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Page 1: ACTM EC Manual on Basic Procedures
Page 2: ACTM EC Manual on Basic Procedures
Page 3: ACTM EC Manual on Basic Procedures

HI, EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE!We are almost halfway into the first semester. There is much we have done, but so much more we have to do. We came into our term with so many plans, so many dreams for our organization. But sometimes, amidst the rest of the world that we also have to keep up with, we get tired. We lose our way. We forget.

This may have come belatedly, but it’s always good to be reminded. EC, the least we can do for our organization is to do our job. But it’s not that easy. As leaders of our org, and you will be hearing this from us multiple times, there are some things we have to do that are beyond what is written in our Constitution and By-laws (which we hope you have taken the time to go through!). Like being role models - doing well not just as officers of the org, but also as students. Like making an effort to know our members. Like extending help to our fellow officers whenever we can.

But even with all these, let us not forget the most basic things we have to do - go to meetings, projects, and efforts. This primer clearly answers any questions you might have about these. But if you have any more concerns, any thing we might have missed out, you know you can always come to us.

Keep moving beyond ideas!


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WHAT ARE MEETINGS?Meetings are our formal venues to be with one another and talk about updates, our concerns, and ideas. Don’t miss them!

Meetings can be classified into four categories. Organization Meetings are the ones we have on a regular basis - at least thrice a month for the EB, and twice for the EC. The OOTP or any representative will post the date, time, and agenda of the meeting at least 24 hours before the meeting. Otherwise, it will be counted as an Emergency Meeting, the only kind of meeting where attendance will not be checked. Departmental and Individual Consultations will be held at least once per semester, but may be set up whenever the need arises. (If you want to, you may request for them - we’ll be happy to be there!) Lastly, Seminars constitute the Planning Seminar, Evaluation Seminar, and Transition Seminar.

As Executive Committee officers, your attendance and promptness are required in all of these meetings!

WHAT ARE PROJECTS?Projects are the main activities of the organization that we have decided to be critical in the achievement of our thrust and in upholding our core competency. As officers, we have to be there to help and support them. Like meetings, at-tendance will be checked in projects.

Attendance will also be checked in our efforts, which are like projects, except they don’t have Project Heads and are thus headed primarily by the EC. This includes Summer Recruitment, COA Recweek, SOM Week, and Phase II of the Leadership Training Course. Some fundraising activities will also require your attendance.


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WHAT SHOULD I DO IF I CAN’T ATTEND A MEETING?For Organization Meetings - inform the OOTP and VP IM that you will not be able to attend. For AVPs, inform your VP. For the EB, you need to send a proxy. Any one of your AVPs will do.

If you will be absent, make sure to make up for what you missed. The minutes of the meeting will be posted by the VP IM within 2 days after the meeting.

Departmental and Individual Consultations are arranged such that majority, if not all, members involved are able to attend. For the Seminars, we really try to make sure that many of us can go. If you can’t make it, you have to write a for-mal letter addressed to the President, stating the reason for your absence. This must not be sent later than 24 hours before the event. It is the President’s discretion whether you will be excused or not. Otherwise, it will be considered a cut.

WHAT SHOULD I DO IF I CAN’T ATTEND A PROJECT?Projects are scheduled in advance, so everyone is really expected to be there. But if for any reason you can’t come, write a formal letter addressed to the President, stating the reason for your absence. This must not be sent later than 24 hours before the event. It is JR’s discretion whether you will be excused or not. Otherwise, it will be considered a cut.

As much as possible, let us be there for the projects - set-up, during the activity itself, and clean-up. This holds true for ALL projects, not just those that are “fun” (all projects are fun!) or fall under your department.


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WHEN CAN CUTS BE EXCUSED?By virtue of cura personalis, we let cuts be excused when the reasons for them are valid. But privileges require a certain amount of responsibility.

Cuts can be only excused if they fall under the following: a major sickness, an ACTM-related appointment (like meet-ing with a sponsor or a pre-scheduled Volunteers’ GA), an immediate family event, or an academic concern (long test, midterm exam, final exam, orals exam, and field trips).

To be considered excused, this must be communicated to the OOTP and to the VP IM at least 24 hours before the meeting.

HOW MANY CUTS ARE WE ALLOWED TO HAVE?For meetings, projects, and efforts, the EB is allowed 5 unexcused cuts and the EC is allowed 3 unexcused cuts per semester.


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WHEN WILL I BE CONSIDERED LATE?For meetings, projects, and efforts, you are late when you arrive after the 10 minute grace period and you were not able to tell the OOTP or VP for IM that you will be late. Lates constitute a half-cut.

WHAT IF I HAVE TO LEAVE EARLY?Early departures are allowed, as long as you communicate your intent and reason to the OOTP and VP for IM. It is the President’s discretion whether the reason is valid or not. Otherwise, it will be considered a half-cut.


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I’VE BEEN HEARING ABOUT THE ULTIMATE JAR. WHAT IS IT?Going beyond the allowable number of cuts per semester merits a fine of PHP 100.00 per succeeding instance.

But the Ultimate Jar is an effort instated by the Finance Department to instill discipline through the collection of funds from the EC for various misconducts incurred. The rules of the Ultimate Jar are as follows:Pay a fine of PHP 50.00 if an officer is late for an Organization Meeting (thus, Emergency Meetings, Department and Individual Consultations, and Seminars are not included).Pay a fine of PHP 30.00 if an officer fails to answer a call or text message, or follow up within an hour between 7:00 am to 9:00 pm.Pay a fine of PHP 25.00 for ever curse word/phrase an officer says during an official meeting.Pay a fine of PHP 25.00 for every word/phrase an officer says that is unethical, unprofessional, or demeaning to an-other Executive Committee officer.

The VP Finance will keep track of every instance of non-observation of the rules. The record will be available onlline, but can only be updated and edited by the Finance Department. All fines will be collected by the AVP for Financial Operations before the end of the semester. The funds may be used for purposes the EB agrees to necessary.

The OOTP may redraft the rules and rates of the Ultimate Jar, when found necessary. This must be communicated and agreed upon by the EC before it can be effective.


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WHAT ARE LOA’S?Leave of Absences (LOA) are for officers who for any reason could not attend to their responsibilities at a specific time period. An EC officer who needs to go on a LOA will have to submit a formal letter addressed to the President, stating the time period and the reasons for the leave.

For the EB, you will have to designate a proxy who will attend to his/her duties for the meantime. The officer in ques-tion must inform the Leaders Core of the LOA, the duration, and the assigned proxy.

EC officers on LOA are not allowed to do any work as to uphold the purpose of the LOA. The cut system and any other penalties will also not apply.


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