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Page 1: A vibrant, caring and successful learning community · Blake, Lily-Belle, Mackenzie, Harry and Ellie Piper, Ammee, Chelsea and Sofia Chae and Travis Chae telling news to the class

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DATES FOR YOUR DIARY (please see Skoolbag for further details and copy of notes)

Term 3 – 2017

Week 10

19 Sep St 2 Wetlands Excursion Group 1

20 Sep St 2 Wetlands Excursion Group 2

Netball Gala Day

21 Sep P & C Movie Night

Term 4 – 2017

Week 1

9 Oct Students and staff return to school

11-13 Oct Support Unit Happy Holidays Camp

13 Oct Sportsathon

Week 2

18 & 19 Oct AWD State Athletics

Week 3

23 Oct P & C Meeting Staffroom 5.30 pm

Principal’s / Deputy Principals’ Report As the term draws to a close it is especially

important to acknowledge the hard work and

positive attitudes of students, parents and staff.

Keep up the hard work and we look forward to

working with you next term.

Tell Them From Me Survey

I would like to encourage parents to complete the

online Tell Them From Me survey. The data will

provide valuable information to plan the future

directions of the school. It is important for parents

to have a voice in the school and the survey

provides that opportunity.

To access the Tell Them From Me survey go to:


Kindergarten Enrolments for 2018

Forward planning is well underway. If you have a

child who will start school next year, or you know

someone who does, please obtain an enrolment form

from the school office as soon as possible.

Kindergarten students need to be 5 years of age on

or before the 31 July 2018 to be eligible to enrol in

Kindergarten for 2018.

You will need to present the following


A completed enrolment form

A birth certificate or current passport

Proof of residency (council rates notice


Immunisation certificate

A very successful Kindergarten Orientation Day was

held last week. Feedback was extremely positive.

We will organise a second session for new

enrolments (received in Term 4) and for parents

who were unable to attend last week in Term 4.

Please do not hesitate to make an appointment if

you require further support.

Movie Night

The P & C will be holding the final movie night for

2017. It will be on Thursday 21 September. A note

will be sent home next week.



On Friday 13 October 2017, we will be conducting

our annual Sportsathon. This is planned as a fun,

whole school activity day for ALL children. This will

be our major fundraising event for the year.

The permission/pledge note will be sent home in the

near future. It will need to be completed and

returned to the school. This year, as always, we are

Forster Public School A vibrant, caring and successful learning community

Respect Personal Best Safety

Find us at: Head Street, Forster Tel: 6555 6766 Fax: 65556374 Email: [email protected]

Term 3 Week 10 Monday, 18 September 2017

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asking ALL parents to pledge your support for this

major fund raising activity. Encourage your child’s

school spirit and ensure that everything is

returned. On behalf of all staff we hope all

students have a safe and happy holiday.

NSW Regional Spelling Bee

The NSW Regional Spelling Bee was held recently,

under the watchful eye of teacher, Mrs Kellie


Our school representatives were Jordan 6/4, Dylan

5-6/7, Lucas 4/14 & Maxim 3/10.

Lucas won the junior division of the competition and

is now off to Sydney to represent our Region in the

final of the NSW Junior Premier's Spelling Bee.

Jordan, Dylan, Lucas & Maxim

Dental Waste

Our second box of dental waste is ready for

delivery to Terracycle. Thanks to everyone who

continues to donate to the dental waste recycling


Remember, this is a fundraiser for collecting and

recycling rubbish! No cost and no real effort

needed, except to bring in your donations and drop

them off to 1/20. Miss Holland, who is organising

our collection, appreciates everyone's effort to

promote and collect. You can donate old tooth

brushes. dental hygiene packaging, old tooth paste

tubes and used floss containers.


Last Friday over 60 children were awarded with

their Gold Principal Awards. At this assembly

students were also presented with awards from the

Great Lakes Learning Community and the

Mathematics Challenge. Congratulations to all these


1st Gold Principal Award

2nd Gold Principal Award

1st Medallion Winners

4th Gold Principal Award

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5th Gold Principal Award

Grace 5-6/7 receiving her 2nd Gold Principal


Mathematics Challenge Awards

Great Lakes Learning Community Winners

Great Lakes Learning Community Winners

Action Items

Our school offers programs and initiatives at the

school to provide safe and innovative approaches

for students to be involved at break times.

We have a quiet area known as 'The Retreat', which

features picnic tables so quiet board games can be

played or quiet conversations can occur without the

hustle and bustle of the big playground.

A social skills program known as 'PATCH" where

students are explicitly taught social skills so

everyone knows how to conduct themselves.

Table Tennis tables are now a feature at lunchtimes

to provide alternatives to other games that can be


Our most exciting and innovative activity is our

Commando Style Obstacle Course in which students

are able to participate.

A brief snapshot is captured in the following


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Ruby and Sharlaya enjoying the Star Jumps


Halli endeavouring to complete the camouflage

cover course by creeping army style under the


Alira crossing the Balance Beam with ease under

the watchful eye of teacher, Ms Lacey

Sit-ups-'I can do it', is William

NAPLAN moving Online

This means that the current paper based test is

moving to computer-based assessment and will

commence from 2018.

We are participating in readiness testing and

training with the new format so students can access

the different ways of answering questions using


NAPLAN Online will provide better assessment with

more precise results and faster turnaround of

information. This online approach features tailored

testing which gives students questions that are

more suitable to their ability, resulting in better

assessment and more precise results. The students

are excited to be involved in this process.

James and Tahli excited to be enjoying the

practice site

Computer Laboratory which is one of the venues

for Online testing

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Casey working through some sample questions

Keanu experiencing the computer based


Rick Clissold Principal

Karen Austin Deputy Principal

Anne Evans Deputy Principal - Relieving

Katrina Pettet Instructional Leader

Keryn Stone Instructional Leader

Support Unit AWD Hunter Regional Carnival

On Friday August 25, an excited group of students,

parents, grandparents and teachers huddled

together in cold and wet conditions at the Hunter

Athletics field in Newcastle.

With howling wind propelling horizontal rain, we

expected to be turned around and sent home.

Dedicated athletes, however, are not put off by the

weather and with the benefit of a synthetic track,

events began.

The runners showed determination and courage in

unfamiliar surroundings to complete their races.

The sun was shining as participants walked towards

the shot put circle. With encouragement and

guidance from some experienced senior athletes,

the children achieved quite impressive distances.

Despite the early start and adverse weather, our

athletes performed brilliantly with nine offered the

opportunity to compete at State level in October at

Sydney Olympic Park.

More importantly, each child’s good natured

willingness to cooperate and make safe decisions,

contributed to an enjoyable day for everyone


Shayanne 3-6/5 competing in shotput

Matthew 3-5/27 in the track events

Izac 3-6/5 showing his technique in shotput

Scott Machon

Assistant Principal Support – Relieving

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Early Stage 1 Congratulations to our Silver Award Winners

Alexia K24 Kaden K22

Eva K22 Alicia K24

Payton K22 Ruby K22

Skye K22

Principal Awards for Respect, Personal Best and


Kindergarten students continue to learn skills in our

core values. Students can walk in two quiet lines

around the school. Students are using their hand in

class to wait for their turn to speak. Teachers

reward students who try their personal best each


Presley, Alicia and Noah K24

Jayden and Mackenzie K23

Koby K23 & Sebastian K23

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Ryder K21, Kayden and Murphy K25

Bounce Back

Students have been

learning about Bullying

in Bounce Back.

Bullying is repeated

unkindness towards

the same person.

Students are learning

that bullying includes;

hurting someone’s

body, hurting someone’s things, saying nasty things

and playing nasty tricks. Students have an increased

awareness about what it might feel like to be

bullied and how we can prevent it from happening.

Reading in the holidays

It’s hard to believe the term is nearly over. Have an

enjoyable, safe holiday. Please encourage your child

to read at home on a daily basis. Review sight words

until they are able to recall them quickly. Students

are embracing writing and may enjoy writing about

exciting experiences in the holidays.

Tianne Buderus

Assistant Principal – Relieving

Stage 1

Aboriginal Games Day

Year 1 and Year 2 participated in an Aboriginal

Games Day where students rotated around 9

different Aboriginal Games. These games taught

the students about the Aboriginal culture.


Mrs Galle’s class have been working hard on

developing their vocabulary by using a variety of

rich texts. They are starting to incorporate these

new words in their writing.

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Blake, Lily-Belle, Mackenzie, Harry and Ellie

Piper, Ammee, Chelsea and Sofia

Chae and Travis

Chae telling news to the class

Enrichment Program

Our Stage 1 students have thoroughly enjoyed the

Mathematics and English enrichment program with

Mr Steve Nicholas. These students were specially

chosen and we have seen their confidence grow.

These lessons will finish at the end of this term. A

big thankyou to Mr Nicholas for his expertise in

these areas and for supporting our students.

Chewing gum

Please do not allow your children to bring chewing

gum to school.

Lost Property and jumpers

We have two big tubs full of student’s clothing that

doesn’t have names on it. If you have lost some

clothing please come and have a look through the

tubs. At the end of this term we will be washing and

taking the clothing without names to Vinnies.

Woolworths Stickers

Thank you to all the students that have been

supporting our school by bringing in the Woolworths

stickers. We have collected thousands of stickers

and look forward to more coming in.

Sid Awards

Congratulations to these children who won sid

awards this week and were very excited to win their


Edward, Riah, Indie, Ruby, Lexie, Skye, Hannah

and Jessica

Jacqui Riley

Assistant Principal – Relieving

Stage 2 Stage 2 Wetlands Excursion

Stage 2 will be going to the Hunter Wetlands this

week to partake in fieldwork to consolidate their

learning about different and similar environments

and how to sustain these.

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Classes 3/8, 3/9, 3/10 and 4/15 will be attending

the excursion on Tuesday 19 September and 3-4/11,

4/12, 4/14 and Stage 2 students from 3-5/26 and

3-6/27 are attending on Wednesday 20 September.

Students are required to be at school by 7:30 and

will return after school at around 3:45. Please send

in your child’s note and money by Monday 18


A big thank you to Kate Mutch and Justine Mills

who have spent many hours organising this

excursion for the students.

Year 3 School Swimming Scheme

The School Swimming Scheme for all Year 3

students will be held in Term 4 at the Great Lakes

Aquatic Centre. The scheme will continue daily for

two (2) weeks at the end of term 4.

Please note: Pool entry will cost $3.30 per day,

unless your family is a Gold Card Member when

costs will be NIL. Total cost for the 10 days will be

$33.00. There is no cost for the lessons.

Permission notes will go out to Year 3 students

early next term.

Please ensure your child avails themselves of this

opportunity and takes advantage of these lessons to

acquire this important Life Skill.

Stage 2 Science

Stage 2 have been learning about night and day in

Science. The students have looked at why we have

night and day, shadows and the phases of the moon.

Students showing the phases of the moon using

Oreo biscuits

Lynelle Patterson

Assistant Principal

Stage 3 Samuel Brett Nelson Charity (SBNC)

We will be holding a mufti day - gold coin donation

on the last day of term 3. All proceeds will be going

toward the SBNC. Children are encouraged to come

to school dressed in their favourite teams colours

and celebrate the finals season. We value the

relationship we have with the SBNC as they support

our children with learn to swim and football skills

programs. We appreciate your help and continued



Last week all the year 3 and 5 children sat a trial of

the NAPLAN test online. The children completed 2

tests, a combined literacy and numeracy test and a

writing test. We were testing the children's ability

to use the online testing platform and also how our

technology with stands the strain of all that extra

internet traffic. From all accounts the children

found the process easier than traditional paper

NAPLAN Testing.

Year Six Farewell Photos

Keep the year 6 baby photos and now photos coming


Paula Drew

Assistant Principal – Relieving

Sport Netball

A netball gala day will be held this Wednesday. We

wish the girls luck and have a great time.

Touch Football

The children played a touch football gala day in

Taree last week and by all accounts they had a

great time. Well done Ms Egan and Mrs Evans.

Paula Drew

Sport Organiser

Band Our concert and training bands recently combined

with Tuncurry Public School to participate in an

exciting full day band workshop. It was an exciting

opportunity for both our bands to have a chance to

work with other training and performance bands in

the local area.

Students spent the day alternating between

tutorials and ensemble rehearsals, preparing a

varied repertoire under the tutelage of

experienced and trained staff. It also offered an

opportunity for staff to collaborate and consider

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future events that can potentially help to further

develop musical experiences in the local area.

It was a big day and all FPS students behaved

respectfully, although they were exhausted by the

end of the day! It is planned that these workshops

will occur each term.

A follow-up morning tea was held with both FPS

bands offering students and tutors the opportunity

to give feedback about the workshop, to help guide

planning of future workshops.

Please note that band auditions will be taking place

in Term 4 for any student who may be interested in

joining the band in 2018. Keep an eye out for future

notifications in regards to this.

Leah Pasierbek and Marissa Holland

Band Co-ordinators

Kitchen/ Garden Program This fortnight we are stepping back in time to talk

about how food was cooked in the early days of

Australia. In the days of no electricity and limited

ingredients there were no ovens to turn on at the

flick of a switch, fridges to keep things cold or

supermarkets to buy goods. Cooking revolved around

making a fire and recipes involved making things

from scratch with what ingredients were available.

The children leant how to make butter from cream

simply by using a marble and a container! They also

made damper from flour and water. Simple

activities that they very much enjoy.

Year 6 have been very industrious building garden

beds this fortnight. They enjoyed measuring and

sawing the wood and assembling them into the beds

which were then filled with soil in readiness for the

summers vegetable crops.

The groups have also been involved in beautifying

the school by planting flowers and cuttings and

mulching garden beds that were looking a bit tired.

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Trina Smith

Kitchen Specialist

P & C News Father’s Day Stall was held Thursday 31 August

2017 and was a great success. We raised $1200-.

Thank you to our helpers. If anyone would like to

help us with our fundraising, please contact Lesley

on 0427 548 957.

Reminder Movie Night, BOSS BABY, on Thursday

21 September 2017. Doors will open at 5pm. Movie

starts at 5.30pm. Pickup @7.30pm.

Tickets $6- per child or $15- per family (3 or more

children). Come along in your PJ’s for a great night.

Our next P & C Meeting will be held Monday 23

October 2017 in the staffroom at 5.30 pm. We

have decided to have our meetings earlier to allow

more people to attend. Feel free to come along.

Uniform Shop is open Tuesday & Thursday 8.30 am

to 9.30 am. You can also pick up an order form from

the front office.

Lesley Campbell

P & C President

Community News

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