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  • 8/18/2019 ACS880 Presentation v 2014-01-15


    New ABB industrial drivesName, department/event, date

    The all-compatible drive series

  • 8/18/2019 ACS880 Presentation v 2014-01-15


    © ABB Group

     April 25, 201 ! "lide 2

    #ntroductionNew ABB industrial drives $ the A%"&&0 series

    'ow could one drive series

    o((er the most optimal choice

    (or virtuall) an) process,

    all A% motors and

    all users in an) businessand all environments*

  • 8/18/2019 ACS880 Presentation v 2014-01-15


    © ABB Group

     April 25, 201 ! "lide +

    New ABB industrial drives Another step (orward to simpli() )our world

    "A#  A%"00 A%"&00 A%"&&0

    All-compatibledrives architecture

    Enhanced DTC

    Direct Torque Control (DTC)

    First A industrial drives

    The new A%"&&0 drives continue

    the lon heritae o( ABB industrial drives.

    Compact desi!n

  • 8/18/2019 ACS880 Presentation v 2014-01-15


    © ABB Group

     April 25, 201 ! "lide /

     A%"&&0 industrial drives"impli()in )our world without limitin )our possibilities

  • 8/18/2019 ACS880 Presentation v 2014-01-15


    © ABB Group

     April 25, 201 ! "lide 5

     All-compatible in all directionsNew common drives architecture drivin ease-o(-use

    #ntuitive user inter(aces settin a new benchmar

    perate drive in )our lanuae

    #mprove machine sa(et)

    New innovations to simpli()

    all operations

    Built-in (eatures improve ener) e((icienc)

    educe ener) usae and %2 emissions

    Better control o( processes reduces waste

    3atest technolo) cut operatin costs

    and boosts productivit) 3i(e c)cle services protect )our


    4tensive product and services

    o((erin (or all )ou ma) need

    Broad power rane up to 6

    7oltae rane up (rom 200 to 80 7

    %ompatible with virtuall) all A%


    9remium motor control with :T% ;leible connectivit)

    "er#ect match #or $our process

    %upportin! $our business%ave ener!$

    and environment

    Eas$ and sa#e operation

  • 8/18/2019 ACS880 Presentation v 2014-01-15


    © ABB Group

     April 25, 201 ! "lide

    'uman all-compatible

    &a'e $our li#e eas$ 

    New user inter(aces and man) innovations

    (or straiht-(orward drive commissionin, use

    and maintenance.

    %pea' $our lan!ua!e

  • 8/18/2019 ACS880 Presentation v 2014-01-15


    © ABB Group

     April 25, 201 ! "lide

    9rocess all-compatible drives

    Are plu!-in-read$ to $our process

    "upport virtuall) an) A% motor.

    %onnectivit) to all automation networs

    and remote monitorin solutions.

    7arious enclosures and coolin alternatives.

    Broad power rane up to 6.

    6ide voltae rane (rom 200 to 80 7.

    %cale to #it per#ectl$ to $our application

    9remium motor control with :T% even without

    a (eedbac device.

    6ide rane o( built-in and optional (eatures.

    ead)-made application control prorams.

    9rorammin (leibilit) with eas)-to-use tools.

    :rive application prorammin based on

    #4% 11+1-+

     A per(ect match (or )our process with drives that

  • 8/18/2019 ACS880 Presentation v 2014-01-15


    © ABB Group

     April 25, 201 ! "lide &

    Business all-compatible drives

    ro $our bottom line

    educe operatin costs with optimal process control.

    3atest technolo) boosts productivit) to a new level.

    Are bac'ed up b$ our !lobal team

     ABB and our third part) channel companies

    support )our business locall) and loball).

    3i(e c)cle services protect )our investment

    and eep process runnin.

    elon! to A*s e+tensive product o##erin!

    ;ull rane o( products (or all automation needs.

    Are read$ to ta'e a lon! ourne$ ith $ou

    'ih process reliabilit) with robust industrial desin.

    4ver) drive is tested be(ore it leaves our (actor).

    "tron support (or )our business with drives that

  • 8/18/2019 ACS880 Presentation v 2014-01-15


    © ABB Group

     April 25, 201 ! "lide 8

    4nvironment all-compatible drives

    se ever$ att e##icientl$

    Built-in ener) e((icienc) (eatures, such as the

    ener) optimi=er, cut down ener) usae.

    %ompatible with s)nchronous reluctance motors

    o((erin hih e((icienc) motor and drive pacaes.

    "ave up to &0C o( ener) b) reducin motor

    speed to match process re>uirements.

    %upport $our eco-strate!$

    'ih e((icienc) and reduced %2 emissions

    supportin )our eco-strate).

    %alculate possible ener) savins with ener)

    appraisal process.

    .educe aste #or $ou

    #mprove production >ualit) and cut down waste.

    educe environmental impact with drives that

  • 8/18/2019 ACS880 Presentation v 2014-01-15


    © ABB Group

     April 25, 201 ! "lide 10

    #ntroducin the sinle drives A%"&&0 sinle drives, 0.55 to +200 6, 2+0 to 80 7

    %abinet-built and wall-mountedsinle drives with man) (rame si=es.

    7er) compact and robust desin

    6ide rane o( (eatures and options

    arine certi(ied D

      A%"&&0-01D t)pe appoved

      A%"&&0-0D marine construction option

    ;or all environmentsD A%"&&0-01D #921 as standard and #920, #955 as optional

     A%"&&0-0D #922, #9/2 and #95/

     A%"&&0-1D #922, #9/2 and #95/

     A%"&&0-+D #922, #9/2 and #95/

    6all-mounted, A%"&&0-01 

    %abinet-built, A%"&&0-0, -1, -+

    For industries

    such as

  • 8/18/2019 ACS880 Presentation v 2014-01-15


    © ABB Group

     April 25, 201 ! "lide 11

    and (or multiple motor applications

    "pace-savin multidrives with up to 5& C si=e

    reduction (rom the previous eneration.

    "inle suppl) and :% bus arranement with

    inverters reduce line power and s)stem si=e.

    'ih pacin densit) with cabinet

    width 1000 mm.

    ;ast connectors to motor cables, savin time.

    4nclosures with #922 ?standard@, #9/2, #95/

     A%"&&0 multidrives, 1.5 to 500 6, +&0 to 80 7

    For industries

    such as

    6ith :"E suppl) unit, A%"&&0-+0

    6ith #GBT suppl) unit, A%"&&0-20

  • 8/18/2019 ACS880 Presentation v 2014-01-15


    © ABB Group

     April 25, 201 ! "lide 12

    For industries

    such as

    ..and (or sinle and multidrive module needs

    :rives modules are optimi=ed to be built into

    customer own cabinet

    %ompact desin and robust (ittin into a wide

    rane o( cabinet t)pes.

    4ver)thin (or complete sinle or multidrive


    ecti(iers, inverters, brae options, various

    (ilters, di((erent #F and communication


    6ide selection o( electrical and mechanical it


    4nclosure class (rom #900 to #920

     A%"&&0 drive modules, 0.55 to +200 6, 2+0 to 80 7

    0nverter units .1i to .2i

    AC%223-34 inside the cabinet

    0T suppl$ module.2i and 5C5 line #ilter 

    AC%223-34, #rame si6e .11

    inside the cabinet

    7i!h poer sin!le drive modules pac'a!e

    1+D2T and 8+.2i

    AC%223-31 #rame si6e .9, 0"83

  • 8/18/2019 ACS880 Presentation v 2014-01-15


    © ABB Group

     April 25, 201 ! "lide 1+

    "a(et) (eatures reducin )our wor#nterated (unctionalit) and eas)-to-use tools

    "a(e tor>ue o(( ?"T@ as a standard built-in

    (eature in all drives.

    "a(et) (unctions module ;"-12 etends

    (unctions as a built-in option

    ?""1, ""4, "3", "B%, "3", "", 9E"@.

    :rive composer pro 9% tool (or con(iurin the

    sa(et) (unctions.

    :rive composer pro also used (or settin

    the drive parametersone tool (or all settins.

  • 8/18/2019 ACS880 Presentation v 2014-01-15


    © ABB Group

     April 25, 201 ! "lide 1/

    4nhanced :irect Tor>ue %ontrol ?:T%@

    4nhanced :T% with the new eneration

    o( industrial drivesD

    "ervo-class d)namic per(ormance even without

    speed or position (eedbac device.

    ne drive series, one (irmware (or various motors

    ?incl. induction, permanent manet and

    s)nchronous reluctance motors@.

    4cellent control stabilit) at =ero speed.

    'iher switchin (re>uenc), supportin hih

    speed motors up to 500 '= as standard.

     ABBs premium motor control

  • 8/18/2019 ACS880 Presentation v 2014-01-15


    © ABB Group

     April 25, 201 ! "lide 15

    New ABB industrial drives"impli()in )our world without limitin )our possibilities

    9er(ect match

    (or )our process


    )our business

    "ave ener)

    and environment

    4as) and sa(e


  • 8/18/2019 ACS880 Presentation v 2014-01-15


  • 8/18/2019 ACS880 Presentation v 2014-01-15


    "rocess "roblem

    ;low control was wastin ener)

    6ish to save more mone) andper(orm better with newtechnolo)

    ene#itsH  &0 percent less ener) used b) the

    pump motor, compared to previousl).

    #ncreased reliabilit)

    H  4as) to commission and use

    H  eliable application control

    A %olution

    H  A%"&&0-01 wall-mountedindustrial drive

    ?6atch the video on

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