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2012 Salary Survey

“The quality of an organisation can never exceedthe quality of the minds that make it up”

Harold R. McAlindon

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SectoR JuMp to pAge pAge

Introduction 3

Outlook 4

Accountancy [Click Here] 5

Financial Services [Click Here] 6

Industry & Commerce [Click Here] 7

Public Practice [Click Here] 8

Tax [Click Here] 9

Banking & Financial Services [Click Here] 10

Compliance & Risk [Click Here] 12

Human Resources [Click Here] 14

Insurance [Click Here] 16

IT & Telecoms [Click Here] 18

Legal [Click Here] 21

Office Support [Click Here] 23

Sales & Marketing [Click Here] 25

Page 3: Ab04 Abrivia Salary Survey


We have made a number of changes to our own business during 2011. As is our

company policy we have continued to grow the company by 25% year on year both

in terms of head count and revenue. We are delighted to say that we strengthened

our team with a number of strategic hires into the IT and Insurance & Actuarial

Markets in order to meet the demand of our clients. We again moved to larger

offices that will allow us to continue to grow over the next 12 months. We will be

rolling out our new website together with our rebrand towards the end of Q1 2012.

Watch this space!

I would like to thank all our existing clients for their continued support. We look

forward to working with you closely and supporting you with any hiring engagements

that you may have during the coming year. Finally feel free to contact any of our

team regarding any questions or queries that you may have on our 2011/2012

Salary Survey.

Warm regards,

Donal O’Brien - MAnAgIng DIREcTOR


We are delighted to say that the year just passed, proved to be extremely

encouraging from a recruitment perspective. The recruitment industry showed a

notable level of increased activity. Again the sentiment could have been described

as optimistic and there certainly seemed to be a sense that “the worst” was well

behind us.

We can only speak from our own experience but Ireland Inc’s reputation particularly

in the US seems to have been well and truly restored. Ireland remains a very

attractive location for multinationals looking to set up operations overseas and

more particularly, a preferential market in which to headquarter their European

business. We are delighted to say that we supported a number of existing and

start up multinationals with high volume recruitment engagements as well as one

off niche hiring requirements.

To back up the increase in the number of multinational recruitment assignments

that we handled the IDA announced in January 2012 a jump of almost 20 per

cent in foreign direct investment (FDI) during 2011 which correlated in 13,000

new jobs being created. IDA Ireland said there was a record number of 148

new investments won during the year across all industry segments. Most

encouragingly, there was an increase of 30% in the number of companies

investing in Ireland for the first time.

That said, the domestic market here still remains “sluggish”. Specific markets that

continue to face challenges due to the continuing drop in consumer spending are

Hospitality and catering, Retail, Manufacturing and construction.

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The recruitment market, although not shielded from the marco-economic outlook,

appears to be in good health facing into 2012. Most sectors are still faced with the

challenges of identifying key resources, with professionals possessing specialised

skill-sets as much in demand as before. According to IBEc, in its survey of Irish

cEOs, approximately one quarter (23%) of companies expect to see increases in

salaries in 2012, with just 5% anticipating a reduction in salaries. These results

reflect Abrivia Recruitment’s experience and feedback for the year ahead too with

some sectors like IT, likely to see its consistent upward trend continue unabated

over the next twelve months.

2012 Abrivia Recruitment


outlook 2012

On a macro-level, 2011 was very much a year of two halves, particularly with

regards to sentiment. The first half of the year showed improved economic figures

and predictions, leading to a belief by many that the corner Ireland has been looking

to turn for some time now had finally arrived. A Eurozone crisis compounded by

actions, and in most cases inactions, from European leaders coupled with less than

favourable Irish exchequer tax returns dealt a significant blow to the summertime


The start of 2012 sees the uncertainty that was prevalent for the second half of

2011 still very much in place in the Irish and world economies. Were the Eurozone

matter to be resolved successfully and over a short period of time, it would give a

real boost to the economic outlook. The US economy did show signs of recovery

toward the second half of 2011. This gives us real optimism that there may be

a general improvement in the world economy. This would undoubtedly have a

positive knock-on effect for the export-reliant Irish economy.

A European-wide piece of legislation, the Agency Workers Directive (AWD), could

have a big impact for the recruitment industry in Ireland in 2012. This is very much

dependent on how it is legislated for by the Dáil. There is every possibility that it

could lead to a decrease in demand for temporary workers to be replaced by an

increase in the number of permanent roles created causing a squeeze upwards in

permanent salaries. Further, this increase may not equal the amount of temporary

roles which potentially might be lost, possibly resulting in a reduction in the number

of people employed.

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aCCOuNTaNCySalary Survey

Abrivia AccountancyPRIncIPAL cOnSULTAnT - Donal O’Brien

MAnAgER PUBLIc PRAcTIcE & TAx - Ross Wynne

MAnAgER InDUSTRY AnD cOMMERcE - Dermot O’Sullivan

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2011 in Review

We saw a slight increase in the volume of roles that we received from in the Accountancy Financial

Services market in 2011. We can point to our own internal numbers and say that specifically there was

a 6% increase in the volume of roles that we received from our clients.

All sectors within the Financial Services market reflected this improved volume of activity which

includes Banking, Insurance and Funds. Overall, salaries and packages remained “steady” with only

some marginal increases for “hard to fill positions”.

candidates that were in demand included Financial Reporting Accountants in Funds with good US and

UK gAAP skills. Many clients were looking for candidates with exposure to Solvency II either within the

domestic market or returning from overseas countries especially the UK. We also saw the continuing

trend in the market of more accountants moving into the areas of compliance, Risk and Internal Audit.

expectAtionS foR 2012

We very much see 2012 as being a year of consolidation in the Accountancy Financial Services

market. There is still significant uncertainty in the financial markets internationally and this coupled

with a challenging domestic financial services environment means that there is likely to be limited

opportunities in the Ireland. Obviously it has been well flagged in the Irish Financial Services sector

that a number of institutions are beginning or will continue to introduce fairly elaborate restructuring


About AbRiviA AccountAncy

The Director of the Abrivia Accountancy Selection Team is Donal O’Brien. Donal trained as a chartered

Accountant with a Top 10 Accountancy firm before working in recruitment. Whilst in recruitment he has

handled senior level appointments in industry and financial services. He has also successfully designed

and managed ‘bespoke’ advertising campaigns on behalf of clients.

sector Dublin 2011 Dublin 2012 Regional 2011 Regional 2012


finance Director 100K - 200K 100K - 200K 80K - 180K 80K - 180K

tax Director 100K - 160K 100K - 160K 80K - 130K 80K - 130K

internal Audit Director 100K - 160K 100K - 160K 80K - 130K 80K - 130K

financial controller 65K - 95K 65K - 95K 55K - 85K 50K - 85K


finance Manager 58K - 72K 58K - 72K 52K - 68K 52K - 68K

product Accountant 58K - 65K 58K - 65K 52K - 60K 52K - 60K

project Accountant 24K - 35K 28K - 35K 44K - 60K 44K - 60K

Systems Accountant 44K - 55K 44K - 55K 42K - 55K 42K - 55K

financial Accountant 43K - 50K 43K - 50K 40K - 48K 40K - 48K

Management Accountant 40K - 46K 40K - 46K 38K - 44K 38K - 44K


Reg Accountant (5 +) 60K - 75K 60K - 75K 55K - 65K 55K - 65K

Reg Accountant (3 - 5) 50K - 60K 50K - 60K 45K - 55K 45K - 55K


Sr fund Accounting Manager 65K - 85K 65K - 85K 60K - 80K 60K - 80K

fund Accounting Manager 50K - 65K 50K - 65K 45K - 60K 45K - 60K

fund Accountant 36K - 46K 36K - 46K 34K - 44K 34K - 44K


treasury Manager 65K - 75K 65K - 75K 60K - 70K 60K - 70K

treasury Accountant 50K - 60K 50K - 60K 55K - 65K 55K - 65K


internal Audit Manager 65K - 80K 65K - 80K 56K - 70K 56K - 70K

internal Auditor 44K - 52K 44K - 52K 40K - 48K 40K - 48K


financial Accountant 32K - 42K 32K - 42K 28K - 36K 28K - 36K

Assistant Accountant 28K - 38K 26K - 36K 24K - 34K 24K - 34K

trainee Accountant 22K - 27K 22K - 27K 20K - 25K 20K - 25K

aCCOuNTaNCy Salary SurveyFiNaNCial ServiCeS

contact Abrivia Accountancy: TEL 01 531 3725 EMAIL [email protected]

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2011 in Review

The 2011 Industry & commerce Accountancy market very much reflected the overall improvement

experienced by the recruitment industry in Ireland. This meant that there was an upward curve for the

number of positions registered by clients with ourselves. In total the Industry & commerce Accountancy

market was up by as much as 12% on 2010 levels and peaked in September 2011.

To the surprise of many clients, certain key accountancy skill sets were still very difficult to find in the

market, one of those being Internal Audit. We found that there appeared to be a shortage of recently

qualified accountants in the market coming from practice and industry. This could be down to the

increased volume of roles in the market and the heightened competition from clients for quality qualified


Sectors that continued to show strong growth included the FMcg, Pharmaceutical and Hi-Tec

industries. given that the export sector remained very strong for much of 2011 it was no surprise that

a large proportion of our clients that were hiring were multinationals and Irish Plc’s. A welcome trend

in the market was that a significant portion of our clients reinstated bonuses. One final trend is that we

noticed more clients coming to us to help them fill mid and junior level finance positions.

expectAtionS foR 2012

The sentiment for most clients is one of cautious optimism. There is a sense that the “worst is over”

from a market perspective. That said the uncertainty over the Eurozone crisis remains very unhelpful.

With this in mind we expect that many of our large and a growing portion of our small and medium sized

clients, who have less exposure to the domestic market, will continue to perform strongly and therefore

look to hire talented finance professionals. It is likely that the demand for recently qualified accountants

from industry will remain high. This will mean that the competition to attract and retain the best young

accountants will again prove difficult for clients.

About AbRiviA AccountAncy

The Director of the Abrivia Accountancy Selection Team is Donal O’Brien. Donal trained as a chartered

Accountant with a Top 10 Accountancy firm before working in recruitment. Whilst in recruitment he has

handled senior level appointments in industry and financial services. He has also successfully designed

and managed ‘bespoke’ advertising campaigns on behalf of clients.

sector Dublin 2011 Dublin 2012 Regional 2011 Regional 2012


finance Director 100K - 200K 100K - 200K 80K - 180K 80K - 180K

Head of tax 100K - 150K 100K - 150K 80K - 130K 80K - 130K

Head of internal Audit 90K - 140K 90K - 150K 80K - 130K 80K - 130K

financial controller 65K - 95K 65K - 95K 55K - 85K 50K - 85K


fp & A Manager 62K - 82K 62K - 82K 55K - 70K 55K - 70K

finance Manager 58K - 72K 58K - 72K 52K - 68K 52K - 68K

project Accountant 50K - 65K 50K - 65K 44K - 60K 44K - 60K

group Accountant 45K - 58K 45K - 55K 42K - 55K 42K - 55K

Systems Accountant 44K - 55K 44K - 55K 42K - 55K 42K - 55K

financial Accountant 42K - 48K 42K - 48K 38K - 46K 38K - 46K

Management Accountant 40K - 46K 40K - 46K 40K - 46K 40K - 46K


internal Audit Manager 58K - 75K 58K - 75K 55K - 62K 55K - 62K

internal Auditor 42K - 50K 42K - 50K 38K - 46K 38K - 46K


financial Accountant 32K - 42K 32K - 42K 28K - 36K 28K - 36K

Assistant Accountant 28K - 38K 26K - 36K 24K - 34K 24K - 34K

trainee Accountant 21K - 26K 21K - 26K 20K - 24K 20K - 24K


payroll Manager 40K - 65K 40K - 65K 35K - 60K 35K - 60K

payroll clerk 27K - 33K 27K - 33K 22K - 31K 22K - 31K

AR/credit control Manager 44K - 70K 44K - 70K 35K - 65K 35K - 65K

Ap Manager 40K - 65K 40K - 65K 35K - 60K 35K - 60K

Ap clerk 23K - 34K 23K - 34K 21K - 32K 21K - 32K

AR clerk 23K - 34K 23K - 34K 21K - 32K 21K - 32K

Accounts Assistant 23K - 34K 23K - 34K 21K - 32K 21K - 32K

trainee Accountant 22K - 27K 22K - 27K 20k - 25K 20k - 25K

aCCOuNTaNCy Salary SurveyiNduSTry & COmmerCe

contact Abrivia Accountancy: TEL 01 531 3722 EMAIL [email protected]

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2011 in Review

2011 was a buoyant year in the practice market. The increase in recruitment, particularly by large firms,

which started in the latter half of 2010 continued right throughout 2011. It was encouraging to note

that larger firms were recruiting across all areas including audit, restructuring, consulting and corporate

finance. Another positive for the sector was that more medium sized firms actively began to engage in

the market.

This may have been in response to losing staff to larger firms/industry as the surplus of candidates

from 2009 has long disappeared. Although cash flow is still a major issue for many, smaller firms have

streamlined to such an extent that they have to replace staff who move on or any pickup in work now

requires a new hire.

For those firms wishing to hire there is a lack of suitably qualified/skilled candidates to satisfy the

demand so we are now again seeing candidates attaining multiple offers. This has recently started

to have an upward pressure on salaries/packages. Small/medium sized firms now often have to offer

higher basic salaries than previously to attract candidates and bonus payments are making a come

back with larger firms albeit not yet at the same levels of a few years ago.

expectAtionS foR 2012

After a year and a half of consolidation and growth in the practice market, 2012 is set up to be another

active period. The main pressure will again be for audit and consultancy staff. We expect further

increases in hires by small & medium sized firms with larger firms continuing to hire aggressively. Unless

there is a dampening effect from the current Eurozone crisis, 2012 will be a tough market for employers

to recruit candidates and the recent upward pressure on salaries may intensify.

About AbRiviA AccountAncy

Ross Wynne is the Business Manager for Abrivia’s specialist Practice and Tax division. Ross has a

number of years’ recruitment experience in the Practice and Tax market where he has recruited for

clients both locally and internationally. He has developed an in-depth knowledge of the market and has

an extensive network of contacts particularly with the ‘Big 4’ and ‘Top 20’ accountancy firms.

sector Dublin 2011 Dublin 2012 Regional 2011 Regional 2012


partner 150K - 250K 150K - 250K 100K - 250K 100K - 250K

Director 80K - 130K 80K - 120K 70K - 120K 70K - 120K

Senior Manager 65K - 85K 65K - 85K 60K - 70K 60K - 70K

Manager 50K - 65K 50K - 65K 48K - 60K 48K - 60K

Assistant Mgr/Sr Accountant 45K - 55K 48K - 53K 40K - 50K 43K - 50K

Senior 36K - 46K 37K - 47K 30K - 42K 33K - 43K

Semi - Senior/finalist 25K - 36K 26K - 36K 22K - 30K 24K - 32K

Audit Junior 19K - 25K 20K - 25K 18K - 23K 19K - 23K

trainee/graduate 17K - 23K 18K - 24K 16K - 20K 16K - 20K

aCCOuNTaNCy Salary SurveyPubliC PraCTiCe

contact Abrivia Accountancy: TEL 01 531 3721 EMAIL [email protected]

Page 9: Ab04 Abrivia Salary Survey


2011 in Review

The past year has seen a marked increase in the number of tax positions created compared to 2010.

Although tax roles in practice are still not plentiful there were a number of hires made at a tax senior and

manager level which is in stark contrast to the years 2009/2010. Interestingly, roles not only became

available with large firms but also with medium sized firms.

Roles were mainly in corporate Tax but as the year moved on positions were further created in VAT

and Personal Tax which is an encouraging sign. The industry market also continued to create new roles

as it has done for the past few years and this added some further buoyancy to the market as a whole.

expectAtionS foR 2012

Looking forward to 2012 it is likely that the trend in an increased volume of roles will continue as long as

there is not another big shock to the financial market. Salaries which stabilised in 2011 will likely not see

significant upward pressure until the small pool of available candidates which remain has disappeared.

Transfer pricing is a particular niche area which we envisage will continue to experience upward salary

pressure as it is extremely difficult to source candidates with this skill set.

About AbRiviA AccountAncy

Ross Wynne is the Business Manager for Abrivia’s specialist Practice and Tax division. Ross has a

number of years’ recruitment experience in the Practice and Tax market where he has recruited for

clients both locally and internationally. He has developed an in-depth knowledge of the market and has

an extensive network of contacts particularly with the ‘Big 4’ and ‘Top 20’ accountancy firms.

sector Dublin 2011 Dublin 2012 Regional 2011 Regional 2012


partner 150K - 250K 150K - 250K 100K - 250K 100K - 250K

Head of tax (industry/financial Services)

100K - 250K 100K - 250K 100K - 150K 100K - 150K

Director 80K - 130K 80K - 140K 70K - 120K 70K - 120K

Senior Manager 65K - 85K 65K - 85K 60K - 70K 60K - 70K

tax Manager (industry/financial Services)

55K - 75K 55K - 75K 50K - 70K 50K - 70K

Manager 50K - 65K 50K - 65K 50K - 60K 50K - 60K

tax Accountant (industry/financial Services

38K - 55K 38K - 55K 42K - 48K 42K - 48K

Assistant Manager 45K - 55K 48K - 53K 40K - 48K 43K - 50K

Senior 36K - 46K 37K - 47K 32K - 42K 33K - 43K

Semi - Senior/finalist 25K - 36K 26K - 36K 24K - 30K 24K - 32K

tax Junior 19K - 25K 20K - 25K 19K - 23K 19K - 23K

trainee/graduate 17K - 23K 18K - 24K 16K - 20K 16K - 20K

aCCOuNTaNCy Salary SurveyTax

contact Abrivia Accountancy: TEL 01 531 3721 EMAIL [email protected]

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baNkiNg & FiNaNCial ServiCeSSalary Survey

Abrivia BankingPRIncIPAL cOnSULTAnT - Robert connolly LLB


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2011 in Review

From an operational point of view, the banking market underwent further restructuring in 2011. In many

cases, this resulted in an increase in recruitment and growth in certain areas – despite the impression

externally of a declining banking and financial services sector. Employment growth in the domestic

Banking and financial services sector was however still very much subdued, mirroring 2009 and

2010. There was a greater focus on new business however, with several institutions creating specific

“enterprise” units with a view to long term recovery.

International entities based or headquartered in Dublin again generated many of the “new roles” coming

to the market. It is interesting to note however that a high volume of newly created positions in 2011

were offered on a fixed term contract basis, perhaps a reflection of the continued uncertainty. Overall

we saw an increase in recruitment between 2010 and 2011 with compliance, operations and collections

being a leading focus from a recruitment perspective.

expectAtionS foR 2012

As with many sectors, it is very difficult to predict an outlook for 2012. We are confident that the gradual

improvement in 2011 will continue throughout the year ahead. Much of our benchmarked expectations

are dependent on the health of the banking and finance sector Europe wide. As a result of this there is

a degree of uncertainty both regarding remuneration and projected employment figures for 2012. We

expect that in key areas remuneration may become a greater issue this year with employers focusing

more on quality over cost. The knock on effect of increased recruitment activity in 2011 and the latter

half of 2010 also means that certain candidate profiles have become more difficult to source, and as

more financial entities begin to hire again this year the competition for top talent is likely to increase.

Ultimately however, job security and long term progression are rated higher by banking professionals

than basic remuneration so increases in salaries across the board are likely to be inconsistent and

lacking in uniformity.

About AbRiviA bAnking & finAnciAl SeRviceS

Abrivia Banking has recruited into the Funds, Banking and finance markets since 2005. We work with

leading domestic and international entities to provide a comprehensive recruitment, search and headhunt

service in a market experience dramatic change. We endeavour to provide an informed approach to

recruitment with highly experienced consultants managing each individual hiring assignment.

sector Dublin 2011 Dublin 2012 Regional 2011 Regional 2012


Manager corporate banking 75K - 100K 75K - 104K 70K - 90K 70K - 90K

Manage private banking 75K - 100K 70K - 96K 70K - 90K 70K - 90K

Senior equity Analyst 65K - 80K 65K - 82K 60K - 75K 60K - 75K

credit Manager 50K - 75K 50K - 75K 45K - 75K 45K - 75K

lending Manager 48K - 65K 45K - 65K 48K - 65K 48K - 65K

lending Administrator 25K - 35K 25K - 35K 22K - 35K 22K - 35K

Relationship Manager 50K - 65K 48K - 67K 40K - 60K 40K - 60K

portfolio Administrator 22K - 38K 22K - 38K 22K - 35K 22K - 35K

credit Analyst 24K - 32K 25K - 34K 22K - 32K 22K - 32K

collections Manager 38K - 60K 42K - 60K 33K - 55K 33K - 55K

collections officer 25K - 33K 25K - 33K 23K - 30K 23K - 30K


Snr commercial lender 50K - 62K 45K - 62K 45K - 60K 45K - 60K

Senior credit Analyst 35K - 55K 35K - 55K 35K - 55K 35K - 55K

Senior underwriter 32K - 55K 30K - 55 32K - 50K 32K - 50K

loan Administrator 24K - 35K 25K - 37K 22K - 32K 22K - 32K

Mortgage Administrator 22K - 28K 22K - 30K 22K - 28K 22K - 28K

customer Service 23K - 30K 24K - 31K 23K - 28K 23K - 28K


Head of treasury 70K - 95K 75K - 110K 70K - 95K 70K - 95K

treasury Manager 50K - 70K 55K - 80K 50K - 75K 50K - 75K

Dealer 33K - 44K 30K - 45K 30K - 55K 30K - 55K

Settlement Supervisor 25K - 35K 25K - 35K 24K - 32K 24K - 32K


vp fund Accounting 75K - 110K 85K - 115K 70K - 86K 70K - 86K

fund Accounting Manager 50K - 70K 50K - 77K 50K - 70K 50K - 70K

Senior fund Accountant 33K - 44K 32K - 46K 33K - 40K 33K - 40K

fund Accountant 22K - 34K 27K - 34K 22K - 34K 22K - 34K


Head of SS 80K - 105K 85K - 110K nA nA

SS Manager 55K - 70K 55K - 75K nA nA

SS Administrator 28K - 33K 25K - 35K 25K - 33K 25K - 33K

Salary SurveybaNkiNg & FiNaNCial ServiCeS

contact Abrivia Banking & Finance: TEL 01 531 3724 EMAIL [email protected]

Page 12: Ab04 Abrivia Salary Survey


COmPliaNCe & riSkSalary Survey

Abrivia compliance & RiskPRIncIPAL cOnSULTAnT - Robert connolly LLB

Page 13: Ab04 Abrivia Salary Survey


2011 in Review

The compliance, risk and regulatory sectors grew substantially in 2011 and for many organisations it

has become a primary area of focus from a recruitment perspective.

Both within professional services and industry, there has been a significant drive to acquire leading

talent to navigate institutions through a new regulatory reality. Across almost every level and industry,

remuneration and benchmarking is being more closely examined with salaries for individuals in key

positions seeing a definite increase. At more senior levels within professional services, strong regulatory

/ enforcement / risk advisory candidates are being offered greater flexibility in terms of packages

(basic salary, car allowance, bonus etc.,). Similarly, within Industry - there is a greater focus on the

wider business impact that highly experienced compliance professionals can offer, and as a result

there is more of an emphasis on obtaining the best person as opposed to strictly staying within salary

guidelines. Lateral experience in specialist areas (Basel, Solvency, IcAPP, MifID) is still highly desirable

to companies especially if they are centralising the compliance function within a single approved person.

expectAtionS foR 2012

While there is some argument that compliance and Risk recruitment will peak in 2012 as a result of

new codes and regulations towards the end of 2011, the indication from clients and professionals is

that the long term health of the industry is good. Whilst there may be some levelling off in the overall

level of recruitment - we envisage a consistent and healthy base level of recruitment to continue well

into next year. An issue we expect to become more prevalent in 2012 surrounds basic qualification and

competency for compliance professionals. A greater focus on academic criteria and overall fitness will

likely impact the selection process and in some instances the requirement for pre-approval is likely to

be a difficult hurdle to overcome. Overall we expect a busy 2012 with similar or greater numbers of new

roles created as against 2011. In line with this, we expect the selection process to be more difficult to

navigate for candidates.

About AbRiviA coMpliAnce & RiSk

Abrivia Legal, compliance & Risk is managed by Robert connolly LLB. Robert is well known within

the market and has a combined background in law and recruitment. Abrivia compliance & Risk enjoys

a reputation as one Ireland’s leading regulatory recruitment teams and has strong connections to the

financial services, insurance and professional service industries.

Salary SurveyCOmPliaNCe & riSk

sector Dublin 2011 Dublin 2012 Regional 2011 Regional 2012


Head of compliance 95K - 165K 100K - 165K 80K - 105K 80K - 105K

Senior compliance Manager 78K - 93K 87K - 96K 60K - 80K 60K - 80K

compliance Manager 62K - 75K 67K - 82K 56K - 74K 56K - 74K

compliance officer 44K - 67K 58K - 70K 40K - 53K 40K - 53K

AMl Specialist 38K - 60K 42K - 63K 30K - 49K 30K - 49K


chief Risk officer 122K - 170K 135K - 170K 80K - 140K 80K - 140K

Senior Risk manager 84K - 105K 90K - 110K 60K - 90K 60K - 90K

Risk Manager (5 - 6 years) 70K - 80K 70K - 85K 50K - 70K 50K - 70K

Risk Analyst 40K - 50K 40K - 55K 30K - 42K 30K - 42K

Risk underwriter 35K - 50K 35K - 55K 28K - 45K 28K - 45K

contact Abrivia compliance & Risk: TEL 01 531 3724 EMAIL [email protected]

Page 14: Ab04 Abrivia Salary Survey


HumaN reSOurCeSSalary Survey

Abrivia Human ResourcesPRIncIPAL cOnSULTAnT - Anne coleman

Page 15: Ab04 Abrivia Salary Survey


2011 in Review

2011 showed limited increases in vacancy numbers, however, on a positive note the stabilisation of the HR

job market experienced in late 2010 did continue with a noticeable reduction in the number of redundancies

in the profession. As a result, we saw a decline in the number of candidates available in the market to take

up contract roles in comparison to the high number of HR job seekers readily available for contract roles in

2009/2010. We also noticed an improvement in overall market confidence which led to the availability of more

HR roles on a permanent basis, as opposed to fixed term contracts, and in turn some more natural movement

of permanently employed HR professionals moving to other permanent roles for career progression. A

significant HR skill in demand in 2011 was compensation & Benefits/Reward with a number of senior level

professionals in this field moving to take on new roles. This demand led to a slight increase in salaries for

these specialists. The other specialist skills sought after were in-house recruitment, talent development and

organisational development. On the flip side, competition for generalist HR roles at all levels remains strong.

Unfortunately, entry level and junior HR opportunities continue to be very limited. With many HR graduates

unable to secure a role, it leaves them faced with the tough reality of securing a role outside their chosen field

of study. This has, however, led to a lack of candidates at the 2-3 years’ experience level.

expectAtionS foR 2012

Our expectations for the HR job market remain similar to the trends experienced for 2011 although it will be

very dependent on overall economic performance and confidence. We expect the number of permanent

roles on offer to increase, albeit marginally, provided general market confidence continues to grow. For the

generalist HR market, we expect competition for premium roles to continue in 2012. Many of our clients

are using experience in similar roles / industries as a shortlisting criteria and we expect this practice to

remain common. Areas of specialism we expect to be in demand in 2012 will be compensation & Benefits/

Reward, change Management, Organisational Development and Talent Management. We do not expect

to see any significant base salary increases for HR professionals. We envisage a possible re-emergence of

performance bonuses which have been significantly lacking in the past few years.

About AbRiviA HuMAn ReSouRceS

Anne coleman manages Abrivia’s Specialist HR Recruitment division. Anne has over 10 years

experience in the Recruitment & HR Industries, has managed the HR team within one of Ireland’s largest

recruitment consultancies and has also gained experience within a HR consultancy. Since establishing

Abrivia’s HR division in early 2010, Abrivia has become one of the top consultancies associated with

recruiting for the HR profession in the Irish market. Our HR division recruits for generalist and specialist

HR roles, from Administrator to Director level and across the full spectrum of industries and sectors.

Salary SurveyHumaN reSOurCeS

contact Abrivia Human Resources: TEL 01 531 3723 EMAIL [email protected]

sector Dublin 2011 Dublin 2012 Regional 2011 Regional 2012


HR Director 80K - 130K 80K - 130K 80K - 110K 80K - 110K

HR Manager 55K - 80K 60K - 80K 55K - 70K 55K - 70K

HR business partner 50K - 70K 55K - 70K 50K - 65K 50K - 65K

HR generalist 40K - 55K 45K - 55K 40K - 50K 40K - 50K

HR officer 30K - 38K 30K - 40K 30K - 35K 30K - 38K

HR Admin 22K - 27K 23K - 28K 22K - 26K 22K - 27K


Director 90K - 110K 90K - 120K 90K - 110K 90K - 120K

Manager 60K - 80K 65K - 90K 60K - 75K 65K - 85K

Specialist 40K - 55K 40K - 60K 40K - 50K 40K - 55K

Administrator 28K - 33K 30K - 35K 27K - 32K 30K - 35K


Manager 50K - 70K 55K - 75 50K - 65K 55K - 72K

Specialist 30K - 50K 35K - 55K 30K - 45K 35K - 50K

Administrator 22K - 30K 24K - 30K 22K - 28K 23K - 29K


Head of l&D 70K - 100K 75K - 105K 70K - 95K 70K - 95K

Manager 55K - 75K 58K - 75K 55K - 65K 55K - 68K

Specialist 35K - 50K 38K - 55K 35K - 45K 35K - 48K


Manager 55K - 75K 60K - 80K 50K - 60K 50K - 72K

Senior consultant 45K - 55K 48K - 57K 40K - 50K 40K - 52K

consultant 33K - 42K 35K - 45K 32K - 40K 32K - 43K


Head of oD 90K - 110K 90K - 120K 80K - 100K 90K - 110K

iR/eR Manager 70K - 90K 65K - 95K 65K - 85K 65K - 85K

Page 16: Ab04 Abrivia Salary Survey


iNSuraNCe & aCTuarialSalary Survey

Abrivia Insurance & ActuarialPRIncIPAL cOnSULTAnT - Mark Egan

Page 17: Ab04 Abrivia Salary Survey


2011 in Review

The Insurance Industry has been less affected by the type of fundamental transformations which have

changed the face of other sectors. Whilst the volume of new roles is at a three year high, redundancies

and salary reductions still remain prevalent. On a more positive note, the insurance recruitment industry

has seen a healthy growth in 2011. Whilst the industry has a long way to go to reach the heights of 2007,

I feel it is also important to note that more technical roles have seen a notable increase in recruitment and


Qualified actuary roles, particularly those with Solvency II and IcAAP experience, have proved most

difficult to fill during 2011. This in turn has lead to companies having to increase their salaries in order to

secure the services of suitable candidates. Apart from the more technical roles the insurance industry for

2011 has remained relatively stagnant in terms of salaries, but on a more promising note the personal line

brokers and insurance sales roles have occupied a large portion of our successfully placed candidates

this year. This is mainly due to the increased competition in the general insurance market and also peoples

willingness to shop around for more competitive premiums. In addition to this, companies based in Ireland

which service the worldwide market have seen a significant growth during 2011, with a specific demand

for candidates with relevant experience and a second language.

expectAtionS foR 2012

It is hard to predict what 2012 will bring. Feedback from our clients is generally positive with an indication

that several entities who did not hire throughout 2011 are expecting growth during 2012. Areas with a need

for a more technically qualified candidate and also companies with a more international aspect to their

business will continue to hire on a consistent basis, but importantly the domestic market should see a good

level of hiring this year which in turn should broaden the options available to candidates.

About AbRiviA inSuRAnce & ActuARiAl

Abrivia Insurance and Actuarial has been established in the market for the past 7 years, with clients

ranging from small to medium brokers to large multi- national insurers. Mark Egan is the Insurance and

Actuarial Recruitment consultant for Abrivia. Mark has a number of years experience in the Insurance

industry, having worked for some of the market leading brokerages in the general insurance market.

Salary SurveyiNSuraNCe & aCTuarial

contact Abrivia Insurance & Actuarial: TEL 01 531 3728 EMAIL [email protected]

sector Dublin 2011 Dublin 2012 Regional 2011 Regional 2012


operations Manager 80K - 115K 80K - 115K 75K - 110K 80K - 115K

Senior underwriter 50K - 68K 50K - 70K 48K - 65K 48K - 68K

underwriting Manager 50K - 60K 50K - 65K 48K - 55K 48K - 60K

underwriter 25K - 30K 25K - 30K 25K - 30K 25K - 30K

claims Handler 25K - 34K 27K - 35K 25K - 34K 25K - 34K

loss Adjuster 26K - 40K 28K - 40K 26K - 35K 26K - 35K

Acc Handler 28K - 40K 28K - 40K 24K - 35K 24K - 35K

Acc executive 35K - 50K 35K - 50K 28K - 45K 28K - 45K

personal line broker 34K - 54K 35K - 55K 30K - 50K 30K - 50K

corporate broker 30K - 55K 30K - 55K 28K - 45K 28K - 45K


Senior pensions consultant 85K - 120K 85K - 120K 85K - 110K 85K - 120K

pensions consultant 26K - 34K 30K - 38K 26K - 32K 28K - 34K

pensions Admin 28K - 50K 28K - 50K 26K - 48K 26K - 48K

life Admin 25K - 35K 28K - 35K 24K - 34K 26K - 35K


pricing Specialist 85K - 105K 90K - 110K 80K - 100K 85K - 105K

chief Actuary 111K - 176 120K - 190K 105K - 170K 113K - 180K

Manager 98K - 125K 105K - 135K 92K - 119K 100K - 129K

Qual Actuary 80K - 100K 90K - 110K 65K - 85K 75K - 95K

nQ Actuary 65K - 88K 72K - 95K 48K - 71K 55K - 79K

trainee Actuary 30K - 45K 30K - 45K 30K - 45K 30K - 45K

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iT & TeleCOmSSalary Survey

Abrivia It & telecomsPRIncIPAL cOnSULTAnT - cormac Moore

REcRUITMEnT cOnSULTAnT - Peter Domican

Page 19: Ab04 Abrivia Salary Survey


2011 in Review

2011 was a buoyant year for the IT industry and for professionals working within the industry. One

merely has to look at the consistent stream of weekly notices of new IT jobs being announced, to realise

the strength of the industry in Ireland at the moment. The industry’s strengths also highlighted some

of its current weaknesses; the most pronounced being the lack of skilled candidates available to take

up many new roles created in 2011. This could become a chronic problem in the future if the numbers

of students taking up IT courses remains at its already dangerously low levels. 2011 followed a similar

pattern to 2010 with an upward movement in remuneration for IT professionals. Software Developers

such as Java and .nET Developers were particularly sought after, resulting in significant changes

to their salaries and daily rates. People working in areas in IT that had not experienced increases

since 2008 also saw their fortunes changing for the better in 2011. Infrastructure/Support and Project

Management/Business Analysis professionals would be included in this category. By the end of the

2011, with many IT jobs unfilled for months and the significant increase in contract roles being made

available, the demand for IT professionals far exceeds the supply.

expectAtionS foR 2012

On the face of it, 2012 is likely to follow a similar path to 2011. Since 2000, there have been too few

people completing IT third level courses in Ireland. There is a genuinely dangerous skill shortage in

the IT industry currently. With the need for IT professionals likely to remain as high, if not higher, than

in 2011, increases in salaries and daily rates will be expected to continue in 2012. The major danger

to a downward projection in this forecast would be changes brought by the overall economy. With the

Eurozone and world outlook looking extremely volatile as we face into 2012, the pillar of Irish sectors

that is the IT industry could be adversely affected by events outside of its control.

About AbRiviA it & telecoMS

Abrivia IT and Telecoms specialises in the placement of permanent and contract IT and Telecoms

professionals across the public and private sectors with many of Ireland’s leading companies. Abrivia

IT and Telecoms is managed by cormac Moore. cormac, a Bcomm graduate, has over 10 years

experience in IT recruitment with companies such as IBM, Sun Microsystems, Select Australia, IT

Alliance, Eden Recruitment and Verkom Recruitment. Having worked in internal recruitment roles,

IT management consulting positions as well as with some of Ireland’s leading recruitment agencies,

cormac has a wide breath of experience and success in helping organisations find key IT resources to

drive their business forward.

Salary SurveyiT & TeleCOmS PermaNeNT

contact Abrivia IT & Telecomsl: TEL 01 531 3726 EMAIL [email protected]

sector Dublin 2011 Dublin 2012 Regional 2011 Regional 2012


cto 90K - 140K 100K - 150K 80K - 130K 90K - 140K

Software Development Manager 75K - 120K 80K - 130K 70K - 110K 75K - 120K

programme Manager 70K - 100K 75K - 100K 65K - 90K 70K - 100K

project Manager 50K - 85K 55K - 90K 45K - 75K 50K - 85K

infrastructure/Support Manager 40K - 80K 45K - 85K 40K - 75K 40K - 80K

business Analyst 40K - 70K 45K - 75K 35K - 65K 40K - 70K

Systems Analyst 40K - 70K 45K - 75K 35K - 65K 40K - 70K


technical Architect 50K - 100K 55K - 110K 50K - 90K 50K - 100K

Java/J2ee 30K - 80K 35K - 90K 30K - 70K 30K - 80K

vb/.net/c# 30K - 80K 35K - 90K 30K - 70K 30K - 80K

c/c++ 28K - 60K 30K - 70K 25K - 55K 28K - 60K

oracle/SQl 30K - 70K 35K - 75K 30K - 60K 30K - 70K

Datawarehousing/business intelligence

30K - 80K 35K - 90K 30K - 70K 30K - 80K

web Development 30K - 65K 30K - 70K 25K - 60K 30K - 65K

Mainframe 30K - 60K 30K - 60K 25K - 50K 25K - 50K


Helpdesk/Desktop Support 25K - 45K 25K - 45K 22K - 40K 22K - 40K

Systems Administrator 30K - 50K 35K - 55K 28K - 45K 30K - 50K

unix/linux Admin 30K - 60K 35K - 65K 30K - 55K 30K - 60K

network Specialist 30K - 70K 35K - 75K 30K - 65K 30K - 70K

Security Specialist 30K - 70K 35K - 75K 30K - 65K 30K - 70K

virtualisation Specialist 30K - 70K 35K - 77K 30K - 65K 30K - 70K

Database Administrator 30K - 65K 35K - 70K 30K - 60K 30K - 65K

Page 20: Ab04 Abrivia Salary Survey


Salary SurveyiT & TeleCOmS CONTraCT

Salary SurveyiT & TeleCOmS PermaNeNT

Salary SurveyiT & TeleCOmS CONTraCT

contact Abrivia IT & Telecomsl: TEL 01 531 3726 EMAIL [email protected]

sector Dublin 2011 Dublin 2012 Regional 2011 Regional 2012

DEVELOPMEnT & DESIgn E (Daily Rate) E (Daily Rate) E (Daily Rate) E (Daily Rate)

technical Architect 400 - 700 450 - 800 350 - 600 400 - 700

Java/J2ee 250 - 600 300 - 700 250 - 500 250 - 600

vb/.net/c# 250 - 600 300 - 700 250 - 500 250 - 600

c/c++ 250 - 550 300 - 600 250 - 500 250 - 550

oracle/SQl 250 - 600 300 - 700 250 - 500 250 - 600


250 - 600 300 - 700 250 - 500 250 - 600

web Development 200 - 450 250 - 500 200 - 400 200 - 450

Mainframe 200 - 400 200 - 400 200 - 350 200 - 350


Helpdesk/Desktop Support 150 - 300 150 - 300 120 - 250 120 - 250

Systems Administrator 200 - 350 250 - 400 180 - 300 200 - 350

unix/linux Admin 250 - 400 250 - 450 200 - 350 250 - 400

network Specialist 250 - 450 250 - 500 200 - 400 250 - 450

Security Specialist 250 - 450 250 - 500 200 - 400 250 - 450

virtualisation Specialist 250 - 450 250 - 500 200 - 400 250 - 450

Database Administrator 250 - 450 250 - 500 200 - 400 250 - 450


SAp functional consultant 300 - 600 300 - 650 250 - 550 300 - 600

SAp AbAp programmer 300 - 600 300 - 650 250 - 550 300 - 600

oracle financials businessAnalyst

300 - 600 300 - 650 250 - 550 300 - 600

oracle financials technicalconsultant

300 - 600 300 - 650 250 - 550 300 - 600

eRp (other) consultant 250 - 550 300 - 600 250 - 500 250 - 550

navision consultant 300 - 600 300 - 650 250 - 550 300 - 600

cRM consultant 300 - 550 300 - 650 250 - 500 300 - 550


test/QA Manager 250 - 500 300 - 550 200 - 450 250 - 500

test/QA team leader 200 - 400 250 - 450 200 - 350 200 - 400

QA engineer 150 - 350 200 - 400 150 - 300 150 - 350

localisation engineer 100 - 250 100 - 250 100 - 220 100 - 220

sector Dublin 2011 Dublin 2012 Regional 2011 Regional 2012


SAp functional consultant 35K - 70K 40K - 75K 30K - 65K 35K - 70K

SAp AbAp programmer 35K - 65K 40K - 70K 30K - 60K 35K - 65K

oracle financials business Analyst

35K - 70K 40K - 75K 30K - 65K 35K - 70K

oracle financials technicalconsultant

35K - 65K 40K - 70K 30K - 60K 35K - 65K

eRp (other) consultant 30K - 60K 35K - 65K 25K - 55K 30K - 60K

navision consultant 35K - 65K 40K - 70K 30K - 60K 35K - 65K

cRM consultant 30K - 65K 35K - 70K 30K - 60K 30K - 65K


test/QA Manager 45K - 65K 50K - 70K 40K - 60K 45K - 65K

test/QA team leader 40K - 55K 45K - 60K 35K - 50K 40K - 55K

QA engineer 25K - 50K 30K - 55K 22K - 45K 25K - 50K

localisation engineer 22K - 40K 22K - 40K 22K - 40K 22K - 40K

sector Dublin 2011 Dublin 2012 Regional 2011 Regional 2012

SEnIOR APPOInTMEnTS E (Daily Rate) E (Daily Rate) E (Daily Rate) E (Daily Rate)

cto 500 - 1,000 600 - 1,100 500 - 900 500 - 1,000

Software Development Manager 400 - 900 500 - 1,000 400 - 800 400 - 900

programme Manager 400 - 800 450 - 900 400 - 700 400 - 800

project Manager 300 - 750 350 - 800 250 - 650 300 - 750

infrastructure/Support Manager 250 - 700 300 - 750 250 - 600 250 - 700

business Analyst 250 - 600 300 - 700 200 - 550 250 - 600

Systems Analyst 250 - 600 300 - 700 200 - 550 250 - 600

Page 21: Ab04 Abrivia Salary Survey


legalSalary Survey

Abrivia legalPRIncIPAL cOnSULTAnT - Robert connolly LLB

Page 22: Ab04 Abrivia Salary Survey


2011 in Review

certain sectors of the legal market improved during 2011 with a higher number of firms actively recruiting

into several practice sectors. This contrasts to the legal market in general which is still experiencing

generally lower salaries for fee earners despite performance expectations still being high. Overall in 2011

we witnessed a significant increase in the number of new practice positions created, and unlike 2010 –

many of these positions were at more junior levels. Despite this the number of roles being created is still

some way off the peak of the market 4-5 years’ ago. The in-house market mirrored 2010 in that a steady

number of new roles were created, many of which were contract positions. A number of senior industry

appointments were made this year which is highlighted by an increase in the upper band of remuneration

for positions like Head of Legal / general counsel. Reflecting on the year gone by, things have improved

faster than we predicted this time last year, both in terms of the number of solicitors for whom we found

roles, the experience levels sought and the remuneration companies in some circumstances were

prepared to offer. In light of this trend– we are setting higher expectations for 2012.

expectAtionS foR 2012

The larger corporate firms showed that the re-bound towards the end of 2010 was not to be short lived and

while things remain tight, optimism is far higher, with a greater percentage of firms in the top 30 indicating

that they would make growth hires next year. A number of our clients have engaged with us this year with

respect to salary benchmarking queries and this may indicate that greater emphasis is being placed on

reward as firms compete for lawyers with impressive billing records. From an in-house perspective – 2012

should be an interesting year as more solicitors cross specialise in the areas of compliance and regulatory

law. We expect that a greater number of solicitors will move in-house under the title of compliance in 2012

than previously, but the possible levelling off we have seen in the number of “due diligence / security review”

positions may mean that numbers do not change dramatically across the market.

About AbRiviA legAl

Abrivia Legal is managed by Robert connolly LLB. Robert is well known within the legal market and has

a combined background in law and recruitment. Robert works for the leading practice firms in Ireland

and has a strong network of industry clients producing requirements for legal professionals at all levels

from newly qualified to Equity Partner and Head of Legal.

Salary Surveylegal

contact Abrivia Legal: TEL 01 531 3724 EMAIL [email protected]

sector Dublin 2011 Dublin 2012 Regional 2011 Regional 2012


Salary partner 95K - 165K 97K - 165K 80K - 105K 80K - 105K

7pQe + 78K - 93K 87K - 96K 60K - 80K 60K - 77K

5pQe + 62K - 75K 67K - 82K 56K - 74K 56K - 74K

3pQe + 44K - 67K 58K - 70K 40K - 53K 40K - 55K

1 - 2pQe 38K - 60K 42K - 63K 30K - 49K 30K - 49K

nQ 30K - 50K 36K - 54K 28K - 42K 28K - 42K

trainee Salaries 24K - 36K 26K - 38K 23K - 27K 23K - 27K

legal executive 24K - 35K 28K - 35K 23K - 30K 23K - 30K

co Sec Manager 50K - 80K 50K - 80K 35K - 55K 35K - 55K

co Sec 3+ 35K - 45K 35K - 45K 27K - 35K 27K - 35K

nQ co Sec 28K - 32K 28K - 35K 23K - 28K 23K - 28K

trainee co Sec 24K - 28K 25K - 28K 23K - 25K 23K - 25K


Head of legal 90K - 155K 90K - 167K 80K - 135K 80K - 140K

general counsel 78K - 115K 75K - 128K 65K - 95K 60K - 95K

Senior legal Advisor 60K - 90K 60K - 90K 56K - 74K 56K - 74K

Junior legal Advisor 40K - 65K 45K - 72K 35K - 50K 35K - 50K

company Secretary 70K - 98K 70K - 96K 30K - 49K 30K - 49K

Assistant co Sec 50K - 70K 50K - 65K 28K - 42K 28K - 42K

Junior co Sec 30K - 40K 30K - 40K 23K - 27K 23K - 27K

Page 23: Ab04 Abrivia Salary Survey


OFFiCe SuPPOrTSalary Survey

Abrivia office supportPRIncIPAL cOnSULTAnT - John Mansell

Page 24: Ab04 Abrivia Salary Survey


2011 in Review

In 2011 temporary rather than permanent hires were preferential due to the uncertainty that continued

in the Irish economy throughout the year. This was notable within large organisations in the Insurance,

Financial and Banking industries, as the practice of taking in temporary staff to cover holidays and long

term sick leave returned to the market place. This coupled with temporary staff hired to cover project

driven requirements accounted for the increase in temporary staff being employed. Opportunities for

well qualified and flexible data entry, sales support and strong administrators also remained available

across all sectors.

Traditional areas such as legal, accountancy, insurance and banking secured professional and

experienced PA’s on longer rather than short term contracts. These new working conditions allowed

for greater flexibility for both companies and candidates. Salaries for temporary and contract staff

have remained stable, with increases for high level operational managers and experienced personal /

executive assistants.

expectAtionS foR 2012

2012 will continue in a similar vein as 2011 with a large focus again on recruiting sales support, sales

administration and data entry staff. clients will not only seek to hire candidates with the right attributes

but will also look for people with strong commercial acumen who can add value to the business now

and at a future date.

There will be a slight increase in permanent hires due to the new agency directive that was introduced

during 2011, however, on the reverse this may have a negative effect on the temporary market.

About AbRiviA office SuppoRt

Abrivia‘s Office Support Team specialises in the placement of permanent, temporary and contract office

support professionals across the public and private sectors with many of Ireland’s leading companies.

Salary SurveyOFFiCe SuPPOrT

contact Abrivia Office Support: TEL 01 531 3727 EMAIL [email protected]

sector Dublin 2011 Dublin 2012 Regional 2011 Regional 2012


executive Assistant 35K - 55K 35K - 55K 33K - 35K 33K - 35K

personal Assistant 30K - 50K 30K - 50K 33K - 35K 33K - 35K

Receptionist 20K - 28K 20K - 32K 23K - 25K 23K - 25K

office / Admin Manager 30K - 45K 30K - 45K 28K - 30K 28K - 30K

Secretaries 20K - 40K 20K - 40K 24K - 26K 24K - 26K

Data entry clerks 20K - 27K 20K - 30K 20K - 22K 20K - 24K

Administrators 21K - 33K 21K - 35K 23K - 25K 23K - 26K

office clerk 20K - 28K 20K - 28K 20K - 22K 22K - 24K

customer Services Representative

20K - 28K 20K - 28K 22K - 24K 22K - 24K

legal Secretaries 22K - 34K 22K - 36K 22K - 24K 24K - 26K

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SaleS & markeTiNgSalary Survey

Abrivia sales & marketingPRIncIPAL cOnSULTAnT - John Mansell

Page 26: Ab04 Abrivia Salary Survey


2011 in Review

2011 proved a much stronger sales recruitment market than 2010. The increase in recruitment,

particularly by large and industry leading companies within the IcT, B2B, FMcg, Financial Services

and Medical sectors , which started during the last quarter of 2010 continued right throughout 2011. It

was notable that larger companies were recruiting additional resources within their Sales & Marketing

teams at all levels. This owed much to increased confidence across various industry sectors with the

exception being Engineering and construction. The Sales & Marketing sector during the first half of

2011 remained an employers’ market but this changed notably during the final quarters where there was

a recognisable shortage of skilled professionals on the move at all levels. This shortage was apparent

as companies’ recruitment and selection processes were largely focused on selecting candidates that

have prior or current industry knowledge and experience. Basic salaries in 2011 remained consistent

with 2010 levels with only some very minor increases as companies opted to provide a more rewarding

bonus, commission and performance based package.

expectAtionS foR 2012

The expectations for 2012 will follow a similar pattern to 2011 with the IcT, FMcg, Financial Services

and Medical sectors continuing their current recruitment trend. These sectors will face a continued

challenge in sourcing the right candidates. The B2B sector will remain open to selecting candidates

that have worked in alternative sectors and will hire based on candidate’s personality, ability, proven

sales and marketing achievements. Turnover in staff will also remain low as companies and industries

continue to stabilise but with an added focus on growth within sales and marketing teams during 2012.

Due to the shortage of candidates that are willing to move within the same industry sectors, 2012

will encourage companies to increase basic salaries and bonus packages. This will need to happen;

otherwise companies will not be able to compete with their competitors for staff. This will also force

employers to re-evaluate their current selection criteria and break the current trend as the shortage


About AbRiviA SAleS & MARketing

Abrivia Sales & Marketing is managed by John Mansell. John is highly regarded across various industry

sectors within the UK & Ireland. John has been recruiting Sales & Marketing professionals at all levels for

over 10 years. The Sales & Marketing team offer bespoke recruitment solutions to a range of indigenous

and multinational clients across the whole of Ireland. We have been retained by international clients

to work on overseas recruitment engagements for the UK, germany and the US. While we are a local

recruitment consultancy we have a global reach.

Salary SurveySaleS & markeTiNg

contact Abrivia Sales & Marketing: TEL 01 531 3727 EMAIL [email protected]

sector Dublin 2011 Dublin 2012 Regional 2011 Regional 2012


Sales Director 100K - 160K 100K - 160K 120K - 122K 130K - 132K

Sales Account Director 70K - 100K 75K - 110K 85K - 87K 85K - 87K

Sales Manager 55K - 80K 60K - 80K 60K - 62K 60K - 62K

corporate Account Manager 50K - 60K 50K - 70K 55K - 57K 55K - 57K

Account Manager 38K - 60K 35K - 60K 43K - 45K 40K - 42K

business Development Manager 35K - 55K 35K - 60K 45K - 47K 45K - 50K

internal Account Manager 28K - 35K 26K - 35K 28K - 30K 28K - 30K

telesales - outbound 25K - 32K 25K - 34K 25K - 27K 26K - 28K

telesales - inbound 23K - 28K 23K - 28K 24K - 26K 24K - 26K


Marketing Director 75K - 110K 75K - 100K 80K - 82K 80K - 82K

Marketing Manager 60K - 80K 60K - 80K 65K -67K 60K - 62K

pR / communications Manager 50K - 70K 50K - 70K 55K - 57K 55K - 57K

product / brand Manager 45K - 70K 45K - 65K 50K - 52K 50K - 52K

Marketing executive 28K - 50K 28K - 50K 38K - 40K 40K - 42K


Sales Director 100K - 160K 100K - 160K 130K - 132K 130K - 132K

national Sales Manager 75K - 95K 70K - 100K 80K - 82K 80K - 82K

Regional Sales Manager 55K - 80K 50K - 80K 64K - 66K 65K - 67K

key Account Manager 45K - 60K 45K - 60K 48K - 50K 50K - 52K

business Development Manager 38K - 50K 40K - 50K 45K - 47K 45K - 47K

telesales - outbound 23K - 28K 25K- 28K 25K - 27K 25K - 27K

telesales - inbound 22K - 28K 22K - 28K 23K - 25K 23K - 25K

Page 27: Ab04 Abrivia Salary Survey


Salary SurveySaleS & markeTiNg

sector Dublin 2011 Dublin 2012 Regional 2011 Regional 2012


Marketing Manager 54K - 70K 55K - 70K 58K - 60K 58K - 60K

brand Manager 45K - 65K 45K - 65K 48K - 50K 48K - 50K

product Manager 45K - 65K 45K - 75K 58K - 62K 60K - 62K


Account Manager / Director 100K - 110K 100K - 120K 100K - 105K 100K - 105K

Area Sales Manager 60K - 85K 60K - 85K 78K - 80K 78K - 80K

Sales Manager 55K - 80K 55K - 80K 58K - 60K 63K - 65K

business Development Manager 50K - 80K 50K - 80K 63K - 65K 63K - 65K

Sales Representative 42K - 55K 42K - 55K 45K - 47K 45K - 47K

telesales 25K - 30K 25K - 30K 24K - 26K 24K - 26K


Marketing Manager 50K - 70K 50K - 70K 63K - 65K 63K - 65K

brand Manager 40K - 65K 40K - 65K 48K - 50K 48K - 50K

product Manager 40K - 80K 40K - 80K 48K - 50K 48K - 52K


Sales Manager 40K - 70K 40K - 70K 58K - 60K 48K - 55K

Area Sales Manager 35K - 50K 35K - 50K 38K - 40K 33K - 38K

business Development Manager 32K - 45K 32K - 45K 38K - 40K 36K - 38K

Sales Representative 32K - 45K 30K - 45K 38K - 40K 36K - 38K

telesales 22K - 30K 22K - 30K 21K - 23K 21K - 23K


Marketing Manager 55K - 70K 55K - 70K 58K - 60K 58K - 60K

Marketing executive 30K - 50K 30K - 50K 40K - 42K 40K - 42K

sector Dublin 2011 Dublin 2012 Regional 2011 Regional 2012


Marketing Director 75K - 100K 75K - 100K 78K - 80K 78K - 80K

Marketing Manager 55K - 80K 55K - 80K 53K - 55K 53K - 55K

pR / communications Manager 50K - 70K 50K - 70K 53K - 55K 53K - 55K

product / brand Manager 44K - 65K 45K - 65K 50K - 52K 50K - 52K

Marketing executive 25K - 50K 25K - 50K 33K - 35K 33K - 35K


Sales Director 60K - 80K 60K - 80K 63K - 65K 63K - 65K

national Sales Manager 50K - 70K 50K - 80K 63K - 65K 63K - 65K

Regional Sales Manager 50K - 60K 50K - 60K 56K - 58K 56K - 58K

key Account Manager 45K - 55K 40K - 60K 48K - 50K 48K - 50K

territory Manager 30K - 45K 30K - 45K 36K - 38K 38K - 40K

Sales Representative 28K - 37K 25K - 38K 32K - 34K 30K - 32K

van Sales 25K - 35K 25K - 35K 30K - 32K 30K - 32K

Merchandiser 20K - 27K 20K - 27K 23K - 35K 23K - 25K

telesales 20K - 26K 20K - 26K 20K - 22K 20K - 22K


Marketing Manager 50K - 70K 50K - 70K 53K - 55K 53K - 55K

brand Manager 45K - 60K 45K - 60K 48K - 50K 48K - 50K

Assistant brand Manager 35K - 60K 35K - 60K 43K - 45K 43K - 45K

category Analyst 30K - 50K 30K - 50K 38K - 40K 38K - 40K


Sales Director 60K - 90K 60K - 100K 68K - 70K 68K - 70K

national Sales Manager 45K - 70K 45K - 70K 53K - 55K 55K - 57K

Account Manager 45K - 55K 45K - 55K 48K - 50K 48K - 50K

business Development Manager 37K - 50K 38K - 50K 38K - 40K 40K - 42K

Sales Representative 28K - 45K 28K - 45K 35K - 37K 37K - 40K

telesales 25K - 32K 25K - 32K 23K - 25K 23K - 25K

contact Abrivia Sales & Marketing: TEL 01 531 3727 EMAIL [email protected]

Page 28: Ab04 Abrivia Salary Survey


2012 sAlARy suRveySalary rates listed cover basic salaries only and do not include bonus payments

or benefits, unless specifically stated otherwise. This is due to the variety of ways in which companies manage employee reward.

Abrivia Recruitment Specialists does not make any warranties or representations regarding the use, validity, accuracy or reliability of, or the result of the use of, or otherwise respecting, the content of this salary survey. The content of this salary survey is provided ‘as is’ without warranties of any kind either express or implied (including but not limited to fitness for purpose, merchantability, particular quality, etc.). Abrivia

Recruitment Specialists will not be liable for any damage of any kind arising out of or relating to use of or inability to use this information, including but not limited to for incidental, indirect, punitive, special or consequential damage of any kind. The limitations stated in this disclaimer shall apply to the fullest extent possible, but shall not operate, be interpreted to or attempt to exclude or limit Abrivia Recruitment

Specialist liability for death or personal injury caused by Abrivia Recruitment Specialists negligence or as otherwise prohibited by the applicable law.

Regus House, Harcourt centre, Harcourt Road, Dublin 2.Telephone: +353 1 531 3720

Email: [email protected]

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