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A Reverse Priority Approachto Multi-Task Control of Redundant Robots

Fabrizio Flacco Alessandro De Luca

Abstract— A novel method to handle multiple robotic taskswith priorities is presented. The occurrence of singularities,both of the kinematic and algorithmic type, may affect thecorrect hierarchy in task execution. Existing methods deal withsingularities either by using damped least squares solutionsor by relaxing the enforcement of secondary tasks. Dampedpseudo-inversion mitigates undesired effects near singularities,at the cost of non-negligible task errors and deformation evenof the highest priority task. When secondary tasks are notenforced, hierarchy is preserved but these tasks are not executedaccurately even when this would be possible. In our approach,joint motion contributions are added following the reverse orderof task priorities and working with suitable projection opera-tors. Higher priority tasks are processed at the end, avoidingpossible deformations caused by singularities occurring in lowerpriority tasks. The proposed Reverse Priority (RP) methodallows executing at best all tasks while still preserving thedesired hierarchy. The effectiveness of the RP method is shownthrough numerical simulations and with experiments on a 7-dofKUKA LWR.


Local inversion of differential kinematics (IK) is the mostcommon approach to control a redundant robot [1]. The mainadvantages are the simplicity of task design, the possibility ofa sensor-based execution, and the easy integration of multipletasks with priorities [2]. Moreover, the local framework issuitable for controlling robots at the velocity [2], accelera-tion [3], or torque [4] level.

Prioritized IK solvers are intended to guarantee a hierarchyin the execution of multiple ordered tasks: higher prioritytasks will always be executed at best, without being affectedby the presence of lower priority tasks [5]. However, whensingularities are encountered or when the computed com-mands will exceed the existing bounds on robot motion, theorder of priority will not be preserved in general. In suchcases, it may occur that a feasible task, even the highestpriority one, is not executed correctly because of the waynumerical issues and motion limitations are handled in lowerpriority tasks.

Recently, a number of methods have been proposed to dealwith bounded robot capabilities (limited joint ranges, max-imum joint velocities, and so on). In [6], constrained kine-matic inversion was modeled as a quadratic programmingproblem, and then extended so as to cover also a hierarchy ofprioritized tasks. Other successful solutions include the Stack

The authors are with the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica, Auto-matica e Gestionale, Sapienza Universita di Roma, Via Ariosto 25, 00185Rome, Italy ({fflacco,deluca}@diag.uniroma1.it). This work is supported bythe European Commission, within the FP7 ICT-287513 SAPHARI project(www.saphari.eu).

of Tasks (SoT) method [7] and the method of InstantaneousTask Specification using Constraints (iTaSC) [8]. Also, weproposed the Saturation in the Null Space (SNS) method [9],[10] that solves IK problems under hard joint constraints withreduced computational costs, by exploiting the particularstructure of the optimization problem.

Most of these solutions, however, suffer from the presenceof possible singularities. Given a generic task, and assumingunlimited joint motion capabilities of the robot, a kinematicsingularity occurs when a desired task velocity cannot berealized at the current configuration by any joint velocity.Instead, we have an algorithmic singularity when the desiredtask velocity cannot be realized because it is not compatiblewith another task of higher priority. Indeed, local IK solversmay not have special problems (except for solution discon-tinuity) right at singularities. Nonetheless, it is well knownthat high joint velocities are usually requested in order toobtain a relatively small task velocity already in the vicinityof a singular configuration [11]. Moreover, when the robotis very close to a singularity, the IK problem becomes ill-conditioned and large task errors will also be produced.

The simplest and most widely used solution to thisproblem is based on a damped pseudo-inversion of the(projected) task Jacobian [12]. The damping factor can bechosen according to different techniques [13], but all sharea common drawback: larger damping factors needed to limitjoint velocity near a singularity will produce larger taskerrors and have a stronger influence on higher priority tasks.To milden these effects, a singularity-robust IK methodwas proposed in [14]. In this approach, the execution of asecondary task is not strictly enforced and thus the primarytask will not be affected, whether or not the secondary taskis singular. On the other hand, the secondary task will neverbe realized completely, even when it is feasible and linearlyindependent from the primary task.

In this paper, we introduce an IK solver for handlingmultiple robotic tasks with priority that is largely unaffectedby algorithmic singularities, and that guarantees task execu-tion in the correct priority order also in case of kinematicsingularities. This new method, called Reverse Priority (RP),is based on the idea of computing joint motion contributionsstarting from the task of lowest priority and moving up tothe primary task. A special projection matrix is derived,which ensures preservation of the correct priority order. Ourmain purpose here is to present the main idea of the RPmethod, give the tools in order to use it properly, and showits effectiveness through simulations and experiments.

The paper is organized as follows. Section II summarizes

2014 IEEE/RSJ International Conference onIntelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2014)September 14-18, 2014, Chicago, IL, USA

978-1-4799-6934-0/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE 2421

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the relevant background, with a recall of singularity han-dling (II-A) and of the singularity-robust method of [14] (II-B), which is used later for comparison. The key idea under-lying the RP method is presented in Sec. III, with detailsabout computational issues involved in obtaining the neededprojection operator (III-A, and about dealing with so-calledconfiguration space tasks (III-B). A statistical comparisonwith standard damped pseudo-inverse and singularity-robustmethods is proposed in Sec. IV. Finally, the effectivenessof the RP method is illustrated in Sec. V with experimentalresults on a 7-dof KUKA LWR IV performing three taskswith priority.


Let q ∈ Rn be the generalized (joint) coordinates of arobot with n degrees of freedom, x ∈ Rm the variablesdescribing a generic m-dimensional task, with m ≤ n, andJ = J(q) the associated m × n task Jacobian matrix. Ata given robot configuration q, the differential kinematics ofthe task is

x = Jq. (1)

Assuming that J has full rank, ρ = m, inversion of thedifferential map (1) provides infinitely many solutions, all ofwhich can be generated as

q = J#x + P qN = qN + J# (x− JqN ) , (2)

where J# is the Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse of the taskJacobian [15], P = I − J#J is the n × n orthogonalprojector in the Jacobian null space, and qN ∈ Rn is ageneric joint velocity. Equation (2) gives the joint velocity qthat satisfies (1) and is closest to qN . The last expression onthe right of (2) shows how the solution is actually evaluated.Also, setting qN = 0 in (2) yields the joint velocity solutionof minimum norm.

In general, in order to compute the pseudo-inverse in (2),one needs the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of theJacobian, J = UΣV T , where U is a m×m unitary matrixcomposed by column vectors ui, V is a n×n unitary matrixcomposed by column vectors vi, and Σ is a m × n blockmatrix, with a leading, m × m diagonal matrix containingthe singular values σi ≥ 0 (i = 1, . . . ,m) of J in decreasingorder (σi ≥ σj for i < j), followed by n−m zero columns.It is

J# = V Σ#UT =ρ∑i=1


viuTi , (3)

where ρ ≤ m is the rank of J .The use of redundancy can be extended to the satisfaction

of multiple simultaneous tasks in the form (1), xk = Jkq,each of dimension mk, for k = 1, . . . , l (typically, with∑lk=1mk ≤ n), which are ordered by their priority, i.e.,

when i < j, task i has a higher priority than task j. Theexecution of a task of lower priority should not interferewith the execution of tasks having higher priorities. Thishierarchy is obtained by projecting the task k in the nullspace of all higher priority tasks (i.e., all the tasks with index

i ∈ {1, . . . , k−1}). An efficient solution is obtained by usingthe recursive formula [2]

qk = qk−1 + (JkPA,k−1)#(xk − Jkqk−1

), (4)

for k = 1, . . . , l, initialized with q0 = 0 and PA,0 = I .Matrix PA,k is the projector in the null space of theaugmented Jacobian of the first k tasks

JA,k =(

JT1 JT2 . . . JTk)T. (5)

Also the projector in the null space of the augmented task canbe computed efficiently, using the recursive expression [16]

PA,k = PA,k−1 − (JkPA,k−1)# JkPA,k−1. (6)

The multi-task redundancy resolution approach given byeqs. (4) and (6) is the most common in the literature, andtherefore we will refer to it as the standard method.

A. Singularities

A generic task is labeled as regular when the associatedJacobian matrix has full row rank. Conversely, a kinematicsingularity occurs when the task Jacobian loses rank. Insuch robot configurations, there is a reduced capability ofsatisfying a generic task velocity, since motion along atleast one direction of the task space is no longer feasible.Moreover, near the singularity the task Jacobian becomes illconditioned, its pseudo-inverse will contain very high values,and motion along almost unfeasible directions will requirelarge joint velocities. This numerical instability is a typicalsource of discontinuities in the solution.

In case of multiple tasks being executed with priorities,matrix JkPA,k−1 may become ill conditioned as well, evenif the single tasks are regular and each of the associated taskJacobians is well conditioned. Since in this case large jointvelocities are generated by eq. (4), the situation is called byanalogy an algorithmic singularity and occurs when the k-thtask is in conflict with (namely, linearly dependent on) a taskwith higher priority.

In both cases, referring to the SVD used for computing theneeded pseudo-inverse, the large generated joint velocitiesare due to the smallest singular value(s) rapidly approachingzero (and thus 1

σi→ ∞, e.g., in eq. (3)). This drawback

is mitigated by the so-called damped pseudo-inversion [1],based on the approximation

1σi≈ σiσ2i + λ2

. (7)

The higher is the factor λ, the more damped is the jointvelocity near singularities, but the larger will be the error inthe execution of the task, so that a modulation of the dampingfactor near singularities becomes a must. There are differentmethods for defining a variable damping factor [13]. Here,we shall use

λ2 =

{0 when σm ≥ ε(

1− (σm/ε)2)λ2max otherwise. (8)


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The parameter ε > 0 monitors the smallest singular value σmdefining the range of the damping action, while λmax > 0is the largest damping factor used near singularities.

Let J#d be the damped pseudo-inverse of J . It should benoted that, when damping is used, it is P 6= I − J#dJ . Inthis case, the correct projection matrix is computed as

P = I −∑i=1

ρvivTi . (9)

In case of multiple tasks with priority, this property appliesalso to the projection matrix (6). In the following, we willstill refer to the recursive expressions (4) and (6) as thestandard solution method, even if in practice the dampedpseudo-inverse with (7)–(8) has been used and the null-spaceprojection matrix is evaluated via (9).


desired task

damped task


damped task


projection in null space

of another linearly dependent task


Fig. 1. Pictorial representation of damped solutions for a desired task T

To illustrate the effects of using damped pseudo-inversion,consider the representation in Fig. 1 with possible dampedsolutions associated to a generic task T (in green) 1. If thedesired task T is in a (kinematic) singularity, the damped so-lution will deform the execution of the original task, leadingto T (in orange). Similarly, if the task T is regular but needsto be projected in the null space of other linearly dependenttasks (algorithmic singularity), the damped solution willagain deform the feasible part of the original task into T (inlight blue). If such contributions were added within a genericstep of a recursive task priority solution, the higher prioritytasks would be deformed as well. We illustrate this outcomeon the three different scenarios in Fig. 2, in which the threetasks T1, T2, and T3 have to be executed with the givenpriority. In the first and second scenarios the tasks are not inconflict, while in the third one they are linearly dependent.The second scenario considers also a singular task, placed atthe second priority level (T2).


T2 T2





three regular tasks, linearly independent

two regular tasks, linearly independent

+ one singular task (T2)

three separately regular, but linearly dependent




Fig. 2. Three scenarios of three tasks to be executed with priorities

The solutions obtained for the three scenarios using thestandard task priority method are illustrated in Fig. 3. The

1Beside adopting color codes, tasks correctly executed are written inroman type, while for tasks that are not completely accomplished we useitalics.

solution for task T1 is computed first, then the contributionfor T2 is added after projection in the null space of T1,and finally the contribution for T3 is added, as projected inthe null space of both T1 and T2. In the first scenario, allthree tasks are correctly executed, being separately regularand jointly linear independent. In the second scenario, whenthe singular T2 is added, the damped pseudo-inversion ofJ2PA,1 is needed. A deformed T 2 is obtained as expected,but since the damping action modifies also PA,1, the primarytask will be affected too —an undesired behavior: a lowpriority task modifies the execution of a higher priority task.On the other hand, task T3 is correctly projected in the nullspace of higher priority tasks by using eq. (9). Similarly,when the tasks are partially in conflict (third scenario), thedamped contribution of T2 deforms also T1, and then thedamped contribution of T3 affects T2 and again T1.





T2 T1











T2 T3

Fig. 3. Solutions for the three scenarios using the standard task prioritymethod in eqs. (4) and (6) —computations proceed from top to bottom

B. Singularity-robust method

A method that overcomes algorithmic singularities wasproposed by Chiaverini [14]. The constraints imposed byhigher priority tasks, which are recognized as the sourceof algorithmic singularities, are removed when proceedingto lower priority tasks. In other words, the contribution ofa secondary task is not obtained as a projection in thenull space of the Jacobian of higher priority tasks, butrather the unconstrained solution to the secondary task iscomputed separately and then projected in the null space toguarantee the correct priority. The recursive expression ofthe singularity-robust method is then obtained as

qC,k = qC,k−1 + PA,k−1J#k xk, (10)

for k = 1, . . . , l, using the same null space projector of thestandard method and with the same initialization (qC,0 = 0,PA,0 = I).

The drawback of this simpler approach is that all lowpriority tasks (except the primary task) are barely taken intoaccount. In practice, a low priority task will be deformedeven when it is compatible with higher priority tasks. Con-sider for instance the case of l = 2 tasks, where eq. (10)collapses to (2) with qN = J#

2 x2. For the situation shownFig. 4 (n = 2), the singularity-robust solution qC,2 satisfiesthe primary task and minimizes the distance to the minimumnorm solution J#

2 x2 of the secondary task. However, thesecondary task is not executed even if there is a simultaneoussolution q∗ to both tasks.

Figure 5 shows the solution for the three illustrativescenarios of Fig. 2 using the method of Chiaverini. Theprimary task is always executed correctly, but the two othertasks are largely deformed.


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˙ q 1


˙ q 2


J1 ˙ q = ˙ x 1


J2 ˙ q = ˙ x 2


J2# ˙ x 2!

˙ q C ,2




˙ q 2exact

solution !

˙ q C ,1=J1# ˙ x 1

singularity-robust solution

Fig. 4. Construction of the singularity-robust solution for l = 2 tasks withpriority in a two-dimensional joint velocity space













T2 T3 T3


T3 T2

Fig. 5. Solutions for the three scenarios using the singularity-robust methodof Chiaverini


Our novel approach is based on the idea of computingfirst the solution for the lowest priority task, and thenrecursively adding the contributions of higher priority tasks.Because of this reverse organization of computations, we callthe method Reverse Priority (RP). Intuitively speaking, bydeferring the evaluation of higher priority tasks to later stepsin the recursion, namely after the lower priority tasks havealready provided their contributions, will certainly preservethe correct task hierarchy, if things are computed in theproper way, while still allowing the best possible executionof tasks.

Task hierarchy is guaranteed if the higher priority tasksdominate the solution for the common parts of tasks thatare in conflict, whereas remaining portions of lower prioritytasks that are linearly independent from higher priority taskswill be preserved (not deformed) even after adding thecontributions of higher priority tasks.

To obtain such a result, we introduce the reverse priorityprojection matrix P k+1, which takes into account the nullspace of those elements of the l−k−1 tasks of lowest prioritythat are linearly independent from the k-th task. Let J i|j bethe Jacobian associated to all components of the i-th taskthat are linearly independent from the j-th task. Introducingthe augmented matrix

Jk+1 =(

JTk+1|k JTk+2|k . . . JTl|k

)T, (11)

we haveP k+1 = I − J


k+1Jk+1. (12)

The RP recursive formula is then

qRP,k = qRP,k+1 +(JkP k+1

)# (xk − JkqRP,k+1



for k = l, l − 1, . . . , 1, initialized with qRP,l+1 = 0 andP l+1 = I . It is easy to verify that the rank of Jk is equalto the rank of JkP k+1. Therefore, the RP method is neveraffected by algorithmic singularities.





T2 T1


T3 T2

T3 T2 T1


T3 T2

T3 T2 T1

Fig. 6. Solutions for the three scenarios using the proposed Reverse Priority(RP) method

Figure 6 shows the solutions obtained using the RPapproach for the three illustrative scenarios of Fig. 2. In thefirst scenario, all three tasks are correctly executed just aswith the standard (forward) method. The singularity of T2in the second scenario requests the damped pseudo-inversionof matirx J2P 3. This will modify the execution of T3, buteventually the task T1 of highest priority will be performedcorrectly. Therefore, the order of priority is kept by the RPmethod: a task encountering a kinematic singularity willaffect only tasks of lower priority. In the third scenario,the absence of algorithmic singularities in the RP recursionallows avoiding the use of damped solutions. At the end ofthe procedure, the computed solution will execute the fulltask T1, the portion of T2 that is linearly independent fromT1, and the portion of T3 that is neither in conflict with T1nor with T2. Again, task hierarchy is completely preserved.

A. Computing the RP projectorUnfortunately, there is no known method for computing

the linearly independent Jacobians J i|j , except in sometrivial or ad hoc cases. Therefore, the projection matrixP k+1, which is the key element of the proposed RP method,cannot be computed in general using directly eqs. (11–12).We propose here an alternative method for computing theRP projector.

To this end, define the reverse augmented Jacobian as

JRA,k =(

JTk JTk+1 . . . JTl)T




(14)Denoting by Jk+1 the rows of matrix JRA,k+1 that arelinearly dependent on Jk, this matrix can be rearranged as

Πk+1JRA,k+1 =(



), (15)

for a suitable permutation matrix Πk+1. The n×∑li=kmi

pseudo-inverse of (14) can be partitioned as

J#RA,k =

(T k Hk

). (16)

The n × mk matrix T k is related to the augmentation ofJRA,k+1 by Jk in (14). From [15, p. 51], we have that

Hk = J#RA,k+1 − T kJkJ

#RA,k+1. (17)

Exploiting the structure of the pseudo-inverse of a partitionedmatrix [15, p. 19], we obtain also the relation(

I − T kT#k


k+1 =(


k+1 0). (18)


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Finally, the RP projector can be written in the form

P k+1 = I −(


k+1 0)(



)= I −

(I − T kT




since ΠTk+1Πk+1 = I , by definition of permutation matrix.

It should be stressed that the actual knowledge about whichare the rows in matrix JRA,k+1 that are linear dependentand, respectively, independent from Jk is no longer needed.

Using eq. (17) and a bit of math, it is possible to expressthe reverse projector as

P k+1 = PAR,k + T kT#k , (20)

where PAR,k is the projection matrix in the null space ofJAR,k. From (20), it can be proven that(

JkP k+1


=(JkPAR,k + JkT kT



=(JkT kT



= T k (JkT k)# .(21)

Finally, substituting (21) in (13) provides the RP recursion

qRP,k = qRP,k+1 + T k (JkT k)#(xk − JkqRP,k+1


(22)Note that the only matrix needed is now T k, which can beobtained efficiently as a rank update of J#

RA,k+1 (see [15]for more details).

The computational complexity of the proposed RP methodis similar to that of the standard task priority method. Asa drawback left over, there is still the need to compute T k

using damped pseudo-inversion in case of linearly dependenttasks. However, task deformation will be negligible in prac-tice, as shown by the numerical results reported in Sec. IV.

B. Configuration Space Tasks in the RP Framework

We consider the special class of tasks that request a pre-ferred behavior directly in the Configuration Space (CS). Atypical example is when the Projected Gradient method [17]is used to specify the joint velocity according to the gradientdirection of a cost function. CS tasks are typically placed atlowest level of priority, xl+1 = qCS and so J l+1 = I , andare thus projected in the null space of all other tasks.

Using the standard method (4), a CS task is added as

ql+1 = ql + PA,l qCS , (23)

In the singularity-robust approach (10), all tasks are sepa-rately transformed into a joint velocity and then projected(except for the main one) in the null space of all higherpriority tasks. Therefore, a CS task is treated in the sameway as with the standard method:

qC,l+1 = qC,l + PA,lqCS . (24)

In the RP framework the CS task is evaluated first, then thesecond-to-last task is added by considering

JRA,l =(

J lI

). (25)

It is easy to show that P l+1 = I − PA,l, and thus(J lP l+1


= T l (J lT l)# = J#

l . (26)

As a result, a CS task is included in the RP frameworksimply by initializing qRP,l+1 = qCS in (13) or (22). Whilea configuration space task does not introduce algorithmic sin-gularities in any of the presented methods, the RP approachturns out to be more robust, because it does not rely on anaccurate, exact computation of last projector PA,l.


To show the effectiveness of the proposed method wepresent some numerical results obtained in Matlab R2012aon a 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo. We have considered a planarrobot with six revolute joints and three two-dimensionaltasks, the highest priority task being defined for the end-effector position, the second priority for the tip position ofthe fourth link, and the lowest priority for the tip of thesecond link2. ‘Scenes’ are selected by a random choice oflink lengths, current configurations, and desired velocities forthe three tasks. For each scene, we compute the joint velocityobtained with the standard method (4), the singularity-robustmethod (10), and the proposed RP method (22), and thenevaluate the normalized task execution errors

ek =‖JkqX − xk‖‖xk‖

, k = 1 . . . 3, (27)

where qX equals respectively q3, qC,3, or qRP,1 for the threemethods. In all methods, pseudo-inverses are computed usingthe damping scheme (7–8) with ε = 10−8 and λ2 = 10−12.

Table I shows the mean, standard deviation, and maximumvalues of the errors (27) in a campaign of 100000 randomscenes. When comparing worst case executions, with thestandard method the two low-priority tasks influence theexecution of the primary task leading to a non-negligibleerror. Using the singularity-robust method, the primary taskis perfectly executed but the errors on the two other tasksare very large. On the other hand, the RP method is able toexecute at best all three tasks; again, the first task is perfectlyexecuted while errors on the other tasks are very limited andare mainly due to their unfeasible parts (linear dependencies).

2We used a realistic kinematics in order to encounter in practice singu-larities and linear dependencies, which are not easily found when choosingrandomly three Jacobians.


Method e1 e2 e3

Standard mean 5.89 e-6 1.11 e-5 6.36 e-6std 1.1 e-3 3.1 e-3 1.9 e-3

max 0.24 0.97 0.61Singularity- mean 5.83 e-12 130.6 176.43

robust std 7.58 e-10 211.97 2.09 e3max 2.34 e-7 3.55 e4 3.00 e5

Reverse mean 3.85 e-12 1.82 e-5 1.17 e-5Priority std 4.05 e-10 4.6 e-3 3.5 e-3

max 9.62 e-8 1.38 1.09


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Based on this statistical comparison, which does not con-sider ad-hoc scenes but rather an intensive random campaign,we can already state a superiority of the RP method over thetwo other most commonly used methods. In addition, thisis obtained at practically no overhead in computational cost.The mean execution times are in fact similar: 0.354 [ms] forthe standard method; 0.325 [ms] for the singularity-robustmethod, and 0.368 [ms] for the RP method.


The proposed method has been implemented as a C++library in the ROS environment, and tested on a KUKA LWRIV robot. The robot joint velocity q is commanded using theFast Research Interface (FRI) libraries, with a sampling timeT = 2 [ms].

Fig. 7. The KUKA LWR IV in the initial configuration of the experiments

Given a desired end-effector trajectory xee,d(t) ∈ R3, theprimary task is specified as

x1 = xee,d + kP,1e1, (28)

where e1 = xee,d − xee and kP,1 > 0 is a scalar gain usedto obtain convergence to and/or numerically stable executionof the desired trajectory. The second task requires that thez-coordinate of the elbow (the distal end of the third link)is kept constant at its initial value, while the third (two-dimensional) task requires the same for the x- and the y-coordinate of the elbow. The second and third tasks are thusspecified as

x2 = kP,2 e2, x3 = kP,3 e3, (29)

with e2 = xel,z(0) − xel,z , e3 = xel,xy(0) − xel,xy , andscalar gains kP,2 > 0, kP,3 > 0.

In all tested methods, matrix pseudo-inversions are com-puted using damping as in eqs. (7–8), with λ2

max = 0.3 andε = 0.15. These relatively large values of the damping factorand of its action range are necessary to limit the robot jointvelocity near singularities. Starting from the initial configu-ration q(0) =

[30 80 20 80 0 −20 0

][deg], as

shown in Fig. 7, the desired end-effector position trajectory(primary task) is the helicoidal-like path shown in Fig. 8,with a feasible constant speed considering the robot motioncapabilities. The proportional gains for the feedback actionwere chosen kP,1 = 10, kP,2 = 10 and kP,3 = 100. Whenonly the primary task is considered, the solution provided bythe three considered IK methods are identical.















0 2 4 6 80


4x 10




0 2 4 6 80





0 2 4 6 80





T im e [s]

Fig. 8. Experimental results obtained by executing only the primary task.Cartesian trajectories [left]: end effector (red) and elbow (magenta). Taskerror nomrs [right]: primary task (top) and (uncontrolled) second and thirdtasks (middle and bottom). Identical results are obtained with all threemethods

The prioritized execution of all three tasks using thestandard method is presented in Fig. 9. The presence of thetwo secondary tasks produces an algorithmic singularity thatcauses an undesired robot behavior. The primary task was notcompleted by the robot, since the KUKA controller stoppedthe motion because joint torque limits were exceeded. Theassociated joint velocities of the robot are plotted in Fig. 10,where it is possible to see the discontinuities due to singu-larity approaching toward the end of the motion.















0 2 4 6 80





0 2 4 6 80





0 2 4 6 80





T im e [s]

Fig. 9. Experimental results using the standard method. Cartesian trajecto-ries [left]: end effector (red) and elbow (magenta). Task error norms [right]:primary task (top), second task (middle) and third task (bottom)

0 2 4 6 8−5



T ime [s]


Fig. 10. Velocity profiles of the seven joints obtained when executing thetasks with the standard method (as in Fig. 9)


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0 2 4 6 80


4x 10




0 2 4 6 80





0 2 4 6 80

5x 10




T im e [s]

Fig. 11. Experimental results using the singularity-robust method. Cartesiantrajectories [left]: end effector (red) and elbow (magenta). Task error norms[right]: primary task (top), second task (middle) and third task (bottom)















0 2 4 6 80


4x 10




0 2 4 6 80


4x 10




0 2 4 6 80


1x 10




T im e [s]

Fig. 12. Experimental results using our Reverse Priority (RP) method.Cartesian trajectories [left]: end effector (red) and elbow (magenta). Taskerror norms [right]: primary task (top), second task (middle) and third task(bottom)

Figure 11 shows the results obtained when executing thethree tasks with the singularity-robust method of Chiaverini.The primary task is correctly executed, but with an unde-sired motion of the elbow. This behavior was expected, asdiscussed in Sec. II-B.

The results obtained with the proposed Reverse Prioritymethod are shown in Fig. 12. It is quite evident that ourmethod does not generate algorithmic singularities, which areencountered when using the standard method, while beingable to accomplish at best all three tasks, as opposed to thesingularity-robust method. The accompanying video showsthe execution of all presented experimental results.


We have introduced the Reverse Priority method to handlemultiple tasks with strict priority. This new method addshigher priority tasks after having computed the contributionof lower priority tasks, so as to reduce the possible defor-mation caused by algorithmic singularities. As a result thecorrect task hierarchy is always preserved, while allowingthe best execution of all tasks. The basic underlying idea hasbeen presented, the tools needed to implement the RP method

in an efficient way have been reported, and the effectivenesshas been shown, both with numerical results on an extensivestatistical campaign and with experiments on a KUKA LWRperforming three prioritized tasks.

A more complete mathematical analysis and discussionis deferred to future work. One of the most appealingcharacteristics of the RP method that we plan to exploreis the possibility of adding on the fly an hard constraint(as highest priority task) after having already computedthe current solution so far. The RP method allows then toevaluate efficiently whether the additional constraint can beenforced or not.


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