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Page 1: A Unit on Ecology Portions of chapters 40-43. Health of a species, one population at a time The healthier each population is, the healthier the species.

A Unit on Ecology

Portions of chapters 40-43

Page 2: A Unit on Ecology Portions of chapters 40-43. Health of a species, one population at a time The healthier each population is, the healthier the species.

Health of a species, one population at a time

• The healthier each population is, the healthier the species is as a whole

• A healthy population– _______________– _______________– Birth and death rates

_________________and equal


Page 3: A Unit on Ecology Portions of chapters 40-43. Health of a species, one population at a time The healthier each population is, the healthier the species.

How do you characterize a population?• Size: number of individuals

___________________________________________(can be difficult… take into account that you cant catch everyone)

• Age Structure: pre-reproductive, reproductive, post-reproductive

• _____________: number of individuals per area (depends on the size of the area)

• Distribution: ______________ _______________throughout their area– ____________ in herds– Clumped near good

resources– Random/even (very rare)


Page 4: A Unit on Ecology Portions of chapters 40-43. Health of a species, one population at a time The healthier each population is, the healthier the species.

Arrivals, departures and limits…

• Population size is affected by individuals who enter (immigration) and leave (emigration).

• Population size is ________ _______________________– Carrying capacity is the

maximum number an environment can sustain indefinitely… _________ ________________________________________________________________________________


Page 5: A Unit on Ecology Portions of chapters 40-43. Health of a species, one population at a time The healthier each population is, the healthier the species.

Humans… defying all odds

• Everything that should limit population growth has been ‘beaten’ by humans– Resources… _____________

_______________________– Disease… _____________– Birth-rate, death-rate…

________________– Reproduction… ___________

• Our resources should eventually be limited by something… what will it be?


Page 6: A Unit on Ecology Portions of chapters 40-43. Health of a species, one population at a time The healthier each population is, the healthier the species.

Community: populations living together

• Combination of the living species in an area…

• Based on 5 factors1. ______________________2. Kinds and amount of

resources3. Adaptations/ niches of

individual species4. Species interactions (_____


5. Pattern of population size (is a population growing, or waning)


Page 7: A Unit on Ecology Portions of chapters 40-43. Health of a species, one population at a time The healthier each population is, the healthier the species.

Interactions between species shape a community : symbiosis

• Symbiosis is a long standing interaction between two populations/ species… it can be:

• Mutualism: an interaction that _____________________(pollinator with a flower, lichen, anemone fish and anemone)

• ______________: an interaction were one member benefits and the other is hurt/harmed in some way. (tapeworms, ticks)

• Commensalism: an interaction where ___________________ ____________________________one way or another. (scavengers ‘cleaning up’ a lion kill, barnacles on attached to a whales' skin)


Page 8: A Unit on Ecology Portions of chapters 40-43. Health of a species, one population at a time The healthier each population is, the healthier the species.

Competition is an interaction too.

• Competition: the using of the same resources by multiple species… when one is successful, the other is not – Interference: _________________________

_______________________… blocking them from living there in the first place (aromatic compounds in plants)

– Exploitative: equal access ________________ ________________ at using it, so does better and the other leaves.

• Reactions/ results of competition– Competitive exclusion: Where nutrient

requirements overlap so greatly that the two species cannot coexist… _________________ _____________________________________

– Resource partitioning: Where similar resources are divided among lines that are not crossed… like fruit size, ___________________________ ______________________________________

Page 9: A Unit on Ecology Portions of chapters 40-43. Health of a species, one population at a time The healthier each population is, the healthier the species.

Predator- Prey interactions

• Different than competition because it is necessary that the prey not leave altogether (____________________)

• __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

• If the predator doesn’t figure out a way/ evolve to counter the new feature they will die.

• If the number of prey rise, that increases food supply for predators,

• Predators increase as the food supply is available, causing a drop in prey, followed by predators

• Can include another factor… food for the prey

Page 10: A Unit on Ecology Portions of chapters 40-43. Health of a species, one population at a time The healthier each population is, the healthier the species.

Prey Adaptations

• Prey adaptations: – _______________: hard to

spot (the kind depends on the keenness of the predators vision)

– Warning color: prey that defend themselves with poison advertise it so they will be skipped not eaten• _______________ where

certain species try to take on the color, without spending the energy on the toxin… smart!!


King Snake

Coral snake

Page 11: A Unit on Ecology Portions of chapters 40-43. Health of a species, one population at a time The healthier each population is, the healthier the species.

Predator Adaptations

• Predator Adaptations:– _________________: learn

how to thwart the problem (find antidotes, or eat only the palatable portion)

– Burst of speed: __________ ______________________________________… they can’t be both. Or really fast and short bursts or kind of fast over longer bursts.

– __________________: to lay in wait for unsuspecting prey

Page 12: A Unit on Ecology Portions of chapters 40-43. Health of a species, one population at a time The healthier each population is, the healthier the species.

Threats to communities/ diversity (Humans)

• Once communities have been established new species, human attack or disruption of habitat can quickly destroy what it took thousands of years to create.– Invasive species: ________

___________________________________________________________________________________________Unchecked these species grow out of control… killing everything in their path. (rabbits in Australia)

– Hunting/ Poaching– Habitat Loss and


Ch 41/42

Page 13: A Unit on Ecology Portions of chapters 40-43. Health of a species, one population at a time The healthier each population is, the healthier the species.

Endangered Species• Hunting and poaching: Humans

are predators and proud of it. Our ________________________________________________________– Black market poaching etc is

still a HUGE problem for the most endangered (__________ __________________________________________________)

• Habitat loss: even worse than hunting them is ______________. Most _______________________ ________________________________________________________. – As we move in, they move out…

when they get squished into small areas, they kill each other, or they try to come back and we kill them

Page 14: A Unit on Ecology Portions of chapters 40-43. Health of a species, one population at a time The healthier each population is, the healthier the species.

How can we conserve and sustain current diversity

• Conservation Biology: think about the natural species before you build. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

• Identifying at risk areas: _______________________________________ __________________________________(easier said than done)

• Work with new communities to preserve what at risk species require: – ____________________________… limit production, deforestation or

building to allow for the area to recover between attacks.

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Page 15: A Unit on Ecology Portions of chapters 40-43. Health of a species, one population at a time The healthier each population is, the healthier the species.

Everything is a cycle

• All matter and all energy are conserved… so _________________ ___________________________________________________________.

• _________ cycle… lake/ocean cloud rain river lake/ocean

• __________ Cycle… disruptions lead to global warming

• ___________ and _____________ also have cycles


Page 16: A Unit on Ecology Portions of chapters 40-43. Health of a species, one population at a time The healthier each population is, the healthier the species.

Global warming• Too much production and not

enough absorption of carbon dioxide throws off the cycle

• ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

• This causes an increase of temperature over time, and the heating of the earth… which means melting polar ice caps

• We must stop the cycle… produce less CO2 and absorb more (with plants)

Page 17: A Unit on Ecology Portions of chapters 40-43. Health of a species, one population at a time The healthier each population is, the healthier the species.

All the populations fit together into the biosphere

• Biosphere is the sum of all the planets ecosystems

• An ecosystem are all the biotic (living) and abiotic (nonliving) things in a certain area– The are generalized as ______

• Biomes have specific/ recognizable features– Salt water biomes: ocean (coral

reefs, wetlands, intertidal zones, deep ocean etc)

– Freshwater biomes: lakes, ponds, rivers, streams

– Terrestrial biomes: _________ ___________________________________________________________________________

Ch 43

Page 18: A Unit on Ecology Portions of chapters 40-43. Health of a species, one population at a time The healthier each population is, the healthier the species.

Kinds of Terrestrial Biomes

Reflect the climate of the earth… • Tropical Forest: Constantly ____

_____________________, warm temperatures, 12 hour days. Tons of diversity and vegetation

• Savannas: Think Lion King. Lots of grass, grazing animals and their predators

• Deserts: __________________ ___________________… can be hot and dry, or cold and dry. Very little vegetation

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Page 19: A Unit on Ecology Portions of chapters 40-43. Health of a species, one population at a time The healthier each population is, the healthier the species.

More Biomes• Spiny Shrubs/Chaparral:

_______________________________________________. This is our usual vegetation

• Temperate grassland: prairies, depending on the location can have long or short grass (good soil!)

• Temperate deciduous forest: __________________, color changing, cold winters, hot summers

• Coniferous forest/ taiga: ______________, moderate summers

• Tundra: ________________

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