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Page 1: ADA compliance - It's easier than you think!

ADA Compliance -It’s easier than you think!

Patsy Gonzalez, Director for the Office of e-LearningLisa Theriault, TechnicianKatie Deese, Instructional Designer

Page 2: ADA compliance - It's easier than you think!

Today’s Objectives

• Discuss basic guidelines for compliance in online and blended course environments

• Identify innovative strategies to engage students while adhering to the Americans with Disabilities Act

• Gather resources that will help you stay up to date in this ever-changing environment

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What is your current comfort level regarding ADA compliance in online courses?

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What is your current comfort level regarding ADA compliance in online courses?

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Section 508

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Section 508 Standards

§ 1194.1 Purpose.

The purpose of this part is to implement section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. 794d). Section 508 requires that when Federal agencies develop, procure, maintain, or use electronic and information technology, Federal employees with disabilities have access to and use of information and data that is comparable to the access and use by Federal employees who are not individuals with disabilities, unless an undue burden would be imposed on the agency. Section 508 also requires that individuals with disabilities, who are members of the public seeking information or services from a Federal agency, have access to and use of information and data that is comparable to that provided to the public who are not individuals with disabilities, unless an undue burden would be imposed on the agency.

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The Basics

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Compliance in Online Content

• Text

• Links

• PDFs

• Images

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Document Compliance

• Fonts are 9 pts or larger

• Use Style headings

• Dark font on light background is ideal contrast

• Use one font throughout site

• Do not underline words

• Avoid overuse of bold, CAPS or italics

• Avoid 'Click here' or 'Read more' as link text

• Use of Table of Contents for larger documents

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Image and PDF Compliance

• Images are clear and described using alt text

• Use null attribute (alt="") for purely decorative images

• Avoid use of animated, blinking images or text

• PDFs are searchable

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The Next Level

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Engaging learners

• Instructor communication

• Learner interaction

• Assessment

• Audio/Video

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Media Compliance

• Audio files are clear

• Written transcripts are available for all audio files

• Video quality is clear and file size manageable for students with lower bandwidth

• Closed captions are accurate and synchronized

• Audio and video players are compatible with multiple operating systems and require only a standard, free plug-in

• Media players are compatible with screen readers

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Compliance – it really is that easy!

Image descriptions

Searchable PDFs

Audio transcriptsVideo captions

Compatible media players

Text isn’t just text

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The Process at UNCW

January 2015 – Official EMAIL to All March 2015 - Risk Meeting – Resources announcedApril 2015 - Faculty Showcase May 2015 - Student Workers available for Captioning Services Summer 2016 - Internal Audit Results/Review all courses

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Thank you!

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