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  • 8/3/2019 About Orangutans


    About Orangutans

    The name orangutan literally translates into Engl ish as man of the forest. It comes from Malay and

    Bahasa Indonesian orang(man) and hutan(forest).

    Orangutans are extremely intelligent creatures who clearly have the ability to reason and think. Their

    similarity to us is uncanny. Baby orangutans cry when theyre hungry, whimper when theyre hurt and smile

    at their mothers. They express emotions just like we do: joy, fear, anger, surprise. its all th ere. If you take

    a few minutes and watch an orangutan, youll swear theyre just like us. And they kind of are.

    Orangutans are large, but in general are quite gentle. Large males can be aggressive, but for the most part

    they keep to themselves. They are uniquely arboreal living their lives quietly up in the trees away from

    predators and only descending to the forest floor when they must. Were it not for the occasional squealing

    of a baby or calling out of a big male, you would hardly even know they were there. They dont bother

    anyone. They dont want anything to do with us. Theyre too busy getting on with their lives.

    Local Indonesian mythology has it that orangutans actually have the ability to speak, but choose not to,fearing they would be forced to work if were they ever caught. Legends aside, even if this were the case, who

    could blame them?


    In prehistoric times, orangutans lived throughout Asia roaming as far north as China. Today deforestation

    and the spread of humans have l imited the untouched rainforest to a few remaining areas in Borneo and

    Sumatra. It is only on these two island that there are large enough forest areas to sustain a viable breeding

    population of orangutans. But even here the forest is rapidly disappearing. During the last 50 years their

    habitat has been eaten away by urban growth, plantations and farmland. The spreading of oil palm

    plantations unless it is stoppedcould spell the end of all wild orangutans

    Orangutans are divided into two different subspecies. In general, Borneans are slightly smaller in size

    and have darker hair than their Sumatran cousins. The Bornean subspecies is further divided into

    several distinct geographic types. The orangutan is the only non-human great ape left in Asia, but due to all

    the threats against them their chances of survival is quickly diminishing.

    While exact numbers are unknown, one thing is for sure: the number of orangutans in the wild is decreasing

    drastically. In Sumatra the latest calculations show that orangutan numbers have been reduced from 12,000

    in 1993 to only about 6,500 today. In Borneo fewer than 35,000 orangutans are believed to remain.

    Below you can find some facts about orangutans and forests. Remember that the numbers are estimates.

    Exact figures are hard to come by.

    Average height standing up:

    Male 4 1/2 feet; Female 3 1/2 feet.

    Their arms are much longer than their legs.

    The arm span for large males can be up to 8 feet.

    Average weight:

    Adult male 200 to 250+ lbs., Adult female 100 150 lbs.

    On average, females are 1/3 to 1/2 the size of males

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    Average lifespan:

    Estimated 35-40 years in the wild, into their 50s in captivity depending on diet and exercise.

    Number of babies:

    One at a time, every 6 or 7 years, perhaps as many as 4 or 5 total.

    Infants never leave their mothers.

    Babies nurse until they are about 6 or 7 years old. They have the longest dependence of any animal on


    Young males begin to break away from their mothers after they, themselves, reach puberty. Females stay

    with their mothers longer, often learning child-rearing skills from her.

    Social status:

    Grown males live alone while females live with their young.

    Even though they reach puberty at about 8 years old, a female isnt physiologically ready to have her own

    baby until shes in her teens.

    Their diet consists of bark, leaves, flowers, a variety of insects, and most importantly, several hundred types

    of fruit. They can eat fruit which we would consider unripe, giving them an advantage over other fruits eaters.

    Babies need to learn to recognize hundreds of species of plants and trees which ones are edible, and how

    to consume them, which ones to avoid. Some orangutan favorites are very difficult to eat because they are

    protected by sharp spines husks and shells. Young orangutans need to be taught how to extract the fruit.

    Orangutans can be said to have 4 hands, as they are equally capable with both their hands and feet.

    They are physically built for life in the trees. Walking on the ground can be somewhat slow and awkward forthem. It may appear humorous to us, but imagine how we would look trying to get around in the trees. They

    are at a great disadvantage on the ground, so they rarely come down from the treetops. Predators including

    humans are on the ground. In essence, everything they need to live is up there, so why come down?

    Sexually mature males have a large throat sac, which is used to make a very distinct sound: known as the

    long call. Sort of like a lions roar, this bellowing groan echoes through the forest and is used by males to let

    females know they are there or warn other males to keep away. Mature males also have a distinct set of

    large cheekpads, which are believed to help their long call resonate throughout the forest canopy.

    Orangutans make their home high up in the trees and build new nests each night out of leaves and branches.

    Males live solitary lives until they find females who are ready to mate. The couples stay together for several

    days in order to ensure a successful mating. Afterwards, the males disappear back into their solitude.

    Due to their large size, males are often too heavy to travel in the higher (thinner) branches. They are also

    more likely than females to travel on the ground.

    Food is often scarce during the dry season which is why orangutans are semi-solitary creatures. When food

    is abundant, though, they use the opportunity to socialize and gather in small groups. When food is scarce,

    they travel alone.

    Orangutans have been known to make and use tools. When water is difficult to locate, they chew leaves to

    make a sponge to soak up water in tree cavities. They use branches to poke into termite holes. They us

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    large branches to test water depth before crossing streams. When it rains very hard the orangutan makes an

    umbrella for himself out of big leaves.

    Please help the orangutans today.

    Fact Sheet: Threats

    The main threats: destruction of the rainforest due mainly to encroaching palm oil plantations, illegal

    logging, fires and poaching

    Borneo: the worlds third largest island Surface: 462,000 sq miles

    Reduction of the forest: Since 1980 25% of Borneos forests have disappeared.

    Human population: more than 15 million

    Nations: Borneo is divided between three countries: Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei

    The orangutans used to live spread out over South East Asia all the way to what is now southern China. Most

    of the land was then covered with huge continuous rainforest areas and the orangutans could roam freely

    over large distances. Today the logging and the human expansion have limited the untouched rainforest to

    very little intact areas. The numbers of orangutans are diminishing because of human impact. The threat

    comes mainly from three human activities: destruction of the forest, fires and poaching. Large parts of the

    original forests of Asia have disappeared. They have been replaced by farm land, palm oil plantations, cities

    and villages. Huge areas are also disappearing as the forest companies are illegally cutting down the trees,without permits from either the government or the local populations, who depend on the forest for their

    survival. When creating plantations it is common to first burn the land. Over the years these planned fires

    have often spread uncontrollably, leaving an enormous destruction in their wake. Many orangutans are killed

    by the fires as they have no chance of escape. The poaching of the orangutan is another obstacle for the

    survival of the species. The infants are sold as exotic pets while the flesh from the adults is eaten. Despite

    the fact that it is illegal to kill, capture or sell orangutans there is a lot of money to be made-- which makes it

    very difficult to come to terms with the problem.

    Fact Sheet: Rainforests

    Surface of Indonesia: 1,192,684 sq miles Forest: 550.000 sq miles

    Rate of logging: Ca 12,500 sq miles per year.

    Threat: Forest destruction and fires. Illegal logging: Estimated to constitute 50 - 88% of all logging.

    Only in Borneo you can find 10 - 15,000 different species of flowers and around 3000 different kinds of trees.

    The same diversity applies to the animals and a large number are endemic to this area and can be found no

    where else. Every year new animal and plant species are discovered and scientists barely have time to

    investigate before they disappear forever. The Indonesian rainforest is the second largest in the world with

    an area of nearly 546.806 square miles. This is about 10% of the worlds rainforest and is twice the size of

    Texas or nearly the size of Alaska. Logging and fires are making the forest disappear at an unsustainable

    rate. Hundreds of animals and plants are disappearing because of this and entire ecosystems are

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    transformed into desert. One of the biggest problems in Indonesia is the illegal logging that is being fueled by

    the international demand for cheap timber. There are different opinions as to the extent of the illegal logging,

    but is it clear that more than half of all logging in the country is illegal.

    Saving orangutans is built on the premise of protecting and preserving the rainforest. This is not only decisive

    for the orangutans but also for thousands of other threatened animal and plants species.

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    Orangutans are the only exclusivelyAsiangenusofextantgreat ape. The largest

    livingarborealanimals, they have proportionally longer arms than the other, more terrestrial, great

    apes. They are among the most intelligentprimatesand use a variety of sophisticated tools, also

    making sleeping nests each night from branches and foliage. Their hair is typically reddish-brown,

    instead of the brown or black hair typical of other great apes.

    Native toIndonesiaandMalaysia, orangutans are currently found only inrainforestson the islands

    ofBorneoandSumatra, thoughfossilshave been found inJava, theThai-Malay

    Peninsula,VietnamandMainland China. There are only two surviving species, both of which

    areendangered: theBornean Orangutan(Pongo pygmaeus) and thecritically endangeredSumatran

    Orangutan(Pongo abelii). The subfamilyPonginaealso includes the extinct

    generaGigantopithecusandSivapithecus. The word "orangutan" comes from theMalaywords

    "orang" (man) and "(h)utan" (forest); hence, "man of the forest".

    Anatomy and physiology

    Size relative to a 6 foot (1.8 m) man

    An orangutan's standing height averages from 4 to 5 ft (1.2 to 1.5 m). On average, an orangutan

    weighs between 73 to 180 pounds (33 to 82 kg).[4]

    Males can weigh up to 250 lb (110 kg) or


    Orangutan hands are similar to humans' hands; they have four long fingers and anopposable

    thumb. Their feet have four long toes and an opposable big toe. Orangutans can grasp things with

    both their hands and their feet. The largest males have anarm spanof about 7.5 ft (2 m).

    Orangutans have a large, bulky body, a thick neck, very long, strong arms, short, bowed legs, and no

    tail. They are mostly covered with long reddish-brown hair, although this differs between the species:

    Sumatran Orangutans have a more sparse and lighter coloured coat.[6]

    The orangutan has a large head with a prominent mouth area. Adult males have large cheek flaps

    (which get larger as the ape ages)[7]

    that show their dominance to other males and their readiness to

    mate. The age of maturity for females is approximately 12 years. On average, orangutans may live

    about 35 years in the wild, and up to 60 years in captivity (though it is unknown what the typical

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    lifespan of the orangutan in the wild is and many would certainly live much longer).[8]

    Both sexes have

    throat pouches located near theirvocal chordsthat make their calls resonate through the forest,

    although the males' pouches are more developed.[8]

    There is significantsexual dimorphism: females

    can grow to around 4 ft 2 in or 127 cm and weigh around 100 lb (45 kg) while flanged adult males can

    reach 5 ft 9 in or 175 cm in height and weigh over 260 lb (118 kg).[9]

    The arms of orangutans are twice as long as their legs, and an adult orangutan's arms can be well

    over seven feet from fingertip to fingertip.[8]

    Much of the arm's length has to do with the length of

    theradiusand theulnarather than thehumerus.[10]

    Their fingers and toes are curved, allowing them to

    better grip onto branches. Orangutans have less restriction in the movements of their legs than

    humans and other primates, due to the lack of a hip joint ligament which keeps thefemurheld into

    thepelvis. Unlike gorillas and chimpanzees, orangutans are not true knuckle-walkers, and are instead


    Ecology and behavior

    Orangutans live in primary and old secondary forests, particularlydipterocarpforests andpeat swamp


    Both species can be found in both mountainous and lowland swampy areas.[12]


    orangutans live in elevations as high as 1500 m (4921 ft), while Bornean orangutans live no higher

    than 1000 m (3281 ft). The latter will sometimes enter grasslands, cultivated fields, gardens, young

    secondary forest, and shallow lakes.[14]

    Orangutans are the mostarborealof the great apes, spending

    nearly all of their time in the trees. Most of the day is spent feeding, resting, and moving between

    feeding and resting sites. They start the day feeding for 23 hours in the morning. They rest during

    midday followed by traveling in the late afternoon. When evening arrives, they begin to prepare their

    nest for the night.[15]

    Tigersare the major predatory threat to orangutans in Sumatra. Orangutans may

    also be preyed on byclouded leopardsandcrocodiles. The former can kill adolescents and small

    adult females but have not been recorded killing adult males.[15]

    In Borneo, orangutans are not

    threatened by tigers and seem to descend to the ground more often than their Sumatran


    Orangutans do not swim, although least one population at a conservation refuge on

    Kaja island in Borneo have been photographed wading in deep water.[16]


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    Flanged adult male

    Fruitmakes up 6590 percent of the orangutan diet. Fruits with sugary or fatty pulp are

    favored.Ficusfruits are commonly eaten, because they are easy to harvest and digest.Lowlanddipterocarpforests are preferred by orangutans because of their plentiful fruit. Bornean

    orangutans consume at least 317 different food items that include young leaves, shoots,

    bark,insects,honeyandbird eggs.[17][18]

    Orangutans are opportunisticforagers, and their diets vary markedly from month to month.[18]

    Bark is

    eaten as a last resort in times of food scarcity; fruits are always more popular.

    A decade-long study of urine and faecal samples at theGunung Palung Orangutan Conservation

    ProjectinWest Kalimantanhas shown that orangutans give birth during and after the high fruit

    season (though not every year), during which they consume various abundant fruits, totalling up to

    11,000 calories per day. In the low fruit season they eat whatever fruit is available in addition to tree

    bark and leaves, with daily intake at only 2,000 calories. Together with a longlactationperiod,

    orangutans also have a long birth interval.[19]

    Orangutans are thought to be the sole fruit disperser for some plant species including the climber

    speciesStrychnos ignatiiwhich contains the toxicalkaloidstrychnine.[20]

    It does not appear to have

    any effect on orangutans except for excessivesalivaproduction.

    Geophagy, the practice of eating soil or rock, has been observed in orangutans. There are three main

    reasons for this dietary behavior; for the addition of minerals nutrients to their diet; for the ingestion of

    clay minerals that can absorb toxic substances; or to treat a disorder such as diarrhea.[21]

    Orangutans use plants of the genusCommelinaas an anti-inflammatory balm.[22]

    Social life

    Orangutans,Gunung Leuser NP, Sumatra

    Orangutans live a more solitary lifestyle than the other great apes. Most social bonds occur between

    adult females and their dependent and weaned offspring. Adult males and independent adolescents

    of both sexes tend to live alone.[23]The society of the orangutan is made up of resident and transient

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    individuals of both sexes. Resident females live with their offspring in defined home ranges that

    overlap with those of other adult females, who may be their relatives like mothers and sisters. One to

    several resident female home ranges are encompassed within the home range of a resident male,

    who is their primary breeder.[24]

    Transient males and females range broadly.[15][23][24]

    They usually

    travel alone, but as sub-adults they may travel in small groups. However this behavior does not

    extend to adulthood. The social structure of the orangutan can be best described assolitary but

    social. As the ranges of males and females overlap, they commonly encounter each other while

    traveling and feeding and brief social interactions may occur.[23]

    Interactions between adult females

    range from friendly, to avoidance to antagonistic.[15][25]

    Resident males may have overlapping ranges

    and interactions between them tend to be hostile.

    During dispersal, females tend to settle in home ranges that overlap with their mothers. However, they

    do not interact with them any more than the other females and they do not seem to form social


    Males disperse much farther from their mothers and enter into a transient phase. This

    phase lasts until a male can challenge and displace a dominant, resident male from his home


    There are dominance hierarchies between adult males that regularly encounter each other

    with the most dominant males being the largest and having the best body conditions.[28]

    Adult males

    dominate sub-adult males.[29]

    Both resident and transient orangutans aggregate on large fruiting trees

    to feed. The fruits tend to be abundant, so competition is low and individuals may benefit from social


    Orangutans will also form travelling groups in which members coordinate travel between

    food sources for a few days at a time.[27]

    These groups tend to be made of only a few individuals.

    They also tend to be mating consortships, each made of an adult male and female traveling and


    Reproduction and parenting

    Male orangutans exhibitarrested development. They mature at around 15 years of age by which they

    have fully descended testicles and can reproduce. However they do not develop the cheek pads,

    pronounced throat pouches, long fur or long-calls of more mature males until they gain a home


    which occurs when they are between 15 and 20 years old.[15]

    These sub-adult males are

    known as unflanged males in contrast to the more developed flanged males. The transformation from

    unflanged to flanged can occur very quickly. Unflanged and flanged males have two different mating

    strategies. Flanged males use long calls to advertise their location which attract estrous


    Unflanged males wander widely in search of estrous females and upon finding one, will

    force copulation on her. Both strategies are successful,[31]

    however females prefer to mate with

    flanged males and will seek them out for protection from unflanged males.[29]

    Resident males may

    form consortships with females that can last days, weeks or months after copulation.[31]

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    A two-week old orangutan

    Female orangutans experience their first ovulatory cycle between 5.8 and 11.1 years. These occur

    earlier in larger females with more body fat than in thinner females.[32][33]

    Like other great apes, female

    orangutans have a period of adolescent infertility which may last for 14 years.[33][34]


    orangutans also have a 22-30 day menstrual cycle. Gestation lasts for nine months with females

    giving birth to their first offspring between 14 and 15 years old. Female orangutans have the longest

    interbirth intervals of the great apes, having eight years between births.[34]

    Male orangutans play almost no role in raising the young. Females are the primary caregivers for the

    young and are also instruments of socialization for them. A female often has more than one offspring

    with her, usually an adolescent and an infant, and the older of them can also help in socializing their

    younger sibling.[35]

    Infant orangutans are completely dependent on their mothers for the first two years

    of their lives. The mother will carry the infant during traveling, as well as feed it and sleep with it in the

    same night nest.[15]

    The infant doesnt even break physical contact with its mother for the first four

    months and is carried on her belly. The amount of physical contact soon wanes in the following


    When an orangutan reaches the age of two, its climbing skills are more developed and will

    hold the hand of another orangutan while moving through the canopy, a behavior known as "buddy


    Orangutans are juveniles from about two to five years of age and start to exploratory trips

    from their mothers.[15]

    Juveniles are usually weaned at about four years of age. Adolescent

    orangutans seek peers and play and travel with peer groups while still having contact with their



    Infanticidehas not been recorded in the two orangutan species like it has in other primatespecies. Paternity uncertainty, the range patterns of female dispersals and the fact that the ovulation

    of females depends on food availability may make infanticide by males ineffective.[36]

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    Orangutan atColumbus Zoo and Aquarium

    In 2003, researchers from six different orangutan field sites who used the same behavioral coding

    scheme compared the behaviors of the animals from the different sites.[47]

    They found that the

    different orangutan populations behaved differently. The evidence suggested that the differences in

    behavior were cultural: first, because the extent of the differences increased with distance, suggestingthat cultural diffusion was occurring, and second, because the size of the orangutans cultural

    repertoire increased according to the amount of social contact present within the group. Social contact

    facilitates cultural transmission.[47]

    Carel P. van Schaik suggests that young orangutans (P. abelii)

    acquire tool use skills and cultural behaviors by observing and copying older orangutans.[46]

    Orangutans do not limit their tool use to foraging, displaying or nest-building activities. Wild

    orangutans (P. pygmaeus wurmbii) in Tuanan, Borneo, were reported to use tools in acoustic


    They use leaves to amplify the kiss squeak sounds that they produce. Some have

    suggested that the apes employ this method of amplification in order to deceive the listener intobelieving that they are larger animals.



    As noted above, flanged males will emit a long call which is used to attract females but also to alert

    other males to their presence. It is possible that the long calls suppress development in younger


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    Male, child, and female Sumatran orangutans

    The Sumatran species iscritically endangered[56]

    and the Bornean species of orangutans


    according to theIUCN Red Listofmammals, and both are listed on Appendix I

    ofCITES. The total number of Bornean orangutans is estimated to be less than 14% of what it was in

    the recent past (from around 10,000 years ago until the middle of the twentieth century) and this

    sharp decline has occurred mostly over the past few decades due to human activities and


    Species distribution is now highly patchy throughout Borneo: it is apparently absent or

    uncommon in the south-east of the island, as well as in the forests between theRejang Riverin

    centralSarawakand thePadas Riverin westernSabah(including the Sultanate ofBrunei).[2]


    largest remaining population is found in the forest around theSabangau River, but this environment is

    at risk.[57]

    A similar development have been observed for the Sumatran orangutans.[56]

    A 2007 study by theGovernment of Indonesianoted in 2004 it was estimated that there was a total

    wild population of 61,234 orangutans, 54,567 of which were found on the island of Borneo. The table

    below shows a breakdown of the species and subspecies and their estimated populations from the



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