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  • 7/30/2019 Above Board Ed4 2013 Web


    AboveBoardissue 4 2013 A bi-AnnuAl publicAtion of the AustrAli An MAriti Me college

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    Cash splash or seaarer courses

    Back row: Nick Mammides, Alex Cliord, Michelle Williams and Catherine Knuckey. Front row: Katherine Langworthy and Maddi Brickwith then Prime Minister Julia Gillard.

    Julia Grd vsted the

    astrn Mrtme

    Coege on 2 My to

    nnonce fndng njecton

    of $12 mon for vocton

    edcton nd trnng (VET).

    This signicant investment

    ows aMC to dever more thn

    160,000 hors of specsedtrnng to over 500 mrtme

    stdents ech yer, nd spports

    nton pproch to sefrer

    trnng s prt of the Feder

    Governments shppng pocy


    The fnds w be devered

    cross for-yer perod,

    enbng aMC to sstn

    ongong trnng corses for

    VET stdents who come from

    over astr nd deveop new,

    word-edng progrms.

    Ths fndng w hep

    rebd the astrn shppng

    eet and the skills base needed

    to keep the industry growing

    nd prosperng nto the ftre,Ms Grd sd.

    Together, wth or shppng

    reforms, fndng for aMC

    w see the coege trn more

    sefrers thn ever before,

    wth more jobs vbe on

    Australian agged ships.

    it ws Ms Grds second

    vst to aMC n for yers; her

    rst being in 2009 when she

    ttended n her cpcty s

    Depty PM nd Mnster for

    Edcton to open the newy-

    bt Cvtton Reserch


    Her recent vst owed her

    to tor the fcty n operton

    nd vew some of the cttng-

    edge research work being

    undertaken. She also had the

    chance to take the helm at the

    shp smtor before meetng

    wth representtves from aMC,

    UTAS and the wider community.

    Afterwards Ms Gillard spoke

    wth grop of aMC stdents

    bot ther creer sprtons.

    Both UTAS Vice-Chancellor

    Peter Rthjen nd aMCPrncp Ne Bose wecomed

    the fndng.

    Ths fndng hs secred

    the ftre of mrtme VET

    trnng corses n astr,

    ths spportng the trnng

    needs of ths mportnt ndstry

    sector, Professor Rthjen sd.

    it w provde stbe

    bse for aMC to compete

    nterntony nd hep bd

    on the redy mpressve

    economic benets delivered

    by aMC to the stte throgh

    stdents nd reserch.

    Professor Bose dded:

    a mt-yer progrm of

    fndng w enbe stff to

    be engged n deveopment of

    the trnng corses so tht

    astrs corses ed the

    wy nterntony rther thn

    jst beng devered t word


    AMC Search, the commercial

    rm of the astrn MrtmeCoege, hs been sccessf

    n wnnng $10 mon

    Commonweth contrct to

    continue its Pacic Patrol Boat

    (PPB) trnng progrm.

    The contrct w rn for

    mnmm of for yers, wth n

    opton to extend, nd trnng

    w be devered t the aMC

    fctes on the unversty of

    Tsmns Newnhm cmps.

    The PPB progrm provdes

    the participating Pacic Island

    ntons wth vt mrtme

    srvence cpbtes to

    ndependenty ptro nd protect

    ther excsve economc zones.

    it hs been the centrepece of the

    Feder Governments Defence

    Cooperton Progrm, wth 22

    ptro bots gfted to 12 ntonsbetween 1987 and 1997.

    UTAS Vice-Chancellor, Professor

    Peter Rthjen, sd: Ths wecome

    nnoncement s the second

    recent national reafrmation

    of aMCs stts s centre for

    exceence n sefrer trnng.

    It will have a signicant impact

    on the northern economy nd

    support jobs at AMC Search.

    aMC Prncp Professor

    Ne Bose dded: Ths contrct

    w nject frther $2.5 mon

    nto the Tsmnn economy

    ech yer nd s rest of

    the sccessf commerc

    professonsm broght toAMC through AMC Search.

    The commerc hre of the

    unverstys fctes nd servcest aMC w ow for 16 core

    trnng corses to be deveredto bot 150 - 160 trnees per


    AMC Search has held thePPB trnng contrct snce1992, during which time it hastrned 4064 stdents n corsesrngng from eectroncs ndcommunications to cooking and

    hygene. The trnees w so be

    provded wth 24-hor pstor

    cre nd spport whe they gn

    their qualications.

    The Pacic Island nations

    prtcptng n the PPB

    progrm re: Krbt, P,

    Vnt, Pp New Gne,

    Tonga, Samoa, Cook Islands,

    Repbc of Mrsh isnds,

    Federated States of Micronesia,

    Tuvalu and the Solomon Islands.

    AMC Search awarded $10mPacifc Patrol Boat contract

    PPB trainees take the helm at AMCs ship simulator this acility is used or navigation,radar and bridge resource management courses.

    Neil Bose appointedAMC Principal


    SUNDAY 25 AUGUST OPEN DAYLaunceston & Beauty Point |10am - 3pm |www.amc.edu.au/openday


    Foowng n extensve nton ndnternton serch, Professor NeBose hs been pponted Prncp of

    the astrn Mrtme Coege.

    Professor Bose hs dstngshedacademic career in the elds of marinepropson, nv rchtectre nd ocen

    engneerng, ncdng ppontments tMemor unversty of Newfondnd(Cnd) nd the unversty of Gsgow


    He joined AMC in May 2007 asProfessor of Mrtme Hydrodynmcs

    nd ws actng Prncp from Jnry2012 to Febrry 2013.

    Professor Bose sd he ws

    extremey enthsstc bot edngaMC throgh n exctng tme ofrevtston, chnge nd deveopment.

    aMC, wth strong spport from theunversty of Tsmn t eves,hs n gend to bd on ts nton

    mndte nd nternton presence,nrtre the professon deveopmentof ts stff nd strengthen ts cdemcprole, he said.

    aMC spres to nton ndnternton renown n mrtmetrnng, edcton nd reserch, strong

    ndstry connectons nd edng edge,nnovtve sotons.

    The Chrmn of the aMC Bord, Dr

    Mche Vertgn aC, sd t ws tmeof signicant opportunity for AMC nowthat its integration with UTAS wascomplete with the ofcial acceptance

    by then Mnster for infrstrctre ndTrnsport, Mr anthony abnese, ofthe nal post-integration report.

    AMC is poised to play a key part inmaritime workforce reform, which is amjor nton nttve, Dr Vertgn


    The Bord hs recenty revtsedthe strtegc msson of aMC to embrce

    hgh-qty mrtme edctonnd trnng, hgh-qty reserch,enhanced industry and stakeholderenggement, nd greter emphss

    on coborton both ntony ndnterntony.

    UTAS Vice-Chancellor, Professor

    Peter Rthjen, wecomed ProfessorBoses ppontment.

    It is very satisfying to nd that a fter wordwde serch the best person tosteer aMC nto new er s the person

    redy t the hem. i hve everycondence that Neil will take the AMCto new eve s n nsttte of oc,nton nd nternton renown.



    Excellence in maritimetraining recognised

    Breakingthe ice

    Spotlight onresearch

    Aquaculture centreupgrades


  • 7/30/2019 Above Board Ed4 2013 Web


    Above Board is the bi-annual newsletter o

    The Australian Maritime College, circulatedto around 10,000 alumni and other

    stakeholders worldwide.

    Contributions are welcome.

    Contact [email protected]

    For course enquiries visit


    2 a b o v e b o a r d | i s s u e 4


    Associate Proessor Kim Dowling, Associate Proessor Gil es Thomas, Dr Stuart Cannon,Adjunct Proessor Yuriy Drobyshevski, Proessor Neil Bose and Martin Grimm.

    Industry advice invaluable to AMCThe indstry advsory

    Commttee for the Nton

    Centre for Mrtme Engneerng

    nd Hydrodynmcs (NCMEH)

    held its rst meeting for 2013

    on cmps n My.

    Representtves from the

    Department of Defence, DSTO,

    INTECSEA and the University

    of Bllrt joned Prncpl

    Nel Bose, actng Drector

    Giles Thomas and other key

    stff from the ntonl centre.

    The advsory Commttee

    ws formed three yers go nresponse to recommendton

    from Engneers austrl to

    ensure strtegc nput t

    hgh level nd ccess to wder


    We lwys welcome nput

    from our dvsory commttee;

    t s essentl n formng our

    long-term strtegy. We hve

    dverse mx of members from

    cross ndustry, nd even

    from nother unversty, so we

    get nce blnce of vews,

    assocte Professor Thoms


    He sd the meetng hd

    lso gven commttee members

    the opportunty to consult wth


    They enjoy the opportunty

    to meet wth our students

    becuse t helps them get

    cler de of wht s hppenng

    n our progrms nd how our

    students re progressng. Tht

    kind of feedback is invaluable.

    The Strategic Industry Group (L-R): Tim Asome (ASP Ship Management), Dev Ranmuthugala (AMC), Simon Earle (Maritime Employees TrainingLtd), Tony Cousins (PB Towage), Tony Wilks (Tony Wilks & Associates Pty Ltd), Neil Bo se (AMC Principal), Dr Darr yl Hull (Transport & LogisticsCentre), Martin Crees-Morris (AMC), Mal Larsen (Australian Maritime Saety Authority), Marcus Bowles (AMC). Apologies: Rod Pickett (MaritimeUnion o Australia) and David Anderson (Ports Australia).

    aMCs Ports & Shipping

    Strategic Industry Group

    (SIG) met in Launceston

    n My to dscss the mjor sses

    ffectng the mrtme ndstry.

    The grop conssts of hgh-level key industry stakeholders,

    nd ts prpose s to provde aMC

    senor stff wth gdnce nd

    drecton on sefrer nd reted

    mrtme ndstry trnng.

    The meetng ddressed the

    optons for sefrer trnng

    cross astr, ncdng the

    mpctons from the Feder

    Governments recenty reesed

    Australian Maritime Workforce

    Development Strategy.

    The strtegy ws deveoped

    in response to the ndings of a

    maritime census that conrmed

    the seagoing workforce is ageing.

    it provdes the government wth

    14 recommendtons to prevent

    national workforce shortage.

    This strategy will inuencewht trnng aMC devers wth

    the $12 mon VET fndng

    boost nnonced by then Prme

    Mnster J Grd.

    Options include delivering

    sefrng, mrtme ogstcs,

    mrne engneerng nd port

    operton trnng cross

    astr, n prtnershp wth

    nterstte trnng provders nd

    ndstry grops.

    The meetng so dscssed

    the ddton $5 mon Feder

    Government fndng to ssst

    the exstng astrn shppng

    eet to meet its future workforce

    trnng needs. Ths w ncde

    meetng the growng demnd

    wthn the o nd gs ndstry

    nd possbe coborton wth

    the Roy astrn Nvy.

    aMC Prncp, Ne Bose

    said: The work of the SIG is

    med t nswerng the qestons

    sch s: s aMC hedng n the

    rght drecton nd cn aMCs

    opertons nd devery of

    trnng be mproved?

    it ws cer from the

    dscssons tht the mrtme

    ndstry s strongy spportve

    of aMC nd the trnng tht t

    provdes. We hghy ve the

    input that the SIG members have

    provded to ths dscsson.

    Direction o seaarer trainingthe ocus o industry meeting

    How should AMC engage

    closely and meaningully with its

    industry and research stakeholders?

    How should we maximise

    the opportunities within the

    University o Tasmania in building

    a more eective and successul

    relationship? How should we build

    on our worldwide reputation? These

    are just some o the key questions

    we ace as we work towards AMCs

    vision: maritime excellence; industry

    connected; pioneering solutions.

    At school I wondered about

    going to sea and probably would

    have done i not prevented by a

    propensity to sea sickness and

    by my sight which meant I could

    not, at the time, be a deck ocer.

    I eventually chose maritime

    engineering because I wanted to

    design and build things, especially

    small crat, and I have been a

    partner in a boatyard building

    and repairing boats. I have

    worked on numerous research

    projects with industry partners

    and published extensively rom

    this work. I am an acknowledged

    world expert in marine propulsion

    who has questioned and provided

    alternatives or ship powering

    perormance prediction.

    I see abundant opportunities

    or AMC to take the lead in the

    development o seaarer training,

    at both a national and internationallevel. Similarly, we deliver specialist

    maritime engineering and maritime

    business courses and there is an

    opportunity or us to play a wider

    role in the design o this education,

    and to be a leading research

    institute in all o these elds.

    Pockets o AMCs courses

    and research are unique at an

    international level. We send

    undergraduates to sea or

    signicant periods as part o

    their maritime engineering and

    marine conservation degrees.

    Few undergraduate maritime

    engineering courses provide access

    to hydrodynamic testing tanks.

    There are major opportunities open

    in developing leading-edge studies

    into problems o key relevance to

    our industry stakeholders. I hear

    these issues raised, and I have been

    asked how AMC can assist.

    So how are we going to achieve

    this change in outlook and

    activity? Well, we started two to

    three years ago by increasing the

    number o research higher degree

    scholarships such that our student

    body has doubled in this period

    and is continuing to grow. With

    industry partners, we have students

    working on atigue o mariners,communication errors in maritime

    English, ocean renewable energy,

    maritime law, propulsion o high-

    speed erries, aquatic sh health

    and much more.

    Through academic sta renewal

    initiatives at the University, AMC will

    search nationally and internationally

    or at least six senior academic

    sta over 2013-14. Their role will

    be to lead reorm in curriculum

    or training and education and to

    mentor strong research growth

    in areas o relevance to AMCs

    industry stakeholders. The rst o

    these joined in February and the

    second is expected to join later this

    year. Two will be the new Directors

    o the National Centre or Ports

    and Shipping and the National

    Centre or Maritime Engineering

    and Hydrodynamics. Several will

    be qualied in a relevant seaaring


    It is an exciting uture and one on

    which I plan to update you through

    these columns as our plans unold.

    I am looking orward to working

    with you and would be very happy

    to answer any questions you might

    have, best routed through email to

    me: [email protected]

    from the principal

    AMC ontrack oran excitinguture

    For intending International students, detailedinormation on the content o these and other UTAScourses, campuses, acilities, ees, reund policy, rules oadmission and assessment, the ESOS Framework and anoverview o the local Tasmanian environment, pleasevisit the UTAS International Students website. Please beadvised that not all courses oered by UTAS are availableto Overseas/ International Students.

    CRICOS CODE 00586B

  • 7/30/2019 Above Board Ed4 2013 Web

    3/8i s s u e 4 | a b o v e b o a r d 3

    International recognition orexcellence in maritime education


    NuRa Seneviratnescommtment to exceence

    n mrtme trnnghs been recognsed wth prestgos nternton wrdfrom industry magazine SailorTody.

    aMCs Hed of Deprtment:Maritime Training took homethe Mrtme Trner of theYer wrd t the 12th SailorToday/Ship Shore Industryawrd fncton, hed n indnd ttended by mrtmeprofessons from rond theword.

    Sailor Today is a monthlynternton shppng mgznebsed n ind nd wdey redby mrtme professons fromSouth and South-East Asia.

    Captain Seneviratne

    (pictured) joined AMC in 1990

    following a 17-year seagoingcreer. He gned consderbe

    experence s senor ectrer

    and course coordinator of deck

    ofcer programs before being

    pponted to hs crrent roe

    edng the mrtme trnng


    Maintaining AMCs links

    wth as hs been prorty

    for Captain Seneviratne over

    the yers, nd he ws very

    pesed to ccept the wrd n

    front of hs peers.

    There were more thn

    1500 mrtme professons

    from rond the word t the

    fncton nd i ws enjoyng

    many valuable networking

    opportntes. imgne my

    srprse when my nme

    ws ced ot, Cptn

    Seneviratne said.

    it s bg chevement

    for aMC. They were not jst

    talking about maritime trainer

    of the yer n ind or the

    subcontnent; professonls

    from ll over as, Europe ndother prts of the world were

    present s well.

    Captain Seneviratne said

    the wrd ws recognton of

    the tem effort by cdemc

    nd professonl stff,

    and acknowledgment of

    aMCs strong nterntonl


    There re more thn 200

    mrtme trnng nsttutons

    in South Asia alone, so it is

    very rewrdng for us to be

    recognsed for our mrtme

    trnng on such globl


    Dr JngngFe hs beenwrded

    T e c h n gDeveopmentGrnt by theunversty of

    T s m n slernng ndT e c h n gCommttee.

    The Institutional Signicancegrnt w see Dr Fe, ectrer ndresercher wth the Deprtment ofMrtme nd logstcs Mngement,

    nvestgte the trnsformtve roeof Echo360 on ernng nd techng

    drng 2013. Echo360 s techngsppement tht cn be sed to

    crete do or screen podcsts forplayback by students.

    Dr Fe sd tht, whe Echo360

    was already in place at UTAS, theover sge ws ow nd vredsignicantly across faculties andschoos.

    i sed Echo360 n one ofmy nts st yer nd recevedsome nterestng comments fromstdents, he sd.

    i fet reserch project wodprovde better nderstndng ofthe roes of Echo360 on ernng ndtechng, ths promotng the se of

    the technology across UTAS withcondence.

    Dr Fes project tem so

    ncdes Drs Chrs Chn nd irenePeness, from the Nton Centrefor Mrtme Engneerng ndHydrodynmcs, Crey Mther,

    from the School of Nursing andMdwfery, Edcton DeveoperChris Allen and Learning ServicesCo-ordntor leh Chnder.

    By the end of the project the

    grop hopes to cheve goodnderstndng of the mpct ofEcho360 on stdent ernng

    ncdng ernng behvor,performnce nd stdent retenton;s we s n nderstndng ofectrers perceptons bot the

    mpcts of the technoogy on techng.

    Study toprobe techrole in


    Jiangang Fei


    lecturer Dr


    Chin has



    o nominees

    to be named


    Lecturer o the Year. The award,

    now in its sixth year, is an initiative

    o UniJobs.com.au, and aims to

    reward the eorts o diligent

    academic sta that have helped

    enrich the lives o students and

    work colleagues. More than100,000 votes were cast online,

    making it the most popular award

    to date. Dr Chin is no stranger to

    the Lecturer o the Year award,

    securing third place in last years

    rankings and second the year


    Fish Health




    has been

    recognised or


    servicewith a Vice-Chancellors Award

    or Exceptional Perormance by

    Proessional Sta. These awards

    are made to proessional sta

    members who make an outstanding

    contribution which exceeds the

    normal requirements o their

    employment. Karine was nominatedor her work with the Aquatic

    Animal Health Group, including

    developing and implementing

    systems and processes that have

    created business eciencies while

    maintaining high-quality researchand provision o training.

    Dr Alex

    Forrest has

    joined us as

    a Lecturer

    in Ocean


    He comes

    rom a varied

    background using Autonomous

    Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) to

    explore problems in environmental

    fuid mechanics and aquatic


    Specically he uses innovative

    engineering techniques to conduct

    novel science experiments in

    challenging environments. His

    work has taken him to the polar

    regions exploring a variety o orms

    o ice including lake-ice, sea-ice,

    glacial ice tongues and icebergs.

    Several o the lessons learnt have

    bridged into other disciplines

    such as benthic habitat mapping,

    seafoor surveying to as ar aeld as

    space exploration.

    His current research interest is

    the use o AUVs as data collection

    platorms or examining water

    column hydrodynamics and

    benthic habitat mapping

    (using both image and acoustic


    Dr Forrest holds a Doctorate in

    Civil Engineering (Environmental

    Fluid Mechanics University o

    British Columbia), M. A.Sc. in Civil

    Engineering (Pollution Control

    University o British Columbia),

    B.Sc. Environmental Science

    (McMaster University) and B. Eng. in

    Chemical Engineering and Society

    (McMaster University).


    Faisal Khan

    has joined us

    as Proessor o


    Saety & Risk


    rom his


    post at Memorial University,

    Newoundland where he was

    Chair, Process Engineering. He has

    authored our books and more

    than 100 internationally-reereed

    research papers. His research

    interests include saety and riskengineering, environmental risk

    modeling, lie cycle analysis,

    computer aided process plant

    design and inherent saety.

    Staff in focuS

    Christopher Chin karine Cadoret alex forrest faisal khan

    There are more than

    200 maritime traininginstitutions in South Asiaalone, so it is very rewardingor us to be recognised orour maritime training onsuch a global scale.

    Staff in focuS


  • 7/30/2019 Above Board Ed4 2013 Web


    4 a b o v e b o a r d | i s s u e 4

    Support orinternationalood trade

    The sprt of nternton

    coborton ws ve nd we

    when AMC hosted the ASP Parasitic

    Dseses n Fsh MrctreWorkshop.

    More thn 30 ndstry, nversty

    nd pbc servce deegtesattended the workshop, which was

    orgnsed by Professor Brbr

    Nowak and hosted by the aquatic

    nm heth reserch grop.

    International guest speakersProfessor Kazuo Ogawa, from

    Megro Prstoogc Msem

    in Tokyo, delivered a presentationon Blood uke infections of farmed

    Pacic Bluen Tuna; and Dr Sho

    Shirakashi from Kinki University

    Fisheries Laboratory in Wakayama,

    Japan, gave a talk on Newpossibilities of reducing skin uke

    infection in net cage mariculture.

    Professor Ogawa said thateveryone n the mrctrendstry fced smr probems ndt ws mportnt to shre wht ws


    Presenttons were so gvenby oc reserchers on vretyof topcs, ncdng technqes to

    combat the scourge of many shfrms - moebc g dsese (aGD).

    assocte Professor Tom Crbb,from the unversty of Qeensnd,focssed on Progress and problems

    with marine blood uke life cycles project he coborted on wthProfessor Nowak.

    Our research helped lead to

    chnges n frmng prctc es. i

    focssed on the mpctons of

    our ndings how the techniques

    mght be pped to other fecyces,

    assocte Professor Crbb sd.

    Professor Nowak said that the

    response to the workshop had been


    it hs hghghted the fct tht

    there re mny synerges n or

    research we are often tackling

    the sme sses, jst from dfferent

    nges, she sd.

    The two-day workshop was

    sponsored by the astrn Society

    for Prstoogy nd ndstry

    prtners Petn nd Tss.

    Fish health workshop ostersinternational collaboration

    Proessor Kazuo Ogawa, rom Meguro Parasitological Museum in Tokyo, Associate ProessorTom Cribb, o University o Queensland. Front: Dr Sho Shirakashi rom Kiniki University FisheriesLaboratory in Wakayama, Japan, and Proessor Barbara Nowak, o University o Tasmania.

    Regon nd nternton trden food s constrned by ncoherent,

    conicting food inspection and certication

    arrangements, resulting in inefcientand disparate markets and unnecessaryprodct rejectons nd wste.

    a hrmonsed nd prctc pprochs needed for the edcton nd trnngof government nd ndstry professonsengged n the regton nd mngement

    of food inspection and certication systemsin the 10 Association of Southeast AsianNations (ASEAN) member states.

    Since 2003, AMC has beenprovdng technc ssstnce to food

    administrations in ASEAN, particularlyCmbod, indones, los, Mynmr,Phppnes nd Vetnm. a mjor otptof ths cooperton s compendm of

    mode corses for the trnng of foodnspecton professons. The desgn nddrftng of these resorces hs been n

    nternton cobortve effort ed byDvd Mne from the Nton Centrefor Mrne Conservton nd ResorceSustainability.

    in My ths yer, representtves

    from contres gthered n Yngon,Mynmr, to pn the root of themodel courses across ASEAN. A programof trnng nd mentorng of ectrers

    n reevnt nstttons throghot theregon w be mpemented over the nextyer.

    Ths cpcty bdng provdes bottomp spport to compement prevos top

    down regtory reform nttves.While the project will benet all ASEANntons, Mynmr w be prtcrystrengthened s ts recent potc

    reforms provde t wth greter ccess to

    international markets.The project s now n ts thrd phse

    nd s beng mpemented nder the

    auspices of the ASEAN Expert Group onFood Safety and with nancial assistancefrom asaiD.

    The project s component of ong-term strtegy for the devery of aMC

    technc expertse n the nterntonmarket, managed by AMC Search andwith strategic and overseas eld supportby its partner, AMSAT International.

    Article contributed by Jim Travers

    AMSAT International.

    E: [email protected];

    M: 0438 200 560

    Centre upgrades a boostfor aquaculture researcha

    $350,000 nvestment

    by the unversty of

    Tsmn hs ncresed

    efciencies and improved the

    reserch cpbtes of the

    aqctre Centre t aMC.

    Nton Centre for MrneConservton nd Resorce

    Sustainability (NCMCRS)

    Drector, assocte Professor

    John Prser, wecomed the

    pgrdes nd sd t ws

    pesng to see the fcty

    acknowledged as a valuable


    aqctre Centre mnger

    Dr Mark Adams said

    mprovements hd been mde

    n the res of nm wefre

    nd bosecrty, s we s the

    heth nd sfety of stff nd


    The pdtes to or

    ltration systems will benet

    the welfare of our sh by

    provdng hgh wter qty

    envronment, Dr adms sd.

    We hve so mproved

    ser spce ccess, rcondtonng nd eectrc

    sfety wthn the centre.

    assocte Professor Prser sd

    the pgrdes wod enhnce

    both the ndergrdte

    nd postgrdte stdent


    Our undergraduates will

    now get to see p-to-dte

    ltration technology in action,

    whch w ssst ernng

    drng prctc csses.

    importnty, the

    conguration of the systems

    allows coursework students to

    care for tanks of sh without

    mpctng on-ste reserch.

    The mprovements ensre

    systems efciencies, beneting

    the research undertaken by

    or postgrdte stdents nd


    The ncresed cpbty

    will also benet other faculties

    nd nstttes of the unversty

    of Tsmn, ncdng the

    recenty nched Centre for

    Food innovton.

    Now tht we cn show

    ndstry mproved systems,

    we beeve they w strengthen

    ther enggement n the

    pped reserch crred

    ot n the centre, assocte

    Professor Prser sd.

    The centre hs for over

    25 yers provded reserch

    servces to mny sectors of

    the astrn qctre

    industry, but specically

    the Tsmnn smond

    ndstry. We hve so dobed

    or tropc reserch spce

    crrenty ccommodtng

    brrmnd nd prwn projects.

    There re very few

    qctre fctes n

    astr tht hve the bty

    to host both tropc nd

    temperte speces on one ste.

    Technical ocer Deb Harrison checks out the new fltration equipment in stalled at the Aquaculture Centre.

    Our undergraduates willnow get to see up-to-dateltration technology inaction, which will assist

    learning during practicalclasses.


  • 7/30/2019 Above Board Ed4 2013 Web


    a tem from the Nton

    Centre for Mrtme Engneerngnd Hydrodynmcs (NCMEH)hs been wrded prestgosnternton wrd by the Roy

    insttton of Nv archtects(RiNa).

    led thor aex Robbnsgrdted from aMC n 2011wth Mster of Phosophy n

    Hydrodynmcs. He s crrenty PhD cnddte whose thess sndergong exmnton. aex s

    now working for DMS Maritimein Sydney as the engineeringmnger for $200 mon shpcqston progrm for the


    The wrd, Med ofDstncton, s presented tothe thors of ppers of mertpbshed by RiNa n the

    internton Jorn of MrtmeEngneerng (iJME).

    The pper, tted SubcriticalWave Wake Unsteadiness, wsco-thored by aMCs assocte

    Professor Ges Thoms, ProfessorMrtn Renson nd Dr Gregor

    Mcfrne, s we s Dr inDnd, of BMT iss n the uK.

    Prevos wsh expermentsshowed sgns of nstednesswthn the rests. it wsdecded to frther nvestgte

    ths phenomenon to determnethe possbe cses nd effect on

    other wsh rests, Mr Robbns


    The rests re deted fywthn the iJME pper, bt thekey outcome was that the recordednstedness ws prmry de

    to soton generton.

    The grop ws nvted toLondon to ofcially receive theirmed from the RiNa Presdent

    t the instttons nngener meetng n apr.

    Mr Robbns sd tht he vedbeng recognsed by the ndstryand saw this as a tting end to his


    i hve promsed my wfe tht,fter 11 yers of post-grd stdy,i w do no more degrees, hesd. Bt i my do tte post-

    doctoral work.

    i s s u e 4 | a b o v e b o a r d 5

    A change o direction has put Katrina Beams at thehelm o Australias Antarctic fagship.

    alumni in focuS

    Breaking theice: carving out

    a new career

    KaTRiNa Bems mother cnt

    beeve her tte gr n fry

    socks has gone on to punch

    throgh ce n antrctc.

    Ms Bems, 35, st strgges

    to beeve t hersef, hvng never

    expected she wod one dy be t the

    helm of Australias Antarctic agship.

    as thrd mte on the aror

    astrs, Ms Bems spends eght

    hours a day navigating the 3911-tonnereserch nd resppy shp throgh

    ice up to 1.23 metres thick.

    She has also acted as a safety

    ofcer on the ship which, according

    to the feder governments antrctc

    dvson, cn ro p to 45 degrees n

    big swells, making the angle of the

    deck steeper than any street in the


    its bg responsbty, yo hve

    p to 140 peope on bord, nd ther

    ves, nd very expensve shp, re

    n yor contro, Ms Bems sd.

    She said the unpredictable nature

    of the job, nd the hrsh envronment

    she nvgted, ment she ws wys


    understndng the dfferencesin the ice takes a lot of time youneed to know about areas of pressure,thickness and the weather conditions

    nd wht mpct they hve on thece, she sd.

    Yo hve to choose the best roteby seeing where the ice is likely to be

    thinnest. The ship has a atter hull,menng yo tery come p on tothe ice and break it out. If youre in

    the lower hull it sounds like metal onmetal, or ngers on a chalkboard.

    Ms Bems sd there were otof positives working on the Auroraastrs.

    I only have to work half a yearbecse i get one dy off for every

    day I work, and I get to go to placesnyone ese wod spend thosnds ofdors to see, Ms Bems sd.

    The rst time I saw Antarctica

    t ws jst mzng, nd t st samazing, every minute especiallybecse ts dyght the tme, yocan look out the porthole and see so

    mch chnge n the ndscpe, 24hors dy.

    Article courtesy of the Launceston Examiner.

    Swell lie in ofshore oil and gasindustry beckons engineer

    Ocean engineering graduateChrstopher Hwtone hscommenced the next chpter ofhs fe n Norwy fter evng

    aMC wth the we wshes of hspeers nd swg of przes.

    Chrs ws dmtted to theBachelor of Engineering (Ocean

    Engneerng) degree wth Frst-Css Honors nd he ws sowrded unversty Med.

    in recognton of hs hghchevement, he ws ncded

    on the 2012 Prncps Ro ofExceence nd receved specctton for hvng been ncdedon the Ro for ech of the for

    yers of hs degree.

    in ddton, he ws so

    wrded the foowng przes:

    The Conne Med, wrdedto the otstndng aMCgrdte t Bcheor eve;

    The Cptn ThomsSwanson Prize, awarded tothe otstndng grdtefrom degree progrm nech aMC nton centre.

    The Jan Soeholt Prize,

    wrded for exceence nstdes n the Bcheorof Engineering (OceanEngneerng) degree.

    Not srprsngy, gven hscdemc record, Chrs dd nothave to knock on many doors tosecre f-tme empoyment ongrdton.

    in My 2012, he ws offereda job in Norway working as agrdte project engneer wth company called Ocean Installer,

    whch specses n the desgnnd nstton of sb-seeqpment for the offshore o ndgs ndstry.

    The job offer came from Oceaninsters Engneerng Mnger,Joe irend, hmsef n aMC

    grdte (2006).

    Chris started work in the Oil

    Cpt of Norwy, the cty ofStavanger, on February 11.

    See the back page or a ull listingo the 2012 Prize Winners.

    Christopher Hawtone with AMC Principal Neil Bose; the Provost, Proessor David Rich; and Chair o the Academic Senate, Proessor Dianne Nicol.

    Top medal or wavewake research

    Katrina Beams counts hersel lucky to witness the ever-changing Antarctic landscape as third mate on the Aurora Australis.

    Alex Robbins

  • 7/30/2019 Above Board Ed4 2013 Web


    6 a b o v e b o a r d | i s s u e 4

    A group of AMC alumni took

    a step back in time for a reunion

    tor of the Newnhm cmps.

    Seven members of the rst

    cohort of Bcheor of apped

    Science (Marine Engineering)

    graduates (1985) were taken on a

    tor of fctes by Dr Ezbeth

    Vagg, who said the group were like

    excted yongsters gn s they

    cght p wth frends, ectrers

    nd coeges from the pst.

    Renon co-orgnser Ken

    Norrs sd tht, whe the

    de of renon tor hd been

    dscssed for whe, t ws

    chnce meetng wth feow

    1985 graduate on board a vessel

    that had nally prompted action.

    Tour group member Paul Swan

    said that there had denitely

    been ot of chnges on cmps

    since 1985.

    There re now ot more

    bdngs nd fctes. The

    stdent resdences nd the

    srvv centre were ony nder

    construction during our rst and

    second yers ttendng aMC,

    Mr Swan said.

    One of the highlights of the

    grops vst ws the chnce to

    get hnds-on experence n the

    shp nd tg smtors.

    The grop greed tht the on-

    ste renon hd prompted mny

    memores of the good tmes t

    AMC including their time as

    resdents of investgtor H.

    Mr Swan recalled it had beenall hands on deck in 1983 for aRoy vst by Prnce Chres nd

    the te Prncess Dn.

    He sd tht styng n tochwth feow mn hd wysproven to be benecial.

    Taking the time to be a part ofevents like this (reunion) can help

    you keep abreast of developmentsnd opportntes for yorsef ndothers n the mrne engneerngeld and various related


    Marine engineering reunion tour a blast rom the past

    1985 marine engineering graduates Paul Swan, Paul Moir, Ken Norris, Bob Fraser and Jonathon Wilkinson.

    The astrn Mrtme

    Coege w be nvoved n

    reserch rngng from mjordvnce n the technoogy of

    bulk ore transhipment to proving

    prmry schoo stdents cn sove

    nversty-eve mths probems

    foowng the nnoncement of

    nton fndng of projects ved

    t $645,000.

    The two projects hve been

    fnded s prt of the astrn

    Research Councils 2013 Linkage

    Projects rond.

    Dr Gregor Mcfrne w ed

    tem nvestgtng The ship

    within a ship: new-generation

    transhipment of bulk ore products

    thanks to a $270,000 ARC grant

    plus $150,000 cash and in-kind

    support from industry partner Sea

    Trnsport Corporton.

    Ths project w deveop one of

    the most signicant advances in

    decades in the technology of bulk

    ore trnshpment, Dr Mcfrne


    it w ow astrs mnng

    export ndstry, prtcry sm

    to medm szed compnes n

    remote octons, to become more

    cost-efcient and environmentally


    Dr Mcfrne w be spported

    by mrtme engneerng cdemcs

    Professor Ne Bose, Dr irene

    Peness nd Dr Jonthn Dffy.

    The second project, Calculus

    in the real world: transforming

    the way we teach mathematics

    in primary education, ed by Dr

    Andrew Fluck from the Faculty of

    Edcton hs receved $150,000

    ARC grant plus $75,000 cash and

    in-kind support from industry

    partner Australian Scientic &

    Engineering Solutions.

    Dr Fluck will be supported

    by tem of aMC cdemcs

    ncdng assocte Professor Dev

    Rnmthg, Dr Chrs Chn nd

    Dr irene Peness.

    Ths project w demonstrte

    tht, wth the d of compters,

    prmry schoo stdents cnsove nversty-eve dvnced

    mthemtcs probems, Dr Chn


    after stdyng wth mtmed

    techng mters nd specsed

    softwre, the stdents w

    undertake a university engineering

    examination and pass with ying


    aMC assocte Den (Reserch),

    Dr Chrs Boch, wecomed the


    These two projects re prt

    of the unversty of Tsmns

    over aRC reserch fndng

    poo of $3.4 mon; n mpressve

    rest gven the compettveness ofthe linkage project grants.

    it s ressrng to see tht the

    qty of or reserch contnes

    to be recognsed t nton nd

    nternton eve, he sd.

    ARC Linkageunding or tworesearch projects

    aCaDEMiC exceence

    hs pd off for two

    nv rchtectre

    stdents, wth Reben Kent nd

    Samuel Smith each receiving

    prestgos wrds s prt of the

    Cvn Defence Engneerng

    Scholarships Scheme (CDESS).

    CDESS is offered by the

    Deprtment of Defence to

    stdents n the second yer of

    for-yer nv rchtectre

    degree. The schorshp s

    ved t $12,000 yer for

    three yers nd ncdes two

    12-week paid industry workpcements wthn the Nvy nd

    Defence Materiel Organisation.

    The wrd ms to ttrct

    tented engneerng stdents

    to an Australian Public Service

    creer wth the Deprtment

    of Defence. appcnts re

    ssessed on cdemc mert

    and a variety of key personal

    qualities and skills, and they

    receve professon mentorng

    for the fe of the schorshp.

    Reuben and Samuel were

    ofcially presented with

    scholarship certicates by

    Mrtn Grmm, the Prncp

    Nv archtect from the

    Drectorte of Nvy Ptform

    Systems, at a ceremony that

    ws so ttended by pst aMC

    CDESS recipients Caitlin Hoey

    and Lauchlan Clarke.

    Both Reuben and Samuel

    sd the schorshps wod

    make a big difference, both

    nancially and in terms of work


    it cn be hrd to ne p

    suitable work placement, so

    ths s fntstc opportnty,

    Reben sd.

    a bot-bder by trde, he

    sd tht nv rchtectre hd

    seemed like the natural next

    step for hm.

    Samuel, from Western

    astr, sd he ws

    overwhemed to hve

    been chosen to receve the


    Its the rst academic award

    i hve ever receved, so to get

    something like this is amazing.

    The nancial aid included in

    the schorshp w ese ot of

    stress whe i m stdyng.

    Caitlin and Lauchlan took

    the opportnty to shre the

    benet of their scholarship

    experences wth the pr.

    i enjoyed my experence so

    mch tht i hve pped for

    next yers Defence grdte

    progrm, lchn sd.

    Caitlin, who did her rst

    work placement in Canberra

    over the 2012/13 smmer, sd

    tht the grdte progrm

    provided a fantastic networking


    The crrent grdtes hve

    been gret sorce of dvce

    and knowledge for me, she said.

    appctons for the next

    CDESS round are expected

    to open to second-yer nv

    rchtectre stdents n md-


    Scholarshipshelp engineerbetter naval

    architectsPast CDESS recipients Lauchlan Clarke and Caitlin Hoey with current recipients SamuelSmith and Reuben Kent.

  • 7/30/2019 Above Board Ed4 2013 Web

    7/8i s s u e 4 | a b o v e b o a r d 7

    AMC Open Day: Dont missthe boat! AMC Open Day will be

    held at both the Launceston and

    Beauty Point campuses on Sunday,

    25 August. Find out more about

    your study options, tour world-

    class acilities, chat to sta and

    current students and view hands-on

    demonstrations, among other great

    activities. For further details and a

    complete timetable of events, please

    visit www.amc.edu.au/openday

    IAMU Annual GeneralAssembly:The InternationalAssociation o Maritime Universities

    (IAMU) will hold its 15th Annual

    General Assembly in Launceston rom

    27-30 October, 2014. The theme o

    the assembly is Looking Ahead

    Innovation in Maritime Training,

    Education and Research and topics

    or discussion include:

    Changes to shipboard tasks and

    skills, and innovative shipboard

    organisational structures to meet

    these challenges.

    The relevance o STCW and

    its traditional certifcate o

    competency approach/structure

    or existing and uture seaarers.

    Innovative approaches

    to learning and teaching,

    scholarship and research now

    and into the uture.

    AMC is one o the seven ounding

    members o IAMU.

    TWO nstttes of theunversty of Tsmn

    are on the frontline of kelp

    research in Australia, thanks

    to Dscovery Project Grnt

    from the astrn ReserchConc.

    led nvestgtor Professor

    Crg Johnson, from theinsttte for Mrne nd

    Antarctic Studies (IMAS), willwork with AMCs Dr Jeff Wright

    on project entted Dynamic

    resilience and stabilityproperties of marine systems:

    the importance of environment-

    engineered feedbacks in kelp


    They w tem p wth

    cobortors from the

    unversty of Technoogy n

    Sydney and the University ofGeorgia in the United States.

    The project w determne

    whether healthy kelp forests

    engneer ther envronment tomake conditions more suitable

    for ther contned srvv,

    ths ncresng ther stbty

    nd resence n response tonthropogenc threts.

    We are looking at the

    internal dynamics of a kelp

    forest, nd whether the strctreof the kelp forest itself drives

    the wy n whch t reprodces,

    grows nd expnds, ProfessorJohnson expned.

    He makes a usefulcomprson to terrestr forestto put the importance of kelpnto context.

    imgne bby ecyptplant out in a paddock on its own.its probby more vnerbe tostressf envronment fctors

    ot there thn t wod be f tws srronded by other pntsn n estbshed forest.

    and n forest the pntw grow to certn extent,bt then t w rey on somesort of dstrbnce (tree fngdown) to create light and thent grows. The sme thngs ppywith kelp.

    Whe ctcysmc eventslike storms can have an impacton both qtc nd terrestrforests, t s the resence of healthy kelp population that thetem w focs on.

    Dr Wrght sd tht t wsn astrs best nterest tomntn hethy nd vbrnt

    kelp forests.

    Like terrestrial forests,healthy kelp forests providehbtt for hndreds of otherspecies, from sh right throughto mcroscopc nvertebrtes ofall kinds.

    In Tasmania, kelp forestsre rey mportnt n themaintenance of rock lobster andabalone sheries. While abalone

    eats kelp, predators like rocklobster rely on kelp for habitat.

    We cn better mnge orkelp forests if we know howthe bby pnts srvve, nd

    how ther rtes of srvvorshpfeedback to determine theresence of those poptons.

    The aRC Dscovery Grnt

    w spport two PhD cnddtesand a research assistant to workon the project at IMAS andaMC.

    Ths s Dr Wrght nd

    Professor Johnsons secondthree-yer Dscovery Projectgrant on a collaborative kelpproject. They receved therrst grant for a project on theresponse of kelp populations to

    cmte chnge stressors.

    Thanks to a scholarship from Water

    Qty Reserch astr (WQRa),

    Simon Perraton, of the National

    Centre for Mrne Conservton nd

    Resource Sustainability, recentlytravelled to Southern California to

    vst the words rgest wstewter

    purication system facility for indirect

    potbe rese.

    WQRA PhD Scholarships are

    wrded to stdents wth excepton

    potential who are undertaking a

    higher degree by research. Simons

    schorshp ppcton ws spported

    by the Ben lomond Wter Corporton

    n lnceston.

    He is undertaking a multi-

    dscpnry project tht nvoves

    w, scence nd economcs. Entted

    Cross jurisdictional barriers to the

    efcient and effective recycling and

    reuse of wastewater not currently being

    considered in Australian law reform,hs reserch ms to nvestgte the

    ws tht govern the wter cyce

    n astr nd to determne f

    regton nd poces re cretng

    a barrier to the uptake of wastewater

    recycng schemes.

    It looks at a range of case studies in

    Tasmania, New South Wales, Western

    astr nd Cforn.

    arond the word, when

    wstewter cnnot be resed or

    recyced, t s treted nd dsposed to

    either lakes, rivers or the ocean. While

    astrs sttes nd terrtores hve

    set trgets to ncrese wstewter

    recycling, my project is looking at

    the brrers whch my sow progress

    towrds ncresng recycng nd

    decresng wstewter dschrge,

    Simon said.

    Despite Southern Californias

    exponent popton growth,

    reserch hs shown tht potnt

    npts to cost wters hve

    cty decresed. its n mzngchevement.

    Wstewter rese, wter

    conservton nd poton

    mngement prctces hve owed

    toxc contmnnts nd mets to be

    signicantly reduced when compared

    to 1970s emissions samples.

    Simon has both a science and a law

    degree, nd hs prctced s soctor

    n envronment w.

    Having this broad background

    heps me to nderstnd both the

    mpcts of dsposed wstewter on

    the mrne envronment s we s the

    ws nd regtons governng wter

    mngement n astr, he sd.

    PhD cnddte Cher Hrte hs

    receved lrbend Endowment

    Fnd Reserch Grnt from the

    Field Naturalists Society of South

    Australia to make a preliminary

    ssessment of the benthc nd nose

    mpcts of wve energy converter

    on marine species native to South

    astrn cost hbtts.Chers cross dscpne PhD

    project showcses mny of aMCs

    dverse mrne specstons.

    She completed her undergraduate

    and honours qualications in the

    marine environment eld, but has

    brdged the gp to the mrtme

    engneerng nd hydrodynmcs for

    her PhD. Whe ony the premnry

    ssessment hs been fnded nder

    the 12-month lrbend grnt,

    her f project encompsses both

    the before nd fter of potent

    ecoogc mpcts of wve energy


    Ill be looking at what effectsconverters mght hve on the

    benthc commnty by dong

    sedment smpes before nd fter

    converter nstton, she sd.

    Ill also be doing some work on

    sh biodiversity and abundance

    n the regon to see f there re

    any changes, as well as looking

    t fong commntes (thngs

    tht mght fo settement ptes

    when they re nsted) nd nose


    Cher sd tht she consdered

    herself lucky to have four

    supervisors for her project two

    ech from aMCs engneerngnd mrne envronment nton


    Not ony do i hve ccess to n

    ncredbe poo of expertse n the

    re of mrne renewbes, nd

    mrne conservton specsts,

    bt beng t aMC mens tht i so

    hve ccess to n ncredbe rnge

    of fctes to ssst me wth the

    project otcomes.

    Cher went on her rst sampling

    trp n My nd the fondton

    of the wve energy converter s

    expected to be nsted on-ste n


    aMC hs been nvoved n

    the re of renewbe energy for

    a while now and it looks like its

    an area that is really going to take

    off. My project w hep provde

    even more dt for the ftre from

    mrne conservton pont of


    SA grant or ecological impact o wave energy converters

    PHD candidate Cher Harte has received aresearch grant.

    Support grows or kelpforest research

    US trip unearths best practicein wastewater recycling

    Simon Perraton at Los Angeleslargest wastewatertreatment plant, Hyperion Treatment Plant.

    upcoming events

    Dr Je Wright (pictured below) and Proessor Craig Johnson have received unding to research whether he althy kelp orests engineertheir environment to ensure their survival. Kelp p icture courtesy o Emma Flukes.

    Spotlight on reSearch

  • 7/30/2019 Above Board Ed4 2013 Web


    8 a b o v e b o a r d | i s s u e 4

    Two ocen engneerng stdents

    are working hand-in-hand with

    industry on projects that will benet

    Australias vast network of subsea


    Jack Francis and Yee Lim are

    working with Subcon Technologies

    Pty ltd on two projects tht w hep

    vdte the desgn cctons of the

    compnys stbston nd protecton

    mttresses. The mttresses re

    desgned to stbse sbse ppenes

    nd strctres nd protect them from

    scor, crrents nd dropped objects.

    Subcon Technologies, based in

    Perth Wa, specses n provdng

    sbse stbston nd mrne

    grotng servces for offshore nd ner

    shore ndstres. amn member ndSubcon Managing Director Matthew

    aen pproched aMC wth the

    project becse of ts word-css stff

    nd fctes.

    These types of projects bd

    compnes technc cpbty nd

    therefore ther compettve dvntge

    s prodcers, exporters nd empoyers,

    Mtthew sd.

    For his part in the project, Jack is

    testng rtcted concrete mttress

    modes n aMCs crctng wter

    chnne t Bety Pont.

    it s my job to determne the ft

    and drag co-efcients of each mattress

    block as the ow passes over it. I am

    rnnng seres of tests t vrety of

    veoctes, he sd.The results from Jacks tests are

    sed to vdte Comptton

    Fd Dynmcs mode beng creted

    by Yee.

    Mtthew sd the bty to mnmse

    concrete sge hd envronment

    benets as well as impacting fabrication,

    trnsport nd nstton costs.

    The rests re prtcry

    reevnt to the offshore o nd

    gs ndstry, offshore wnd frms,

    qctre nd the cbe ndstry

    where Subcons articulated concrete

    mttresses re sed to stbse sbse

    strctres, ppenes nd mbcs.

    Both Yee and Jack have also completed

    work experience secondments with the

    compny, whch nvoved spendng tme

    n Portnd, Vctor, ssstng wth the

    fbrcton of mttresses.

    My work experience placement

    was a really valuable networking

    opportnty. it hs gven me better

    nderstndng of the ndstry nd

    how the tendering process works, Yee


    it hs been fntstc nsght

    into what is a very forward-thinking

    industry. Theres been lots of work

    done on mttress desgn, bt hrdy

    ny vdton. its been gret to be on

    the front line of data verication.

    Research into renewables recognised

    Associate Dean (Research) Chris Bolch presents Dr Alan Fleming with the Rob Lewis medal while parents Ann and Keith Fleming look on.

    Engineering PhD graduate, Dr Alan Fleming, has beenawarded AMCs prestigious 2012 Rob Lewis Medal inrecognition o his outstanding research.

    Ocean engineering students Jack Francis andYee Lim on work experience at Subcon.

    Students get a tasteo industry experience

    THE ROB lews Med

    commemortes the contrbton

    to aMC of Professor Rob lews,

    Chr of the astrn MrtmeCollege Council, 1997 - 2004. It is

    wrded nny for exceence n

    postgrdte reserch.

    Dr Femng eft the Nvy n 2005 toundertake a Bachelor of Engineering

    (Ocean Engineering) at AMC as he

    wanted to take on a new challenge.

    He grdted n 2012 wth PhD n

    Mrtme Engneerng.

    i m motvted by sstnbty,

    Dr Femng sd.

    after competng my ndergrdte

    degree, I resisted nding employment

    n the o nd gs ndstry nd

    nsted commenced my PhD n theeld of ocean renewable energy.I think that wave energy will be

    n mportnt sorce of renewbe

    energy n the ftre.

    Dr Femng s prt of temof reserchers from the Nton

    Centre for Mrtme Engneerng

    and Hydrodynamics who are working

    with Sydney-based international

    mrne renewbe energy compny

    Oceanlinx to perfect a unique

    and commercially-efcient device

    for extrctng wve energy nd

    convertng t to eectrcty or,terntvey, sng t to desnte

    se wter.

    Called an Oscillating WaterColumn (OWC), the device captures

    wve energy wthn prty

    sbmerged chmber tht extends

    from jst beow the srfce of the

    wter to resonbe heght bovethe srfce.

    Wve-ndced vertc oscton

    of the wter comn nsde thechmber dspces the r bove,

    causing a bi-directional ow past

    trbne tht drves n eectrcgenertor.

    Dr Femng ws presented wth hs

    prze by assocte Den (Reserch),

    Chrs Boch, t the nch of aMCs

    Research Seminar Series.

    Hs prents, ann nd Keth

    Femng from Toowoomb,

    Qeensnd, so ttended the


    THE ROB LEWIS MEDALAlan Noel Fleming

    THE DAVID STERRETTMEDALDylan Belworthy Hamilton

    THE CONNELL MEDALChristopher MichaelHawtone





    CAPTAIN THOMASSWANSON PRIZEChristopher MichaelHawtone



    SWANSON PRIZEBenjamin John Small



    ROYAL INSTITUTION OFNAVAL ARCHITECTS /AUSTAL SHIP SYSTEMSPRIZEMartin AlexanderChambersAshley James WeirMatthew Anthony StubbinRyan William Aberle


    Alexander Charles Ruskin





    THE JAN SOEHOLT PRIZEChristopher MichaelHawtone







    WORCESTERMEMORIAL AWARDRowan Michael FitchDavid Lewis Evans





    THE RAPTIS PRIZEPhilip Craig Sweetman




    Andrew ChristopherCollings






    PARASITOLOGY PRIZEJesse Edward Caulfeld

    2012AWARDS & PRIzES


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