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Page 1: Academic Programme - Regional Studies Association Programme ... Nurse, Alexander - University of Liverpool, United Kingdom ... Chair: Cormac Walsh - University of Hamburg, Germany

Academic Programme

The Great Regional Awakening: New Directions

RSA Annual Conference 2017, Dublin, Ireland


Page 2: Academic Programme - Regional Studies Association Programme ... Nurse, Alexander - University of Liverpool, United Kingdom ... Chair: Cormac Walsh - University of Hamburg, Germany


RSA Board Meeting

Sunday 04/06/2017 1000 - 1600, Boardroom 2026 (Arts Building)

Carl, Daniela - Regional Studies Association, United Kingdom

Hardy, Sally - Regional Studies Association, United Kingdom

Turok, Ivan - Human Sciences Research Council, South Africa

Kogler, Dieter - University College Dublin, Ireland

Beer, Andrew - UniSA Business School, Australia

Ayres, Sarah - University of Bristol, United Kingdom

Boschma, Ron - Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Poon, Jessie - University of Buffalo - The State University of New York, United States

Hincks, Stephen - University of Manchester, United Kingdom

Casula, Mattia - LUISS G. Carli - Rome, Italy

Taster, Michael - University of Sheffield


City Walking Tour

Sunday 04/06/2017 1500 - 1700, Upper Concourse (Arts Building)


Conference Registration

Sunday 04/06/2017 1700 - 1830, Upper Concourse (Arts Building)


Welcome Reception

Sunday 04/06/2017 1830 - 2000, Exam Hall


Page 3: Academic Programme - Regional Studies Association Programme ... Nurse, Alexander - University of Liverpool, United Kingdom ... Chair: Cormac Walsh - University of Hamburg, Germany


Conference Registration

Monday 05/06/2017 0800 - 1830, Upper Concourse (Arts Building)


Plenary 1

Monday 05/06/2017 0900 - 1045, Burke Theatre (Arts Building)

Chair: Edgar Morgenroth - Economic and Social Research Institute, ESRI, Ireland

Hausmann, Ricardo - Harvard University, United States The Growth and Diffusion of Knowhow

Oliveira Martins, Joaquim, OECD, France *


Refreshment Break

Monday 05/06/2017 1045 - 1115, Lower Concourse (Arts Building)


The Cohesion Policy of the European Union after the Economic Crisis & Brexit I

Monday 05/06/2017 1115 - 1245, Emmet Theatre (Arts Building)

Chair: Riccardo Crescenzi - London School of Economics, United Kingdom

Di Caro, Paolo - University of Catania - Department of Economics and Business, Italy Arbolino, Roberta - University of Naples "L'Orientale", Italy Marani, Ugo - University of Naples "L'Orientale", Italy

Did the Good Governance of EU Funds Help the Resilience of Local Labour Markets During the Great Recession? Evidence on Italian Regions

Willett, Joanie - University of Exeter, United Kingdom Tidy, Rebecca - University of Exeter, United Kingdom Tregidga, Garry - University of Exeter, United Kingdom

Why Did Cornwall Vote for Brexit? Assessing the Implications for EU Structural Funding Programmes

Percoco, Marco - Università Bocconi, Italy Brandsma, Andries - Joint Research Center of the European Commission, Spain Diukanova, Olga - Joint Research Center of the European Commission, Spain Di Comite, Francesco - Joint Research Center of the European Commission

The Sensitivity of Regional Convergence in the EU to Parameter Shifts & Policy Shocks

Walsh, James - NUI - Maynooth, Ireland Morgenroth, Edgar - ESRI, Ireland

Territorial Cohesion in Ireland and Europe


Smart Specialisation - Theoretical Considerations & Empirical Findings for Policy & Strategies

Monday 05/06/2017 1115 - 1245, Swift Theatre (Arts Building)


Tarasconi, Gianluca - Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi, Italy Kogler, Dieter F. - University College Dublin, Ireland

The Creation of a Complex Dataset from Different Sources: An Investigation into the Evolutionary Structures of Knowledge Production in Regional Economies

Breschi, Stefano - Bocconi University and I-CRIOS, Italy Lenzi, Camilla - Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Urbanization and Innovation. Agglomerated or Diffused Returns Across European Regions?

Kogler, Dieter - University College Dublin, Ireland Technology Evolution in Regional Economies (TechEvo)

Mora, Luca - Edinburgh Napier University and Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Current Trends in Research on Smart Specialisation: Results from a Bibliometric Study


Development & Policy in Rural & Peripheral Regions I

Monday 05/06/2017 1115 - 1245, Ui Chadhain Theatre (Arts Building)


Pollermann, Kim - Thünen-Institut of Rural Studies, Germany Raue, Petra - Thünen-Institute of Rural Studies, Germany

Input for and Output of Local Governance in Rural Development

Kourilova, Jana - University of Economics Prague, Czech Republic Evaluation of Non-agricultural Training Activities within the Rural Development Program of the Czech Republic 2007-2013

Kundolf, Stefan - Thünen Institute of Rural Studies, Germany Küpper, Patrick, Germany

Decision Making Processes in Rural Regeneration Partnerships: Participation and Influences of New and Weak Actors

Nurse, Alexander - University of Liverpool, United Kingdom Shaw, David - University of Liverpool, United Kingdom

Reviving the Role of the Rural Economy to Realise England’s Economic Growth Aspirations


Page 4: Academic Programme - Regional Studies Association Programme ... Nurse, Alexander - University of Liverpool, United Kingdom ... Chair: Cormac Walsh - University of Hamburg, Germany


Economic Networks: A Complex Systems Approach to the Study of Urban & Regional Dynamics I

Monday 05/06/2017 1115 - 1245, Beckett Room 1 (Arts Building)


Diodato, Dario - Utrecht University, The Netherlands Morrison, Andrea - Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Technological Regimes and the Long-run Dynamics of Patents’ Spatial Concentration

Mealy, Penny - Oxford University, United Kingdom Farmer, Doyne - Oxford University, United Kingdom Hausmann, Ricardo - Harvard University, United States

The Evolution of Regional Economic Complexity and Structural Change in the US: 1850-2010

Sotarauta, Markku - University of Tampere, School of Management, Finland Suvinen, Nina - University of Tampere, Finland

Institutional Agency and Path Creation: An Institutional Path from Industrial to Knowledge City

Cottineau, Clementine - UCL, United Kingdom Arcaute, Elsa - University College London - Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, United Kingdom Nathan, Max - London School of Economics - University of Birmingham, United Kingdom

Microscopic Networks of London Businesses... A Century Apart


Migration, Innovation & Development I

Monday 05/06/2017 1115 - 1245, Beckett Room 2 (Arts Building)


Morrison, Andrea - Utrecht University, Netherlands Antilles Petralia, Sergio - Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Migration and Innovation in the Ages of Mass Migration

Noumedem Temgoua, Claudia - University of Bordeaux Highly Skilled Migrants and the Internationalization of Knowledge

Pellegrino, Gabriele De Rassenfosse, Gaétan - EPFL, Switzerland Raffo, Julio - WIPO, Switzerland

Immigration and Innovation: Empirical Evidence from the Collapse of the Soviet Union

Mahroum, Sami - Insead, United Arab Emirates Zahradnik, Georg - AIT, Austria Dachs, Bernhard - AIT, Austria

Strangers in a Strange Land: Examining the Contribution of People with MENA Roots on the US Innovation System


Inequality - Widening Gaps & a Call for Inclusive Growth

Monday 05/06/2017 1115 - 1245, Classroom 3051 (Arts Building)


Polese, Mario - INRS. University of Quebec, Canada Explaining the Growing Divide between Large and Small Cities: Evidence from Canada

Bar-El, Raphael - Ben-Gurion University and Sapir Academic College The Innovation Ecosystem in Poor Countries: Does it Actually Work?

Devins, David - Leeds Beckett University, United Kingdom Towards an Anchor Institution Influenced Approach to Inclusive Growth


Advancing the Economic & Social Agenda - Challenges & Opportunities I

Monday 05/06/2017 1115 - 1245, Classroom 3071 (Arts Building)


Stegmann McCallion, Malin - Karlstad University - Centre for Regional Studies, Sweden

The Winner Takes It All? Regions and Welfare in Sweden

Cepoi, Victor - School of Advanced Social Studies, Slovenia Rončević, Borut - School of Advanced Social Studies, Slovenia

Social Determinants of Innovations Gap: Empirical Evidence from European Regions

Johnston, Paul - University of California at Santa Cruz The Eruption of Multi-Ethnic & Transnational Citizenship in California

Ikonomou, Constantinos - University of Athens, Greece Benefits and Non-benefits from the European Integration


Page 5: Academic Programme - Regional Studies Association Programme ... Nurse, Alexander - University of Liverpool, United Kingdom ... Chair: Cormac Walsh - University of Hamburg, Germany


Participatory Research & Planning

Monday 05/06/2017 1115 - 1245, Classroom 3106 (Arts Building)


Ukowitz, Martina - Klagenfurt University Glocal Regions, Glocal Lives – and what about Human’s Needs?

Nared, Janez - ZRC SAZU, Slovenia Participatory Transport Planning: Experiences from Eight European Metropolitan Regions

Thompson-Fawcett, Michelle - University of Otago, New Zealand Theory on Participatory Research & Planning: An Indigenous Example

Ortega-Reig, Mar - University of Valencia, Spain Herrero Garcés, Alba - Fundació Assut & Asociacio Valenciana d'Antropología, Spain Bellver Franco, Edgar - University of Valencia, Spain Granell Ruiz, Rafael - University of Valencia, Spain

Fembiblio, the Collective Construction of Cultural Policies in the Libraries of Two Contrasting Neighbourhoods in Valencia (Spain)


Governing the Smart City

Monday 05/06/2017 1115 - 1245, Classroom 3126 (Arts Building)


Lennox, James - Centre of Policy Studies, Victoria University, Australia Adams, Philip - Centre of Policy Studies, Victoria University, Australia

Housing and Employment Growth in Melbourne, Australia: A Spatial General Equilibrium Analysis

Rodrigues, Nuno - CEG, IGOT-UL Vale, Mário - CEG, IGOT-UL, Portugal Costa, Pedro - DINÂMIA'CET – IUL, Portugal

Smart City, Governmentality and Economic Geography – A Critical and Relational Perspective

Cugurullo, Federico - Trinity College Dublin, Ireland The Unsustainability of Smart-city Governance: New Hardware, Old Software


Environmental Regionalism & Emerging Spaces of Environmental Governance

Monday 05/06/2017 1115 - 1245, Classroom 3025 (Arts Building)

Chair: Cormac Walsh - University of Hamburg, Germany

Gibbs, David - University of Hull, United Kingdom Transition Regions and the Development of the Green Economy

Ploberger, Christian - Independent Researcher (China & East Asia), United Kingdom

Environmental Security - Addressing the Complexity of Development and Regional Integration: A Comparative Evaluation of the Danube Region and the Greater Mekong Subregion

Sedlacek, Sabine Lund-Durlacher, Dagmar - MODUL University Vienna, Austria Tötzer, Tanja - AIT - Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria

Governance Issues in an Energy Flagship Region – Experiences from a Winter Tourism Region in Austria

Walsh, Cormac - University of Hamburg, Germany Spaces of Environmental Governance: Towards a Research Agenda


Central & Eastern Europe - Transition, Evolution & Ambitions

Monday 05/06/2017 1115 - 1245, Classroom 3027 (Arts Building)


Kolomak, Evgeniya - Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering The Post-Soviet Evolution of the Russian Urban System

Wójcik, Piotr - Centre for European Regional and Local Studies (EUROREG), University of Warsaw, Poland

Regional and Local Convergence of Educational Achievements in Poland


Border Reassertion: Changing landscapes of Innovation & Policy-making

Monday 05/06/2017 1115 - 1245, Classroom 3081 (Arts Building)


Chen, Yu - Shenzhen University, China Study on the Cross-border Behavior of Residents between Hong Kong and Shenzhen

Dotti, Nicola Francesco - Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium Smart Specialization Strategies to Reconcile Innovation Policy and Urban Planning: The Case of the Brussels-Capital Region

Giordano, Benito - University of Liverpool, United Kingdom Johns, Jennifer - University of Liverpool, United Kingdom Nilsson, Adriana - University of Liverpool, United Kingdom

Liverpool 2017

Trillo-Santamaría, Juan-Manuel - University of Santiago De Compostela, Spain

Internal Borders and Geopolitics in a (Semi)Federal State: A Local Case Study between Galicia and Castilla y León (Spain)


Page 6: Academic Programme - Regional Studies Association Programme ... Nurse, Alexander - University of Liverpool, United Kingdom ... Chair: Cormac Walsh - University of Hamburg, Germany


Revisiting Services in the Regional Economy I

Monday 05/06/2017 1115 - 1245, Classroom 4047 (Arts Building)

Chair: Andrew Jones - City University London, United Kingdom

Dörry, Sabine - Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research, Luxembourg Derudder, Ben - Ghent University, Belgium

Shifting Inter-city Connections Produced in the Altering Corporate Networks of Global Service Firms

Jones, Andrew - City University London, United Kingdom Revisiting Services in the Regional Economy

Iammarino, Simona - London School of Economics, United Kingdom Ascani, Andrea - Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Multinational Enterprises, Service Outsourcing and Regional Structural Shifts

Kleibert, Jana - Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space, Germany

Revisiting the Role of Services in Global Production Networks and Regional Economic Development


Innovation & Economic Development & Growth - Collaboration & Flows

Monday 05/06/2017 1115 - 1245, Classroom 4050A (Arts Building)


Olechnicka, Agnieszka - Centre for European Regional and Local Studies (EUROREG), University of Warsaw, Poland Płoszaj, Adam - Centre for European Regional and Local Studies (EUROREG), University of Warsaw, Poland

The Rise of Scientific Collaboration Policy – More Evidence Needed

Dosso, Mafini - European Commission - Joint Research Centre, Spain Lebert, Didier - ENSTA ParisTech, Université Paris-Saclay, France

Interregional Knowledge Flows of Top Corporate R&D Performers

Plunket, Anne - BETA, ISAM-IAE, Université de Lorraine, France When do Knowledge Gatekeepers Act as Technology Brokers?


Entrepreneurship - Firms, Institutions, Culture & Environment I

Monday 05/06/2017 1115 - 1245, Classroom 4050B (Arts Building)


Content, Jeroen - Utrecht University, The Netherlands Cortinovis, Nicola - Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands Frenken, Koen - Utrecht University, The Netherlands Jordaan, Jacob - Utrecht University, The Netherlands

The Effects of Entrepreneurship on the Emergence of New Regional Specializations in the EU.

Zemtsov, Stepan - Russian Academy for National Economy and Public administration, Russia Barinova, Vera - The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Russia Tsareva, Julia - The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Russia

Factors of Entrepreneurial Activity in Russia: Institutions or Location

Gregson, Geoff - Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT), Canada

The Rise of the Entrepreneurial University: Implications for Regions

Murtagh, Aisling - National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland Collins, Patrick - NUI Galway, Ireland

The Entrepreneurial Environment and Creative Entrepreneurship in Peripheral Places


Employment & Jobs - Mobility, Transitions & Alternative Configurations I

Monday 05/06/2017 1115 - 1245, Classroom 4097 (Arts Building)


Henley, Andrew - Cardiff University, United Kingdom Who and Where are the Self-Employed Job Creators?

Niebuhr, Annekatrin - Institute for Employment Research, Germany Hamann, Silke Peters, Jan Cornelius

Benefits of Dense Labour Markets - Evidence from Transitions to Employment in Germany

Green, Anne - Institute for Employment Research, University of Warwick, United Kingdom

Young People’s Challenges in Transitioning to Employment: Spatial and Temporal Perspectives

Wheatley, Daniel - University of Birmingham, United Kingdom Bickerton, Craig - Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom

A Worthwhile Pursuit? Travel-for-work, Worker Well-being and Career Success


Page 7: Academic Programme - Regional Studies Association Programme ... Nurse, Alexander - University of Liverpool, United Kingdom ... Chair: Cormac Walsh - University of Hamburg, Germany


Tourism & Regional Development Strategies I

Monday 05/06/2017 1115 - 1245, Classroom 5025 (Arts Building)


Erkuş Öztürk, Hilal - Akdeniz University, Turkey Türkcan, Kemal - Akdeniz University, Turkey

Resilience in Tourism Cities: Evidence from Antalya Tourism City

Heanue, Kevin - Teagasc Rural Economy Research Centre, Ireland Education-led Tourism as a Local Development Strategy

Brouder, Patrick - University of Johannesburg, Canada Niewiadomski, Piotr - University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom

An Evolutionary Approach to Green Economy Transitions in Tourism


Urban Environments - Benefits, Challenges & Opportunities

Monday 05/06/2017 1115 - 1245, Classroom 5039 (Arts Building)


Christoffel, Thomas - Regional Intelligence - Regional Communities, LLC, United States

Right to the City-Regions-Earth: Everyone, Everywhere wants the Benefits of Civilization's Built-environment; this is the Challenge of Regional Development

Voukenas, Alexandros - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Giannakopoulou, Stella - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Arvanitis, Apostolos - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Spatial Analysis of the Walking Activity in Urban Environment. A Case Study from the City of Thessaloniki, Greece

Tijanic, Lela - Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia Urban Paradoxes and Quality of Life

Nanda, Anupam - University Of Reading, United Kingdom Regional Heterogeneity, Intelligent Care and Urban Living


Crisis & Conflict - Response & Outcomes

Monday 05/06/2017 1115 - 1245, Classroom 5052 (Arts Building)


Guarneros-Meza, Valeria - De Montfort University, United Kingdom Blas, Asier - University of the Basque Country, Spain Telleria, Imanol - University of the Basque Country, Spain Pill, Madeleine - Sydney University, Australia

Co-optation and Regulation During Austerity: Cardiff and San Sebastian-Donostia Compared

Mrinska, Olga - European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, United Kingdom

Formalising the Informal: The Role of a Strong Civil Society in Ukraine’s Structural Reforms since 2014

Dymski, Gary - Leeds University Business School, United Kingdom Credit Floods, Liquidity Starvation, and Surplus Recycling: A Spatialized Minsky Approach to Regional Development


Firms - Clusters, Growth & Internationalisation I

Monday 05/06/2017 1115 - 1245, Classroom 5033 (Arts Building)


Riddle, Philip - University of Edinburgh Business School, United Kingdom

Place and Corporate Strategy: The View from the Business

Du, Jun - Aston University, United Kingdom Vanino, Enrico - Aston University & Enterprise Research Centre, United Kingdom

Fast Growth Firms and the Wider Economic Impact: The UK Evidence

Ipinnaiye, Olubunmi - University of Limerick Lenihan, Helena - University of Limerick, Ireland Doran, Justin - University College Cork, Ireland

Firm Growth & Regional Factors: Evidence from Ireland

Doran, Justin - University College Cork Mulligan, Kevin - University of Limerick, Ireland Lenihan, Helena - University of Limerick, Ireland

Ireland’s Regional Innovation System: A Firm-level Impact Evaluation of the Innovation Policy Instrument Mix in Using Panel Data



Monday 05/06/2017 1245 - 1415, Dining Hall


Page 8: Academic Programme - Regional Studies Association Programme ... Nurse, Alexander - University of Liverpool, United Kingdom ... Chair: Cormac Walsh - University of Hamburg, Germany


The Cohesion Policy of the European Union after the Economic Crisis & Brexit II

Monday 05/06/2017 1415 - 1545, Emmet Theatre (Arts Building)

Chair: Riccardo Crescenzi - London School of Economics, United Kingdom

Varga, Attila - University of Pecs, Hungary Szabó, Norbert - MTA-PTE Innovation and Economic Growth Research Group & University of Pécs, Hungary Sebestyén, Tamás - MTA-PTE Innovation and Economic Growth Research Group & University of Pécs, Hungary

Impact Assessment of Cohesion Policy Alternatives: Regional Industrial Specialization in Hungarian NUTS 3 Regions

Fratesi, Ugo - Politecnico di Milano, Italy Bachtrögler, Julia - VU University of Vienna, Austria Perucca, Giovanni - Politecnico doi Milano, Italy

The Influence of the Local Context on the Implementation and Impact of EU Cohesion Policy

Crescenzi, Riccardo - London School of Economics, United Kingdom Giua, Mara - Roma Tre University, Italy

How does the Net Impact of the EU Cohesion Policy Differ Across Countries? Evidence from a Spatial RDD


Structural Change and Productivity Growth in Cities

Monday 05/06/2017 1415 - 1545, Swift Theatre (Arts Building)


Pike, Andy - University of Newcastle, United Kingdom O'Brien, Peter - Newcastle University, United Kingdom Brown, Andy - Leeds University Business School, United Kingdom Whittle, Richard - Manchester Metropolitan University Business School, United Kingdom

The Public Wealth of Cities and Regions?

Evenhuis, Emil - University of Cambridge, The Netherlands Tyler, Peter - University of Cambridge, United Kingdom Martin, Ron - University of Cambridge, United Kingdom Sunley, Peter - University of Cambridge, United Kingdom Gardiner, Ben - University of Cambridge & Cambridge Econometrics, United Kingdom

Growing Apart? Structural Transformation and the Uneven Development of British Cities

Martin, Ron - University of Cambridge, United Kingdom Sunley, Peter - Southampton University, United Kingdom Gardiner, Ben - University of Cambridge & Cambridge Econometrics, United Kingdom Evenhuis, Emil - University of Cambridge, United Kingdom

Structural Change and Productivity Growth in Cities


Development & Policy in Rural & Peripheral Regions II

Monday 05/06/2017 1415 - 1545, Ui Chadhain Theatre (Arts Building)


Kandpal, Richa - Kyoto University Saizen, Izuru - Kyoto University, Japan

An Institutional Analysis of Urban-Rural Relations for Constructing an Effective Governance Framework in Mumbai Metropolitan Region, India

Pelucha, Martin - University of Economics in Prague, Czech Republic Rural Development Policy in the Context of Productivism, Post-productivism and Newly Formed Neo-productivism: Critical Reflection of Local Development Challenges

O Keeffe, Brendan - Mary Immaculate College, Ireland Rural Vitality, Wellbeing and Perception of Place in South West Ireland

Vargas, Olga M - Latin American Center for Rural Development - RIMISP - Soto, Juan D. - Rimisp- Latin American Center for Rural Development, Chile Vargas, Olga M. - Rimisp- Latin American Center for Rural Development, Chile Berdegué, Julio A. - Rimisp- Latin American Center for Rural Development, Chile

Are Rural Areas taking Advantage of Proximity to Cities?


Economic Networks: A Complex Systems Approach to the Study of Urban & Regional Dynamics II

Monday 05/06/2017 1415 - 1545, Beckett Room 1 (Arts Building)


Broekel, Tom Is Complexity Rare? A New Approach to the Measurement of Knowledge Complexity

Sebestyén, Tamás - University of Pécs, Hungary Varga, Attila - University of Pécs,, Hungary

Knowledge Networks in Regional Development: An Agent Based Model and its Application

Hjertvikrem, Nina - University of Stavanger Research Networks & Regional Differences in Innovation Activities

Henriques, Diogo Pereira - Faculty of Engineering and Environment, Northumbria University

Mapping International Networks for Urban Research: Cities, Data and Clouds


Page 9: Academic Programme - Regional Studies Association Programme ... Nurse, Alexander - University of Liverpool, United Kingdom ... Chair: Cormac Walsh - University of Hamburg, Germany


Migration, Innovation & Development II

Monday 05/06/2017 1415 - 1545, Beckett Room 2 (Arts Building)


Ferrucci, Edoardo - Universitè de Bordeaux Lissoni, Francesco - Universitè de Bordeaux - CRIOS, Bocconi University, France

Foreign Inventors in the US and EU15: Diversity and Productivity

Jaax, Alexander - London School of Economics von Berlepsch, Viola - London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom

When Migrants Establish Fertile Soil for Innovation: The Long-term Impact of Migration on the Innovative Capability of US Regions

Syrett, Stephen - Middlesex University, United Kingdom Keles, Janroj - Middlesex University, United Kingdom

Transnational Diaspora Linkages and Regional Economic Development: The Role of Politicised Diasporic Entrepreneurship in the Kurdish Diaspora

Dautel, Vincent - LISER, Luxembourg Do Cross-borders Workers from France, Belgium & Germany Foster in the Same Ways Firm’s Innovation Activities? Empirical Evidence from Luxembourg


Relational Perspectives on Urban & Regional Development: Challenges of Topological Thinking & Inquiry I

Monday 05/06/2017 1415 - 1545, Classroom 3051 (Arts Building)


Van den Berghe, Karel - Ghent University, Belgium Jacobs, Wouter - Erasmus University Rotterdam - Schools of Economics, The Netherlands Boelens, Luuk - Ghent University, Belgium

The Relational Geometry of the Port-City Interface. Case Studies of Ghent, Belgium, and Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Koelemaij, Jorn - Ghent University, Geography Department, Social and Economic Geography Research Group Jankovic, Stefan - University of Belgrade, Serbia

Spaces behind Space: Revealing the Vertical and Horizontal Topologies of Power behind Belgrade Waterfront

Vainikka, Joni - University Of Oulu, Finland Human Geography with Networks

Lagendijk, Arnoud - Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands Oinas, Paivi - Turku School of Economics, Finland

Placing Innovative Relations in the Global Economy


Advancing the Economic & Social Agenda - Challenges & Opportunities II

Monday 05/06/2017 1415 - 1545, Classroom 3071 (Arts Building)


Phelps, Peter Regional Financialisation and Convergence: Evidence from Italy

Rizzi, Paolo - Universita Cattolica Del Sacro Cuore, Italy Graziano, Paola - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy

Territorial Dimensions of Subjective Wellbeing: A Focus on European Regions

Prime, Karla - Northumbria University, United Kingdom Wanjiru, Roseline - Northumbria University, United Kingdom

Comparing Institutional Determinants of Economic Growth in Developing Regions

Kotlebova, Jana - University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia Siranova, Maria - University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia

Stimulating Economic Recovery through EA Growth Poles


Who Governs European Cities? The 'New' Territorial Politics of Urban & City-regional Development

Monday 05/06/2017 1415 - 1545, Classroom 3106 (Arts Building)


Aalbers, Manuel B. - KU Leuven, Belgium van Loon, Jannes - KU Leuven, Belgium Oosterlynck, Stijn - University of Antwerp, Belgium

Governing Urban Development in the Low Countries: From Managerialism to Entrepreneurialism and Financialization

Williams, Karel - Alliance Manchester Business School Folkman, Peter - Alliance Mancheser Business School, United Kingdom Froud, Julie - Alliance Manchester Business School, United Kingdom Johal, Sukhdev - Queen Mary, University of London, United Kingdom Tomaney, John - University College London, United Kingdom

Manchester Transformed: City Region Development Since the 1980s


Page 10: Academic Programme - Regional Studies Association Programme ... Nurse, Alexander - University of Liverpool, United Kingdom ... Chair: Cormac Walsh - University of Hamburg, Germany


Africa & Globalization today: New Great Transformations?

Monday 05/06/2017 1415 - 1545, Classroom 3126 (Arts Building)

Chair: James Murphy - Clark University

Carmody, Pádraig - Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Post-commodity Africa: Industrial Policy as Assemblage

Dannenberg, Peter - University of Cologne, Germany Krone, Madlen - University of Cologne, Germany

Potentials of Information and Communication Technologies for East African Small-scale Farmers to Integrate in Agricultural Value Chains

Murphy, James - Clark University Carmody, Padraig - Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Owusu, Francis - Iowa State University, United States Grant, Richard - University of Miami, United States

African Cities as Engines of Development? Sociotechnical Regimes, Urban Transitions, and Spatial Transformations

Horner, Rory - University of Manchester, United Kingdom South-South win-win? India’s “pharmacy to the developing world” in Africa


Place-Based Deal-Making

Monday 05/06/2017 1415 - 1545, Classroom 3027 (Arts Building)


Ayres, Sarah - University of Bristol, United Kingdom ‘Back Stage’ Place-based Deal Making: What are the Implications for Effectiveness and Democracy?

Bradford, Neil - Huron University College Western University Towards Place-based Deal-Making in Canada: Federal Metagovernance

Littooij, Siep - Saxion University of Applied Sciences Multi-level Coherence in Regional Innovation Policies from a University Perspective

Pugalis, Lee - University of Technology Sydney, Australia An International Review and Anatomy of Territorial Development Contracts and Place-based Deal-Making


Trade, Flows & Specialization - The Link to Economic Success

Monday 05/06/2017 1415 - 1545, Classroom 3081 (Arts Building)


Ikejima, Yoshifumi - Yokohama National University, Japan Ogai, Kenji - Hokkai Gakuen University, Japan Miwa, Hitoshi - Kyushu International University, Japan

An Inventing Inter-regional Money Flow Model to Approach Local Economic Leakage

Esposito, Christopher - UCLA Why Cities Specialize

Yadav, Purva - Jawaharlal Nehru University, India Core and Periphery: An Analysis of the Spatial Patterns of International Trade

Holtham, Gerald - Cardiff Metropolitan Univeristy, United Kingdom Morgan, Brian - Cardiff Metropolitan University, United Kingdom Morgan, Selyf - Cardiff Metropolitan University, United Kingdom Huggins, Robert - Cardiff University, United Kingdom

What Accounts for the Economic Success of Regions?


Revisiting Services in the Regional Economy II

Monday 05/06/2017 1415 - 1545, Classroom 4047 (Arts Building)

Chair: Andrew Jones - City University London, United Kingdom

Solis, Eloy Karimi, Kayvan - University College London, United Kingdom Ureña, Jose Maria - UCLM-University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain Romero, Vicente - UCLM-University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain

Knowledge Economy and Crisis at Intra-city-region Level. The Case of Madrid (2010-2015)

Wood, Steve - University of Surrey, United Kingdom Watson, Iain - Surrey Business School, University of Surrey, United Kingdom Teller, Christoph - Surrey Business School, University of Surrey, United Kingdom

The Challenges of Realising Embeddedness in Online Fashion Retail TNCs

Celinska-Janowicz, Dorota - Centre for European Regional and Local Studies (EUROREG), University of Warsaw, Poland

Shopping & Working. Shopping Centres in Warsaw Business Districts

Donoghue, Daniel - Canterbury Christ Church University, United Kingdom

Measuring the Contribution of Cultural & Creative Services to the Development of Regional Economies in the UK.


Page 11: Academic Programme - Regional Studies Association Programme ... Nurse, Alexander - University of Liverpool, United Kingdom ... Chair: Cormac Walsh - University of Hamburg, Germany


Innovation & Economic Development & Growth - Externalities, Evolution, Inequality

Monday 05/06/2017 1415 - 1545, Classroom 4050A (Arts Building)


Velthuis, Sanne - Coventry University, United Kingdom Progression from Low Pay and Local Labour Market Size: Evidence from Great Britain

Kemeny, Thomas - University of Southampton, United Kingdom Osman, Taner - University of California, Los Angeles, United States

The Wider Impacts of Tech: Evidence from the United States

Eriksson, Rikard Lengyel, Balazs - MIT

Co-worker networks and agglomeration externalities


Entrepreneurship - Firms, Institutions, Culture & Environment II

Monday 05/06/2017 1415 - 1545, Classroom 4050B (Arts Building)


Borg, Erik - Södertörn University Tesfaye, Besrat - Sodertorn University, Sweden Gawell, Malin - Sodertorn University, Sweden Hajighasemi, Ali - Sodertorn University, Sweden

Enterprises in the Suburbs and the Locality of Entrepreneurship

Fritsch, Michael - Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany Obschonka, Martin - Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia Wyrwich, Michael - Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany

The Role of Historical Tradition in Entrepreneurship for Entrepreneurship Culture

O'Mahony, Clare - Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland Internationalisation of Indigenous Start-Ups: Economic Development in a Small Peripheral Economy

Aarstad, Jarle - Bergen University College, Norway Kvitastein, Olav Andreas - Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway Mæhle, Natalia - Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway

Does it Cost More than it Tastes? An Evaluation of Business Incubators and Industrial Gardens in Norway


Employment & Jobs - Mobility, Transitions & Alternative Configurations II

Monday 05/06/2017 1415 - 1545, Classroom 4097 (Arts Building)


Pajevic, Filipa - McGill University, Canada Shearmur, Richard G. - McGill University, Canada

Space, Technology and Everyday Work-life: The Spatial Underpinnings of Mobile and Flexible Labour, the Case of Toronto-Waterloo, Ontario

Henning, Martin - School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg, Sweden H Eriksson, Rikard - Umeå University, Sweden Hane-Weijman, Emelie - Umeå University, Sweden

Labor Mobility after Major Redundancies: Geography, Industries and Time

Danley, Therese - Umeå University, Sweden Eriksson, Rikard - Umeå University, Sweden Andersson, Lars-Fredrik - Umeå University, Sweden Henning, Martin - University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Worker’s Participation in Regional Economic Change Following Plant Exit

Neffke, Frank - Harvard Kennedy School, United States Otto, Anne - Institutes for Employment Research (IAB), Germany Hidalgo, César - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, The MIT Media Lab, United States

The Mobility of Displaced Workers: How the Local Industry Mix Affects Job Search


Smart & Sustainable? New Directions for Tourism & Regional Development

Monday 05/06/2017 1415 - 1545, Classroom 5025 (Arts Building)


Kozak, Marek - Centre for European Regional and Local Studies (EUROREG), University of Warsaw, Poland

Sport Mega-events: Legacy of EURO 2012 in Poland

James, Laura - Aalborg University, Denmark Halkier, Henrik - Aalborg University, Denmark

Awakening Tourist Destinations: Changing Policy Practices in Denmark

del Alcàzar Indarte, Hèctor - Universitat de València Noguera, Joan - University of Valencia, Spain

Coastal Cities in Eastern Spain. Dealing with Mature Tourism Destinations

Bakker, Martine - Wageningen University, The Netherlands A Diagnostic Approach to Identifying the Binding Constraints to Tourism-driven Inclusive Growth


Page 12: Academic Programme - Regional Studies Association Programme ... Nurse, Alexander - University of Liverpool, United Kingdom ... Chair: Cormac Walsh - University of Hamburg, Germany


Resources, Land Use & Socio-Economic Sustainability

Monday 05/06/2017 1415 - 1545, Classroom 5039 (Arts Building)


Fosudo, Olulade - Lagos State Polytechnic, Nigeria Ibrahim, Oladayo - Lagos State Polytechnic, Nigeria

A Spatio-temporal Assessment of Peri-urban Agricultural Land Use Change using a GIS Overlay Methodology: A Case of Kigali city, Rwanda

Nash, Robert - Bond University The Motivations and Experiences of Community Garden Participants in Scotland, and the Role Food Growing Plays in the development of their Communities

Larimian, Taimaz - Department of Geography, University of Otago Modelling the Relationship between Urban Form and Social Sustainability at Neighbourhood Level

Corrocher, Nicoletta - Bocconi University, Italy Deshaires, Marie-Louise - European Central Bank, Germany

The Curse of Natural Resources: An Empirical Analysis on European Regions


Spatial Governance & Political Debate

Monday 05/06/2017 1415 - 1545, Classroom 5052 (Arts Building)


Quinn, Martin - University of Leicester, United Kingdom The Search for the Social Contract in England’s Regions

Fabre, Elodie - Queen's University Belfast French Regional Elections: Plus ça change?

Affonso, Cláudia - University of Porto Rebelo, Emília - University of Porto, Portugal

Capital City Anchoring, Intermediary Theories & Actors: The Negotiation between Capital Spheres

Casula, Mattia - LUISS G. Carli - Rome, Italy Who Governs in Supra-municipal Governance?


Firms - Clusters, Growth & Internationalisation II

Monday 05/06/2017 1415 - 1545, Classroom 5033 (Arts Building)


Rossi, Federica - Institute for Economic Research (IRE) - USI, Switzerland Maggi, Rico - Institute for Economic Research (IRE) - USI, Switzerland

Leave or Stay? Relocation of Firms in Ticino: An Ordered Logit Approach

Bradley, Nasira - University of Glasgow, economics department, United Kingdom

‘Why does UK not have its own Google, let alone a New ARM?’ - An Assessment of the Tax and Financing Policy Incentives that could Influence Firm Growth in UK

Byrne, Eoin - Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland Visualisation & Analysis of Firm Networks: A Comparison of Three European ICT Clusters


Refreshment Break

Monday 05/06/2017 1545 - 1615, Lower Concourse (Arts Building)


Book Launch: Local & Regional Development, 2nd Edition - Pike, Rodriguez-Pose & Tomaney

Monday 05/06/2017 1615 - 1745, Swift Theatre (Arts Building)


Pike, Andy - University of Newcastle, United Kingdom Tomaney, John - University College London, United Kingdom Rodriguez-Pose, Andres - London School of Economics, United Kingdom

Local and Regional Development, 2nd ed.


Page 13: Academic Programme - Regional Studies Association Programme ... Nurse, Alexander - University of Liverpool, United Kingdom ... Chair: Cormac Walsh - University of Hamburg, Germany


Economic Development - Regional Strategies, Institutions & Policy

Monday 05/06/2017 1615 - 1745, Ui Chadhain Theatre (Arts Building)


Asheim, Bjørn - University of Stavanger Herstad, Sverre - Inland Norward University of Applied Sciences, Norway Trippl, Michaela - University of Vienna, Austria

Challenges of New Path Development and Implications for (Regional) Innovation Policy

MacKinnon, Danny - CURDS, Newcastle University, United Kingdom In What Sense a Regional Strategy? Unpacking the Northern Powerhouse

Morgan, Brian - Cardiff Metropolitan Univeristy, United Kingdom Holtham, Gerald - Cardiff Metropolitan University, United Kingdom Morgan, Selyf - Cardiff Metropolitan University, United Kingdom Huggins, Robert - Cardiff University, United Kingdom

Institutional Innovation in Wales for Delivery of Regional Economic Development Interventions

Lewis, Nick - University of Auckland New Arts of Rent: Creating Rents as Regional Development Platforms


Economic Networks: A Complex Systems Approach to the Study of Urban & Regional Dynamics III

Monday 05/06/2017 1615 - 1745, Beckett Room 1 (Arts Building)


O'Clery, Neave - University of Oxford, United Kingdom Beguerisse, Mariano - University of Oxford, United Kingdom

The Network Structure of Knowledge Flows

Cortinovis, Nicola Crescenzi, Riccardo - London School of Economics, United Kingdom van Oort, Frank - Erasmus University, The Netherlands

Multinational Enterprises, Cognitive Relatedness & Employment in European Regions

Marques, Pedro - INGENIO, United Kingdom The Role of Organisational Diversity and Proximity for Innovation in Peripheral Regions of Spain and Portugal

Whittle, Adam - University College Dublin, Ireland Local and Non-local Knowledge typologies: Technological Complexity in the Irish Knowledge Space


Migration, Innovation & Development III

Monday 05/06/2017 1615 - 1745, Beckett Room 2 (Arts Building)


Caro, Erka, Albania Migration, Economic Crisis and the Neoliberal Restructuring in Europe: The case of Albanian Working Migrant Women in Greece

Wink, Rüdiger - HTWK Leipzig, Germany Refugee Migration from Former Yugoslavia in the 1990ies. Long-term Experiences with Integration and Labour Market Impact in Swedish and German Regions Compared

Otto, Anne - Institute of Employment Research Christian, Teichert - Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen, Germany Annekatrin, Niebuhr - Institute of Employment Research, Germany Anja, Rossen - Institute of Employment Research, Germany

Graduate Migration in Germany – New Evidence from an Event History Analysis

Rehak, Stefan - University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia Eriksson, Rikard - University of Umea, Sweden

Do University Characteristics Influence the Retention of Graduates in the Higher Education Region?


Relational Perspectives on Urban & Regional Development: Challenges of Topological Thinking & Inquiry II

Monday 05/06/2017 1615 - 1745, Classroom 3051 (Arts Building)


Plangger, Melanie - University of Innsbruck, Austria Regional Authorities, Transboundary Network Mobilization and the Pursuit of Centrality

Harrison, John - Loughborough University, United Kingdom Constellatory Regionalism & Relational Regions in the Making

Serrano, Tatiane Cristina - University of Porto Breda-Vázquez, Isabel - University of Porto, Portugal

Mobility Circuits: Reflecting on Evolutionary Trajectories of Urban Policy

Li, Yingcheng - University College London, United Kingdom Phelps, Nicholas - University College London, United Kingdom

Functional Polycentricity and Urban Networks of Knowledge Collaboration within and beyond the Yangtze River Delta Region in China


Page 14: Academic Programme - Regional Studies Association Programme ... Nurse, Alexander - University of Liverpool, United Kingdom ... Chair: Cormac Walsh - University of Hamburg, Germany


Advancing the Economic & Social Agenda - Challenges & Opportunities III

Monday 05/06/2017 1615 - 1745, Classroom 3071 (Arts Building)


Usai, Stefano - University of Cagliari, Italy Marrocu, Emanuela - CRENoS, University of Cagliari, Italy Uberti, Erika - Università Cattolica Milano, Italy Maggioni, Mario - Università Cattolica Milano, Italy

Of Trees and Monkey. Explaining the Technological Specialization of European Regions

Yang, Hui Jonas, Andy - University of Hull, United Kingdom Gibbs, David - University of Hull, United Kingdom

Analysis of the Evolutionary Development of Liquor Industry Clusters in China from the Perspective of Brands and Branding

Ploszaj, Adam - Centre for European Regional and Local Studies EUROREG, University of Warsaw Olechnicka, Agnieszka - Centre for European Regional and Local Studies (EUROREG), University of Warsaw, Poland

Cohesion through Scientific Collaboration in the European Union

Pinca, Erica - University College Dublin, Ireland Knowledge Linkages and Technological Change in Europe


Regional Planning & the 'Post'-Crisis Future

Monday 05/06/2017 1615 - 1745, Classroom 3106 (Arts Building)


Lawton, Philip - Maynooth University, Ireland The Quito Papers and the Urban Imagination: A Sympathetic Critique

Faulkner, Jon-Paul - University College Dublin, Ireland Household Vulnerability and Resilience after a Global Economic Shock: Evidence from Ireland

Murphy, Enda - University College Dublin, Ireland Fox-Rogers, Linda - Queens University Belfast, United Kingdom

Neoliberalism, Planning, and the Common Good

Redmond, Declan - University College Dublin, Ireland A Crisis not Wasted? The Reshaping of the Irish Planning System


MAKERS of Value: New Manufacturing Regions

Monday 05/06/2017 1615 - 1745, Classroom 3126 (Arts Building)


Bailey, David - Aston University, United Kingdom Hildreth, Paul - UCL, United Kingdom

Place, Economy and Manufacturing in the ‘City’ and the ‘Region’

Barzotto, Mariachiara - Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham (UK), United Kingdom De Propris, Lisa - Birmingham Business School, United Kingdom Tomlinson, Phil - University of Bath

Innovation Dynamics and Renewal in Mature Manufacturing Clusters

Bellandi, Marco - University of Florence - Italy Santini, Erica - Fondazione per la Ricerca e l'Innovazione, Italy

New Service Oriented Manufacturing and Place-based Division of Labour: The Case of the Textile Industrial District of Prato

Krenz, Astrid - University of Goettingen, Germany Go East? Firm Structure and the Location Decision of German Manufacturing Firms


Spatial Justice & Territorial Cohesion

Monday 05/06/2017 1615 - 1745, Classroom 3025 (Arts Building)


Dabinett, Gordon - University of Sheffield, United Kingdom Spatial Justice in Europe: will it always matter where you live?

Keaveney, Karen - University College Dublin, Ireland The Rise of the Rural?: Exploring Power & Politics in News Media Coverage of the 2016 Irish Government Formation Negotiations

Reinhart, Simone - Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament, Belgium

Imagine Europe... without Cohesion Policy! Or: What does Cohesion Policy Mean for the Future of the EU?


Page 15: Academic Programme - Regional Studies Association Programme ... Nurse, Alexander - University of Liverpool, United Kingdom ... Chair: Cormac Walsh - University of Hamburg, Germany


Clusters & Innovation & the Evolution of Territorial Production Systems

Monday 05/06/2017 1615 - 1745, Classroom 3027 (Arts Building)


Lucena, Delio - IEP/LEREPS - University of Toulouse Capitole Vincente, Jérôme - LEREPS, University of Toulouse – Sciences-Po Toulouse, France

How Collaborative Incentives in Cluster Policies Influence the Structural Role of SMEs in Regional Innovation Systems: A Network-based Analysis of Aerospace Valley in Toulouse - France (2005-2015)

Walsh, Kevin - UCD Exploring Cluster Type Evolution using a Regional Dynamic Capabilities View

Jeannerat, Hugues - University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland Doloreux, David - HEC Montreal, Department of International Business, Canada

About the Value of Innovation in Regional Studies


Socio-Economic Multipliers & Composite Indicators

Monday 05/06/2017 1615 - 1745, Classroom 3081 (Arts Building)


Sokołowski, Andrzej - Cracow University of Economics Markowska, Małgorzata - Wroclaw University of Economics, Poland

Dynamic Ordering of Multidimentional Objects

Lima, M. Carmen - Universidad Pablo de Olavide Cardenete, M. Alejandro - Universidad Loyola Andalucía, Spain Sancho, Ferran - Universitat Autònoma Barcelona, Sri Lanka

A Multiplier Evaluation of Primary Factors Supply-shocks


Knowledge Typologies & Spaces - Novelty, Evolution & Spatial Outcomes

Monday 05/06/2017 1615 - 1745, Classroom 4047 (Arts Building)


Kadlec, Vojtěch - Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science, Czech Republic

Is there a Systematic Relationship between Composition of Labour Force According to Knowledge Bases and Economic Development of European Regions?

Petralia, Sergio - Utrecht University, The Netherlands Unravelling the Trail of a GPT: The Case of Electrical & Electronic Technologies from 1860 to 1930

Crespo, Joan - IEP/LEREPS Balland, Pierre-Alexandre - Utrecht University, The Netherlands Rigby, David - UCLA, United States Petralia, Sergio - Utrech Unviversity, The Netherlands

The Evolution of Knowledge Space

Rigby, David - UCLA, United States Esposito, Christopher - UCLA, United States Petralia, Sergio - Utrecht University, The Netherlands Reitman, Carsten - UCLA, United States Rossler, Christoph - UCLA & University of Hanover, United States

The Geography of Novelty


Innovation & Economic Development & Growth - Human/Social Capital & Mobility

Monday 05/06/2017 1615 - 1745, Classroom 4050A (Arts Building)


McKenzie, Fiona - Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, Australia

Human Capital, Temporary Mobility and Regional Development – An Australian Perspective

Hooijen, Inge - Maastricht University, The Netherlands Cörvers, Frank - Maastricht University, The Netherlands

How to Attract STEM Workers to a High-tech Business Park in a Shrinking Region? Place and Life Satisfaction

Peiró-Palomino, Jesús The Geography of Social Capital and Innovation in the European Union

Lee, Neil - London School of Economics, United Kingdom Rodriguez-Pose, Andrés - LSE, United Kingdom

Personality Traits, Human Capital and Wages: Evidence from Linked Individual and Local Data


Page 16: Academic Programme - Regional Studies Association Programme ... Nurse, Alexander - University of Liverpool, United Kingdom ... Chair: Cormac Walsh - University of Hamburg, Germany


Regional Innovation Systems - Restructuring Processes & Transition into Knowledge Intensive Activites

Monday 05/06/2017 1615 - 1745, Classroom 4050B (Arts Building)


Poon, Jessie - University of Buffalo - The State University of New York, United States Yin, Wei - University of Buffalo, United States

The Geography of Brains in the US Rustbelt and Sunbelt

Shearmur, Richard - McGill University, Canada Doloreux, David - HEC Montréal, Canada

KIBS Innovation Across Time and Space: Factors of KIBS Innovation in Québec Regions, 2007 and 2014

Zwick, Austin - University of Toronto, Canada The Role of Innovation in Postindustrial Transformations

Corradini, Carlo - Aston Business School, United Kingdom Regional Persistent Innovation & the Nature of Agglomeration Economies


Humankind, Environment & Community - Research Impact

Monday 05/06/2017 1615 - 1745, Classroom 4097 (Arts Building)


Itkonen, Matti - University of Jyvaskyla, Finland Spatial Varkaus: A study of Humankind, Environment and Community

Rapple, Charlie - Kudos, United Kingdom Increasing the Reach and Impact of your Research: How to Use Kudos to Build Readership and Citations


Tourism & Regional Development II

Monday 05/06/2017 1615 - 1745, Classroom 5025 (Arts Building)


Little, Stephen - Asia Pacific Technology Network, United Kingdom Threats and Opportunities: a Role for Tourism in the Reconstruction of Regional Identity in Brexit Britain

Santinha, Gonçalo - University of Aveiro, Portugal Pereira, Joana - University of Aveiro, Portugal Breda, Zélia - University of Aveiro, Portugal

The Awakening of Senior Travellers: New Opportunities for Health Tourism

Romein, Arie - Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands Towards Policy Instruments to Relieve Cities’ Tourism-based Waste Burden

Vasileios, Alexandridis - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, AUTh Giannakopoulou, Stella - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Arvanitis, Apostolos - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Monoculture of Tourism: A Holdback in the Regional Development of Mountainous Areas. The Case of Palaios Agios Athanasios, in Pella, Greece


Commuting Patterns & Transport Systems

Monday 05/06/2017 1615 - 1745, Classroom 5039 (Arts Building)


Tanguay, Georges A. - Université du Québec, Canada Lachapelle, Ugo - Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada

The Impacts of Telecommuting on Transportation Behaviours, Health and Productivity: A Canadian Study

Hincks, Stephen - University of Manchester, United Kingdom Commuteflow: The Analysis of a New Geodemograpghic Classification of Commuting Flows for England and Wales

Wittig, Kirsten - Rijksuniversiteit Groningen Leadership and Sustainable Urban Transport: A Matter of Institutional Change

Meredith, David - Agriculture and Food Development Authority, Ireland Coombes, Mike - CURDS, Newcastle University, United Kingdom Wymer, Colin - CURDS, Newcastle University, United Kingdom

A Spatial Analysis of the Impacts of the Great Recession on Travel-to-work Areas


Page 17: Academic Programme - Regional Studies Association Programme ... Nurse, Alexander - University of Liverpool, United Kingdom ... Chair: Cormac Walsh - University of Hamburg, Germany


Spatial Governance & Sustainable Development

Monday 05/06/2017 1615 - 1745, Classroom 5052 (Arts Building)


Dunayev, Igor - Kharkiv regional institute of public administration of NAPA by the President of Ukraine

Awakening Economic Policy of Ukrainian Regions: How to Reshape Mechanisms for Organization and Deblocking the Discrete Modernization?

Weber, Gabriel - ISM Hoerber, Thomas - ESSCA Angers, France Cabras, Ignazio - Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University, United Kingdom

Sustainability – A (European) Ideology for the 21th Century?

Paxton, Fred - University of Vienna, Austria Messina, Patrizia - University of Padua, Italy

Strong Localism, Weak Regionalism: The Strengths and Weaknesses of Lega Nord Governance of the Veneto Region

Bisello, Adriano - European Academy of Bozen/Bolzano, Italy Mosannenzadeh, Farnaz - University of Trento, Iran, Islamic Republic of Vettorato, Daniele - EURAC Research, Italy

The Co-benefit Concept as an Assessment Paradigm to Smart Energy Distract Projects


Place-based Development of Local Innovation Systems

Monday 05/06/2017 1615 - 1745, Classroom 5033 (Arts Building)


Santini, Erica - Fondazione per la Ricerca e l'Innovazione, Italy Bellandi, Marco - Univesity of Florence, Italy Campus, Daniela - Univesity of Florence, Italy Carraro, Alessandro - Food and Agricultural Organization of the UN, Italy

The Geography of Culture, Production and Local Systems: A Perspective from Italy

Myshko, Alena - Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI), Italy The Role of the Relation between a Regional Airport and Local Universities in the Local and Regional Development: The Case of Newcastle-upon-Tyne (UK)

Faragó, Beatrix - Szécheny Istváni University, Hungary Konczos-Szombathelyi, Márta - Széchenyi István University Győr, Hungary

Role and Support of Sport in an Automotive City

Arora, Rashmi - University of Bradford, United Kingdom Disparities in Regional Financial Deepening: Does Bank Branch Location Matter?


Page 18: Academic Programme - Regional Studies Association Programme ... Nurse, Alexander - University of Liverpool, United Kingdom ... Chair: Cormac Walsh - University of Hamburg, Germany


RSA Ambassadors Meeting

Monday 05/06/2017 1615 - 1745, M20 (Museum Building)

Chair: Andrew Beer - UniSA Business School, Australia

Carl, Daniela - Regional Studies Association, United Kingdom

Stanton-Drudy, Suede - Regional Studies Association, United Kingdom

Turok, Ivan - Human Sciences Research Council, South Africa

Lagendijk, Arnoud - Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Isaksen, Arne - University of Agder, Norway

Santic, Danica - University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geography, Serbia

Morgenroth, Edgar - Economic And Social Research Institute, ESRI, Ireland

Jermolajeva, Elita - Latvian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, Latvia

Lindquist, Eric - Boise State University, United States

Raagmaa, Garri - University of Tartu, Estonia

Gregson, Geoff - Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT), Canada

Lintz, Gerd - Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban & Regional Development, Germany

Halkier, Henrik - Aalborg University, Denmark

Erkuş Öztürk, Hilal - Akdeniz University, Turkey

Smith, Ian - University of the West of England, United Kingdom

Cabras, Ignazio - Newcastle Business School, United Kingdom

Nared, Janez - ZRC SAZU, Slovenia

Benedek, József - Universitatea Babes-Bolyai, Romania

Limonov, Leonid - ICSER Leontief Centre, Russia

Smetkowski, Maciej - Centre for European Regional and Local Studies (EUROREG), University of Warsaw, Poland

Polese, Mario - INRS. University of Quebec, Canada

Sotarauta, Markku - University of Tampere, School of Management, Finland

Pelucha, Martin - University of Economics in Prague, Czech Republic

Steiner, Michael - Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Austria

Atienza, Miguel - Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile

Dotti, Nicola Francesco - Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium

Ibrahim, Oladayo - Lagos State Polytechnic, Nigeria

Mrinska, Olga - European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, United Kingdom

Crevoisier, Olivier - (GRET), Universite De Neuchatel, Switzerland

Rizzi, Paolo - Universita Cattolica Del Sacro Cuore, Italy

Amaral, Pedro - CEDEPLAR - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil

Christoffel, Thomas - Regional Intelligence - Regional Communities, LLC, United States


Page 19: Academic Programme - Regional Studies Association Programme ... Nurse, Alexander - University of Liverpool, United Kingdom ... Chair: Cormac Walsh - University of Hamburg, Germany


CURDS Plenary

Monday 05/06/2017 1745 - 1830, Burke Theatre (Arts Building)


Martinelli, Flavia - Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria, Italy Regional Policy from National Strategy to EU Bargaining Framework. What has been Lost in Translation


CURDS & Regional Studies Journal Anniversary Reception

Monday 05/06/2017 1830 - 1930, Lower Concourse (Arts Building)


Student & Early Career Session: Research Impact: Making your Voice Count in Policymaking

Monday 05/06/2017 1830 - 1915, M4 (Museum Building)

Chair: Pierre-Alexandre Balland - URU - Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Bailey, David - Aston University, United Kingdom Morgenroth, Edgar - Economic & Social Research Institute, Ireland Wills, Jane - Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom Beer, Andrew - UniSA Business School, Australia



Page 20: Academic Programme - Regional Studies Association Programme ... Nurse, Alexander - University of Liverpool, United Kingdom ... Chair: Cormac Walsh - University of Hamburg, Germany


Conference Registration

Tuesday 06/06/2017 0800 - 1800, Upper Concourse (Arts Building)


Plenary 3

Tuesday 06/06/2017 0900 - 1100, Burke Theatre (Arts Building)

Chair: Pádraig Carmody, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Sampson, Robert - Harvard University, United States The New Social Transformation of the City and the Paradoxes of Inequality

Fitzgerald, Joan - Northeastern University, United States Greenovation: Linking Regional Development and Climate Action

Sassen, Saskia - Columbia University, United States The Rise of Extractive Logics: Who Owns the City?


Refreshment Break

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1100 - 1130, Lower Concourse (Arts Building)


Open Access Publishing with the RSA: Quickly Reach a Wider Audience, Publish

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1130 - 1300, Ui Chadhain Theatre (Arts Building)

Chair: Sally Hardy - Regional Studies Association, United Kingdom

Rae, Alasdair - University of Sheffield, United Kingdom Hincks, Stephen - University of Manchester, United Kingdom

This panel session will be hosted by the Editors of Regional Studies, Regional Science, the RSA's gold open access journal. Editors-in-Chief Stephen Hincks and Alasdair Rae will discuss 'the state of open' more generally, the successes of RSRS to date, and clarify the rationale and objectives of open access publishing. We will present some findings on the open access publishing landscape by means of some analysis of data from the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). Now into our fourth year of publication since launching at the UCLA conference in late 2013, RSRS has published some of the most-read papers in our field during that time and offers authors a range of publication options, from standard-length papers of around 8,000 words to short regional graphics with commentary. We have also published work by scholars at all career stages, from PhD to Professor. We encourage everyone to attend and we make a renewed call for papers. We look forward to seeing you to this session.


Smart Specialisation & Evolutionary Economic Geography

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1130 - 1300, Emmet Theatre (Arts Building)

Chair: Dieter Kogler - University College Dublin, Ireland

Organisers: Deakin, Mark - Edinburgh Napier University, United Kingdom Mora, Luca - Politecnico do Milano, Italy Kogler, Dieter F. - University College Dublin, Ireland

This session will explore how recent progress in the field of Evolutionary Economic Geography can support the ambiguous European project of “Smart Specialisation”. Here the focus is directed at science and technology domains and in particular at their presence and connectedness at a given place. However, much of the evidence supporting Smart Specialisation theories is anecdotal. Evolutionary Economic Geography on the other hand is working on a number of systematic approaches capable of identifying the local knowledge bases, while also measuring how relatedness among such domains advances over time in a path-dependent fashion. Based on this the following idea has been put forward: if one manages to quantify domain and connectedness, ceteris paribus, one should also be able to predict future trajectories of regional development, and thus be able to advise regions in what areas of economic activity to invest on order to create a competitive edge that rests on local scientific and technological expertise that is difficult to replicate elsewhere. Panellist will discuss the feasibility of such an idea in light of recent theoretical and empirical advancements.

Asheim, Bjørn - University of Stavanger Panellist

Boschma, Ron - Utrecht University, The Netherlands Panellist

Clark, Jennifer - Georgia Institute of Technology, United States Panellist

Deakin, Mark - Edinburgh Napier University, United Kingdom Mora, Luca - Politecnico do Milano, Italy Kogler, Dieter F. - University College Dublin, Ireland


Hausmann, Ricardo - Harvard University, United States Panellist

Henning, Martin - School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg, Sweden


Komninos, Nicos - URENIO Research, Aristotle University Panellist

Pike, Andy - University of Newcastle, United Kingdom Panellist


Page 21: Academic Programme - Regional Studies Association Programme ... Nurse, Alexander - University of Liverpool, United Kingdom ... Chair: Cormac Walsh - University of Hamburg, Germany


Brexit, Trump & the Duck of Globalisation? New Directions in Economic & Financial Geography

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1130 - 1300, Davis Theatre (Arts Building)

Chair: Martin Sokol - Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Dörry, Sabine - Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research, Luxembourg


Dymski, Gary - Leeds University Business School, United Kingdom Panellist

Sassen, Saskia - Columbia University, United States Panellist

Wojcik, Dariusz - Oxford University, United Kingdom Panellist

Martin, Ron - University of Cambridge, United Kingdom Panellist

Morgenroth, Edgar - Economic and Social Research Institute, ESRI, Ireland


Sokol, Martin - Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Wojcik, Dariusz - Oxford University, United Kingdom

This session will explore new economic-political landscapes following the shock victories of Brexit and Trump and will reflect on their global, regional and local implications. Is globalisation going into reverse? What consequences will this have for local and regional economies? What does BrexiTrump mean for global cities and for the architecture and regulation of global finance? There is an urgent need to reflect on some of the challenges posed by these tectonic events, both for economic and financial geography and for global society. Come and join the debate!


Planning in the Metropolitan Century

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1130 - 1300, Swift Theatre (Arts Building)

Chair: John Tomaney - Professor, United Kingdom

Lembcke, Alexander - OECD Panellist

Moore-Cherry, Niamh - University College Dublin, Ireland Panellist

Hogan, Paul - Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government, Ireland


Rose, Anna - Milton Keynes Council & UK Planning Officers Society, United Kingdom


Wachsmuth, David - McGill University, Canada Panellist

Moore-Cherry, Niamh - University College Dublin, Ireland Tomaney, John - University College Londo, United Kingdom

By the end of the 21st century, most of the world’s population will be urbanized and increasingly concentrated in large cities. The OECD argue that for each doubling in population size, the economic performance of cities increases by 2-5%. This would suggest that we are entering an era of bigger cities and a concomitant rise in the importance of metropolitan scale planning and development. However the OECD also highlighted the need to overcome jurisdictional fragmentation in order to achieve effective metropolitan governance. Within this context: What are the major planning challenges that will face national governments, city governments and urban residents? What are the major barriers facing and opportunities brought about by enhanced metropolitanisation? How can smaller cities learn from already-existing major metropolitan regions?



Tuesday 06/06/2017 1300 - 1430, Dining Hall


Will Urban & Regional Leadership be in Crisis, Post-Brexit? I

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1430 - 1600, Emmet Theatre (Arts Building)

Chair: Joyce Liddle - IMPGT, Institute of Public Management and Territorial Government, France

Beer, Andrew - UniSA Business School, Australia Ayres, Sarah - University of Bristol, United Kingdom Clower, Terry - George Mason University, United States Faller, Fabian - University of Kiel, Germany Sotarauta, Markku - University of Tampere, Finland Sancino, Alessandro – Open University, United Kingdom

Examining a New Method for Understanding Place Leadership: A Six Nation Analysis

Muhammad, Janu - MSc Research in Human Geography, University of Birmingham

After Brexit: The Challenges and Opportunities of Urban Regeneration for the UK and European Cities

Budd, Leslie - Open University, United Kingdom Prospects for City Leadership in Redressing the Hegemony of Market Justice in Europe’s Regions

Liddle, Joyce - IMPGT, Institute of Public Management and Territorial Government, France

The Continued Need for Innovative, Creative and Entrepreneurial Leadership of Place: Theorising Urban and Regional Leadership in the Future


Page 22: Academic Programme - Regional Studies Association Programme ... Nurse, Alexander - University of Liverpool, United Kingdom ... Chair: Cormac Walsh - University of Hamburg, Germany


Innovation Policy - Initiatives, Effectiveness & Evaluation

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1430 - 1600, Davis Theatre (Arts Building)


Sipikal, Miroslav - University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia Nemethova, Valeria - University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia Siranova, Maria - University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia

Evaluation of Innovation Subsidy in Selected CEE Regions

Laasonen, Valtteri - University of Tampere / Faculty of Management / Regional Studies Kolehmainen, Jari - University of Tampere, Faculty of Management, Urban and Regional Studies Group SENTE, Finland Sotarauta, Markku - University of Tampere, Faculty of Management, Urban and Regional Studies Group SENTE, Finland

From Hype to Confusion – Widening, Deepening and Diluted Finnish Innovation Policy

Becker, Bettina - Aston University, United Kingdom Roper, Stephen - Warwick Business School and Enterprise Research Centre, United Kingdom Love, James - Warwick Business School and Enterprise Research Centre, United Kingdom

The Effectiveness of Regional, National & EU Support for Innovation in the UK & Spain

Fernandes, Cristina - Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco, Portugal Farinha, Luis - Universidade da Beira Inteior &NECE-UBI Research Centre, Portugal Ferreira, João - Universidade da Beira Inteior &NECE-UBI Research Centre, Portugal Raposo, Mário - Universidade da Beira Inteior &NECE-UBI Research Centre, Portugal

Regions and Innovation Policy: Beyond the Obvious


Innovation Systems - Evolution, Knowledge & Entrepreneurship I

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1430 - 1600, Swift Theatre (Arts Building)


Lundquist, Karl-Johan - Department of Human Geography Lund University, Sweden Olander, Lars-Olof - Department of Human Geography Lund University, Sweden Martynovich, Mikhail - Department of Human Geography Lund University, Sweden

The Technology Shift Thesis: Understanding Growth and Transformation in a Regional System

Calignano, Giuseppe - UiS Business School - University of Stavanger, Italy De Siena, Luca - University of Salento, Italy Wilhelmsen Solheim, Marte Cecilie - University of Stavanger, Norway

Marshall, Jacobs and the Others: A Taxonomy of the Italian Provinces

Binz, Christian Truffer, Bernhard - Eawag - Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Sicence & Technology, Switzerland

Global Innovation Systems – A conceptual Framework and Typology from Various Cleantech Industries

Kedron, Peter - Oklahoma State University The Role of Proximities in the Regional Production of United States Renewable Energy Knowledge


Page 23: Academic Programme - Regional Studies Association Programme ... Nurse, Alexander - University of Liverpool, United Kingdom ... Chair: Cormac Walsh - University of Hamburg, Germany


Brexit: Implications for National & Regional Economies

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1430 - 1600, Ui Chadhain Theatre (Arts Building)


Ramsey, Phil Baker, Stephen - Ulster University, United Kingdom

Contemporary Northern Ireland, Brexit and the Britain beyond its Border

Lisenkova, Katerina - University of Strathclyde Roy, Graeme - University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom McGregor, Peter - University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom Figus, Gioele - University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom Swales, Kim - University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom

Economic Consequences of Brexit at a National, Regional and Sectoral Level

Morgenroth, Edgar - Economic and Social Research Institute, ESRI, Ireland

The Potential Regional Impact of Brexit in Ireland North and South

McSorley, Leaza - Glasgow Caledonian University, United Kingdom Sarter, Katharina - University of South Wales, United Kingdom

The Role of EU Cohesion Policy and Procurement Policy in Labour Market Equality Pre and Post-Brexit


Economic Networks: A Complex Systems Approach to the Study of Urban & Regional Dynamics IV

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1430 - 1600, Beckett Room 1 (Arts Building)


Weterings, Anet - Verstedelijking & Mobiliteit, The Netherlands Middeldorp, Marten - University of Groningen, The Netherlands Edzes, Arjen - University of Groningen, The Netherlands

Career Development after Unemployment

Mok, Winston - University of Sydney A Complexity Perspective on Local/Regional Economic Development

Boschma, Ron - Utrecht University, The Netherlands Balland, Pierre-Alex - Utrecht University, The Netherlands Rigby, David - UCLA, United States

Relatedness, Knowledge Complexity and Technological Opportunities of Regions. A Framework for Smart Specialization


Smart Growth & Smart Specialisation - Challenges & Solutions

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1430 - 1600, Beckett Room 2 (Arts Building)


Islankina, Ekaterina - Institute for Statistical Studies, Russia Kutsenko, Evgeniy - National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia Kindras, Alexsey - National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia

Smart by Oneself? Analysis of Russian Regional Innovation Strategies within RIS3 Framework

Jermolajeva, Elita - Latvian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, Latvia

Development of Smart Regions: Challenges & Solutions

Turgel, Irina - Graduate School of Economics and Management, Ural Federal Unversity, Russia Tolmachev, Dmitry - Graduate School of Economics and Management, Ural Federal University, Russia

Smart Specialization of Russian Regions

Komninos, Nicos - URENIO Research, Aristotle University Sefertzi, Elena - Intelspace Innovation Technologies, Greece

Smart Growth and Smart Specialisation Strategies over Platforms: Advantages Created by Internet Environments


New Regional Growth Plans & Entrepreneurial Discovery I - Entrepreneurship

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1430 - 1600, Classroom 3051 (Arts Building)

Chair: Ann Camilla Schulze-Krogh - University of Agder, Norway

Vatne, Eirik - Norwegian School Of Economics, Norway Firm Development and the Role of Venture Capital and Private Equity. Public Policy for Innovation and Risk Capital

Pylak, Korneliusz - Lublin University of Technology, Poland Majerek, Dariusz - Lublin University of Technology, Poland

New Industry Creation and Development Models

Rypestol, Jan Ole - University of Agder, Norway Aarstad, Jarle - Centre for Innovation, Bergen University College, Norway

Context and Entrepreneurship: The Thickness of Regional Innovation Systems and its effect on Entrepreneurial Innovativeness and Growth Ambitions

Rivza, Baiba - Latvian Academy of Sciences, Latvia Kruzmetra, Maiga - Latvia Academy of Sciences, Latvia

Small Entrepreneurship as a Provider of Viability in Rural Areas


Page 24: Academic Programme - Regional Studies Association Programme ... Nurse, Alexander - University of Liverpool, United Kingdom ... Chair: Cormac Walsh - University of Hamburg, Germany


Advancing the Economic & Social Agenda - Challenges & Opportunities IV

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1430 - 1600, Classroom 3071 (Arts Building)


Barzotto, Mariachiara - Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham (UK), United Kingdom De Propris, Lisa - Birmingham Business School, United Kingdom

Multinational Companies between Global and Regional Embeddedness: A QCA of European Case Studies

Lembcke, Alexander - OECD D'Costa, Sabine - University of Westminster, United Kingdom

Macroeconomic Framework Conditions, Structural Reforms and Regional Development


Regional Design, Spatial Planning & Programming in Governance Rescaling I

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1430 - 1600, Classroom 3106 (Arts Building)


Willi, Yasmine - Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL Pütz, Marco - Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, Switzerland

Assessing Transformations of Regional Governance

Fitjar, Rune Dahl - University of Stavanger, Norway Local Government Mergers in Norwegian City Regions: A Public Choice Perspective

Fucile, Raffaella - University of Florence, United Kingdom Representation & Narrative in Spatial Planning: A Comparison on Methods of Construction of Spatial Visions

Lingua, Valeria - University of Florence, Italy The New Season of Strategic Planning in Italy: Challenges and Opportunities in a Changing Institutional and Planning Context


SMEs. Family Firms & the Regional Economy I

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1430 - 1600, Classroom 3126 (Arts Building)

Chair: Lech Suwala - Humboldt-University Zu Berlin, Germany

Basco, Rodrigo - American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates Baixauli Soler, Samuel - Universidad de Murcia, Spain Alvarez, Susana - Universidad de Murcia, Spain Sánchez Marín, Gregorio - Universidad de Murcia, Spain

Regional Familiness

Dixon, Janine - Victoria University Nassios, Jason - Victoria University, Australia

The Regional Impacts of a Cut to Company Tax in Australia

Lenz, Regina - Heidelberg University, Germany Glückler, Johannes - Heidelberg University, Germany

Family Firms in Succession: A Geographical Perspective on the Challenges to Continuity

Nguyen, David - London School of Economics, United Kingdom Internal Geography of the Firm at Home and Abroad: A Mixed-Methods Study of Large German MNEs


Book Launch

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1430 - 1600, Classroom 3025 (Arts Building)


Martin, Ron - University of Cambridge, United Kingdom Book Launch


Housing in the Aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis: The Furthering of the Neoliberal Model or Experimenting Alternative Futures?

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1430 - 1600, Classroom 3027 (Arts Building)


Dagkouli, Myrto - Gran Sasso Science Institute, Greece LGBTQ+Housing Practices in Athens

Forman, Balazs Gyorgy - Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary Spatial Inequalities: Connection between Mortgage & Housing Markets Before & After 2008

Ortega Alcazar, Iliana - University of Southampton Wilkinson, Eleanor - University of Southampton, United Kingdom

The Impact of Housing Benefit Cuts on Young Single People from Protected Groups in Britain


Page 25: Academic Programme - Regional Studies Association Programme ... Nurse, Alexander - University of Liverpool, United Kingdom ... Chair: Cormac Walsh - University of Hamburg, Germany


Clusters - Development & performance I

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1430 - 1600, Classroom 3081 (Arts Building)


Tomlinson, Phil - University of Bath, United Kingdom Fai, Felicia - University of Bath, United Kingdom

An Examination of University and Corporate Attractiveness as Anchor Tenants in the Conception (Pre-birth) of a New Cluster

Adkins, David - Plymouth University, United Kingdom Measuring the Impact of Clusters on Sustainable Development

Grashof, Nils - University of Bremen Bruns, Stephan - University of Göttingen, Germany Fornahl, Dirk - University of Bremen, Germany

‘TO BE OR NOT TO BE’ LOCATED IN A CLUSTER? - A Meta-regression of the Firm-specific Cluster Effect

Procházková, Alena, Czech Republic Bifurcated City Region: R&D Clusters, Trap of Spatial-institutional Fault-lines and Threat of Competitiveness


Spatial Reorganisation Trends & the Rising Importance of Relational Proximity I

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1430 - 1600, Classroom 4047 (Arts Building)


Tagai, Gergely - MTA KRTK Noguera, Joan - University of Valencia, Spain Koós, Bálint - MTA KRTK, Hungary del Alcazar Indarte, Hector - University of Valencia, Spain Uzzoli, Annamária - MTA KRTK, Hungary

Characterisation of Inner Peripheries in Europe: Common Features and Regional Specificities

Šimon, Martin - Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Sociology, Dept. of Local and Regional Studies, Czech Republic Bernard, Josef - Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Sociology, Dept. of Local and Regional Studies, Czech Republic

Measuring Inner Peripheries: Spatial Reorganisation, Social Cohesion and Quality of Life

Weck, Sabine - ILS – Research Institute for Regional and Urban Development Copus, Andrew - Nordregio, Sweden Beißwenger, Sabine - ILS - Research Institute for Regional & Urban development, Germany Tobiasz-Lis, Paulina - University of Lodz, Poland Schürmann, Carsten - TCP International, Germany

Identification of Processes and Drivers Playing a Key Role in Marginalisation of Inner Peripheries

Noguera, Joan - University of Valencia, Spain Schürmann, Carsten - TCP International, Germany Copus, Andrew - Nordregio, Sweden Ortega-Reig, Mar - University of Valencia, Spain Dax, Thomas - BABF - Federal Institute for Less-Favoured & Mountain Areas, Austria

Inner Peripheries: When Agglomeration is not the Only Determinant for Sustainable Development. From Operationalisation to Delineation of a New Territorial Concept


Global Investment Flows, Multinationals & Local Economic Development I

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1430 - 1600, Classroom 4050A (Arts Building)

Chair: Riccardo Crescenzi - London School of Economics, United Kingdom

Wrana, Jöran Bosse - Geographical Institute, University of Cologne, Germany Revilla Diez, Javier - Institute of Geography, University of Cologne, Germany

How do New Institutions Arise? Examining the Role of Multinational Enterprises, Universities and Domestic Firms in Local Institution-building Processes

Richter-Tokar, Miriam - Ernst Moritz Arndt University of Greifswald, Germany Schiller, Daniel - University of Greifswald, Germany

Institutional Distances in the Context of M&A: An Exploratory Analysis of Chinese Investments to Germany

Papanastassiou, Marina - Middlesex University Business School Navare, Jyoti - Middlesex University Business School, United Kingdom Osabutey, Ellis - Middlsex University Business School, United Kingdom Pearce, Robert - Henley Business School, United Kingdom Jin, Zhongqi - Middlesex University Business School, United Kingdom

Ghanaian SMEs Looking Outward: The Impact of Emerging National Systems of Innovation (NSI)

Fiorentino, Stefania - UCL, United Kingdom The Roman Edition of the Maker Faire: An Entrepreneurial or an Institutional Exposure?


Page 26: Academic Programme - Regional Studies Association Programme ... Nurse, Alexander - University of Liverpool, United Kingdom ... Chair: Cormac Walsh - University of Hamburg, Germany


Institutions & Regional Development I

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1430 - 1600, Classroom 4050B (Arts Building)


Haus-Reve, Silje Dahl Fitjar, Rune - University of Stavanger, Centre for Innovation Research, Norway

Institutions & Regional Development in Norway

Uyarra, Elvira - Manchester Business School, United Kingdom Public Institutions as Innovation Actors. The Role of Public Procurement

Casula, Mattia - LUISS G. Carli - Rome, Italy Conceptualizing Cohesion Policy as a Case of Development Policy: A Framework for the Empirical Analysis

Rossiter, Will - Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom Smith, David - Nottingham trent University, United Kingdom

Institutions, Place Leadership and Public Entrepreneurship: Reinterpreting the Economic Development of Nottingham


Developing Area Studies & the Global South I

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1430 - 1600, Classroom 4097 (Arts Building)


James, Al - Newcastle University, United Kingdom Williams, Philippa - Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom Vira, Bhaskar - Cambridge University, United Kingdom McConnell, Fiona - Oxford University, United Kingdom

Socially Inclusive Growth in India's New Service Economy

Martins, Humberto - Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Brazil Regional Inequalities and Unbalanced Development in Brazil: Different Approaches and Recent Tendencies

Korzhenevych, Artem - Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development, Germany Jain, Manisha - IOER, Germany

Informal Urbanization in the National Capital Region of India: The Rise of Census Towns

Traynor, Niall - University College Dublin, Ireland Urban Improvement Projects in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: Private Capital Financing and Street Vendor Livelihood Implications


Cohesion Policy at a Crossroads I

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1430 - 1600, Classroom 5025 (Arts Building)


Medeiros, Eduardo - University of Lisbon, Portugal From Smart Growth to European Spatial Planning: A New Paradigm for EU Cohesion Policy Post-2020

Petzold, Wolfgang - Committee of the Regions, United Kingdom EU Cohesion Policy: A Short History of its Future

Dabrowski, Marcin - Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands Stead, Dominic - Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands Mashhoodi, Bardia - Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

Can EU Money Buy EU Love? Exploring the Regional Determinants of EU Identification

Valenza, Alessandro - T33 Böhme, Kai - Spatial Foresight, Luxembourg

ESIF Financial Instruments and their Territorial Impacts


Devolution & the Transformation of Regional Economies I

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1430 - 1600, Classroom 5039 (Arts Building)


Bryson, John - University of Birmingham, United Kingdom Harris, Catherine - University of Birmingham, United Kingdom

Resources, Assets & Linkages: Towards a Resource Based View of Regional Economies

McCann, Philip - University of Sheffield, United Kingdom Ortega Argiles, Raquel - University of Birmingham City-REDI Institute, United Kingdom

Place-based Policy and Institutional Configuration

Ersoy, Aksel - Oxford Brookes University, United Kingdom Marsh, Alex - University of Bristol, United Kingdom

Devolution and the Variable Geography of Smart City

Sevinc, Deniz - University of Birmingham, United Kingdom Bryson, John - University of Birmingham, United Kingdom Collinson, Simon - University of Birmingham, United Kingdom

Measuring Sector Skills Gaps: A Regional Analysis of a Local Labour Market


Page 27: Academic Programme - Regional Studies Association Programme ... Nurse, Alexander - University of Liverpool, United Kingdom ... Chair: Cormac Walsh - University of Hamburg, Germany


From Cotton Mill to Research & Innovation Platform I

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1430 - 1600, Classroom 5052 (Arts Building)


Multisilta, Jari - Tampere University of Technology, Finland The University Consortium: Local Networking Contributing to Global Research

Wallin, Antti - University of Tampere, Pori Unit Retirees’ Changing Spatial Practices

Vähäsantanen, Saku - Regional Council of Satakunta Does Regional Competitiveness Matter?

Rajanti, Taina - Aalto University Jensen, Anna - Aalto University, Finland

Elävä Pori – Pori Live -innovative Collaborative Inquiry as a Resource for Sustainable Development of Urban Space


Beyond Smart & Data-Driven City-Regions?

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1430 - 1600, Classroom 5033 (Arts Building)


Eckardt, Franziska - University of Twente, The Netherlands Benneworth, Paul - University of Twente, The Netherlands Velderman, Willem-Jan - University of Twente, The Netherlands

Unlocked Urban Dissensuses: Bringing the Citizen as Expert Back to Urban Democracy

Cowie, Paul - Newcastle University, United Kingdom Stevens, Geoff - Future Cities Catapult, United Kingdom Galik, Gyorgyi - Future Cities Catapult, United Kingdom

Smart City Innovation & the Quadruple Helix

Kamrowska-Załuska, Dorota - Gdansk University of Technology, Poland

Meanders & Successes of Establishing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Smart Sustainable Cities & Communities

Calzada, Igor - University of Oxford, United Kingdom Transforming Smart Cities with Social Innovation: Penta Helix Multi-Stakeholders Framework


Governance - Initiatives & Responses, a UK Perspective

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1430 - 1600, M20 (Museum Building)


Hardill, Irene - Northumbria University, United Kingdom O'Sullivan, Roger - The Institute of Public Health in Ireland, Ireland

Online Government, but 'Offline’ Older Adults: Understanding the Implications

Beel, David - University of Sheffield, United Kingdom Jones, Martin - University of Sheffield, United Kingdom Jones, Ian Rees - Cardiff University, United Kingdom

Positioning Civil Society in the Building of English and Welsh City-Regions

Honeybone, Paul - UCL, United Kingdom The New Regional Governance Dilemma: Rethinking how to Face High Complexity & Uncertainty in Policy-making

Dalziel, Paul - AERU, Lincoln University, New Zealand Saunders, Caroline - AERU, Lincoln University, New Zealand Saunders, Joe - IDEA, Leeds University, United Kingdom

Wellbeing Economics and Local Government


Financial - Markets, Crisis, Flows, Instruments & Policy II

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1430 - 1600, M4 (Museum Building)


Kovacs, Sandor Zsolt - Hungarian Academy of Sciences, University of Pécs, Hungary

Financial Exclusion: Evidences from Hungary

Vecino Aguirre, Alexandre - University of Santiago De Compostela, Spain Pilar, Maurias Fernández - University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain Fidel, Martínez Roget - University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain David, Rodríguez González - University of A Coruña, Spain

Spatial Heterogeneity of the 2008 Crisis in Spain: The Case of the Urban Local Labour Markets

Mwaura, Samuel - University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom Carter, Sara - University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom

No Joy with Banks Round here: the Geography of Discouraged Bank Borrowing and Loan Rejection Among UK SMEs

Ibrahim, Oladayo - Lagos State Polytechnic, Nigeria Fosudo, Olulade Peter - Lagos State Polytechnic, Nigeria

New Option for Urban Infrastructure Financing in Nigeria: Unlocking of Land Values


Page 28: Academic Programme - Regional Studies Association Programme ... Nurse, Alexander - University of Liverpool, United Kingdom ... Chair: Cormac Walsh - University of Hamburg, Germany


Regional Studies Journal Editors Meeting

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1430 - 1830, M21 (Museum Building)

Chair: Madeleine Hatfield - Regional Studies Association, United Kingdom

Turok, Ivan - Human Sciences Research Council, South Africa

Bailey, David - Aston University, United Kingdom

Kogler, Dieter - University College Dublin, Ireland

Clark, Jennifer - Georgia Institute of Technology, United States

Du, Jun - Aston University, United Kingdom

Fratesi, Ugo - Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Fritsch, Michael - Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany

Kemeny, Thomas - University of Southampton, United Kingdom

Lagendijk, Arnoud - Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Mickiewicz, Tomasz - Aston University, United Kingdom

Usai, Stefano - University of Cagliari, Italy

Miguelez, Ernest - CNRS - GREThA University of Bordeaux, France

Harrison, John - Loughborough University, United Kingdom


Refreshment Break

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1600 - 1630, Lower Concourse (Arts Building)


Will Urban & Regional Leadership be in Crisis, Post-Brexit? II

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1630 - 1800, Emmet Theatre (Arts Building)

Chair: Leslie Budd - Open University, United Kingdom

Jones, Susan - Coventry University, United Kingdom Regions & Political Experts: Exploring a Divide between Governments & Regions in People's Intention to Vote in the EU Referendum.

Grootens, Martiene - University of Tartu, Estonia Leadership through Visibility, Exploring the Challenges of Place Leadership in Estonian & Dutch Peripheral Places

Horlings, Lummina - RUG (University of Groningen), The Netherlands Citizens Initiatives: Place Leadership in a 'Post-policy’ Context?

Liddle, Joyce - IMPGT, Institute of Public Management and Territorial Government, France

Future Plans for the RSA Urban & Regional Leadership Network


Innovation Networks & Spaces of Collaboration

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1630 - 1800, Davis Theatre (Arts Building)


Grochowska, Renata - Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics - National Research Institute, Poland

Diagnosing Innovation Networks in Agri-food Sector with Examples from Selected Countries

Lalrindiki, Mandy - Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland O'Gorman, Bill - Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland Brett, Valerie - Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland

Inter-regional Collaboration from a Distance: The eDIGIREGION Story

Koch, Katharina - University of Oulu, Finland Spaces of Cooperation – Territorial Understandings of EU External Cross-border Cooperation

Delgado-Márquez, Blanca L. - University of Granada, Spain Belitski, Maksim - University of Reading, United Kingdom Pedauga, Luis Enrique - University of León, France

Knowledge-driven Innovation: Investigating UK Networks


Page 29: Academic Programme - Regional Studies Association Programme ... Nurse, Alexander - University of Liverpool, United Kingdom ... Chair: Cormac Walsh - University of Hamburg, Germany


Innovation Systems - Evolution, Knowledge & Entrepreneurship II

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1630 - 1800, Swift Theatre (Arts Building)


Malecki, Edward - The Ohio State University, United States Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and the Evolution of Dynamic Regions

Buciuni, Giulio - Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Kogler, Dieter - University College Dublin, Ireland Ryan, Paul - Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Understanding High-Tech Cluster Evolution

Quatraro, Francesco - University of Torino, Italy Colombelli, Alessandra - DIGEP, Polytechnic of Turin, Italy D'Ambrosio, Anna - DIGEP, Polytechnic of Turin, Italy Meliciani, Valentina - LUISS University, Italy

Explaining the Industrial Variety of Newborn Firms: The Role of Cultural and Technological Diversity


Economic Restructuring & Smart Specialisation - A Scandinavian Perspective

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1630 - 1800, Ui Chadhain Theatre (Arts Building)


Sjøtun, Svein Gunnar - Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway

‘Responsible Transition’ – Outcome or Process?: Responsible Innovation in the Greening Western Norwegian Maritime Industry

Rosenqvist, Olli - University of Jyväskylä, Kokkola University Consortium Chydenius

Smart Specialisation in a Small Finnish Region – The Case of Central Ostrobothnia

Oinas, Paivi - Turku School of Economics, Finland Mäkeläinen, Kari - University of Turku, Finland Saarni, Jouni - Univeristy of Turku, Finland

Navigating the Global Economy: Corporate Strategies and Cluster Connections in the Development of the Finnish Maritime Industry

Fløysand, Arnt Jakobsen, Stig-Erik - Mohn Centre for Innovation and Regional Development, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway

Technology Transfer Practice & Regional Innovation Systems: Lessons Learnt from TT-officers in the Field of Marine Bio-economy


Economic Recovery, Sustainable Growth & Urban Resilience

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1630 - 1800, Beckett Room 1 (Arts Building)


Siranova, Maria - University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia Kotlebova, Jana - University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia

Stimulating Economic Recovery through Euro Area Financial Growth Poles

Vecino Aguirre, Alexandre - University of Santiago De Compostela, Spain Pilar, Maurias Fernández - University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain Fidel, Martínez Roget - University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain Valcárcel Aguiar, Beatriz - University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Regional Resilience from an Economic Wellbeing Perspective: Theoretical and Assessment Issues

Valcárcel Aguiar, Beatriz - University of Santiago De Compostela, Spain Murias Fernández, Pilar - University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain Rodríguez González, David - University of A Coruña, Spain

Assessing Urban Sustainable Liveability in Spanish Cities: A Multicriteria Approach

Larsen, Peter Wilgaard, Denmark Securing Sustainable Growth by Turning OECD’s Growth Driver of Innovation into a White Box


Page 30: Academic Programme - Regional Studies Association Programme ... Nurse, Alexander - University of Liverpool, United Kingdom ... Chair: Cormac Walsh - University of Hamburg, Germany


Urban & Regional Resilience - Theoretical Framework, Dynamics & Case Studies

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1630 - 1800, Beckett Room 2 (Arts Building)


Trip, Jan Jacob - Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands Kloosterman, Robert C. - Centre for Urban Studies, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands Romein, Arie - Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

Divergent Resilience: The Employment Growth Paths of Amsterdam and Rotterdam, 2000-2014

Graziano, Paola - Università Cattolica Del Sacro Cuore, Italy A Theoretical Framework for Territorial Resilience

Van Oort, Frank - Utrecht University, The Netherlands De Beer, Marianne - Utrecht University, The Netherlands Mollenhorst, Gerald - Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Resilient through Change? Social Network Change and Entrepreneurial Performance Dynamics of Dutch Neighbourhood Firms

Yamamoto, Takashi - Takushoku University, Japan Economically Resilient Regional Cities in Japan


New Regional Growth Plans & Entrepreneurial Discovery II - Actors in Innovation Systems

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1630 - 1800, Classroom 3051 (Arts Building)

Chair: Jan Ole Rypestol - University of Agder, Norway

Isaksen, Arne - University of Agder, Norway Economic Restructuring Resulting from Human Agency and Innovation System Changes. A Conceptual Paper

Njøs, Rune - Western Norway University of Applied Sciences / University of Bergen, Norway

A Multi-level Approach to Regional Branching and New Industry Formation: Cases from Western Norway

Kyllingstad, Nina - University of Agder, Norway Isaksen, Arne - University of Agder, Norway Schulze-Krogh, Ann Camilla - University of Agder, Norway Rypestøl, Jan Ole - University of Agder, Norway

Differentiated Regional Entrepreneurial Processes. Preconditions and Outcomes of entrepreneurial Discoveries in Different Regional Contexts

Suvinen, Nina - University of Tampere, Finland Sotarauta, Markku - University of Tampere, Finland

Institutional Agency and Path Creation: An Institutional Path from Industrial to Knowledge City


Advancing the Economic & Social Agenda - Challenges & Opportunities V

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1630 - 1800, Classroom 3071 (Arts Building)


Caraveli, Helen - The Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece

Eastern vs. Southern Periphery in the EU – A Comparative Analysis from a New Economic Geography Perspective

Habersetzer, Antoine - University of Bern, Switzerland Mayer, Heike - Institute of Geography, Center for Regional Economic Development, University of Bern, Switzerland Eriksson, Rikard - Department of Geography and Economic History, Umea University, Sweden

Entrepreneurship in the Periphery: The Role of Pre-entry Experience and Home Advantage for New Firms

Jonas, Andy - University of Hull, United Kingdom Moisio, Sami - University of Helsinki and RELATE Centre of Excellence, Finland

City-regionalism as the Internationalization of State Space: The Role of Political Actors in Transforming Helsinki from city to City-region


Regional Design, Spatial Planning & Programming in Governance Rescaling II

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1630 - 1800, Classroom 3106 (Arts Building)


Catellani, Nicola - SERN, Italy Local Authorities and Capacity Building on EU Affairs

Berkes, Judit - Department of Economic Analysis, Széchenyi István University

Unorthodox Cohesion Policy in Hungary


Page 31: Academic Programme - Regional Studies Association Programme ... Nurse, Alexander - University of Liverpool, United Kingdom ... Chair: Cormac Walsh - University of Hamburg, Germany


SMEs. Family Firms & the Regional Economy II

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1630 - 1800, Classroom 3126 (Arts Building)

Chair: Rodrigo Basco - American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates

Suwala, Lech - Humboldt-University Zu Berlin, Germany Spatial Approaches to the Management of Family Firms - The case of North-American and Japanese Mid-size Companies from the Manufacturing Sector

Adjei, Evans - Umea University, Sweden Do Family Firms only Survive? The Importance of Entrepreneurial Capital (EC) on Firm Survival and Job relation

Micek, Grzegorz - Jagiellonian University, Poland Piziak, Bartosz - Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland Panecka-Niepsuj, Monika - Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland

Triple World? The Proximity-based Approach of SMEs Relations in the Polish Aviation Industry

Hunter, Lise - Plymouth Graduate School of Management Lean, Jonathan - Plymouth University, United Kingdom Shepherd, Derek - Plymouth University, United Kingdom

The UK SW Region Food and Drink: The Impact of Social Networks on SMEs Competitiveness


Planning: Theory & Practice & the Place/Space Nexus

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1630 - 1800, Classroom 3025 (Arts Building)


Dabinett, Gordon - University of Sheffield, United Kingdom New Directions in Regional Planning: Spatial and Governance Imperatives and Territorial Justice?

Janković, Stefan - Institute for Sociological Research, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade Koelemaij, Jorn - Department of Geography, Ghent University, Belgium

Spaces behind Space: Revealing the Vertical & Horizontal Topologies of Power behind Belgrade Waterfront

Carević, Marina - University of Novi Sad, Serbia Contribution to Optimisation of Land Use Planning in Cities

Kesar, Purushottam - Faculty of Architecture, Manipal University,, India

The “Dispositif” of Urban Vision Making, New Sites for Discursive Struggles: Case of Mumbai City


Innovation & Industrial Policies in a Digital World

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1630 - 1800, Classroom 3027 (Arts Building)


Pejcic, Dejan - University Ca' Foscari of Venice Corò, Giancarlo - University Ca’ Foscari of Venice, Italy Volpe, Mario - University Ca’ Foscari of Venice, Italy

Enabling Factors for Digital Upgrading: The Case of Veneto Region (Italy)

Nic Lochlainn, Gráinne Maedhbh - Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Mapping Digital Contention Networks: Counter-power and Space in Twenty-first Century Ireland

Labory, Sandrine - University Of Ferrara, Italy Bianchi, Patrizio - University of Ferrara, Italy

Territory and Innovation. Industrial policies for Peripheral and Backward Regions in a Globalised and Digitalised World


Clusters - Development & Performance II

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1630 - 1800, Classroom 3081 (Arts Building)


Kiss, Eva - Geographical Institute Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary

Economic Development ’Panaceas’ – Clusters in Hungarian Economy

Vakhitov, Volodymyr - Kyiv School of Economics, Ukraine Effect of “Negative Clusters” on Productivity: The Case of Ukrainian Manufacturing Firms

Roncevic, Borut - School of Advanced Social Studies In Nova Gorica, Slovenia Valic, Borut - Faculty of Information Studies in Novo mesto, Slovenia Cepoi, Victor - Faculty of Information Studies in Novo mesto, Slovenia Ursic, Erika D. - Faculty of Information Studies in Novo mesto, Slovenia

InnoHPC: High-Performance Computing for Effective Innovation and Transnational Clustering - The Case of the Danube Region

Corrigan, Jordana O Broin, Deiric - Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland

What is the Relationship between Physical Places and Institutional Spaces in the Development of Economies of Agglomeration and Industry Clusters


Page 32: Academic Programme - Regional Studies Association Programme ... Nurse, Alexander - University of Liverpool, United Kingdom ... Chair: Cormac Walsh - University of Hamburg, Germany


Spatial Reorganisation Trends & the Rising Importance of Relational Proximity II

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1630 - 1800, Classroom 4047 (Arts Building)


Crevoisier, Olivier - (GRET), Universite De Neuchatel, Switzerland Guex, Delphine - University of Bern, Switzerland

Postindustrial Competitivness, Customers Mobility and Regional Development

Dax, Thomas - Federal Institute For Less Favoured and Mountainous Areas (BABF), Austria Mantino, Francesco - Consiglio per la Ricerca in Agricultura e l’Analisi dell’Economia Agraria (CREA), Italy Beißwenger, Sabine - Research Institute for Regional and Urban Development (ILS), Germany Machold, Ingrid - Federal Institute for Less_Favoured and Mountainous Areas (BABF), Austria

Preliminary Lessons for Local, Regional & European Policy Makers from Analysis of Inner Peripheries

Besednjak Valič, Tamara - School of Advanced Social Studies, Slovenia The Place to be! The Role of Regional Development Agencies in Supporting Smart Specializations: The Centrality vs Periphery

Bentlage, Michael The Micro Foundation of Spatial Structural Change. Knowledge Intensive Firms and Private Households in the Light of Metropolitanisation and Location Competition


Global Investment Flows, Multinationals & Local Economic Development II

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1630 - 1800, Classroom 4050A (Arts Building)

Chair: Daniel Schiller - Ernst Moritz Arndt University of Greifswald, Germany

Hooton, Christopher - Internet Association Chung, Joo - Internet Association and Georgetown University, United States

Doing Internet Business: An Examination of the Environmental Factors Effecting Regional Internet Sector Strength

Miguelez, Ernest - CNRS - GREThA University of Bordeaux, France Useche, Diego - GREThA - Université de Bordeaux, France Lissoni, Francesco - GREThA - Université de Bordeaux, France

Highly Skilled and Well Connected: Migrant Inventors in Cross-Border M&As

Ibarra-Olivo, Eduardo - London School of Economics, United Kingdom FDI & Education: Cohort Evidence of Human Capital Accumulation in Mexico

Johns, Jennifer - University of Liverpool Allen, Matthew - Alliance Manchester Business School, United Kingdom

Knowledge, Multinationals and Regional Economic Development


Institutions & Regional Development II

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1630 - 1800, Classroom 4050B (Arts Building)


Klimanov, Vladimir - Institute for Public Finance Reform, Russia Theory and Practice of Regional Strategizing in Russia

Dejardin, Marcus - University of Namur and Université catholique de Louvain

Entrepreneurship and Regional Economic Resilience

Brugnoli, Alberto - University of Bergamo - Department of Management, Economics and Quantitative Methods Sabetti, Filippo - Mc Gill University, Canada

On Sustainable Development: Inclusive Institutions in the Territory as a Common

Raagmaa, Garri - University of Tartu, Estonia Kolehmainen, Jari - University of Tampere, Finland Paiders, Janis - University of Latvia, Latvia Burneika, Donatas - University of Vilnius, Lithuania

Regional Higher Education Institutions Changing the Baltic and Nordic Geographic Peripheries


Developing Area Studies & the Global South II

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1630 - 1800, Classroom 4097 (Arts Building)


Orozco, Luis - LEREPS/Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès Renaud, Clement - École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland

Open Innovation, Closed Business: Grassroots Innovation Processes and Places in China

Sood, Ashima - NALSAR University of Law, India Andhale, Ashish - Indian School of Political Economy, India Rath, Sharadini - Indian School of Political Economy, India

A Speculative Map of India? Tracking New Landscapes of Private and Greenfield Urban Development

Gissi, Angela - University College Dublin, Ireland Developing Gender Inclusion in the Arab World: Political Awareness as a Survival Strategy among Syrian Women from Authoritarianism to Exile


Page 33: Academic Programme - Regional Studies Association Programme ... Nurse, Alexander - University of Liverpool, United Kingdom ... Chair: Cormac Walsh - University of Hamburg, Germany


Cohesion Policy at a Crossroads II

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1630 - 1800, Classroom 5025 (Arts Building)


Loewen, Bradley, Czech Republic De/Re-centralization and Regional Policy in Central and Eastern Europe: An Institutionalist Approach to Regional Inequalities


The New EU Urban Agenda as a case of Policy Entrepreneurialism. From Territorial Policy to Metagovernance

Smetkowski, Maciej - Centre for European Regional and Local Studies (EUROREG), University of Warsaw, Poland Płoszaj, Adam - Centre for European Regional and Local Studies (EUROREG), University of Warsaw, Poland Rok, Jakub - Centre for European Regional and Local Studies (EUROREG), University of Warsaw, Poland

Multidimensional Aspects of Implementation and Performance Cohesion Policy in EU Regions

Bramanti, Alberto - Bocconi University, Italy Lazzeri, Giulia - Scuola Superiore S.Anna, Pisa, Italy

Reframing Smart Specialization Strategies at the Urban Level


Devolution & the Transformation of Regional Economies II

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1630 - 1800, Classroom 5039 (Arts Building)


Kecskés, Petra - Széchenyi István University, Hungary The Role of Relational Proximity in Inter-organisational Relations and Communication

Garcia, Renato - Institute of Economics - University of Campinas, Brazil Araujo, Veneziano - Federal University of São Paulo, Brazil Mascarini, Suelene - Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil Gomes dos Santos, Emerson - Federal University of São Paulo, Brazil Costa, Ariana - Polytechnic School of University of São Paulo, Brazil

Is Cognitive Proximity a Driver of Geographical Distance of University-industry Collaboration? A Comprehensive Analysis

Campolina, Bernardo - Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil Cavalcante, Anderson - CEDEPLAR/UFMG, Brazil

A Methodology for Evaluating the Territorial Impact of Mining Activities in Brazil

Kilfoil, Patrick - McGill University, Canada Innovation Districts in Spatial Planning and Regional Development: Is there Substance Beyond the Shared Discourse?


Environmental Concerns - Low Carbon, Green Areas & Sustainability

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1630 - 1800, Classroom 5033 (Arts Building)


Varju, Viktor - Centre for Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy Of Sciences, Hungary

Climate Change Mitigation and Adaption: Forecasting Pro-environmental Behaviour in Regional Context

Begley, Jason - Centre for Business in Society (CBiS), United Kingdom The Move to Low Carbon Mobility and Electric Vehicles: What are the Implications for English Rural Motorists?

Matti, Cristian - Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development - Utrecht University & Climate KIC, The Netherlands Panny, Julia - Climate KIC, Belgium

Policy Mixes Fostering Regional Capacity in Low Carbon Economy. Insights from the Implementation of the RIS Model in Peripheral European Regions

Igliori, Danilo - Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil Castelani, Sergio - DataZAP, Brazil Costa, Jeanne - DataZAP, Brazil

The Value of Green Areas in the Concrete Jungle: A Semi-parametric Spatial Approach for Sao Paulo


Governance, Institutions & Civil Society - Agency & Rights

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1630 - 1800, M20 (Museum Building)


Wang, Xuefeng - Newcastle University, United Kingdom A New Approach to Rebalancing Development: Transfer of Development Right as a Mechanism for Functional Division of Regional Development

McCarthy, Jack - University College Dublin, Ireland Disciplining the State: Re-asserting Marginalised Narratives in Resource Governance Processes

Salder, Jacob - Birmingham City University Toward New Spaces of Economic Governance: Defining Points and Practice in State-market Scalar Convergence

Hastings, Thomas - University of Sheffield, United Kingdom Labour Inspection and Labour Agency: Finding Space for Worker Agency in Labour Law Enforcement


Page 34: Academic Programme - Regional Studies Association Programme ... Nurse, Alexander - University of Liverpool, United Kingdom ... Chair: Cormac Walsh - University of Hamburg, Germany


Financial - Markets, Crisis, Flows, Instruments & Policy I

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1630 - 1800, M4 (Museum Building)


Mikhaylova, Anna - Institute for Public Finance Reform, Russia Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfers and Convergence Processes in Russian Regions

Scheuplein, Christoph - Institute Work And Technology The Two Financial Flows of Private Equity: Funds versus Managers

Gwilym, Rhys - Bangor University, United Kingdom Capital Flight and Economic Agglomeration

Ioannou, Stefanos - University College Cork Sovereign Ratings, Fiscal Policy & Destabilizing Economic Dynamics. Interactions within a Stock Flow Consistent Framework


Student & Early Career Session: Successful Bid Writing

Tuesday 06/06/2017 1800 - 1845, M4 (Museum Building)

Chair: Rory Horner - University of Manchester, United Kingdom

Santic, Danica - University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geography, Serbia Dabrowski, Marcin - University of Delft, The Netherlands Ayres, Sarah - University of Bristol, United Kingdom Wachsmuth, David - McGill University, Canada Bailey, David - Aston Business School, United Kingdom



Gala Dinner

Tuesday 06/06/2017 2000 - 2230, University College Dublin (UCD) - O'Reilly Hall


Page 35: Academic Programme - Regional Studies Association Programme ... Nurse, Alexander - University of Liverpool, United Kingdom ... Chair: Cormac Walsh - University of Hamburg, Germany


Conference Registration

Wednesday 07/06/2017 0830 - 1430, Upper Concourse (Arts Building)


Plenary 4

Wednesday 07/06/2017 0900 - 1030, Burke Theatre (Arts Building)

Chair: Dieter Kogler - University College Dublin, Ireland

Salter, Ammon - University of Bath, United Kingdom Towards an Understanding the Micro Foundations of University-industry Interactions

Wills, Jane - Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom Democracy, Devolution and the Politics of Knowledge-production


Urban Policy, Governance & Institutional Arrangements

Wednesday 07/06/2017 1030 - 1200, Swift Theatre (Arts Building)


Sweeting, David - University of Bristol, United Kingdom The Representational Claims of Metro-mayors

Sudharsan, Supraja - Georgia Institute of Technology, United States Varieties of Capitalism and Transnational City Networks: Entrenchment or Independence?

Waite, David - Policy Scotland, University of Glasgow McNulty, Des - Policy Scotland, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom Maclennan, Duncan - Policy Scotland, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom Roy, Graeme - Fraser of Allander Institute, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom

Institutional Arrangements for City Dealing: Priorities, Narratives and Tensions


Urban & Regional Spaces - Creativity, Labour & Policy

Wednesday 07/06/2017 1030 - 1200, Ui Chadhain Theatre (Arts Building)


Prescott, Rebecca - Northumbria University, United Kingdom Mordue, Tom - Northumbria University, United Kingdom

Artists in Residence: Exploring Informality in Interstitial Urban Space

Webb, Brian - Cardiff University, United Kingdom Hincks, Stephen - University of Manchester, United Kingdom Kingston, Richard - University of Manchester, United Kingdom Schulze-Baing, Andreas - University of Manchester, United Kingdom Wong, Cecilia - University of Manchester, United Kingdom

Understanding the Spatial Dynamics of Labour Through a Geodemographic Classification of Commuting

Ruokolainen, Olli - University of Tampere, School of Management, Finland

Planned Creativity? Cultural Activities and Strategic Regional Development

Dalberto, Cassiano - CEDEPLAR - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) Amaral, Pedro - Cedeplar-UFMG, Brazil

Brazilian Regional Functions and its Dynamics in the 1980-2010 Period


Services - Relevance, Policy, Provision

Wednesday 07/06/2017 1030 - 1200, Beckett Room 1 (Arts Building)


Gardner, Emma - Birmingham Business School, United Kingdom Bryson, John - University of Birmingham, United Kingdom

Business and Professional Services in a City-Region: On Being Professional in ‘Big’ Accountancy

Kolaric, Spela - University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Marot, Naja - University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Černič Mali, Barbara - University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Spatial Planning Policies and the Provision of Services of General Interest - The Reality of Integration

Dolega, Les - University of Liverpool, United Kingdom Liverpool City Region Spatial Economic Audit - Performance of Retail Centres


Page 36: Academic Programme - Regional Studies Association Programme ... Nurse, Alexander - University of Liverpool, United Kingdom ... Chair: Cormac Walsh - University of Hamburg, Germany


Urban & Regional poverty & Inequality

Wednesday 07/06/2017 1030 - 1200, Beckett Room 2 (Arts Building)


McIntosh, Kate - La Trobe University Kenny, Amanda - La Trobe University, Australia Masood, Mohd - La Trobe University, Australia Dickson-Swift, Virginia - La Trobe University, Australia

Geographical Variation in Social Inclusion at the Local Government Area Level in Victoria, Australia

Chenoweth, Lesley - Griffith University, Australia Hogan, David - Griffith University, Canada

Logan Together: A Collective Impact Approach Improving Outcomes for all Children

Liu, Chunla - Hunan Normal University, College of Resource and Environment Science Li, Min - Institute of Socialist Core Values, Hunan Normal University, China Xie, Bingeng - Department of Resources and Environment Science, Hunan Normal University, China Deng, Chuxiong - Department of Resources and Environment Science, Hunan Normal University, China

Thoughts and Countermeasure of Targeted Poverty Alleviation Based on the Synergetic Development of Ecology and Culture in the Concentrated Poverty-stricken Area in Yangtze River Economic Belt: A Case Study of Xiangxi in Hunan Province, China

Chen, Guo - Michigan State University, United States China’s Moving Slums: A Hidden Geography of Recycling and Housing Injustice on the Edge of Beijing


New Regional Growth Plans & Entrepreneurial Discovery III - Innovation Policy

Wednesday 07/06/2017 1030 - 1200, Classroom 3051 (Arts Building)

Chair: Nina Kyllingstad - University of Agder, Norway

Lawton Smith, Helen - Birkbeck University of London, United Kingdom Assimakopoulos, Dimitris - EMLYON Business School, France Baines, Nabhassorn - Birkbeck, University of London, United Kingdom Romeo, Saverio - Birkbeck, University of London, United Kingdom Tsouri, Maria - University of Trento, Italy

Oxford and Grenoble: Knowledge Organisations in Local Development Revisited

Schulze-Krogh, Ann Camilla - University of Agder, Norway Garmann Johnsen, Hans Christan - University of Agder, Department of Working Life & Innovation, Norway Rypestøl, Jan Ole - University of Agder, Department of Working Life & Innovation, Norway

Coping with the Market: Innovation Policy in Times of Disruption

Fosse, Jens Kristian - Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway Njøs, Rune - Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway

Actors, Levels & Capabilities in Evolution of Regional Innovation Systems: A Policy Example

Bosworth, Gary - University of Lincoln, United Kingdom Price, Liz - University of Lincoln, United Kingdom Whilde, Tom - University of Lincoln, United Kingdom

The Digital Economy – Replacing or Supporting Traditional Businesses?


Immigration, Employment & Mobility

Wednesday 07/06/2017 1030 - 1200, Classroom 3071 (Arts Building)


McManigell Grijalva, Regina - Oklahoma City University Immigrants, Citizens and the “Collateral” Impact of Recessions

Wells, Peter - Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom Richard, Crisp - Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom

Prefigurative Politics in Post Crisis Local Partnership? The Case of Youth Employment Partnerships in England

Levchenko, Mikhail Second Home Mobility and Seasonal Suburbanization in the Regions of Russia

Goodwin-White, Jamie - UCLA Geography, United States Changing Contexts of Immigrant Inequality in the US in the New Millennium


Page 37: Academic Programme - Regional Studies Association Programme ... Nurse, Alexander - University of Liverpool, United Kingdom ... Chair: Cormac Walsh - University of Hamburg, Germany


Network Evolution - Membership & Collaboration Patterns

Wednesday 07/06/2017 1030 - 1200, Classroom 3106 (Arts Building)


van der Wouden, Frank - University of California, Los Angeles Exploring the Changing Structures of U.S. Inventor Collaboration between 1836 and 1975

Porto Gomez, Igone - EHU-UPV Leydesdorff, Loet - University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Spanish Regions: Networking Relations among Technologies, Territories, and Organization

Rambukwella, Shan - University of Derby Lynch, Nicola - University of Derby, United Kingdom

Multi-dimensional Additionality of Network Membership


Multi-scalar Environments & Factors - Spatial Implications

Wednesday 07/06/2017 1030 - 1200, Classroom 3126 (Arts Building)


Agnew, Kerri - Trinity College Dublin, Ireland The Impact of Motorway Expansion on Crime Patterns in Ireland

Amaral, Pedro - CEDEPLAR - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil Siqueira, Renato - CEDEPLAR - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil

Determinants of Suicide Rates in Brazil: A Spatiotemporal Analysis

Cahaner, Lee - Oranim Academic College of Education The Spatial & Hierarchic Urban Structure of The Ultra-Orthodox Communities in Israel


What Future for Area Based Regeneration Initiatives in an Era of Inclusive Growth?

Wednesday 07/06/2017 1030 - 1200, Classroom 3025 (Arts Building)


Buciak, Robert - Central Statistical Office of Poland, Poland Area Based Regeneration in Poland – The Possibility of Measuring Success

Crisp, Richard Lupton, Ruth - The University of Manchester, United Kingdom

From Area-based Initiatives to Inclusive Growth: A New Urban Policy Paradigm?

Broughton, Kevin - Centre for Business in Society (CBiS), United Kingdom

Losing their place? The Impact of Policy on the 'Local Embeddedness’ of Community Support Organisations in England

McGuinness, Dave - Northumbria University, United Kingdom Greenhalgh, Paul - Northumbria University, United Kingdom

Is it Time for Area Based Regeneration Initiatives to come in from the Cold?


Universities - Spin-offs & Partnership for Regional Development & Growth

Wednesday 07/06/2017 1030 - 1200, Classroom 3027 (Arts Building)


Stehlik, Daniela - Griffith University, Australia Chenoweth, Lesley - Griffith University, Australia

Searching for Place-meaning in University/Regional Partnerships: An Australian case Study

Goddard, John - Newcastle University, United Kingdom Mobilising Universities to Address Urban Challenges Through City Foresight & Quadruple Helix Partnerships: A Case Study

Marzocchi, Chiara - MIoIR - University of Manchester, United Kingdom Kitagawa, Fumi - University of Edinburgh Business School, United Kingdom

Are Graduate Start-ups Hidden Drivers for Regional Growth?

Pierucci, Eleonora - Università Della Basilicata Meoli, Michele - University of Bergamo, Italy Vismara, Silvio - University of Bergamo, Italy

The Effects of Public Policies in Fostering University Spinoffs


Page 38: Academic Programme - Regional Studies Association Programme ... Nurse, Alexander - University of Liverpool, United Kingdom ... Chair: Cormac Walsh - University of Hamburg, Germany


Understanding Land-sea Interactions Across European Regions

Wednesday 07/06/2017 1030 - 1200, Classroom 3081 (Arts Building)


Vega, Amaya - NUI Galway, Ireland Foley, Naomi - SEMRU, NUI Galway, Ireland Jackson, Emmet - Fisheries Economic Group, Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM), Ireland

Understanding the Socio-spatial Dimension of Small Scale Fisheries in Coastal Areas: A Case Study for Ireland

McElduff, Linda - Ulster University Coastal Communities on the Island of Ireland: Towards a Strategy for Enhancing Resilience

Lyons, Ronan - Department of Economics, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Gillespie, Tom - NUI Galway, Ireland Hynes, Stephen - NUI Galway, Ireland

Playground or Picture: Valuing Coastal Amenities


Poverty & Inequality in a Regional Perspective

Wednesday 07/06/2017 1030 - 1200, Classroom 4047 (Arts Building)


Nel, Etienne - University of Otago, New Zealand Regional Divergence in New Zealand: The demographic, Economic and Social Impact on Resource Frontier Regions and Towns of Uneven Development

Rauhut, Daniel - Karelian Institute, Finland Broström, Lovisa - University of Gothenburg, Dept. of Economic History, Sweden

Poverty in Sweden 1991-2015: A Regional Perspective

Beatty, Christina - Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom Fothergill, Steve - Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom

Jobs, Welfare and Austerity: How the Destruction of Industrial Britain Casts a Shadow Over UK Public Finances


Environment Concerns & Ecological Sustainability

Wednesday 07/06/2017 1030 - 1200, Classroom 4050A (Arts Building)


Fekete, E, Hungary Connecting Social & Solidarity Economy (SSE) to Local Economic Development (LED)

Lintz, Gerd - Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban & Regional Development, Germany

Landscape Policy Integration. Conceptualizing a Key Measure of the European Landscape Convention

Smith, Ian - University of the West of England, United Kingdom Hall, Stephen - University of the West of England, United Kingdom

Voting, Volunteering and Environmental Activism in Europe


Infrastructure & Transport - Investment & Access

Wednesday 07/06/2017 1030 - 1200, Classroom 4050B (Arts Building)


Rosik, Piotr - Institute of Geography And Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland Stępniak, Marcin - Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

Cohesion and Accessibility Spatial Pattern as a Consequence of Infrastructure Development and Population Changes

Jaros, Vaclav - Charles University, KSGRR Marada, Miroslav - KSGRR, Charles University, Czech Republic

Everyday Mobility & Transport Exclusion

Ibrahim, Oladayo - Lagos State Polytechnic, Nigeria Fosudo, Olulade Peter - Lagos State Polytechnic, Nigeria

Non-motorized Transport (NMT) as an Important but Neglected Aspect of Urban Transportation System in Nigeria; The Example of Lagos Megacity

Adolphson, Marcus - Department of Urban Planning and Environment, Sweden Fröidh, Oskar - KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

Do Railway Infrastructure Influence Urban Form?


Page 39: Academic Programme - Regional Studies Association Programme ... Nurse, Alexander - University of Liverpool, United Kingdom ... Chair: Cormac Walsh - University of Hamburg, Germany


The Forgotten Shadow of Uneven Development: Remembering the Dark Side in Regional studies?

Wednesday 07/06/2017 1030 - 1200, Classroom 4097 (Arts Building)


Atienza, Miguel - Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile Marcelo, Lufin - Universidad Católica del Norte (Antofagasta), Chile Juan, Soto - Universidad Católica del Norte (Antofagasta), Chile

Linkages and networks. Are mining regions in Chile benefitting from recent changes in mining multinationals location strategies?

Crone, Michael - Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom Global Production Networks and Regional Economic Development in the Semi-periphery: A Critical Longitudinal Assessment of Northern Ireland's Experience Since the Mid 1990s

Arias, Martin - University College London, United Kingdom Bargaining Development in an Extractive GPN: Unpacking Power Asymetries in the Chilean Copper Mining Case

Machala, Branislav - Charles University Prague Emerging Frontlines of Uneven Development Under Postsocialism: Governing Reproduction of Bratislava’s Urban Waterfront


Energy - Security, Efficiency, Green & Renewable

Wednesday 07/06/2017 1030 - 1200, Classroom 5025 (Arts Building)


Gingerich, Elizabeth - Valparaiso University Renewable Energy: The Great Leveller?

Mouraviev, Nikolai - University of Abertay Dundee, United Kingdom The Regional Dimensions of Energy Security: The Role of Public-private Partnerships in the Promotion of Clean Energy

Zhang, Fangzhu - University College London, United Kingdom Chung, Calvin King Lam Yin, Zihan

Green Infrastructure for China’s New Urbanisation: A Case Study of Greenway Development in Maanshan

Molinari, Francesco, Italy Zonta, Antonio - Provincia di Treviso, Italy

Mainstreaming Energy Efficiency Policy: Opportunities and Challenges from the Grassroots


FDI, Global Value Chains & Production Networks

Wednesday 07/06/2017 1030 - 1200, Classroom 5039 (Arts Building)


Kacani, Jolta - Polytechnic University Of Catalonia, Spain Subsidiary Upgrading as a Determinant of Integration in Global Value Chains: With a Case Study

Miwa, Hitoshi - Kyushu International University Ikejima, Yoshifumi - Yokohama National University, Japan Ogai, Kenji - Hokkai Gakuen University, Japan

Impact of Interregional Money Flow on the Local Economy in Japan's "Car Island": A Case Study of Fukuoka’s Accumulation of Global Industries

Lo Turco, Alessia Maggioni, Daniela - Università di Venezia, Italy

Relatedness and the Innovation: The Role Local and External Knowledge

Blazek, Jiri - Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic Natsuda, Kaoru - Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan

Comprehending the Entrance - Exit Dynamics in Contemporary GVCs/GPNs


Geopolitics, Territorial Power & Political Actors

Wednesday 07/06/2017 1030 - 1200, Classroom 5052 (Arts Building)


Cabras, Ignazio - Newcastle Business School, United Kingdom Weber, Gabriel - ISM, Germany

Political Ecology and Socio-environmental Conflicts in Germany: The case of Re-municipalisation for Urban Regeneration, Eco Towns, and Regional Prosperity

Laine, Jussi - University of Eastern Finland Stępniewski, Tomasz - The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland

Ukraine and the Eastern Neighbourhood: Geopolitical Hostage between the EU and Russia

Nino Amezquita, Jose - Regional Center for Productivity and Innovation of Boyaca, Colombia/ San Buenaventura University, Colombia

How Many Levels of Government: Region Viability in Colombia

Iskandar, Doddy - Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia Decentralization and Regional Governance through Politics and Local Development Policy


Page 40: Academic Programme - Regional Studies Association Programme ... Nurse, Alexander - University of Liverpool, United Kingdom ... Chair: Cormac Walsh - University of Hamburg, Germany


Migration Flows & Economic Development in Peripheral Regions

Wednesday 07/06/2017 1030 - 1200, Classroom 5033 (Arts Building)


Santic, Danica - University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geography, Serbia Antic, Marija - University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geography, Serbia Sibinovic, Mikica - University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geography, Serbia Ratkaj, Ivan - University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geography, Serbia Budovic, Aljosa - University of Belgrade - Faculty of Geography, Serbia

Peripheral Rural Regions in Serbia – From Emigration to Revitalization. Case Study Knjazevac Municipality, Serbia

O'Sullivan, Shane - Limerick Institute of Technology, Ireland Socio-Economic Impacts of Demographic Decline in a Culturally Distinct Peripheral Rural Area: A Case Study of the Uibh Ráthach Gaeltacht

Avola, Maurizio - University of Catania, Italy Labour Market Transformations in Italy During the Great Recession: Some Empirical Evidence in a Regional Perspective

Bika, Zografia - University of East Anglia (UEA) Christos, Kalantaridis - De Montfort University, United Kingdom

Time, entrepreneurial experience(s), and the meaning of place: using migration discontinuities to decipher variation in rural Cumbria, England.


Regional Inequality, Pay Gaps & Overall Well-being

Wednesday 07/06/2017 1030 - 1200, M20 (Museum Building)


Limonov, Leonid - ICSER Leontief Centre, Russia Nesena, Marina - ICSER Leontief Centre, Russia

Economic well-being, Inequality and Subjective Well-being: Evidence from Russian Macro-regions

Fuchs, Michaela - Institute for Employment Research, Germany Rossen, Anja - Institute for Employment Research, Germany Weyh, Antje - Institute for Employment Research, Germany Wydra-Somaggio, Gabriele - Institute for Employment Research, Germany

Why do Women Earn More than Men in some Regions? Explaining Regional Differences in the Gender Pay Gap

Gluschenko, Konstantin - Novosibirsk State University, Russia Measuring Regional Inequality: To Weight or not to Weight?

Torok, Ibolya - Babes-Bolyai University, Romania Spatial Patterns of Income Inequalities in Romania


Financial - Markets, Crisis, Flows, Instruments & Policy III

Wednesday 07/06/2017 1030 - 1200, M21 (Museum Building)


Kirihata, Tetsuya - Ritsumeikan University, Japan Functions of Public Venture Capital Programs

Gori, Giuseppe Francesco - IRPET Institute for the Economic Planning of Tuscany

A System of Anomaly Indicators for the Italian Public Procurement Market

Benedek, József - Universitatea Babes-Bolyai, Romania Kocziszky, György - University of Miskolc, Romania Veresné Somosi, Mariann - University of Miskolc, Romania Szendi, Dóra - University of Miskolc, Romania

Changes in the Wealth of Households after the Financial Crisis of 2008 in the Visegrad Countries


The Geographies of FinTech

Wednesday 07/06/2017 1030 - 1200, M4 (Museum Building)


Franzi, Simone - Virginia Tech, United States Bieri, David - Virginia Tech, United States Simundza, Dan - Virginia Tech, United States

Mapping Innovation Networks in the Financial Industry: Geographies of Blockchain Consortia

Pazitka, Vladimir - University of Oxford, United Kingdom Wójcik, Dariusz - University of Oxford, United Kingdom

Cluster Dynamics of Financial Centres in the United Kingdom: Do Connected Firms Grow Faster?

Bassens, David - Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium Hendrikse, Reijer - Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium Van Meeteren, Michiel - Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Hatching the Egg, Populating the Hive: Creating a Fertile FinTech Ecosystem in Brussels, Belgium

Cavalcante, Anderson - CEDEPLAR - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil Almeida, Renan - CEDEPLAR/UFMG, Brazil

The Urban Dynamics of Financial Services: Measuring the Determinants of Centralities in a Brazilian Metropolis


Page 41: Academic Programme - Regional Studies Association Programme ... Nurse, Alexander - University of Liverpool, United Kingdom ... Chair: Cormac Walsh - University of Hamburg, Germany


Refreshment Break

Wednesday 07/06/2017 1200 - 1230, Lower Concourse (Arts Building)


Plenary 5

Wednesday 07/06/2017 1230 - 1430, Burke Theatre (Arts Building)

Chair: Martin Sokol - Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Wojcik, Dariusz - Oxford University, United Kingdom Financial Geography after the Global Financial Crisis and Brexit


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