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Page 1: Absolute Value - whitleyae.weebly.com · Example: 6 + 1 = 5 + 2 both sides equal the same amount! Fraction Fraction ! Portion of a whole number that has a numerator and denominator

How they Work: Print the flashcard PDF file. Flashcards should be cut horizontally so that there is only one term and its’ coresponding definition on a strip. Then, flashcards can be folded vertically so that the term is on one side and the definition on the other. !!!!!!!Absolute Value !

Absolute Value: !The distance a number is from zero

on a number line. It is always a positive number. !

Example: |-3 x 6| = 18

even though -3 x 6 = −18 absolute value is asking how

far from zero the answer is |−18| = 18

!!Binomial !!!!!!!

Binomial: ! !!A polynomial with two terms !

Example: 5x3 + 4x or

2x - 7



Page 2: Absolute Value - whitleyae.weebly.com · Example: 6 + 1 = 5 + 2 both sides equal the same amount! Fraction Fraction ! Portion of a whole number that has a numerator and denominator

!!!!Constant !!!!

Constant !A term that is unchanging Either has no variables or variables that cancel out !

Example: 15 or

2x + 7 - 2x

!!!!Coefficient !!!!

Coefficient !Number that is multiplied times a

variable or powers of a variable !Example:

In the expression 5x - 4y² + z the coefficients are the numbers

next to variables, in this case 5, -4 and, 1 !

!!!!Data !!!!

Data !Collected facts and Information

used to analyze a situation !Example:

Types of apple brought for lunch

Gala: 7 Honeycrisp: 3

Granny Smith: 1 Red Delicious: 5



Page 3: Absolute Value - whitleyae.weebly.com · Example: 6 + 1 = 5 + 2 both sides equal the same amount! Fraction Fraction ! Portion of a whole number that has a numerator and denominator

!!!!Decimals !!!!!!

Decimals !Numbers that show amounts

which include a portion of a whole number.

Converts to fraction or percentage Example:

.75 decimal = ¾ = 75% 1.25 decimal = 1 ¼ = 125%

!!!Decimal Points !!!!

Decimal Point !The symbol that shows the separation between a

whole numbers and a portion or part of a whole number !

Example: 7.9 has decimal between 7 and 9

7 is the whole number and .9 is a 9/10 of a whole number

!!!Degree !!!!!

Degree!!The largest exponent in an expression

If no exponent is shown it is 1 !Example:

x⁵ + 7x the degree is 5

6x + 7 the degree is 1



Page 4: Absolute Value - whitleyae.weebly.com · Example: 6 + 1 = 5 + 2 both sides equal the same amount! Fraction Fraction ! Portion of a whole number that has a numerator and denominator

!!!!Denominator !!!!

Denominator !The number on the bottom of the fraction Example: In the fraction, 5/6, the denominator would be 6 !!!!

!!!!Difference !!!!!

Difference !The answer to a subtraction problem. !

Example: 7 - 5 = 2

the difference is 2

!!!!Distribution !!!!!

Distribution !Data showing the frequency

of an occurrence !Example:

A graph can show distribution of data



Page 5: Absolute Value - whitleyae.weebly.com · Example: 6 + 1 = 5 + 2 both sides equal the same amount! Fraction Fraction ! Portion of a whole number that has a numerator and denominator

!!!!!Dividend !!!!


The amount that is being divided !Example:

In the problem 5 ÷ 6 the dividend is 5 as that

is the number being divided

!!!!Divisor !!!!!

Divisor !A number that divides

into another number evenly (without a remainder) !

Example: In the problem 12 ÷ 6

the divisor is 6 as that number divides into 12

without a remainder

!!!!Exponent !

Exponent !The number written above the

base, that tells how many times the base is multiplied times itself !

Example: 7

the exponent is 3 which equals 7 x 7 x 7



Page 6: Absolute Value - whitleyae.weebly.com · Example: 6 + 1 = 5 + 2 both sides equal the same amount! Fraction Fraction ! Portion of a whole number that has a numerator and denominator

!!!!!Equality !!!!

Equation ! !!!A statement with two expressions that

equal one another !Example: 6 + 1 = 5 + 2

both sides equal the same amount


Fraction !Portion of a whole number that has

a numerator and denominator Can be converted to a decimal !

Example: The fraction 3/4

represents 3 of 4 parts of a whole

¾ = 75%

!Inequality !

Inequality !A statement that

relates unequal terms !Example:

6 > 4 means six is greater than 4 !!



Page 7: Absolute Value - whitleyae.weebly.com · Example: 6 + 1 = 5 + 2 both sides equal the same amount! Fraction Fraction ! Portion of a whole number that has a numerator and denominator

!Interest !

Interest !Can be paid or earned and

is calculated over time !Example:

A bank pays you 5% interest on your savings account balance

!Inverse !

Inverse !Opposite or reverse of !

Example: The inverse of subtracting 4 (-4)

is to add 4 (+4)

!Mean !

Mean !the arithmetic average number in a set of

data !Example: For the data set 3, 4, 5, 6

add values 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 = 18 then divide by the number of

values given, in this case 4 18 ÷ 4 = 4.5

4.5 is the mean



Page 8: Absolute Value - whitleyae.weebly.com · Example: 6 + 1 = 5 + 2 both sides equal the same amount! Fraction Fraction ! Portion of a whole number that has a numerator and denominator

!Median !

Median !Middle number in a set of data

If there are two middle numbers, find the mean of those two !

Example: For data set 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

5 is the median

!Mixed number !

Mixed Number !An amount with a whole

number and a fraction Also called mixed fraction


5 !

!Mode !

Mode !Number that occurs the most

often in a set of data !Example:

For the data set 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6 the mode is 4

For the data set 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 there is no mode



Page 9: Absolute Value - whitleyae.weebly.com · Example: 6 + 1 = 5 + 2 both sides equal the same amount! Fraction Fraction ! Portion of a whole number that has a numerator and denominator

!Monomial !

Monomial !Polynomial with only one term !

Example: 4xy!!!

Number Line !

Number Line A way to picture the order of numbers

Goes from smallest number on the left to biggest number on the right !!!!

Numerator !!!

Numerator !The top number of a fraction !

Example: In the fraction ½

the numerator is 1 !!



Page 10: Absolute Value - whitleyae.weebly.com · Example: 6 + 1 = 5 + 2 both sides equal the same amount! Fraction Fraction ! Portion of a whole number that has a numerator and denominator

Ordered Pair !

Ordered Pair !A pair of numbers that

indicate a point on a grid First coordinate given is on the

x-axis and the other on the y-axis !Example:

(1, 3)

Pattern !!!

Pattern !A series whose order is

predictable and repeating !Example:

5, 10, 15, 20, 25 ……. The next numbers in this pattern are:

30, 35, 40

Percent !

Percent !Expresses frequency per 100 !

Example: 27% of the profit is from selling books, so $27 out of every $100

sold comes from books sold !!



Page 11: Absolute Value - whitleyae.weebly.com · Example: 6 + 1 = 5 + 2 both sides equal the same amount! Fraction Fraction ! Portion of a whole number that has a numerator and denominator

Polynomials !

Polynomial ! !Terms separated by subtraction

and/or addition signs May include constants,

variables and exponents !Example:

Principal !!!

Principal !!Original amount borrowed or

deposited separate from interest !Example:

Before 7% interest is charged, the principal amount

of a car loan is $10,000

Product !

Product ! !!The answer to a multiplication problem !

Example: 6 x 2 = 12

the product is 12



Page 12: Absolute Value - whitleyae.weebly.com · Example: 6 + 1 = 5 + 2 both sides equal the same amount! Fraction Fraction ! Portion of a whole number that has a numerator and denominator

Proportion !!!

Proportion ! !A relationship that

compares two values !Example: ⅓ = 2/6

3:9 = 1:3

Range !!

Range !The difference between the highest and

lowest values in a set of data !Example:

In the data set 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 Subtract the lowest number

in the set from the highest number to determine range

9 - 1 = 8

Ratio: !

Ratio !Compares two numbers, by using

a fraction or colons !Example: 1 : 6 or ⅙

For every 1 sunny day there are 6 days of rain



Page 13: Absolute Value - whitleyae.weebly.com · Example: 6 + 1 = 5 + 2 both sides equal the same amount! Fraction Fraction ! Portion of a whole number that has a numerator and denominator

Slope !

Slope ! !Measurement of the

steepness of a line !Example:

y = mx + b m is the slope of the line that intercepts y

!Sum !

Sum !! !Answer to an addition problem !

Example: 8+1=9

the sum is 9

!Trinomial !

Trinomial ! !!!!Polynomial with three terms !




Page 14: Absolute Value - whitleyae.weebly.com · Example: 6 + 1 = 5 + 2 both sides equal the same amount! Fraction Fraction ! Portion of a whole number that has a numerator and denominator



Explicit Language !!!

Explicit Language !!!!!The words that are actualy written in the

text. These words are written with an intentional purpose.

Allusion !!!

Allusion !!!!An indirect reference to a historical event,

popular event, person, or literary character.

Connotation !!!

Connotation !!!The implied feeling or association that

accompanies a certain word. This is NOT the definition of a word, but

rather it is the emotions that the text is provoking.

Page 15: Absolute Value - whitleyae.weebly.com · Example: 6 + 1 = 5 + 2 both sides equal the same amount! Fraction Fraction ! Portion of a whole number that has a numerator and denominator



Infer !!!

Infer !!!!!!To find meaning, or to make judgements

or conclusions based on a set of evidence.

Generalization !!!

Generalizations !!!!!!To form an opinion or conclusion based on only a few, basic facts.

Metaphor !!!

Metaphor !!!!!A figure of speech in which a term or a

phrase is compared to something it is not literally similar to.

Page 16: Absolute Value - whitleyae.weebly.com · Example: 6 + 1 = 5 + 2 both sides equal the same amount! Fraction Fraction ! Portion of a whole number that has a numerator and denominator



!!Simile !

Simile !!!!!!A comparison of two unlike things using

“like” or “as”

!Personification !!

Personification !!!!!!Giving human-like characteristics or traits

to non-human things.

!!Theme !

Theme !!!!!!An idea or motif that unifies

a piece of text

Page 17: Absolute Value - whitleyae.weebly.com · Example: 6 + 1 = 5 + 2 both sides equal the same amount! Fraction Fraction ! Portion of a whole number that has a numerator and denominator



Main Character !!!

Main Character !! !!!!!Who the text is mostly about

Tone !!!

Tone !!!!!!How a character, or general feelings of

the text, sound to the reader.

Plot !!!

Plot !!!!!!The sequence of events that develop

over the course of a story.

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Setting !!!

Setting !!!!!!The time and place in which the story


Protagonist !!!

Protagonist !! !!!!!The main character in the literary piece

Antagonist !!!

Antagonist !!!!!!!The character who is in ocnflict

with the Protagonist

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Narrator !!!

Narrator !!!!!!!The person or thing that is telling the


Theme !!!

Theme !!!!!!!The central idea or concept fof the story

Hyperbole !!!

Hyperbole !!!!! !Intentional exaggeration of ideas and actions in order to make an emphasis

Page 20: Absolute Value - whitleyae.weebly.com · Example: 6 + 1 = 5 + 2 both sides equal the same amount! Fraction Fraction ! Portion of a whole number that has a numerator and denominator



Allegory !!!

Allegory !!!!!!A literary technique in which an abstract

idea is portrayed through characters and events.

Alliteration !!!

Alliteration !!!!!!The repitition of consonant sounds in

beginning of phrases. Example: Peter Piper Picked a Patch of

Pickled Peppers

Imagery !!!

Imagery !!!!!!Using figurative language to create visual

representations for the reader.

Page 21: Absolute Value - whitleyae.weebly.com · Example: 6 + 1 = 5 + 2 both sides equal the same amount! Fraction Fraction ! Portion of a whole number that has a numerator and denominator



Westward Expansion !!!

Westward Expansion !!!!The process of Americans gaining land

and moving westward in the United States during the early 19th century.

Louisiana Purchase !!

Louisiana Purchase !!President Jefferson purchased the

territory of Louisiana from the French Government in 1803. This purchase

doubled the size of America. The property stretched from the Missippi River to the

Rocky Mountains and then from Canada to New Orleans.

When did the Civil War begin and end? !

!!!!!!!!The Civil War lasted from 1861-1865

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When did WWI begin and end? !!

!!!!!!!Roughly, World War I lasted from


!!Microeconomics !

Microeconomics !!!!!!The study of the economic decisions of

an individual or small company.

Propaganda !!!

Propaganda !!!!!Information that is deiberately spread to

influence a group of people’s ideas about an organization, movement or idea.

Page 23: Absolute Value - whitleyae.weebly.com · Example: 6 + 1 = 5 + 2 both sides equal the same amount! Fraction Fraction ! Portion of a whole number that has a numerator and denominator



Emancipation !!!

Emancipation !!!!!!!The process of freeing one from slavery.

Resident Alien !!!

Resident Alien !! !!!Someone who has legals established

residency in the United States

Illegal Alien !!!

Illegal Alien !!!!!!!Someone who has not established legal

residency in the United States

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Refugee !!!

Refugee !!!!!!!A person feeling their native country in

order to survive.

Veto !!!

Veto !! !!!The power of one branch of government

to cancel or postpone the decisions made by about another branch.

Amendment !!!

Amendment !!Changes in a constitution,

or additions to the constitution. Proposed by a two-thirds vote of both

houses of Congress or at the request of two-thirds of the state legislatures.

Ratified by approval of three-fourths of the states.

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Magna Carta !!!

Magna Carta !!!!!The constitution imposed upon the King

of England by his subjects, in an attempt to limit his powers and in

turn protect the rights of citizens.

Checks and Balances !!

Checks and Balances !!The system of our governement in which

different braches of the governement have powers that affect and control the other parts of the government, so that

one branch does not overpower the others.

Economics !!!

Economics !!!!!The study of the process or system by

which goods and services are produced, sold, and purchased.

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Macroeconomics !!!

Macroeconomics !!!!!!The study of the large economic systems

of a region.

Collective Bargaining !!

Collective Bargaining !! !!!Discussions between an employer and a

labor union to discuss the rights of the workers and the company.

Ecosystem !!!

Ecosystem !!!!!!Surrounding community of

plants, animals and all living organisms in an area

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Erosion !!!

Erosion !!!!!!water, ice or wind wearing

down and moving deposits of soil and rock

Evaporation !!!

Evaporation !!!!!! !water rising, as vapor,

up towards the atmosphere

Precipitation !!!

Precipitation ! !!!!!!falls from clouds as hail, sleet,

snow and most often as rain

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Covalent Bond !!!

Covalent Bond !!!!!!Unstable atoms bond by

sharing electrons until they achieve a more stable form

Ionic Bond !!!

Ionic Bond !! !!!Unstable atoms are drawn

together and exchange electrons until they achieve

a more stable form

Scientific Method !!!

Scientific Method an objective approach with

these steps to guide discovery: !1) ask a question

2) develop a hypothesis 3) test

4) analyze data 5) conclude

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Hypothesis !!!

Hypothesis !!!!!!educated guess about what an

outcome will be, or a relationship between two or more variables

Conservation !!!

Conservation !! !!!!taking steps to use natural

resources sensibly and protect the environment

Work !!

Work when force is applied causing

movement or displacement in the direction of the force !

the formula is to multiply force by the amount an object moves

W = F • D W = work F = force

D = distance

Independent Variable !!

Independent Variable !!!!!!!the factor you believe will impact

the outcome of a hypothesis

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Kinetic Energy !!!

Kinetic Energy energy within a body that is in motion !

the formula is to multiply ½ by the mass by the speed² !

KE = ½ • M • V² KE = kinetic energy M = mass of object

V = speed

Element !!!

Element !! !!!pure chemical material

constructed of one kind of atom, like Hydrogen (H), Carbon (C), Oxygen (O)

Compound !!!

Compoung !!!!!!!two or more different elements that chemically bond together

Dependent Variable !!

Dependent Variable !!!!!!!what results in response to the

changing independent variable

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!Variables !

Variables ! !Letters that represent

unknown numbers !Example:

7 x z = 14 z is the variable



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!!!!!!Consumers !!!

Consumers !!! !!!!!! living organisms that feed on plants

or other animals, and classified as herbivore, omnivore or carnivore

Producers !!!

Producers !!!!!!!living organisms that make their own food

relying water, light, soil, and air

Biology !!!

Biology !!!!!!!!the study of living organisms



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Circulatory System !

Circulatory System !!!!!!System includes the

heart, veins and arteries as they work together to circulate blood, oxygen and nutrients then

return the deoxygenated blood !

Respiratory System !!

Respitory System !!!!System including nose, trachea

and lungs that is responsible for exchanging oxygen and carbon

dioxide between a living organism and its environment

Nervous System !!!

Nervous System !!!!!made up of peripheral and central nervous systems that manage vital body functions while sensing and

responding to stimuli



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Digestive System !!!

Digestive System !!!!! system that processes food and

breaks it into energy, including mouth, stomach, small intestine,

large intestine, and anus

Nonrenewable Resources !!

Nonrenewable Resources !!!!!!sources that cannot be refilled

when used, or are quite slow to replenish, like coal and gas

Renewable Resources !!

Renewable Resources !!!!!!!sources that are replaced asthey are used,

like wind,tides, and sunlight



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