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ValuesEach member of the NSW Police Force is to act in a manner which:a) places integrity above allb) upholds the rule of lawc) preserves the rights and freedoms of individualsd) seeks to improve the quality of life by community involvement in policinge) strives for citizen and police personal satisfactionf) capitalises on the wealth of human resourcesg) makes efficient and economical use of public resources, andh) ensures that authority is exercised responsibly.

PurposePolice and the community working together to reduce violence, crime and fear (Police Act 1990)

Our vision: A safe and secure NSW

Programs• Local 24 hour policing• Centralised serious and organised crime investigation• Technical crime support• Prosecution services• Major events and emergency management• State-wide communications• Community engagement and licensing regulation• Counter-terrorism• Traffic services• Commuter services• Policing support• Corporate management.
















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Commissioner’s messageIn striving to achieve our vision of a safe and secure NSW, we are confronted by an increasingly complex environment, including technological, social and global challenges that not only impact the nature of crime in our communities, but also require a continual reshaping of our policing responses.

This Corporate Plan provides us with a comprehensive framework for flexible and effective service delivery as we confront current and emerging policing issues over the next two years. The strategies in this plan will be driven not only through strong leadership, but also

through the contribution of each and every member of this organisation.

I encourage you to familiarise yourself with our priorities and work together with your colleagues, the community and our partner agencies to achieve our vision.

A P Scipione AO APMCommissioner of Police









What we want to achieve(Our Priorities) How we will achieve (Our strategies) Lead Responsibility Indicators of success



Prevent and reduce domestic violence NSW: Making It Happen

Identify and target high-risk domestic violence offenders using the Suspect Target Management Plan (STMP) Corporate Sponsor, Domestic Violence Proportion of domestic violence offenders re-offending within 12 months reduced by 5 percentage points by 2019 NSW: Making It Happen

Legal action rate for breach AVOs (%) ≥ 2015-16 Proportion of charges where DVEC is used ≥ 30%

Take swift and certain action when domestic violence offenders breach orders or reoffend Regions / LACs Protect those at risk of domestic violence by contributing to interagency and whole of government strategies (e.g. Safer

Pathways, Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme, Domestic Violence Evidence in Chief, case management, DV prosecutor forums) Corporate Sponsors, Domestic Violence /

Aboriginal Issues

Prevent and reduce alcohol and drug related crime

Undertake rigorous licensing enforcement focusing on problem locations and the responsible service of alcohol Major Events & Incidents Group Incidents of assault – alcohol & non domestic violence ≤ 2015-16 Drug detection – supply ≥ 2015-16 Clandestine drug labs dismantled ≥ 2015-16 Drugs seized (quantity / value) ≥ 2015-16

Conduct intelligence driven operations and interagency activities to impact alcohol and drug related crime Regions / LACs

Support culture change to reduce excessive drinking Corporate Sponsor, Alcohol Related Crime

Prevent and reduce violent and property crime NSW: Making it Happen

Target identified crime trends, crime hotspots and repeat victims Regions / LACs 98% of LGAs have stable or falling reported violent crime rates by 2019 NSW:

Making it Happen Incidents of violent crime stable or falling Incidents of property crime stable or falling License revocations / refusals (Security, Firearms, Tattoo, Gaming & Racing)

Evaluate Child Protection Register resourcing and compliance arrangements State Crime Command Work collaboratively with Councils, partner agencies, and communities to strengthen crime prevention (e.g. safer by design) Corporate Sponsor, Crime Prevention

Ensure effective regulation of firearms, weapons and security industries Major Events & Incidents Group State Crime Command

Prevent and reduce re-offending NSW: Making It Happen

Target persistent and high-risk offenders (e.g. STMP, consorting legislation, bail compliance) Regions / LACs Adult re-offending rates reduced by 5% by 2019 NSW: Making it Happen

Support local coordinated multi-agency management of repeat offenders Regions / LACs

Minimise serious and organised crime

Identify, target and disrupt organised crime groups and their business models focusing on cybercrime, fraud, drugs, firearms, and gangs State Crime Command Organised & serious crime intelligence and information shared ≥ 2015-16

Arrests for organised and serious crimes ≥ 2015-16 Control Orders applied for / granted (Serious Crime Prevention Orders; Firearm

Prohibition Orders / Searches; Child Protection Prohibition Orders) ≥ 2015-16 Cash seized from serious and organised crime investigations (value) ≥ 2015-16

Strengthen effective partnerships with national and international law enforcement and intelligence agencies State Crime Command

Maximise use of control orders (Serious Crime Prevention Orders, Place Restriction and Non Association Orders), money laundering offences, and property confiscation to impact offenders involved in serious crime State Crime Command

Enhance investigations and intelligence capacity

Strengthen local and specialist investigative capacity to better respond to cybercrime, including intelligence gathering, surveillance and electronic evidence collection

State Crime Command Special Services Group

100% assessment of all crime scene attendance requests received Analysis of all firearm exhibits ≤ 30 days DNA result notifications provided ≤ 2 working days Major crime fingerprint analysis provided ≤ 48 hours Ballistic and volume crime fingerprint analysis provided ≤ 24 hours Biometric data (DNA, fingerprints, photographs) capture rate ≥ 2015-16 Successful prosecutions ≥ 2015-16

Build effective partnerships with law enforcement, intelligence agencies and private industry to prevent and detect cybercrime State Crime Command Advocate for removal of legislative barriers to effective cross-border investigations State Crime Command Apply technologies and forensic science capabilities to best effect Forensic Services Group

Embed the Practice Management Model to reduce failed prosecutions Police Prosecutions




Maintain safe public space Maintain intelligence driven and evidence based high-visibility patrols Regions / LACs Community perceptions of safety walking after dark ≥ 60.8% NSCSP

Reduce road fatalities and injuries NSW: Making it Happen

Promote road safety through targeted enforcement, innovation and education (e.g. pedestrian safety, drug driving, fatigue, automated number plate recognition, Aboriginal driving programs in disadvantaged communities)

Traffic & Highway Patrol Command Major Events & Incidents Group

Road fatalities reduced by 30% from 2011 levels by 2021 NSW: Making it Happen Incidents of injury and fatal crashes ≤ 2015-16 Random Breath Tests ≥ 5.5 million Roadside drug testing program screenings ≥ 97 thousand State-wide traffic operations ≥ 10 and state-wide compliance operations ≥ 5

Work collaboratively with partner agencies to enable the free flow of traffic through ‘Operation Free Flow’ Traffic & Highway Patrol Command

Exploit technology to reduce time taken to investigate traffic incidents Traffic & Highway Patrol Command

Increase safety on public transport

Provide a dedicated, proactive, targeted police presence on surface transport networks (i.e. trains, buses, ferries, light rail) in partnership with public transport stakeholders Police Transport Command Community perceptions of safety on public transport at night ≥ 45% NSCSP

Incidents of crime on public transport ≤ 2015-16 Multi-agency transport network operations Support a rapid response to rail disruptions (e.g. suicides) Police Transport Command

Strengthen public order, emergency management and counter-terrorism prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery

Build public / private sector and community resilience to threats to public safety and mass gatherings Major Events & Incidents Group

Community perceptions of police dealing with public order ≥ 63% NSCSP Emergency plans reviewed and tested at least annually Counter Terrorism plans reviewed and tested at least annually Staff trained in emergency management and counter terrorism Persons charged with terrorism offences committed for trial Community concern about being a victim of a terrorist incident ≤ 45% NSCSP

Review and test multi-agency arrangements for responding to and recovering from emergencies and disasters Major Events & Incidents Group Evaluate emergency management coordination arrangements (i.e. SEOCON / REOCON / LEOCON model) Major Events & Incidents Group Utilise Consequence Management Guides to better address local hazards and risks Major Events & Incidents Group

Enhance staff capabilities to respond to emergencies and contemporary terrorism threats Major Events & Incidents Group Counter Terrorism & Special Tactics

Identify and intervene early in planned terrorist threats Counter Terrorism & Special Tactics Enhance community engagement, information sharing and command coordination to counter violent extremism Counter Terrorism & Special Tactics Increase legal support capability to respond to terrorism incidents and investigations Police Prosecutions



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s Improve police services NSW: Making it


Provide professional and responsive customer service NSW: Making it Happen Corporate Sponsor, Customer Service Community confidence in police ≥ 86% NSCSP Victim follow-up notifications within timeframes ≥ 85% Case closed / suspended notifications within timeframes ≥ 2015-16 Community satisfaction with most recent contact with police ≥ 85% NSCSP Customer service related complaints (per 100 officers) ≤ 10 Urgent calls responded to within target time ≥ 80% Fatalities / serious injuries in police custody = 0 Sustained complaints of unreasonable use of force = 0

Contribute to NSW Criminal Justice Reforms to improve the efficiency of the justice system Regions / LACs Increase community access to police services through digital channels / technology (e.g. community portal) Business Technology Services Deliver appropriate victim support and referral through the criminal justice system Corporate Sponsor, Victims of Crime Provide equitable and accessible policing services to diverse and remote communities Corporate Sponsors / Regions / LACs

Provide safe, secure and humane management of people in custody Corporate Sponsor, Custody & Corrections Professional Standards Command

Ensure appropriate use of police powers, particularly use of force Regions / LACs

Build sustained community engagement

Implement and integrate the NSW Police Force Community Engagement Framework into policing practice Major Events & Incidents Group NSWPF Community Engagement Framework implemented by June 2017

Communicate policing issues and priorities through appropriate mechanisms (e.g. social media, Neighbourhood Watch) Regions / LACs Public Affairs Branch

Protect the vulnerable Improve criminal justice and interagency responses to vulnerable people Corporate Sponsor, Vulnerable Communities

Repeat juvenile / young person victims ≤ 2015-16 Local partnerships developed with all NSW settlement service providers Work with youth to enhance relationships, prevent and reduce crime and promote a safer community Corporate Sponsor, Youth

Contribute to interagency strategies concerning humanitarian resettlement Regions / LACs

Maximise use of available court alternatives for minor offences

Explore legislative amendment to expand the use of criminal infringement notices and cautions (e.g. for other drug types) Major Events & Incidents Group Criminal Infringement Notices ≥ 11,300 Drug cautions ≥ 6,700 Youth cautions and conferences ≥ 9,200 Protected Admissions Scheme utilisation ≥ 2015-16 Police Aboriginal Consultative Committees active in all ASD commands

Participate in systematic early intervention to stop young offenders becoming serious criminals Regions / LACs Work with justice cluster agencies to streamline youth caution / conferencing and increase use of Protected Admissions Corporate Sponsor, Youth

Explore diversionary opportunities with local Aboriginal communities Regions / LACs

© State of New South Wales (NSW Police Force) 2016. NSW: Making it Happen State Plan. NSCSP National Survey of Community Satisfaction with Policing. RoGS Report on Government Services. PMES People Matter Employee Survey.









What we want to achieve

(Our Priorities) How we will achieve (Our strategies) Lead Responsibility Indicators of successO



Prioritise safe workplaces, safe people and safe operations

Implement the ‘Live, work, well’ program Human Resources Command Workplace fatalities = 0 Average workplace injury leave hours lost per officer ≤ 50 hours Average cost of workplace injury claims reduced by 5% Injury rate (excluding near misses) ≤ 35 (per 100 employees) Average sick leave hours lost per officer ≤ 48 hours sworn / ≤ 45 hours unsworn Accrued annual / recreation leave hours in excess of thresholds = 0

Embed the Due Diligence and Safety Management (SMS) systems Human Resources Command

Continue implementation of the Workforce Improvement Program Human Resources Command

Reinforce staff awareness and understanding of the National Security Levels and ALERT Concept of Operations Counter Terrorism & Special Tactics

Implement risk-based security management practices for police premises Counter Terrorism & Special Tactics

Foster a respectful, equitable, diverse and inclusive workforce reflective of our community

Reinforce expectations for a respectful, harassment free workplace Human Resources Command Sustained workplace equity issues = 0 Female staff ≥ 40% Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Australian staff ≥ 4% Staff from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds ≥ 20% Unsworn staff with a disability (including those requiring work related

adjustment) ≥ 3% Promote the NSW Police Force as an employer of choice to actively drive workforce diversity Human Resources Command

Education & Training Command

Deliver the right people in the right place at the right time

Address emerging workforce issues through the NSWPF Strategic Workforce Plan Human Resources Command Operational policing capacity ≥ 90% GSELA implementation by 2019 ≥ 75% Time to fill vacant positions via JobsNSW ≤ 35 working days

Integrate new evidence based tools into workforce allocation Human Resources Command

Implement the provisions of the Government Sector Employment Legislation Amendment Act 2016 (GSELA) Human Resources Command

Explore opportunities for recruitment, retention and support for officers deployed to rural and remote communities Human Resources Command

Advance the professionalisation and integrity of policing

Contribute to the Australia New Zealand Police Professionalisation Strategy 2013-2018 Education & Training Command

Mandatory police training requirements ≥ 95% Staff receiving ≥ 21 hours learning and development ≥ 90% Community perception of police professionalism ≥ 85.4%

Deliver education and training that addresses emerging policing issues and needs (e.g. cyber-stalking, abuse and harassment, cultural awareness, active armed offenders)

Education & Training Command Major Events & Incidents Group

Emphasise individual responsibilities for performance and personal development through the NSW Capability Framework and Performance Development Framework Human Resources Command

Reinforce ethical behaviour, respect and misconduct prevention Professional Standards Command




Implement more effective and efficient internal processes

Streamline internal management processes to ensure more effective and efficient service delivery Performance Improvement & Planning Command

Police expenditure per person ≤ national average Complaint resolution timeliness ≥ 70%

Improve exhibit management, focusing on timely analysis and destruction of seized illicit drugs Forensic Services Group Regions / LACs

Better integrate licensing and regulatory functions (e.g. alcohol, firearms, security) State Crime Command Major Events & Incidents Group

Review internal complaint handling processes Professional Standards Command

Deliver innovative and effective information, communications, science and technology

Continue roll-out of MobiPol initiatives including body worn video and hand-held devices Business & Technology Services Major Events & Incidents Group

ICT projects completed on time, within budget and to specification (>$250k) = 100%

NSWPF systems migrated to NSW Government Data Centre by 2020 ≥ 95%

Better align ICT strategic planning and governance arrangements Strategic Technologies & Planning

Leverage leading edge technologies (e.g. big data analytics, meta search engine, information security) Strategic Technologies & Planning

Develop an internal Request for Assistance (RA) portal Business & Technology Services

Optimise asset management and utilisation

Progress the renewal and sustainability of police properties (including housing) within budget Finance & Business Services Planned police property projects completed on time, within budget and to specification ≥ 90%

Police premises available for operational purposes ≥ 99% Ford / Holden vehicle replacement implemented from September 2017 Asset management strategic plans (e.g. vessels, aircraft, etc.) current and

reviewed at least annually Asset Governance, Management and Systems Strategy developed by December


Ensure fleet is fit for operational purpose and response capabilities Finance & Business Services

Strengthen asset management across all asset classes Finance & Business Services

Improve lifecycle management of assets, including low value equipment (ICT assets, firearms, radios, phones) Finance & Business Services Business & Technology Services




Enhance leadership, management and supervisory capabilities

Develop leadership capabilities at all levels (e.g. self-awareness and resilience) Education & Training Command Participation in leadership development courses and programs ≥ 90% Staff who believe senior managers provide clear direction for the future ≥ 2014

PMES Staff who believe senior managers model organisational values ≥ 2014 PMES

Advance senior leader skill sets (e.g. innovation, flexibility and good governance) Human Resources Command

Increase senior management diversity

Implement initiatives to develop women, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians and culturally and linguistically diverse staff in senior leadership roles NSW: Making it Happen Human Resources Command

Women in senior positions (Inspector or Clerk 11/12 and above) ≥ 25% sworn / ≥ 50% unsworn by 2025 NSW: Making it Happen

Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Australians in senior positions (Inspector or Clerk 11/12 and above) 50% increase by 2020 NSW: Making it Happen

Ensure clear direction and sound governance

Better align performance management with organisational goals and results Human Resources Command Performance agreements / career management reviewed at least annually Corporate governance arrangements in line with better practice Attestation of compliance with legislation and government policies (internal

audit and risk management, financial controls, digital information security, etc.) NSW Treasury Financial Management Transformation targets / deliverables

met = 100%

Maximise organisational efficiencies through the re-engineering process Human Resources Command

Better integrate governance, risk management and internal control (e.g. Corporate Risk Assessment Project) Performance Improvement & Planning Command

Improve organisational communication Public Affairs Branch

Implement program budgeting, reporting and evaluation in line with NSW Government requirements Finance & Business Services

© State of New South Wales (NSW Police Force) 2016. NSW: Making it Happen State Plan. NSCSP National Survey of Community Satisfaction with Policing. RoGS Report on Government Services. PMES People Matter Employee Survey. This work (apart from any state arms, symbols or trademarks) is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribute 4.0 Licence. See http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 for details. Designed by the Corporate Design Team, Public Affairs Branch, NSW Police Force.










What we want to achieve(Our Priorities) How we will achieve (Our strategies) Lead Responsibility Indicators of success




Prioritise safe workplaces, safe people and safe operations

Implement the ‘Live, work, well’ program Human Resources Command Workplace fatalities = 0 Average workplace injury leave hours lost per officer ≤ 50 hours Average cost of workplace injury claims reduced by 5% Injury rate (excluding near misses) ≤ 35 (per 100 employees) Average sick leave hours lost per officer ≤ 48 hours sworn / ≤ 45 hours unsworn Accrued annual / recreation leave hours in excess of thresholds = 0

Embed the Due Diligence and Safety Management (SMS) systems Human Resources Command

Continue implementation of the Workforce Improvement Program Human Resources Command

Reinforce staff awareness and understanding of the National Security Levels and ALERT Concept of Operations Counter Terrorism & Special Tactics

Implement risk-based security management practices for police premises Counter Terrorism & Special Tactics

Foster a respectful, equitable, diverse and inclusive workforce reflective of our community

Reinforce expectations for a respectful, harassment free workplace Human Resources Command Sustained workplace equity issues = 0 Female staff ≥ 40% Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Australian staff ≥ 4% Staff from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds ≥ 20% Unsworn staff with a disability (including those requiring work related

adjustment) ≥ 3% Promote the NSW Police Force as an employer of choice to actively drive workforce diversity Human Resources Command

Education & Training Command

Deliver the right people in the right place at the right time

Address emerging workforce issues through the NSWPF Strategic Workforce Plan Human Resources Command Operational policing capacity ≥ 90% GSELA implementation by 2019 ≥ 75% Time to fill vacant positions via JobsNSW ≤ 35 working days

Integrate new evidence based tools into workforce allocation Human Resources Command

Implement the provisions of the Government Sector Employment Legislation Amendment Act 2016 (GSELA) Human Resources Command

Explore opportunities for recruitment, retention and support for officers deployed to rural and remote communities Human Resources Command

Advance the professionalisation and integrity of policing

Contribute to the Australia New Zealand Police Professionalisation Strategy 2013-2018 Education & Training Command

Mandatory police training requirements ≥ 95% Staff receiving ≥ 21 hours learning and development ≥ 90% Community perception of police professionalism ≥ 85.4%

Deliver education and training that addresses emerging policing issues and needs (e.g. cyber-stalking, abuse and harassment, cultural awareness, active armed offenders)

Education & Training Command Major Events & Incidents Group

Emphasise individual responsibilities for performance and personal development through the NSW Capability Framework and Performance Development Framework Human Resources Command

Reinforce ethical behaviour, respect and misconduct prevention Professional Standards Command




Implement more effective and efficient internal processes

Streamline internal management processes to ensure more effective and efficient service delivery Performance Improvement & Planning Command

Police expenditure per person ≤ national average Complaint resolution timeliness ≥ 70%

Improve exhibit management, focusing on timely analysis and destruction of seized illicit drugs Forensic Services Group Regions / LACs

Better integrate licensing and regulatory functions (e.g. alcohol, firearms, security) State Crime Command Major Events & Incidents Group

Review internal complaint handling processes Professional Standards Command

Deliver innovative and effective information, communications, science and technology

Continue roll-out of MobiPol initiatives including body worn video and hand-held devices Business & Technology Services Major Events & Incidents Group

ICT projects completed on time, within budget and to specification (>$250k) = 100%

NSWPF systems migrated to NSW Government Data Centre by 2020 ≥ 95%

Better align ICT strategic planning and governance arrangements Strategic Technologies & Planning

Leverage leading edge technologies (e.g. big data analytics, meta search engine, information security) Strategic Technologies & Planning

Develop an internal Request for Assistance (RA) portal Business & Technology Services

Optimise asset management and utilisation

Progress the renewal and sustainability of police properties (including housing) within budget Finance & Business Services Planned police property projects completed on time, within budget and to specification ≥ 90%

Police premises available for operational purposes ≥ 99% Ford / Holden vehicle replacement implemented from September 2017 Asset management strategic plans (e.g. vessels, aircraft, etc.) current and

reviewed at least annually Asset Governance, Management and Systems Strategy developed by December


Ensure fleet is fit for operational purpose and response capabilities Finance & Business Services

Strengthen asset management across all asset classes Finance & Business Services

Improve lifecycle management of assets, including low value equipment (ICT assets, firearms, radios, phones) Finance & Business Services Business & Technology Services




Enhance leadership, management and supervisory capabilities

Develop leadership capabilities at all levels (e.g. self-awareness and resilience) Education & Training Command Participation in leadership development courses and programs ≥ 90% Staff who believe senior managers provide clear direction for the future ≥ 2014

PMES Staff who believe senior managers model organisational values ≥ 2014 PMES

Advance senior leader skill sets (e.g. innovation, flexibility and good governance) Human Resources Command

Increase senior management diversity

Implement initiatives to develop women, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians and culturally and linguistically diverse staff in senior leadership roles NSW: Making it Happen Human Resources Command

Women in senior positions (Inspector or Clerk 11/12 and above) ≥ 25% sworn / ≥ 50% unsworn by 2025 NSW: Making it Happen

Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Australians in senior positions (Inspector or Clerk 11/12 and above) 50% increase by 2020 NSW: Making it Happen

Ensure clear direction and sound governance

Better align performance management with organisational goals and results Human Resources Command Performance agreements / career management reviewed at least annually Corporate governance arrangements in line with better practice Attestation of compliance with legislation and government policies (internal

audit and risk management, financial controls, digital information security, etc.) NSW Treasury Financial Management Transformation targets / deliverables

met = 100%

Maximise organisational efficiencies through the re-engineering process Human Resources Command

Better integrate governance, risk management and internal control (e.g. Corporate Risk Assessment Project) Performance Improvement & Planning Command

Improve organisational communication Public Affairs Branch

Implement program budgeting, reporting and evaluation in line with NSW Government requirements Finance & Business Services

© State of New South Wales (NSW Police Force) 2016. NSW: Making it Happen State Plan. NSCSP National Survey of Community Satisfaction with Policing. RoGS Report on Government Services. PMES People Matter Employee Survey. This work (apart from any state arms, symbols or trademarks) is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribute 4.0 Licence. See http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 for details. Designed by the Corporate Design Team, Public Affairs Branch, NSW Police Force.

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