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Page 1: Achieving excellence gen towards building a continuous improvement culture

Kuwait, May 2013

Dr. Mohamed Rabie Elsheikh

[email protected]

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And now we’re certified

Got the certificate …

Let’s celebrate

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And now we’re certified

• Now we can have some rest …

When will be the next audit??

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Starting your journey

Do you really need the certificate? Why??

The most forgotten question

Whatever the reason is, we must have it in ….. Months

Everyone is putting lot of efforts … to meet requirements

How many people/teams/departments are involved?

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Your performance??

Financial results

Market share

Customers’ complaints


Employees’ turnover


Cooperation between departments

Blame game Signs of troubles

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Improve Performance??

Current status

Required status


P (














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Need to Change??

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We’re just starting our journey towards EXCELLENCE

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So What's after ISO?

Process Reengineering

Six Sigma



Balanced scorecard


ERP/process automation

Excellence Models (EFQM, MBQA)

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Incremental vs. Radical Improvement

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PDCA Cycle




Continuous Improvement Cycle

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PDCA Cycle Continuous improvement:

the heart of all performance improvement efforts.

Are we grapping the fruits of such systems?

(Back to the Basics)

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Continuous Improvement Cycle





1- Focus on priorities – Strategic/Operational (Do the right things)

2- Do things right the first time

(Right people, culture, processes, systems, etc.)

4- Share Lessons Learned & Success

Stories Reward & Celebrate

3- Measure (soft & hard), Evaluate &


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Where to start?

What methodology/technique to use?

sources of improvement

Identify your priorities

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Sources of improvement




Top management

Financial results

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Identify your priorities

The 80 / 20 rule

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Customer Focus

Start with customer related issues: Complaints



Value differentiators

GREAT Customer Experience

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Why focus on customers?

Will Customers pay more for great service??

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Return on Investment (ROI) for Customer experience

Customers will pay more for great service

85% of respondents stated they would be willing to pay up to 25% more to ensure a superior customer experience.

55% became a customer of a company because of their reputation for great customer service.

55% are willing to recommend a company due to outstanding service, more so than product or price.

Acquiring a customer can cost up to 5 times more than retaining a current one.

(survey conducted online within the United States between June 30-July 2, 2010 among 2,217 adults (aged 18 and over) by Harris Interactive)

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Who is responsible for continuous improvement?



Project Management



Everyone in the organization should work to continuously improve performance to achieve Excellence

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Why do we need to

get people involved?

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Employees engagement drives business results

Engagement data from over 360,000 employees at 40 companies over a three year period

Towers Perrin study

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How to get people involved?

Build the case for change (WHY??)

Involve them in design & planning

What’s in it for me (WIFM)??

Win-win (Appreciation)

KPIs-make improvement part of people KPIs

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Sustaining continuous improvement culture

Excellence in everything we do

Become core value in our culture

Greater ….. Faster ….. Smarter

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What type of work environment we need to create?



No closed doors






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Getting Top management buy-in


Do you talk the same language?? $ (Revenue, Profit, etc.)

Growth & Market Share

Value for Shareholders

Be part of periodical reports Dashboard

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Zappos Delivering Happiness (customers and employees)

“People may not remember exactly what you did or what you said, but they will always remember how

you made them feel.” Tony Hsieh – CEO

Zappos is a service company that happens to sell clothing, shoes, handbags, eyewear, watches (and eventually a bunch of other stuff).

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The Ritz-Carlton Experience

The Ritz-Carlton Hotel is a place where the genuine care and comfort of our guests is our highest mission.


At The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C., "We are Ladies and Gentlemen serving Ladies and Gentlemen." This motto exemplifies the anticipatory service provided by all staff members.

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Zain Experience

Compelling vision (3x3x3)

5 Fs as an integral part of corporate HR strategy: (Future, Freedom, Fun, Fortune, Family)

I have a dream (We’re making history)

Brand cultural values (Radiance, Heart and Belonging) – One culture

Zain Bahrain as an example

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So how to start? The way forward

Focus on 2 -3 strategic initiatives in your org.

Find your supporters in other departments (win-win)

Ask them how you can work together to achieve


Select your best people to contribute in this project

Measure your value added & make it part of

periodical reporting system for top management

Promote success stories in the organization – let

others talk about team success

Always ask for feedback & learn from mistakes

Celebrate success & reward achievers.

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The Journey to Excellence


Excellence Culture Organization

Quality Competitive Organization

Quality Conscious Organization

Quality Conformance Organization

ISO 9001

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It’s your choice

Engaging employees in the journey towards Excellence

OR ……

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And now, what are your options?

The Journey to Excellence has NO end


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