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About KD’s Vipin K. Sharma

* Vipin K. Sharma is India’s 1st practical motivational speaker and trainer.

* He has vast experience of more than 10 years in speaking.

* His specialty is deliver the message to participants in a entertaining atmosphere and effective style.

To know more about Vipin K. Sharma please visit now http://kdparivar.com/KD’svipinksharma/speaker_trainer.html

To know more about Programs please visit now http://kdparivar.com/KD’svipinksharma/Programs.html

About Programs

* His programs are designed to make more productive the participants.

* His Programs are generally focused on Life Skills e.g. Self Mgmt., Money Mgmt., Time Mgmt. and People Mgmt. and Selling Skills e.g. Prospecting, Making

Contacts, Closing, After Sale Services etc.

* The programs give noticeable results.

Benefits to Organizations


* Performance,* Productivity,* Commitment,* Employee/Employer Relations,* Team Work

…… and much more ..…

Benefits to Participants


* Social Acceptance,* Attitude of Success,* Goal Setting,* Self Esteem,* Leadership Skill,* Communication & People Skill,* Help in overcoming fear of Rejection

…… and much more ..…

Video Clips

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To see more videos,please visit our Youtube Channel


To see more snaps, please visit http://kdparivar.com/KD’svipinksharma/speaker_trainer.html

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on the icons to view the page/s.

Social Channels

You can connected with KD Parivar/Vipin K. Sharma through various social networks.

Be Popular – Get SuccessA wonderful program Based on formulas of “Dale Carnegi”, teach you about* How to become popular?* What to do to be popular in 21st century?* What to do to be popular in business?* How to become popular in colleagues?* How to become popular in family?

Benefits of Program* Enhance Productivity* Help in make new contacts* Improve relations* Enhance Social Acceptance

Beneficial for all, Specially design for* Business Person* Network Market People* Bank Employees* Insurance People

For more details about this program talk with PRO of KD Parivar or send mail to

[email protected]

A wonderful program gives Knowledge about Leadership in details.Full of Inspiration and Excitement.

Benefits of Program* Helpful in making new contacts* Useful in Team Building* Teach about how to connect people in Team

Beneficial For all who are in* Insurance* Network Marketing (MLM)* Business* Who are making Team

For more details about this program talk with PRO of KD Parivar or send mail to

[email protected]


Noke – JokeA Motivational Program full of Laughter, Motivation and Excitement

Benefits of Program* Improves Health* Reduces Sick Days* Boosts Creative Thinking* Lightens the mood* Adds joy to life as well as to work* Strengthens Relationships* Improves Attraction Power`* Enhances Teamwork* Helps Defuse Conflict* Promotes Group Bonding* Enhances Productivity

Beneficial For all

For more details about this program talk with PRO of KD Parivar or send mail to

[email protected]

A joyful program which gives knowledge about Basic Rules of Money.Some important facts about Money, you must learn about; but nobody tells you.

Benefits of ProgramYou will find very big financial change in yourself after getting Basic Rules of Money Management from Pasie Ki Samajh.

Beneficial For all who are earning

Corporate Benefits - Give this program to your employees as a gift. It will increase their Loyalty, Attachment and Honesty about your business.

For more details about this program talk with PRO of KD Parivar or send mail to

[email protected]

Paise Ki Samajh(Education about Money)

Simple but compulsory rules to get real and permanent Success in Life

A wonderful program to give detailed knowledge about 4 most important parts of life –

* Self Management* Money Management* Time Management* People Management

Beneficial For all

Specially designed for* New person joined in team* Business Person* Managers

For more details about this program talk with PRO of KD Parivar or send mail to

[email protected]

4 Exertions for Success

To Book a program

Talk with PRO of KD Parivar at98880 64532


Send Mail at [email protected]

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