Pin Fan6,7, Cheng Fang1, Di Huang1,Lu-Qi Huang6,7, Qiao Huang1, Yong Han2, Bo Hu8, Fen Hu8, Bing-Hui Li1,5, Yi-Rong Li9, Ke Liang10, Li-Kai Lin2,Li-Sha Luo1, Jing Ma8, Lin-Lu Ma1, Zhi-Yong Peng8, Yun-Bao Pan9, Zhen-Yu Pan11, Xue-Qun Ren5, Hui-Min Sun12,Ying Wang13, Yun-Yun Wang1, Hong Weng1, Chao-Jie Wei3, Dong-Fang Wu4, Jian Xia14, Yong Xiong10,Hai-Bo Xu15, Xiao-Mei Yao16, Yu-Feng Yuan2, Tai-Sheng Ye17, Xiao-Chun Zhang15, Ying-Wen Zhang17,Yin-Gao Zhang2, Hua-Min Zhang6,7, Yan Zhao14, Ming-Juan Zhao1, Hao Zi1,5, Xian-Tao Zeng1,18*,Yong-Yan Wang6,7*, Xing-Huan Wang1,2*, for the Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University Novel CoronavirusManagement and Research Team, Evidence-Based Medicine Chapter of China International Exchange andPromotive Association for Medical and Health Care (CPAM)


In December 2019, a new type viral pneumonia cases occurred in Wuhan, Hubei Province; and then named “2019novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV)” by the World Health Organization (WHO) on 12 January 2020. For it is a never beenexperienced respiratory disease before and with infection ability widely and quickly, it attracted the world’sattention but without treatment and control manual. For the request from frontline clinicians and public healthprofessionals of 2019-nCoV infected pneumonia management, an evidence-based guideline urgently needs to bedeveloped. Therefore, we drafted this guideline according to the rapid advice guidelines methodology and generalrules of WHO guideline development; we also added the first-hand management data of Zhongnan Hospital ofWuhan University. This guideline includes the guideline methodology, epidemiological characteristics, diseasescreening and population prevention, diagnosis, treatment and control (including traditional Chinese Medicine),nosocomial infection prevention and control, and disease nursing of the 2019-nCoV. Moreover, we also provide awhole process of a successful treatment case of the severe 2019-nCoV infected pneumonia and experience andlessons of hospital rescue for 2019-nCoV infections. This rapid advice guideline is suitable for the first frontlinedoctors and nurses, managers of hospitals and healthcare sections, community residents, public health persons,relevant researchers, and all person who are interested in the 2019-nCoV.

Keywords: 2019 novel coronavirus, 2019-nCoV, Respiratory disease, Pneumonia, Infectious diseases, Rapid adviceguideline, Clinical practice guideline, Evidence-based medicine

© The Author(s). 2020 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andreproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link tothe Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver(http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.

* Correspondence: [email protected]; [email protected];[email protected] the first and corresponding authors, the rest of authors werealphabetized by their last name and contributed equally.1Center for Evidence-Based and Translational Medicine, Zhongnan Hospitalof Wuhan University, Wuhan 430071, China6China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100700, ChinaFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

Jin et al. Military Medical Research (2020) 7:4 https://doi.org/10.1186/s40779-020-0233-6

Page 2: A rapid advice guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of 2019 … · 2020. 3. 22. · POSITION ARTICLE AND GUIDELINE Open Access A rapid advice guideline for the diagnosis and

1 BackgroundIn December 2019, the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) was discovered and identified in the viral pneu-monia cases that occurred in Wuhan, Hubei Province,China; And then was named by the World HealthOrganization (WHO) on 12 January 2020. In the follow-ing month, the 2019-nCoV quickly spreading inside andoutside of Hubei Province and even other countries.What’s more, the sharp increase of the case numbercaused widespread panic among the people.Medical professionals require an up-to-date guideline

to follow when an urgent healthcare problem emerging.In response to the requests for reliable advice fromfrontline clinicians and public healthcare professionalsmanaging 2019-nCoV pandemics, we developed thisrapid advance guideline, involving disease epidemiology,etiology, diagnosis, treatment, nursing, and hospital in-fection control for clinicians, and also for public healthworkers and community residents.

2 Guideline methodologyThis guideline was prepared in accordance with the meth-odology and general rules of WHO Guideline Develop-ment and the WHO Rapid Advice Guidelines [1, 2].

2.1 Composition of the guideline development groupThis guideline development group is multidisciplinary andcomposed of individuals from health professionals andmethodologists. Health professionals included frontline clin-ical doctors, nurses who work in departments of respiratorymedicine, fever clinic, critical medicine, emergency, infec-tious disease, and experts of respiratory infectious diseaseand hospital management board. The methodologists in-cluded methodologists of guideline development, systematicreview, and literature searching professionals.

2.2 The end-user of the guidelineThis guideline is suitable for frontline doctors andnurses, managers of hospitals and healthcare sections,healthy community residents, personnel in public health-care, relevant researchers, and all persons who are inter-ested in the 2019-nCoV management.

2.3 The target population of the guidelineThis guideline is aimed to serve the healthcare profes-sionals to tackle the suspected 2019-nCoV infectedcases, confirmed 2019-nCoV infected cases, clustered2019-nCoV infected cases, and those with close contactsor suspicious exposure to 2019-nCoV infected cases.

2.4 A survey of conflict of interestsOral inquiry for financial interests of relevant personalwas conducted at the first meeting while to start thisguideline. Relevant financial as well as nonfinancial

interests were surveyed and disclosed and subsequentlyassessed in consensus conference in order to minimizepotential bias in guideline development. Finally, there isno conflict of interests for all the personnel participatingto prepare this guideline.

2.5 Guideline’s structural setup and refining the topicsand coverage of this guidelineThis guideline is a rapid guideline to responding to theemerging infectious disease of 2019-nCoV. Due to theurgent need and tight work schedule, we conductedno wide-range survey but a discussion meeting withfront-line clinicians who managed patients with2019-nCoV infections to finalize guideline topics andkey questions.

2.6 Literature searching and preparation of evidenceprofiles2.6.1 General notesConsidering the lack of direct evidence for this newlyidentified 2019-nCoV infection, we searched and re-ferred to the guidelines that related to the SARS (SevereAcute Respiratory Syndrome), MERS (Middle East Re-spiratory Syndrome), and influenza. We also referred tothe guidelines which were newly-issued by the NationalHealth Commission of People’s Republic of China andWHO for 2019-nCoV. In addition, we have an inde-pendent literature searching team to search availableindirect evidence from systematic reviews and/or RCTs(randomized controlled trials), which were for the treat-ment and/ or chemoprophylaxis of SARS, MERS, orother influenza virus infections.If the existing evidence addressed topics or questions

covered by the guideline, then its quality should beassessed. If there is a lack of higher-level quality evi-dence, our panel considered observational studies andcase series. Because of the limited time, we did not per-form new systematic review. We identified relevant lit-erature up to 20 January 2020.

2.6.2 Search resourcesWe searched the bibliographic databases: PubMed, Embase,and Cochrane library.We also searched following websites: the WHO

(https://www.who.int/), CDC (Centers for Disease Con-trol and Prevention, https://www.cdc.gov/), NICE (Na-tional Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence,https://www.nice.org.uk/), National Health Commissionof the People’s Republic of China (http://www.nhc.gov.cn/), and National Administration of Traditional Chin-ese Medicine (http://www.satcm.gov.cn/).

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2.6.3 Frontline data collection and summaryAs the 2019-nCoV is a newly identified pathogen re-sponsible for the outbreak of the pandemic disease, thereis no sufficient evidence to reveal the whole nature ofthis virus. In these situations, obtaining evidence fromthe experts who fighting the disease on the frontline canbe efficient and the main source [3].Until to 24:00 on 29 January 2020, 11,500 persons were

screened, and 276 were identified as suspected infectiousvictims, and 170 were diagnosed (including 33 in criticalcondition) for 2019-nCoV infection in Zhongnan Hospitalof Wuhan University. During this process, frontline clini-cians and nurses have accumulated valuable experience inthe diagnosis, treatment and nursing for 2019-nCoV in-fected patients. Hence, these experiences were assessedand then used as “Expert Evidence” for our guidelinedevelopment. We took interviews and group surveys tocollect information on treatment evidence during theguideline panel’s meeting, so that it could be integratedinto the guideline panel in the summary of findings (seeAdditional files 1 and 2). Experts’ evidence can be solicitedby the description of case reports, summaries, and reportsof topics or questions of all cases they management.

2.7 Grading the evidences and recommendationsWe accorded to the Grading of Recommendations As-sessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) basicapproaches and rules [4, 5], and particularly consideredexperts’ evidence to assess the quality of a body of evi-dence to make recommendations.The quality of evidence reflects whether the extent to

which our confidence estimating the effect is adequateto support a particular recommendation. The level ofevidence was categorized as “high quality”, “moderatequality”, “low quality”, or “very low quality”; Recommen-dations were classified as “strong” or “weak.”The strong recommendation does not always mean there

is sufficient intervention effectiveness. Besides the effective-ness of intervention, the forming of recommendations isbased on the severity of the disease, patient willingness,safety, and economics [4]. See Tables 1 and 2 [4, 6].

2.8 Forming the recommendationsBefore meetings, experts’ evidence was collected systemat-ically and available to panel members. Once the evidencehas been identified and assessed, recommendations wereformulated based on the evidence by a face-to-face meet-ing of panel members and supplemented by expertsparticipating in the panel meeting.Experts’ evidence was highly valued in this guideline

development. During the consensus process, if the evi-dence was agreed on by more than 70% frontline clini-cians in the consensus meeting, it is considered as high-quality evidence.In specific recomendations, we used “should” or “strongly

recommend” for strong recommendations; whereas, “sug-gest” or “consider” was used for weak ones.

2.9 Drafting and publishing the guidelineThis guideline was published in both Chinese and Eng-lish versions at the same time. Due to space limitations,the current standard revision does not include evidencedescriptions. The full revision will be published in NewMedicine (Chinese name: Yixue Xinzhi; http://www.jnewmed.com/), Volume 30 and Issue 1 2020 [7].

3 Epidemiological characteristics3.1 Scope of the 2019-nCoV infection outbreakSince December 2019, multiple cases occurring unex-plainable pneumonia were successively reported in somehospitals in Wuhan city with a history of exposure to alarge Hua’nan seafood market in Wuhan city, Hubeiprovince, China. It has been confirmed to be an acuterespiratory infection caused by a novel coronavirus. Sofar, the number of cases without a history of the Hua’-nan seafood market exposure is increasing. In addition,clustered cases and confirmed cases without a history oftravel to Wuhan emerged. Also, confirmed cases withoutclear exposure to the Wuhan seafood market have beenfound in many foreign countries or regions [8].At 24:00 on 26 January 2020, the National Health

Commission of the People’s Republic of China has re-corded a total of 2744 confirmed cases of pneumoniawith 2019-nCoV infection from 30 provinces (districtsand cities), including 461 severe cases and 80 deaths. Atotal of 51 cases have been cured and discharged. Atpresent, 5794 suspected cases were recorded, 32,799with close contacts to the confirmed patients have beentracked, 583 people were released from medical observa-tion that day, and 30,453 people were still undergoingmedical observation. A total of confirmed cases werereported from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan ofChina: 8 cases in Hong Kong, 5 cases in Macao, and 4cases in Taiwan. In addition, confirmed cases had beenreported from abroad: 7 in Thailand, 4 in Australia, 4in Singapore, 3 in France, 3 in Japan, 3 in Korea, 3 in

Table 1 Classification and description of recommendation

Classification ofrecommendation


Strong recommendation It is definite that the desirable effectsof an intervention outweigh itsundesirable effects or the undesirableeffects of an intervention outweigh itsdesirable effects

Weak recommendation The desirable effects probably outweighthe undesirable effects or undesirableeffects probably outweigh the desirableeffects

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Malaysia, 3 in the United States, 2 in Vietnam, and onein Nepal [9].

3.2 Host and reservoirWild animal, bats [10] is the most possible host of the2019-nCoV. It requires further confirmation whetherpneumonia infected by the 2019-nCoV is transmitteddirectly from bats or through an intermediate host. It isbelieved that clarifying the source of the virus will helpdetermine zoonotic transmission patterns [11].

3.3 Route of transmissionUp to present, the main infection source was the patientswho with pneumonia infected by the 2019-nCoV. Respira-tory droplet transmission is the main route of transmis-sion, and it can also be transmitted through contact [12].Although many details, such as the source of the virus andits ability to spread between people remain unknown, anincreasing number of cases show the signs of human-to-human transmission [8, 13].

3.4 Etiology and pathogenesisThe 2019-nCoV isolated from the lower respiratory tractof patients with unexplainable pneumonia in Wuhan,and it is a novel coronavirus belonging to the β genus.The 2019-nCoV has an envelope; its particles are round

or oval, often polymorphic, with a diameter from 60 nmto 140 nm. Its genetic characteristics are significantly dif-ferent from SARSr-CoV (SARS related coronaviruses) andMERSr-CoV (MERS related coronaviruses). Currentresearch shows it has more than 85% homology withSARSr-CoV (bat-SL-CoVZC45). 2019-nCoV can be foundin human respiratory epithelial cells 96 h after in vitro iso-lation and culture, while it takes about 6 days in VeroE6or Huh-7 cell lines [12].The source of the virus, the time span of the patients

discharging infective virus, and the pathogenesis are stillnot clear [14].

3.5 Molecular epidemiologyNo evidence of viral mutation has been found so far[14]. It is necessary to obtain much more clinically iso-lated viruses with time and geographical variety to assessthe extent of the virus mutations, and also whether thesemutations indicate adaptability to human hosts [11].

3.6 Incubation and contagious periodBased on currently epidemiological survey, the latencyperiod is generally from 3 to 7 days, with a maximum of14 days [10]. Unlike SARSr-CoV, 2019-nCoV is conta-gious during the latency period [15].

Table 2 Rules for grading the recommendations

Strength of recommendationand quality of evidence

Benefit vs. risk and burdens Methodological quality of supporting evidencea Implications

Strong recommendation,high-quality evidence

Benefits clearly outweigh riskand burdens, or vice versa

RCTs without importantlimitations or overwhelmingevidence from observationalstudies

Strong recommendation,can apply to most patientsin most circumstanceswithout reservation

Strong recommendation,moderate quality evidence

Benefits clearly outweigh riskand burdens, or vice versa

RCTs with important limitations(inconsistent results, methodologicalflaws, indirect or imprecise) orexceptionally strong evidence fromobservational studies

Strong recommendation,can apply to most patientsin most circumstanceswithout reservation

Strong recommendation, lowor very low quality evidence

Benefits clearly outweigh riskand burdens, or vice versa

Observational studies or case series Strong recommendationbut may change whenhigher quality evidencebecomes available

Weak recommendation,high-quality evidence

Benefits closely balanced withrisks and burden

RCTs without important limitationsor overwhelming evidence fromobservational studies

Weak recommendation,best action may differdepending on circumstancesor patients’ or societal values

Weak recommendation,moderate quality evidence

Benefits closely balanced withrisks and burden

RCTs with important limitations(inconsistent results, methodologicalflaws, indirect or imprecise) orexceptionally strong evidence fromobservational studies

Weak recommendation,best action may differdepending on circumstancesor patients’ or societal values

Weak recommendation, lowor very low quality evidence

Uncertainty in the estimates ofbenefits, risks and burden; benefits,risk and burden may be in a closelybalanced

Observational studies or case series Very weak recommendations;other alternatives may beequally reasonable

RCTs randomized controlled trialsaThe evidence agreed on by more than 70% frontline clinicians in consensus meeting is viewed as high-quality evidence

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3.7 Prognostic factorsThe population is generally susceptible to the virus. Theelderly and those with underlying diseases show moreserious conditions after infection, and children and in-fants also get infected by the 2019-nCoV. From currentknowledge of the cases, most patients have a good prog-nosis, the symptoms of children are relatively mild, anda few patients are in critical condition. Death cases aremore frequently seen in the elderly and those withchronic underlying diseases [12].The newest study including the first 41 confirmed

cases admitted to Wuhan between 16 December 2019and 2 January 2020 showed the median age of patientswas 49 years; and the main underlying diseases were dia-betes, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases. Ofthem, 12 cases experienced acute respiratory distresssyndrome (ARDS), 13 cases were admitted to the inten-sive care unit (ICU), and 6 cases died [16].

4 Screening for diseased cases and preventivemeasures for population4.1 Case definitions4.1.1 Suspected casePatients with any 2 of the following clinical features andany epidemiological risk: (1) clinical features: fever, imagingfeatures of pneumonia, normal or reduced white blood cellcount, or reduced lymphocyte count in the early stages ofthe disease onset. (2) epidemiologic risk: a history of travelto or residence in Wuhan city, China or other cities withcontinuous transmission of local cases in the last 14 daysbefore symptom onset; contact with patients with fever orrespiratory symptoms from Wuhan city, China or othercities with continuous transmission of local cases in the last14 days before symptom onset; or epidemiologically con-nected to 2019-nCoV infections or clustered onsets [12].

4.1.2 Confirmed caseThose with one of the following pathogenic evidence isthe confirmed case: (1) positive for the 2019-nCoV bythe real-time PCR test for nucleic acid in respiratory orblood samples [17]. 2) viral gene sequencing showshighly homogeneity to the known 2019-nCoV in respira-tory or blood samples [12].

4.1.3 Clustered casesSuspected clustering cases are defined when one con-firmed case and at the same time, one or more cases offever or respiratory infection are found in a small area(such as a family, a construction site, a unit, etc.) within14 days.Under the above circumstances, 2 or more confirmed

cases are found, and there is the possibility of human-to-human transmission due to close contact or infection due toco-exposure, then it is determined as a clustered case [8, 18].

4.1.4 Close contactsThose who have one of the following contacts after theonset of confirmed cases in the absence of effective pro-tection [18]: (1) those who live, study, work, or haveclose contact with the confirmed cases, or other close con-tacts such as working closely with or sharing the sameclassroom or living in the same house with the confirmedcase. (2) medical and nursing staffs and their family mem-bers living with them, who treated, nursed or visited theconfirmed case, or other personnel who have similar closecontact with the case, such as providing direct treatmentor care of the case, visiting the case or staying in a closedenvironment where the cases are located; other patients orcaregivers in the same room with the case. (3) people whohave close contact with the patients in a same transportvehicle, including those who had taken care of the patientson the vehicle; the person who had companied the pa-tients (family members, colleagues, friends, etc.); otherpassengers and traffic staff considered having likely closecontact with the patients by investigation and evaluation.(4) other circumstances considered to be closely contactedwith the person with close contact with the patients bythe professional investigation and evaluation.

4.1.5 Suspicious exposurePersons with suspicious exposure are those who are ex-posed without effective protection to processing, sales,handling, distributing, or administrative management ofwild animals, materials, and the environments that arepositive for the 2019-nCoV test [18].

4.2 Prevention4.2.1 Persons with close contacts and suspicious exposurePersons with close contacts and suspicious exposureshould be advised to have a 14-day health observationperiod, which starts from the last day of contact with the2019-nCoV infected patients or suspicious environmen-tal exposure. Once they display any symptoms, especiallyfever, respiratory symptoms such as coughing, shortnessof breath, or diarrhea, they should reach out for medicalattention immediately [19]. Contact surveillance should becarried out for those who had exposed to accidentalcontact, low-level exposure to suspected or confirmed pa-tients, i.e. checking any potential symptoms when carryingout daily activities [20]. See Table 3 for details [21].

4.2.2 Patients with suspected 2019-nCoV infectionPatients with a suspected infection should be isolated,monitored, and diagnosed in hospital as soon as pos-sible. Doctors should make recommendations based onthe patient’s situation. Patients with mild symptoms andsuspected infection may consider in-home isolation andhome care (weak recommendation). Suspected infectedwith severe symptoms and those who need to stay in

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hospital for observation by doctor’s judgment shouldfollow the isolation guidelines for suspected patients (seeTables 4 and 5 for details).It should also be noted that: (1) whether the suspected

patients should be given in-home isolation and care ornot requires careful clinical evaluation and safety assess-ment by professionals. (2) if the suspected patients donot get improvement in the symptoms or even worsenedin condition during home care, they need to go to thedoctor for treatment. (3) during the period of home care,

the patients’ medication and symptoms should be closelyrecorded and their caregivers should also monitor theirbody temperature daily.Throughout the period of home care, healthcare

personnel should perform regular (e.g., daily) follow-upthrough face-to-face visits or phone interviews (ideally, iffeasible) to follow the progress of symptoms and, if ne-cessary, specific diagnostic tests should be conducted[14, 19, 21].

4.2.3 Prevention for travellers (Strong recommendation)International visitors should take routine precautionswhen entering and leaving the affected areas, includingavoiding close contacts with people with acute respira-tory infection, washing hands frequently, especially aftercontacting with the sick or their surrounding environ-ment; following appropriate coughing etiquette; andavoiding close contact with live or dead farming animalsor bats or other wild animals [22, 23]. Passengers shouldavoid unnecessary travel as possible.If they had travelled to Hubei Province (especially Wuhan

city) in the past 14 days and is in fever, cough or difficultyin breathing, they should: (1) see a doctor immediately; (2)call the doctor about his/her recent trips and symptomsbefore going to the doctor’s office or emergency room; (3)avoid contact with others; (4) not to travel around; (5)cover mouth and nose with a tissue or sleeve (not hands)when coughing or sneezing; and (6) wash hands with soapand water for at least 20 s. If soap and water are not avail-able, use alcohol-based hand sanitizers [24].

5 Diagnosis of the 2019-nCoV cases5.1 Clinical manifestationThe 2019-nCoV infected cases have symptoms like fever,fatigue, dry cough, dyspnea etc., with or without nasal con-gestion, runny nose or other upper respiratory symptoms[13, 16]. Despite the atypical symptoms were reported[25], Nan-Shan Zhong, the academician of Chinese Acad-emy of Engineering in an exclusive interview with XinhuaNews Agency on 28 January 2020, pointed out that feveris still the typical symptom of 2019-nCoV infection.

5.2 Physical examinationPatients with mild symptoms may not present positivesigns. Patients in severe condition may have shortness ofbreath, moist rales in lungs, weakened breath sounds,dullness in percussion, and increased or decreased tactilespeech tremor, etc.

5.3 Imaging examination5.3.1 CT imaging (strong recommendation)The imaging findings vary with the patient’s age, immun-ity status, disease stage at the time of scanning, underlyingdiseases, and drug interventions.

Table 3 Recommendations for those with close contacts andsuspicious exposures

No. Recommendation items Recommendationstrength

1 Strictly take the observation periodof 14 days, and go to the hospitalfor diagnosis and treatment ifsymptoms appear (fever, cough, etc.).


2 If available, inform the designatedhospital in advance to send cars topick up the patients with symptomsto the hospital.


3 Patients should wear N95 masks(priority strategy).


4 Using disposable surgical mask(alternative strategy).


5 Avoid taking public transportationto the hospital, choose an ambulanceor private vehicle, and open vehiclewindows for ventilation on the way tothe hospital (priority strategy).


6 When walking on the road or waitingin the hospital, try to stay away fromother people (at least 1 m away) andwear a mask.


7 The family members accompanyingthose for inspection should immediatelyfollow the monitoring recommendationsto close contacts, keep the respiratoryhygiene and clean their hands properly.


8 The community or street hospital shouldbe informed before the suspected contactsto the hospital. The vehicle used should becleaned and disinfected with 500mg/Lchlorine-containing disinfectant, and thewindow should be opened for ventilation.


Table 4 Criteria to define patients with suspected mild symptoms

No. Definition of suspected patients with mild symptoms

1 In-home isolation and care after assessmentby doctor (golden standard)

2 With a fever < 38℃

3 The fever can go down by itself

4 No dyspnea, no asthma

5 With or without cough

6 No underlying chronic diseases, e.g.: heart, lungand kidney diseases

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The imaging features of lesions show: (1) dominantdistribution (mainly subpleural, along the bronchialvascular bundles); (2) quantity (often more than three ormore lesions, occasional single or double lesions); (3)shape (patchy, large block, nodular, lumpy, honeycomb-like or grid-like, cord-like, etc.); (4) density (mostlyuneven, a paving stones-like change mixed with groundglass density and interlobular septal thickening, consoli-dation and thickened bronchial wall, etc.); and (5) con-comitant signs vary (air-bronchogram, rare pleuraleffusion and mediastinal lymph nodes enlargement, etc.).

5.3.2 Clinical data from Zhongnan Hospital of WuhanUniversityTypical CT/X-ray imaging manifestation, including(1) Multiple, patchy, sub-segmental or segmental ground-

glass density shadows in both lungs. They were classi-fied as “paving stone-like” changes by fine-grid orsmall honeycomb-like thickening of interlobularsepta. The thinner the CT scan layers, the clearerthe ground-glass opacity and thickening of inter-lobular septa were displayed. A slightly high-densityand ground-glass change with fuzzy edge in thefine-grid or small honeycomb-like thickening of inter-lobular septa were presented by the high-resolutioncomputed tomography (HRCT), (Fig. 1: 45 cases,54.2% in a total of 83 cases). The resolution of X-raywas worse lower than that of CT in the resolution,which was basically manifested as ground-glass

Table 5 Home care and isolation guidelines for suspectedpatients with mild symptoms

No. Recommendation items Recommendationstrength

Suspected patients with mild symptoms

1 Well-ventilated single rooms(preferred strategy).


2 Maintain a bed distance of atleast 1 m from the patient(alternative strategy).


3 Clean and disinfect householdarticles using 500mg/L chlorine-containing disinfectant frequentlyevery day (wide range).


4 Limit visits by relatives and friends. Strong

5 The caregiver should be a healthyfamily member without underlyingdiseases.


6 Restrict the patient’s activity Strong

7 Open windows for ventilation inshared areas such as toilets andkitchens.


8 Avoid sharing toothbrush, towel,tableware, bed sheet and otheritems with patients. The patient’sdaily necessities are for single useonly and should be placed separatelyfrom that of their family members.


9 When coughing or sneezing, it isnecessary to wear a medical mask,or cover with a paper towel andbent elbow, and clean handsimmediately after coughing andsneezing.


10 N95 masks should be worn inthe same room with patients(preferred strategy).


11 Disposable surgical mask(alternative strategy).Use the mask in strict accordancewith the instruction manual.


12 After washing hands with runningwater, dry them with a paper towel(preferred strategy).


13 Dry with a towel, and washand disinfect the towel daily(alternative strategy).


Home caregivers

1 Clean and disinfect hands aftercontact with the patient, beforeleaving patient’s room or thehouse, before and after eating,after using the toilet and afterentering house from outside(for visible contaminant onhands, wash hands with runningwater then use hand disinfection).


2 Avoid direct contact with patient’ssecretions or discharges, especiallyoral or respiratory discharges; avoiddirect contact with patient’s feces.


Table 5 Home care and isolation guidelines for suspectedpatients with mild symptoms (Continued)

No. Recommendation items Recommendationstrength

3 Wear disposable gloves (double layers)when providing oral and respiratory careto patients, handling patient’s feces andurine, and cleaning the patient’s room,etc. Wash hands before wearing glovesand after removing the gloves.


4 Wash the patient’s clothes, bedsheets, bath towels, towels, etc.with ordinary washing soapand water, or use a washingmachine at 60–90℃ with ordinaryhousehold washing liquid (Strongrecommendation), or routinely washthem with washing machine aftersoaking in low concentrationdisinfectant (Weak recommendation).


5 Put the contaminated bedding intothe laundry bag. Do not shakecontaminated clothing and avoiddirect contact.


6 The waste generated by the patientshould be put into the closed garbagebags and replaced frequently.


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opacities with fuzzy edge (Fig. 2: 9 cases, 10.8% in atotal of 83 cases).

(2) Multiple, patchy or large patches of consolidation inboth lungs, with a little grid-like or honeycomb-shaped interlobular septal thickening, especially inthe middle and lower lobes (Fig. 3: 26 cases, 31.3%in a total of 83 cases). It was more common in theelderly or severe condition patients.

Atypical CT/X-ray imaging manifestation, including(1) Single, or multiple, or extensive subpleural grid-like

or honeycomb-like thickening of interlobular septum,thickening of the bronchial wall, and tortuous andthick strand-like opacity. Several patchy consolidations,occasionally with a small amount pleural effusion or

enlargement of mediastinal lymph nodes, can be seen(Fig. 4: 6 cases, 7.2% in a total of 83 cases). This ismostly seen in the elderly.

(2) Single or multiple solid nodules or consolidatednodules in the center of lobule, surrounded byground-glass opacities (Fig. 5: 5 cases, 6.2% in a totalof 83 cases).

Stage based on CT image The CT imaging demon-strates 5 stages according to the time of onset and theresponse of body to the virus, including:

(1) Ultra-early stage. This stage usually refers to the stageof patients without clinical manifestation, negativelaboratory test but positive throat swab for 2019-nCoV

Fig. 1 Typical CT imaging manifestation (case 1). A 38 years old male with fever without obvious inducement (39.3℃), dry cough and shortnessof breath for 3 days. Laboratory test: normal white blood cells (6.35 × 109/L), decreased lymphocytes percentage (4.1%), decreased lymphocytescount (0.31 × 109/L), decreased eosinophil count (0 × 109/L)), increased C-reaction protein (170.91 mg/L), increased procalcitonin (0.45 ng/ml).Imaging examination: multiple patches, grid-like lobule and thickening of interlobular septa, typical “paving stone-like” signs. a SL(Slice): 6 mm;b high-resolution computed tomography(HRCT). HRCT. high-resolution computed tomography

Fig. 2 Typical CT / X-ray imaging manifestation (case 2). A 51 years old male with general muscle ache and fatigue for 1 week, fever for 1 day(39.1℃), anemia. Laboratory test: normal white blood cells (9.24 × 109/L), lymphocytes percentage (5.1%), decreased lymphocytes (0.47 × 109/ L),decreased eosinophil count (0 × 109/L), increased C-reaction protein (170.91 mg/L), increased procalcitonin (0.45 ng/ml), increased erythrocytesedimentation rate (48 mm/h). Imaging examination: a shows patchy shadows in the outer region of the left lower lobe, b shows large ground-glass opacity in the left lower lobe, and c shows subpleural patchy ground-glass opacity in posterior part of right upper lobe and lower tongueof left upper lobe, d shows large ground-glass opacity in the basal segment of the left lower lobe

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within 1–2weeks after being exposed to a virus-contaminated environment (history of contactwith a patient or patient-related family members,unit, or medical staff in a cluster environment).The main imaging manifestations are single, doubleor scattered focal ground-glass opacity, noduleslocated in central lobule surrounded by patchyground-glass opacities, patchy consolidation and signof intra-bronchial air-bronchogram, which wasdominant in the middle and lower pleura (Fig. 6:7 cases, 8.4% in a total of 83 cases).

(2) Early stage.This stage refers to the period of 1–3 daysafter clinical manifestations (fever, cough, dry cough,etc.). The pathological process during this stage isdilatation and congestion of alveolar septal capillary,exudation of fluid in alveolar cavity and interlobularinterstitial edema. It showed that single or multiplescattered patchy or agglomerated ground-glassopacities, separated by honeycomb-like or grid-likethickened of interlobular septa (Fig. 7: 45 cases, 54.2%in a total of 83 cases).

(3) Rapid progression stage. This stage refers to theperiod about 3–7 days after clinical manifestationsstarted, the pathological features in this stage arethe accumulation of a large number of cell-richexudates in the alveolar cavity, vascular expansionand exudation in the interstitium, both of whichlead to further aggravation of alveolar and Interstitialedema. The fibrous exudation connects each alveolusthrough the inter-alveolar space to form a fusionstate. The CT manifested a fused and large-scalelight consolidation with air-bronchogram inside(Fig. 8: 17 cases, 20.5% in a total of 83 cases).

(4) Consolidation stage. This stage refers to the periodaround 7–14 days after clinical manifestationsappeared. The main pathological features in thisstage are the fibrous exudation of the alveolar cavityand the disappearance of capillary congestion in thealveolar wall. CT imaging showed the multiple patchyconsolidations in slighter density and smaller rangethan that of the previous stage. (Fig. 9: 26 cases,31.2% in a total of 83 cases).

Fig. 3 Typical CT / X-ray imaging manifestation (case 3). A 65 years old male with fever for 4 days (38.7℃). Laboratory test: normal white bloodcells (3.72 × 109/L), decreased lymphocytes (0.9 × 109/ L), decreased eosinophil count (0 × 109/L), increased C-reaction protein (53.0 mg/L),increased procalcitonin (0.10 ng/ml), reduced liver function, hypoproteinemia, and mild anemia. Imaging examination: a and b showed largeconsolidation in the right middle lobe, patchy consolidation in the posterior and basal segment of the right lower lobe, with air-bronchograminside, c showed patchy consolidation in the outer and basal segment of the left lower lobe, and a small amount of effusion in the right chest

Fig. 4 Atypical CT / X-ray imaging manifestation (case 1). An 83 years old female with fever for 4 days (maximum temperature of 38.8℃), cough,chills, sore throat, dry cough for 1 week, chest tightness and shortness of breath aggravating for 1 week. Laboratory test: normal white blood cells(4.6 × 109/L), normal neutrophil percentage (65.8%), decreased lymphocytes percentage (19.9%). Imaging examination: a and b showed diffuseinterlobular septum thickening in both lungs to form a grid opacity, thickening of bronchial wall, and consolidation in the left sublobal lung. cshowed diffused grid-like opacities in both lungs, especially in the left lung

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(5) Dissipation stage. This stage refers to the periodroughly between 2 and 3 weeks after the onset ofclinical manifestations. The range of lesions was furtherreduced. CT imaging showed patchy consolidation orstrip-like opacity. As time goes on, it showed grid-likethickening of interlobular septum, thickening andstrip-like twist of bronchial wall and a few scatteredpatchy consolidations (Fig. 10: 17 cases, 20.5% in atotal of 83 cases).

5.4 Differential diagnosisIt mainly should be distinguished from other knownviral virus of pneumonia, such as influenza viruses,parainfluenza virus, adenovirus, respiratory syncytialvirus, rhinovirus, human metapneumovirus, SARSr-CoV, etc.; and also from mycoplasma pneumonia,chlamydia pneumonia, and bacterial pneumonia. Inaddition, it should be distinguished from non-infectiousdiseases, such as vasculitis, dermatomyositis, and or-ganizing pneumonia.

5.5 Techniques for laboratory tests5.5.1 Hematology examinationIn the early stage of the disease, the total number ofleukocytes decreased or keeps normal, with decreasedlymphocyte count or increased or normal monocytes.High attention should be paid on the situation where theabsolute value of lymphocyte is less than 0.8 × 109/L, orthe numbers of CD4 and CD8 T cells are significantly de-creased, which generally recommend rechecking the bloodroutine changes after 3 days.

5.5.2 Detection of pathogens in respiratory tract

(1) Flu antigens. At present, routinely detected flu antigensare A, B, and H7N-subtypes. Sampling of throatswabs is conducive to early rapid screening for flubecause of the fast test, but it has a relatively highfalse negative rate.

(2) Respiratory virus nucleic acid. The detection ofrespiratory virus nucleic acid is commonly used to

Fig. 5 Atypical CT / X-ray imaging manifestation (case 2). A 56 years old female with fever for 3 days. Laboratory test: decreased total protein(54.0 g/L),decreased albumin (35.5 g/L),decreased globulin (18.5 g/L), normal white blood cells (4.87 × 109/L), decreased lymphocytes percentage(10.1%), decreased lymphocytes (0.49 × 109/ L), decreased eosinophil count (0 × 109/L)), decreased eosinophil count percentage (0%). Imagingexamination: a showed two consolidation nodulesat the center of the lateral segment of middle lobe of the right lung which was surrounded byground-glass opacities; b showed patchy ground-glass opacity in the anterior segment of the right upper lung with patchy consolidation lesionsin it; c showed patchy ground-glass opacities in both lungs with patchy consolidation lesions in it. d showed patchy consolidation in the ground-glass opacities in the middle lobe and dorsal segment of lower lobe of right lung

Fig. 6 CT imaging of ultra-early stage. a A 33 years old female with patchy ground-glass opacities after occupational exposure. b A 67 years oldmale with a history of contact with infected patients, showing large ground-glass opacity. c A 35 years old female exhibiting large consolidatedopacity with air-bronchogram inside after occupational exposure

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detect the infection by other common respiratoryviruses, mycoplasma and chlamydia infection,such as adenovirus, parainfluenza virus, respiratorysyncytial virus, mycoplasma, chlamydia, influenza Aand influenza B virus, etc.

(3) 2019-nCoV nucleic acid detection. Accurate RNAdetection of 2019-nCoV is with diagnostic value(Strong recommendation). The RNA of 2019-nCoVpositive in the throat swab sampling or otherrespiratory tract sampling by fluorescence quanti-tative PCR method, especially that from multiplesamples and detection kits, excluding sample quality,sample collection time, contaminatory and tech-nical problems, is of great support for etiologicaldiagnosis.

(4) Other laboratory testing. There are other laboratorytests for the status of 2019-nCoV infection, includ-ing blood gas analysis, liver and kidney function,

myocardial enzyme, myoglobin, erythrocyte sedi-mentation rate (ESR), C-reactive protein (CRP),Procalcitonin (PCT), lactate, D-dimer, coagulationimage, urine routine test, inflammatory factors(interleukin(IL)-6, IL-10, TNF - α), 11 items oftuberculosis (TB) subgroup, complement, anti-acidstaining, etc. Blood gas analysis is helpful to judgethe oxygenation of moderately-illed and severepatients. Combining the increase of lactic acid, it isfeasible to screen the patients with high-risk ofoxygenation disorder. Some infected patients haveincreased liver enzymes, muscle enzyme, ESR andmyoglobin. The detection of CRP and PCT is ofcertain value to distinguish whether there wasbacterial infection in the lung. D-dimer of mostsevere patients was significantly increased in thisepidemic, with frequent clotting disorders andmicrothrombotic formation in peripheral blood

Fig. 7 CT imaging of early stage. Male, 38 years old, fever without obvious inducement (39.3℃), dry cough and shortness of breath for 3 days.Laboratory test: decreased white blood cells (3.01 × 109/L), decreased lymphocytes (0.81 × 109/ L), increased C-reaction protein (60.8 mg/L),increased procalcitonin (0.16 ng/ml). Imaging examination: a (thin layer CT) and b (high-resolution CT) showed multiple patchy and lightconsolidation in both lungs and grid-like thickness of interlobular septa

Fig. 8 CT imaging of rapid progression stage. A 50 years old female with anorexia, fatigue, muscle soreness, nasal congestion and runny nose for1 week, sore and itching throat for 2 days. Laboratory test: increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate (25 mm/h), normal white blood cells(4.08 × 109/L), decreased lymphocytes (0.96 × 109/ L), increased C-reaction protein (60.8 mg/L). Imaging examination: a (thin layer CT) andb (high-resolution CT) showed multiplepatchy and light consolidation in both lungs and grid-like thickness of interlobular septa

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vessels. Detection of other inflammatory factorsmay help to preliminarily evaluate the immunestatus of patients.

5.5.3 Clinical data from Zhongnan Hospital of WuhanUniversityIn the early stage of this disease, the total number of leu-kocytes in peripheral blood was normal or decreased,and the lymphocyte count decreased. In some patients,liver enzyme (transaminase), creatine kinase (CK) andmyoglobin increased. CRP, ESR, and IL-6 increased, andPCT was normal in most patients. The increased D-dimer occurred in severe cases.

The data from the first 38 patients with 2019-nCoVinfection who hospitalized in Zhongnan Hospital of WuhanUniversity were collected. Analysis revealed that the averagevalue of white blood cells (WBC) was 5.45 (2.30–13.82) × 109/L, PLT was 164.5 (47–317) × 109/L,lymphocyte was 0.87 (0.24–2.27) × 109/L, and monocytewas 0.38 (0.12–0.62) × 109/L. The average value of ALT(alanine aminotransferase) was 37.6 (6–128) U/L and AST(aspartate aminotransferase) was 53.3 (18–169) U/L.The average value of CK was 315 (33–3051) U/L, ESRwas 29.3 (8–67) mm/h, CRP was 61.8 (3–170.91) mg/L,IL-6 was 57 (3.1–134.4) pg/ml, and D-dimer was400 (46–3330) ng/ml.

Fig. 9 CT imaging of consolidation stage. A 65 years old male with fever (maximum temperature of 39℃). Laboratory test: hypoproteinemia(decreased total protein (62.20 g/L), decreased albumin (35.70 g/L)), abnormal liver function (increased alanine aminotransferase (79 U/L),increased aspartate aminotransferase (72 U/L)), increased procalcitonin (0.10 ng/ml), increased C-reaction protein (53 mg/L), decreased whiteblood cells (3.72 × 109/L), decreased lymphocytes (0.9 × 109/ L), mildanemia (decreased red blood cells (4.10 × 1012/L), decreased hemoglobin(131.10 g/L), decreased hematocrit (39.0%). Imaging examination: a (thin layer CT) and b (high-resolution CT) showedmultiple patchyand largeconsolidation in right middle lobe, posterior and basal segment of right lower lobe and outer and basal segment of left lower lobe, withair-bronchogram inside

Fig. 10 CT imaging of dissipation stage. A 79 years old female with intermittent fever. Laboratory test after 3 days of comprehensive treatment:decreased red blood cells (3.73 × 1012/L), hemoglobin (107 g/L), decreased hematocrit (31.8%), decreased lymphocytes percentage (13.9%),decreased lymphocytes (0.62 × 109/ L), decreased eosinophil count percentage (0%), decreased eosinophil count (0 × 109/L), increased alanineaminotransferase (46 U/L), deceased total protein (56.8 g/L), decreased albumin (33.5 g/L), normal C-reaction protein and procalcitonin. Imagingexamination: a patchy ground-glass opacity and grid-like thickening of interlobular septa in the tongue-like segment of left upper lobe, andpatchy consolidation in the posterior segment of right middle and lower lobe. b 9 days after admission to hospotial, CT scan showed absorptionof lesions in the middle lobe, narrowing of lesions in the lower lobe of the right lung, and absorption of lesions in the tongue-like segment ofleft upper lobe which exhibited a cord-like change

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Compared with 120 healthy check-ups, the absolutevalue of lymphocyte (0.87 vs 2.13) × 109/L, lymphocytepercentage (19.5% vs 33.7%), eosinophil percentage(0.13% vs 2.16%), and absolute value (0.0061 vs0.1417) × 109/L in 2019-nCoV patients were signifi-cantly reduced (P < 0.05). The absolute number (4.2 vs3.7) × 109/L and the percentage (72.0% vs 57.0%) in-creased in 2019-nCoV patients (P < 0.05). The per-centage of monocytes increased slightly (8.1% vs 6.8%),while the absolute number of monocytes did notchange significantly (0.38 vs 0.44) × 109/L.

5.6 Other early diagnosis methodsThe next generation sequencing (NGS) and electronmicroscope technology play a role in the early diagnosis,but their diagnostic values have been weakened by thediscovery of specific nucleic acid detection technology.In addition, NGS detection can tell whether the patho-gen has mutated or not.

6 Treatment and control6.1 PrinciplesSuspected and confirmed cases need to be treated in des-ignated hospitals with effective isolation and protectionconditions. Suspected cases need to be treated separatelyin single room, confirmed cases are admitted to a sameward, and critical cases should be admitted to ICU as soonas possible.

6.2 Treatment plans

(1) The patient should rest in bed, being monitored forvital signs (heart rate, pulse oxygen saturation,respiratory rate, blood pressure) and givensupportive treatment to ensure sufficient energyintake and balance for water, electrolytes, acid-base levels and other internal environment factors(Strong recommendation).

(2) The patient should be monitored for blood routine,CRP, PCT, organ function (liver enzyme, bilirubin,myocardial enzyme, creatinine, urea nitrogen,Urine volume, etc.), coagulation function, arterialblood gas analysis and chest imaging (Strongrecommendation).

(3) The patient should be given effective oxygen therapy,including nasal catheter, mask oxygen, high flownasal oxygen therapy (HFNO), non-invasive ventila-tion (NIV) or invasive mechanical ventilation (Strongrecommendation).

First, oxygen therapy is the choice for patients withsevere respiratory infections, respiratory distress, hypox-emia or shock. The initial flow rate is 5 L/min, and thetitration flow rate is to reach the target oxygen

saturation (adults: SpO2 ≥ 90% in non-pregnant patients,SpO2 ≥ 92–95% in pregnant patients; children: SpO2 ≥94% in children with obstructive dyspnea, apnea, severerespiratory distress, central cyanosis, shock, coma orconvulsions, and ≥ 90% in other children).Second, respiratory support should be given to pa-

tients with hypoxic respiratory failure and acute respira-tory distress syndrome. HFNO or NIV can be selectedwhen nasal cannula or mask oxygen therapy was inef-fective or the patient had hypoxic respiratory failure.However, when patients had hypercapnia (acute exacer-bation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cardio-genic pulmonary edema), hemodynamic instability,multiple organ failure, and abnormal mental statusHFNO oxygen is not the routinely adopted measure. Ifrespiratory failure cannot be improved or worsens con-tinuously within a short time (1 h) after using HFNO orNIV, intubation should be performed immediately. Lowtidal volume (4-8 ml/kg) and low suction pressure (plat-form pressure < 30cmH2O) are used for invasive mech-anical ventilation. It is suggested that positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) with high positive end-expiratory pressure should be used in patients withmoderate or severe acute respiratory distress syndrome,and PEEP should be titrated according to FiO2 to main-tain SpO2, in order to improve alveolar atelectasis andreduce alveolar hyper-expansion and pulmonary vascularresistance at the end of inspiration. For severe patientswith ARDS, it is recommended to ventilate in prone pos-ition for more than 12 h/d.

(4) Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO)should be considered for the patients withrefractory hypoxemia that is difficult to becorrected by protective lung ventilation. (Strongrecommendation).

6.3 Drug treatment6.3.1 Antiviral treatment

(1) At present, there is no evidence from RCT to supportspecific drug treatment against the new coronavirusin suspected or confirmed cases.

(2) The α-interferon atomization inhalation can beconsidered (5 million U per time for adults in sterileinjection water, twice a day) (Weak recommenda-tion); lopinavir/ritonavir orally, 2 capsules eachtime, twice a day, can be also considered (Weakrecommendation).

Low-level evidences included retrospective cohort,historically controlled studies, case reports, and caseseries revealed that lopinavir/ritonavir alone or in com-bination with antivirals produced certain benefits in the

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treatment of SARS and MERS, such as reducing theincidence or mortality of ARDS [26–29]. A recentlysystematic review showed that lopinavir/ritonavir’santi-coronavirus effect was mainly seen in its earlyapplication, for reducing patient mortality and reducedglucocorticoid consumption. However, if the earlytreatment window is missed, there will be no significanteffect in their late application [30]. Real-world studystills need to further explore the clinical effects of itsearly use in 2019-nCoV infected pneumonia.The effectiveness of the combined use of antivirals is

still controversial [31–34].

6.3.2 Antibiotic therapy

(1) Principles. Avoid blind or inappropriate use ofantibacterial drugs, especially the combination ofbroad-spectrum antibacterial drugs. Enhancement ofbacteriological surveillance should be performed andpromptly given appropriate antibacterial drugs whenit occurs secondary bacterial infection.

(2) According to the clinical manifestations of patients,if the accompanying bacterial infection cannot be ruledout, mild patients can take antibacterial drugs againstcommunity-acquired pneumonia, such as amoxicillin,azithromycin, or fluoroquinolones; empirical anti-bacterial treatment in severe patients should coverall possible pathogens, deescalating therapy until thepathogenic bacteria are clarified.

6.3.3 Corticosteroid therapyThe use of corticosteroids for severe ARDS is controver-sial; therefore, systemic use of glucocorticoids needs tobe cautious. Methylprednisolone can be used as appro-priate for patients with rapid disease progression or se-vere illness. According to the severity of the disease, 40to 80 mg of methylprednisolone per day can be consid-ered, and the total daily dose should not exceed 2 mg/kg(Weak recommendation).SARS management related researches showed that

timely use of non-invasive continuous positive airwaypressure and corticosteroids is an effective strategy for in-creased lung shadows and increased dyspnea. Appropriateuse of glucocorticoids is able to significantly improve theclinical symptoms of patients with SARS, reduce the de-gree of disease progression, and accelerate the absorptionof lung lesions; but it cannot shorten the length of hospitalstay [35, 36]. Be cautious that hormone therapy has someincidence of adverse reactions [37].

6.3.4 Other medications

(1) Symptomatic treatment of fever. When the temperatureis higher than 38.5℃, ibuprofen can be used for

antipyretic (oral, 0.2 g per time, it can be used every4–6 h in continuous fever, but no more than 4 timesin 24 h), and the temperature below 38℃ isacceptable. Much lower body temperature is notconducive to antiviral treatment.

(2) Nutrition support treatment. Inpatients are screenedfor nutrition risk based on the NRS2002 score whenthey are admitted to the hospital. The recommendedplan for patients with different nutrition risk scoresare as follows:First, if the total score is < 3 points, it isrecommended to eat protein-rich foods (such as eggs,fish, lean meat, dairy products) and carbohydrate-containing diets. The supposed ideal energy intakeis 25–30 kcal / (kg∙d) and the protein mass are1.5 g / (kg∙d).Second, if the total score is ≥3 points, the patientshould be given nutritional support as early aspossible. It is recommended to increase proteinintake by oral nutrition supplement, 2–3 times/day(≥ 18 g protein/time). In order to reach the mountof 18 g protein/time, protein powder can be addedon the basis of standard whole protein preparations.Enteral nutrition tube should to be placed when thepatient cannot intake supplemental nutrition byoral routine.

(3) Reduce the incidence of stress ulcers and gastrointestinalbleeding. Use H2 receptor antagonists or proton pumpinhibitors in patients with gastrointestinal bleedingrisk factors. The risk factors for gastrointestinalbleeding include mechanical ventilation ≥48 h,coagulation dysfunction, renal replacement therapy,liver disease, various complications, and a higher scoreof organ failure.

(4) Reduce the secretion of lung glands and improvethe respiratory function. For patients withdyspnea, cough, wheeze, and respiratory distresssyndrome due to the increased respiratory glandsecretion, it is recommended to use selective(M1, M3) receptor anticholinergic drugs to reducethe secretion, relax the smooth muscle in airway,relieve airway spasm and improve the pulmonaryventilation.

(5) Reduce the incidence of venous embolism. Evaluatethe risk of venous embolism in patients and uselow-molecular-weight heparin or heparin in high-risk patients without contraindications.

6.4 Traditional Chinese medicine treatment6.4.1 Guiding principlesTreat the patient based on syndrome differentiation in-dividually. Prevention before illness is better than treat-ment after getting diseased.

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6.4.2 Prevention

(1) Community. Implement relevant national regulationsand take great effort to keep away from contaminatedmaterials, disinfect the environment, and improve thehealthcare management.

(2) Individual. It is recommended to take food in properamount and balanced nutrition, have regular dailylife and physical activities, and avoid overloadedwork.

(3) Psychology. Develop proper interests and career ina mutual promoting manner.

(4) Drug. Including:i Fumigation with moxa in the room, 1-5 g/m2 for

30min per day.ii Wearing perfumed Chinese herb bags (clove,

fineleaf schizonepeta herb, Perilla frutescens,atractylodes lancea, cinnamon, biond magnoliaflower, asarum sieboldii, and Elettariacardamomum, 2 g for each, crushed intopowder and put it into bags for external use,change a new one every 10 days).

iii Prescription of Chinese herbs for feet bath(vulgaris 10 g, carthamus 10 g, and dried ginger6 g) Soaking the herbs in boiling water andbath the feet into the medical liquid when thetemperature is suitable. Soak feet for about20 min.

iv Prescription of Chinese herbs for prophylaxis:Astragalus mongholicus 12 g, roasted rhizomaatractylodis macrocephalae 10 g, saposhnikoviadivaricata 10 g, Cyrtomium fortunei 10 g,honeysuckle 10 g, dried tangerine or orangepeel 6 g, eupatorium 10 g, and licorice 10 g.Taking the medicine above yielded decoctiononce a day for adults, and for 5 days as atreatment course. If for children, cutting thedose to half.

v Medical tea: perilla leaf 6 g, agastache leaf 6 g,dried tangerine or orange peel 9 g, stewedamomum tsao-ko 6 g, and 3 slices of ginger.Soak the herbs in hot water and drink thewater just like enjoying the tea.

vi Chinese patent medicine: Huoxiang Zhengqicapsule or Huoxiang Zhengqi Shui (in half dose).

6.4.3 Treatment [12]In medical observation period There are two clinicalsymptoms in this period, including:

(1) Clinical symptoms 1: hypodynamia accompanied bygastrointestinal upset. And the recommended Chinesepatent medicine is the Huoxiang Zhengqi capsules(ball, liquid, or oral liquid).

(2) Clinical symptoms 2: hypodynamia and fever. And therecommended Chinese patent medicines is theJinhua Qinggan granules, Lianhua Qingwen capsules(granules), Shufeng Jiedu capsules (granules), orFangfeng Tongsheng pills (granules).

Clinical treatment period This period involving 7stages, including:

(1) Early-stage, characterized as exterior syndrome ofcold-dampness. In this stage, the clinical manifestationspresents as follow: aversion to cold without sweating,headache and generalized heaviness, limb pain,glomus and fullness in the chest and diaphragm,thirst with no desire to drink, ungratifying loosestool, yellow urine, frequent micturition and yellowurine. The therapeutic logic is to dissipate coldand eliminate dampness. And the recommendedprescription is the Huoxiang Zhengqi powder(Yin dampness injuring superficies case from theNational Famous Traditional Chinese MedicalDoctor Medical Cases); which comprises of perillaleaf 10 g, atractylodes lancea 15 g, radix angelicaedahuricae 10 g, dried tangerine or orange peel 10 g,notopterygium root 10 g, agastache rugosus 10 g(end addition), mangnolia officinalis 10 g, saposhnikoviadivaricata 10 g, poria peel 15 g, and Tetrapanaxpapyriferus 10 g above yielded decoction. Inaddition, the recommended Chinese patent medicineis Huoxiang Zhengqi capsules or Huoxiang ZhengqiShui.

(2) Early-stage, characterized as cold-dampness obstruct-ing lung. In this stage, the clinical manifestationspresents as follow: aversion to cold with or withoutfever, dry cough, dry throat, fatigue and hypodyna-mia, oppression in chest, epigastric fullness, ornausea, loose stool. The tongue is pale or reddish,the tongue fur is slimy white, and soggy pulse.Hence, the therapeutic logic is to dissipate cold andresolve obstruction. And the recommended prescrip-tions comprises of atractylodes lancea 15 g, driedtangerine or orange peel 10 g, mangnolia officinalis10 g, agastache rugosus 10 g (end addition), amomumtsao-ko 6 g, ephedra herb 6 g, notopterygium root10 g, ginger 10 g, areca-nut 10 g (end addition),periostracum cicada 10 g, bombyx batryticatus 10 g,and rhizoma curcumae longae 10 g above yieldeddecoction.

(3) Middle-stage, characterized as epidemic toxin blockingthe lung. In this stage, its clinical manifestationsincludes persistent fever or alternating cold and heat,cough with less phlegm, or yellow phlegm, abdominaldistension and constipation; oppression in chestwith anhelation, cough with wheezes, panting on

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exertion; or red tongue, slimy yellow fur or yellowdry fur, slippery and rapid pulse. Therefore, thetherapeutic logic is clearing heat and detoxicating.And the recommended prescription comprisesof almond 10 g, gypsum 30 g (predecoction),trichosanthes kirilowii 30 g, rhubarb 6 g (endaddition), ephedra with honey fried 6 g, semen lepidii10 g, peach kernel 10 g, amomum tsao-ko 6 g, areca-nut 10 g, and atractylodes lancea 10 g above yieldeddecoction.In addition, the recommended Chinese patent medicineis Xiyanping injection or Xuebijing injection.

(4) Severe stage, characterized as heat toxin generatingstasis. In this stage, the clinical manifestations isknown as high fever, oppression in chest withanhelation, purple-black facial complexion, lips darkand swollen, obnubilation, crimson tongue, yellowdry fur, surging and fine rapid stringlike pulse. Thus,its therapeutic logic is detoxicating and dispersingblood stasis.The recommended prescription is three Yellowsand Gypsum decoction, Shang Jiang Powder, andToxin-Resolving Blood-quickening decoction. Itscomposition comprises of ephedra with honey fried10 g, almond 10 g, gypsum 20-30 g, periostracum ci-cada 10 g, bombyx batryticatus 10 g, rhizoma curcu-mae longae 10 g, rhubarb stir-fried with wine 10 g,scutellaria baicalensis 10 g, coptis chinensis 5 g,phillyrin 15 g, angelica sinensis 10 g, peach kernel10 g, radix paeoniae rubra 15 g, and rhizome ofrehmannia 15 g above yielded decoction.The recommended Chinese patent medicines is theXiyanping injection, Xuebijing injection, Qingkailinginjection, or Angong Niuhuang pills.

(5) Severe-stage, characterized as inner blocking causingcollapse. In this stage, the clinical manifestationsinclude dyspnea, panting on exertion or need assistedventilation, accompanied by coma, and agitation,cold limbs with cold sweating, dark purple tongue,thick or dry thick tongue fur, floating and rootlesspulse. The thrapeutic logic is rescuing from collapseby restoring Yang. Hence, the recommendedprescription comprises of ginseng 15 g, aconitine10 g (predecoction), and Cornus officinalis 15 gabove yielded decoction, and both taken with fluidSuhexiang pills or Angong Niuhuang pills.The recommended Chinese patent medicines isXuebijing injection, Shenfu injection, or Shengmaiinjection.

(6) Recovery-stage, presents as lung and spleen Qideficiency. Its clinical manifestations include shortnessof breath, fatigue and hypodynamia, anorexia, nauseaand vomiting, glomus and fullness, weak stools,ungratifying loose stool, pale tender-soft enlarged

tongue, slimy white tongue fur. Therefore, therapeuticlogic is to supplement the spleen and lung.The recommended prescription comprises of rhizomapinellinae praeparata 9 g, dried tangerine or orangepeel 10 g, Codonopsis pilosula 15 g, radix astragalipreparata 30 g, poria cocos 15 g, agastache rugosus10 g, and fructus amomi 6 g (end addition) aboveyielded decoction. In addition, the recommendedChinese patent medicines is pill of costus andamomum with six noble ingredients.

(7) Recovery-stage, characterized as deficiency of Qiand Yin. The clinical manifestations of this stage isgeneralized heat with sweating, chest heat vexation,Qi counterflow with retching and vomiting,shortness of breath and lassitude of essence-spirit,red tongue and thin tongue fur, vacuous pulse.Hence, the therapeutic logics is boost Qi andnourish Yin.The recommended prescription is Zhuye Shigaodecoction with cogongrass rhizome and rhizomaphragmitis; and the composition of this prescriptionincludes bamboo leaf 15 g, gypsum 15 g (predecoction),Codonopsis pilosula 15 g, radix ophiopogonis10 g, pinellia ternate 9 g, cogongrass rhizome15-30 g, rhizoma phragmitis 20 g, licorice 10 g, andpolished round-grained rice 30 g above yieldeddecoction.The recommended Chinese patent medicine:Shengmaiyin.

6.5 Treatment of severe patients6.5.1 Hypoxemic respiratory failure and ARDS treatmentsTreatment principle: treat the patients to improve thesymptoms and underlying diseases, actively prevent po-tential complications and secondary infection; providetimely measures to support organ function.

(1) Hypoxic respiratory failure and severe ARDS. Giveoxygen therapy immediately to patients with ARDS,and closely monitor them for signs of clinicaldeterioration, such as rapidly progressive respiratoryfailure. Consider severe hypoxemic respiratory failurewhen standard oxygen therapy fails. When patientshave increased frequency of breathing (> 30 times/min)and hypoxemia (SpO2 < 90% or PaO2 < 60mmHg)even with oxygen delivered via a face mask andreservoir bag (gas flow of 10~15 L/min, FiO2

0.60–0.95), it may be considered as hypoxicrespiratory failure.ARDS is a status of severe acute hypoxic respiratoryfailure caused by increased pulmonary capillarypermeability and alveolar epithelial cell damage.It can be divided into mild, moderate and severe

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conditions according to the Berlin definition [38](Table 6).

(2) HFNO. Under the support of standard oxygen therapy,to maintain SpO2 above 93% stills hard, and thebreathing rate increases rapidly, then HFNOshould be considered. HFNO can deliver 60 L/minof gas flow and FiO2 up to 1.0. Generally, gasflow is initially set as 30–40 L/min and oxygenconcentration 50%–60%, which is well toleratedand coordinated. Then settings can be adjustedaccording to the oxygenation status of patients.Compared with standard oxygen therapy, HFNOis able to reduce the chance of tracheal intubation.Patients with hypercapnia (like exacerbation ofobstructive lung disease, cardiogenic pulmonaryedema), hemodynamic instability, multi-organ failure,or abnormal mental status should not be givenHFNO. HFNO may be safe in patients withmild-moderate and non-worsening hypercapnia.However, if the respiratory distress still exists oreven worsens dramatically under HFNO (FiO2 > 70%,gas flow > 50 L/min for 1 hour), the respiratorysupporting strategy should be changed.

(3) NIV. NIV provides a certain positive pressure ventilationeffect through the positive pressure formed bythe closed mask. HFNO combined with intermittentshort-term NIV (1–2 h) support may be useful toreduce respiratory power consumption and improveoxygenation. But NIV guidelines recommend theuse of respiratory support therapy in hypoxemicrespiratory failure or pandemic viral illness. Limiteddata showed a high failure rate of NIV in MERSpatients. Invasive mechanical ventilation shouldbe considered in case the ARDS still exists andeven acutely deteriorates in NIV process (about 1 h).Patients with hemodynamic instability, multipleorgan failure, or abnormal mental status shouldnot receive NIV.

(4) Invasive mechanical ventilation. Under the supportof HFNO (the demand for FiO2 > 70% and gas flow> 50 L/min) or NIV, ARDS still exists and evenacutely deteriorates, invasive mechanical ventilationshould be implemented as soon as possible.

Endotracheal intubation should be carried out bytrained and experienced provider using airborneprecautions, since endotracheal intubation is anoperation that may produce a large number ofcontagious aerosols.The strategy of protective lung ventilation should beimplemented in invasive mechanical ventilation:lower tidal volume (4–6ml/kg), lower plateau pressure(< 30 cmH2O), and appropriate PEEP. For patientswith moderate-severe ARDS (PaO2/FiO2 < 150), itis recommended to use higher PEEP, apply proneventilation for more than 12 h per day and adoptdeep sedation and analgesia muscle relaxationstrategy within the first 48 h of mechanical ventilation.For patients with severe acute hypoxic respiratoryfailure, we should pay attention to and preventventilator-associated lung injury after mechanicalventilation.

(5) Extracorporeal Life Support (ECLS). In the processof invasive mechanical ventilation when the patient isstill in the state of hypoxia, combined with increasedpartial pressure of carbon dioxide (excludingventilation dysfunction, PaCO2 > 60mmHg), especiallyafter muscle relaxation and prone ventilation, itis necessary to consider to implement ECLS.However, it is suggested that ECLS treatment shouldonly be carried out under the condition that theprofessional center is with access to expertise.Currently the ECLS in ICU includes VV-ECMO(blood is pumped from femoral vein, and returns toright atrium through internal jugular vein afteroxygenation through membrane oxygenator) andVA-ECMO (blood is pumped from femoral vein anddirectly enters aortic system through femoral arteryafter oxygenation through membrane oxygenator).For patients with severe refractory hypoxemia,neuromuscular blockade can improve oxygen supply,especially if there is still evidence of ventilator-patientdyssynchrony after the use of sedatives. However,neuromuscular blockade through continuous infusionshould not be routinely used in patients withmoderate-severe ARDS; Where available, ECMO inconjunction with low tidal-volume mechanical

Table 6 The Berlin definition for acute respiratory distress syndrome

Item Mild Moderate Severe

Onset time Respiratory symptoms developed/aggravated within 1 week after clinically known damage

Hypoxemia PaO2/FiO2 201–300mmHg,PEEP or CPAP ≥5 cmH2O

PaO2/FiO2 101–200mmHg,PEEP≥5 cmH2O

PaO2/FiO2 ≤ 100mmHg,PEEP≥10 cmH2O

Causes of pulmonary edema Respiratory failure cannot be completely explained by heart failure or fluid overload. Objective assessment(such as echocardiography) is needed to eliminate the possibility of hydrostatic pulmonary edema if otherrisk factor is absent.

Abnormality in imaging Decreased transparence of two lungs cannot be completely explained by pleural effusion, atelectasis or nodules.

PEEP positive end-expiratory pressure, CPAP continuous positive airway pressure

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ventilation can be considered in the treatment ofpatients with severe refractory hypoxemia in whomstandard therapy are failing; Routine use of high-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) in patientswith moderate-severe ARDS is not beneficial, butmay be harmful. However, HFOV may still beregarded as a rescue therapy for patients with severeARDS and refractory hypoxemia. ECMO can be usedin some severe ARDS patients (lung injury score > 3or pH < 7.2 due to uncompensated hypercapnia),but it is not recommended for all ARDS patients. Itcan be considered to use extracorporeal carbondioxide removal for ARDS patients, if there is moresupportive research evidence in the future.

Conservative fluid management can be adopted forARDS patients without tissue hypoperfusion. Use vaso-active drugs to improve microcirculation. Empirical anti-biotics targeting the suspected potential infection shouldbe used as soon as possible, blind or improper combin-ation of broad-spectrum antibiotics should be avoided.Unless for special reasons, the routine use of corticoste-roids should be avoided. Glucocorticoids can be used ina short time (3–5 days) according to the degree of dys-pnea and the progress of chest imaging if appropriateand the recommended dose is not more than the equiva-lent to 1-2 mg/kg methylprednisone per day. Provide in-tensive standard supportive care to the critically illpatients, including prevention of deep vein thrombosisand stress-induced gastrointestinal bleeding, blood glu-cose control and so on. Enteral nutrition can be pro-vided. Supplemental nutrition with omega-3 fatty acidsand antioxidants is not recommended. Inhaled or intra-venous beta-adrenergic agonists are not recommendedto promote alveolar fluid clearance and resolution ofpulmonary edema.

6.5.2 Treatment of septic shock

(1) Recognize the septic shock. When infection is suspectedor confirmed, and on the basis of full fluidresuscitation, vasoconstrictor drugs are still needed tomaintain mean arterial pressure (MAP) ≥65mmHgwith lactate ≥2mmol/L, the existence of septic shockshould be considered. If lactate cannot be monitoredfor some reasons, the following three manifestations(changes in mental state, oliguria, poor peripheralperfusion and prolonged capillary filling time) shouldbe considered as signs of a combination of infectionand hypoperfusion.

(2) In resuscitation from septic shock in adults, at least30 ml/kg of isotonic crystalloid was considered foradults in the first 3 h. In resuscitation from septic

shock in children, give 20 ml/kg as a rapid bolusand up to 40–60 ml/kg in first aid.

(3) Isosmotic crystal solution is recommended forresuscitation. Do not use hypotonic crystalloids,starches, or gelatins for resuscitation in the first hour.Albumin may be considered as a resuscitation fluid,but this recommendation was based on low- qualityevidence under certain conditions.

(4) Administer vasoconstrictor is suggested when shockpersists after fluid resuscitation, noradrenaline asthe first choice. The initial blood pressure targetis MAP ≥65 mmHg in adults and age-appropriatetargets in children.

(5) If it is not possible to place a central venous catheter,vasopressors can be infused through the peripheralvein through large vein and signs of extravasationand local tissue necrosis should be closely monitored.

(6) If extravasation occurs, stop infusion. Vasopressorscan also be administered via intraosseous needles.

6.6 Condition evaluation and treatment effect evaluation6.6.1 Criteria to withdraw ECLS

(1) Remove VV-ECMO. The oxygen concentration ofthe ECMO air-oxygen mixer has dropped to21%, the air flow rate has dropped to 0, and theventilator is not strong enough. Lasting for 2–3 h,the respiratory rate is within 25 breaths/min,SpO2 > 92%, PaCO2 is normal, and withdrawal fromVV-ECMO may be considered.

(2) Remove VA-ECMO. The blood flow rate is reducedto the rate of (0.2 to 0.5 L / min) every 5 to 6 hfrom 3 L/min, and the hemodynamic condition isstable. The blood flow rate is reduced to 1.5 L/minwithin 24 h. If there is a bridging tube, the arterio-venous end can be connected with a bridging tubeto form an ECMO circuit for self-circulation, sothat the body’s hemodynamics is driven by theheart. If hemodynamics is stable for at least 6 h,consider removing the machine.

6.6.2 Criteria for removing invasive breathingWhen the patient is well aware, cough reflexes areobvious when sucking the sputum, the hemodynamicsis stable, and the ventilator parameters are close tooffline parameters, the spontaneous breathing test(SBT) is performed. After the SBT is passed, invasivebreathing can be considered to remove the endotrachealtube.

6.6.3 Standards of transfer out of ICUPatients do not need advanced respiratory support(HFNO, NIV, MV, ECLS, etc.); stable hemodynamicsand tissue perfusion; no significant impairment of organ

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function; and no need for organ support treatment(CRRT, artificial liver, etc.). Consider transferring thepatient out of ICU procedure.

6.7 Discharge standardsThe body temperature returned to normal for more than3 days; respiratory symptoms improved significantly;inflammation of the lungs showed obvious signs of ab-sorption; and respiratory nucleic acid was negative fortwo consecutive times (one-day sampling time intervalat least); and the patient can be released from isolation.

7 Prevent and control nosocomial infection7.1 Restriction and isolation guidelines for patient/suspected patientsSee Table 7. (Strong recommendation).

7.2 Personal protection guidelinesAccording to the principles of standard prevention andtertiary protection, all personnel entering various zonesshould be evaluated using individual inventory tables ac-cording to the exposure risk level. Chose personal

protective equipment of various levels is necessary. Per-sonal protective equipment should be worn strictly inaccordance with the instructions and only used for onetime (Table 8, Strong recommendation).

8 Disease nursing8.1 Nursing of isolated patients at homeThe patient’s home isolation scheme is shown inTable 5.Patients should monitor their body temperature and

illness at home. If your body temperature continues tobe higher than 38℃, or your breath is getting worse,you should seek medical treatment timely.In addition to taking protective measures, the home

caregivers also should monitor their body temperatureclosely.

8.2 Nursing the patients8.2.1 Nursing of oxygen therapyMild patients generally use a nasal catheter and a mask foroxygen. Adjust the oxygen flow as appropriate accordingto the patient’s condition and doctor’s instruction, and

Table 7 Restriction and isolation guidelines checklist for patients/suspected cases (Strong recommendation)

Category Tactics Precautions in practice

Environmental requirements 1.There should be clean areas, potentiallycontaminated areas, contaminated areas,contaminated channels and clean channels

1.1 clearly arrange and mark the 3 areasand transport materials or move fromclean area to contaminated area.Retrograde is not allowed.

1.2 Each area should be physicallypartitioned and clearly marked

2. Isolation in single (priority strategy)Collective isolation for the confirmedpatients, collective isolation for thesuspected cases (alternative strategy)

2.1 < 4 persons per isolation ward,bed spacing ≥1.1 m

2.2 Equipped with separate toilet

2.3 Equipped with hand-cleaning anddisinfection apparatus

2.4 Minimize the unnecessary items(e.g. remove the curtains, etc.)

3. Ensure that the environment and articlesare clean and disinfected

3.1 Follow the Disinfection Guidelineschecklist

3.2 Exclusive use of articles in isolation areas

4. Proper medical waste management 4.1 The medical waste should be put insealed double-layer yellow medical wastebags for regulated disposal procedure.

Requirements to the patient/suspected Patient

5. Restrict the range of patient/suspectedpatient for their activities.

5.1 No escort or minimize the numberof escorts.

5.2 Clear route for patient transport (get inor out through contaminated channels)

5.3 Patients going out should wear N95 masksor surgical masks

5.4 Follow the disinfection guidelines afterbeing discharged from hospital.

Requirements to the medicalstaff request

6. Medical personnel enter the isolation areawith proper self-protection through designatedchannels.

6.1 Medical staff should perform the personalprotection practice under the Personal ProtectionGuidelines in Table 8

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closely monitor the patient’s breathing and blood oxygensaturation. If oxygen therapy fails to reach the expected ef-fect, the nurse should analyze the cause comprehensivelyand be vigilant to notify the doctor.

8.2.2 Nursing of medicationMild patients generally use antiviral drugs, antibacterialdrugs (when bacterial infection exists), and symptomatictreatment. The doctor’s advice should be followed accur-ately and timely. The adverse reactions of oseltamivirmainly include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal painand bronchitis, cough, etc. The adverse reactions of inter-feron are mainly flu-like symptoms such as fever, fatigue,myalgia, and headache, followed by mild suppression ofbone marrow. Attention should be paid to identify thechange of clinical manifestations or adverse drug reactions.

8.2.3 Nutritional supportAccording to the patients’ condition, provide high-protein, high-vitamin, carbohydrate-containing diets

(e.g. eggs, fish, lean meat, milk, etc.) for enough nu-trition to improve physical condition.

8.2.4 Psychological nursingTake good care of the patient and respond to the pa-tient’s question timely. Positively encourage patients toreduce their anxiety and fear.

8.3 Nursing of critically illed patients8.3.1 Condition monitoringDynamically monitor patients’ vital signs, water-electrolytes balance, acid-base balance, and functions ofvarious organs, monitor patients’ infection indicators,and determine the occurrence of complications such asacute respiratory distress syndrome, septic shock, stressulcers, and deep vein thrombosis.

8.3.2 Sequential oxygen careThe critically illed patients mainly use oxygen therapysuch as HFNO, NIV and invasive mechanical ventilation.

Table 8 Personal protection guidelines checklist (Strong recommendation)

Item Exposureintensity ofinfection riska

Protective measurement



Coverall Eye protector/Protective panel




Shoe cover/Bootstrap

Comprehensiverespiratory apparatus

Recommendations as per work area

Pre-examination triage Low ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

General out-patientservice

Low ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

General ward Medium ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

High ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Fever clinic Medium ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

High ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Isolation room (Area) Medium ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

High ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Department ofinfectious diseases

Medium ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

High ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Recommendations as per personnel

Medical staff in theisolation area

High ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Medium ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Staff in pre-examinationtriage

Medium ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Medical staff in Out-patient Department

Medium ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Medical staff in theobserving ward

High ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Medium ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Assisting staff Medium ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Administrative andsupporting staff

Low ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

aLow risk, general contact with patients or exposure to contaminated environment, such as escorting the patients during diagnosis, triage, palpation,consultation, etcMedium risk, direct contact with body fluid, mucosa or incomplete skin, such as oral examination, puncture, oral care, surgery, etcHigh risk, there is a risk of spatter of secretions or contaminants onto the body and face of medical staff, such as oral diagnosis, endotracheal intubation, etc

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When using various oxygen treatments in a sequentialmanner, the airway and breathing circuit need to be keptopen, and the effect of oxygen treatment needs to bemonitored dynamically. At the same time, skincareproducts need to be used reasonably to avoid damageto the nose, face and lips by pressure. When using ahigh-flow nasal catheter to inhale oxygen, the oxygenflow and temperature and humidity should be ad-justed appropriately. When using non-invasive mech-anical ventilation, patient should receive relevanthealth education. Patients are instructed to inhalethrough the nose. The pressure is set from low tohigh and gradually reaches the target value. Thehuman-machine coordination is maximized. The pa-tient’s consciousness and respiratory function areclosely observed. Patients with artificial airway estab-lished should use a closed suction tube to reducevirus spread. Nurses should wear goggles or a faceshield to avoid occupational exposure.

8.3.3 Special treatment nursingIf the patient develops moderate to severe ARDS, inva-sive mechanical ventilation combined with a prone pos-ition need to be adopted. Standard operating procedurefor prone position needs to be followed. At the sametime, be cautious to prevent pressure ulcers, falling bed,tube slippage, and eye damage by pressure and othercomplications. Patients treated with ECMO should bemonitored for the performance of the oxygenator. If theoxygenator changes its color to darker, indicating thepossibility of coagulation, the doctor should be notifiedto adjust the heparin dose as necessary. The oxygenatorshould be replaced if necessary. The coagulation func-tion need to be monitored dynamically, including thewhole set of coagulation and DIC (disseminated intra-vascular coagulation), and the time of activating partialthromboplastin, etc., the patient should be closely ob-served for signs of bleeding, such as bruising on the skinand mucous membranes, bleeding in the nasal cavity,oral cavity, bloody sputum, hematuria, blood in thestool, swelling of the abdomen, moving dullness, and thesize of bilateral pupils. Make sure that the ECMO pipe-lines are tightly connected and firmly fixed to preventair embolism and pipeline slippage.

8.3.4 Infection preventionPerform oral care and skin care, assist the patient to usetoilet, and take eyes on the indwelling tubes. Rules andregulations for aseptic operation and isolation should bestrictly followed to prevent ventilator-related pneumo-nia, catheter-related sepsis, urinary catheter related urin-ary tract infections and other secondary infections.

8.3.5 Nutrition supportDynamically assess the patients’ nutritional risks andtimely nutritional support can be given if needed. For thepatients who can eat, the diet rich in protein and carbohy-drates is recommended. Those patients who cannot eatbut are compatible with enteral nutrition should be givenenteral nutrition as soon as possible. For the patients in-compatible with enteral nutrition, parenteral nutritionshould be given timely to meet energy requirement.

8.3.6 Psychological nursingPsychological and humanistic care should be performedin high priority especially for the awake patients. Psycho-logical techniques like mindfulness - based stress reduc-tion can be adopted to relieve the patients’ anxiety andpanic by building up their optimistic confidence in over-coming the disease.

9 Limitations of this guidelineOur guideline has three major limitations: Firstly, time isso limited that we cannot fully consider all clinical issuesfor this emergency disease. Secondly, many evidencescame from data search is indirect. Thirdly, because somerecommendations are based on the evidence from exist-ing guidelines and experts’ experience, there are situa-tions where strong recommendations were produced onthe base of low-quality evidence or very low-quality evi-dence, so high-quality evidence, when they appear, islikely to change current recommendations.

10 Supplementary informationSupplementary information accompanies this paper at https://doi.org/10.1186/s40779-020-0233-6.

Additional file 1. A successful treatment case of the severe 2019-nCoVinfected pneumonia patient.

Additional file 2. Experience and lessons in hospital rescue for 2019-nCoV infections.

Abbreviations2019-nCoV: 2019 novel coronavirus; ALT: Alanine aminotransferase;ARDS: Acute respiratory distress syndrome; AST: Aspartate aminotransferase;CCEBTCM: China Center for Evidence Based Traditional Chinese Medicine;CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; CK: Creatine kinase;CPAM: China International Exchange and Promotive Association for Medicaland Health Care; CPAP: Continuous positive airway pressure; CRP: C-reactiveprotein; CRRT: Continuous renal replacement therapies; DIC: Disseminatedintravascular coagulation; ECLS: Extracorporeal life support;ECMO: Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; ESR: Erythrocytesedimentation rate; GRADE: Grading of Recommendations Assessment,Development and Evaluation; HFNO: High flow nasal oxygen therapy;HFOV: High-frequency oscillatory ventilation; HRCT: High-resolutioncomputed tomography; ICU: Intensive Care Unit; IL: Interleukin; MAP: Meanarterial pressure; MERS: Middle East respiratory syndrome; NGS: Nextgeneration sequencing; NICE: National Institute for Health and ClinicalExcellence; NIV: Non-invasive ventilation; PCT: Procalcitonin; PEEP: Positiveend-expiratory pressure; PLT: Platelet; RCTs: Randomized controlled trials;SARS: Severe acute respiratory syndrome; SBT: Spontaneous breathing test;

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TB: tuberculosis; TNF: Tumor Necrosis Factor; WBC: White blood cells;WHO: World Health Organization

AcknowledgementsThe authors thank all the staff of the Novel Coronavirus Management andResearch Team in Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, all the authors fortheir hard work for the included evidences in this guideline, and the staff ofthe Military Medical Research editorial office for their hard work. We alsothank Hao Chen’s help, the college of Acupuncture and Chinese Tuina,Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine.

Authors’ contributionsWXH, WYY, HLQ, ZXT, ZY and LLK composed the Consultant/Advisor’s panel.CL, CZS, CH, FYP, HB, HF, LYR, LK, MJ, PYB, PZY, PZY, SHM, WCJ, WDF, XJ, XY,XHB, YYF, YTS, ZXC, ZYW, ZYG, and ZHM composed the Consensus experts’panel. DT, FC, HD, HQ, LBH, LLS, MLL, WYY, WH, ZMJ and ZH composed theEvidences synthesis panel. JYH, YXM (Canada) and RXQ were themethodologists. WY and HY were the secretaries. JYH, ZXT and the membersof the evidences synthesis panel drafted the manuscript. All authors readand approved the final manuscript.

FundingThis work was supported (in part) by the Entrusted Project of NationalCenter for Medical Service Administration, National Health and FamilyPlanning Commission China (No. [2019]099), the First Level Funding of theSecond Medical Leading Talent Project in Hubei Province, and the SpecialProject for Emergency of the Ministry of Science and Technology(2020YFC0841300).

Availability of data and materialsThe data and materials used during the current review are all available inthis review.

Ethics approval and consent to participateNot applicable.

Consent for publicationWritten informed consent for publication of the clinical details and clinicalimages was obtained from all patients. A copy of the consent form isavailable for review by the Editor of this journal.

Competing interestsThe funder had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decisionto publish, or preparation of the manuscript. The authors declare that thereare no conflicts of interest in this study.

Author details1Center for Evidence-Based and Translational Medicine, Zhongnan Hospitalof Wuhan University, Wuhan 430071, China. 2Institute of HospitalManagement, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430071, China. 3Department ofRespiratory Medicine, Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan430071, China. 4Department of Pharmacy, Zhongnan Hospital of WuhanUniversity, Wuhan 430071, China. 5Institute of Evidence-Based Medicine andKnowledge Translation, Henan University, Kaifeng 475000, China. 6ChinaAcademy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100700, China. 7China Centerfor Evidence Based Traditional Chinese Medicine (CCEBTCM), Beijing 100700,China. 8Department of Critical Care Medicine, Zhongnan Hospital of WuhanUniversity, Wuhan 430071, China. 9Department of Clinical Laboratory,Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan 430071, China.10Department of Infectious Diseases, Zhongnan Hospital of WuhanUniversity, Wuhan 430071, China. 11Division of Medical Affairs, ZhongnanHospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan 430071, China. 12Division of NursingAffairs, Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan 430071, China.13Office of Nosocomial Infection Control, Zhongnan Hospital of WuhanUniversity, Wuhan 430071, China. 14Emergency Center, Zhongnan Hospital ofWuhan University, Wuhan 430071, China. 15Department of Radiology,Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan 430071, China.16Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence, and Impact, McMasterUniversity, Hamilton, ON L8S 4L8, Canada. 17Department of TraditionalChinese Medicine, Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan 430071,China. 18Global Health Institute, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China.

Received: 29 January 2020 Accepted: 30 January 2020

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