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  • 1. Rocky River Nature Center 10/19/201011:30AM to 12:30AM

2. Abiotic Factors: NE Ohio was under water 360 million years ago. Streams from the Appalachians brought down rich, organic muds and sands into the ocean covering Ohio. These muds formed the shale that became the cliffs outside the nature center.
3. This contained world famous fossils of ancient fish in the Devonian period. This fossil was called the Terrible fish, Dunkleosteus. It grew from 16 to 20 feet long and weighed a ton. They had a armored head and razor sharp teeth for ripping and tearing the primitive sharks it fed on.
4. Here is a water run off from the city above and a flow of energy
5. Soil Horizons from the banks of the Rocky River
6. Dead trees fall and bring in sunlight to the forest floor,nourishing the soil and home to many insects.
7. Extreme Interaction
8. 9. Mushroom Rain
10. 11. 12. Lightning can have some intense interaction
13. 14. Wind is also a powerful abiotic factor
15. The fog in this environment give the needed moisture for this habitat and niche
16. The Sea has a way of showing the beauty in the most simplistic way
17. These wave photos are taken by surfers through out the world
18. Interaction between the surfer and wave can only be describe as phenomenal
19. The immense power of waves can show the displacement of land
20. And Erosion
21. Danger looms for the unexpected wave
22. Orange wave phenomenon is a rare occurrence. The sunlight, sand, and water all combine for the ultimate abiotic factor
23. 24. 25. 26. Biotic Factors and food chains of the Rocky River habitat
27. Organisms from every walk of life have a connection. Detrital and grazing food webs are abundant
28. One habitat is linked to another
29. Red Tailed Hawk is a carnivorous predator!
30. Conclusion
The most amazing thing about this assignment was not only how old the Rocky River Reservation is, and how it changed. There were many biodiversities of species and ecosystems that have evolved in the changing environment. I know I went overboard on the amount of slides but some of the pictures I had of clouds and waves fit right in with the project. I have gone back to the Nature Center a second timewith my 87 year old mom and she was in total aw of the beauty of the season. Thank You MRS. D

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