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Final Jeopardy

$100 Question from H1

I live in a country where punctuality is truly important, that’s why we have the Big Ben. What is my nationality?

$100 Answer from H1

What is British?

$200 Question from H1

This is the 2nd largest country in South America. People love us because we are charming. What is our nationality?

$200 Answer from H1

What is Argentinian?

$300 Question from H1

This is the largest country in North America and we love maple leaves. What is our nationality?

$300 Answer from H1

What is Canadian?

$400 Question from H1

Mt. Fiji is here. We like traditions. What is our nationality?

$400 Answer from H1

What is Japanese?

$500 Question from H1

I live in a country which was the home of the Vikings. Our largest city is Copenhagen. What is our nationality?

$500 Answer from H1

What is Danish?

$100 Question from H2

It ___ the most important desert.

$100 Answer from H2

What is the Sahara desert?

$200 Question from H2

My brother and I _________ very close.

$200 Answer from H2


$300 Question from H2

Which _____ your brother’s friends?

$300 Answer from H2

Which are…?

$400 Question from H2

Bill’s cats _____ really fat!

$400 Answer from H2


$500 Question from H2

Correct this sentence:Hes not in my class.

$500 Answer from H2

He is …

$100 Question from H3

It’s the plural of boy…

$100 Answer from H3

What are boys?

$200 Question from H3

It is the plural of dish…

$200 Answer from H3

What are dishes?

$300 Question from H3

It’s the plural of fish…

$300 Answer from H3

What are fish? What are fishes? (different species)

$400 Question from H3

It’s the plural of tooth.

$400 Answer from H3

What are teeth?

$500 Question from H3

It’s the plural of mouse

$500 Answer from H3

What are mice?

$100 Question from H4

This is ___ great idea!

$100 Answer from H4

What is “a”?

$200 Question from H4

This is ____ elephant!

$200 Answer from H4

What is “an”?

$300 Question from H4

What is ___ name of this island?

$300 Answer from H4

What is “the”?

$400 Question from H4

English is ___ universal language.

$400 Answer from H4

What is “a”?

$500 Question from H4

He is ___ FBI agent.

$500 Answer from H4

What is “an”?

$100 Question from H5

___ is Michelle’s pen.

$100 Answer from H5

What is “this”?

$200 Question from H5

_____ are my best friends.

$200 Answer from H5

What are “these”?

$300 Question from H5

_____ modern and popular construction is the most representative of Australia

$300 Answer from H5

What is “this”?It is Sidney’s Opera House

$400 Question from H5

_________ are the 2 most common marsupials that you canfind in Australia

$400 Answer from H5

What are “these”?Kangaroo and koala

$500 Question from H5

____ mammal and ____ plants can only be found in Mexico

$500 Answer from H5

What is “this” and “these”?


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