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Seminar On “Generating Seminar On “Generating Nodes and clustering Nodes and clustering Energy Efficiency in WSN”Energy Efficiency in WSN”

Guided By :Guided By :Mr.Rajiv Shanker Bal.Mr.Rajiv Shanker Bal.Lecturer In MCALecturer In MCA

Presented By :Presented By :Mrs. Swagtika Mohapatra.Mrs. Swagtika Mohapatra.Regd. No : 1207206014Regd. No : 1207206014Semester : 4th Semester : 4th

P.G. Department of Computer Science And EngineeringAjay Binay Institute Of Technology

(An Affiliated College of Biju Patnaik University of Technology, Odisha)

Sector : I ,CDA , Markat Nagar ,Cuttack -753014

OutlineOutlineIntroductionA WSN is a collection of sensor nodes

(SNs) organized into a cooperative network.

 Sensor nodes comprises sensing ,processing, transmission, mobilization, position finding system and power units.


Sensor Nodes (SN)capable of performing some processing, gathering sensory information and communicating with other connected nodes in the network.SNs are of two types• normal SN : to sense the phenomena • gateway SN: interfaces sensor network to the external world.

The Sensors in WSNThe Sensors in WSN

Components of sensor nodes

DESIGNING OF NODESEach sensor node contains a

nodeid that provides node identification.

It also have an x and a y coordinate.

Sensor Sensor



Current sensor structureTraditional sensor structure

Processing unit(processor+memory)

Processing unit(+video coding

& analysis)

Sensing unit(sensor+ADC)

Transceiver unitTransceiver unit(lower power)

Sensing unit(sensor on chip)


Power unit(+


Generating of nodesRegular Area Circular


Irregular Area Using Poisson distribution

Clustered Architechure in WSNOrganizes the sensor nodes into

clustersEach cluster is governed bya cluster-headOnly heads send messages to a BS

Clustering:Clustering is a good technique to

reduce energy consumption. To support high scalability and better data aggregation, sensor nodes are often grouped into disjoint, non overlapping subsets called clusters. Clusters create hierarchical WSNs which incorporate efficient utilization of limited resources of sensor nodes and thus extends network lifetime.


Member node

Cluster headEach node first locates its

neighbors (in its enclosure region), then calculates its weight which is based on its residual energy and distance to its neighbors. The largest weight node in a neighborhood may become a Cluster Head(CH).

Advantages of clusteringa) Reducing the size of the routing table

by localizing the route setup within the cluster.

b) Conserves communication bandwidth.

c) Prolonged battery life of individual sensor.

d) No topology maintenance overhead.e) Reduce rate of energy consumption  

Cluster Head Capabilities

•Mobility: CH can be stationary or mobile,

limited movement for betterment.•Node types:

Nodes with more computation and communication capabilities elected as CH.•Role:

CHs relay the traffic, fuse or aggregate the sensed data.


•Initial Energy: It should be high•Residual energy: after some rounds selection based on this•Energy Consumption rate(Initial energy – residual energy ) per round•Average energy of the network



Let we have a set S of n generated nodes .


step2 :

Calculate the distance of nodes from origin

Step 3 :

Finding out the node id having minimum distance from origin.

Step 4

Calculating the summation of distances for sensor nodes in the cluster.

CH selection algorithmStep-5 Enter base station distance from each sensor node.

Step-6 The node having minimum distance from BS is selected as Cluster Head.

Making network Energy efficient by CH

The sending energy is calculated using the following formula.

E(t)= (E(elec)*k) + (E(amp) * k * d * d )

Parameter Definition Unit

E elec Energy dissipation

rate to run the radio 50nJ / bit

εamp Energy dissipation

rate to run transmit

amplifier 100 pJ / bit /m2

k Data length bit (16)

d Sensor Node transmission as per the net distance.



In clustering hierarchy, the cluster head decision is a major challenge. If network is taken as a whole, then the power consumption can be optimized by the rotation of this cluster head inside the individual clusters. Energy conservation is a significant concern in the WSNs.

In this proposed algorithm a new technique is proposed to select CH among some of the wireless sensor nodes based on net distance with base station. The proposed technique aims to increase the lifetime of the whole network, and to increase the number of nodes, which will remain alive for the maximum period of time.