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    THE DULY DEMOUNT. TR \ ASPORTATION. JEWELRY.PWMr.ii and PiBLT^HBD by • " • r m » k b axra>okmkni. u:-j. fl EWELRY. TIIMI \DERHIGN ED MUSICS, UKAlrli tt tU’b

    HAIt\El A KVtiKIE*. Yobih b'ea s t piano l-’ortc Manufactory,Ofnte OU Third Street between Market ... MO. erect, Vt.cn Thl.rem.th ,’i.d Fourteenth.

    and Jefferson. Bast Bide , ~ _ ... . . ... . tion Watches; a splendid a-*ortmoniof Rings, tar- faun.' ttCBSCKIHER BE(*H I F. VYFJeffersonville slid Ohio and Mi M-i-ippi Ruilixsiri*. Hugs. Breast-pin*. fhacelet*. Lockets, Ctiff.pios, and " fl * r „ * D, 'ui1 *,tj A ' r"----- no me great manv oth*r articles in that tine too numeroue to to exu the attention of emr >TERMS . _ „.t.;,Yrrha- .XT. mention. 'Alsu, Sue French Accordeon* and Flutiua*. *!r..f, -sure, an.l other..

    • OISCIWVTI. HAMILTON, ANI> I>A\ TON He a mild call particular Bttenti .1 of Watchmakers. wn.hji.irt.. purchase piano forty,bemocTat per }*%?, i »y 4equari*r.r • t* * . . . _ _ _


    . .

    ,, and all deaJrr.s in the aV.ve n*\nu- 1 article** that he bus to tne^ c\teii*iye ;»n^ojtmem I^Ad?Do do, ir 4> OO (Ly ,p^ on hand the Inrai-t a-»t>run»*iit of Cluck.* rvef l»r*»ucht Uttl*ro\ cd circular »cal« V V VOr Ten Cent! per week.p-^v.TViCU. C*o Carrier- ?Vir ***553** to ihi* citv. which l* \* voiL^d towll ns 1o* a* ih. y fuH ir.>n frame instnnnrnt^. no iv tr TT 1 TV 1T.\ .Thtll 'Tri -Weekly Democrat duMi.l,eti at inter* al«. »it: weekly, than h> auy other line of roads bftw cen Cincinnati nnd n , , ... r .,-n.

    *em»i-weekly. tri-weekly, or mon[|,'\.ar.- charted #1 p* • Ulevelau.!. Ae mw ik.wb or I'asSBV.r r fans ak a. “•»; ''"‘ch.s, t .oca •sod .i*. l.J. > o- J ,.' n 'k;ua re for the first, and BO certs tor evrrv suhsei’ie nt a*y othee roctk. tfBtautiU ch*< Km Tiiaot'UH street, bitwceu Madn and Market. 1. t.ln llte. 1Keer.ion. ro OrtutK. Brrrano. »sn 1'imn M, v;.te atier.i' tn 's, t>*- ir r'V 1^' 'a , ri’etp I be Itr,* ilece of reariv advei .*ers is slricTlecon- Pa -.-TiA-rfs hv th- *• o'clock. *. M., Train. Cincinnati. ®'L' ‘ r " Atches. of c*ery * mtaHJ iu».il. an . j n .


    i'imio For It* Manufactory,Main street, between Thirteenth and Fourteenth.

    rwiHE SFBHCRIBER BE(»S LEAVEi to call the attention ofdealers, prof,. ,r-, and oti "‘ rl-^rmCcLl p* 'mm

    DULY BE.10CR.IT.FRIDAY. - - MAY 18, 1*55.

    lit* * yiild call pnitlrnlar Wtentioii «f \\ alcho)^kui>. vlahiBg to |*urr hasc pi.iuo forte* • TTBHmi :.ll tlfaU i* iu the ab .ve nmn l artidea* that he hi? to the e\teii»iye mom

    n hfin«ir imj*ro\ oa ctrcuiur acalt V ff) tliis citv. u hich lie is .-nabC-d tn sell m 1o^ as lh« v full[ir.*n frame mstnimcnto, noa li;iii be bJiuht to any other city w**.«t of tYi»? mntintaliu. «*n hand ami rtauv lor tirishinr. b

    .fl LU'S MKNDEL. By the ereettoa of a lar^t* attdmonal Urtorjr buildinc.

    Srilere is true F-try. SfU. ^Otle to the Oreek Slave. & &

    /h-f/cEsW tn tn. Co*mof*iHaa Art -* 10 do factory do.Woolen llo-e, one pair home do.Do half do do do do.Blankets do do do.

    factory do,t home do.

    RT AfOrSTI.S* DrCAXhE.

    Carpet home made 10 yds.,C »rpet, 10 yds., American manufacture.Hearth Rue. do do,Hearth Rug. homo-made,Mitts or Gloves. 1 pair, home-made.

    S 00 Brandy peaches, S 9*>5 00 . Cider, specimens, six tattled, I 005 °0 . jl'usuta.—Johu Raine, M. Kcau. Thomas H. Hunt,3 00 W . H. Pope, Jefferson : Col. John S. W iUtama, Clark^ 5? HOTKL PKKUir MS.3 003 go onauBiv thk rttnrajaToasor rat Miamujmm3 oo *vp o *lt Mot**3 oo Butter 10 pounds. CS> 30v go llama, five, SS 30•j oo Kk»ur. one U4.. A 0U5 00 Meal, one hU., 10 Olt$ go Irish Potatoes*, one bU.. 10 Atj go Sweet potatoes or Yams, one i-hl., 10 00logo CompetiP.ra fur the premiums ,.n the above, are r-,t Aj duired to have one ham cooked. All the premium arli3 m* clrs of the abo*e list, are regarded aa donations U> tire3 00 Society, and will be soM for iu benefit.I 00 Ji twuo* Brerraa. H im*. Mr .l *.u Potstows — L.i 00 A. Prntt, M. Kean, Isaac K* ervtt. A- Throckmortoo . J.

    hire, t C. Place. Frankhn.*son; Jnwtt o* Knotk.—Wm. Gay, L. T- Thoreto*. J- B.

    1 olatcly r'-ived some new and very beautiful used in mirtntnufhCiory is tic.roughly scasonedmnd no -^“'1 attnospher.-i with |»nrity wherein,vl orexpense are spired m turuin? nut e:*ch piauo Mine ,,** n i- IrHii-ii -urcl at,d irr lirivhtsceivin* Gorsli even few da\ s. u.y stock Is always . isrfeet rn every reepeet. A. tl.. ... , ,

    * *

    erv gomr-lete. 1 have now on hand a beautiful tot of For two consecutive years tjte Agricultural Assoeia-' llu "eh nu un^el erml-sl away uh .-in.

    The pri* ilege of yearly adver. *ers is strictly con- P.1 -.-Tirr's bj- the *• o’clock. ». •*-. Train, Cincinnati,fined to their own immediate and regular business, and Hamilton it D»yb*n I'.aUresi: breKsfi-t at CiticinnrJitlie business of an advertising ftrir is not considered » and dine the foUowir.p day in New Fork, Phllsdclpb a,

    js that of iu individual membera->« (*ralu,lou* Advcrti*inc.

    BUSINESS NOTICES.a r. reaitrR. ». *• baw«*s

    B. F. PEARCE & CO ,

    italtimore and Waahington.From Cincinnati to Ne» York 3m beurat

    To i-h;l*j5 .’ A . I. Lr. >H»N w. i ntvtir r»l«rsSxio St Co.. NmbviUi*; Ii'>wning 4. Moo.i>*. -Ail Mn^uoa.o vision lies $nbdunin^ lij>pi• r m : - • ited * «. i : i! eloquent spirit frwoooe,

    Silv. i Watcher every var>:tj of .luality anrt i-nce . « % \ ip * TJt JV And from the lustrous brown oeiifv^KAMHiosAHi.r Jewkluy—


    iam »nJ Fins. Droor. anu ’l t IBMi m , r.,n, TJltLinf . , . 1 ,U;uneow McMair. 4hYW^toi,e, Eiiaiiieled*rarhnn- -rf * rni’RTH MTRPPT nrr r ail jjftyont glory, ee from clou led h^ooito!

    rle, IMnin, ^rid Mintoture Fine, Dr *^-, anJ K::ics; ^ «> J vie It l 11 * l iiUil , i»L « • Severe xn v o*\h\ gnte«\ jet warmBract* let-. B\r.dt>. ami ( harms; Guard, > em, and a w Main and Market, the oldest stand in Louiarille. * Aui fl.,Do do do white 10 dc.Plain do do mixed 10 do.Do do do striped 10 do.D* do do white 10 do.Cotton Tfo-e, ope pair, home ms, l».I*o half do do do do.f anu drape* 10 yds..

    • Linen do 10 do,Cotton, or linen Kaibroiderv.

    SILfiR.jewing -‘.HP- 1 •/ . American mst .licpley of varictle*, * B*•J

    00 Tomatoes* 1 ff>3 no , Celery, 1 0u3 00 t)v>ter plant, 1 (k*

    Jewel,.—A. G. Muan, ]>-etor Moor*. JvUa Wevter-, „ man, W m. Golbert, George Lee, Jefferwn., J2

    I viow yr- ., fa, Kevtdisplax reSaood varieties, in p-.ts, t-, OK >11 00 B-'-soeffhardy flowers. 1 OO3 jo

    Bouquet. Green-house flowers, 3 0U3 OO Largest and bantlsomest display cut flowess. a 00

    , .f iJ*-**»**»• DriT. 9. Bell. John Raine.

    j gpJohn C. Hull. Wm. Winchester, Jnl-rua

    S OBI

    P.AIBT.5 00


    Cheese, twenty ponads. *3 **i3 00 Honey .flrawskonds. i a,23 00 Apple Batter. 3 noIS 00 ' Tomatoe Figs, g jo* 00 ; JrooRS.— !*. P. Wemenger, D. ?. Bene.Lct, R. Comers

    Merchants. Wheeling. T». r


    (COMMISSION t!,e Fast, and r.o :,e *0 quick from the Fa-t lw one and aeoot.ni half hour*.-r 4 U

    - I.EAVIVG CIMCINNATt.ohiest and be-t in the city, is alwnys at bis I.oat. resemblance to natnre as to defy detection—and, to eu-

    Clcveland, ltiiffalo and Piltsburtr Kx

    Cp-pnrtical»r attention yireu to the repairing of(

    able gentlemen to aee the effect, a large assortment isClocks. Jewelry, end Silver Ware. mylO kept on hand B,r inepectlun. any of which, if approved

    re. t, ,, ^ re. u , . re. » , It* Ic prees. *. b u-Iocka *1. for th} l rest for Crestline. Pittrelsirg. i’hilo-lelphia,Br.ltitnor, and New York, arrive- at Cleveland 3 r.otv ix, * am PL*. TtaK for mv*EK. see mist* or *kats,&c..making clow connection with Lake Btaore Railroad t«,the Kaatern Cities: arrives at Pittsburg at (• v. M., con-necting with Fast Fixpre-s. Train Khsi: cumoets :.Clyde sitb tr:un fur .-'Af„r Dayton. Cleveland, Dunkirk, butiu*1„. AH,any. \.-w lurk rn.i Bouton. Also, connects at

    tlOMMISSlOX, FORVVARDING, A'r fur Crestline, Pittsburg. Philadelphia aud New

    J Vre-lace Merchants. Second -tr-ei, l*twren Main Fan. fniIU |^ u i-t ill- ns !•>» as bv are oU,*r routeend Water street*. Louwvtlle. Ky. o,'-x* East.


    Bell and brass foi nder.U Ictw.-er, I’tr-: find Second. Lon »vilie. Kv street, orto C Al*T. 1. 1*. MOOllHEAD. Getil AgY.

    * — — - - N*. 22,Wall utrceL£’ W~ tyThe Omnibus Line wiltcall for passenger* by leav-w® inc theii name- at the above utliees.

    C^ENTR \[- TEA ANDFAMILY my is

    at d Becond, I.onigviile, Ky. mrl-’ BaO If I I i |fi* «( IE (I u i d ll it I Ot t,


    Attorn ey-\t-l\\v, office RAILROADS.on Jefferson street, between Fourth *nd Fifth st-.. )* ,’T ’ .ree -"’ - — mjg -;f wus irruij-m ]Luuieviik , Kv.. w ill practice in .iff tb» Court* of Lou yAjf »eY- ,rag> .~ , tyq.—*-*tfgsq .gigMii-v^yD vilie. the Court of Appeal*, and in the Federal Court -.Tr*.,-,; x .,-**, * i i-.*,* ,t Frankfort fur t-ii- district. fee diy Si MMFK ALUAM.L51LN1 FOR 1855.

    A. B. SEMPLE & BRO., AND AFTER MONDAY, MAYl/nnRTPIN 1\T1 np \ I ppa tv ™ W l-.'6, the Pa-S uger Trnius » il run M follows:Ml IFK I l.llo .V.Nlf IN

    I,..a *. Lu, vilie at 6:w, *. n.; arrite at Lex.ngior, atForeign and Domestir Hardware and Cutlery, cure u ;j, *. m.

    HENRY O. A MF'..J . Snpt. C. H. & D II.K. B l‘H I LI. 1 PS. Sop:. C. * T. B. K.K. F . OSB-iLN 1’r. kt Supt. VI. It. 4t L. F. R. R.

    v * res|>e." fully rail nttvution to hi* stuck oflieuu-tiful S1LV F.K W AKK, such a*

    < \STORM, warnitited «,v!id, UOM I’.K l ItNS.TEA riKTTS. IMTiTIKUS. ; John ThtOeher. Rule! MoMgoMrv, «’ad Rlehor i J***,U ’ K''^i*nd ’ Kr ’Isaac*, Jefferson. i otton. hoap, l», av» oils.

    nOM» AMD mi • ColU'Ot OR*bBlf«B.Rginir M» ycLs 10 « U^’uUow?:^L (S SEttTJShi.Baling T wine. » pound*. Si* thl. flax-eed, one bhl.V*?1* hl2!



    ai'* 5 ‘X J T. Bartiev, K w^g*. w k D.rireT- do .odo, fj Hibbttt. MT. BuiSthordt. Jefferu>n.thread, one pounil, 1 00 _ rviLTRY.

    Eagle Foundry "Warehouse. Aright on her creation*, haply pray a ml praise!


    N -W. Northwest corner Main and Third streets, **?*'\

    hyfe ‘‘e” ie,wU

    Louis* i lie, Ky. " bat Heaven inspirdl and Gt>nmi hath design'd;WA1.I.ACF.. LITIlt’.nW &. CO. would respectfully He t huti Evuii/clof true Art, and preach“ »•* SMuf.h/r lW" n,jrk01 thr,r The freedom' of the mind!

    Sewing thread, one pound, i ouJl’i-iBi.—A. M. January, YLisiu; Riehir,! Spurr,

    Kay Ctie; J axil— Cromie, W. A. RU h.irelson, and R T.Bate, Jefferson.

    WALLACE. LITlltlOW Sl CO. would respectfullycall the attention of dealer- in this market to theirstack on hand for the fail trade.We have added man.* new patterns of Stoves and

    Grates daring th ’ season, and our preset t li-t cannot !wsurpa-->t’d for lieitiMjr >,f it-sign, h..'.: hnish uf casting.

    £Tre' For fuither information. >rthrough ticket-, apply '*:i fai r tenu» at iu* ^ m°*

    to the oflic« of li.e Jeffersonville Railroad. No. 566, Main Ttnrd street, between Main and Market. Louisville.

    in txie nxieieot uiivs ne uwei* nHMP a.vd vui • t. owe n, on* bale, M 00olatrous with sculptured iifo, and ktiolt Ragging 100 yds WOOTo beauty mote than llcaveni Rope li* pounds, nine -tran. 3 uu flciqn. imi Im

    ’ ’

    S°u .Jo ’ thl. lard, nnebbl, 5®

    Genius is worshij.! fur ita Work adore Hemplaten 10 yfL’T' Ti5Ji^°T hrtrr li *** » . J ?°The tufluite sourve of dul their giuriuus thought. Tow do }«> d... i rnv and praise! Bate, JeCereon. ^ ^du ^dn I oUnd. g»

    MrsiCAL I.N9TBn»vrt*. Mongrel Ducks, one pair. SIM

    YVhaMl'^vd*Ve: lB



    tC” J • •• Bret a’v-’t Instruments, ^lu *o ChT^k'ens. Shanghai. Cochin Chtoa. Dork.ng ar* *'

    *> hat llenven m.-pmbi and l*i‘nitts hath design U; JrtaiKS.—Doctor Mason, Doctor Raphae!, Ilenrv' Braxna Pootr*. one pair, 5 00! thou Evunifcl of true Art, and preach Gray, all of Louisville. ' Chicken*, game, one pair. g 00The freedom of the mind! coop**, c vbpbntbb, an* caiixrr wob«. ^

    Pork 1*1., Hill) „Jl w*K*rtK,' Hrmoby. Kiia* FVreey, Jr., AlfredLard keg, 5 i* . **erT* “• * eunington, John T. Gray , Jefferson

    Tiik Dctv ok th* Draco*?.—


    ne of the dea-1

    < hurn, 3 uu _ eatablbs.ns in Fduanl IW« eliur.-h ulinl kim ifl. . Bedstead, 10 M Bread one loaf, white. *2 WIts in r.dward Lrey S elnir. h a-m go Do do du brown. 3 00ly kissed the bride at wedding*. Wardrobe, 10 00 D-. do do eorn. S oo•’xYlwavs,'’ was the reply. Chairs, halfduten, 10 00 Pickles, greatest variety. 5 *‘•And how do you manage nhen the happy pair jV^iec^ ^ i S Bate. Geo. G. Fetter, Thox. P. C-i~e negroes ! was the deacon » next (iitestion. D"or Patieru, 8 du Chas. Dursej , Ben o Dari*, Jeffersun.

    YEW JEWELRY. 1 AM RF.- aes Wallace, lithgow t co.am re:*.'.-' week, ‘ ~ufactnrers, the latest -l.\ lcs of Jewelry. 1 h:iv. now Notice tO the Ladies,un band, by recent arrivals, in part, Diamond, Mosaic, fJ__ i- r\|H.'|NI(:\rri 11 Y V 1 \ 1


    Caine", Knameini, Guld fruit, dtc., Betts, or Pin*’, Ear "'II I- I 'HIjIiMuALD II \\ I >1


    Rings or Bracelets -eparate; as well as a general assert- iff coucluded to continue the business, is uowpre-ment of Jewelry. »H warranted n . reprt -i-nt.-d. pared to receive onier- fr. in her old customer-, amiiuy<

    " W M. KF1N DRICK. 71 Third street. Lulie- in general, at her okl -tand, N". 112. *ve-t -ide ufFourth street, between Market and Jefferson, where a

    13 Sg,lk/kf Sffffsl* in w ant *• eil-velei'ted stock of lii-.bi.n*. Flowers, Bun-,fl li lltH 9 tl t Itll a nets, and other articles in the Millinery line, are to he

    found, and her prices wiil he as moderate os possible.WHOLF.svLe *vd kitxii. DKALFRS ix Her -tuck of llnir 11 -rig has been also replenished,

    WqfcVpk Trewplrv ptp pfr and is now; complete:and very largeW a LbiAGb)) tlCWClIjrf tto. j vtv»j Vertnu* in wnut of any article* m this brAn on with the -.uae piuportion

    ^Leave Loni«viUe at 2eT0 v. nirive at Lexington at their ituri* aled nasortment uf H atches and JewoDy. ' o*her nrticie lu the H»frliuc :

    *:3ui'. N. just received and opened, direct irom Geneva, where L#fft all and ree F-. 1). NICI1 )LA .I*cxingt°ri at 5:i) a. M.: arrive at Louisville at

    .* li,*l*e stock was selected bv one of tlie firm.bhJUx.n.

    , . Fine Regulator*, for hotels. Yianking houses, or anyI,e:i*c Lexington at - 1* r. m, arriM a* L*'UisviUe a other "Ihces, at moderate prices.

    « :1U r. M. 11 atch Glasses. Materials and Tools fox Watchmakers,stages leave Lexington daily (bandav* excepted

    . at x.-w York prices,after dnitser fur Harr.HlM.nrg, Han* ille.1 rsb Orehani. Watches directh' imported from our own manufactoryeta iifori, Lancaster, aim Richmoiid. Mage* for W :o- Oeneva, wholesale and retail, at New York rrice-.Chester, Mt. Sterling, and Owingsvine, b-av e after din- Watch cleaning and repairing done with neatne-s and

    IV net side of Fourth street,ap? dJm tetween Market and Jefferson streets.

    lad ill i»C'r! Door*!

    sj^ndiug duys and weeks without the least knowl- Fancy Hat, 3 IMedge of what they “should know.” Jrooxs.—K M Minter. Pam. t.ettv , John White, Jos.

    Tompkins, Louisville; A. CoebeU, Sew Albany,edge of what they “should know.”


    5-? ’ i'bildren are raise*! in Japan with a pul-ley. S.rae of the grown folks are occasionally upper d.raised w ith a rojie—around the no-k. For ehil- Do harness dodren and grown folks, Japan holds out inducements Skirting drthat are not to be shghtcd.

    TXT C ATTLF.$3 3u Fv: Buiiuck 1 years old and upwards, ,103 Oi Do do 3 do do and under t. 20 103 00 Do do 3 do do do do 3. 16 901 oo Free Martin, or ?pa* ed Heifer 3years "Id and1 yd upward*. 2B 303 00 Do do or Spayed Heifer Jyears and under X IS OO5 00 1 Fat Calf 6 month* old and under I year, 10 '302 OU 1 JCDum.—


    ames Henshaw, Gliiham; Jacob Hite, .'Vr.,Jos Geo. Heaffer, Caleb Durwy, J H. Megiemury, Jefferson.


    •20U *«*•

    for two days, with the privilege of stopping at Pari*. railt«t „„ sa)pLcxijictou. I raiiku>rt. and t vuthiana. within th. twoday*. SAMl'KL GILL.myjdlf Fupt. L. &. F'. and L. A F'. R. II. •“ •

    •Bclfrr*onviilr Railroad.

    'M >1ER VRUANG EM E NT - FOR II- claims to haveIndianapolis. Chicago, and < incinn iti. ar"l warrant* his W"

    • in and a! r Mouecaii-c it keeps conlinuailv I i>rL t - Gr , a,, 3! ak’’ . . ^ ni, ‘S-

    ' do do d«

    u0 Ewe,Too Fair of Lamb*,

    ioo2.00 Rack,2.90 Fiwe.2.00 Pair of Lamb-8.90

    J-iK Buck,jj* K«e,re*5 Pair of Lamb*,1.01

    l’ou Four fai !*heep,

    l4tt ,Large-t ?*hc*p.

    Do do Goat doShoes., one pair, mad# bv a LadyMen's Bout#, one pair

    and 11 ealuerboareiing.Cun do square and circular wurk uf all kind-.Buses for soap, Starch. Cand) t*.i

    silver axd other wash.— i — — Display of Silver ware tlO.ftl

    Is?"In Rhode I -land if a person puts on a clean ^ j- £*** a°shirt onueaw'-ckho is denounced as au aristucrat Do ,iu Marble or Stone Catting \0.c»)ij tho populace. J COOES.—John Kitts, J . I. Lemon, W. Kendriek. Hen-

    ry Hudson. Isaac Everett, Jefferson.. , GI NS, *f.

    >aily done- «ay« when she wo# in lover Rifle **.00he felt as if die was in a tunnel, with a train of lKmble Shot Gun 3,90lore Minins both wav* Display of Fishing Tackle __ _ _ Lu>>

    Jcbok*.— S»ua* P. Kiancy, Je-.utmine: H:*don Lewis,Fsyette; Harry W. Ric#. Vourbon; Janies Draae, Hen-ry; J. B. G. Biixmon, Jetferson.


    Boar ore year old and upwards, IU JOl»o 6 month* and under ) year, M 30Sow 1 year old and upwards, L3 riDo 6 months old and under 1 y "V, 10 to

    ,Fig*,one paM. 10 00Ditter of Pig#, 10 m

    cars coming both wav*.

    ' Thu man who “mapped out his plan* for 1 rather, Jeffera

    tho futnre,” ha# engaged a score of surveyer* to F„m-.. Castingascertain the “metes and bounds.” i Cooking Range,

    Display of I ishing Tackle s.oi r, ~v “’r ,JcisrES.—John Rowen, NeUon; Dr. Tomlinson. Mer- ? month- ubl a:nil uude. 1 year,

    cer; K. Hanes, Bourbon; John N . Flnier. George M th^dd I'Tudir'l vs-.,Brather, Jefferson. ft* 6 i!

    W “a nd^ 1 7 ’IRON COATINGS,

    ,? street, be.ween Marxet and JciTcraou. nre nowreeeiving their Spring and cuinn.cr rtyles u DREei*GshiDr. Broadi i'dh-. Casrim.-r,--. Grenadine. 3ill. andfplendid Marseille* Vestings.Th:» i* one of the riche*: iiiipc.rtr.ticn- ever secure d

    watch retainag, lie remain- the public s humble -errant,tl _ J • HlRSCHBI'flL.

    REMO\ M 8. ]!. CHOATE H Y8removed hi* SILVERWARE MANUFACTORYto No. b6 Fourth -tree! jal2dif

    To Dealers in Jewelry and Watches.


    l’arior StoveDo Grate

    Cast Iron Pip-Do do Pump

    Hollow Ware

    Dini*villu. Kv..


    re«nectfiillv inform hi* friend- and the public.




    , .. Ditter of Fig#, W «FOR FAMILY PTRBOSE3 OR TRJYATE UNR.

    »’!,! Boar 1 year old and upward. *13 ri»«' l>o 6 munth- . >1*1 and under 1 year, JO 09xi Sow 1 year okl ami upward*, 15 to

    Do S month* old amt under J year. » WI’.g*. n- : r, ! 8

    _ „ Litter of Pig*, W *” ™ FAT HOGS.1’!,! Thris- fattest Barows, or 3payed Nows,i'.. Largest and hear iest Hog, 15 30sG! Judsiks.—


    anie* Pollard. Henry: Col. 3*ml. Steele.gVy Oldham; Lynn H»rbi*on, Shelby ; Caleb Dorsej.R. J.s’,in Tarlton, Jeffervon

    SADDLE HOR-ar* -WT ALLIOre*.

    c Uii* city The style* are tn-w and elegant, and se-*

    ••Led wiln the greatest p..»sible care. We invite our fMinis c > ’ >u on ur.

    ARMSTRONG -M. nal improvement (379 rr.de- from Wheeling to— - - - PPZr'l- Baltimore, and 1u3 to Washington.) was ots-ne,! to theM #w fafl mm Ohio r.ver iu January . IxoL, stid h*J now l ien fullya X, i FT1 (PIk la tartod and approved, both a- a fre ight and passenger

    m-wr m ^ ^ « m w m* « r^niF. Thin r*»»d is |iu'at**J in t roiniulic roujitrv. ii*W I W A h li li . -'u'“-v JoLsiructe:!. fnlly •» undertake work -.a his line, an.l w illperform to tin- satisfaction of ail who may Inver himwith their patronage.Second-hand Furniture re-polt«hed, -ueh a* Viancs

    Bureau*, Oufas, IVnrdrola-s, and ail kinds uf Cabinet-ware.t?*’ Varnishing done promptly to order.He i* also prepare,! to execu.e work, in hi- line, at

    the residence* of those who may require his service*.The i» -t of references can b.- give:,.aplS dam CHARI,Ri* C.flRAFT.


    Agricultural and Mechanical



    OjtRcer- of th'. Afrufiation.

    GEORGE li ANCOt K, President.KoBtRT N. MlUC*, /Gibson Mallouy. / Tice Presiilvut*.LxWKfcNCK Yotso- YHvuii BRtvr, hecrotory.Br D. 1 >. Thompsox, Curreepondiog Secre taxy-Tno«. Y. Brest. Treasurer.

    Dll! ECTORS.



    ho*. Br-diev. Fsyet.e; Ml »• Gre-enwood,Cincinnati; W. B. Belknap. A. B. A-mple, Jcffer-'u.

    CARRIAGE-, UtuGIh'A, *C.Close Carriage, two horse 915,’X)Open do one do 10,40

    lb» do two horse I6.J0Buggy 10,00.•ett of double Harness 10.WSett ot single Harness 6,00

    ItaUinn 4 year* old and upwards.Dv 3 do do and under 4,Do 2 do do sad do 3,Do I do do and do 2.

    >ett uf single Hornes* AWA xd iie and Bri.Ue 6,00Saddle Tree 3,0°!Trunk . M0 jJt’ooE*.—K. Crutchfield. W’t'diam Ifaddox, John R-

    Hall, Jetlersua ; J. B. Russell, New Albany ; Mr. Pea-cock, Indiana.


    iij’jft Ihj Colt*1*5 Hr-rtKi M&r^ 2 re%n \nd ap»tr-ki.i More fur saddle J year* okl and under ren S Do l do do and do 2.i_jn Do Colt, _V--; Jri-u**.—Col. J. S. William*. Clarke; Doctor Walkernun Fr*. Indiana; Doctor John Aealon. Jeffersua; Drum-

    J’5! , anil Hunt. Fayette; Tho. Nteele,Frankl.t

    R T 111KD DAY.V*



    JosErti S. Hrrr, Geo. K. If. GltxV,W . A. Mexiwkther, Jon* Hkkr,Phillip Apekd.B, L. llrriMVN.hTrrHt-v Or MSBv,

    .1 . T. Bate.1‘. I>. Bakuopf,John Bprk*.

    Vocal Mu3ic and Fi-uio Porte. . . « , .lowing resolution* were unanimously aaupted: vieai t utter

    'SL*- A I) A >1 1- \ MOWIC’Z R F. 1. Resolved, Th it whenever th- fuu.l* of th- Society Ox Yokeijl’


    ’ **, ,

    “ arc sufficient, there #h;-tll* erected on the P drGruunds. Chain Pumpao

    .w I’fRKAMMt.'i ,n. th a permanent i.rv proot nuildiug—:o Is- added to from Mcrauer

    ' f' '' -u. ’MgJ4* second ••ar s ::Ti of Lottcert'g

    _-j "t-r *v rtf .hnili^kn *• Acri, ultural Museum.** for the preservation Jrixir.*.—Samuel ateele, OMham: J-

    •rtf'- n»9 fitt J J s. J J *ud exhilstion of ail agricultural and mechanical im- by; A- L. Williams. Robert Ayer*. Fr»

    4 T A MEETING OF THE BOARD HiZ Fuf Director*, held the 7th of April, 1N56, the fol- A.m-age Stuffer

    Threshing Machine and Uurse powerMachine forsariug clover seedWheat FanC im .'•hellerDo CrasherCuuiug BusIleuip BrakeDu ilook

    Mowing CradleFarm (TateHorae CartWagon, four hurr*Do two hone

    W heelharrowRollerHay Rakeilajr or Hemp Tres*. plaa tad *peHu«S»n

    plements. and such specimens of art a# may hereafter »*jn.become the property of the Society. Reaping Mad

    J. B.e*o!ved. That fdl agricultural and mechanical im- Mowing du

    J. W. Creorge, 8helrank YLUer, Jeffor

    rklSSOU TTON. THE PARTNER- 2. Be-olved. That all agricultural and mechanical im-3“ saip heretofore existing, under the Arm of RAN- pletuent# nnd work* of are. (uot in their nature perish*-NEVA GORIN, is this dav ii*- Ived bv mutual cn- We,) to which first premium* shall be hore.iftcr aw ard-

    Reaping MachineMowing duReaping and Mowing Machine combined

    *lo!5 M 'lch Cow ’ **'S’*?, Bull 3 ye»r* ekl and upward#, ®1'^. Da 2 do do and under 3, * ®^ Do I do do and do 2, J6*r* Do Calf, w ***51 Cow 3 years oM and upwards. » »

    Du 2 do do and ouder 3, * d»Do I do do and do S, U

    J00 Heifer Calf, 40 •Yoke Os-u 3 year* old and upward*, 920 *

    , . 5 Do do 3 do du and under S, _ . . *'ajQO au animai# torn and raised in vhe CntW States are

    r°? Jl'rs.xT—


    %'vv Keulck, Ohio: W Chenach, Ms-lmor.


    6’*» Chas. T. rtarrard. Bourbon; R. Mallory, Oldhun: Henry

    x?x^ IU*. SWEEP at aim.Cou Bull 3 year* old and upwards, 939 »3 oo I*o 2 do do and under 3. JA to

    2 uu Cow 3 rears do and upward* •* *»2 00 Do 2 do do and under J. J6 TO

    2 99 Jvdoe*.—


    anT Jones, Boyle; Isaac Vanmeter. Far-

    ltj; Mt«; Dr. Watt*. Ohio; Mr Ifarlan. NMhtrille.Tenn.; H.

    * Bhel- W . V »rnon. Bourbon. .ieflor DRAFT HORAE*.

    Stallion 1 rears old and upward*. •» ^920 00 Do S do do and under 4. •* *®30 04 Du a do do do do 9. *> £20 00 Do 1 do do do dog.

    low est maxket jiriee.tp^Dry Lumber always on hied.

    R. S. KIM>(*Of/i>.. fiHEMI^T AND DRUGGIST, 87

    Third «tree!- Having returned • Louisvil’e^^fe1 und purchased the atore fnrrnsriy occnp.ed bv GJ Ft. Miller. I will give my personal and undividedI auentior. to the Drug and rnesci i.gix.u business ir. **^

    Railraad route, by wav of the J. flerso'iv;lle. Ohio, and Boston: Crestline, BiltabnrmBitKiaiore, rhihtdelpiiiar.ndMississippi, Little Miami, and Ceutral Oh... Railroad, at Sew York; /.Htu -vilie. AYheuling. Boltixnoie, Bhiiadei- I .the follow ing rate#. From Louisville to Washington, 91b ph.a and New Y ork. Washington Ciu, fee.; connect- 1 Louisville, March •>. 1*55.50; to B.ltimore, 917 60: to Philadelphia- ale 56; UlNev *;:iidnsWy, aisu at Acnia to Yeii'uw hpr.r.g* and - —- — — - —

    NEYfe GORIN, U this day .Ils-olved bv mutual con- We,; to which rtksi premium* shall be hore.iftcr aw ard- Jimias—Samuel s^ele, Oldham; Ks.U.Ayre*, Theo- tult. H^_u.sent. The hit sines- f th - hrm will is- settl 1 >-v IVm. ed. the actual value of which -hall not rs* greater than ffore Brown, John Gaar, Geu. Kudy. Jcfferton. Msre 3year» old and


    Rauney. who i* aion- authortred to use the name uf the premium awarded, .-hall heem* the jpropertv of the Flow, two burse *od *•" ft* ^aJg*> ?

    the firm in the liquidation and aettlcmcnt of the firm 8 octet v, and shalli-t pre-erred by them inthe’ Xgncui- Do do siubble {“ ^ [*°* „ ' Jo Jo a“d *business, and sale uf the goods. tural Museum.” t How,

    one horse 10 oo Do.Colt.,WILLIS RAN VET, 3. Resolved, That all articles a* aforesaid, to which Harrow Sob Geldrag 1 n‘“ * l"J


    11EM1Y F. GORIN1 . ng«a p-smiutn- may >>e awarded, which shall exccevi in Cultivator „ „ *' J D° 2 4° 2? *?'* u^Tr iLouisville, March 3, 1*56. mrfi d3m value the premium offered, wiy {>0 presented to the 8o- jLm»«s.-R. T. Bate, W C. WlUiam.*, Wm. Y oun., W . Do 2 do 'lo ^ *•

    cl- ;v, or 'U-po-iled iu lliclr musruin fur exhibition—the C- BulHti. R. J. Tarltuu, Jeiferrou. Pair Geld.ngs. orMar «

    auei.tion to the Drug and rresci i,gif.n business ir.all its i ranebe*.Physician* may depend on having their Prescriptions

    •expounded witTi aecur*ry, ueatneM* aud dispute!)* a:

    ci* ly, or 'lepositod iu tl»«lr museum ft»r exhibition—the C. Hulliu* K. J. Tvit‘»u» Jeifertou.n nw! bocieiy rrsir\iii



    E*st side, between Market and Jefferson street*, 3^,, ,

    SPECIAL ADVP.RTIMSO NOTICE^-tteewnu of Public MctUufi. Masonic, OddPtremen’*, Btc- arc charged fifty cenU perUn lines agate the first insertion, and twentye*oh subsequent insertion.Advcrtiscener is of Situations Wanted.

    S'haritabh , Marriage and Obituary Notices, cor i»sa, are chargediwrntv -five cents each in

    Adverti seaient> published in the Momare inserted in the Evening edition at half pitsr tu Tiuksiekt Anvi rtiskuknts P


    [Prom the Paris Cniver*. April 25-]

    Japan and China.Eighth Congrkbriosal District.—


    he Frank-

    fort Yeoman of yesterday says :SPECIAL NOTICES.

    We hare letter-1 fn>nt Hong Kong of 14th Feb- “The Know-Nothings have now on the truck unru&rv. Our correspondent* were at that date in old fogy ex-democrat. Their first Convention put

    receipt of new* from the Loo Choo Islands nnd forward an old Whig and Know-Nothing! He,

    from Japan. The conduct of the Japanese gov- however, thought it prudent to decline the pro-

    ernuient with regard to Europeans, is still the tessed honor. In this great strait theywere coin

    ick un A Secret for the Ladies.in put How to Preserve Beai-ty.—


    on't use l’h»lk. Uly

    White, or any of the so-called cosmetics to conceal a® P*®” faded or sallow complex ton.’ co1®’ If you wuuld have the roses brought hack to your

    \EW BOOKS, NEW Book- \\ IftfTSTl»e Footstep* of St. Paul: by the author of Morn _; im: and Sight Watches, the W . r.l* of Jesus, the Mind .. . ...of Jesna,Famil> Players, kc.: •). IVAN 1 E I>. A IIKSPEIH ABLEv n"^ii the Peojue, lotbe -^diurb and Counti > : the w * vounc married Woman “Uhes i »ititi.,n aaA ilia, the Mansion, and Cottage, adapt!*! to Am. ncan Wet.Nuree. Please arf.lre-s a note to , for Mr.,

    ! eUmate and wants, with examines, showing how to re-1 E1 .LKN r\LL44.V mvl«dl-

    model old building* in a sene* ..flOO original d.s’gnatbv ’ — —Uerrase Wheeler. Architect: *1 25. IV A-NTEi), BOARDERS. S K V -

    ' The Peasant Boy -Philosopher, or a child gathering VI v f . .. .. . , .Ipebble* by the sea-shore, funded on the early life .d eral ge'iUemen am! families can be accommo-


    s A I. E OR LE\SE, NEWBrick •tnre-e ami TAwtflimff-*. Ah*. Twelfi* VaIu-

    »hloYn!». ii. WILSON*

    1 invli .lelTEnon Yint and Sffond.

    MW CLEAR FORK* in hall M>U;SCOAR-CI REF JOLK?;1»R1ED BEE9 and TONGCES:L \RD. iu aikI iArw;

    For sate hy CHARLES DC K FI ELD A C0-.ftrlJ d*>miu4 jiixth >t., tvrt. Alair. It

    iud nearly new tvo-dorv frame Iivellinc of eii rooms,i;ooecimen or Drawing of the work nu^t turcompony • Oomly* i ust roceivc»1 at J. M. AU.M>TKON»*

    it came to it« t^e b' 1̂ ' an^ t’t‘' ,ror't ojmplrted bv the Utli day of Sep -J??

    orner ,,urt an a n rei

    ct of it. ninth -member. 1S55. nMntxrnr-a VERY SUPERIOR ALPACA

    Notice. WyOR SALE. 100 ACRES OF’ LAND.OmcB or thk Jrnvaxowtt.LE R. R. Co., , ; lying on the L-rnsvIlV tnd FronkfoK RailiW.

    Jeffers.,nsit e lid Mav l»h |x» A and I* miles fr m Louist with , ck and ,

    consent to the extonaion of the Missouri Fren'

    compromise to the IVific, inasmuch aa the South- jn nu

    era States were in favor of *uch a policy some ujyear* ago. And he doesn’t see why the North forty

    was maae in ^ i out house from 7 o’clock. A. m„ on Wclnes,lny, the1fire, well kept up. of - troop of English. Amenean. ]ocb on Thur^av, lho | 0th, and

    .. French and other vagabond* from «x(y to seventy ^ by thn ^ id Mar/flro t tataanaugh and

    The Blue Light!n*mus i Co. have the plcacure of introdactng to the

    eitigens of Louisville x new feature in Daguerreotype*.

    Corner Fonrth and Main street*.

    French and other vagabond*, trom sixty to seventy w . t " urii an,o, uiiroonctn, in iu, ru Annrtro

    in nurnU-r in the serviceof the insurgent*. OurU‘en




    1 '1 Marg* r.t lataapaugh. and ciu^rc of 1/OuUrille i new feature in Daguerreotype*,


    a.-,Ttment to

    ,was .identble: two officers killed, fotir ^^ ^ °f t "T/.T,' namely : The Blue LiSbU by w hich weak eye* can be as mor*. Twee.


    wounded, three or four soldiers killed, and alzotit|^ ^ 4 "H,ok« a*«ro,. f one*. Ferwin, whose eye* are so

    fortv wounded. \\ # owe thr^c mishaps to the #*ui»* T ,* * *’



    , ... .. . ibiU the ordinary sky -light of the operating I~

    tsirt which the insurgents find in the American*, i . .e)r ' V CIUC ' .* .S?

    *“ L' room eauw1* s contraction of the muscle, and cocse- I I R R

    OYS’ CLOTHING DEPOT. J M.Armstrong!* prepared to exhibit the mosteleimiit

    «1 OLDEN HYRI P. PACK NiJf’.SW GoM*n .-Syrup. Nils, half Has. and Vf|ts. ju-x

    ... »t Smith'-* Station. The placeish and time.

    place will re solo tor bwja

    X BOOTS ANDvpe*.j | AN Si r„. 1 » \* « A 1 N

    h#» a 4 * mer^t Twe#iL white dimI brown Linen* AJpaou M«*rfno,*

    * im Tb» oi«* No. Market cre^t, nlre *°

    |suit# from tliree year* t«» tht larK«-*«t ktoa ih nivl* t IBlMKNTO. -Jf) i'I.MlN 1^ the hv: iri-*, t *:**tfcer wit i :^tr *. • >mle. T ^

    The#ca$e eaceitea much attention, and will, it Ls

    rannot cnaent to such an arrangement. We grant ^.'"^fn 'a lute o‘f sJ'ge. fwToffi^M 1 “id’ lead to development* yet strange.'that he does n t see anything very clearly since ho [-jjjtp,} States were taken in /foyrnnfr rfe-

    qncntly a Svirtvr, are invited to try thl? great improve-

    m CCBIOrS j"1

    ( Qj \LLEiiRD Abampokvbxt ment.ha* got befogged with Sam. It wo* thought that lirtu. They were anxious to repudiate their r,»- : ^ j-fw 8 „-,_ yp. ffo*irgi;tna M. Btitc arrived tridlcry on Main street, between Fourth an-l Fifth,

    the main difficulty between the North and South tionality: but their uniforms, hiddenunder their

    |(Q thi:< eL. fr0I

    n London. Kngland, in search of her sUcd fc™»rly oecuincd by KimbaU. myl*

    _. settled unon principle in 1 £50. D wo* agreetl Pitots,betraved tnem. As he on y r

    ; husband, who abandoned her some twenty veor- ' n ,


    ,; - *_ "jM l^liiwo* setuea upon principle m i » ment. the admiral was satisfied with disarming ; .u;. Something to Think Aboat-B*. rl/wi noon nrincinle in |S>0. 4* wa* agreetl' t ;* —r • ~ — .. . , . . nusuunu. »no aewnuoiiea ner some twenty year^ ‘wm. fettled upon princ^em ^ ment. the admiral was satisfied with disarming an(J emipHted u, fois country. After a ’greatthat Congress should not legusUu on the subject of them

    . d^i of^T,&Dg 8nd trouble. Mrs. Ilatc sayfaheslavery in the territorie* but that the subject . 7 . ...

    " “

    . ,»,^ ne/.nie resident in the Child .Warder—Arre«t and Partrhould !>• adjusted lo the people resident >n ,he fes,ion of , he Mother, Mnterritories which were to be affected by it. This Toohey—A Man lmpliratedwo* proposed by the North and accepted by the Crime.

    Something to Think About.C4*revrra, S»wywmkr & Co. in Loukville again,

    Cl U R R V N T S . F RESH /.A NTEf Currant* just received per steamer Chicago, a *u-ipericr article f->r bakers’ or family usemyl a W. q- H. HCRKIfAHDT. 417 Market »t.

    IESSENCE COFFEE. JIST RE--J eeived a supply of Hummel's e> nulne K--euceof

    Coffee. M Si U. Rl RKI1ARDT.I ay 18 417 Market street.

    WNDIGol RECEIVED THIS DAYpnr*:„irAn haw diicoTered her long lot*t swain in the person of waking No. 1 th*#uemo!ype# for One IVollar. They ] I „ T ‘ _Mother,


    MnryC\nn John H Bate’ Fop^tor of an extensive mahog- have bnugbt from Mr. T. lUrri* hi* room*,

    517>-J Mainj c ^^Uto'the af


    t‘' i ' ’ ‘


    Implicated in* the an .v yfird. Bt LidHudson street, and a*vordingly rtreet, between Third and Fourth, where tliey will be ever my is \V. \ II. BIKKIIARDT. 117 Market


    South. We published on Saturday the particulars of 8Ild placed in the baud* of Sergeant Smith, of theThe some principle is of convenient application the attempted sni*-ide of a

    female named Mary; i^)W ,.r Police Court, for execution. Yesterday

    u knv , crrit/.rv and if o-lbered to. no difficult v' T’K,b


    ne-V’ wk

    f°wai i,nPlir» tre*sy tor fa,nil> use f r

    Their charges in every c-a*e will be found moderate, only bv [myl*] w. v H. BI ItKHARDTtiOFFEK.J i>rii

    Daguerreotypes and Photographs,bo voted for the bills organ iling Utah and New opinion that the condition of the woman would [lc wll, ft native of England, he never in the whole corxvr of Fifth and Main str-ct*. H-wett it Brown ;— - - admit of her removal, and upon his statement to i course of his life saw his female accuser before.


    ire received l-cr steamer t'ho- i.o, and f- r *ui,- 1 -. [ •

    mrts W. & It. BI RKI1 ARPt affijn*

    BfTONEWARE. !*" th** min 1 » h rnnnd rr«dr f 11 «n m Pana, he., Hr ., for sale wholesale and retail Nails

    IW~* X*— *» J**, „ tb „ ,aMi00„, . 1 . Herald. lnDl.territorie* at re t. i I • Fit's only a hanging scrape after all, and if any one . _

    tional men North are committed. They can defendj

    jsto be hungitmust be me, fortheehild is mine.”j

    Weare anthdrixed fo announce Dr. Alex-it, and their constituent* will support them, provi- 1 She then proceeded to state that the child was andor K. Marshall, of Jes-amine, as a candidate

    superior Ihiguerreotypes that have secured him premi-ums over all competitor, at the Mechanics’ Fairs.my9

    -I'm Blessings of Liberty to Ourselvea and to onr Pos-terity, or the Oneness of'the American People against


    m • w haim mm.II r, ARE IN RECEIPT OF Aw w large and -ttperior -nnck of Hardware arul

    Farming Implements und T of all descriptions.

    ded the doctrine i* carried out in good faith.

    On the other hand, their opponents, supported by

    Kfiow-Nothings and Abolitioni*ts.are committed fo

    no compromise with slavery.

    The issue is made up. It is the principle of the

    legislation of 1850, or no more slave States or sla-

    bom on Monday evening, while her relatives were for Congress from this district at tho ensuing elec- Webster & Brother, Daguerreotypists &absent at a ball in \\ est Trot, that she wntpjied it tion: and fo say that he will commence by address- ; Photneranhera ^ ffi’in a blanket, and proceeded with it, herself, fo the j nj, thc p^pfo at Nieholasville on Monday next.

    ruuiuBidpueiB,yard in the roar of Arlington-plaee. 8he said she Tt ; s umlersto,*! that a District Convention of Gallery—


    Main street. Specimens of tbeir own i

    ,Alien and Papal Aggressors. For sale at 1-amlng implements anu r- w -


    | mvl* F k.ADDKN’S, 101 Thirtl st. which we Ofv otfrnng low toth. !*. WTHtfirt, jjKdtf

    Monarch Fire Insurance Co.,OF LONDON,

    (CAPITAL $'2,000,000. $150,000 DE-^ posits*! in New York.

    and contemptible position. She says to her friends 1 crjnie save herself.North, who have been fighting for a principle ! this latter statement of Mint Toohcv, offi-

    intelligenee: 1 taken with a severe attack of Chills and Fever, used i

    ".Such a state of things never existed here bo- (Uinine pUls and other remedies for this disease without

    D*. H. Varniias—Dear Sir: Last Septemi/er I wa* and elegance. cannot be surpassed by that of euy othertaken with a severe attack of Chills and Fever, used Western house. . .

    , . .. _ ... ... I Faner Silks, of the latest style*;

    Extra Family Flour jn*t received an 1 f, r sale ty t» London.i promptly aoj u*ted and paid, without refreern *

    •gainst her uncompromising opponents, we will not Quires proceeded to arrest McCarty, nnd he is fore _ A* yet the Ked river has not been naviga- effect* when I happened to meet with you, and was ad-

    stand bv you am oncer • we have another projectU0Vn examtnUion m. a ^rticipont w and not a bale of cotton ha , ^.n .hipped - vised to try Dr. Blacrwsu.-, CoMrovwn Svacr oistand by you am longer^ wt imve an liner projee,n the munler of his own child. Me< arty is a fine Thousands 8nd len? of thousands of bales !u-c on SxasseARi.xx 4*0 Versicol*. I obtained one bottle,

    now: surrender to the Abolitionists. Know-Noth- looking young man. with a frank ingenuous eoun- the bank , of I ppor river und iu tributaries, and used it with the very happiest effects. It acted 1ings. etc.: admit that your doctrine will not do, and > fonance, and hardly seem* capable of committing awft irjng a rise. Not only have the people failed upon my debilitated stomach and liver with as much Ienmf with wl barged 11- t ^ ^ r

    in now for our little expedient, which ha# no i if11 ^ruur wuich ut ^uMiua iu»rgni. nu um

    I ^ ^jjC ir cotton off, hut as a necessary con#e- • Hficacr a# calomel* und the u#e of that one bottle re- . Printed and pUin C.

    Jiren* 1. a. Th,,, -o,m of », .0 ,u. ess,-,.'

    bTS^Szis rK.’rafc fszt;- i ^ Cbm- •“ . ..^k««.


    Booth—Oj to ,o*r Aboliiioo Kno. Njdiinx^l^,. U™, of|

    j!', ^0^”.'” “V-dfflSS^W-,.»! l.t are h*f. jre ret. «»* K th.l J,‘"^,3 uZ, hi M .iSto.toSTiire * ** * V“‘t“' “n“ *««• •*-


    the people of every community shall determine b guiltless of having criminal intercourse, at anyreH H M R

    - A - R«hta»un ^ Co.. Main SLreet,_ an.l_bytheir own domestic institutions. It operates with time, with Miss Mary Ann Toohey, the self-con-

    in proportion* ” ^ P


    every retail druggist in the city. my>uAj

    •qual justice to North and South. If you want :es*ed murderess. ... , — Weak, nervous, depressed in spirits, and a preysomething else, go to the Abolitionists and Know- , excifod CT™rintero”i m'th^iomunb

    clKBOYMEN os tiie Sta ;md if be choo^ to^ ;bem .

    We look upon the saggestion as a proposal to SlSGri.AB Anomalies of Modern Moral Le- non of the iheatre there. Ilo meant to say— a *i*-edv eur, „the South fo abandon her friends North, and hand gislatiOK-New Yoke and MABSACHrsBTT*.- j Come and hear an abolition sennon, from an aboli-

    , . .. _ . Some of the late proceedii.g* of the excessively t»on senator—Mr. humni-r. But, reverend manthem over fo the tender mercies of - ew hng.and moral, religious, temperate, and high-toned anti- as he is—and Sunday though it was—he couldpoli tieions and fanatic*. slavery Legislature* of New York and Massachu- not forego an expression which, in other men.The editor of the Journal furnishes a piece of 6Cits are very curious, and very suggestive of the might be termed something in worse tacte than

    , ~, v- , , 1 , ,, pretension* and weakness of poor human nature, i a witticism.— .Y. >". Exnre«».newa as usual. The men North that voted for the P]n UmimaiwUPf l0 begin with, they appointed



    Kansas and Nebraska bill did it under some sort * committee to look into those terrible and dan- A I or>’o Hcsband.—


    n makinz a call the

    rvou*, and irritabie he may be, the cordiallloofiand's German Bitter*, prepared by

    they can he found in an v other M v*t,-rn house. Instrument*, are 1 11 v it-sl to call tx.,1 exanii!.. A* re-M1LI.KR i TABR. , gard* price and nuaiitv. they will be -old as cheap a*

    mvl7 Corner or Fourth and Market streets- the*" can be had at the factory


    |Jnst receive,! Ire Expre.s, the !kte*t puMicatioo*.

    nrtAira , vit vcwDt7‘/A‘“ . \ .> 1 » A L 'I c l j- A'.-o, a fre*h arrival ,-f .* r ng- for the l, ; tar -i >F. A C rump'*.— Instructions of all kinds for the above iustrun eut*W plie* »t F. A. Crump’*.— Instructions of Ml kinds fort

    Kenneth, the Rear-Guard of the Grand Army; Ire the may >*> hail at No. a. Third.streethiiadelphia, are stronger than the

    | authnr of the Heir of Redclvffe, Heart’* Ease, Castlemany -headed monster which is prey ing upon hisbody Builders, etc.; price 7Se-and mind, and if he chooses to trv them, we wiU insure i . History of Turkey; by A. de Lainiu-

    , . . . , - j . . Travels in the lloly Laud, etc.; pnee *1.a speedy cure. See advertisement. my7 deodltwff

    To the Public.Locisville, Ky., Feb. Hh, 1*53.

    M*. SOLOMON*—Dear Sir: I culled upon you at your^ ^ . , 1 • 1 a 1 .. . , .ai. roioiovv-uv«r Mr: l ruilra upon vou ui voifurnishes a nim-e of setts are very cunous, and very suggestive of the might be termed something in worse taste than „ _ . , _ , , “ , ;furmshee a piece or ^ weukne^ wf ^^r̂ n nature. a witticism.- .V. >’ Espre.T’ u T / Z*' “““^ V°•th that voted for the H

    Jq Maoswefansott^ to begin with, they appointedi . ..

    — —| *£}.

    ^V***™*™** prir of Spectacle* at dia committee to look into those terrible and dau- A I orno Hcsband.—


    n making u call theof compulsion : they were anxious to be relieved gerous female Catholic institutions of education other day, at the house of the American missionary

    Cttu"c n*®**1 P^in at* d fatigue to the eyes but am happy ViutatoJSi

    from die nroa-ritv but the v the late kin. Maginn. LL.D.; annotated by Dr. Shelton Mackeuxie; 3 voU.; pr-.,e

    you fj.djf. The Iiistory of the Hen Fever, a humorous record; Ire

    ,Geo. F. Burnham; price *1 25.

    no1 The Castle Builders; price 75c.ppy t isits to European Celebrities; by Mm. R. sprague;

    •M JOF-. H. McCANN, Ageal.

    EMON8. ^(i BOXES 1\ STOREJ nnd for sale 1 y

    my 16 FONDA Jt MORRIS.

    "II. A. DI MK3NIL, Presides!.N. C- 8fMMER4, Secretary.

    hlKHCTOSS.M m. E- ?noddy. R*>t«ert Beatty,James Bridgefonl. Cliarles if. Armstrong,

    J \ I - jaki js


    OFFICE ON THE SOUTH SIDEof Main street, near th» Bank of Loutvrtae, overthe store of Jacob Kelier, B*,;.

    Chartered CapitalPaid in and re’inwl, .... I S^iOO

    ferent stores, but had never obtained any that did not The C a^le Bu“ ertYpnoe 75o.cause great pain and fatigue to the eyes, but am happy \ isits tu Europesn Celebrities; by Mm. B. npragucto state that the pair I purchased of you suit beyond mv PU51' , . ... _ . . ._ . , * „ w . ’ The Maroon, a legend of the Canbees, and other tale*expectutious, by day and candle light. I have found


    hy Wrn. Gilmore Simms; price 01.



    and foi sale Iremy 16 FONDA S MORRIS.

    ffi » riLLOW BASKETS I00NESTSc w l* More and for *ale bv

    This Comp ny 'edig now organized, prepared tod*i Marine Busine**. K -k* ain ta tx»en on shipment*ire -t- vmfonta. ta v ****,-. at sea, and ny tne usual mo,le*of inland rran*p -rta.ion; also, un tbeoah* and appnrenanecs of *tean,i»ata.

    IIUtiA TOIL*.

    Richard Atkinson, EN-uezer Bustard,J. A. McDowell, Hubert Moulgoo^My,J. *. For*mas,, John M. Ruio-^aon.John Cornwall, A. Ruww-n,

    jal3 -itf JOHN Ml m. President»l IsU ( ANTI LK

    Fire and Marine Insurance Co.,

    (ioyington, ky.. patch*V Block, Ac-tt street.

    FONDA k. MORRI*.

    icc»i. IIICKU’X 100 BOXES ASSORT-The Msroon, a legend of the t’aribe*-*, and other tale*’, m9 . .. ,, . . „Wrn. Gilmore Simms; price *1. * e*L (“ r>uU. . 4 uart*, halt g.tllua*. an»hing you every sucess your great enterprise de. ... ", . .. . brought up for examination, and found to be a very • bttie more than ten years old, and hi* wife not > servea, I remain, yours truly, 8. HILLMAN,

    have not acted like men a*hamed or afraid of what bad customer to sit arnung the sixty preachers of the qnine nine! Truly this in beginning life young. Loimviile Kv F,->i M 1653they have done. They, perhaps, feel ashamed of Oosjr-I in the House of Representative* at Boston. And thi* reminds me that a friend of ours saw anaome Southern men. who are ready to desert their


    He hod a passion for strange women—a horrid thing 1 Armenian lady in Alexandria, who, though bnt„ _ j f . in a married man outside of Mormondom: ho had i twenty-six year* of age. was a grandmother! This

    * ^ foisted the name of a certain luxuriously inclined quite beyond early marriage* in the 1'nitedchuckle over the success of opponent*, the pledged t Mr*. Patterson among the member* of the committee States.

    Mr/, Eome»’ Travel« >>• Eyypt.and sworn enemies of all compromise with the and had unlawfully enjoyed himself in her society ;

    South. Thev mav fed ashamed that thev have wording to the strong circumstantial testimony ,^TT^ Ki “* of Belgium is a Protestant,‘

    .' of the extterienced chambermaid of the hotel &l though his subjects are mostly Catholics. The

    kept company >n their votes with men who have Lowell> ^d Lad .^jj^ the bill of eo*ts upon the|

    ^saxony is a (.'atholie, though the greaterno more self-respect. State Treasury, to the extent of some six dollars jawt of his subject* are Prulestanta. The King ofThe troth is. the slavery unestinn In the territo- ! and twentv-five cents more or less ! God save the I Greece is a Catholic, though most of his subjects

    LoiuvnLE, Ky., Feb. 24^1853.Mr. O. Solomon*—


    ear Sir- llsTing satisfactorily

    J. Peters-,n: price «l 25. JRjr"Full Proof of Ute Ministry, a sequel to the Boy who .-...up.-or ,

    wa* trained ti^> to be a Clergyman - bre John N . Nortuu, ^ AltDlAriN. l.)t \SlSUI \I«11.K.A M j.Pri ^English Language, Past aud Present; t«y French; mv |g FONDA *. MORRIS.

    price 73c. i —*Woman's Influence and Woman’s Mission; price 75c. a IIIWIT'I!*; ‘ A1 (


    \ *4 l-’S ( > \ K \\!1Mo«k-rn Agitators, or Hen Portraits of Living Aiuer.- g A ~ , , ,,

    can Reformers; by David Vt . Bartlett: price tl i. * “ two-pound can* in .stare wndfcr sale IvReceived and for sale wholesale anti retailby

    j_ Ea^

    rib I ON PA a U * * I • •_

    m 17 - - irth strei-t, near Market # ' 1. A Iv I! 1' \\ INE. 30 BOXES 1


    s Block, S.-.-tt street.Chartercvl Capital.


    The truth is, the slavery question in the territo


    ed, wearied, and weakened my sight, 1 cordially recom-mend them to the u*e of all who Hand in need of them. '

    BespectfuUy yours 8 . J. EVa\*.-— On Broadway,


    .Ttmucv Co., Dee. It, 1854.I have used Mr. Solomons’ Eye Glass K,r a very brief

    , ,"

    ; . , .Commonwealth! ] are of the Greek Church. Of the 15,000/»00 Euro- period, with decided advantage, and have no hesitation ;ri.Lnoinis'a Practical Aftronomy and Table*; SI 50.Loomis’s Elementary Algebra; 65c.Lamartine’s Celebrated CharacteTs; 3 vols.; SI 75.my 17 MORTON t OB1SWOLP.

    Sundries.8C0 pieces Bagging!150 coils Bale Rope;35 bundles Twine;60 holes heavy Jeans and Liusey.*:130 boxes Kentucky Tobacco;50 hag* prime Rio Coffee;75 bM.* So. 8 medium Mackerai;M half bbla No. 3 and ordinary Mackece!35 'juarterbbls No. 2 dotIJ0 kegs country Lard;N) i>bl( fresh Blue Lick Water;f4 hbls pure Bourbon Whisky;17 bbi* six-year old do;7 half chert* G. P. Tex, very superior;

    In store and forsaie bvmyl7 T. Y. BRENT. SON &. CO-

    ^UPERIOR OLD LIQUORS FORFamilies.—4 M pipes Pinet, Castilion 3k Co. Brandy;4 pipe* Otard, Dupuy A Co, do;3-5. pipes Godard do;2 S pipes LegertCo. do;2 S piped Dry Soutliride Madeira Wine;2 .-*• pipes L. P. do do;2 >i pipes Duff Gordon Sherry do;2 pipe* Pnuartin t Co. do do:4 S pipes fiandeman’s Port do;

    In store and for sale bvmv!7 J. P. THOMPSON.

    R- ' store and for sole bymy 16 fonda 5t morris

    ^ ALT. 100 BAGS; ,riO CASES. AdDxen e^ch; In w«»re and fur bv

    mv 16 FONDA k )(OREI?.

    ORGANDIE MUSLINS. A NEWlot of next and beautiful style* this day openedat Robinson. Martin fc fo.mrle 86 Fourth *t.

    P \ BASOLS. PLAIN GREEN.tan, brocade, satin stripe, black, and lx, ge sixesfor old Ixdie*, just received ar.d for sale low M

    ROBINSON. MARTIN t CO.’S,my 16 * Fourth street.


    >r. Greenwoo.1,John T. .Msrt.n,!• W . Hx-selline,

    Clark.R i.Siam 8. Fretuh.J. M- Pickering.Ge. rge T. 5t-*lman.jjaaiul IL Key *.William t’otnstoek,L 11 uilister,C B. CalaisHarUcll Hainer,

    Cassius M. l iar,A. B. Oleiaan.George F- Dsvia,••eurge H. Calvert.Da rid R >nn.ag.T. W. W lark ircy,Wui. T Phipps*D. J. FxUis.Ifei.ry Von Fhu?,Charles D xlkaMI,V. B. Bar lets,Cyrus Weictk.

    John M. M-reforj


    WM. T. PUim, JOH.N M. MEDABT.Pre* ideal- Pec >**j?


    CHARLES HI BUELL. BRI CK PORTER.4 iee President. Atfornffp.

    A* Agent for the shove Company, I am prepared t*take k ire and Marine risks at the usual rates.tVoB-.r* over Mes-rs. photwe.. A. Pan's, Wail street,

    belseeu Mam aud Mater.mr lU JAMES M. MOORS.

    Fire. .Marine, and Life InsurantWBOOREW FIRE, MARINE, \' --»R Uk Iu--iri»nce. Office—Wall -.tree*. , » -f^A NS- A

    MOST HLAl l lt l L AN- Life Iu-nrsnce. Office—Wall street,s -riment of the various style* just received, and. Ky., (over Me*-rs. A. L- .sieotwe.l 4t Pon s.)

    having been purchased on the most favorable terms,wiU te sold oorre*pondin^v^,w i;v^^

    Ti ^ ^ co^ M extern lusuriknce Co., Newmy 16

    *' W Fourth st. l Capital, .... *®o“ ~ „ Invested aud secure*!. »e reomred by theALLENDALE SPREADS, OR State of New York.

    /m. Qailla— A very 9aiuUR b^d*#prvad for suanefu*r*, tkev art* neat, light in texiurv* auU com** ch^np.Th»*\ CdUi be haU At

    ROBINSON. MARTIN R CO >».mvW W Fourth st.

    MetlPtn liisoriknce Co., New York.Capital v

    Invested aud secured.se recurred by the laws of avState of New Ycrk-

    Ilon Rvssat t MsSTK*. P-ewide» - 4C houi A C voxv. Peer- tar.-

    . |As Aireol for this reliable Company, I am prepaied •/

    take Fire and Marine risks, at customary rates.

    I have also mode arrangement* with the following wf*llM BROIDERED SKIRTS \ND and reliable eoaspanies. by which I so* enoMed to atfQ-.4tuiVLZll-M,i\ijX» ’ ** 1 * * ::tt« miy amount of insurance that may be rertureteteB-d Reignore.—A teautihil lot, which will be svdd low ,Yi-ei ami .• — . ,,

    ROBINPON, MARTIN k CO.,Fourth st.

    EXCELSIOR, - • New York City.HARMONY. Hew York City.COMMERCIAL MITTAL, PhiladOphia-

    «M7 HITE GOODS. JI SI RE- m kki h ant.-* . - - - Fhiimieiphu.II ou* or *or* T—M^ fflC‘,,S5 hT to menyuv. receive* share of tae sddUm.figured and bekuUfullv waded Swi-s Din.itv, Bnl- *?”

    ' cy 11 **

    sk Fourths!. Athseneum Fire Insurance

    Domestic and s i aple goods. _ rivnov \i TiioRi7Fn pvptOur assortment i» very complete In this line, and At I HOK1ZLI) L API-c... .--.es— Mill kl.fkffit fltf.4lA.fFlV « llh »nV lOt.X A .1, La, * *\|M -

    WA8B1MGTOM, May 12, 1855.j. 4 i n»rr iu r? cunvuir, Mini iruui more iraa-Island, and there aroord.ng to the showing of the.r

    | thc I^nn.yivania railroad to Cleveland.1 own reporters, they mortified even the convicts of I

    Notice to Contractors. i 25 cases De Brimont; just received and for «alebj

    Proposals will be receiv- -see x p TUOM1^ed at the office of thc Mayor until Tl'E8I)AY, thej

    [BROWN STOl T AND PALE ALE! 24! inst., for grading, paving, and macadamizing Gray- s c „ sks Brown Stout in pinu;

    F ,.;_‘ ionte*. &c. robinsow, makun * .M


    8TIC ANDSTAPLEGOODS15 do Grape Leaf; R^ Our assortment is verv complete in this line, ar.25 cases De Briinout; just receired and for salehy ^ur , , lCe» wili ,-»un*ic um*l favorably with any house17 J. P. THOMPSON .

    '>ur I r,L'’ KOBIN >ON, MARTIN R COre,,

    ' my 16 ’ r ‘>rt>. -

    Domestic and staple goods.Our assortment is very complete in this line, and

    son street, from Eighteenth fo Twentieth. The usualse< uritv required. JAS. 81’EED, Mayor.

    terprise violating the nm.fn.lity laws can bo in- city they were scattered with the shadesof even ne . 'a01

    r u , l a .u . uforced thronwh the Knifed Staf«« courts Such Z ii _ c . j esuituiwoi e -tninx a.ble and accomplished lady, the sister of Kev. Hon-

    SUZmZoZsi . ? ">•' “Tk”.


    nreme Court, in the rose of Keiuieth vs. ('hambers. in Church „r Men er street the rs-ltee would hav,that inst i tution.

    ^ _Hor was

    ™ a Gd'Rs un»wn oFuat in13 do l’ale Ale; in store and for sale by

    my 17 J. P. THOMPSON.

    FrksiTtable butter. JUSTreceived in store a superior erticle of fresh TableButter and for sale by (m.v 17] A. FONDA.

    In 1* Howard. The decision made in respect to discovered the whereabouts, perhaps, of some of .vnpplies for Texan revoluliomste applies generally the most saintly ITiarisees of both houses, strangely


    te contract.-' modein fnihentooe of Caban or Cen ! mixed up with bad liquor and the most dangerous jy When Marti

    soon known, and she was treated to a mock 9t-ron- ’ requested t-« reiort in full. Til 18 EVENING, at*ade, and Mrs Stowe wns burned in effigy. o’clock, at Satterwhite k. Briggs’.

    WklFFIEI.I) II VMM JUST RF.-,Tu- ag b*l„

    V OTM B THE "DIFFERENT «,%$*”** 'Till Ward Commiuees of the rossTiTlTlowat. Fnm • 1 11 ut.s^ s, ji




    trol American expeditions ofan unlawful character, and case hardened members of society of both'. , r ,i THNIS'.ru „ . rt ,L„ r„;,oH -it aioc .utak rr. ,, , 1® t.v ,01 00111 fo receive his sentence, at Rochester, for the mur- r |Mri.~ th^inno^cxiiediri^' Trote < T **"' i Their fr°11,h ihor h w - nu tt In? himself or hi *hii

    kml e i penanced mod seen of the necessity for liquor. He struck me with a stone, aud I hare do my 18J P g P T b°1l, f re[0rm< retnru.*d fo Albany di ,tinct recollection of the acts which foUowcd. ! wmu 4

    By order of the Board:myl* dl* 8 . J. FORD. Secretary.

    CiIDER VINEGAR. 45 BBLS Cl-r1 der Vinegar in Wore and for sale byIIS8UE PAPER.

    80 reams American Tissue Parer, assorted colors;'

    25 do English do do, do do;I Uiis day and fur sole hy

    PEACHES. 40 BUSHIPeaches in store and for sale bym.v 17


    0- HAGAN k CO.

    Death ok Edward Rrasspield f'rom Hydro

    and passed the act "for the suppression of intern-! I have no remembrance of making any such throats


    peranee, vice, and crime, known as the new liquor|

    as have been proved here before me. Misfortu-- * —• . . . ... . i nately, I struck him. I was maddened and beside

    followed. IjjKANDY. A PURE ARTICLE OFin threats 19 Brandy always kept °n hand, for medicinal pur-JLV Brandy always kept on hand, fur medicinal pur-

    poses exclusively, at *7 Third street, between Jefferson

    SALMON. A NO. 1 ARTICLE OFSalmon in quaitf r bWs in store anfl for Balt >»v



    dward Unuisfield, a young man, rwid- Now, the qowtMi ari^ef,^c4n the reforms ofmeb|mytelf. I do not blame the Court or jury for _

    beside and Market 9 hy

    it M Roeevelt street, received a bite from a teacher* of morality and tem|jeraDce as tb'*e ofer dog about a month arc, at which time the .iaBeaeliusette and New ork Legislature* com-ing serious was expectedfrom it, as it imm»- the roepeet and obedience of an intelligent, . . re * „ . . . . ansi )i> .ni»K* A r»* I Wv ruit nulu.r o.,! rt„I..FuJ

    ingot M Roeevelt street, received a bite from aterrier dog about a month ago, at which timenothing oerious was expected from it, os it imme-diately heeled up. On Friday last he was sud-denly taken tick with hydrophobia.

    His friend* did everything that they eonld, butwithout success, and at last were compelled to re-move him to the New York Hospital, lie was putunder the usual treatment for such cases, but diedthi* morning at a quarter-past ten.

    what they have here done. Iam innocent of anIntention of murder. God knows I am innocent.”



    n entrenched camp for 40,000 menis fo be established near Constantinople, and willbe oeeupied by French troops.-rthe city is also fo be

    my!8 ' B. ?. RINGGOLD.

    U7INES. PORT, MADEIRA, ANDWW Shetrv Wine* always on hand, fur the use ot

    the sick, at 87 Third street, bymy 18 R. S. RINGGOLD.

    AGO, TAPIOCA, BARLEY, AR-row-Ruot, Ground Rice, and Farina.—All the above

    nACKEREL. A NO. 1 ARTICLEof Mackerel in kita in store and for sale bymy!7 A. FONDA, No. a6 Fourth st.

    Thc French will be established i a^«}hLA ,E&Z 10 * f°“U ‘l * 87

    The New H/tven Register records the death

    in Turkey, and it is predicted will never againleave there.

    There arc 4ft0 cannons and mortars, of the largest

    Third street, and for sale l>'ym.v 18 R. n. RINGGOLD.

    C incinnati sauce, justreceived In store a first rate article of Cincinnati8auce and for sale by (my 17] A. FONDA.



    Laguayra coffee. 120 bagsreceived and for sato byin* I? H D- NEWCOMB k BRO.

    ^ILK MANTLES. A FEW ONLYon hxnd, which we offer at cost.

    ROBINSON, MARTIN A CO..my 16 Fourth st.


    A Short Mitts, without fingers;Do do, half do;

    Long do, without dotDo do, half doj

    A splendid assortment, which will he «.ki lew.A few Chantuiy Mantles reoeDed Uiis inornin;.

    kubin son, martin i tv..inrlo * Fourth st.ARMING IMPLEMENTS'.10 dozen Clark’s Patent Grass Scythes:10 do Waldron's Eneiisb Gra** dej ihes;30 do do do Grain do;5 do Grain Cradles, 4 and 5 finger*, extra;23 do Clark » Patent s n aih»:

    300 do Crumb Creek and lnslixn Pond ScytheStones;

    10 do Hav, Straw, and Mauure Forks-Merrhants suit fsnnare can find the ahovv goods at the

    lowest wholesale and retail prices ta caUing at u54 Mainstreet. [inyhlj ORM8RT * OWkN.

    Cl ARDEN ERS.4 Pniuir.g and Bu iding Kn.v-iGardeu lloe* and Rakes;

    m.A ui, g3.opo.Joe.M RECTORS IM IOM4MI.

    Rt- Hon. the Kan: or liuviuu 4'ha.rman.Samuel Asbury, W Bulkely Uughea. M F ,J. Bartlett. M. A., Carriimtuh Jones,r. R itareton, R. D. Lancifr, R. T .J . Stirling Cbyae, J oreph J . Re«d,Hrory Harris*. Henry Surton.William Howard, Richard Wild.

    Manager, .... Hc.vry StiTSR,REFXREyrrs l.v nrn.xiitLrHix.

    Atwood k Co., John Famum,John Grigg, George n. Stuart,Myers, Cruthor* It Co., Vilbtai McKeo R Ce.,Powers and Weightmnh. White Btavros A Co.

    Agent for the United Slates. . T. R. STaon.The undersigned has been appointed Agent ia Laum

    vitte for the above ujujad t'nmpaay. «nd la prevuwd l*take risks against loss or damage by ore qa illlrmi'qti-n Of Bull'lln«*. including Mdla aad nnuhetenajo.I tue (taods. Ware#, aad M- rchao-lise in the nmKF


    ffice Soithwest comer of W all and Mata meet*LoUisvine. Ky. F. B. ATWUOD. Agem.

    P. Losses seuied without ndmeo* to Lowdom.d dtf

    Raisins.75 boxes Layer Rais. ns.56 b boxes Layer Raisins;106 y do do do;

    Just received aud tor I

    —I Garileu Hoes and Rakes;

    f Small and Urge Rose aud Hedge Shears;Pruning Chisels;

    &tl Also, evei-y tool useful lor gar toning .purposes, re

    7_ eeived aud for sale by OKMSB\ * uWKN,a ; my16 4*4 Mata ri.

    ed aud tor nh iow byA BORIK, Wholesale Ho-ise,

    No . 30 T hird w., wewt side, nrer Main

    ALMONDS.S S. ALMONDS.• 10 sacks Soft Shell Uzn *sd30 dO do S" ily dr.

    Just received sad forsaie h'w bymy 14

    It wag* painful aigbt fo witness the victim in1

    of • public character of that city in the shape of ! site, mounted and playing on Sevastopol,hte loet agonies: he would howl and appear like a * horse, fifty years of age, the property of Elibo the Russians, it is said, have 2,000 pieces ii

    ’ dog- hi* eyea were strained fo the utmost, and hit Sanford, the animal "distinguished himself ” atj

    non for the defence of the pl***> w’‘ , b a stilmouth appeared a* If be desired t« do o^hing but

    jth* Presidential inauguration of J. Q. Adam*.— I flowing arsenal. All the above ia nolunTa

    iriBh.'-Jr. F. F‘

  • 3>

    II 1 1 L V D BMOfR 4 T. RIVER AND weather. NOTICES. BY TELEGRAPH. PORT OF LOUISVILLE.Th« river in still falling slowly, • itli five feet one inrl. t? Attevd the sale of C. Green, on Market street.

    FRIDAY, - X| j s water in the canal. aud tho-t feel two inches on the falls between Floyd and Presteu, south side, this morning Ht

    For Amusements Auction Sales, andSteamboats, see appropiiate Heads

    This i» one inch less water than reported veneer'dIV-

    The fittTMU.—Voftenlay morning began withacold

    £?’ Attend the sale of C. C. Green, on Market street. Arrival of the Northern Light.rt»een Floyd and l’reston, smith side, this morning at New York Muv 1*5

    The eteanship Northern Light hag arrived, withMa. ts. \t ii.son, whose advertisement of Family

    3,11 l*'«*ngers and in treasure. The i*--

    l.ot'isviLLK, May 17.ARRIVALS.


    .r-u»- ,s

    .. A. C MONFORT.• flnceon I uite•*» yotireable in the cks.

    and flour bucket-, cedar and oak half Imsliels; hand-, f u.r.n. ’ hh,!* '*** 15 trunks mrtie. U nckgs furniture. Xo eonelude with the laughable Farce eutitled

    box** and wtHnw basket-item*, fish. cig ira, and queens ll, “H-t»»n». Jones .V Root: B bhht whisky, J M Jwnoat It. macks FOUNDED ON F iCTh

    Theriverha- risen 4 inehes since Usf evening. The ware; with 3U bM- dr>d peirhe. and 100 boxc dricl ' The julf equadron had returned to Havana, corn. Brow n. Ilaw gin*. X:.t..o:Seasks t«*alia,sl W 3-M rumored that Concha had lurdnnrd CINCINNATI—Per Telegraph N'o.3—7W>ls ale. dill X t'F'Tn ni,.rr»w evening. Satonlay, Benefit of Mr. Jl ne I rriniuiil foist oi lUf Agricultural

    II: 36 pkgamdze, A C Monfogt: » dodo, Kev x Carter; W . Wh* tol. !b -nic Arti-t.Sonet).Th.* tu-minj and drilling of the colored p.pula-

    ~On fir-t eastinj ones eyo upon their j.rcminm tion continued. FTr^o.i:MdV,zWo iw p.-ra, issoui o. .vianis: iz pwgs, riltu Oi msmibs>n continued. F Trvon: JOdoz lvooms. 4f* doxca cheese. M Halbert: n »» z-i , - , o .. „ , _ _Th,. Yueat.in In.li-in« continued to l a- iutr.-lueed hb|s w hiakv, Mellvaiu X S-n: 17 i-kg- tnd/e. II MrDou- . »“' 1 Paf'iuettc .5 cents; Neeond Tier 36


    .. *.l,rnl ' ,n ln -t'-in coiiiinueei in la iuir

  • SS«rc^i5£ Oakland Course Races.tter* except when he fwit/wra) banned him SPRING MEETING, 1855.me after cheeking them. I’acft*ges containing . . . roMUPVf'P ()\ \VFIHluitble letter* had been stolen trum the mail llT I L L Lu.u.Mb.V.fc ‘

    , . j i „„„ i~..« -Cluh Puree. *150;ni.le heat*;

    McDweU, Mills A Co., to indor-e a draft in favor ofl>l. since 1M7, under Postmasters Penn Mu**,j Saturday V-Cluh rurre, *30C; three- j

    of Marshall iUa-^n, which witness replied to by and Kendall. Two pucka*** art* received fnnMem-j

    ( yj

    •ending to Marshall Haneon a eight draft on phi«. He ii* eat lifted, from examining the record.- N«» hor^e can gallop for a purse.Wright, Davenport A Co. YS itucss does not know 0f (be office, that no mail of the 14th June trom Entries to tlie stake to address^ _ ..that the notes inclose-i to him by Marshall Hanson Memphis was received at this office: there

    1 is a re- . -v ~! I—

    cn the Northern bank of Mississippi had boon ad- eord ef mails from Louisville, but nonefroui Mein- PI \NU FORTES ANDvsMiaed. ... !>his. If there was such a mail, ft and the post- cloda. K- •» i Tj •T TditiLU io my inrge stuck of Piano ronesu Mel),.well. Mills A Co., to trr «.ud unit for distribution from Mem- J * 1 ** and Melodeon*. fre>m the U-stmanufac-

    Louisville Ky.,PubliratiotiN.

    It treats on the Pyriology of

    Mr. l*cn iam in appaea to uie v ommi»iou«-i iot u bills must have neon aestroyeu. ».

    13 "

    MlivrnQ a uers peun to> MciL-wei*. Mill* A Co., t aure for deliver? and uno fur distribution t rom . I u..MMiiia. . , ^ ...... ....



    nr -ittoe the oorrespoodeoce relative to the MmIuII pb!, ; neither arrived in the mail of the 14th. and iftones


    Hanson affiair. W itm.— re, t.ved a letter from hi* rUou a mail wa* ever made, it must have be,n en- i from^ upwards—fully warrauu-d. *o. 518 Market street, between SeiymJ and Third,j^ i^Vant step irithrmt ffri con-uttlug It, p ... -

    For.™ Dar (Saturday.>-Cluh Puree, *30G; three- 1 LL ATTFND TO TIIE RlJT'!Rffiln^reU-re^Ao^h

    miljOieats. WW ing and selling of K*«l Estate. Tliriiig and ib>ll- 1 ao d maturity, resulting from cnCV No horee can gallopfor a puree. ing Xcgroes. 4tc., and all other branches of our bust-|cesses which destroy th* physical and mental powers- i

    Entriee to the stake to address uear, at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable and diseases arising from inm the lest maiiufac fonoUana. It contains many important hint* to th-.se

    Liver C'oinplninri Byspep.ia, J iinmltce.

    C1HRON1C.OR NERVOUS DERIL1-S ty. Diseases of the Kidney*, and all Di»e*se-arfsing from disordered Liver or St .rnach.

    Mirh a*Cousumtition.

    Inward l*ile*, Ful- *ness, or Bloo,i to t^ Head,


    Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea,Heartburn. Disgust for Food-Futlnt-ss,

    or weight in the ittomacl ujr 'ir erui . aid »,Sinking, or Flntterii.g st I’itofihe M mi

    ach, Swin.mii r of the lleual, . I HAnlkBreathing. Fluueriug at the Heart, t hoking ot Buffo-eating d-nsotion* when in a lying Fo-tare, Dim-

    Highly Important to the PublicSV In on ** m


    ten c« of the literal teitronage whichhe hin< received, and the cur.stm * ieuuuMl for at*

    Improved Spectaclee,Mr. SOLOMoXi* h.v» deunnined to remain In Louis

    ville a short time long< r. As hi* previous engagemetit*allow him taut a short tune to remain, to avoid disaypointment, be would a»t\ ise those persons who wish twprocure his Improved Glasses, to make an aarfy call.

    New Discovery for the Eye®.^FECTAf I KS, AC., (.ROUND ON

    the exact principle of 5pe«lai Aceuraer, ha G.

    brother in Memphis, iua.veiug fc telegraphic dis- c j r(4y destroyed, together withthe post-bills.

    , rwiJpatch to Mr. Lusk, of Memphis. It wa* in these Witnes* mentioned the care of a valuable jswkage mvjg

    • - .* *,

    word*—“Telegraph W. Ayre s not to come to New Morse, which was entered on the post- bill, —Orleans.*’ It wo* dated 2ixl or 24tii April. about which a great hubbub was made: on inquiry iXka;—. GREAT B

    Dr. W. F. Hevburn. for the d-fomse. being it turned out that the pa.kagc had been sent el^- rgq,- -lano Forte* and o(i«rn. deposed that he wa.- apipoiau d Deputy where Mr Morse frequently received large pack- 1 J Q f| Jmeuta.—D. V KAlFosunaster a few days after Mr. Kendall s intro- rf ba„k notes. M imes* never looked for the * * J * ereeet ^1bus in store


    dnetiou into office, and continued in office until be Marshall ilans-'n letter, mentioned with two nthor- *,unlrT( fron^ s j x \0 seven oriuvesresigned to take another office. Dr. Keybum ex- jn tjje post -bill from Vicksburg. e, however, at fvsnit , warranted to stand in anyplained the regulations of the poet office in regard th^ mi ueet of Blair, foun.1 the other two letters ’ Mother Mu-tc> Tftlnable letU*r». These letters wt-re •lwayt m^nticned in the post -bill, 1 reel from the mnnufarturers in K

    D. P. FAULDH,Importer and I)eah*r In Plano Kortw,

    No. 63^ Main atjreet.

    j_ GREAT BARGAIN8 IN out•piano Fertes and other Musical lustru- ol‘ rJmeut* —D. P FAl'LDS, X... 536 Main M• nrret. has in store and for sale fifty fine ' “flanos, from the liest manufacturers in this i '- 1

    n *ix to seven octaves, with or without iron _*lnled to stand in any climate, and ranging !

    North aide, I*>uist iile, It treats of all diseases of females, whether married nr

    mg in the Flesh. Con-stant Imaginationsof Evil, and

    great depres-8 i o n ofSpirits.

    TV pr.,prt«-tnr. in calling th* attenllcr ef the pnt>l!.'

    I’S tan ha.1 the honor of attending the principalYVaanfthe I mted Kiacdom.wlu- .. a* . *'e>iha mo-t fioueiiag encouragement; and having hee®iCMntlv MMk4 ts aakt a vis.: for a ,h rt liar, hehas the honor of aunounciug l..s arnvai freia Loi o ii,with a .no-t splendid assortment of hi, newly inv* ntoo

    Mudcal Instramente, di-

    token out of the mail bv the mail clerk, who sep- yjip postmaater had enough tsy do to attend to U)V lsrge »t->ck of Musical Vt orks and Music, for sale at ! cf Third, recoiid d

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