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Page 1: ADDRESS TO VICTORIAN STATE COUNCIL · y'Qtia -alone, ould be unac Icurrpt, eepolicies will Lnbiidutryo cmi V-44ti~,. n provide a i~ ai oi lony-term, pl anning. ... &j i rgtenedi of



SATU.RDAY, 2 4 'ULY 1982 z


o chaflenqie and opportunity fori th1Be:.ty .Withi Labor inpower in Victoria.$ bur

ba~.ck.Coernrnent must start at onpe: and theSWng, 6f nearly H% in 1Feilor shows that people

sfed ihthe Caln Governiment. After onlly 104_

)eca arty organiiiation -ir vital in riddin Lg~QiaLtgovernment in this State .and winning9

i~diUO.e as Liberals ake great-, fox oUrS, is h16 7 Part which rersnsall s§ectionso.f the,

OT-ein a .nd all -states. Ile aet at8a th e h71ope's "andc values of Austra ian's, Our~s

Patthere -fore, whicli can unite the nto

pot e,i e uted within itself. alt yjeryLbor Party -rejected Sir fia'den As-edr n

'bor rankland file vo te re wan t -a dif fereta.:yden ,'owes his. re-election to the,- Le ft and.tOry'gurnte thia the_ Socialirst, Left:wl

0retfj h6' leade'rship ballot Mr 1lawke -said* he114~- i~r coul jwt

MW Aid 7they c.ld H. we. ont 6 y .lle in

ha 16enge r.-fyden befora the nextt election, bUt 111Je' e'ball gjame". a fte rw ardSp ana a. .,ay

-h~ve neVer said there was no chance Wjthiiavot o cofidence in the leader, wat a

rpm, theireal issues f acing Austral ia..

~d~feto talk about the I kindot Austraiatbuild, *about how the LIiberal Party s

xi'idvdual and inprivate enterprise, givees~~iisCpecially in econhomic life.....

0i it~enti-to the well-being of all'AuStralians:OWthose bp3ieves contrast with-Labor1s divisive

0; r.all

Page 2: ADDRESS TO VICTORIAN STATE COUNCIL · y'Qtia -alone, ould be unac Icurrpt, eepolicies will Lnbiidutryo cmi V-44ti~,. n provide a i~ ai oi lony-term, pl anning. ... &j i rgtenedi of

IN 4% X2

SQw... r a oalorOhram ,adte a oehn

ab~At~eOead foxei~qn policy, our commitment to,~t~uturaismand 'our concerns with lega reoms.

600e1- omic objective has always b.)epn' to~~dnc ease te prosperity of Australian famlies,

ld'6n ,7 Pc-P e to follow their own wants 'and needs through mre place witl~iwiftn~i itrhe

oew yoars a Liberal Government was, able to;-.~~-A~tpepo~i frmwrwhc has enabled all1 sections

1t to be'efit. our policies have *been 'remnarkably*ncc2iu yr'~v iven our economy -Oe great underlying streg

l51 e.,i6treated in the three years to the, end of181Id,, itronomic qroith rate byinternationa1 standardS-

.8 821eIfcorne grew consid rabl. an our i n lationtha teaege for industrial co.nris

WOjor2: ircnqg nation, we could not, remain unaiffected'.9 eeeson'. overseas- anid that recession, ichid is far 'orse

16~-iipate,6 is iiow hitting Au'ralia'hard.

s4oas Jes.n top work nte Portland smelter isV, a1I9cI gave 'end~mnder of how seriously we are -a ffected.

-'tu6 years aluminium prices 4a ia-in~2~10~ in onstnt dollar termis. 'So have.-thepis~f'~r-~&i~no~ites wich ustrliaproduces for:th

QZ~~O~)d19wee, compared with ~settements 'of only'5 o~4s~ iries-cverseast ana th,.g has hel1ped push our'

4~6~t iab veth OECD average. We have bee ',hit. byineret rtes whch have foiced our-*rates

Ag flnin4 -or stagnant. Crwn sr im of-44even.

thd,"ItLalised co untries has reduced the'qroWt1vinita tandstill, 3n last year.-*Vx0, :..jor~ld .tride: actually fell.for-the.first I'e .in

Autr'alia' profits h1ave been squeezed, cash..QU ull dried -up, high'intcre~t rates' ha vemade

4 i.-o.calcry on illvestmen t .almost pxrohibitively'eononjic growth has fallest 1 1 ettr~ poyet

act-,bf.tfhis. situation, we need to :talke constructive.~~we ,m~o evorythincj we can to minimiseteipat eG e i non'Australia. We tust at so act; to'

7l1~tth Austalin economy Isna poiintotk~!o-te -oAd icecovery when it comes


Page 3: ADDRESS TO VICTORIAN STATE COUNCIL · y'Qtia -alone, ould be unac Icurrpt, eepolicies will Lnbiidutryo cmi V-44ti~,. n provide a i~ ai oi lony-term, pl anning. ... &j i rgtenedi of


~oe~eit is ncqtmcj with -positive policies to meettesa "Ausftra 9fl must work together to overcome

3~jY, -tkeAustralia ahiead. The Government's

e~i~ announitced last Monday were a major new.~~ii ~dt e been widely supported. Tbe -v

~6ieivestiment in, all' inidustries by Providing r e''epec a~ provisions:,' and will help industry

Al e-anr waks pew ste hening the

rV*at et ev3omnt Grant, Scheme. And, in'aintainn

~A.7S P& psal. that thero be a w'hilateral out ,in:recnoicAnd Wocial ,conzSquenoes of SUchI

y'Qtia -alone, ould be unac Icurrpt,eepolicies will Lnbiidutryo cmi

V-44ti~,. n provide a i~ ai oi lony-term, pl anning.

~41J~iie tour idtxtries wt4tbor the: world iceoepsion wt.,-a na 'pbsition. It advafltaqe ofthe-

L'oVy wn tfnly-comes.I~ A",

ia:~~a 1 o enef it enrmoisl from a xevi'val f:t ahive tiend, the Gvernmet rcnl

~6e4~t en~r~tonal comnt h ee~~ ea*. free

Lb4:grje. Pon s eqs eS that:exp'Ort -subsid Yand U-

tiJ. oldbph asiz61 out, nd that. work, should eq i ng

bmu 1-o4' p

pin s4 atiaa euons'wl xl.&Lbe-..xw groon fnd reduincit eatcisWQrtpn

9id41a"ac sutOrt "'he Ailb Q~~~Y.T,61 pinstril, tieiv~(a 'ii hope tbt tbe

on;. 'tr -r o s

S. an' 55

5 -e 5'

tp- c xv y i i

inT.aiv Minisfl by the: 1oenet''l er is

bec~Ause' count tis 'ato Acighie~ rae,-~~&cjeprOVXiieS n th; 13a reato houae owes.o*P to

t t ie~ nd nor&~1el~rU8 hme aseitane sbeme "ad ina~etA.

RM Mo.sn ic.. hspcaehs h-oeta.

4- W e .4'p gn J

j fh co

4t -s IO o ,s $7004,J_"'PQ~

:in c.IeSr.. om '69 -iaib b4 an 55''1

Page 4: ADDRESS TO VICTORIAN STATE COUNCIL · y'Qtia -alone, ould be unac Icurrpt, eepolicies will Lnbiidutryo cmi V-44ti~,. n provide a i~ ai oi lony-term, pl anning. ... &j i rgtenedi of

,qqe Vernmnerjt initiatives arc all direcited towardse~ng th6 wel3-e and prosperity of Australians be Y Oill:tb±d I A:a;j t.r .alia op. They take account of the nes of

thy hve he aim of promnotingj a strong pri*aeetr~stm. hat is not a goal s)harv Li Ph ar; y. 1~~C-

aiyPlatfo'rm is there a reference to the need. to

peole ar rewaded for isks, for investmentan~zc hre. snt one. Mr Cain's vicious 39 cent in the.I

%r.;:pObate''tax and gift. duty is n clear exazmple of the Socialist,~ii ~f dowh the achievements of inicividuals anc

~i~L4Udawgeprivate enterpri~e eorraqualy. ?4anyb9'e;',1 'some, superiainutt.lon And even asalbusines

~ibo~ te lmit f ~OO,~fl Anyne 9aningto s~tart*g i i "oto anothr State i f they can't leave it to f

retired people staiy in Victoria when ileve.Mr IRisstronm of the Taxpayeis

i as. sa U a vr CanIaprobate means hie has:tMt".b -vi toti a i -And *th eiye will Jbe many stories like the.,one~say i erald of an engineering f in moving to Queenslad~Ln oy. n empt y factary behind. PwAn as'even more pol

_qii 'ta e to avoid probate there will be eiytvhouseslie -0 M u rne, h a -of people' s houses'will

_-htaprqS,,,the. Statej the buildinginutywl AV;- e~il be .X'ss jobs.. This. policy: i.l compound

P,(M CProl~ems which this state bas already, and Mr.Az~e±srg, to lace, up -to these f aca, bacausei he has

&j i rgtenedi of an impartial report on the effects ofh '6iaia. 'He* should pot go 'ahea4 with


Page 5: ADDRESS TO VICTORIAN STATE COUNCIL · y'Qtia -alone, ould be unac Icurrpt, eepolicies will Lnbiidutryo cmi V-44ti~,. n provide a i~ ai oi lony-term, pl anning. ... &j i rgtenedi of


it.. Put noeo a

Mon the unorrtbrand atete thehw s ings

Oli3.8 puds the hrax rae inacosrutv

i to aedcapta inins taxs bhyc wouldl

whose d.tails will only beworke otifthy

-j Gine t -This would remove the i aentve whith.

-A .n free economy and would penalise individual~rt~1h&~etrrise and s;uccess wh ich is es etal if

ZabX ab I* an economy i a aeams..;~6'.in Tasmania. in Wran' S

.pu4iW 6~ine 9'.s n6 -Ionger abl& to cover up his Governmjnt'soe In ,Canberr~a three years of L~abor Government

V S-*Wxmge to the. jiatonal economy. An d in, Sou'thoigall lie can to xebuild

IV c ty~ftex ten yaars of Labor Gover~nmnt. ed. L 'ors

r-as':'had a chanc* they have faie.-a O Pocle wo iuld do niothing to minimise the i ~cto

to control inflation, nothing to-~ Us.n~ :oth.ing to encou rageivsmn n ulX V A

4 t-ial.:policies would also damage oir. abli~ty to

~~4~,~c9Jorno~s~cesPy placing unions'above the law .throiugh

-6 tl atngtb between unions and :'piyrsb fy

li 4# t A it is vital for*AustralIa.ns %to unde' tneie~s f wokigtogether. By recoqnisip .g ouco of

:xEje i SectionlaliSM tn te invtbltyo-~&4\~islucssf uly overcomne maniy of -our .current*

X1 s a nation, and will' ensr we are coptitive.tieConference be~.ween te

c t&.cA.1 *nthe A.,TU showe h a''~agenen .an be reached on Australi as econiomioc

AX )a Pat a stablished at the C,6nferenice*

put together a common ~t tement otheonomyt aes C*On ference in August.

~~e~sh I bepii maDi to resolve the pxohlema of ecal3nstyparts, which hzve been p agued b y

~ikeffTe Commn ealth,Queensland-and New South Waes-LYMVaL now" onsulting on how to Ahnprbvejtbe' ind'xstry,

6 6'&6~eLosa rblem to start apportioting 9blaaeflor.lnstcad, itis vital we stowtoeer nd'

d"140 s veden tly, a Lrtsk Foxce with reproesentatives' of4.

Ccd, tt01

Page 6: ADDRESS TO VICTORIAN STATE COUNCIL · y'Qtia -alone, ould be unac Icurrpt, eepolicies will Lnbiidutryo cmi V-44ti~,. n provide a i~ ai oi lony-term, pl anning. ... &j i rgtenedi of

Sthe seagoing maritime unions nd the Australianr~~gned, arooal basecl on the Cawford Report aestqne

Ove* 111dwtrial relations procdures in, the shippingan t o allow., AuEtraiie sbips to compete on similar

~f~g IarrersofAustralia's major trading partners'.irtjs awxV6xampl e of what can be achieved:,w h

~ns~i~li~lsan an(3rnn are willing to co-operate,:.8 lOWbeig cns~derea. -yteGovernment..'


signs that wage demancls are beginning oxodrtxal ~tb#t extravagant wage claims supported by

.:,vj6Eion are. not it) the interests of their n'r6bri;_0~r th& Pnterests of the Australian community. The*

8W cas decision last M~ not to grant *a general"I.;aqe., was" 'e eonition by; the Arbitrati on Corm~ssion~e~ae rsea will tindermine our economy. Mr-Dolan

P. dre'd *as; recoqnising th ed for a more fl~deratq,,

C2tQ:. clWAis if jobs are to be retained." The ntideteOrminied to build upon thefse 6develop~ments I

~t~ehe. orV t conjutiction with our positiveV olii they are vital to our eaonoic slfccets.

an 1t~It t Urn now to S omey of our, other goal a objetvRrie-& our. f ree sceywhe to show a conV4rht:nt to6. rQm aggression, from those wo wnto dtoy, teft-b-Y re''dr~ ad replace it with totalitraim

e.the Government has coirnidtted $6 bilIli on to defen ceitft&- oeyWhich will buy. us new f ighter arrf

)n-asafde: ai'rcrAf t, new, weapons systemsf new naVal.ehips,)'I~ay1 andairforce bases. it is also why-we-remainSo_ the PJNZUS -Alliance, an Allianceiwith' couriesi~ ;'?hiah

k4- Corr tment, to the freedom the, individual an8 "to 04.

ei,; grebtest, reserve abou tht comi tmen, aticulaly~SA;t T- itra supported a..resolution 1.to:.

1Sa -p*Aet -ofthe no'n-aliqned movement. 1-'Nn-aligned~m~t~ubAdth at policy: would 'rnezin tearIg

~;hon hi colur6 plainly th roughhi arir-:3.1 io~...PrVidinU. re cs. to the.OMEGh base, ancl through1. UI. opposi*ti oj, repeated. less than. tywye 0,t

_V r~n. ortp byinuclear ships. .Mr-Cair h'aid thato-ntere %eith our defonce and fore gn

,.XPPotibilitie blt 3f) persisting ihhcopoiina~~e iji Words With his actions. That why 1 as, ed for.-nc~~ tlat h ould give Instructions t91 Vitoia pb

~4~~rVide appxoprae Icv3ces an d' f iciItis'or,nA'a shp to Victorian pjorts,' andr 14r Coin has

W-Ay s ,j uarn b-I 4.Ci so 'Unwilling owy4-elc ime& the sh)ips of allied navi.Les i''nt"0,o ourtpor

~~B4 I~e, hrmoy aoutmore'than 500 visits to* Australia6n~hips f~theAmerican,* i3ritish anA -French navieB vr h

Sbut the .difference with Mr Cain is- that he,_At a h is:"MZltA~ NU.Sj and.,being of the Soialist Leift. that£6


Page 7: ADDRESS TO VICTORIAN STATE COUNCIL · y'Qtia -alone, ould be unac Icurrpt, eepolicies will Lnbiidutryo cmi V-44ti~,. n provide a i~ ai oi lony-term, pl anning. ... &j i rgtenedi of

6zi. P is bael difeen frm rr.li'O.

1be to veto American messages sent through the.Ca~acility. Ifow can we co-operate with our al ly

_al 1i an ce if, %we demand a veto on messages sent by.,ia-4 cs. 'It sh~ a lack of genvine tmmntMent toid*6eeeo.hedefence of our. liberty -ad0u~rLallr.-teority. As Liberals, we want Australia to be'

een ise-,and also. seek a Bstrong and cohesive :~ety.

X.jl-bje, announcing the Government's rpneto te.)r'cf heGabalyprogrammnes, and nsarsutf this

he Iiietuqs of -the profowid commitment to Multiculturalism.i1ia." wi I be) ma intained and strengthened. Austr 4ia- leads'I:-11 so~9 ma~y waysa in having achieved- a diverse Yet ut~d.:And'-O.x i-hildken will benefit enormously from the very.

es w1- -a v ba en plzce in the character of

A_ :Aoiety by contrast with earlier times.

~vnuir~ti~ th feldoflaw reform. Theres growing

po.-norceinent bodies in dealing, with orclanised

,.4bJ&'crime and 'official corruption.. Cr~ifals' h)vet

e:phi -ti~qate I and much a e-ccrime transcndi State 'and-bOuh i s-0 Th r Cjwuviwath--Governlleflt has :takens Steps

qpJiA.Q 11C11h deve lopments, including upgrdigte azn-F-ederaI Police and esttdib ish .ad boc R~oyal Cokkissions

vrzetisConsidering proposals for-a Nat ion'al Orime:-~nJheprposals will require. car efulAeve opnt ind.

~~~hii;eeigthe co-operation of the :'State_ lid'..itdreB -n ddng tis. In, relation) to tiwo&usion

~men ha ~'oncrn to strike a banc between tbei 4$ ayorefti lw ni forcemeflt'and protection of

th pariamnt, is relevan hre..'hsp1.il i~.QLar~y' te rihts; and: duties of citizejls..an&t.'an e~eal §clcein the rocess, of Armina

oaes Aaan st ,the laws of the Cor~monwealth a'd-h- .C

e Ie ya oubts that pxesently exist i P. ielat ion' toIn th ese ways, Wee providin p~atci

to. give effect to basic- Liberal values.

~iic~iai lx--3Z tty soni ;n g about our. fat n Atrainsituion -about.the-Liberal. Partyb

ki ik uetralia's institutions 6nlsyn~1 iniLb6r.sf h~A)t* -its.:erecent. National Conference, 'Labo

tc Unp our flag, which means so much to AustkalIians qp1 f o-.uthatiopai edntity. At ,Iast. year's Corference:

-~getrid Of, the Monarchy -and. tUrn Axirai it~o a~~IL 4 ao ,itS to tear upour constiUtion and wrieaby1 8a~dit wnts to.trndermdine..the Stcates and. our

J' e

Page 8: ADDRESS TO VICTORIAN STATE COUNCIL · y'Qtia -alone, ould be unac Icurrpt, eepolicies will Lnbiidutryo cmi V-44ti~,. n provide a i~ ai oi lony-term, pl anning. ... &j i rgtenedi of

A. A_

to lraito the cantre of national controeshBiah±h zeperipheral -things which are aivisi.ve"

str~ioit. want. continuity, we want in3titutions and sr~l$refeI ou-national character Po that peoplecal

_Ufy:-fwth~.them as a source of -stability in our nationalViodtoriaPz,- as for all iAustralians, the Ch01oiS

'uetre clear. On -the one hand there is a Soc.alist patr~nid 4r Hayden. They ofe~rStae control Uf ndtry

'e awidigdown of private enteriprise.; unhion6 8Cn Oic policy, a weakening of our'.coiunitrnet .to.

ijJices* an to-defence; and the destruction of many of.Sy n~ols. and' iuititutions. On the other ha~nd 'th' ee I#V:aipt -ot freedom, of pride in AustEralia an re pect

6P~~iiietituion; economic policies based on the~initiatives7 a4d the i64el to nmaximise ecnmcefficienyb 11Aan ces' with other f reedom-lbbn pj* Iea against

-0 a~n U frshted concern !or our ne~ sa~zeacommuinity. That is the choice b etwee4n

OJCan a.LMi.bera).igm and the, sort of society which'*04r.

b~a_4:4iAd idrnwill inherit.*,





I. RD,



A&O.i iv


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