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What have you found out about conventions of form and genre, and the use of technical elements?

Camerawork Conventions:

• Within many horror trailers/films I have found that close-sup shots are commonly used. They are used as they effectively portray the characters emotions and feelings (which mainly portray fear and anxiety). This enables the audience to develop a closer relationship with the character which therefore makes the film more tense and effective.

• Through carrying out my genre research I have found that mid-shots are commonly used in horror trailers. This is because it enables the producers to show the characters body language which can highlight their emotion at the present time.

• Furthermore, wide-shots are used in horror films so that the audience are able to see the surroundings that the character is in. This is an effective use of making a tense scene as the audience can recognise potential danger or threat when the character are unaware and vulnerable.

• Another camera shot which is frequently used in s two-shot. This is used to contrast the personalities of two characters so the audience is able to distinguish the brave, leader and the character most vulnerable which is typically the female characters.

This close-up demonstrates the characters desperation

Highlights the vulnerability of the child – evokes sympathy

Wide shot enables audience to recognise the danger which the character is unaware of.

This two-shot shows the females vulnerability and the male to be supportive and protecting.

Editing Conventions

• I have found that in horror trailers, fast-paced editing is commonly used in scenes of panic and drama. This is used to build up tension and to make the audience sympathise with the characters at these times of panic and drama.

• This could also be used in reverse effect where slow paced editing is used. This is another effective technique as tension builds up as the audience are waiting for something bad to happen to the characters and by doing this it keeps them on edge and inclined to keep watching.

• Another editing technique which is commonly used is cutting. In scenes of panic and drama it usually cuts between characters to show each of their reaction and the situation that each of the characters are in. This also enables to show a contrast in the characters personalities. For example a character who is screaming and crying will be portrayed differently to a character who is calm and collected.

• A similar editing technique which is also used is cross-cutting- where it cuts to different scenes in a short amount of time. This is used maybe to show different characters in different locations in the situations that they are faced with. This can be used to evoke sympathy and empathy especially if a character is isolated or alone in times of danger.

Mise-en-scene Conventions

• Within horror films/trailers dark clothing is commonly used as they are therefore not easily visible, this can create tension as danger/threat may not be easily noticeable therefore the audience are always on edge with an effective horror film.

• Low key lighting is a common feature of horror films as it adds to the tension and creates a weary atmosphere. Also people commonly associate ‘the dark’ with bad things happening so this technique is effective in portraying a sense of danger.

• Props commonly used: Weapons, religious connotated objects e.g. cross , phones etc. All of these things such as the weapon help add to the danger and threat involved. The religious objects represent supernatural forces that may be involved and the phone may be used to signify desperation and need of help.

Sound Conventions

• A common feature used throughout horror films/trailers is non-diegetic music. This can take two forms: Non-diegetic sound with rising tension and build up. This is where the volume of the sound increase implying higher levels of danger and risk. This is commonly used in fast-paced, dramatic scenes but also in a slow and weary atmosphere /scene.

• Other sound which is commonly used in dialogue usually in a raised manner. This is used to convey panic and worry, this also can involve shouting and screaming which adds to the tension and build up. This technique is very effective as it creates sympathy for the characters as the audience realises there is serious danger and are helpless in the situation.

Also emotion can be portrayed which makes the film so engaging and heart-throbbing to watch.

Also low-key lighting used to emphasise the danger and threat.

Layout Conventions Typography Conventions Image Conventions Conventions of form

• Laid out in the route of the eye.

• Bold, central title – main focus of attention.

• Main image is central and the main focus.

• Important information directed towards the centre of the page.

• Consistent house-style throughout.

• Colours that are conventional to the genre of horror.

• Sans serif font styles.• Title is the largest and

boldest font out of the whole page.

• Specific colour-scheme.

• The main image is central and of main focus.

• Image usually of the main character.

• Bold, engaging, grabs your attention.

• In front of the other text- main focus.

• Usually dark lighting.• Mid-shot/close up.

• Structured in the route of the eye.

• Title, main image, heading, coverlines, masthead, pull quotes.

• Important information is easily visible and obvious to the audience.

• Typical house-style and colour scheme.

Conventions of promotional advertisements

Conventions of a film poster

Conventions of a magazine

Heading/Title: Bright, eye-catching and bold. Also the largest font style so easily visible.

The Title: In the route of the eye, bright and eye-catching, fits with the house-style and image itself.

Dark background: Represents the genre and theme of the film. Very conventional, consistent house-style, makes the image and text stand out which is an effective technique to make the poster visually-appealing.

Main Image: Main importance and focus, stereotypical for a horror film (skull). Its eye-catching and grabs your attention.

Main image: Central and in the eye-line perspective – Clearly the main focus and the main character.

Important text is slightly larger therefore obvious.

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