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Page 1: A Story of How My Conspiracy Work Was Cheated

A Story of How My Conspiracy Work Was Cheated (Pavel Kastl, Version 2.0) Legal statement: The text of this educational writing only represents the private opinion, fantastic imaginations and subjective

feelings of an individual. The author disclaims any responsibility for the damage caused to anyone by the use of and/or manipulation with this writing and he does not warrant the correctness, trueness, completeness, safety or usefulness of any information stated in it.

Perhaps you have already heard of my collection of writings and videos named "Hellish People", but it was cheated. Strange people have touched my PC (for instance there was a file in the directory of my

torrent files that I did not place there or somebody moved my secret personal writing from my flash

memory and other things) and I cannot fully exclude the possibility that something in my works was changed, even if it was the date of creation or file size only. But I hope that the people had only copied

the files from my PC and they did not change them. I have enemies and by means of a very clever psychology they have even abused one close person of

mine who I have always had a worse relationship with (a "witness" from my secret book who was a key

person, therefore it was important to worsen our relationship and to gain his co-operation, but here I cannot tell you all the sad details) for doing some of their evil things about me (he had also let them

access my personal things and create the environment of psychological fear, but so far he seems to be under the oath of secrecy).

I believe that they have found more clever ways how to use my secret book, "The Other Kind", against me. They were observing my secret works as they were developing and, now and then, they

were arranging some situations to confuse me and/or to decrease the strength of the story I was writing.

For example, they can stand in the background of cases like "Bitdefender 13/3" described in "Reversed Meaning" and similarly. As a result, some of the listed experiences in which I claim that it was

about Hellish people, it in fact was about both Hellish and normal people working for either secret psychological research or secret services (however, both these kinds are directed by Hellish people), who

all were using the same gestures, numbers, graphical elements and smells, about which I thought then,

that they are only used by Hellish people. One way or other, in my writings I have tried to discover and describe many surprising and evil things

related to Hellish people, but my knowledge of them is limited and another problem is a bit worse functionality of my brain (after chemical attack), so that some typos, errors and worse style of writing

occur in my writings regularly. Apart from it, another handicap is the lower degree of English, since it is

my second language. In conclusion, despite the amateurish level of my works, you will learn a lot of interesting things and

the horizon of your knowledge will get widened. On the other hand, although readings about evil things are more or less harmful most of the time, in this case it is something what normal people should get to

know about, since their ignorance of this is often abused and, apart from it, their proper and complex spiritual development needs some superficial information about the nature of Hellish people and of their



There is a chance that "the adaptation of Hellish people" described in "Reversed Meaning", "Part III. -

Some theory" (including the "Miss Russia" and other) was arranged by the world's secret services who

will later "let all the normal people know", that there are no Hellish people. However, the world's secret services are managed by Hellish people and they can create a situation, in

which my theory about Hellish people can get two main possible versions accordingly to what will be wanted by them who rule this world:

1. Something like this is improbable and there are no Hellish people, or 2. There can be something like Hellish people. For the first option they have even gained for co-operation some people from my

neighborhood who I have mentioned in "The Other Kind".

As a matter of interest, the secret services were recording me during buying in the shops including several pharmacies where were drugs with Hellish numbers for Hellish prices and I was hesitating to buy

it. For instance, this drug with number 33909 and warranty 09/2018 had a price either 39 or 60 CZK.

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Apart from it, they have videos from my home where I am trashing e.g. a soy-sause, because the warranty date was 18.03., which reminds one case from "Reversed Meaning" & "The Other Kind". Or they

put my favorite tea in 3 packages into the shelf in a shop and they were recording me hesitating for a longer time either to buy it or not.

During shopping I was also sometimes nervous, when the goods or drugs had the numbers and

graphics reminding my writings, because I was expecting that something is wrong, when I felt some strange purpose in it. Another reason for this behavior of mine were my old experiences, in which sellers

sometimes indicated to me that the sold cigarettes are not okay. And often when somebody with "Hellish design" took a place behind me before the cash-desk, I changed my place.

Then there were various mysteries. For example, my software only wanted to give my collection of files a Hellish number and when I have changed the size of one file, the result was such a Hellish number

again. Or several times I have encountered some smell released before me that was not the supposed

"Hellish detrimental stuff", but something else and the secret service that had probably released it wanted me to write into "The Other Kind" that it was Hellish people who have released a detrimental

stuff before me. Then apart from drugs and harmful gases there was a sharp thin object in my food (it had stuck

between my teeth but who knows if there is something what I have swallowed and what had stuck in my

belly; some time before it, somebody repeatedly said to me: "Somebody even does not know, what he is swallowing", which was strange, but maybe the secret service told that person to tell that to me to let me

take this action for a Hellish one) or some white pieces of something were put into my sugar (these actions could be that of secret services who however in fact follow a hidden and officially non-existing

goal of Hellish people who manage them).


When I saw everything what came to pass in the last years, I was confused and I could not

understand it all. But now, I already do. Out of all the people that I saw participate on this action against me and my theory about Hellish

people, a part had strong Hellish traces that I could see clearly. However, in some people I could see

nothing, which could indicate the mixture of Hellish and normal people, but my ability to recognize the Hellish is more or less low.

Apart from it, the secret service in question has gained the co-operation of several people from my neighborhood who are Hellish, so that I was taking this "half-poisoning" of mine for "the action of Hellish

people", which was not entirely correct as I can see it now, but it was majority correct.

The secret service had probably even arranged the production of goods and logos of companies that use Hellish numbers (e.g. in warranty and price) and graphical elements reminding "Reversed Meaning" &

"I Love You, Girls". I have some pictures of it. As an example there is the soy-sauce with "colors related to the demon"

and date 18.03., whereas 18 was my order number at the doctor with a circular beard (case with urine 3/13 from "Reversed Meaning") who touched my genitals in the gloves and said words meaning "Let me

work", and this number with the word meaning "work" and the circular shape were emphasized in a

trolley-bus that I regularly go by. The secret service maybe wanted me to write this as the work of Hellish people, but it is just a thought, maybe it was not so at all and it deals with a coincidence only.

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Here is another example. On the left there are three bottles of my beloved soda pop ("Mattoni

Broskev") and on special offer with 23% discount; then on the right there are two bottles with a different soda pop almost with colors "attracting the demon" and on special offer with 16% discount. In view of

circumstances I believe that I was supposed to be recorded hesitating whether or not to buy them.

And here are numbers 30 and 13 (and 9) from the same shop. I was suggested to buy something for the small price, but I have refused. It looked like some purpose in it.

And now please listen to me: I have never paid any attention to the numbers or colors of the goods.

It has started this year after "Reversed Meaning". The reason was that that on the places where I have come there were people who immediately said some Hellish number like 353, 310, 13, 3, 30 and similarly.

And cars with registration numbers having three times 3 were crossing my way repeatedly (also 3 times on the same walk).

After the secret service has done much of this in the last times, it has managed to cause me to observe such numbers more carefully even in the shops during buying, and so the service has gained

more videos where I am buying the goods in the way as if I was crazy :-)


The secret service, working for Hellish people, does many things to remove your opinion of the dark

magic and it produces various graphics similar to the elements of the dark subconscious code.

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But look at the older times. The code has always been used and what matters most is the impact on

the subconsciousness of the viewer in question. For example, this house was precious to me. And when I went for a trip to take some pictures of that place (2008), there were two cars with 3 x 3, black and red

color and also "demon's 5".

And look at these women placed in "The Other Kind". All of them could have served the same purpose (view of the female butt + number 3, colors close to the demon, a fish, the head covered by "demon's

colors", glasses in the shoe…).

Pretty women have always been abused, since seeing their attractive body, many men open their core to various influences connected with the beautiful view. Here is the Miss of my country, "Tereza

Skoumalova". The pictures originate from her promotional video. I suggest you watch it and try to find some additional thing in it (that I did not display here and) that could make her "suspected of making a

demon's teaser".

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Additional information

The number of Hellish people: Always supposing that this action against me is exclusively Hellish, I

had thought that all the people participating on it must be Hellish as well. However, it made me believe that there is a greater percent of Hellish people than how big it in fact is (I thought wrongly that every

house that releases the gas or every participating person, whose soul I cannot recognize, are Hellish). As

a matter of fact, I do not know exactly how many Hellish people are out there.

If you live with someone and they want you: If you are important to a secret service, it can get you even when you live with other people who try to keep a "Golden Rule" together with you (see "How to

Secure the Privacy of Your Home").

For example, you live together with one only person and the both of you are closing the door behind each other. It seems that your personal data and privacy can hardly be accessed by the secret service.

However, it has one option to access it: To get the co-operation of the only person that lives together with you and make him let its members enter the house or apartment, in which you stay and where are

your personal things located. Sometimes it is done by this way.

Hellish people and soul stealing: Years ago, after I have discovered the soul stealing by means of the

look of the eyes, there were strange people looking at me. No dark magic energies, they were only pretending it. Those who have sent them wanted me to record this as dark magic attacks and then they

would say that what I call the dark magic is my imagination only. Hellish people have their own wishes regarding what normal people will or will not believe in. And if

they will decide that normal people won't believe in the Hellish and in that that they are capturing some

human souls (mainly by the look of the eyes, although other ways are possible too), then they will do anything to make normal people not to believe in it. And if they have decided so in my case, then any

cheat would be used (perhaps even the sabotage of chapter "The Poisoning" of "The Other Kind") to make normal people disbelieve in my words about these things.

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