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What is ABORTION?Is the termination of pregnancy, by the removal of a fetus from the


Abortion(induced )

Miscarriage(spontanously )

therapeutic abortion(peserve the health

of the pregnant female)

elective abortion(Induced for any other


Abortion & MiscarriageThe difference between

Abortion can be traced to ancient times.

Historically pregnancies were terminated through several methods:

abortifacient herbs the use of sharpened

implements the application of abdominal



Recently, with the development of medicine the rate of abortion increased.

SocietyPro-life Pro-

choiceFights for human’s right to live

Fights for human’s choice

Parenthood is a great resoponsibilty.Are you thinking of raising a child ?

No!Abortion is the alternative

A pro-choice

“If you can’t trust me with a

Choice, how can you trust me with a


Medical causes

Social causes

Economical causes

• AIDS• Disformation• Danger on mother’s health• Low intelligence level• Down's Syndrome

Medical causes

• As genetic knowledge continues to grow, we are able to determine more and more about what a child will be like as an adult

The advances of genetic testing may prompt more abortions (to avoid

having the non-ideal child).

Economical causes

A great example of economical cause concerning abortion is the country “China”

China has the highest rate of abortion and that is due to its economical reasons .

Every couple are allowed to have one child no more, thus this is leading to sex selective abortion.

DivorceIt’s my choice, it’s my body I don’t want any connection with my “X-husband”

Social causes

RAPEHow can you deny an abortion to a girl who is the victim of rape?

If you force a victim of violent rape to give Birth to a rapist’s child

Abortion is a form of murder and demeans the value of human life.

Pro- life

Maternal point of view = Heart (maternal feelings and instinct )

What forces a mother to deny her maternal instinct and follow abortion?

RapeAffairDivorceDisabilitySex-selectionHer Health


Severe pressure 85% will keep the child Abortion Isn’t a magical surgery

“It doesn’t matter how I Began ,what matters is who I will Become”

Affair and Adultery

Choices & ConsequencesPrenatal Paternity Test?!!


Saving the marriageGetting Over Filling an empty space


The Ultimate Form of discriminationFetuses are irreplaceableDisabilities’ Right in lifeAbortion isn’t a cure

• In May 2003, an international Down syndrome screening conference was held in London. Anya Souza, a girl with Down’s syndrome, was allowed to speak about her own condition, she said :

“I can’t get rid of my Down’s syndrome but you can’t get rid of my happiness. you can’t get rid of the happiness I give others either. It’s doctors like you that want to test pregnant women and stop people like me being born. Together with my family and friends I have fought for my rights… I may have down’s syndrome but I am a person first.”

Sex-selective abortion

Male over FemaleIndia, China, Korea, Taiwan ….Imbalances between sex ratios

Male’s point of viewWhat weight should be given to a father’s opinion in

the assessment of whether or not to terminate a pregnancy?!

Law in USA 90% of the decisions to ABORT are reached by both partners together

"The product, abortion, is skillfully marketed and sold to the woman at the crisis time in her life. She buys the product, finds it defective and wants to return it for a refund. But, it's too late."

~Carol Everett, Former Abortionist

m Dr. Am pregnant

and I already have one year

old child.....


m I think I have

a better solution !!

Am thinking about

abortion ... I can’t handle 2


m Really? what is it??

m We can kill your

one year old and let you rest


I declare that direct abortion, that is, abortion willed as an end or as a means, always constitutes a grave moral disorder, since it is the deliberate killing of an innocent human being.

Pope John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae, 1995

The blood is life 12:23 DEU

(blood impulse starts at the 28th day )

Kill not your offspring for fear of poverty; it is We who provide for them and for you. Surely, killing them is a great sin.Qur'an 17:31

قتلهم إن اكم 1ي وإ نرزقهم حن ن 1مالق إ خشية أوالدكم تقتلوا وال1يرا ) كب خ1طئا 17(31كان

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Hippocratic Oath“I will not give to a woman a pessary to produce abortion.”

In conclusion Abortion is an issue that

will stay a debate till infinity.

This presentation was prepared by:The team work of

Jood Bazerbashi Ahmad Amro BaradeeMerna Al Shiekh Taha

Special thanks to Leen Altounji

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