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Page 1: Adult orthodontics it’s never too late to go straight

“Adult Orthodontics: It’s never too late to go straight!”

A special report by Dr Seth Newman

Page 2: Adult orthodontics it’s never too late to go straight

If you think that you are too old for braces, think again. More and more adults are getting them, including celebrities.

Professional athletes, pop stars and actors such as Tom Cruise, singer Gwen Stefani and San Antonio Spurs player

Mannu Ginobili have all recently undergone orthodontics to improve their smiles.

Dentistry has become more cosmetically focused to meet the changing needs and desires of our patients.

Sophisticated, cosmetically driven patients realize that straight teeth are perhaps the most dramatic way to enhance our

smiles. Once only seen in children and teenagers, it is now common for adults to seek orthodontic treatment.

Another factor that has encouraged many adults to straighten their smile is that current orthodontic technology has

made significant recent advancements. We now have available effective, efficient visible and invisible treatment

options that are able to straighten teeth. Further, these modern orthodontic appliances are less obtrusive and offer

faster treatment time, fewer treatment visits, and less discomfort than ever before.

Those who think that they may feel odd or out of place seeking orthodontic treatment as an adult will be happy to know that they are not alone. It is estimated that up to 25 percent of those patients currently wearing braces are adults. Of this high number, men make up approximately 30% of these patients while women are still in the majority.

As men are finding out that healthy teeth and an attractive smile can be very beneficial in the business world as well as their social lives, more and more are seeking treatment. This trend is truly international as well. The British are famous for having crooked teeth. However, according to the British Society of Orthodontist, Britain is experiencing a significant rise in the number of adults seeking orthodontic treatment.

There are some real advantages to having orthodontic treatment as an adult. First of all, adults tend to be more

compliant in their treatment. They tend to follow orders more fully and this can make a big difference in the outcome of

their orthodontic work. Adults also tend to take better care of their appliances and follow the rules of good oral


There are several other benefits of orthodontic treatment worth considering. The first being the most obvious esthetic appeal of a straight beautiful smile. Crooked teeth affect your appearance and most people want to look their best at any age. People with unattractive teeth are often too embarrassed to smile. Orthodontic treatment enables you to smile with confidence. Looking better can also make you feel better about yourself, and can increase your self-confidence.

Another important benefit is having a good functioning occlusion or bite. Crooked teeth can prevent you from chewing properly and lead to jaw joint problems. A healthy bite not only allows us to chew correctly and enjoy our food, it will also decrease the amount of wear teeth endure and reduce the likelihood of fractures.

Finally, straight teeth are healthy teeth and much easier to keep clean. Therefore, they are less likely to have plaque accumulation, which can ultimately lead to significant gum problems.

Although there are few if any real contraindications to adults undergoing orthodontic treatment there are some limitations worth mentioning. Adults with dental issues such as restorative needs or periodontal (gum) disease need to be addressed prior to braces being placed on. The bones of an adult, unlike those of a child, are no longer growing. Consequently, bony support of adult's teeth is firmer and is naturally more resistant to tooth movement. Though this is a hindrance, it isn't a deterrent. As long as the teeth, the gums, and the underlying bone are healthy, teeth can be straightened at any age.

Page 3: Adult orthodontics it’s never too late to go straight

The reason today’s adult orthodontics is so exciting is that we now have more visible and invisible options than ever before. Invisalign, iBraces, ceramic braces and In-Ovation are just some of the latest appliances to provide you with an exceptional smile.

In- Ovation, also known as interactive self ligating braces technology, is based upon low friction treatment. These high technology brackets allow treatment to occur with lighter, gentler forces, reduce the number of visits needed, and shorten overall treatment time.

Invisalign® is a computer generated set of clear plastic aligners. This technology is an excellent option for the right

individual. Benefits include the clarity of these aligners and the fact that they are removable. Thus, they cause no

interference with eating or dental hygiene. It is important to note that those requiring more sophisticated tooth

movements are better served with fixed braces.

Other orthodontic technologies worthy of discussion include our newest ceramic brackets. These brackets, which are

made from zirconium (the same material used to manufacture imitation diamonds), provide superior clarity than ever

before. When combined with white or tooth colored wires, these braces are a truly esthetic orthodontic appliance.

Finally, iBraces™ are computer generated braces placed behind your teeth. These appliances give the orthodontist all

the benefits of traditional appliances while giving patients an invisible set of braces.

With all of the exciting orthodontic options we now have, it is no wonder that adults are making up an ever increasing

proportion of orthodontic patients. A straight beautiful smile can not only help us look our best but also feel great

knowing we are setting the foundation for optimal dental health. So if you have ever thought about straightening your

smile, just remember, it’s never too late to go straight!

So, take hold of the ideas in this guide and apply them to your own situation, would they make eating more

comfortable, would they help you to feel better about your teeth and smile?

And as you read through this now, think about the way these concepts would specifically work for you and what would

seem like the best logical choices in your own situation.

So prepare to find out more, see the benefits, seize the ideas, ask yourself those questions and on a final note enjoy

finding out about smiling and laughing with straight teeth.

Page 4: Adult orthodontics it’s never too late to go straight

Almost Invisible Orthodontics with Invisalign

The steps to a beautiful new smile with Invisalign

Step 1: Visit Your Dentist

During this first step you will need to make an appointment with an

Invisalign® Certified Dentist.

During the initial visit, your dentist will help you decide on your

course of treatment. He will take bite impressions of your teeth and

send them, along with a set of precise instructions.

Step 2: Invisalign Makes Your Aligners

Invisalign uses advanced technology to transform your bite

impressions into a custom-made series of clear and removable

aligners. There may be as many as 48 in the series or as few as 12,

depending on your individual treatment plan.

Step 3: You Receive Your Aligners in a Few Weeks

During your next visit to your dentist, you will receive your first set of

aligners. Your dentist will most likely give you a few additional sets for you to wear before you return for your next visit.

Step 4: You Wear Your Aligners

You'll wear each set of aligners day and night for about 2 weeks, removing them

only to eat, drink, brush, and floss. Total treatment time averages 9-15

months, but will vary from case to case. You'll visit your dentist only about every

6 weeks to ensure that your treatment is progressing as planned.

Step 5: You've Finished the Treatment

Congratulations! When you're finished wearing each aligner in the series, your treatment will be complete and you will

have the beautiful smile you've always wanted.

Page 5: Adult orthodontics it’s never too late to go straight

We are pleased to offer you a complimentary 45 min consultation which will include :

Welcome tour Panoramic evaluation (a complete digital scan of your child's teeth) Photographic and video graphic records of your child before treatment begins A full treatment plan Communication with your insurance partner

What are the primary benefits of Invisalign?

Invisalign is clear, this means you can straighten your teeth without anyone knowing, great if you have a job that

involves being in front of people a lot.

Invisalign is removable. Unlike braces, you can eat and drink what you want during treatment, so long as you remove

your aligners during meals and whole drinking fizzy drinks. You can also brush and floss normally to maintain good oral


Invisalign is comfortable. There are no metal brackets or wires as with braces to cause mouth irritation, and no metal or

wires means you spend less time in the dentist’s chair getting adjustments.

Invisalign allows you to view your own virtual treatment plan before you start—so you can see how your straight teeth

will look when your treatment is complete.



Page 6: Adult orthodontics it’s never too late to go straight

Invisible Orthodontics with Incognito

“Incognito™ is the modern and invisible alternative to conventional braces”

The Incognito™ Lingual Bracket System is a new generation of braces for

people of all ages.

Because the braces are placed behind the teeth no one will ever know that

you are wearing them unless YOU tell them! Incognito™ braces are the only

100% customised fixed appliance system for invisible orthodontic treatment

on the UK market today.

They are created using state of the art technology and are completely

customised to the shape of your teeth and to your dental situation. Your

orthodontist will build in a unique prescription to get the results that you want.

Incognito braces are an advanced generation of brace that is hidden discreetly on the back of the teeth, not on the front

like conventional 'train tacks'. This allows people to go about their daily routine without feeling self-conscious because

their braces are virtually invisible from the outside.

Incognito braces are suitable for all age groups - children, adolescents and adults who want to correct their tooth


Our registered orthodontist Dr Newman will be able to advise on individual treatment needs following an initial


There are many reasons to choose Incognito™ braces:

□ Customisation: they are individually designed and produced just for you □ Aesthetics: Because they are placed on the back of the teeth they are virtually invisible from the outside □ Time: Visible success in only a short time □ Comfort: Most patients experience minimal discomfort and speech interference, after just a short adjustment

period, you will be able to eat and speak normally □ Reliable correction of all types of incorrect tooth positions □ Suitable for all age groups □ No risk of decalcification to the front tooth surface □ Fewer wire adjustments can mean fewer visits to the orthodontist □ Since the brackets are made from gold, nickel allergies are not a problem.

We are pleased to offer you a complimentary 45 min consultation which will include :

Welcome tour Panoramic evaluation (a complete digital scan of your child's teeth) Photographic and video graphic records of your child before treatment begins A full treatment plan Communication with your insurance partner

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Page 8: Adult orthodontics it’s never too late to go straight


Clear braces are made of translucent (clear) material. They are most

popular with adult patients, due to their cosmetic appeal. The only

drawback to ceramic brackets is that they are more fragile, and the elastic

ties can discolor between orthodontic visits.

Clear braces are available for a wide range of orthodontic situations and if

you could be suitable for clear braces then we will certainly let you know.

In some cases patients opt to have clear braces on the top teeth and

standard metal braces on the bottom teeth because clear braces often have

a higher cost than metal ones.

Either why we are happy to discuss your options when you come to see us.

Choice is always important to us, and we know it is to you too. The

photograph here shows Faith Hill wearing clear braces, almost

imperceptible we think.

We are pleased to offer you a complimentary 45 min consultation which will include :

Welcome tour Panoramic evaluation (a complete digital scan of your child's teeth) Photographic and video graphic records of your child before treatment begins A full treatment plan Communication with your insurance partner

Page 9: Adult orthodontics it’s never too late to go straight

What are fixed braces?

Most patients require the use of fixed orthodontic appliances (‘train tracks’) to have really straight teeth, and achieve

the best possible improvement of their smile. Small precisely designed metal or ceramic buttons called brackets are

stuck/bonded to each tooth. Sometimes metal rings called bands are also fitted around the back/molar teeth. The

brackets are then connected to each other using a thin metal wire, called an archwire. The wire is held in place with

small elastic rings called modules, or with very thin wires called ligatures. Modules come in a variety of colours to

customise your brace. The wires are adjusted at regular intervals to straighten the teeth and correct the bite.

Modern brackets are quite small, and they cover a relatively smaller area of each tooth, making braces more attractive

than they used to be. With fixed braces, there is no plastic in the roof of the mouth. This means speech is unaffected

and the flavour of food can be enjoyed fully. As the appliance cannot be removed, it acts full-time, and so it is very

effective. Fixed braces are very good at achieving fine detail, and making the smile look really perfect!

How do fixed braces work?

Fixed appliances, by definition, cannot be removed by the patient. The simplest way to think of each bracket is as a

handle with which it is possible to control each tooth individually and precisely.

As we have already mentioned, in the early part of treatment, a thin archwire is fitted to link up all the brackets.

Because the teeth are irregular, the wire has to bend up and down or in and out between the teeth. This is the clever

bit: the wire, a bi-product of NASA research, has perfect shape memory and will gradually return to its original shape,

bringing the teeth with it.

As treatment progresses, stiffer wires are fitted and these act as a monorail. At this time, tiny springs and elastics are

also used to guide the teeth in the desired directions.

What are the limitations of fixed braces?

Fixed braces are not very good at major alterations to the bite. For this, other appliances are used either before or at

the same time as the fixed braces. Examples include changing the relationship of the jaws with a functional/orthopaedic

appliance, or moving the upper teeth back to improve bite with headgear. Very occasionally specialist surgery needs to

be used in conjunction with brace treatment to achieve the ideal result.

How are fixed braces fitted?

Depending on your treatment, fixed braces can be fitted either in a single appointment or over several appointments.

Sometimes small blue elastic rings called ‘separators’ are fitted between your back teeth a few days before your braces

are fitted. This is to enable the fitting of ‘bands’ around the molar teeth. Bands are like rings that fit around the back

teeth. Not everybody needs to have bands as part of their fixed braces.

Page 10: Adult orthodontics it’s never too late to go straight

Before braces are fitted, your teeth are cleaned and conditioned. For those who need bands special glue is used to stick

them to the teeth. The brackets themselves are square-shaped metal or ceramic components that are glued to the


The fitting of fixed braces is completed by connecting the bands and/or brackets with a thin piece of wire that is held in

place using small elastics called modules. These come in different colours to make the wearing of braces more fun.

Page 11: Adult orthodontics it’s never too late to go straight

Your General Orthodontic Questions Answered

Questions that you should ask before having treatment

While the treatments above can be used with virtually any treatment philosophy, specific training is needed. All

orthodontists and dentists interested in treating patients with these services must attend training before cases will be

accepted from their premises.

So here are a few questions to ask your dentists before having any of the above:

are you certified

how long have you been doing it

how many cases have you treated

can I see examples of your work

how often will you review my progress – we normally recommend a minimum of every 4 weeks

Page 12: Adult orthodontics it’s never too late to go straight

The Top 6 Questions Everyone asks About Orthodontics

1. How much will treatment cost?

We know price is an important consideration for you. There is no way to

accurately answer this question without first coming in for a consultation.

At that initial meeting the orthodontist will examine you and take xrays etc.

From this he will be able to give you an accurate figure of cost.

In our practice the average investment is in the region of $4000+/- for both

upper and lower braces – this will include all necessary impressions,

records, radiographs, all aligners, any refinements needed and retainers.

There are many factors that determine the cost of your Orthodontic

treatment: how extensive the issues you want corrected, how long your

treatment plan will last, where you live, and the specific treatment details

prescribed by your dentist or orthodontist.


We will liaise directly with your insurance provider and are an approved

orthodontic practice by most of them, this means your whole treatment

runs smoothly with us doing all the paperwork for you.

2. How can you prepare for treatment?

We would carry out an extensive oral health assessment ensuring that you are dental ready for any treatment. We

would need to make sure all teeth are disease free and the gums healthy. This will provide optimum conditions for the

best result.

3. How can your dentist work out if you are suitable for


The best and cheapest way is to book in for a FREE consultation. At

this appointment we can see if which treatment is suitable for you

and what kind of final result you would expect.

4. How long will the process take?

Each individual case varies. This can range from 6 months to up to

a year for the other forms of treatment.

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5. What are the downsides/side effects of treatment?

There are very few downsides to these systems. With Invisalign you will be required to remove the aligner or braces

when you are eating to prevent food getting stuck under it and for 6 months smiles with brackets you need to ensure

your teeth cleaning is excellent.

6. Will it hurt?

There could be some discomfort during the initial stages of tooth movement. The way orthodontics works is to

introduce constant but steady pressure on your teeth. This results in you only feeling light pressure on the teeth. You

would not experience any pain, just some discomfort, which means the teeth are moving.

We are pleased to offer you a complimentary 45 min consultation which will include :

Welcome tour Panoramic evaluation (a complete digital scan of your child's teeth) Photographic and video graphic records of your child before treatment begins A full treatment plan Communication with your insurance partner

Page 14: Adult orthodontics it’s never too late to go straight

Straighter teeth are known to be healthy teeth as they are easier to clean.

Would it make a difference to the life of your son/daughter if they had straighter teeth?

Newmans orthodontics offer you:

Insurance accepted from most major schemes

Games for the kids to play whilst they wait keeping your visit stress free

Movies and Xbox available in the patient lounge

Choice for every treatment option, and NO pressure to choose any option, simply go with what you feel is best.

Please call us today on 516.626.2060 and book for a FREE initial assessment, we can discuss your concerns, prepare a

fully costed treatment plan, liaise with your insurance provider and find out which orthodontic system would suit you


This means this is a low risk and no cost way to finding out more – call us to book your appointment today …

We look forward to seeing you soon,

Dr Seth Newman

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