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Page 1: AD Franch & Girma Mecheso -- OSU -- Academic Momentum Award (2010)

Academic Services for Student-Athletes provides academic, personal, and career support programs that foster the total development of student-athletes. Located in The Joe & Connie Mitchell Academic Enhancement Center, ASSA delivers a comprehensive program on life skills that provides student-athletes with excellent educational experiences. ASSA provides service programs to prepare student-athletes for the demands of a well-balanced lifestyle . ASSA offers the guidance and direction needed to prepare student-athletes for success beyond graduation. Academic support at OSU begins with a multi-faceted program that involves subject tutors, facilitators, learning groups, computer programs, and academic enhancement contracts. The Joe & Connie Mitchell Academic Enhancement Center for student-athletes is a comprehensive learning center that includes a Reading & Writing Center, Math Center, Foreign Language Center, and Assistive Technology Center.

Recent Highlights Two OSU student-athletes have been honored for their academic improvement with the announcement of the winners of the 2010 Academic Momentum Award presented by the Scholar-Baller program in conjunction with the National Consortium for Academics and

Page 2: AD Franch & Girma Mecheso -- OSU -- Academic Momentum Award (2010)

Sports. Cowgirl soccer standout AD Franch was one of eleven female student-athletes selected, while Cowboy cross country runner Girma Mecheso was one of nine males chosen from colleges and universities across the country. Winning nominations included stories of overcoming learning disabilities to progress academically; becoming the first in their family to graduate with a degree from a college or university; being an international student who had to persevere through hardships both academically and economically; and organizing local community service involvement within their communities.

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