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Jim [email protected] x100

Page 2: Adhere Solutions, All Access Connector Suite for Google Search Appliance

All Access Connector (AAC) Value

• Brings advanced federated search and indexing connectivity to the Google Search Appliance (GSA)o Proprietary subscription database serviceso Public Domain, open source content o Enterprise Content Management systemso Structured Databases

• Connector management and supporto Continuous development, monitoring, maintenanceo 5400 federated connectorso 30+ CMS indexing connectorso All JDBC databases

• Completes Google’s Universal Search vision


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Universal ConnectivitySearchIndices

Internet Databases

Digital News Sources

Academic & Public Libraries

Application Repositories

Native RDMS Files


Content Management Systems

Internal Content SourcesExternal Content Sources

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When to Federate or OneBox?

• When it is not feasible to re-index large info repositorieso The Web (Google,Yahoo), PubMed, USPTO

• Content is already indexed well and accessible from searcho IMDb, WebMD, Wikipedia

•  When you do not have rights to the content, it is proprietary and can't be copiedo LexisNexis, Ovid, Hoovers, EBSCO

•  When your content is dynamic, transactional and constantly changing such that re-indexing is not practical to continuously indexo CRM, ERP, Social Media, BI Apps

• When no Indexing connector exists

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When to use indexing connectors?

• When you need to control the crawl and display to meet performance and design requirements

• When you need to leverage meta datao Categorizing search results and other search navigationo Reuse in other applications, services

• When you to normalize data to feed other applicationso Text Analytics, Portals, News Services, Discovery

• When you are dissatisfied with the native search engine, or one does not existo ERP, CRM, HR Portals, PLM, CMS, Websites

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External Web Sources

All Access Connector Search Flow

Adhere All AccessPlatform


C4 C7 C13

Harvest /Feed

SERP / Search


Web Pages


(CMS, LOB, file shares…)

S7 S13S4

Bi-lateral Enterprise Connectors

Pubic Content Connectors

Results can be rendered through GSA or All Access Connector’s SERP or existing portal - xml feeds are produced for all result sets and UI other components

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How the AAC Works with GSA

The All Access Connector is a suite of Java applications containing methods and classes that Google's connector manager calls to perform the tasks of acquiring documents from a content system and authenticates andauthorizes end users to view search results

Common Steps: 1. The GSA provides a feed interface from which

the search appliance receives documents to index.

• The AAC communicates with the search appliance over HTTP and with the connectors, and creates feed sources from the documents, metadata, and URLs from a content management system (CMS).

• The AAC creates instances of a connector through its service provider interface (SPI) and then calls the classes and methods of the connector to perform work.

• The connector communicates through the API to the CMS to acquire documents, metadata on each document, and a URLs that point to a document's location in the content management system.

• The connector communicates through the API over HTTP to the web client on the content management system.

• A CMS also provides a content server that stores documents in a storage system known as a repository.

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Collection Selection (pre-search)

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Result Rendering (post-search)

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Adhere Solutions Confidential

All Access Result Rendering

Choose from multiple templates or customize your result page display

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Search Extensions: Guided Navigation & Query Refinement

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AAC Works with Google search extensions and APIs

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All Access Connector Features

• Seamless Google Appliance Integrationo Completes ‘Universal Search’ vision

• Secure search access to over 5400 web serviceso Public contento Subscription serviceso Enterprise systemso Role and tasked based relevance

• 30+ Indexing Connectors • Information sharing, management

o Alerts, social bookmarks, tagging, saving, emailingo Guided Navigation, Clustering, Refinements, KeyMatch

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