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About Evosus

Mission Statement

VisionTo be the standout leader for software solutions in every industry we


Core ValuesWe care passionately about our customers.

We are committed to the markets we serve. We incorporate customer feedback into the products and services

we provide.We are intensely committed to the Evosus vision.

A little bit about Evosus• Evosus is an integrated POS and Business Management software

system for the Pool & Spa and Stove & Hearth industries.

• Our company began in 2001 when the service manager at an Oregon-based Hot Spring dealer recognized a need for business management software in the Pool & Spa industry.

• Evosus, Inc. serves hundreds of small-to-medium sized companies across the United States, Canada and Australia. Although our clients represent a broad range of industries, our focus has been and will continue to be on the Pool & Spa and Stove & Hearth industries.

• Evosus is a tested and proven business management software solution. We encourage you to check our references and hear how Evosus has changed the lives of our customers.

Meet Our Executive Team!

Curt Germundson

President & CEO

• I used to draw a lot.• I am a serious roller

skater• I have two children, both

at Oregon State, and live on a 5 acre farm with my wife of 24 years.

• I am a die-hard do-it-yourselfer.

• I’ve watched RAMBO (the original) about 100 times.

Christina Braks

VP of Software Products

• I’m an avid scrapbooker• I am addicted to Starbucks• The Oregon coast is my

favorite place to visit• Half Baked is my favorite

Ben & Jerry’s ice cream flavor

• I watch Dirty Dancing every time it’s on TV even though I own the DVD

Jessica Chase

VP of Client Services• I read cookbooks like normal people read

regular books. I love them. I mean, they are called cookBOOKs.

• I am a thrift store addict.  Enough said.• I’m super nostalgic and a lover of vintage

everything.  My stove is a 1950’s GE dual oven – she’s porcelain white, finicky and plus size and I cannot imagine cooking on any other stove.

• My favorite food is cheese. Butter is a close second.

• I didn’t watch cartoons as a kid – its left me at a social/cultural deficit as an adult. My favorite “childhood” shows were Rescue 9-1-1 and America’s Most Wanted.

Corey Holton

VP of Development

• I love to bike commute to Evosus and do a 27 mile round trip several days a week

• I grew up in Green Bay, WI and used to be Brett Favre’s foosball partner before he went into rehab

• I moved to the Pacific Northwest to go mountain biking for a couple years and like many others, never left.

• In college I won a trip to Hawaii by throwing a frisbee into a barrel from the top of my college hockey arena. The other 699 people missed.

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