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Grillin’ With Robert St. John



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“Excellent selections, excellentservices & good prices!”

~Robert M., Purvis

“The sales person who helped me was wonderful and so nice. That to me will keep me coming back!”

~Hank G., Petal

“Thanks so much for helping me get the rug I really wanted at a great price!”

~Sarah R., Starkville



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C O N T E N T S features42







Dreaming of changing careers? Three SouthMississippians share their stories and advice.

Students learn the basics of crime scene investigationat USM Academy.



Brookhaven homeowners create personal retreats intheir own backyards.

SYMPHONY COUTUREby Scott Thornburg

Southern Miss Orchestra strikes a pose for its 89thseason calendar.


It all started with an Easy Bake Oven for this successful Hattiesburg restaurateur and cookbookauthor.

ON THE COVER ROBERT ST. JOHNPhotography by Joey DeLeo

ABOVE SEA OATS ON SHIP ISLANDPhotography by Alexey Sergeev




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in every issue

CHARLOTTE BLOMBuddhism in South Mississippi

14 LEIF MUNKELHattiesburg hosts “SixtyYears of Memories”

20 SOUTH MS WEDDINGSCelebrate with style andelegance

62 MAD POTTER’S HOUSEVisionary architect Frank Gehrydesigns a museum honoringartist George Ohr


40 TAY SPREITLERLocal girl scores big inLos Angeles

42 SURF’S UP!Day trip to Ship Island


46 TEND MY LAMBS, FEED MYSHEEPNeighbors helping neighbors




AT HOME IN HOLMESVILLEPike County couple restores1820’s cottage



74 BLUEBERRY THRILLSIt’s the season for pickingblueberries

16 ANTHONY THAXTONWatercolor Step-by-Step

75 TERRIFIC TOMATOESHolly Clegg shares her favoritetomato recipes

77 PAPPAW’S PIESEditor has great memories ofher family in the kitchen

10 Editor’s Notes78 Life in South Mississippi


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[email protected]

CONTRIBUTORSTrudy BergerLayla EssaryLynne JeterHolly Slay

Scott ThornburgValerie Wells

GUEST COLUMNISTSKaren BlakeneyCharlotte Blom

Holly CleggLeif Munkel

Anthony ThaxtonJames Welch

ADVERTISINGFor advertising information

Kristi [email protected]

Doug [email protected]


ACCENT South Mississippiis published bimonthly by

SoMiss Publishing LLC Post Office Box 19027

Hattiesburg, MS, 39603

SoMiss Publishing LLC.All rights reserved. Contents of

this magazine may not be reproduced in any manner without

written consent from Publisher. ACCENT South Mississippi cannot

be held liable for errors and omissions.

Printed in the U.S.A.

Volume 1, Number 1 • July 2009


TRUDY BERGER, aretired business con-sultant who moved toSouthwest Mississippiafter a 30-year profes-sional career inHouston, is currentlyan election commis-

sioner for Pike County, and a dedicated vol-unteer deeply involved in church and com-munity activities such as the SummitHistorical Society, the McComb DepotRailroad Museum, and the PreservationCommission in her current hometown. She isa native of Hammond, La., and a long-agograduate of the LSU School of Journalism.

KAREN BLAKENEY is an award-winning writerwho lives in Gulfport with her husband andfive children. Before graduating fromMillsaps College, she studied art and poetryat St. John’s College at Oxford University.Karen has recently completed a memoirabout her young son’s struggle to overcomeScimitar Syndrome and Congenital Kyphosis.She maintains a congenital heart defectsWeb site, www.NathansPrayer.com.

CHARLOTTE BLOM has a bachelor of artsdegree from Vassar College. She has beenfreelance copy editing and writing for years,as well as sampling unrelated professionalexperiences. She enjoys exploring, huntingand gathering in and around her home inHattiesburg.

LAYLA ESSARY is cur-rently a freelancewriter for various pub-lications and works asa contract public rela-tions consultant.Before fulfilling com-munication roles with

two area-wide non-profit organizations,Layla worked for nearly a decade in thebroadcasting industry as an anchor andreporter for local television stations inMississippi.

JAMES WELCH is a freelance writer living inthe Hattiesburg area with his wife and threechildren. He enjoys writing feature storiesand essays.

LYNNE JETER is afreelance writer andeditor living inCovington County.Author of“Disconnected: Deceitand Betrayal atWorldCom,” published

by Wiley & Sons in 2003, Lynne’s work hasappeared in international in-flight airlinemagazines as well as local, state, regionaland national print media. She is a graduateof the University of Southern Mississippi.

LEIF MUNKEL is the communications coordi-nator for the Hattiesburg ConventionCommission. He is also in charge of publicityfor the Mississippi Miss Hospitality Pageant.He is a former reporter and anchor for WDAMNews in Hattiesburg as well as WMDN Newsin Meridian. He is originally from Minnesotawhere he majored in mass communications.

HOLLY SLAY lives inBrookhaven and is mar-ried to Tim Slay. Theyhave two young daugh-ters, Ellie and Abby.She works part-time atthe City Clerk’s office,and enjoys writing,

painting and spending time with her family.

ANTHONY THAXTON is a painter, musician,television producer and columnist. His videoproductions have won numerous nationalawards. Currently, he produces “The UnitedMethodist Hour” with Shane Stanford.Anthony lives in Petal with his wife, Amy,and children Bryant and Sydney.

VALERIE WELLS is afreelance writer whohas covered allaspects of communityjournalism for thepast 20 years. A mili-tary brat with deeproots in South

Mississippi, she looks for stories about theshared history and culture of the regionbrought to life by everyday folk. She haswritten for national and regional magazinesand has been editor of several publicationsand Web sites. She lives in Hattiesburg witha patient husband and two well-adjustedsons.

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Robyn Jackson

serene backyard retreats of several Brookhaven residents and the Edwards Street Fellowship’s com-munity vegetable garden in Hattiesburg, to a home built around 1820 near McComb that has beenlovingly restored. There’s a day trip to historic Ship Island, and Wiggins native Taylor Spreitler talksabout what it’s like to have a starring role on “Days of Our Lives,” which has been a favorite soapopera of Hattiesburg-area residents for decades.

The name of this new magazine is no accident. When I was brainstorming possible names, I quick-ly realized that “accent” was just what I wanted this magazine to do - to accentuate the positivethings about this beautiful and unique place we call home. As a lifelong resident of South Mississippi- born and raised in Gulfport, a resident of Hattiesburg for nearly 30 years - I know that the areabetween the Coast and the capital is the place to be. We have a casual but elegant lifestyle here, oftenmore influenced by New Orleans and the Gulf Coast than Jackson or the Delta. We have homes herethat rival and even surpass anything you see in the national decorating magazines or on HGTV. Andwe have an incredible culinary tradition, blending traditional Southern dishes with a touch of Cajunand Creole flavor, as personified by Hattiesburg chef and restaurateur Robert St. John, the subject ofour cover story, whose menus and cookbooks reflect the taste of the New South.

The Accent also evokes our famous drawl, because after all, when you think of the South, you thinkof accents, and the accent of native South Mississippians is unique.

The magazine you now hold in your hands is the culmination of a lifelong dream. I grew up read-ing my grandmother’s copies of Southern Living and Better Homes and Gardens, and I was buyingdecorating magazines while I was still residing in a dormitory at the University of SouthernMississippi, dreaming of someday having my own home. I hoped to eventually work for one of thoseglossy magazines, but ended up in newspapers, writing home and garden and food features, andfreelancing for magazines. But I always knew that my dream job was to edit a magazine. And now,here it is. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I’ve enjoyed putting it together. And I must thankthe writers, photographers, designers and advertising representative who helped make this dream areality. They’re simply the best.

And thanks to the advertisers, whose support has made this premiere issue of The Accent possi-ble.

This is only the beginning. Let us know about interesting people and places we should feature inupcoming issues of The Accent. You can e-mail me at [email protected]. But first, put yourfeet up, pour yourself a tall glass of lemonade and enjoy Accent South Mississippi.

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GUEST COLUMN | spirituality

TThe Bible Belt seems an unlikely nichefor Buddhists. But after four months ofpracticing Nichiren Buddhism on myown, I became curious to meet others.With a little research, I found there aremore than 100 Nichiren Buddhists fromthe Mississippi coast to the Jackson area(not to mention northern Mississippi,other schools of Buddhism or other non-Christian based religions). Within a weekof contacting the center in New Orleans,I was sharing a ride with a Petal-based

Buddhist, Vickie, to a Sunday morningGongyo (chanting) meeting and studygroup in Gulfport.

Traveling south on U.S. 49, I watchedthe rows of pine trees flash by as Vickie,a self-proclaimed reformed “socialphobe,” told me stories of her experienceswith Buddhism in several states. She’dbeen practicing since 1971, so she was wellestablished with Soka Gakkai International(SGI), an organization created in Japan inthe 1930s for lay practitioners of Nichiren


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Buddhism. In the mid-13th century NichirenDaishonin discovered that the Lotus Sutra(based on the teachings of ShakyamuniBuddha) revealed, in essence, every person -whatever their life condition - has a Buddhanature, and the ability to awaken it. Accordingto this Nichiren Buddhism, the heart of theLotus Sutra is called daimoku or, “Nam-myoho-renge-kyo,” which (loosely) meansdevotion to the mystic law of cause and effect(represented by the word for Lotus flower),through sound.

At the study group, a circle of people inmetal folding chairs were discussing scripturebased on acting from the heart. David, thechapter leader, was cordial and careful toexplain the Buddhist basics to me. A womanwearing a pink shirt with the words “Hog’sbreath is better than no breath,” chimed in,recounting a story of great fortune her hus-band is experiencing, due to her chanting, shesaid, since her husband doesn’t practice. Hershort, curly hair was dark brown and glisten-ing with gel under the ceiling lights, and shebeamed as she said, “It works. It reallyworks.”

When the meeting ended, everyone mingledand suddenly there was an arc of Buddhistssurrounding me, asking typical questions likewhy I had moved to Mississippi, and how Iliked it. I told them I had two reasons formoving here: an on-again/off-again relation-ship, and to explore the South. David told meI have a “searching nature,” a good thing toBuddhists. I was invited to ask any questions Ihad.

Over the months, I continued to correspondwith some of the members by e-mail, andattended one or two meetings on the coast,and our discussions delved deeper into thecore of Buddhist beliefs, and main SGI con-cepts like “human revolution,” which basicallymeans to empower oneself to transform one’sown life, thereby creating positive personaland global effect.

Like everyone, Buddhists struggle with their

inherent dualistic nature of darkness andlight. At the end of the day, religious or not,humans remain human, with foibles, desires,successes, cyclical behavior, and slogan T-shirts. SGI has more than 12 million membersworldwide, yet there are some who practiceNichiren Buddhism without SGI affiliation. Istill often practice and study on my own,though I profoundly appreciate having foundother people through the organization, andeverything I continue to learn from theBuddhists in Mississippi.

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GUEST COLUMN |miss hospitalityrituality


S i x ty Y ears o fMemor i e s


This summer the MississippiMiss Hospitality Pageant cele-brates 60 years, and in honorof this milestone the pageant isbringing back 35 former statewinners from as far back as1950. These former MississippiMiss Hospitality winners rep-resent every decade the pag-eant has been around andbring over 50 years of pageantmemories to this year’s statepageant.

“It’s an unprecedented eventin the pageant’s history to havethis many state winners in one

place at one time,” saidPageant Director Traci Rouse.“We can’t wait to see these

wonderful ladies and heartheir stories about being stateMississippi Miss Hospitalities

and learn what effect the pag-eant had on their lives.”

Suzanne Paul, the 1952 statewinner, from Meridian, will beone of those ladies returning.She says she looks forward toattending this year’s pageantand reminiscing with other for-mer winners about the experi-ence.

“It was a fantastic time. Wehad a week of activities, it wasa whirlwind,” Paul said. “Idon’t even remember when Iwon. It was such a shock, mymind went blank,” Paul said.

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Paul was chosen from 51 contestants andwould spend the next year traveling to NewYork, Washington D.C., Detroit and Minneapolisrepresenting Mississippi in shows and festivals.She says being Mississippi Miss Hospitalitychanged her life forever.

“It really gave me a smile and a voice,” Paulsaid. “It gave me confidence to speak and to beoutgoing. This really helped me in my profes-sional life.”

After her reign as Mississippi Miss HospitalityPaul enrolled at Belhaven College where shewould go on to get her teaching license. Shetaught speech and English and received her mas-ter’s degree from Tulane University. She thenmoved to Florida and become an administratorin charge of adult education for the ManateeSchool District.

“The pageant was very good for my self-esteem,” said Paul. “It was something I’ll neverforget, it helped to shape my life.”

The theme of this year’s pageant is “60 years

of memories” and will take contestants and pag-eant lovers through the decades of the pageant’sexistence. In addition, specially organized dancenumbers set to popular music from those decadeswill be included. Also, tributes to the formerMiss Hospitality state winners will be included,like the first Mississippi Miss HospitalityKatherine Wright Hunt from 1949.

The pageant has been a mainstay ofMississippi since it began in 1949 under Gov.Fielding Wright and the Mississippi Legislaturewith the purpose of presenting young ladies tohelp promote the state in tourism and economicdevelopment. In 1986 the legislature voted todiscontinue the pageant, but the Starkville AreaChamber of Commerce took it over until 1997,when Hattiesburg received the sponsorship.This will be the pageant’s 12th year inHattiesburg.

This year, 32 contestants from across the statewill compete for more than $100,000 in scholar-ships and prizes and for the title of MississippiMiss Hospitality 2009. These contestants willexperience a full week of special events, tours,interviews, and rehearsals, with two nights ofcompetition beginning on Friday, July 31 at 8p.m. and the final competition on Saturday, Aug.1 at 8 p.m. at the Saenger Theatre.

Mississippi Miss Hospitality 2009 will travelthe state and country promoting Mississippi’stourism, industry and economic development.She will also serve as its goodwill ambassadorfor one year, showing hospitality to everyoneshe meets.

Tickets are $18 for premiere reserved seatingand $13 for general reserved seating per night.You can also purchase a package for both nightsof competition at $36 for premiere reserved seat-ing and $26 for general reserved seating.Premiere reserved seats are the best seats in thehouse and are limited in number. They will goquickly.

For more information about the pageant, con-tact Pageant Coordinator Traci Rouse at (601)296-7401 or go online to www.MissHospitality.com.Miss Hospitality Suzanne Paul, the 1952 state


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WWhat is it to be wed? Does it mean that we gain a companion to share in the

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day-to-day things of life? Doesit mean having someone toshare the good times with, andthe bad? Is it having a full-timefriend? Or maybe someone toshare in your frustrations? Is ita bond between two people? Isit the beginning of a family? Isit puppy love in full bloom, orthe flower that springs forthfrom the seeds of love’s begin-nings? Maybe it’s the fire thaterupts from love’s first sparksor the twinkle developing intoa focused beam of light.

Why do we wed? Do we wedas simply the next step in agrowing relationship? Would itnot grow otherwise? Do wewed because it’s expected? Is itthe ceremony or the reception?

Do we wed as an excuse toget family together from out oftown, as if it was aThanksgiving day, only on ourterms? Is it the candles, theflowers, the gifts, the friends,the dresses, tuxedos, vows,walks down the aisle, and justplain magical thing that takes

place on that day?I believe that it is all of these

things and more.Let’s start with love. Love is

where it starts, isn’t it? Love isa word that is synonymouswith marriage and most cer-tainly can be found amongstthe invitations at the beginningand the thank you cards at theend of this ceremony. Love isthe fuel for the fire that mar-riage is forged upon, and it isalso where the sparks lie. Loveis kind, love is fair, and love is



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not quick to anger, but marriage is deeper thanthat.

When examining love we could talk aboutwhen Harry met Sally, but, I think that maybewhen Adam met Eve may be a more reliableplace to start. You see, when looking for theanswers to tough questions like these, I find itbest to begin at the beginning. When it’s youridea and your cre-ation, you get to bethe authority on it.

So, let’s start some-where familiar, we allknow this story. Godcreated man and helooked lonely ormaybe couldn’t han-dle things on his own,so God made him ahelper. He causedAdam to fall into adeep sleep and pulledout one of his ribs, foruse in manifestingwoman. We don’tknow which rib, butthere are other placeswhere the Bible tellsus that under the fifthrib is a deadly placeto be stabbed in bat-tle. Under the fifth ribis near the placewhere man’s heart lies, and as the heart is oftenreferred to as the center of emotion, and there-fore love, I would like to believe that maybe itwas in fact this rib that joined man to woman,the rib that lies closest to man’s heart.

This seems to be very significant, because Godcould have just made woman from the groundand breathed life into her nostrils as he did man.It’s evident that he wanted to show us the bondbetween these two beings that he created, tobecome one in this ceremony we refer to as awedding. We most likely are the only of God’screations in which one gender was made of andfor the other. The Bible then says that they shall

be one flesh, but what does this mean?Obviously it’s meant to be a strong bond, how

can you pull apart your flesh or your bones? Thisis a lot deeper than the legally binding aspect ofit all. If love is the fuel, then this ceremony is thefire and God the blacksmith who forges the twointo one.

So this is indeed a magical ceremony and aone-of-a-kind day. It’sa day that sometimestakes years to plan.Little girls often spendplaytime planningtheir wedding day, andit continues as theygrow. It’s a day thatrequires lots of peopleto work together,sometimes it takeshundreds, if you countthe guests all showingup on time. The wed-ding party must all bethere, ready, andrehearsed, in order forit to work. Food mustbe prepared, candleslit, dresses fitted, ringsin place, flowersplaced, and on and onthis list goes. All ofthis and more has towork together in order

to make this the perfect day, and yet, weddingsalmost always work like the gears in a well-madeclock. One thing works and then another untileverything is completed in perfect time and thisunspoiled magical moment is manifested intoexistence just as God has manifested the veryday that it is held on.

The two meet at the altar and exchange ringsmade of gold, which are pure like their love.They enter into a covenant with God and areforged by God’s own hand into one being for allof their lives. In sickness and in health, in goodtimes and bad, they are connected as one all theway to their bones and all the way to their souls.

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WEDDING SPECIAL | The Gif t Regis try

WWhile china, crystal and silver have always been classic wedding presents,

today’s brides are thinking out ofthe gift box when registering atlocal boutiques. Large crosses,enamel cookware, pewter servingtrays and stoneware dish sets arefashionable gifts for newlyweds.

“We carry several china pat-terns, however, lately brideshave been asking for more usefulgifts,” Rebecca Chambers ofSisters By Design in Brookhavensaid. “Our biggest seller is the LeCreuset cookware.”

A French brand of enameledcast iron cookware, Le Creusethas been a favorite of top chefsand foodies for more than 80years. Now a full-line of cook-

ware and accessories is featuredat Sisters By Design. “Caribbeanand kiwi are our most popularcolors,” Chambers said. “Theywill use this cookware for theirlifetime, it’s a great product.”

Recipe boxes and cookbooksare good gifts for young brides,said Roberta Norton of AblesAntiques and Gifts, also inBrookhaven. “We have woodenrecipe boxes with cute quotespainted on them,” Norton said.“Life is Short – Eat Cookies”declares one whimsical box inAbles. Bridal shower guests canfill the box with recipes for theirfavorite dishes, giving the bride

and groom plenty of ideas formeals in their new kitchen.

Both Ables and Sisters ByDesign carry upscale food itemsto accompany the recipes. Dipmixes, jars of preserves andfancy cheese straws can fill a giftbasket, along with useful mixingbowls and cooking utensils.

“We sell of lot of Mississippi-made gourmet food products.”Chambers said.

Dinnerware options for brideshave also transitioned into morecasual styles. Heavy stonewaredishes and accessories are fea-tured in both shops.

“We carry Juliska and



“Monograms are very popular rightnow, for wedding gifts, bridesmaidand groomsmen gifts, flower girland ring bearer gifts, etc.,” saidConnie Hooper of Engravables inBrookhaven. “We sell more mono-grammed engraved gifts thanembroidered gifts for bridal partyattendants. Per historical etiquette,the new married initial is not to beused until after the wedding andthe lady’s initials are on the linens,bath towels and the man’s initialsare on the barware. As far as thewedding day, we normally do namesand dates on the toasting goblets,cake knife and server, guest bookand pen, however, it has becomepopular to put one single initial onmany of the items so they can beused after the wedding.”

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Fortunata stoneware patterns atAbles,” Norton said. “Fortunatais a small, family-run Italiancompany with attractive pieces,and our Juliska stoneware ismicrowavable as well as dish-washer and freezer safe.” AtSisters By Design, Vietri is thefeatured stoneware line, com-plete with plates, bowls, servingpieces and storage canisters.

Large serving pieces make astatement in a new bride’skitchen, whether on display orfilled with delectable foods.Pewter has been a popularchoice by brides for severalyears. Trays and platters aremixed and matched easily to suita bride’s personal tastes.Whether shiny and sleek, orbrushed and beaded, pewter canbe used in formal or casual set-tings.

“We’ve also started carrying aline of copper serving trays andaccessories at Ables,” Nortonsaid. White ceramic trays andchips-n-dips sets in fitted wickerbaskets add texture to atablescape.

Sparkly glass and acrylicobjects are frequently includedin the registries. Ables carries aline of acrylic ice buckets andTervis tumblers, perfect forentertaining. Large glass pitch-ers can serve beverages withflair.

Decorative items are uniquegifts that can warm up the new-lywed’s home. Crosses havebeen big sellers in bothBrookhaven shops. From largerustic metal and wooden crossesto handmade ceramic crosses,

the choices are endless. Bothboutiques carry ceramic crosseshandcrafted by Mississippiartists. Traditional gifts such ascandle sticks and picture frameshave been updated in chunkywoods, woven rattans andrugged metals.

“Brides love anything withtheir new initials,” Chamberssaid. Registry items includemonogrammed towels, engravedice buckets, large wooden lettersfor display, and anything per-sonalized.

“We have a new local artistcreating custom canvases hand-painted with the couples name,wedding date and monogram.We’ve had a good deal of inter-est in them,” Chambers added.

“We have an average of 30brides registered at any giventime,” Chambers said. “The pop-ularity of certain items rangesfrom year to year, some yearschina is popular, some years it’sstoneware.”

But one thing never changes,the customers giving showerand wedding gifts want theirs tobe remembered.

“We have customers in Ablesall the time who say ‘I want topurchase something the bridewill look back years from nowand recall that I gave it to her.’Something distinctive,” Nortonsaid.

Chambers, of Sisters ByDesign, echoed that sentiment.“We want the bride and groomto treasure their unique weddinggifts, and hope they’ll providespecial memories of the giverand their big day,” she said.


When it comes to china patterns, brides

today want something they can mix and match

and use for everyday entertaining as well as

the holidays.

“Brides will pick out a pattern and use that

pattern for everything,” said Gail Albert,

owner of Plums in Hattiesburg. “These are

pieces that you can dress up or down. They’re

getting something simple. They know they’re

going to get bored with it over the years, so

they want something versatile.”

Chargers or service plates are another pop-

ular item on registries because they can add a

pop of color to a simple place setting.

“Almost all china companies are doing charg-

ers,” Albert said.

The economy has caused many brides to

include more moderately priced patterns on

their wish lists.

“One set has an entire place setting for

$35,” Albert said.

They are also including stonewear or every-

day dish sets on their registries, because they

are less expensive than fine china.

“They’ve been scaling down what they’re

getting,” she said.

Annieglass is another popular and versatile

line. The pieces can add contemporary flair to

an antique china pattern or blend with a mod-

ern style.

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wasn’t meant to make life miserable. A simple wed-ding can save you money, help the environment andhave deeper meaning for your family.

Here are some ideas to consider that will person-alize your wedding and keep the budget undercontrol.

• LOCATION Where you decide to have your wed-

ding and reception can greatly affect the expense.“Think outside the box,” said Dominique McCall,

co-owner of Café Boheme in Hattiesburg. She andartist Paul McCall got married in an art studio sur-rounded by friends in other art studios. It had spe-cial meaning for the couple and also wound upsaving them some money in their new life together.

Cut out the stress and extra expense from your wedding plans. A joyful celebration

A simple rented fountaincan turn an ordinaryreception into an elegantaffair without breakingyour budget.

Take advantage of seasonalfruits and vegetables whenplanning your weddingreception. Simple wines,cheese and fruits arealways a delight for yourguests and won’t breakyour budget if you shop foritems in season.


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Other unusual places to consider include afriend’s garden, a favorite beach or a local park.One thing to consider, though, is what to do if theweather turns bad. Tents can be prohibitivelyexpensive, some costing as much as $10,000.

• FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS “One of the best waysto save is on flowers,” said Erica Sherrill Owens, awedding photographer and a self-described “budgetbride.”

When Owens got married, she went to a localcraft store and bought artificial flowers at a 50 per-cent off sale. She made her own bouquet as well ascorsages and boutonniers for the entire weddingparty. After the wedding, these special people in herlife had a memento of the celebration. “It meantmore because I did it myself.”

McCall suggests using potted plants for decora-tions that guests can take home. It’s a greener choicethat will remind friends and family of the weddinga long time after.

• FOOD Catering expenses can be easily con-tained, said McCall, whose business includes cater-ing.

“I’m all about the afternoon wedding and recep-tion,” she said. “You still have the toast.”

Instead of a full meal, an afternoon option mightoffer appetizers and a variety of mini-cakes.

When planning a menu with a chef, McCall saidit’s better to stay within the same theme such asItalian or Asian, rather than mixing unrelated dishesfrom around the world. That way the chef can use alot of the same ingredients and pass the savingsalong to you.

When selecting flowers for thewedding party or for thereception, group similar flowers together for big

impact. A small arrangementof roses in the center of a

table is elegant. A bouquet ofinexpensive summer daisies islovely when mixed with bright

seasonal blooms.

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McCall also suggests staying with food that isin season and that is grown locally. If you arebringing your own food, she highly recommendsshopping at a farmers’ market.

Owens is a big fan of the potluck receptionshe had at her wedding. Family and friendsbrought favorite dishes and created a relaxed,loving mood. Owens said that was better thanpaying a high price for a stranger’s unknowncooking plus the extra expense of a wait staff.

“It was more of a family event,” she said.• PHOTOGRAPHY Hiring a professional pho-

tographer is affordable if you shop around andask about options. Owens said she offers both apackage deal and an hourly rate. If the bride andgroom prefer, she can offer them just a CD of thephotographs that the couple can print at a latertime.

“Other photographers will do this, too,” shesaid.

McCall bought throw-away cameras for guestsat her wedding and had them snap the pictures.She bought the cameras in bulk and negotiatedan even lower price with the vendor.

“Always bargain and negotiate,” she said.“You can always do that.”

• FURNITURE McCall suggests renting the sim-

plest furniture needed and then dressing it allup.

“A little decoration goes a long way,“ shesaid. Ribbon tied behind chair backs and inex-pensive tulle draping can transform the plainestseats into fancy ones.

Instead of renting dining tables, McCall saidit’s cheaper to get large boards and saw horsesat a hardware store then cover them with fabric.

“You can seat more people that way, too,” shesaid.

• DRESS Ebay and other online options makefinding the perfect wedding dress easier.Consider any family heirlooms. Be open-mindedand investigate renting options or even borrow-ing. Find a seamstress and have her create a one-of-a-kind dress. Look for sales at bridal shops.

• INVITATIONS Save money on paper invita-tions by printing your own. Use recycled paperor some other simple choice. Do somethingunexpected - maybe put the invitation in a boxor send free-spirited postcards.

“It’s all about presentation,” McCall said.“There’s so many nice papers, you can get cre-ative with presentation.”

• LIMO Instead of paying for the expensiveoption, ask a friend with a classic ‘50s car if youcan use it for the occasion.

• DECORATIONS One way to keep things sim-ple is to have a wedding that coincides with aholiday or some other festive occasion.Christmas weddings, for example, can use a lotof the color and pageantry of the season. Thetiming can help guests take time off work orplan to help you in other ways.

“Let people help,” McCall said.

A simple one-tier wedding cake is a perfect sizefor a small wedding reception. Decorate withfresh, colorful flowers for the perfect cake top-per.

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WEDDING SPECIAL | Conn/Slay Wedding





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Eand Richard Conn took it to a fabulous extreme for their April 18, 2009, cere-mony and reception, which were held at the barn on their Circle C Ranch inthe Dixie community near Hattiesburg.

The black-tie affair started at 5:30 p.m. with the ceremony for closefriends and family, and the “celebration” started at 7 p.m. More than 400guests attended.

“We knew that with the number of people we wanted to invite to our cel-ebration, we would have a hard time finding a location that could accom-modate everyone,” Lisa said. “We also knew we wanted to do things a bitdifferently from the norm. Having it at our site allowed us total controlover the event. We love to entertain and have hosted friends and family fora number of different events like birthday parties, Christmas gatherings,corporate dinners, etc.”

Richard Conn is an orthopedic surgeon in Hattiesburg and Lisa SlayConn is director of marketing for Wesley Medical Center.

Pulling off a formal event in a barn was not without its challenges.“Our main challenges were ensuring that we had adequate power and

then we prayed for no rain, which thanks to many prayers from manyfriends held off until we were leaving the celebration at 12:45 a.m.,” Lisasaid.

She wanted every aspect of the wedding to be unique, from the invitationto the music, which was performed by The Yat Pack, an ensemble fromMetairie, La., that plays music inspired by the original Rat Pack (FrankSinatra, Dean Martin and Sammy Davis Jr.), and the Soulsations fromMemphis. The bridegroom even joined them onstage for a rendition of theBlue Brothers’ hit “Soul Man.” Wedding planner Lisa Smith of Covington,La., helped pull it all together.

“The marriage was neither Rick’s nor my first marriage,” Lisa said.“We’ve been around the block before, so we knew what we wanted, and wemade it happen. We knew we wanted everyone to look as beautiful as oursurroundings, so we asked that our guests come in black-tie attire. Whowould have ever thought of holding a black-tie affair in a barn, but we didit.”

The ceremony was held just outside the barn on a grassy area that over-looks two pastures.

“Rick’s childhood friend, Johnny Tatum, performed the wedding ceremo-ny and our good friend who is an orthopedic surgeon that does consultingwith Rick, Dr. Bernie Stulberg, played the violin,” Lisa said. “It was veryintimate and personal, which made the vows even more special. Eventhough it was a formal affair, right before Rick and I walked each otherdown the aisle, I stopped and took off my high heels because I realized Iwould never be able to keep my balance and would sink into the softground, so in true country style, I was married with no shoes on my feet.”

The elegant evening reflected the couple’s joy.“What we wanted more than anything with the celebration was for peo-

ple to enjoy the night with us,” Lisa said. “Rick and I have been dating foralmost four years and we were engaged for a year and a half. The night wasabout celebrating the fact that God brought us together and we fell in love.”

Every couple wants their wedding to be unique, but Lisa

Although the couple selected adessert bar with pickup sweets,Zoe’s Bakery surprised them withthe addition of several cakes.

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A beaded gold table cloth covered the bride’s table, which held a brass punchbowl and the four-tier candied lemon wedding cake topped with fresh rosesthat matched her bouquet. A separate groom’s table held the groom’s three-tier chocolate ganash cake topped by their initial in cocoa.

The couple resides in Hattiesburg, where she is pursuing her master’s degree inmedical technology science/microbiology at the University of SouthernMississippi and he is a licensed massage therapist working at Orleans ParkRehabilitation Clinic.


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Tuscany to their Oct. 4, 2008, wedding, held at the home of her parents,Regiena and Al Berry, near New Hebron.

“Our theme was country/Tuscan, because Michael’s Italian heritagecomplimented my parents’ relaxed, informal style of entertaining,” Brettsaid. “Italian music played before the ceremony as guests gathered in thefront yard. An Italian wedding tradition we went with was to ‘hide thebride.’ Italian families surround the bride and walk through the town tomeet her groom. So, my family walked me out to the end of the front path,then my dad walked me the rest of the way to give me to Michael.”

The couple chose to face their 177 guests to commit their vows while theRev. Mike Dubose, pastor of New Hebron Methodist Church, performedthe ceremony on the front steps of the house with his back to the guests.

Decorations also carried out the Tuscan theme. The front porch andsteps sported lush drapes in Tuscan colors held by large gold rope tassels.A long, swooping grapevine with rust and gold ribbons, dried hydrangeas,fall flowers and peacock feathers framed the spot where they said theirvows. The reception was held in the backyard with tables scatteredbeneath lamp-lighted trees. The food and dancing were under a paviliondecorated to match the front porch with a huge chandelier that hung lowwith the same rust and gold ribbons, dried hydrangeas and peacock feath-ers. Each table had a unique centerpiece.

Guests feasted on Italian potato salad, pasta salad, bruschetta, open-faced tomato sandwiches, roasted turkey, smoked brisket and grapes mari-nated in wine, while Italian white wine flowed from a fountain.

A nearby table held petit-fours and teacakes, all monogrammed with thecouple’s initial. All cakes and confections were made by Sandra Shivers ofIcing on the Cake in New Hebron.

The bride wore an empire-style gown of ivory silk and Italian lace witha cathedral train that she designed with her mother.

“I was able to really engage in the process of the landscaping, too,” Brettsaid. “My mother and I, along with our floral designer, Kenneth Lee, whohappens to be a long-time dear family friend, spent many days at nurseriespicking plants and flowers that would be in bloom by wedding time. Wealso spent many more days shoveling dirt and strawing beds and plantingthose flowers. I felt a huge sense of pride when the guests gushed over thegardens, because we worked so hard.”

Brett said she changed the date three times because she was worriedabout the weather (it rained on each of the rejected dates), but the big daywent off flawlessly.

“It was truly magical, and you could really tell that it was all about fam-ily and good times,” she said. “None of the stiff formalities of traditionalweddings was a part of that day, we wanted it to be beautiful for mydream day, but comfortable for the guests as a family reunion. We wantedthe wedding to be held at my parents’ home because anybody that evergoes there or passed by immediately gets a sense of ‘home.’ I couldn’tthink of a better place to commit my life to the man I love, with all thefamily and friends that I love gathered at the place I love most and alsocall home.”

Brett Berry and Michael Dunlap brought a touch of

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California Vs. The World




Proceeds from this event go to benefit the SouthMississippi Children’s Center, the region’s only

emergency shelter for children ages 9 through 17.


For information contactRebecca Boatman Hartfield601.264.7079www.mchscares.org

Mississippi Children’sHome Services

Compassionate Solutions for Children & Families

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FEATURE | new careers



REINVENT YOURSELFDreaming of changing careers?

Three South Mississippians share their stories and advice.

AART HAS ALWAYS PLAYED A LARGE ROLE in the lifeof the Rev. Charles “Chuck” Terrell of Laurel.

The McComb native began painting when he was aboy, but joined the U.S. Navy after graduation fromSan Jose State University in California. He was a flightinstructor for the Navy in Pensacola, Fla., from 1972-75, and then worked in human resources at the FleetTraining Center in San Diego and at the NavalPolitical Warfare School.

Terrell left the military in 1980 to become a minister.He earned a Master of Divinity degree fromSouthwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in FortWorth, Texas, in 1981, and pastored churches in Iota,La., Sunland and Redwood City, Calif., and PortGibson from 1981-2002. He was also operations officerand founder of China America Medical Project inGuangxi Province of the People’s Republic of China.

But Terrell still longed to be an artist.“After 20 years in the pastorate, I felt led to pursue

my art more seriously,” Terrell said. “I returned toschool and graduated from Mississippi College SummaCum Laude and received my M.Ed. art degree.”

He is currently the Fine Art instructor at LaurelHigh School.

Q: You’ve always excelled in art, so why did you decideto join the Navy first, instead of pursuing an art career?

A: I grew up surrounded by airplanes. My fatherwas an airline pilot and a former Marine aviator whoflew F4-U Corsairs in World War II and transportsacross the South China Sea in the Korean War. Thethought of flying airplanes captured my imaginationand becoming a pilot was my childhood dream.

Q: What did your Naval training and years in the min-istry teach you?

A: I discovered that I was not as gifted a Naval avi-ator as I was an artist. The Navy Flight programproved to me that through hard work, perseverance,and a determination not to quit, you can realize your



PHOTOGRAPHY BY ERIC ROBERTSwww.robertscreative.net

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CCATHY SEAL IS PROOF that it’snever too late to pursue a dream.In the spring of 2009, at the ageof 55, Seal left her job of 18 yearsin the medical records depart-ment of Hattiesburg Clinic tobecome a flight attendant forDelta Airlines, based inCincinnati, Ohio.

The reality did not match thedream, however, and after a fewmonths, Seal decided to quit herhigh-flying career and return toHattiesburg. But she has noregrets.

“I am so proud of myself fortaking this journey at my age,”Seal said. “One of the reasons Idid it was so I would not regretit. I didn’t want to wake upsomeday and say, ‘I wish I had atleast tried it.’ Not only did I meetsome of the nicest people andmade life-long friends, but ithelped me to appreciate what andwho I had at home that I hadtaken for granted. I think we all

do this.”Seal had planned to become a

flight attendant when she gradu-ated from high school, but shemet her future husband duringher senior year, “and the flightattendant career flew out the win-dow. I had forgotten all aboutthis career until about three yearsago on a flight to Disney Worldwhere I found out I was not tooold to be a flight attendant. I hadbeen a widow for five years, andmy sons were grown and on theirown, so the time seemed right.”

Q: Why did you quit your flightattendant job?

A: I did not handle “reserve” aswell as I should have. “Reserve”is sitting around waiting. I hadbeen sitting at the apartment orthe airport for two weeks and notflying. It gave me time to getextremely homesick. I missed myfamily, home, and dog. I got myJune schedule and was going tobe on reserve again. I absolutely

love flying, but working the flightis not as much fun. I decided if Iwas going to be 700 miles awayfrom home, I needed to be havingfun. Besides, I’m going to be aGranny again in a few weeks andthat was more important to methan flying or sitting around.

Q: What has this experiencetaught you?

A: The perfect lesson. I am stillteachable. I was not too old totake this journey. I feared schoolmore than any other part of this.School was a blast and I did verywell with a 99 average overall.Amazing.

Q: What are your plans?A: I have been so blessed. I

have a job waiting for me here athome. I give God all the glory forthis. He has gone with me on thisjourney and I always knew I wasnever alone. I plan to get to knowmy three-year-old grandson muchbetter and be here for my newgrandson.

dreams. Twenty years of pastoral ministry broughtme face-to-face not only with New Testament theol-ogy, but with the needs of people facing some ofthe most difficult circumstances in life. I came tounderstand what was truly important in life from avery practical vantage point. As an art teacher, I canbe an example to my students as I was as a pastorand flight instructor. You lead by example. I wantmy art and how I teach art to help my students

truly know, by my example, what is important inlife.

Q: What was the hardest thing about changingcareers?

A: The most difficult aspect of changing careerswas not the uncertainty of not knowing what mightlie ahead, but knowing that God had a plan andpurpose for my life and I needed to trust Him inspite of not knowing what might lie ahead. Thiswas not easy, and at times we have had to take onestep back financially before moving ahead.Financial gains are not always immediate in chang-ing careers, but staying where you are may not pro-duce financial gains, either.

Q: What advice do you have for anyone considering acareer change?

A: In today’s world, a career change can be eitherprudent or unwise. Circumstances cannot be theonly barometer for change. I think a person needsto be able to answer the questions: Who am I andwhat do I really value? These two questions mustprecede the question: What can I do best?

For more information on Terrell’s artwork, visitwww.theartofthecarpenter.com.

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Q: What advice would you give tosomeone considering a career change?

A: Do it. If I had never triedthis I would have always won-

dered if I could have actuallydone it. Now I know. Yes, I can,and I did.

DDAVID WILSON IS NOT AFRAID of change. He’salready had four unique careers and he’s only in his50s.

Wilson began his professional life as a radioannouncer and TV news reporter, spending 10 years intelevision broadcasting.

“From there, I became a pro-fessional pilot, which had alwaysbeen my life’s dream,” Wilsonsaid. “I last flew a Lear Jet forBrandon Oil Co. of Laurel. Myfirst-born child came into theworld very early and very ill, so Ileft aviation for work where Icould have more dependablehours. I was hired by formerHattiesburg Mayor Bobby Chainas public information/communi-ty relations director for the Cityof Hattiesburg in 1980 andretired from municipal service

with 25 years of service.”During the last 10 years he worked for the city, he

was also a part-time Methodist minister at MountGrove, Hickory Grove and Sumrall. “I was also attend-ing the United Methodist Course of Study for pastors.After retiring from the city, I entered full-time min-istry,” he said.

He has been pastor of Petal United MethodistChurch since July 2007.

Q: You’ve changed careers several times. What’s the hardestthing about making a career change?

A: As I have considered changing careers, the most dif-ficult thing for me to overcome was the fear of theunknown and my fear of failure. It is a comfortable placeto be when one is in a job that is known and understoodand feels secure. I can recall thinking more than once, “Iknow I can do what I am doing now, but will I be suc-cessful in a new field that I don’t know or understand?Will I be putting my family at risk?”

Q: What’s the best thing about changing careers?A: No doubt about it, the excitement of taking on a

new and challenging task is fun and makes going to

work something to look forward to. As many peopledo, I love a challenge and paradoxically the insecurity of anew career can be exhilarating as well as frightening. Also,there is the joy of trying something you love to do andmaking it work. There is hardly anything that matches thatsense of accomplishment.

Q: What lessons have you learned from your various careers?A: With the exception of aviation, my other careers

(radio, television, public relations, preaching) have thecommon thread of oral communication. I clearly rememberas a young boy looking up at the pastor of the church myfamily attended as he said to me, “Boy, I don’t know whatyou are going to do for a living, but whatever it is, it willinvolve talking!” And he was right! I talked all of the timethen and still do, but I try harder now to keep my mouth incheck. My son used to tell me I have a black belt in “lungfu.”

Every job I have ever had has required that I be able tointeract with and serve people. There are differing skillsrequired in each of the vocations, but none of them can bedone well without having an attitude of service to others.Being able to be sincerely humble and pleased to have theopportunity to serve another human being crosses virtuallyall vocational barriers.

Q: What advice would you give to someone who is consider-ing a career change?

A: If your heart pulls you in a new direction, go for it! Iknow so many people who after training for a professionfeel that they must keep doing that same thing for the rest oftheir working life. And so they go to work year after year longafter that profession stops serving them and they have lostthe joy of service.

There are so many things I would love to do thatI have never done. I am sure that sense of adven-ture is shared by many others that, sadly, don’t acton their dreams. I keep telling my children, “Nomatter what you like to do, there is someone outthere making a wonderful living doing that verything.” Even in South Mississippi, one can be suc-cessful growing grass for a living! The only differ-ence between the person making an excellent livingbass fishing and the person who loves to fish buthates their job is the courage to act on their dreams.

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IIt has all the makings of a scene from popular CBS drama “CSI,” yet it’s staged in

the heart of Forrest County, Mississippi.A team of forensic students is hard at work processing evidence from a grisly

crime, complete with fingerprints and blood residue spattered among disheveledfurnishings.

Every part of this mock crime scene was constructed by a team of instructors withthe International Forensic Science Academy (IFSA) at the University of SouthernMississippi. While this case isn’t real, students in the academy could get a chance tolend a hand in an active crime investigation, as was the case with the inauguralacademy last summer.

“There we were working on mock crime scenes when we got the call,” said JonByrd, an instructor with the IFSA. “Last summer, there was a missing person foundwhile the academy was going on at Camp Shelby. Skeletal remains were discoveredand the students actually helped work the crime scene, working in conjunction withthe army personnel.”



crime scene investigators | FEATURE

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Now it’s a year later and a newteam of IFSA students has begunits seven-week journey to master-ing proper crime scene investiga-tion techniques. It’s the secondacademy to be offered since theprogram was started a year ago.

“We start with basic crimescene processing, collecting theevidence, sketching it, basic pho-tography and all the things theyneed to process a crime scene —the nuts and bolts of processing,”said Dean Bertram, IFSA direc-tor. “They later receive detailedtraining in blood pattern analy-sis, report writing, footwear andtire impression evidence, amongothers. We use both the CampShelby facilities, but we also usethe state-of-the-art laboratory atUSM as part of the training.”

Even though the program’sonly a year old, word is gettingout about this one-of-a-kindacademy, said Bertram, notingthat participants have come fromall over the country, as well asfrom right here in SouthMississippi.

“We have some commuters

who choose to go back and forthevery night, and then we haveothers who stay right on base atCamp Shelby,” Bertram said.“There are police academies allover the country, even all overMississippi, but this is a veryspecialized training. We are kindof pioneers in this. Mississippihas taken the lead in training inforensic science.”

Bertram said the program atUSM is unique in that it gives theparticipants the training neededto receive international certifica-tion in the forensic science field.“We’re not necessarily trying toentice students from all over theworld to come, which we have,but when our students graduate,they can in turn go all over theworld and they are certified foropportunities globally.”

The academy is comprised ofindividuals who are currentlyemployed in the field of lawenforcement or other governmentagencies, as well as students whoare enrolled in college and willsoon be looking for opportunitiesin the forensics field.

“To get actual processing tech-niques, it’s rare to get this typeof training, with budgets the waythey are these days,” said BrianFarmer, Bureau of ForensicServices and IFSA Participant.“Anyone seriously interested ingetting into the profession ofcrime scene investigation,whether you are interested inbeing in the field or the lab envi-ronment, being well trained isyour best asset. It’s the thingthat makes you the most mar-ketable or separates you fromevery other college grad outthere. So an opportunity like this,if you have it, you should defi-nitely take advantage of it.”

R E A L I T Y V S . T VIn the day-to-day workings of

forensic investigation, most casesare a far cry from the suspensefuldramas that unfold on primetimetelevision programs. However,because jurors have come toexpect fast-paced presentationsof facts, Bertram said it’s important

At the USM CSI Academy, forensic students learnto master proper crime scene investigation tech-niques.

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that investigators on the scenesecure every possible trace of evi-dence.

“With the ‘CSI’ effect, we haveto train them to address a jurorbecause they’ve watched a lot ofTV and we try to give them whatthey want,” Bertram said.“Instead of a black and whitechart we’ll use Power Point andhave interactive, full-color render-ings so it looks more like whatthey’ve seen on TV. Once every-thing goes to the crime lab, theexpert witness in the field has aPhD and their equip-ment is state of the art.We’re trying to make the‘front end work’ as pro-fessional as the laborato-ry.”

Jon Byrd spent nearlytwo decades in the crimelab side of investiga-tions, and knows first-hand that the initialinvestigation is crucialto solving a case. “‘CSI’and others like it aregood shows, but wemust keep in mind thatit’s for entertainmentpurposes only. As longas we understand thatthen we don’t get a falsesense of what forensics can andcan’t do. We don’t always solvethe case in 30 minutes.”

Byrd is now tied to the academyboth as an instructor and throughan innovative local partnership oflaw enforcement agencies in theHattiesburg area. The Bureau ofForensic Services is a serviceagreement between the LamarCounty Sheriff’s Department,

Petal Police Department, ForrestGeneral Hospital, Forrest CountySheriff’s Department, HattiesburgPolice Department and USM. Asthe director of the bureau, Byrdoversees a four person staff offorensic investigators; in turn, thebureau offers internships to par-ticipants of the IFSA, giving thestudents invaluable first-handexperience.

“The bureau works with lawenforcement to make sure thatthese scenes are handled correctly,but also to provide information

back to law enforcement that maygive them more leads,” Byrd said.“We’re glad we can partner withthe academy in offering thismuch-needed forensic training.It’s a wonderful deal for lawenforcement. It’s a wonderfuldeal for students, too, because itmakes them more marketable oncethey graduate knowing that theyalready had a seven-week foren-

sics academy behind them. If theycome here to learn, they will takea lot away.”

Bertram said the blending ofseasoned investigators with up-and-coming forensic students hasled to a powerful exchange ofideas and learning.

“Law enforcement officers havethe experience of seeing the crimescenes, while the college studentsare savvy with the technology sideof this program,” Bertram said.“They are able to exchange ideasand share in these strengths,

which is different thanmost other academies thatfocus only on law enforce-ment. And those whowork in the field alreadyare able to explain that theprofession is not alwaysas exciting as TV makes itout to be. So we hit themwith a lot of report writ-ing and tedious work tomake sure they reallywant to do this.”

Police officer TroyKimble of Vicksburg saidthe training exceeded hisexpectations. “Cominghere after going to othertraining, I didn’t reallyknow what to expect,”

Kimble said. “I thought it wouldbe a lot of lecturing and basicclassroom activities. But it’s beena lot of hands-on, practical exams,focused on what you would do inreal world scenarios.”

For officers currently employedin the law enforcement field, WINjob placement gives a $5,000 grantenabling agencies to send officersto the academy.

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FEATURE | Taylor Spreitler


Not too many summers ago, Taylor Spreitler could be found hanging out at the local Pizza Hut,dipping a hand-tossed slice into French dressing while dishing about the afternoon softball game.Or she could be found tiptoeing into Black Creek, noshing on catfish and hush puppies in Wiggins,

Tay Spreitler Wins Hearts on “Days of Our Lives”


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horseback riding at Paw-Paw’s, bowling withpals in Amory, or vintage store shopping forMarilyn Monroe memorabilia in New Orleans.

This summer, the 15-year-old known affection-ately as “Tay,” returns to Mississippi as the samesweet-mannered southern belle, but with a newtitle: soap star. The Hattiesburg-born, Wiggins-raised actress inked a three-year contract inJanuary to portray “Mia” on the long-runningNBC series “Days of Our Lives.”

“I still couldn’t believe I’d gotten a call-back,”said Spreitler, whose mother, Denise, informedher about booking the job. “She could hardly getthe words out. Then we screamed all the wayhome!”

Spreitler’s interest in the entertainment worldbegan with beauty pageants. After winning anational title at the age of six, she caught the eyeof New York-based agents, who soon had hermodeling for Macy’s, Land’s End, Saks andAvon. Print ads led to TV commercials forMotrin, Chuck E. Cheese, Jif, Pediacare and HessOil, followed by promos for MTV and NBC, andfinally the small screen. She landed a small roleas Chloe Sellers on “Law & Order: SVU” in 2005.Two years later, she hit the big screen as Alice inthe film “All Souls Day.”

“I was back in Mississippi when I got the callthat I booked (Law & Order),” recalled Spreitler.“They flew me to New York for filming and itwas snowing. It was my first time being inenough snow to build a snowman!”

Spreitler’s singing talent was showcasedworldwide on ESPN at the 2008 AXA LibertyBowl, when she performed in a pre-game show.In a recent episode of “Days,” Spreitler sang“Amazing Grace.”

“The day of the taping, I was so nervous,”admitted Spreitler, telling how Shelley Hennig, afellow pageant winner who plays “Stephanie,”was cheering her on from the sidelines. “Whenwe were done, I was like … ahhhhh.”

Spreitler, who will turn 16 on Oct. 23, is play-ing her dream character on the daily show thatdebuted on Nov. 8, 1965. For many years,Hattiesburg has had the highest percentage of“Days”-watchers in the nation. Because of its

popularity, “Days” stars Deidre Hall (MarlenaEvans) and Charles Shaughnessy (ShaneDonovan) created quite a buzz when they visitedthe area in the 1980s, with Hall even anchoring aWDAM newscast. Many “Days” actors havedropped by Hattiesburg to meet their loyal fans.

Spreitler describes her alter ego as “basically agood girl who made some not so good choicesthat changed the course of her life.” For her firston-air appearance Jan. 6, she showed up in aback alley as a pregnant teen trying to sell herunborn baby on the black market. With a con-tract through 2011, she’s excited about the possi-bilities her character holds.

She’s cheering on her big sister, Samantha,also a pageant veteran, who is on the cusp ofsuccess in the music industry. The 25-year-oldsongstress, whose nickname “Sammy” is sharedby Spreitler’s cast mate “Sami,” recently record-ed “Hot Boys” with Australia Grammy awardwinner and West Hollywood personality DamonButler, formerly of the boy band EYC. Sammy ispursuing a recording contract while also study-ing graphic design at Westwood College. Bothsisters live with their mom in Los Angeles.

If Spreitler, who is home schooled, wasn’t anactor, she knows exactly what she’d be doing:“I’d be attending Amory High School and cheer-ing for the Panthers on Friday nights!”

Tay is a big supporter of sister Samantha, a bud-ding musician who is pursuing a recording con-tract while studying graphic design at WestwoodCollege.

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DESTINATIONS | ship island




Anyone looking for a place to frolic in the summer sun need look nofurther than Mississippi’s own Gulf Coast. Whether you’re in need of aplace to take a date or a place to take a your energetic kids, Ship Islandis open and ready for you.

Ship Island Excursions offers ferry service to and from the island,which sits 11 miles off the coast. Founded in 1926 by Capt. PeterSkrmetta of Biloxi, the ferry business is still owned and operated by hisdescendants.

“There are other (boat) companies out there, but the Skrmetta familyhas the only one that is contracted with the park service,” said GregBivins, a Ship Island Excursions employee. “Everyone here takes greatpride in what we do.”

NATIONAL TREASUREPart of the Gulf Islands National Seashore, Ship Island is one of five

barrier islands off the coast of Mississippi. Tourists will be happy toknow that Ship Island is equipped with a boardwalk, picnic areas, a


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(228) 864-1014

Round Trip - $24Children 3-10 - $14Seniors 62+ - $22Military ID - $22

Group discounts and season passes are alsoavailable.

HOURS OF OPERATIONNow through Aug. 16:

Monday-Sunday:Departing Gulfport - 9 a.m. & noon

Departing Ship Island - 2:30 p.m. & 5 p.m.


Take U.S. 49 south to U.S. 90 in Gulfport.Cross U.S. 90 at the traffic light into theyacht harbor. The ferry boats dock at the

water’s edge on the right, next to the U.S.Coast Guard facility (large building with

red roof) on the south end of 23rd Avenue.

DID YOU KNOW...• Ship Island was once a larger, singleisland. It was split into East Ship Island andWest Ship Island in 1969 by HurricaneCamille

• In 1998, a mile of beach on East ShipIsland was destroyed by Hurricane Georges

• The island’s lighthouse was destroyed byHurricane Katrina in 2005

snack bar, fresh water showers and drinking water.“It’s really not primitive,” Bivins said. “There’s more to do on

Ship Island than any other barrier island.”Dolphins are often seen playing in the clear, green waters of the

Gulf of Mexico to the delight of their human spectators, who linethe rails of the ferry to watch them swim and somersault in theboat’s wake.

“People love the dolphins,” Bivins said. “There is a large popula-tion of dolphins and kids, especially, are fascinated by them.”

The island’s sand beaches are perfect for building sand castles,hunting for shells, relaxing and getting tan. Sunbathers are cau-tioned, however, to be wary of Ship Island’s infamous sunburns,and hats, sunglasses and sunblock are advised.

“Beach chairs and beach umbrellas are available for rent,” Bivinssaid. Small coolers are allowed, but glass containers are not.

Fishing is a favorite pasttime for the outdoorsy-types. Flounder,red drum and speckled trout are often caught.

With water temperatures reaching into the 80s in summer, theGulf of Mexico offers swimmers a great opportunity to enjoy thesurf. Lifeguards are usually available.

History buffs are sure to enjoy Fort Massachusetts. The Civil War-era brick structure is still intact despite the ravages of time andnature.

“Fort Massachusetts withstood Hurricane Katrina and the parkservice offers guided tours at no charge,” Bivins said.

OPEN FOR BUSINESSHurricane Katrina ravaged the Gulf Coast on Aug. 29, 2005.

Despite the heavy damage to the region, Ship Island Excursions andthe island park itself were back in business in the spring of 2006.

“We opened on time in 2006 and never missed a lick,” Bivins said.“We have seen an increase in business every year since we reopenedand so far that seems true for 2009.”

The company recently upgraded its Web site, which is also seeingan increase in traffic, said Kevin Buckle, the employee who main-tains the site.

“Web traffic is up 30-40 percent (since the upgrade), but a lot ofthat is due to the time of year,” Buckle said. “The Web site is animportant tool for our business, because Ship Island Excursions hasso much to offer.”

Ship Island Excursions offers half-day (4 1/2 hours) and full-day(7 hours) round-trips, and senior passes, military discounts, grouprates and season passes in addition to its regular fare. For moreinformation, contact the firm at www.msshipisland.com or call (228)864-1014.

A trip to Ship Island is really an affordable family outing, Bivinssaid. “The boat ride alone is worth the price of the ticket.”

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HOME & GARDEN | community garden

Iva Brown, co-chairof the EdwardsStreet FellowshipCommunity Center,and Vicky Ward, avolunteer, feelcalled to serve atthe CommunityCenter.

Mark Cooper, aHattiesburg HighSchool student, isvolunteering histime at the Centerthis summer.



Fresh and colorful vegetables go on top ofdrab cans of soup in boxes for needy families atthe Edwards Street Fellowship CommunityCenter. And the food couldn’t get more freshthan this - it was grown right there in the cen-ter’s community garden.

Master Gardener Harry Archer, who volun-teers his time tending to the lawn and grounds ofthe East Hattiesburg center, started the garden inJanuary with some young apple tree saplings.Archer, a retired forester, was able to start thegarden with some help.

“Some students at the University of SouthernMississippi needed a service project,” Archersaid. He had just the job for them. The trees gotplanted.

Soon after, members of Parkway HeightsUnited Methodist Church joined in the plans andpreparation for a community garden. Now, rowsof corn, okra, squash, crowder peas and potatoesare flourishing on the site. Blueberry bushes arespread out. Between those are sprawling water-melon vines. Behind the center, muscadinegrapes grab hold of wires strung between posts.

None of this space is fenced in except for a

small rectangular compost area in the back.The idea was to create an open garden to sup-

plement the center’s food pantry, to teach othershow to garden by example and to provide mean-ingful volunteer opportunities.

It’s about serving with hands and feet, said IvaBrown, co-chair of the center’s board of directors.

“It goes back to the Scripture,” Brown said.“Jesus asks Peter three times ‘Do you love me?’

“Peter tells Jesus three times, ‘Yes, I love you.’Jesus said, ‘Tend my lambs, feed my sheep.’That’s the basis of what we do. Jesus is the exam-ple.”

The garden is also about patience, disciplineand faith. Stubborn bamboo shoots have madeweeding chores difficult and poor drainage fromslightly elevated Edwards Street has washedaway some parts of the garden. That didn’t stopArcher or Brown. Archer got a tiller and applieddetermination while Brown rounded up morevolunteers.

“There’s something primal about working inthe dirt,” said Vicky Ward, a member at ParkwayHeights who volunteers at the garden. She saysit’s just the beginning of the project that she sees




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growing over time with morecommunity involvement andrespect.

The community garden hasbeen an outdoor classroom forchildren this summer. SundaySchool classes, Scouts and 4-Hgroups have weeded what did-n’t belong and planted seedsand young plants. They’ve alsolearned about serving othersand being responsible stewardsof the earth. Edwards StreetFellowship Center isHattiesburg’s district missionfor the Mississippi Conferenceof the United MethodistChurch. With about 130 church-es in the district, the centerdraws on food bank donationsfrom Bay Springs to Wiggins.

Once a United MethodistChurch, the dwindlingEdwards Street congregation

voted in the late 1970s to close,Brown said. Church leaders inthe district sought a use for thesite and eventually began anoutreach program there.

But it’s not just Methodistchurches that donate food tothe pantry or that volunteerservices.

“It’s ecumenical,” Brownsaid.

Sometimes even individualsnot associated with any partic-ular church drop off bags ofcanned goods. And the center’spantry is part of the MississippiFood Network, a distributor tofood banks in the state.

Volunteers have to drive toJackson to pick up food when itis available. While the food isfree, the center has to pay forshipping.

Finding money has turned

into a full-time job for Brown,an unpaid volunteer and aretired Southern Miss profes-sor. She applies for grants,plans fundraisers and examinesbudgets. The board soon willhire a director for the center,now housed in a new facilityacross the street from the oldchurch that closed in the 1970s.A grant from the AsburyFoundation largely paid for thenew facility.

“Food is just one aspect ofwhat we do,” Brown said.

The center is active with anexercise class for older womenand a Wednesday Bible studyand dinner. Day camps meetthere this summer and bringthe food issue back to the fore-front. One group of girls at thecenter one day earlier this sum-mer were asked by their teachers

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if they had breakfast that day.None of them had.

Ward’s Sunday School classat Parkway Heights is tacklinganother project at the center. Anold bakery shop on the site isjust being used for storage. Theclass would like to see it trans-formed into a health clinic.

“There is a real need in thecommunity for help with food,”Brown said. “A lot of childrenin our community go to bedhungry.”

With recent layoffs, a differ-ent kind of client is showing upfor help at the food pantry.Brown said most of the clientsbefore this year were singlemothers or elderly people.Now, traditional families arecoming for help.

A young mother recentlycame to shelter after her hus-band was laid off from his off-shore job. The couple had threechildren, including a prematureinfant.

“She had never been to afood pantry before,” Brownsaid. “We are seeing moreyoung people and young fami-lies.”

Budget cuts are affecting thecenter as well. Funds it getsfrom the Mississippi Conferenceof United Methodist Churchesare being cut by 10 percent thisyear and will gradually declinein coming years. A $10,000 giftfrom Jarden ConsumerSolutions this year has helpedthe operation, but the centerwill need to seek additionalsources.

Brown and Ward see thecommunity garden as a way tosupplement the pantry andmaybe to teach people to feedthemselves in a friendly, helpfulmanner that’s cost effective foreveryone.

A few acres nearby are forsale. The owner offered theadjacent land to the center for$20,000. Brown, Ward andArcher all want eventually tocultivate that land and growmore vegetables and expandwhat’s happening there now toa larger demonstration garden.

Archer also has plans for abutterfly garden on the site.There’s talk of a walking trailthat might meander through awoody patch of the property.

“Maybe we’ll plant more fruittrees next year,” Archer said.

Community gardeners growsquash, corn and watermelonto share with families in need.

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HOME & GARDEN | 1820’s cottage restored




INSET, Jane and BentonGibson stand proudly intheir newly renovatedcottage. The bar in thekitchen is made from theold flooring from the mid-dle hall which was toodamaged to salvage forflooring the hallway, butthere was enough goodwood to make the bar.The solid wooden pantrydoor next to the refriger-ator is the original backdoor of the house.

Opposite, the flooring inthe front entry is theoriginal heart pine foundin the four-room cottagefrom 1820.

SSweethearts since they were children – she was six and he was eight – the fun isstill there for Jane and Benton Gibson, now more than 50 years later and after 39years of marriage. This is the stuff that little girls dream about, and little boys growup saying: “Someday, when I grow up I’m going to restore an 1820 pioneer farm cot-tage, drive a 1932 model B Ford pickup truck, marry the girl I meet in the first grade,have four wonderful children, build a successful real estate business and live happilyever-after.”

The Gibson home on the banks of the Bogue Chitto River, in far eastern PikeCounty, was originally the four-room farm cottage built by Revolutionary War patriotPeter Quin and his wife, Judith, who settled on Section 22 in Holmesville in 1813 andbuilt the house sometime between then and 1820. Both Peter and Judith are buried in

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nearby Holmesville Cemetery along with several of their descendants. The Quinswere among the pioneer settlers of Pike County and Mississippi, coming here fromVirginia by way of land grants in the Carolinas. The local chapter of the Daughtersof the American Revolution is named for Judith Robinson Quin.

Jane and Benton Gibson were both reared in Logansport, La., and met in elemen-tary school, but as Jane says, “We did not begin dating until I was 14.” Benton wasengaged in the dairy farming business in Louisiana and again when they moved toFernwood from 1982 until 1994, after he bought out his father’s dairy business there.Along the way, he got into the real estate appraisal business and eventuallyobtained his broker’s license. Just last year, their United Country Gibson Realtyoffice was named No. 1 in the country.

They fell in love with the old Quin house many years ago, “But the people whoowned the house wouldn’t even consider selling it to us,” Jane said. “Benton keptworrying the Quin family members, writing them letters until I think they just final-ly gave in and let us have it.”

Benton wrote a contract that stipulated that the house be sold with all the furnish-ings, which is key to appreciating some of the current-day features of the restoredhome. The large mirror in the formal living room came with the house; the mantelthat surrounds the stove in the kitchen was originally around a fireplace in the din-ing room of the house. Benton said he walked in one day to find his contractor tak-ing a saw to his prized mantel. “What are you doing to my mantel? I asked him, andhe laughed, cut the legs off, and told me to just wait and see. He made these neathidden spice racks with them.”

The Gibsons bought the house in early 2006, spent about 18 months re-modelingand restoring it, and have now been living in it for about two years. They tore off anold addition to the original four-room cottage and added a large, open living-dining-kitchen area, with an inviting sleeping-breakfast porch on the south side.

“The tree that fell on the back during Katrina might have been the deciding factorfor them,” Benton said. “I think it was just too much for them to take on once thatdamage was done. Our sons thought we had lost our minds.” At that, they both laughed.

The chairs and wickercouch on the sleepingporch above, as well asthe beautiful large mirror,opposite top, were amongthe furnishings thatremained when theGibsons purchased thehouse.

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When they are not involved in church or civic activities, Jane paints, Benton gar-dens, and they have grown children and now grandchildren to occupy them. Thenthere are all those trips that they did not get to take when they were tied down bythe business and the dairy. But it is difficult to imagine them wandering too faraway from this Audubon-like paradise in old Holmesville.

Below, shades of blueand cream are reflectedby natural lighting beam-ing through the lovelycorner windows.

The Gibsons installed acopper sugar cane kettleon a side patio off thekitchen stairs with anold-fashioned waterpump as a feature.

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HOME & GARDEN | backyard oasis



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IIn the hustle and bustle of today’s world, it ispractically a necessity to have a private space tounwind alone or visit with close friends.Outdoor “rooms” have become increasingly pop-ular as an extension of a home’s interior.Combining indoor and outdoor spaces in a cohe-sive way not only adds value to a home, butgives the owner a relaxing get-away just secondsaway from their back door.

Two homeowners on Storm Avenue inBrookhaven have transformed their backyardsinto stunning private sanctuaries. One is a crisp

modern space, the other layered with traditionaldecorations and textures. Both are equally strik-ing and relaxing.

Stepping outside the back door of DarylDurr’s recently remodeled home, guests aregreeted by the soothing sounds of a gurglingwater feature.

“I was mostly concerned about having a foun-tain that I would be able to integrate into thegarden,” Durr said.

Freshly painted an earthy green, the outside ofhis home evokes a spa-like atmosphere. “I wanted


Guests are greetedby soothing soundsof a gurgling waterfeature in lush sur-roundings at DarylDurr’s newlyremodeled home.

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the garden to have a certain Zenfeeling and to have some uniformitywhen placing the plants,” Durr said.“My nephew, Bronson Durr, tookmy thoughts and made it all hap-pen.”

Adirondack chairs furnish a ter-race constructed of brick pavers setin sand, and provide a spot readyfor hours of reading or chattingwith friends. “The terrace took twoweeks to build and the garden sixdays to install,” Durr said.

Several established trees, sur-rounded by azalea bushes, giveshade on a hot day. “I wanted tokeep the azaleas to give a touch ofthe South,” Durr said. Rugged stonepaths trail around the garden andare a contrast to the soft ferns andornamental grasses Durr plantedabout the area.

An 8-foot decorative woodenfence encloses the space, givingcomplete privacy from the outsideworld and a play-space for his dog,Bailey. “Every chance I get I sit inmy backyard,” Durr said. “With therunning fountain you get a com-pletely peaceful feeling. I don’tknow who enjoys it more – me orBailey.”

Down the avenue, Lawrie Gulleyhas lovingly created a backyardsanctuary of her own, aptly namedWisteria Way. For nearly 50 years,Gulley has carefully tended her cot-tage-style garden. Entering the yardvia a breezeway between the mainhome and guest cottage, guests findthemselves in an outdoor room witha ceiling of wisteria vines trainedalong a white columned arbor.

Under an iron candle-lit chande-lier, a tablescape is set and ready forcozy dinner parties. Near a wall ofFrench doors overlooking the gar-den and centered between twocharming stone cherubs, an ivy cov-ered brick bench is an area forlounging.

A pebbled path frames the grassyyard and leads guests through thegarden of colorful daylilies andhydrangeas. Across the manicuredlawn, Gulley placed a trellis arch-way over an iron glider, making aperfect spot for bird watching.

Everyone needs a place to relax,pray and unwind. These homeown-ers have built restful outdoor sanc-tuaries, ready for relaxation no mat-ter what events the day may haveheld.

Lawrie Gulley’s cottage-style garden features awhite columned arborwith a ceiling of wiste-ria vines. Bricks, ivyand stone statuesenhance the garden’sappeal.

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ARTS | usm symphony orchestra








Christian Dior, Vera Wang, Diane von Furstenberg, Jimmy Choo, ManoloBlahnik – words that roll off the tongue of fashionistas and “Sex and theCity” fans alike. Each conjures up imaginative and bold creations, exquisitelocations and fantastic models. Every year, the in-crowd awaits their latestand greatest offerings. This year, couture is closer than you think. In asalute to the stunning vocals and impeccable style of opera diva RenéeFleming, The University of Southern Mississippi Symphony Orchestra pres-ents Couture – the 89th Season calendar.

A trendsetter itself, the Symphony has been lauded internationally as aninnovator both on and off the stage. This year, they’ve outdone themselves.Every spring, fans of the orchestra anxiously await their calendar that liststhe highlights of the season. It’s no small wonder that the greatest stars inthe musical world come to Mississippi again and again to perform with thisvenerable organization. This year, the musicians and renowned sopranoRenée Fleming open the university’s centennial celebration.

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Couture is the designing and making of high-qualityfashionable clothes by leading fashion houses. How doesthis relate to the symphony? As Dr. Mike Lopinto,Marketing and Educational Outreach Coordinator for theSymphony and the genesis of the concept for the calendarputs it, “Fleming embodies couture.” As a musician, herartistry has taken her all over the world. Known for hervoice, the “people’s diva” is also one of the world’s great-est fashionistas. Her gowns have been designed by AngelSanchez, Issey Miyake, Karl Lagerfeld, Bill Blass, VivienneWestwood, Gianfranco Ferré, Oscar de la Renta, JohnGalliano and Christian Lacroix. In 2001, She was added tothe “Best Dressed” list of famed American fashion critic,Mr. Blackwell. Couture epitomizes culture as the zenith offashionable society.

The calendar’s photographs are intriguing. Each settingentails designer gowns, stunning hair and make-up cou-pled with organic settings. A closer look reveals instru-ments of the symphony cleverly placed. On first glance itappears models, photographers and hair and make-upteams must have been flown around the world to capturethese stunning images. What makes this calendar evenmore special is that even looking closely, a person that isfamiliar with the area would most likely not recognize thesetting as Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Each model is a studentat Southern Miss or Hattiesburg local photographed in andaround the city.

To make this even more unbelievable, the project wasput together at literally no cost. All of the creative teamand models donated their time to the project. The loca-tions, clothing, and accessories were also gratis courtesy offriends and supporters of the symphony. Further, theprinting and mailing of the calendar was underwritten byVisit Hattiesburg and the symphony’s long time seasonsponsor BancorpSouth.

Taking several months to get every shoot just right,Lopinto, who also has a cameo in the October photo, alongwith photographer Danny Rawls and graphic designerWesley Stuckey, painstakingly crafted and sorted throughhundreds of possibilities and fought South Mississippiweather to produce this opus. As Danielle Hartfield, ownerof Headlines Salon and collaborator added, “This was achance for us to channel our creativity and hairstyling onanother level.” It has already met with popular and criticalacclaim that is the hallmark of the symphony.

“I started this project in November,” Lopino said, “seeking


The University of Southern Mississippi SymphonyOrchestra, the 2009 recipient of the Governor’s Awardfor Leadership, has announced the lineup for its 89thseason that will be highlighted by a performance ofinternationally acclaimed soprano Renée Fleming.

The opera star will be featured in a January 2010concert that will serve as the official debut event ofthe university’s Centennial celebration. Scheduled forThalia Mara Hall in Jackson, the concert will alsoshowcase the Southern Miss Symphony Orchestra andthe Mississippi Opera.

Dr. Jay Dean, music director for the symphony, hailsFleming as one of the “best of the best” in the classi-cal arena.

“Renée Fleming is the ‘Voice of the Century,’” saidDean. “For those who enjoyed our concert withPlacido Domingo, this is another event of that caliber,continuing our tradition of bringing the top artists ofthe world to Mississippi.”

As “the people’s diva,” Fleming continues to charmaudiences throughout the world with her vocal intelli-gence, musical grace, and voice of “liquid gold.” Herartistry has taken her to the world’s capitals and greatopera houses, captivating audiences everywhere shegoes.

The Jan. 10, 2010, concert will be the fourth col-laboration between Southern Miss and MississippiOpera since 2005.

“Renée Fleming is undoubtedly one of the mostfamous opera celebrities today,” said Elizabeth Buyan,executive director of Mississippi Opera. “To hear herlive in concert is an opportunity of a lifetime for manyof our patrons. We are thrilled to host an artist of hercaliber in Mississippi. She truly is the ‘voice of thecentury.’”

For more information: visit www.voiceofthecentury.net or call 800.MS.OPERA for tickets.

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OPENING NIGHT!Fashionable FirstsSept. 24, 2009 – 7:30 p.m.Bennett Auditorium

I Pagliacci and Gianni SchicchiOct. 20 and 22, 2009 – 7:30 p.m.Mannoni Performing Arts CenterAuditorium

Holiday Choral SpectacularDec. 1, 2009 – 7:30 p.m.Main Street Baptist Church

Centennial Opening CelebrationRenée Fleming*The Voice of the CenturyJan. 29, 2010 – 7:30 p.m.Thalia Mara Hall, JacksonFor tickets, call 601.960.2300 orvisit www.voiceofthecentury.net

WORLD PREMIERE! Future StarsFeb. 25, 2010 – 7:30 p.m.Bennett Auditorium

An American RequiemApril 8, 2010 – 7:30 p.m.Bennett Auditorium

Season Finale and World Premiere! The Beauty of the EarthMay 4, 2010 – 7:30 p.m.Bennett AuditoriumSponsored by BancorpSouth.

T I C K E T S800.844.8425 or 601.266.5418www.southernmisstickets.comIndividual and season tickets

available June 1.

out gowns for each month or event and thenmodels to wear them. In every aspect, eachperson I approached came on board themoment they heard the concept. That is thesuccess of this endeavor – the people both onthe pages and behind the scenes that bringideas to life. It’s the same as the symphony -great inspiration and the people that deliver itto an audience time after time.

“The university adopted the slogan‘Creative, Bold, Determined.’ I know the sym-phony and this calendar are all of those things.I hope this effort encourages someone to joinus at the symphony for the first time or themillionth time.”

Calendars were mailed to season ticket hold-ers in mid-May. Other arts devotees receivedtheirs shortly thereafter. To see the whole cal-endar and order tickets to all events, includingRenée Fleming, visitwww.usm.edu/symphony.


For more information, visit www.usm.edu/symphony.

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ARTS | ohr-o’keefe museum




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FFour metal helixes slowlyspiral out of the ground inBiloxi. The four tall pods twistslowly and reflect graceful yettormented oak trees. The seabreeze blows around the spiralsand what might have lookedout of place from the highwaysuddenly makes sense and fitsin this spot.

This is just the way cutting-edge architect Frank Gehryplanned the new Ohr-O’KeefeMuseum of Art now under con-struction.

“He wanted the pods todance with the trees,” said JulieGustafson, the museum’s devel-opment manager. “It’s notwithout its controversy.”

Gehry, famous for avant-

garde masterpieces such as theGuggenheim Museum in Bilboa,Spain, visited the Biloxi sitealmost 10 years ago and scrib-bled his vision of how the newmuseum would fit in the land-scape right across the highwayfrom the beach.

“They gave me a site filledwith live oak trees. You can’tbuild next to them or be in thedrip line,” Gehry told CharlieRose in a 2001 television inter-view.

So he chose to dance withthem.

The pods and the designs forthe other buildings in the muse-um complex are similar to thework of the Mad Potter ofBiloxi, George Ohr. The odd-

ness of the shapes and thedeceptively simple-lookingforms of both men might lookchildish at first, yet expertsconsider both artistic geniuses.Ohr and Gehry have a similarquality that is as whimsical as aDr. Seuss book.

The main building of themuseum complex was set toopen in just 11 months whenHurricane Katrina devastatedthe Gulf Coast and rammed theGrand Casino into the struc-ture. Not a single pot in thevaluable collection was lost, butconstruction of the new muse-um was set way back.Fundraising efforts had to startfresh not only to complete theproject but to rebuild some of it


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as well.For many on the Gulf Coast,

the new museum buildings rep-resent a renaissance of spirit,art and Biloxi attitude.

Ohr has been a Biloxi folklegend for more than a century.He hawked his goods like anycrafty salesman and was bril-liant about creating a brand.His long moustache and hissilly faces have been recognizedon the Gulf Coast for genera-tions. Besides being an odd bitof local folk history, Ohr wassomething much more on the

international scene.Many consider Ohr a father

of modern art. Some of his pot-tery looks like thin, gatheredfabric. Some pieces have anunusual glaze, some lookinglike exquisite Venetian glassrather than the clumpyMississippi clay Ohr minedhimself from theTchoutacabouffa River.

“You can’t replicate hisglazes,” Gustafson said.

Many potters have tried.English artist Jo Firth is onewho tries to recreate Ohr’s

enigmatic glaze but is still try-ing to pin down his process.During his lifetime, Ohr got soirritated with people askinghow he created his unusualglazes that he stopped glazinghis pottery altogether. Hecalled his unglazed earthen-ware “naked” pieces.

The shapes of Firth’s potteryare greatly influenced by Ohr,although she says she does notmake replicas of his work. She’sinterested in finding forms thatOhr didn’t find.

“I admire Ohr’s ideal of ‘no

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two the same’ and am strivingfor that in glaze treatment aswell as forms,” Firth wrote tothe museum staff recently.

Ohr has influenced others aswell.

“I loved his work. I loved hiswork,” Gehry stressed to Rose,who found the title of the MadPotter of Biloxi hilarious. Artcollectors think it’s a valuablelabel and Ohr’s pottery is high-ly sought in the art world.

Gustafson estimates Ohr cre-ated as many as 10,000 pieces ofpottery. Only about 400 are inthe museum’s collection. Mostare being stored safely in north-ern Mississippi. About 30 piecesare on display in the museum’stemporary home at 1596 GlennL. Swetman Drive.

The complex includes sixcomponents spread in severalstructures: Center for Ceramics,Pleasant Reed House, WelcomeCenter, contemporary artgallery, an African-Americanart gallery and the George Ohr

Gallery. The four metal podswill house the Ohr gallery andcapture his nature.

The Pleasant Reed House is areplica of an historic homedestroyed by Katrina. PleasantReed was a freed slave whobecame a successful business-man. His trade was carpentryand he built his family’s houseas well as many in the commu-nity.

Reed and Ohr were contem-poraries who probably interact-ed. It helps tell a complete storyabout Ohr and shows a city’swell-rounded nature.

“Biloxi was progressive,”Gustafson said.

After four years, the museumis finally settling insuranceclaims. This has allowed themuseum’s board of directors tobegin a new capital campaignto rebuild and complete thefive-building complex.

The goal is to raise $35 mil-lion, Gustafson said. It is possi-ble the museum would be com-

plete and open in 2011.The museum got off to a

good start with the vision andsupport of former Biloxi mayorJerry O’Keefe. In 1998, O’Keefeand his family donated $1 mil-lion to the museum that honorshis late wife, Annette.

Gustafson predicts travelersand artists will visit Biloxi justto see the latest Gehry build-ings. Architectural studentsfrom Tulane University in NewOrleans have already been by totour the construction site.

“The resumption of construc-tion of OOMA is the most sig-nificant construction projectaffecting the day to day lives ofour citizens since the Biloxi-Ocean Springs Bridge,” saidLarry Clark, president of themuseum board said last yearwhen a commitment was madeto complete Gehry’s vision.

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IN THE KITCHEN | grilling with st. john

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It all started with an Easy Bake Oven for this successful Hattiesburg restaurateur

and cookbook author

Grillin’ and Chillin’ WithRobert St. John

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weekly newspaper column, and a successful restaurant line, Robert St. John issmoking hot.

This summer, the Hattiesburg native is busy promoting “New SouthGrilling: Fresh and Exciting Recipes from the Third Coast,” along with hisspecialty seasonings and growing collection of custom products. His BloodyMary mix and rimming blend got a shout-out in 2008 from Oprah Winfrey’sO At Home magazine.

Perhaps because his fortune is hard-earned, there’s nothing pretentiousabout St. John. He’s a family guy who cooks up winning recipes as an A-listgrillmeister, yet he just might prefer to toss wieners and burgers on a 12-year-old rusty grill he refuses to discard.

Not bad for the man whose principal once said he would “never amountto anything.”

“The jury’s still out,” said St. John, with a hearty laugh that has becomehis signature Facebook expression. An open book by nature, St. John’sfriends know he must be “wed or dead” to put on a tie, and that he can eat alot in one sitting, grits excluded.

The younger of two sons born to Larry and Dinny St. John, he grew upwatching Batman, Captain Kangaroo and The Three Stooges. He rocked withThe Beatles and Herman’s Hermits and initiated his kitchen skills with anEasy Bake Oven. But when he was six, and learning how to ride a SchwinnStingray, St. John’s world was turned upside down. His father died. By thetime St. John entered the second grade, he was in a different house and anew school.

“My mom never remarried, so I was always the kid without a dad,” saidSt. John. “But I didn’t know the difference because I was so young when hedied. It’s all I knew. It didn’t do any good to walk around feeling sorry formyself.”

He found comfort in routine: church every Sunday, lunch at his grand-mother’s, backyard football, listening to the Rolling Stones, and fishing onthe Gulf Coast with his grandfather.

Turbulence hit during his teenage years. He “got wild,” he admitted,bought his first car from earnings as a radio station DJ, listened to LedZeppelin and Pink Floyd, “stepped up the wild behavior” and “went crazy”after high school. During a dark streak, his grandfather died, he totaled hisfirst car, was evicted from a trailer park, and got fired from a few ill-fittingjobs.

“I flunked out of college after a couple of years and took a job managing adeli,” St. John said. “It was my first restaurant job. I waited tables at anotherrestaurant at night. At 19 years old, I fell in love with the restaurant busi-ness and decided that I wanted to open my own restaurant one day. Sevenyears later, I opened the Purple Parrot Cafe.”

WWith a grilling cookbook fresh off the presses, a celebrated


There’s nothing preten-tious about St. John.He’s a family guy whocooks up winningrecipes as an A-listgrillmeister, yet he justmight prefer to tosswieners and burgers ona 12-year-old rusty grillhe refuses to discard.Not bad for the manwhose principal oncesaid he would “neveramount to anything.”

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Between heeding his calling and opening the Parrot in 1987,which includes the Mahogany Bar (The Hog), and Crescent CityGrill within New Orleans-flavored walls, St. John relocated toOmaha, Neb., then to Jackson, and finally back to Hattiesburg,where he took 21 hours per semester at the University of SouthernMississippi while also working two jobs waiting tables. A short-lived marriage led to a stint in Florida. Then he met Jill, his truelove and soul mate. After they married, he focused on entrepre-neurial interests.

“I was attracted to owning my own business because I wouldhave some degree of autonomy and I could wear whatever I want-ed to work,” he said. “I work in shorts and T-shirts through thesummer, and jeans in the winter. Comfort is a big thing with me.”

While on the learning curve of the restaurant business, St. Johnopened and sold a bar in Jackson, “made a risky foray into thecatering business and lost a lot of money,” he said, opened a livemusic club and “assumed that I had life figured out.” Then heclosed the club and opened a fish house. In between businessdeals, he returned to Southern Miss to finish up two lingeringclasses required for an undergraduate degree and graduated in2000.

St. John picked up a pen and discovered another calling. Hebegan writing a weekly food column infused with a good dose ofhumor for the Hattiesburg American; it was soon syndicatedacross the Southeast. He self-published his first cookbook, “ASouthern Palate,” which sold thousands of copies. Book deals fol-lowed, including a rare three-book contract with Hyperion. Alongthe way, he befriended artist Wyatt Waters, a frequent collabora-tor.

“My editor in New York says that she likes my ‘voice,’” said St.John, shaking his head in amazement. “I’d agree that I write with adifferent ‘voice,’ but doesn’t everyone? It’s the only one I have. It’smade up of all of my experiences from the time I was a kid untilnow. Everyone draws from different experiences.”

Parenting and traveling are among those experiences. Withdaughter Holleman about to hit puberty, son Harrison in elemen-tary school, and two dogs (Atticus and Bear) in tow, St. John oftenhits the road with his family. “They’re at the age where they’drather be with their mom and me than with their friends,” he said.“That’s not going to last much longer, so I’m enjoying everymoment and soaking it all in.”

For now, he and Jill are adding destinations to their travel wishlist for the time their children are in college, when he also plans tohuddle over the computer to hash out more fiction. Perhaps bythen, he’ll have life all figured out, an elusive goal he’s “wonder-ing if I ever will” meet.

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Center-cut beef tenderloin, 3 1/2-4 pounds1 1/2 tablespoon Steak Seasoning2 tablespoons freshly cracked black pepper1 recipe Chive-Tarragon Mayonnaise

Coat the surface of the tenderloin with the SteakSeasoning and cracked black pepper. Allow sea-soned tenderloin to sit at room temperature 1hour before grilling.Sear tenderloin over medium direct heat until it iswell marked, about 15 minutes, turning one quar-ter of a turn every 4-5 minutes. Continue cookingover medium indirect heat until desired donenessis reached, 15-20 minutes for medium rare.

Remove from the grill and allow tenderloin to restfor 6-7 minutes before slicing.Slice the tenderloin into 1/2 inch-thick slices andserve with Chive-Tarragon Mayonnaise. Makes 10-12 portions.


1/2 cup red wine vinegar1/2 cup white wine2 tablespoons orange juice3 tablespoons minced shallots1 tablespoon minced fresh garlic3 tablespoons dried tarragon2 egg yolks2 teaspoons Dijon mustard1 teaspoon kosher salt1 1/2 cups canola oilWarm water as needed1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper1/4 cup thinly sliced fresh chives

Place vinegar, wine, orange juice, shallots, garlicand tarragon in a small sauce pan. Simmer overmedium heat until mixture has reduced by 75 per-cent. Remove from the heat and cool.

Place the egg yolks, mustard and salt in a stain-less steel mixing bowl. Beat with a wire whisk for2-3 minutes. Add in half of the tarragon reductionand slowly begin drizzling in the oil, constantlywhipping the mixture. As the mayonnaise beginsto thicken, add the remaining tarragon reduction,and continue to whisk in the oil. If the mixturebecomes too thick, add 1-2 teaspoons of warmwater.Add pepper and chives, and store refrigerateduntil needed. Makes 2 cups.


1/2 cup Lawry’s Seasoned Salt3/4 cup freshly ground black pepper1/4 cup lemon pepper seasoning2 tablespoons garlic salt2 tablespoons granulated garlic1 tablespoon onion powder

Combine all the ingredients and mix well. Store inan airtight container. Makes 1 1/3 cups.


1/2 cup Lawry’s Seasoned Salt2 tablespoons onion powder2 tablespoons paprika1 tablespoon cayenne1 tablespoon white pepper1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon garlic powder1 tablespoon freshly ground black pepper

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1 teaspoon dry mustard1 teaspoon dry oregano1 teaspoon dry thyme

Combine all ingredients. Makes 1 cup.


3 full racks of pork spareribs, 3-4 pounds each2 cups white vinegar1/2 cup paprika1/4 cup garlic powder2 tablespoons onion powder1 tablespoon freshly ground black pepper2 tablespoons kosher salt1/4 cup brown sugar1/3 cup sugar1 tablespoon Creole Seasoning1 recipe BBQ Sauce

Place the ribs in a large roasting pan or bakingdish and pour the vinegar over the ribs. Using yourhand, rub all of the ribs with the vinegar andallow them to marinate for 1 hour. Drain the vine-gar and dry each rack completely with paper tow-els.

Combine the spices, sugars and Creole Seasoningand coat the ribs completely with the mixture.Cover and refrigerate overnight.

Prepare the grill. Cook the ribs over indirect lowheat for 2 1/2-3 hours or until they begin to pullaway from the tips of the bones and the entirerack bends easily when held in the middle with apair of tongs.Serve ribs dry with BBQ Sauce on the side. Makes6-8 servings.


2 tablespoons bacon fat2 tablespoons dehydrated onions2 teaspoons minced fresh garlic1/4 cup brown sugar1/4 cup sugar1/4 cup molasses2 cups chicken stock1 quart ketchup1 1/2 tablespoons freshly ground black pepper1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper2 tablespoons dry mustard2 tablespoons lemon juice1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce1/2 cup balsamic vinegar

1/2 cup cider vinegar

Preheat oven to 300 degrees.In a 3-quart Dutch oven, heat the bacon fat overlow heat. Add the dehydrated onions and garlicand cook for 3-4 minutes. Stir in the remainingingredients and place the sauce in the oven. Bakefor 2 hours, stirring every 15 minutes.

Use to baste ribs during the last hour of cookingor serve on the side. Makes 8-10 servings.

St. John’s “New South Grilling” is available inarea bookstores and specialty shops. For addi-tional information, visit www.robertstjohn.com.

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COVINGTON COUNTYMitchell Farms, 605 Leaf River ChurchRoad, Collins; (601) 765-8609.

JONES COUNTYTaylor Farms, 3510 Augusta Road,Ellisville; (601) 583-1448. Call for hoursand directions.

McDonald Blueberry Farm, Sandersville;(601) 428-1920; call for hours and direc-tions, open Monday-Saturday, Sunday byappointment.

PEARL RIVER COUNTYPearl River Blues Berry Farm: 24 CurtRester Road, Lumberton; (601) 796-9800.Certified organic farm. Open 7 a.m. untilsundown daily. Call for directions.

S&M Blueberries: 2629 Jackson LandingRoad, Picayune; (601) 799-5570. Openfrom 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily.

Blue Tara PYO Blueberry Farm: 257Langnecker Road, Poplarville; (601) 403-8272. Certified organic.

PIKE COUNTYRoute One Nursery, 2158 Lloyd HamiltonRoad, McComb; (601) 684-9609.


1 (18 1/4-ounce) box butter cake mix1 (8-ounce) carton cream cheese,softened1/2 cup oil3 eggs, beaten1 (15-ounce) can whole blueberries

Beat cake mix, cream cheese, oil andeggs with electric mixer until smooth.Add blueberries and stir by hand untilmixed. Bake in greased and flouredBundt pan at 350 degrees for one hour.


1 cup shortbread cookie crumbs3 tablespoons butter, melted1 cup lemon curd1 cup frozen whipped topping, thawed2 cups blueberries

Mix cookie crumbs and melted butter.Layer 2 tablespoons crumb mixture intoeach of four parfait glasses. Then layerwith 2 tablespoons lemon curd, 2 table-spoons whipped topping, and 1/4 cupblueberries in each glass, repeating lay-ers until glasses are full. Keep chilleduntil serving time.


1 (7-ounce) package blueberry muffinmix2/3 cup milk1/2 ripe banana, mashed1/4 cup chopped nuts1/4 cup quick-cooking or instant oat-meal

Mix all together. Pour into nine greasedmuffin cups; bake in preheated 425degree oven 14-17 minutes.


2 1/2 cups blueberries3 cups sugar1/3 cup orange juice1 tablespoon lemon juice1/2 (3-ounce) bottle fruit pectinWash blueberries and drain. Crush blue-berries in an enamel or stainless steelsaucepan. Mix sugar, orange juice andlemon juice; add to pan. Boil hard forone minute, stirring constantly. Removefrom heat, and stir in pectin. Seal inhot sterilized jelly jars. Refrigerate.

WWhen you think of blueberries, muffins automatically come to mind, butthe versatile little berry is delicious in everything from pancakes and cobblerto bread pudding. Turn them into jam and spread on toast, or make blueberrysyrup and enjoy over shortcake with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Layer themwith shortbread cookies, lemon curd and whipped topping to make a parfait,or bake them into a pound cake, like my grandfather used to do.

Blueberries are such a popular crop in South Mississippi - from backyardbushes to pick-your-own farms - that Poplarville even hosts a blueberry festi-val each June.

Here are four quick and easy but delicious blueberry recipes from “Best ofthe Best 500 Fast & Fabulous Five-Star 5-Ingredient Recipes,” by Gwen McKeeand Barbara Mosely, “the cookbook ladies” from Brandon’s Quail Ridge Presswho have sold hundreds of thousands of cookbooks on QVC.



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Here’s an incredible and satisfyingrecipe for when tomatoes are inseason.

2 pounds tomatoes, chopped1 onion, chopped1/2 teaspoon minced garlic1 tablespoon dried basil leaves1/3 cup olive oilSalt and pepper to taste1 (16-ounce) package vermicellipasta1 cup shredded reduced-fatCheddar cheese, optional

1. In large bowl, mix tomatoes,onion, garlic, basil, olive oil, salt,and pepper together. Let stand atroom temperature for 1 hour.

2. Cook vermicelli according topackage directions, omitting anyoil and salt. Drain, toss with sauce.Sprinkle with cheese, serve. Makes8 servings.

Terrific tidbit: Always cook pastauncovered at a fast, continuousboil so that the pasta can movefreely and will cook more evenly.The rapid boil also helps to pre-vent sticking.


The flaky crust topped withsautéed golden onions, goatcheese, tomatoes and basil createsa bold-flavored snack. These tartsare also great served with soup ora salad.

1 tablespoon olive oil4 cups thinly sliced onions,halved1 teaspoon minced garlic

Salt and pepper to taste3 tablespoons white wine1/2 teaspoon dried thyme leaves1 (17.3-ounce) package puff pas-try sheets, thawed3 ounces crumbled goat cheese(use Mediterranean if available)3 Roma tomatoes, thinly sliced3 tablespoons coarsely choppedfresh basil leaves or 1 tablespoondried basil leaves2 teaspoons grated Parmesancheese

1. Preheat oven to 425°F.

2. In large nonstick skillet, heatolive oil over medium heat, sautéonions and garlic 15–20 minutes,stirring frequently, until onions aregolden brown. Salt and pepper totaste. Add wine and thyme, contin-ue cooking another 5 minutes.Remove from heat.

4. Unfold each puff pastry sheeton lightly floured surface, roll intothin rectangle. Using 3-inch cutteror glass, cut circles from eachsheet of pastry, saving the scrapsfor another use.

5. Transfer rounds onto bakingsheet, prick each round with fork.Divide onion mixture evenlybetween each of rounds. Sprinklerounds with goat cheese, top withtomato slice. Sprinkle with basil,salt and pepper ending withParmesan cheese.

6. Spray nonstick cooking spray onrounds. Bake 15–20 minutes or untilpastry is golden brown. Serve warmor at room temperature. Makes 18rounds.

Terrific Tidbit: Use the extra pastryto pat into a round and top withextra cheese, tomatoes, spinach, oranything else you having lyingaround to create your own pizza.

Cookbook author Holly Clegg shares her favorite tomato recipes

TThere’s nothing like a home-grown tomato. The store-boughtkind will do in a pinch, but theflavor’s just not as intense as thekind grown in your own back-yard. And with summer here andmany Americans planting back-yard gardens this year because ofthe high cost of food, who could-n’t use a few new recipes callingfor these sweet, juicy, versatiletreats?

Holly Clegg of Baton Rouge, La.,author of the Trim & Terrificseries of cookbooks, shares a fewof her best tomato recipes. Formore of her recipes, go to herWeb site, www.hollyclegg.com.

Whether you grow your own,buy them at the farmer’s marketor get a bag full from a friendwith a bumper crop, it’s tomatotime.


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1 1/2 cups sugar6 tablespoons cornstarch1 1/2 cups boiling water3 tablespoons butter4 tablespoons lemon juice1 1/2 tablespoons grated lemon rind3 eggs, separatedPinch cream of tartar2 tablespoons sugar

Mix sugar and cornstarch together in top of dou-ble boiler. Blend in boiling water, cook overdirect heat, stirring constantly, until mixturethickens and boils. Then set over boiling waterand cook 10 minutes, stirring constantly.Separate eggs. Beat egg yolks slightly, thenblend into them some of the thickened mixture,then blend the egg yolks mixture into the corn-starch mixture in the double boiler. Blend inbutter and lemon juice, then remove from theboiling water and cool. After all has cooked, putthe boiler back on the heat and cook about 2minutes. Stir constantly. Beat egg whites, creamof tartar and sugar until stiff peaks form. Pourfilling into pie crust while hot and top withmeringue and bake at 375 degrees until peaksbrown, about 10-12 minutes. Cool completelybefore slicing.


1 1/2 cups white corn syrup1 cup light brown sugar3 eggs1/8 teaspoon salt1 cup chopped pecans1/2 cup butter

Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Cook brown sugarand corn syrup on stove slowly for 5 minutes,stirring constantly. Remove from heat. Beat eggsand add slowly to hot mixture, stirring all thetime. Add butter, salt and nuts. Pour into panlined with unbaked pastry. Bake 15 minutes.Reset oven dial to 325 degrees and bake 25-30minutes.


1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour3/4 cup shortening3 tablespoons tap water1/2 teaspoon salt

Mix shortening, flour and salt in large bowl. Usepastry blender or knives and mix shortening andflour together until it is about the size of peas.Add water and mix and roll out on a flouredboard. Place into pie pan and top with filling.


MMy mother was a terrific cook, but my grandfa-ther, George Anderson, was the real chef in the fami-ly. He worked all day as an electrician, then wouldcome home and cook a delicious meal for the family.On Sundays, he made a big, traditional Southernmeal, with a main course, a couple of side vegetablesand dessert. He cooked everything from scratch, andhe even made his own mayonnaise for potato salad.

He loved to make pralines and divinity, but hewas legendary for his pies. Lemon, coconut, choco-late, pecan - he made them all, including the light,flaky crust.

When he died in 2002, I inherited his recipe box.It’s a cherished gift from a man who showed his lovethe best way he knew how - through the food he lov-ingly prepared.


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PARTING WORDS | life in south mississippi

Some things never change. As the school yearslowed to a halt, I listened patiently to my eight-year-old son, Nathan, who counted down thedays until summer every morning on the way toschool. I’m somewhat…ahem…older than mylate-in-life surprise baby, but I can still remem-ber getting spring fever when summer vacationapproached.

Some things do change, though. Nathan’sexpectations for a fabulous summer do notremotely resemble mine from days gone by. Forexample, he’ll probably want me to drive to theBayou View Park, a child’s paradise in Gulfportfilled with gazebos, new picnic tables, and bikingtrails lined with carefully-placed azaleas; and ofcourse, there’s the state-of-the-art playgroundequipment: curving slides, a simulated rock-climbing wall, and a wobbly bridge that doesn’tactually go over a body of water. He’ll also wantto go to the pool at Bayou Bluff and buy popsi-cles from Winn Dixie and play video games pasthis bedtime.

What was I looking forward to four decadesago? First of all, I had no summertime expecta-tions of being “driven” anywhere. My banana-seat bicycle was my ticket to town, and like myfriends, I rode it distances I would be terrifiedfor my own kids to travel today. Our “bikingtrails” were roadsides and alleys and well-wornshortcuts through the woods in my WestGulfport neighborhood. It was still scenic,though, even without professional landscaping.Grandma-tended hydrangeas and knobby-trunk-ed crepe myrtles brightened our daily jaunts.Honeysuckle grew wild from rusting chain linkfences, and we all mastered the art of pulling the

style and stig-ma just right,to force outthat tinydroplet of sweet nectar.

State-of-the-art playground equipment? Ha!We were in heaven with a five-foot tall mound ofdirt and a tire inner tube. In the SouthMississippi heat, we’d play “King of theMountain” for hours and then roll that innertube until it hopefully found a cool swimminghole, which in our locale was likely the Gulf of

Karen and brother Tom shared many a lazy summer with theirfour-legged friend.



Evolution of theSouthern Summer

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Mexico, just a few blocks from my home.The heat is, indeed, something to contend with

in the Deep South - whether it’s 1969 or 2009. Myson and I share in common the love of a goodpopsicle to beat the heat; it’s just that I neverbought mine from a big grocery store chain. I’ma little sad for my kids that they’ve missed outon the experience of the neighborhood grocerystore. “Mr. Breaux’s” was where we bought ourpopsicles, fresh-sliced bologna, and cold Barq’sRoot Beers in diamond glass bottles.

It was also possible to buy “Prince Albert in acan” at Mr. Breaux’s, and the thin, tiny papers to“roll your own.” The plain white pipe cleanersbehind the counter were not for arts and crafts; afew dapper fellows in West Gulfport smokedtobacco pipes and used pipe cleaners to … well… clean pipes! I mention tobacco because I pur-chased it nearly every day. Yep, you heard right- at less than 10 years old I made regular trips toMr. Breaux’s to fetch Winston cigarettes for my

Grandaddy. No one batted an eye.“Bull,” Maurice Breaux’s brother, was a fixture

by the Coca-Cola ice chest, and he frequentlygreeted me in his French Cajun accent: “Where’syou leedle brudder?” My “leedle brudder,” Tom,was a preschooler, and yes, it was not unusualfor me to escort him across the streets and rail-road tracks so he could spend his daily dime ona Snickers bar. The mere thought of Nathansauntering down roads and crossing tracks with-out adult supervision makes me queasy. Howdid we survive our free run of the roads?

For that matter, how did we survive our toys?I’m sure every toy Nathan owns has beenthrough a rigorous series of safety testing. In the‘60s, we were the human guinea pigs for everytoy anyone dreamed up. “Clackers” comes tomind - two heavy glass balls on a string that wewould swing rapidly to produce a marvelous,rhythmic clacking noise. Never mind the bustednoses, foreheads, and fingers - those things werea blast! Tom was a big fan of another toy-won-der, Mattel’s Wizzzer (that’s no typo - three z’s),a super-spinning gyroscopic top. A mesmerizingcommercial enticed us all to experience the manywondrous tricks we could perform includingspinning it on top of our own heads. Tom triedthat and instantly lost a plug of hair about thesize of a silver dollar! Hard to be too critical ofmy young son’s injury-proof video games.

My husband, Bryan, who has lived the samesort of summers as me, recently introducedNathan to the joys of honeysuckle. I wasn’t therewhen he had his first nip of nectar, but Bryantold me he seemed mildly fascinated. I had ahard time imagining how the little trick couldmake much of an impression on a child whoselife is filled with high-tech toys and big-screenspecial effects. But Nathan brought the incidentup on his own as I was driving him home on oneof his last days of school.

“Mom,” he said, “Dad showed me the coolesttrick with this flower called honeysuckle. Haveyou ever pulled its string to taste the sweetstuff?” Several hundred times, I thought.

Some things never change.

Karen with son Nathan

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