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    BoschGeo.comnvented for lifePAGE 7APITOL HILL BEACON OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA MARCH 28, 2013EARTH TALK From the Editors ofE / T h e E n v ir o n m e n t a l M a g az i n eDear EarthTalk: What does the budget sequester that recentlytook hold mean for the environment?

    - - J a n e Bu r g o s , L o s An g e le s , C A

    Counselors Taking Lead in DevelopingWhole-School Anti-Bullying Programs

    The sequester that went intoeffect March 1 is a budget mea-sure that cuts federa spendingacross the board to the tune of$85 billion, meaning every fed-era agency is affected and mustreduce discretionary spending.Indeed, the cuts are already hav-ing a negative impact on every-thing from ar quaity monitor-ing to extreme weather responsecapability to staffing at nationaparks.Some of the harshest cuts arestarting to kick in at the Envi-ronmental Protection Agency(EPA). On the chopping blockthere are some critica ar moni-toring sites that check for dan-gerous pollutants like ozoneand particulate matter, as wellas funding the agency has tradi-tionaly given states to monitortheir own air quali ty. The agencyis also reducing the number ofstaffers tasked with monitoringcompliance with environmentalaws, and will do around 1,000fewer inspections accordinglyin 2013.

    Meanwhile, sequester-basedcuts to the Federa EmergencyManagement Agency (FEMA)mean reduced response effortsfollowing weather disasters,which are on the rise due to cli-mate change. Likewise, cuts atthe National Oceanic and At-mospheric Admnistration meanless funding for maintenance

    U.S. Senator Tom Coburn,M.D. will be holding a series oftown hal meetings in Oklaho-ma the first week of April. Dr.Coburn will take questions andaddress important issues forOklahoma and the nation ateach event."I encourage Oklahomans toattend and participate in thesetown halls. With pressing is-sues pertinent to Oklahoma be-ing decided in Washington D.C.every day, these settings giveme an important opportunity tohear directly from the people Iam representing. I look forwardto hearing the concerns of Okla-homans and informing them ofmy legislative efforts in the Sen-ate," sad Dr. Coburn.

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    and operations of some weath-er-monitoring systems, includ-ing the national radar networkused for tornado warnings, anda delay in launching two newsatelites designed to hep tracksevere weather events like hur-ricanes. Also, sequester-basedcuts to funding for the repar orreplacement of decaying waterand wastewater infrastructureare putting local drinking wa-ter at risk in communities fromcoast to coast.One way we'll feel the painthis summer is via staff cuts andclosures at national parks andhistoric sites. Interior SecretaryKen Saazar says the sequesteris responsible for an indefinitedeay in reopening the Statue ofLiberty after Hurricane Sandy(though as of this writing Lib-erty Island will re-open July 4while Ellis Island will remainclosed) and for undermning hisability to fight fires and clean upafter storms.The sequester aso means lessnatural resource management.Fewer funds for fishery stockassessments means Alaskanfisheries may reman closed forlonger than needed given lackof data on fi sh runs. And seques-ter cuts reduce efforts to combatillega overfishing. Meanwhile,the Department of Agriculturewill treat 200,000 fewer acresthis summer for "hazardous

    Wednesday, April 3, 20138:00 9:00 a.m.Guthrie town hal meetingOklahoma Sports Museum315 W. Oklahoma AvenueGuthrie, OK12:00 1:00 p.m.Norman town hal meetingThe Hal at the Ra lhouse102 W. Eufaula StreetNorman, OK6:00 7:00 p.m.Oklahoma City town hallmeetingMetro Tech Technology Cen-ter1900 Springlake DriveOklahoma City, OK

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    fue ," meaning a higher risk ofwildfires.On the energy front, outgoingEnergy Secretary Steven Chureports that the sequester jeop-ardizes ongoing research intoincreasing automobile fue ef-ficiency and reducing gasolineconsumption, in turn slowingdown the country's quest forenergy independence. Also, lessfunding means less oversight ofhydraulic fracturing (fracking)for natura gas and research intothe environmental impacts ofthe practice.Green group leaders are es-pecialy annoyed that under thesequester oil companies get tokeep billions of dollars in tax-payer subsidies while drasticbudget cuts limt the EPA's abil-ity to monitor, limit and cleanup the pollution they cause.Perhaps the one silver lining isa slowdown in the issuance ofnew off-shore oil and gas de-velopment permits given cutsat the Department of Energy.CONTACTS: NRDC Seques-ter Fact Sheet, http://docs.nrdc.org/globalwarming/files/glo_12110801 a.pdf.

    EarthTakis written and ed-ited by Roddy Scheer and DougMoss and is a registered trade-mark of E - The EnvironmentaMagazine

    NominationsOpen for 5thAnnual AARPIndian ElderHonorsAssociation to CelebrateImpact of Elders fromall 39 TribesRecognizing the importantimpact Indian elders have on thefabric of the state, AARP Okla-homa will once ceebrate Indianeders at its Fifth Annua IndianElder Honors.

    The association has an-nounced it is accepting nomna-tions for the Fif th Annual AA RPOklahoma Indian Elder Honorsnow through June 30. Nomi-nations can be made online at:www.aarp.org/okor by mail.Among last year's honoreeswas a 100-year old Comanchefinger-weaving artist, the lastsurviving son of Oklahomagreat J im Thorpe, educators,mnisters and dancers.All nominees must be an en-rolled member of a federally-recognized Oklahoma tribe ornation and must be living. Thosewishing to submit a nominationcan mal an essay detaling howthe nominee has impacted thertribe or community, along with anon-returnable photo, to AARPIndian Elder Honors, 126 N.Bryant, Edmond, OK , 73012.Nominations can also be sub-mitted online by visiting www.aarp.org/okDeadline for nomination isJune 30th. For more informa-tion about the AARP IndianElder Honors, contact MashelSourjohn at 405-715-4474. Weekly SUDOKU

    Answer8 3 9 7 1 2 6 5 45 6 2 4 8 9 1 3 71 4 7 3 6 5 8 9 22 5 1 8 9 4 3 7 67 8 6 2 3 1 5 4 94 9 3 6 5 7 2 8 19 1 4 5 2 8 7 6 36 7 5 1 4 3 9 2 83 2 8 9 7 6 4 1 5

    Bullying in a school is some-thing many people assume isjust a part of the school envi-ronment, that it's been going onforever and there's realy noth-ing much that can be done aboutit. It's just kids beng kids.The truth, however, is that bul-lying can be extremey harmful,it's something that should notbe happening in our schools,and in fact, there is a great deathat can and should be doneabout it.School counselors in recentyears have begun to focus onthe negative effects of bully-ing, both for the person beingpicked on as well as the bullyhimsef or hersef. Counseorshave taken on the role of edu-cational leaders who monitorschool environments and helpcreate or mantan interventionsto promote a positive school en-vironment.Dr. J ulaine Field, an AssociateDean and Associate Professor inCounseing at the University ofColorado, Colorado Springs,focused on this subject as a fea-tured presenter at the AmericanCounseling Association's Na-tiona Conference in Cincinnati,March 21-23, attended by morethan 3,100 counseling profes-sionals

    Programhelps womenfacing prison becomeproductive communitycitizensOKLAHOMA CITY FourOklahoma women who wereonce facing prison chargeshave turned their lives aroundand graduated from a program

    designed to hep them becomeproductive community citizens.ReMerge of Oklahoma Countyheld a graduation ceremonyMarch 25 at the Oklahoma His-tory Center for four participantswho completed the female di-version program designed totransform pregnant women andmothers facing incarcerationinto productive community citi-zens."The first time I heard of theRemerge program, I was in jaland six months pregnant withtwins," said ReMerge gradu-ate DaChelle Black. "I had nosupport of any kind, and I wasjobless, homeless, and alone.Things are very different today.Since coming to ReMerge, I

    have been given the opportunityto change my life. I've been so-ber for over 14 months, I have afull-time job and I pay al of myown bills. The biggest change ishaving my family in my life. Ihave ther love and support, andtoday, I can be proud of who Iam."ReMerge works to removebarriers women face when ras-ing children alone and givethem the tools necessary to rasether children and return back toschool and the workforce. Thefour-phase diversion programis designed to hold women ac-countable while providing themwith services necessary to sup-port ther recovery and promoteresponsible parenting."Through the ReMerge pro-gram, these women have ganeda support system and the oppor-tunity to change their lives for

    In her presentation, "WholeSchool Methods to AddressBullying," Dr. Fied noted thatsome schools struggle with im-plementing anti-bullying initia-tives because they fail to viewbullying as an organizationa is-sue. Instead, many schools tendto focus on individual victimsand perpetrators, try "one time"strategies such as a school as-sembly on bullying, and denyneeding to be involved in bul-lying that occurs before or afterschool hours.Dr. Field called on schoolcounselors to take the lead inanti-bullying efforts through col-laboration with school admin-istrators, teachers, parents andstudents. She emphasized thenegative impact that all formsof bullying can have on the edu-cationa environment and urgedcounselors to lead the way inmaking learning environmentspsychologica ly and physica lysafe for al students.In Dr. Field's view, bullying isnever something which shouldbe ignored because of the last-ing harm it can bring. And intoday's ever-expanding techno-logical age, bullying has eventaken new forms, such as cyber-bullying. Already there havebeen severa cases where teens

    the better," said Terri Woodland,program director of ReMerge."They have learned how to re-connect with ther children andfamilies, rebuild relationshipsand form positive support sys -tems so they can be successfulin life."Former House Speaker KrisSteee, who has been a longtime

    advocate for crimna justice re-form, gave the keynote addressat the graduation ceremony."Oklahoma's corrections sys -tem is in need of change, andprograms like ReMerge areworking to hep break the cycleof incarceration for women inOklahoma County," Steee sad."These women have workedhard to rebuild their lives withthe help of the treatment andsupervision given by ReMerge.I'm proud to see the progressthey have made, and I hope tocongratulate many more womenon their graduation from Re-Merge as this program grows."Program funders include theOahoma Department of Menta

    Health and Substance AbuseServices, the Oklahoma Depart-ment of Corrections, InasmuchFoundation, SandRidge Energy,Chesapeake Energy, George

    L E G A L N O T I C EPublished in the

    Capitol Hill Beacon124 W. C ommerceOklahoma City, Ok. 73109March 21 & 28 2013Storage World No. 1 L.L.C.Sef Storage8908 S. May Ave405-585-3900SALE OF ABANDON PERSONALPROPERTYA Lien Sae will be hed at StorageWorld No.1 L.L.L.C. at 8908 S. MayAve in Oklahoma City, OK, on April6 2013 at 10:00A.M. Terms cash ony.Storage World No.1 L.L.C. reservesthe right to refuse any and al bids.The contents of the following rentaspace(s)/unit will sold at AUCTIONby seaed bids by renta space(s)/unit.Name; Renta Space(s)/Unit Numbers;Addresses.Name: J ames BeesleyRenta Space(s)/Unit D-133Size(s) 5x5Address 3131S.W. 89th St, Apt 5106Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73159

    L E G A L N O T I C EPublished inCapitol Hill BeaconOklahoma City, OkMarch 28. April 4,11. 2013Anyone having an interest Legal/financial in a 1939 Chevy PU. Vin#3CK11 Please call Betty @ EMotors at 405-634-5897. Sale dateApril 27, 2013.

    have been driven to suicide as aresult of online bullyingWhen bullying does occur, inany form, parents should be incontact with the child's school,especialy with the school coun-selor, the person best trainedto deal with these problems.While children may try to dis-courage parents from contact-ing the school ("They'll onlypick on me more!"), the reaityis that bullying usualy doesn't"just stop" by itsef. Schools arelearning to be more effective indeaing with bullying incidents,and counseors are taking great-er roles in developing multi-component, systems-based ap-proaches to implement effectivewhole-school anti-bullying pro-grams.If you feel that bullying hasbeen an issue for a school-agedchild of yours, or if you're sim-ply interested in ensuring thatyour school is encouraging asafe and optimal learning en-vironment, talk to your schoolcounselor about what is beingdone, or still needs to be done.The A merican Counseling A s-sociation is the world's largestorganization devoted exclusive-ly to representing the counse-ing profession with more than53,000 members from across theU.S. and in 80 other countries.

    Kaser Family Foundation, Mr.Tom W ard, N orthCare and Unit-ed Way of Centra Oklahoma.ReMerge currently serves37 women and plans to add 13women to the program by June30, 2013.

    L E G A L N O T I C ECapitol Hill Beacon124 W. CommerceOklahoma City, Ok. 73109March 21 & 28 2013

    IN THE DISTRICT COURT OFOKLAHOMA COUNTYSTATE OF OKLAHOMAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATEOFDAVID WARREN OWENS, JR.,No PB 2013-195DeceasedNOTICE TO CREDITORSTo the Creditors of David WarrenOwens, Jr.:All creditors having cla ms aganstDavid Warren Owens, Jr., Deceased,are required to present the samewith a description of al securityinterests and other collatera (if any)hed by each creditor with respect tosuch cla m, to Katherine ElizabethChandler. Persona Representativeat the law office of Peter S. WhteP.C ., 416 Southwest 79th Street,Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73139,addressed to Pete White attorney forPersona Representative on or beforethe following presentment date: May15, 2013 or the same wil l be foreverbarred.DATED ths 12 day of March, 2013.Katherine E. ChandlerPersona RepresentativeAPPROVED:PETER S. WHITE, P.C.416 Southwest 79th StreetP.O. Box 891038Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73189(405)232-8888ATTORNEY FOR PERSONALREPRESENTATIVEBY Pete Whte-OBA #9547Filed in District CourtOklahoma CountyMarch 12, 2013Tim RhodesCourt Clerk32

    Coburn to Host TownHall Meetings inOklahoma



    First Group of Women Graduate fromPrison Diversion Program

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