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Page 1: Accounting theory and accounting research

Accounting Theory and Accounting Research

Nyoman Ardiantha Putera R.M./344132Muhammad Heickal Pradinanta/350168

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Scientific Method

• A body of technique for investigating Phenomena, acquiring new knowledge, or correcting and integrating previous knowledge. A theory, that must contain a basic set of premises (assumptions or postuiates)

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Research Approaches

• Deductive Reasoning: Logical reasoning is used.

eg: Premise 1= Snakes are reptilesPremise 2= Reptiles are cold-

blooded Conclusion= Snakes are cold-


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• Inductive Reasoning: analyzing the logic of a set of sentences not simply by its internal logic.

Eg: The cost of goods was $2.00. The cost of labor was $1.00. The sales price is $6.00 per unit; so the item always provides good profit.

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Normative (prescriptive) Theory• Employ a value judgement, containing

at least one premise saying that this is the way things should be

eg: Conceptual frameworkDeductive system are often normative.

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Descriptive Theory• Attempt to find relationships that

actually exist. Inductive approaches usually attempt to be descriptive

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Global and Particularistic

Theories• Global (macro) theories

Deductive reasoning

• Particularistic (micro) theories Inductive reasoning

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Directions in Accounting Research1. Decision-model approach2. Capital market research3. Behavioral research4. Agency theory5. Information economics6. Critical accounting

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The Decision-Model Approach

• Asks what information is needed for making decisions

• Does not ask what information users want• Orientation is normative and deductiveThe main decisions embraced by the decision-model approach:1. Enabling the user to better predict future cash flows2. Analyzing the efficiency and effectiveness of


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Capital Market Research

• Efficient-Markets Hypothesis (EMH) : market prices reflect fully all publicly available information

• EMH has significant implications for accounting

• Difficult

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Behavioral Research• Focus on how users of accounting

information make decisions and what information they need

• This approach is descriptive or positiveDivided into 2 types:1. Behavioral2. experimental

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Agency Theory• Deductive/Inductive• Enterprise as the locus or intersection

point for contractual-relationships (eg: management, owners, creditors, and government).• Concerned with various cost of

monitoring and enforcing relations among the group.

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Information Economics

• Analytical/deductive• To determine how contractual

arrangement incentives and risk sharing can be negotiated

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Critical Accounting• Concerned with the active social role of

accountant• An Amalgamation of public interest

accounting and social accounting

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