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Page 1: About Us-Issue 32, Vol 34,11-02-2015

Issue: 32Volume: 34 Date: 11.02.2015 Pages: 4

“If�you're�your�authentic�self�you�have�no�competition”Y. Bhagwan Memorial English Debate Competition

On a beautiful warm Sunday morning the Bhagavan Family was all set to have their annual state level inter collegiate English debate competition. With over a month's preparation, the enthusiastic Bhagavan Family along with the formidable support of Rotary Mysore Mid Town and the young energetic lot from SDM-IMD set the stage for an exquisite debate session.

thThis being the 5 year saw a turnout of over 50 participants from all across the state ready to showcase their true talent. Every ship needs a captain to steer its way across the ocean to reach land and the captain of this show was Kelvin Vincent, Student SDM-IMD who anchored the show till the end. Any occasion in India cannot start without an invocation and Nandini Madhukar, Granddaughter of Late Y.Bhagavan enthralled us with “Kayo Shri Gouri, Karuna lahari, Thoya Jakshi…”the official anthem of the Kingdom of Mysore, under the rule of the Wadiyar Dynasty, composed by Basavappa Shastry. And not to forget the recital of “Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high. Where knowledge is free” from Githanjali by Rabindranath Tagore left the audience mesmerized.

Rtn.R.Venkatesh, President Rotary Mysore Mid Town along with Rtn.TN.Mohan Kumar, Hon.Secretary called the meeting to order. M.B.Pritviraj the eldest son of Late Y.Bhagavan shared the families thoughts about the reason behind starting this debate competition. The Guest of Honor for this event was Prof.Govind Sharma, of SDM-IMD who shared his wise words as a professor in English. The Chief guest Chaya Srivatsa, Life coach, Infosys Mysore and the author of the book “Corporate Draupadi” shared her experience as a student under the guidance of Late Y.Bhagavan. She recalled “My love for English was mainly because of Y.Bhagavan , as his attention to detail and his approach to teaching was awe-inspiring”

“In all debates, let truth be thy aim, not victory, or an unjust interest” (William Penn, 12) keeping this in mind the debaters started to put across their views on the topic “Should my 'Freedom of speech and expression' be absolute”

Some went with a saying “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to death your right to say” (Voltaire, 6). These were the youth who believed that freedom of speech and expression has to be absolute, as they strongly believed that freedom is FREEDOM and there cannot be boundaries and restrictions to it. If it were there, then it would feel like “I walk into a restaurant and the waiter offers to serve me any desert, until and unless it is vanilla ice cream” (Venkatraman Belvadi).

On the contrary there were the rest who went with the saying “Freedom of expression: comes with responsibility”, “Hate speech is not free speech” .This group of enthusiastic adults felt that talking anything and everything is not only wrong, but offensive.

The Judges Nandini Srinivasan and Anitha Braggs carefully took note of all the minute details and the top 11 were selected to battle it out for the winners place. After a quick lunch and networking session along with an hour's prep time, the 11 finalists were ready to debate on the topic “Industrial and Infrastructure growth at the cost of Agriculture and Environment” Yes or No?.It was really very amazing to see how the 11 finalists were able to put across their point. That was when I realized that the youth of today are so well informed and have a vision for the betterment of our country.

Finally, after the intense session the judges had a tough job up their sleeves. After a thorough analysis Prof.B.N.Balajee along with Prof.Shekar shared their thoughts about the debate and the parameters

stthat they looked into as a judge. The 1 Prize was won by Venkatraman

ndHarish Belvadi, St. Philomena's College; 2 Prize was won by Aditya.Y.,

rdChrist University; 3 Prize won by Rahul Raman, Christ University; Consolation prize won by Charishma Narayan and Keerthi XIM, Bangalore and the Best Lady Speaker went to Chitra Rao, Jss law college. Prof. Jagdish, SDM-IMD shared his joy in hosting the debate and conveyed his deepest regards to Dr. Rajeev and Annette Jinesh Jain, Swathi Bharath, Barkha Agarwal, student organization team,SDM-IMD.

At the end of the day it was very clearly seen that the Bhagavan family, not to forget our own clubs enthusiastic and evergreen couple Rtn. M.S.Raghu and Ann. Chandrika Raghu stood as strong pillars in putting up a great show. A show that brought happiness, talent, the young and the old , smiles and the power of speech all under one roof.

Ms. Deepashree Narendra

Page 2: About Us-Issue 32, Vol 34,11-02-2015

NIKAM'SDAYOUTFourth of February Two Thousand Fifteen, time Seven Thirty Five Post M e r i d i a m t a l l handsome matured man walks in to RCL, This was our own ex-midtowner Niranjan N i k a m . W i t h m a g n i f i c e n t introduction from Rtn Nandoo, Nikam was always in immaculate whites at Laxmipuram grounds to play cricket among his friends. It was in '94 when Rtn R a m k i w a s t h e

president Nikam joined midtown and later went on to become the editor of “About Us” which changed his personal profile. With the “Editor – About Us” winning formula, Nikam then approached Star of Mysore and was immediately absorbed as associate editor. His first assignment in SOM was a tribute to Shri Bhojayya (of Bhojayya Silks fame, K R Circle) and Dr. Shinde (Retd. Superintendent of K R Hospital, Mysore) who had just then passed away. This tribute won many accolades and even floored KBG. Mr Nikam was nostalgic the moment few Rtns mentioned the name of film actress Rekha, On feb16 1996 Nikam had interview Rekhaji in Hotel Southern Star, One Rotarian even asked the temperature of Rekha's hand (thank god, I do not know what they meant by hand!), few of the other VIP's Nikam had interviewed was Aamir Khan, Kabir Bedi, Ram Jethmalani, P C Chidambaram and the list continues - Coming south Mr. Nikam has interviewed Dr. Rajkumar (in the absence of Madam Parvathamma Rajkumar, normally this would'nt have been the situation.), K. S. Ashwath, etc. and a host of film and political personalities. The best part was when he tried interviewing Shilpa Shetty , pitiably ended up being a good friend to the mother of Shilpa Shetty. All along he said that the lady luck was in his favour and that is the reason why he could interview them. Nikam has tried various career options, firstly he was a business man, then joined star of Mysore (Incidentally being editor of “About US” helped),

PRO at Indus Valley Ayurvedic centre (Here he become very close with Dr. Raj, which eventually won the confidence of entire Raj family) Nikam also tried his hands with Vijay times and so on, The story of Wodeyars' Talkad curse won many laurels among the readers. He was also involved in Rotary Adalath which was chaired by Justice Saldanha. Finally the one word of caution- for all journalists are bonded labourers. Today one of the fine jobs Mr. Nikam has been entrusted is as a Consultant for the centenary celebrations of “University of Mysore”. Mysore University being one of the oldest universities in the country, a history is being enacted from the First step on July 27, 1916 from Nalwadi Krishna Rajendra Wodeyar to the present state of glory. The theme song for the same has already been released, The event will feature lecture series by Nobel laureates, A grand auditorium is in the pipe line as fitting memory to the glory of Mysore University, if all the alumni of MU contribute just Rs 1000/=, this magnificent dream would became a reality and Mysore University could boast of one more milestone building. Thank you Niranjan, Wish you a l l the best for your new respons ib i l i ty …………………….Good Luck to you Sir.


J o i n t p r o j e c t w i t h D e Pa u l Ro t a ra c t c l u b .

Distribution of books to Govt School KRS on 6th

February 2015

Midtown News

Page 3: About Us-Issue 32, Vol 34,11-02-2015

th74 MemberofMidtown-Inducted

Mr.Prakaasha V completed his schooling from Hardwicke High School, Mysore and there after went on to pursue his graduation in commerce from Basudev Somani College. Moving forward he felt the need to have a Masters Degree and wanted to explore the field of business since he

belongs to a business family. He chose to do his M.Com, in Management specialization from University of Mysore. Currently he is looking after and taking forward the established liquor business, data processing centre & 3M Health care products. He is happily married to Ashwini and has two children Lalith Aditya & Rakshaann Aditya. His passion is to listen to music and to go on long drives and travel the world.Mr. Prakaasha was inducted to the club by Zonal Lieutenant Rtn. Raghavendra. Midtown welcomes this family to the Rotary fold.

Innerwheel Exclusive

thOn 24 January, our 6th General Body Meeting was held at PDC Chandrika Raghu's residence with the theme being REPUBLIC DAY spirit. Members had come dressed in the colours of our tricolour national flag . A quiz based on India and its freedom struggle was conducted. District Treasurer Anuradha and PP Sudha

st ndwon the 1 and the 2 prizes respectively. Incoming President Nandhini Murthy announced her team for the year 2015-16. Members Vimala, Chandrika, Pushpa and Hemalatha were the hosts .

Member Nandhini Murthy exchanged our club flag with Mala Varia – member of IWC Borivili, Mumbai during the latter's visit to Mysore.

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Page 4: About Us-Issue 32, Vol 34,11-02-2015

Printed at Tech Prints, Mysore-570005Ph: 2330380, 4289380Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Aboutus In-house Magazine Published byRtn. Mohan Kumar T.N, Hon. Secretary

Rotary Mysore Midtown, JLB Road, Mysore - 570024

Editorial Board: Rtn. Dr. K.A Prahlad,Rtn. Bheemesh, Rtn. Ramakrishna, Rtn BhanuchandranRtn. Pramod Gubbi, Rtn. Sundar, Rtn. R.S. Vishwanath

Rotary information

44Way TestWay TestWay Testof the things we say or do

Ÿ Is it the TRUTH?Ÿ Is if FAIR to all concerned ?Ÿ Will build GOODWILL & BETTER FRIENDSHIPS ?Ÿ Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned ?

Rotarians said itRotarians said it

· “ W h a t w a s t h e temperature of Rekha's hands, Nikam”

Rtn. Alagappan asked the Speaker Mr. Niranjan

Nikam when he said he shook hands with cine actress Rekha .

· “I have scored 1

mark more than the

Prospective Distr ict

Governor(Ramki) in the

Rotary quiz”.Rtn. Umesh. K.

Date : 18-02-2015

ROTARY MIDTWON SOUKYA Sports Award Presentation to

Smt. Sushmitha Pawar, International Kabbadi Player.

Time : 6.30pm


Its time for the annual event which we all have been looking forward to....an event to refresh & relax... an event to meet Rotarians across the district... an event to develop fellowship. Yes my dear friends, its time for the Rotary District Conference, and as I say so, my Ann Manjula also joins me in extending a very warm welcome to you & your families for the event which will be a memorable one only by your participation.

28th Feb & 1st March 2015 is when all roads will lead to the coastal town of Mangalore, to witness the 2 days district conference as Foundation Trustee, Rtn Sushil Gupta in presence of Rtn A.K.Shamshuddin of Dhaka, Bangladesh, the Official representative of RI President, will Light up the Rotary torch to symbolize the inaugural ceremony. Joining him will be other eminent

speakers to enhance your information on Rotary. The venue at TMA Pai Convention centre is ready to welcome you & your family & the exclusive session organized for Anns & Annets is bound to draw your attention.

As in every conference, we have made elaborate arrangements for your comfort, but our prime aim is to serve you typical Manglorean cousine which will tickle your taste buds and take home refreshing memories to share with your near ones. Cultural events to suit to the taste of the lovers of talent is being extensively planned and we hope to put up a great show to please you all.

Yet another initiative taken this year is leveraging technology. Those already registered will be provided with swiping cards well in advance which we are confident will help you to a large extent there by saving your precious time at the registration counter. Spot registration, though initially declined, will now be accommodated adhering to the requests from clubs across the district, but will receive the mementos, only subject to availability. Directions, programme details & other information will be constantly sent to the registered cell phones thereby reminding & prompting you of the happenings at the conference.

Clubs have a unique opportunity to exhibit their accomplishments in the area designated, & the best will be recognized too. Major Donors, & PHF’s will have the privilege of a special recognition. Businesses and enterprises supporting us financially will be exhibiting their products at the venue and my sincere request to you all is to patronize them to the best possible.

The house of friendship will remain open only between 11 am to 10 pm on the 28th February & between 11am to 4 pm on the 1st March, which may kindly be noted and I seek co-operation of all concerned in this regard.

Finally, the success of any programme depends on the participation of delegates, and so I call upon each & every Rotarian to be our guest with your families, enjoy our hospitality, give us the opportunity to host you in true mangalorean style. Our aim is to send you back with pleasant memories of the conference.

Trust you will join me in Lighting up Rotary,

Thanking youYours sincerely,

Rtn. Dr. Bhaskar S.Rtn. Manjula Bhaskar.


District Conference

Place: RCL Hall

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