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Page 1: A1 07 Moon Mercury

LunaLACC §8.2, 4, 5

• Know Luna’s (Earth’s Moon) interior and origin

• Know Luna’s (Earth’s Moon) surface features and age

• Understand the Earth-Moon system

An attempt to answer the “big question”: what is out there? Are we alone?

1Thursday, March 4, 2010

Page 2: A1 07 Moon Mercury

Luna: Earth’s Moon


(red light)

2Thursday, March 4, 2010

Page 3: A1 07 Moon Mercury

Luna: Size


(red light)

3Thursday, March 4, 2010

Page 4: A1 07 Moon Mercury

(which amounts to 30.1 Earth diameters)http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/solar/moonscale.html#c2

Earth and Moon to Scale

It took the Apollo astronauts about three days to get to the moon. Once they got their, they weighed only 1/6th what they did on Earth. E.g. if you weigh 100 lbs

on hear, you’d weight 17 lbs on the moon.

or 239,000 ± 13,500 miles

4Thursday, March 4, 2010

Page 5: A1 07 Moon Mercury

Earth-Moon System: Tides


The Moon is the dominant tidal influence because the fractional difference in its force across the Earth is greater than the fractional difference seen from the Sun. This difference in force follows the inverse square law.

5Thursday, March 4, 2010

Page 6: A1 07 Moon Mercury

Earth-Moon System: Tides



6Thursday, March 4, 2010

Page 7: A1 07 Moon Mercury

Earth-Moon System: Moon’s Tide Locked Orbit


When the Moon first formed after the Giant Impact, it was much nearer to the Earth (20,000km or 20 times nearer than present.) Both bodies exerted a pull on each other causing huge tidal forces. ...which resulted in the slowing on both the Earth’s and the Moon’s speed of rotation. The resultant imparting of angular momentum then caused the Moon to move further away. This process is still ongoing, with the Earth’s days shortening by 0.0015 milliseconds per year and the Moon moving away at about 3.8 cm a year. The Moon is no longer slowing its rotation as it is in orbital synchronicity with the Earth. That means that it takes just as long for it to rotate a full 360 degrees on its axis as it does to orbit once round the Earth. Will the Moon move so far out that it may actually leave its orbit altogether? No worries; The Sun is set to explode long before that!

7Thursday, March 4, 2010

Page 8: A1 07 Moon Mercury

Luna: Interior


(red light)

The Moon has a crust (C) which is around 60 km (37 miles) thick on the near side and even thicker on the far side. The mantle (B) extends down to a depth of 1000 km (620 miles). A semi-molten core (A) is probably in the centre...

8Thursday, March 4, 2010

Page 9: A1 07 Moon Mercury

Luna: Interior


(red light)

9Thursday, March 4, 2010

Page 11: A1 07 Moon Mercury

Luna TimelineYears Ago Event

4.5 billion A Mars sized object (about 1/10th the mass of the Earth) impacts the Earth.

4.5 billion The accretion of material thrown into orbit by the impact forms the Moon. Massive impacts heat the moon resulting in differentiation, but eventually a crust forms over magma oceans.

3.8 billion Lowland basins fill with lava, forming the maria.

3.2 billion As the Moon continues to cool, volcanic activity ceases. Meteorites impacts continue--but at an ever decreasing rate--forming fresh craters and lunar regolith.

(based on crater counting and radiometric dating)

11Thursday, March 4, 2010

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Lunar Impact Rate


12Thursday, March 4, 2010

Page 13: A1 07 Moon Mercury

Current Impact Rates


13Thursday, March 4, 2010

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Notable Crater: Tycho

14Thursday, March 4, 2010

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Notable Crater: TychoCopernicus (upper left) and Tycho (lower right), each with extensive ray systems of light colored debris blasted out by the crater-forming impacts. In general, ray craters are relatively young as their rays overlay the lunar terrain. In fact, at 85 kilometers wide, Tycho, with its far reaching rays, is the youngest large crater on the nearside. Crater Copernicus, surrounded by dark mare which contrast nicely with its bright rays, is 93 kilometers in diameter.

15Thursday, March 4, 2010

Page 16: A1 07 Moon Mercury

Notable Crater: Tycho


• The 170 km Baptistina parent body disrupted ~160 My ago in the main asteroid belt and created many fragments.• Many of the 1-10 km fragments

reached a nearby resonance and escaped to the terrestrial planet region. A few hit the Earth and Moon.• These fragments likely produced

the ~65 My old Chicxulub crater on Earth and the ~110 My old Tycho crater on the Moon.

16Thursday, March 4, 2010

Page 17: A1 07 Moon Mercury

Apollo Missions


17Thursday, March 4, 2010

Page 18: A1 07 Moon Mercury


Ice (H2O) on the MoonSurface Temperature Day: 107°C (225°F) Night: 153°C (-243°F)

The Moon has no atmosphere...this means [ice] will rapidly sublime directly into water vapor and escape into space.... Over the course of a lunar day (~29 Earth days), all regions of the Moon are exposed to sunlight [unless you’re] in a permanently shadowed area.

18Thursday, March 4, 2010

Page 19: A1 07 Moon Mercury

You on The Moon


There is no atmosphere to speak of. You will be at the mercy of harmful radiation and meteorites. The temperatures are extreme: 257°F days, -283°F nights. You’ll weigh 1/6th what you do on Earth. (If you weigh 100 lbs on Earth, you’ll weigh only 17 lbs on the moon.)

A “day” will take about 29.5 Earth days. If you can see the Earth, it will be 1.9° on the sky (or 3 1/2 times larger than the moon) and never change its position in the sky, but it will go through phases. It took the Apollo astronauts about three days to get to the moon.

19Thursday, March 4, 2010

Page 20: A1 07 Moon Mercury

LunaLACC §8.2, 4, 5

• Know Luna’s (Earth’s Moon) interior (mantle is solid, core is unusually small) and origin (impact theory)

• Know Luna’s (Earth’s Moon) surface features (highlands, maria, craters, regolith, water ice!) and age (highlands--4.4 billion, maria--3.5 billion; young crater vs old crater)

• Understand the Earth-Moon system: tides, tide locked orbit

An attempt to answer the “big question”: what is out there? Are we alone?

20Thursday, March 4, 2010

Page 21: A1 07 Moon Mercury

LACC HW: Franknoi, Morrison, and Wolff, Voyages Through the Universe, 3rd ed.

• Ch. 8, pp. 192-193: 14.

Due at the beginning of the next class period.

Be thinking about the Solar System Project.

21Thursday, March 4, 2010

Page 22: A1 07 Moon Mercury

MercuryLACC §8.2, 4, 5

• Know Mercury’s interior and origins

• Know Mercury’s surface features and age

• Understand the length of a Mercury day and year

An attempt to answer the “big question”: what is out there? Are we alone?

22Thursday, March 4, 2010

Page 23: A1 07 Moon Mercury


Mercury: A Planet of Craters

This spectacular image ... was snapped [6 Oct 2008] ... about 90 minutes after MESSENGER's closest approach to Mercury, when the spacecraft was at a distance of about 27,000 kilometers (about 17,000 miles)

23Thursday, March 4, 2010

Page 24: A1 07 Moon Mercury

Mercury: Size


Earth Mercury Luna

7926 mi2.54

3032 mi1.0

2160 mi0.71



24Thursday, March 4, 2010

Page 25: A1 07 Moon Mercury

Mercury’s Interior


The metallic core extends from the center to a large fraction of the planetary radius. Radar observations show that the core or outer core is molten.

Image credit: Nicolle Rager Fuller, National Science Foundation

25Thursday, March 4, 2010

Page 26: A1 07 Moon Mercury

Years Ago Event

4.5 billion Mercury forms with an unusually large iron core, either because few lighter elements could condense so close to the sun, or because a catastrophic impact ripped away most of its mantle

4.5 billion The heat of accretion results in differentiation, but eventually Mercury cools and a crust forms. As the planet cools, it shrinks, forming scarps. Many craters still exist from this period within Mercury’s intercrater plains.

3.9 billion The smooth plains form until the crust becomes too thick for vulcanism. The rate of impacts decreases.

(based on crater counting)

Mercury Timelinehttp://www.5min.com/Video/Learn-about-The-Formation-of-

the-Planet-Mercury-117568413 1:19

26Thursday, March 4, 2010

Page 27: A1 07 Moon Mercury

Mercury: Intercrater Plainsvs Smooth Plains


Smooth Plains w/ Young CratersIntercrater Plains w/ Old Craters

Which surface is older? How can you tell?

27Thursday, March 4, 2010

Page 28: A1 07 Moon Mercury

Mercury: Scarps


Ridges, Scarps, Craters

This scarp is about 350 km (220 mi) long and transects two craters.... The maximum height of the scarp south of the [lower] crater is about 3 kilometers. Notice the shallow older crater perched on the crest of the scarp.

28Thursday, March 4, 2010

Page 29: A1 07 Moon Mercury

Mercury: Caloris Basin


The largest surface feature on Mercury is the Caloris Basin, which resulted from a collision with an asteroid. The basin, which is more that 1000 kilometers across, is visible as the large circular feature at the bottom of the above photograph.

29Thursday, March 4, 2010

Page 30: A1 07 Moon Mercury

Mercury: 3:2 Spin-Orbit Resonance


Sidereal rotational period = 58.7 d. (sidereal day)Period of revolution = 88 d. (sidereal year)

“a day” = 176 c. (solar day)

2:3 ratio, spin orbit coupling (58.7/88 = 2/3)Solar day = 3 sidereal days = 2 years

30Thursday, March 4, 2010

Page 31: A1 07 Moon Mercury

You on Mercury


There is no atmosphere to speak of. You will be at the mercy of harmful radiation and meteorites. The temperatures are the most extreme in the solar system: 257°F days, -283°F nights. (Lead melts at 622°F.) The sun is 1.4° on the sky (or 3 times larger than on Earth) and appears 6.7 times brighter. A full “day” will take about 157 Earth days. You’ll weigh just over a 1/3 of what you do on Earth. (If you weigh 100 lbs on Earth, you’ll weigh only 38 lbs on Mercury.)

31Thursday, March 4, 2010

Page 32: A1 07 Moon Mercury

MercuryLACC §8.2, 4, 5

• Know Mercury’s interior (large iron core) and origins (condensation vs impact theory)

• Know Mercury’s surface features (intercrater planes, smooth planes, scarps, Caloris Basin) and age (4.5 billion years)

• Understand the length of a Mercury day (solar--157 days, sidereal--59 days) and year (--88 days): spin-orbit resonance

An attempt to answer the “big question”: what is out there? Are we alone?

32Thursday, March 4, 2010

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