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Page 1: adv analysis of com hlth data

Obumnneke Amadi-nwada

Scholar-Practitioner Project: Final Report

Walden University

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Research Topic and Background

Research Topic : Occurrence of Teen Pregnancy and College Dropout and Its Economic Effects on Families

Background The rate of college and high school pregnancy is notable

high(CDC, 2015). 3 in 10 girls in high school or college will become pregnant before

the age of 20”( (Shuger,2012).

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Teenage Pregnancy Images Photos

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Research and Hypothesis Question

Research Question: Are the occurrence of teen pregnancy and college dropout strongly related to the factors of economic effects on families?

Null hypothesis (H1): The occurrence of teen pregnancy and college dropout are strongly related to the factors of economic effects on families.

Alternate hypothesis (H0): The occurrence of teen pregnancy and college dropout are not strongly related to the factors of economic effects on families.

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Research Methodology

Quantitative Method: The study used an archived secondary database to collect variables

that will generalize the study population, To answer the research questions

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Research Design

The Study Type Descriptive Analysis Inferential Analysis

Sub-type independent dependent variables

Statistical Test

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Data Analysis Plan (variables and statistical procedures)

Variable Names

Family type / Marital status

Employment status

Number of children in household

Education level

Income level

Own or rent home; private residence

Number of adults in household

Number of adult men in household

Number of adult women in household

Ages in years



Sex(Waldenu.edu, 2015; Amadi, 2015).

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Data Analysis Plan (variables and statistical procedures) cont.:

Statistical Procedures: SPSS: Descriptive statistical analyses: frequency statistics and cross

tabulation Inferential statistical analyses: linear regression analysis Graphs Interpretation

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Data Dictionary and Data Table

    Data DictionaryRecord Type Code Id Code DescriptionPuma population size 100,000St state code 72 .puerto rico/prTen tenure 1. owned with mortgage or loan

2. owned free and clear3. rented for cash rent4. no cash rent

Fes family type 1.married-couple family: husband and wife in lf2. married-couple family: husband in labor force, wife .not in lf3. married-couple family: husband not in lf, .wife in lf4. married-couple family: neither husband nor wife in .lf5. other family: male householder, no wife present, in .lf6. other family: male householder, no wife present, not in lf7. other family: female householder, no husband present, in lf8.other family: female householder, no husband present, not in lf

Fincp family income -59999..99999999 .total family income in dollars

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Data Dictionary cont.

wif employment workers in family during the past 12 months 1  .1 worker2  .2 workers3  .3 or more workers in family

Wkexrel work experience of householder and spouse

1 to 16 coded variations

Workstat work status of householder or spouse in family households

1 to 15 coded variations

Schl educational attainment( less than 3 years)

01. No school completed; 02. nursery school to grade 4; 03 .grade 5 or grade 6; 04 .grade 7 or grade 8;

05 .grade 9; 06 .grade 10;o7 .grade 11; 08 .grade 12 no diploma; 09 .high school graduate; 10 .some college, but less than 1 year; 11 .one or more years of college, no degree; 12 .associate's degree; 13.bachelor's degree; 14 .master's degree; 15 .professional school degree1;16 .doctorate degree

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Data Dictionary cont.

Hugcl flag to indicate grandchild living in housing unit

o. hu does not contain grandchildren

same above 1. hu does contain grandchildren Hupac same above 1.  with children under 6 years only

2. with children 6 to 17 years only3.  with children under 6 years and 6 to 17 years 4.  no children

Hupaoc same above 1.  presence of own children under 6 years only2.   presence of own children 6 to 17 years only3.   presence of own children under 6 years and 6 to 17 years

Mar marriage status 1  married2  .widowed3  .divorced4  .separated5  .never married or under 15 years oldR18 presence of persons under 18 years in

household 0  .no person under 18 in household

1  .1 or more persons under 18 in househol

R60 Presence of persons 60 years and over in household

0 .No person 60 and over

1 .1 person 60 and over

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Data Table cont.

2 .2 or more persons 60 and overR65 0 .No person 65 and over

1 .1 person 65 and over2 .2 or more persons 65 and over

NOC Nos of own children in household


NPF nos of persons in family


NPF nos of persons in family

02..20 .Number of persons in family

(Waldenu.edu, 2015; Bright Hub Inc, 2012).

(Waldenu.edu, 2015; Bright Hub Inc, 2012).

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Data Table

Data TableName Type Decimals Measurable


Family Type Numeric 0 Number Codes Married-Couple Family And Others

Employment Status Numeric 0 Number Codes Worked Ft; <Ft; Not Employed ; Unemployed; Self Employed

Marital Status Numeric 0 Number Codes Married, No Unmarried Partner

Number Of Children In Household

Numeric 0 Numbers 1 T0 19

Education Level Numeric 0 Numbers Attainment LevelAge Numeric 0 Years 1-18; 60 And OverIncome Level Numeric 0 Percentage Total Family Income

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Data Dictionary cont.

Own Or Rent Home; Private Residence

Numeric Yes Dollars Tenure

Number Of Adults In Household

Numeric 0 Percentage Persons

Number Of Adult Men In Household

Numeric 0 Percentage Persons

Number Of Adult Women In Household

Numeric 0 Percentage Persons

State Numeric 0 Numbers Codes

N/B: FT- FULL TIME (Waldenu.edu, 2015; AHIMA, 2012)

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Results and Interpretation

SPSS Results: Descriptive Analysis: Frequencies:

Statistics State

Fips Code

Nos of Adult Men

In House

Nos of Adults

In House

Nos of Adult

Women In


Age In


Marital Status

Nos of Children in House

Educa Level

Employ Status

Income Level

Own Or

Rent Home


14772 14000 14000 14000 14772

14757 14753 14749 14741 14726 14684


0 772 772 772 0 15 19 23 31 46 88

Mean 53.00 .85 1.84 .99 56.7

2 2.10 67.68 5.01 4.06 16.72 1.31

Median 53.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 58.0

0 1.00 88.00 5.00 4.00 7.00 1.00

Mode 53 1 2 1 63 1 88 6 1 8 1 Std. Deviation

.000 .588 .758 .484 17.193

1.589 36.571 1.003 2.808 28.038 .771

Variance .000 .346 .575 .234 295.

604 2.526 1337.43

6 1.006 7.884 786.11

6 .594

Std. Error of Skewness

.020 .021 .021 .021 .020 .020 .020 .020 .020 .020 .020

Range 0 7 8 6 92 8 98 8 8 98 8

Sum 78291

6 11916 25730 13814 8379

34 31004 998548 73917 59913 246282 19227

25 53.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 46.0

0 1.00 88.00 4.00 1.00 5.00 1.00

50 53.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 58.0

0 1.00 88.00 5.00 4.00 7.00 1.00

75 53.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 69.0

0 3.00 88.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 1.00

Skewness .678 1.401 .816 -

.388 1.414 -1.242 -.695 .066 2.232 5.796

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SPSS Results: Descriptive Analysis: Frequencies: cont.

Case Processing Summarized In Excel Table

Crosstab Out Put Chi-





Marital Status(Iv)*Dv's Pearson



No Of



Asymp.Sig Cramer's V

State Fips Code a 14757 - -

Number Of Adults In


9120.325 13988 0.00 0.330

Number Of Adult Men In


6616.733 13988 0.00 -0.206

Number Of Adult Women

In Household

2458.085 13988 0.00 0.171

Reported Age In Years 8240.07 14757 0.00 0.305

Number Of Children In


1241.461 14753 0.00 0.118

Education Level 582.664 14749 0.00 0.081

Employment Status 3362.436 14741 0.00 0.195

Income Level 3204.309a 14726 0.00 0.19

Own Or Rent Home 2295.704 14684 0.00

Respondents Sex 588.216 14757 0.00 0.2


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SPSS Results: Inferential Analysis: Linear Regression: cont.

Descriptive Statistics Mean Std. Deviation N

Marital Status 2.35 1.932 1679 State Fips Code 53.00 .000 1679

Number Of Adults In Household 2.09 .875 1679

Number Of Adult Men In Household

.87 .591 1679

Number Of Adult Women In Household

1.22 .529 1679

Reported Age In Years 34.23 7.749 1679

Number Of Children In Household

25.64 38.356 1679

Education Level 4.90 1.135 1679 Employment Status 2.84 2.228 1679 Income Level 16.90 27.617 1679 Own Or Rent Home 1.54 .916 1679 Respondents Sex 2.00 .000 1679 Pregnancy Status 1.99 .427 1679

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SPSS Results: Inferential Analysis: Linear Regression: cont.


Model Unstandardized

Coefficients Standardize

d Coefficients

T Sig.

B Std. Error Beta


(Constant) 4.284 .363 11.817 .000 Number Of Adults In Household

-.990 .065 -.448 -15.166 .000

Number Of Adult Women In Household

1.912 .112 .524 17.034 .000

Reported Age In Years -.048 .005 -.194 -8.879 .000 Number Of Children In Household

.013 .001 .268 13.357 .000

Education Level -.192 .034 -.113 -5.605 .000 Employment Status -.017 .017 -.019 -.975 .330 Income Level .000 .001 .004 .186 .852 Own Or Rent Home .233 .043 .110 5.401 .000 Pregnancy Status -.130 .087 -.029 -1.484 .138

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Inferential Analysis: Linear Regression:

ANOVAa Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 2395.131 9 266.126 114.750 .000b Residual 3870.722 1669 2.319

Total 6265.853 1678

a. Dependent Variable: Marital Status

Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R

Square Std. Error of the

Estimate 1 .618a .382 .379 1.523 a. Predictors: (Constant), Pregnancy Status, Number Of Adults In Household, Employment Status, Number Of Children In Household, Income Level, Own Or Rent Home, Education Level, Reported Age In Years, Number Of Adult Women In Household

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Results and Interpretation


1. Descriptive analysis: The output of Pearson chi-square significance level for the crosstab frequency shows that Asymp.

Sig. is less than .05 in all dependent variables at 0.00 except in pregnancy status indicating that chi square is significant

(sig is less than a = 0.05), so I would not reject the H1. This means that I am accepting the hypothesis that the occurrence

of teen pregnancy and college dropout are strongly related to the factors of economic effects on families.

2. The number of children have the highest mode which is most frequent variable at 88 followed by income at 9.

3. Standard deviation was highest at 36.571 by the number of children followed by income at 28.038.

4. Variance is lowest at sex for .241.

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Results and Interpretation cont.

Inferential analysis:

1. The Anova regression sig column shows that p < 0.0005, which is less than 0.05, and indicates that, overall, the regression

model statistically significantly predicts the outcome variable

2. The model summary table shows that the R value represents the simple correlation and is .618 which indicates a high degree

of correlation between variables measured. The R Square value indicates how much of the total variation in the dependent

variables, can be described by the independent variable, in this case, 38.2% can be explained, which is very large

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Results and Interpretation cont.


1. The Bar chart displays the categories on the graph's x-axis, and either the frequencies on the y-axis e.g. the count on marital status for

employment shows that quite a number of the different categories have worked without indication that they are still working at > 3500

counts out of 4000 counts and the also some reasonable count are unemployed at 1.less than 1000counts out of 4000counts

2. The histogram shows how many times each variable occurred in the observation. The variables are almost never normally distributed.

The normal curve is applied to the histogram is to help access the degree of which variable counts approximate the normal distribution

(Green, and Salkind, 2011).

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Implications for Social Change

Understanding the factors associated with the cause of teen pregnancies

impacting families from different instances will assist public health promoters

and decision makers to monitor the activities actively and progress of

prevention programs associated with the problem for advancement.

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According to reports, “Puerto Rico currently has an 18 percent teen pregnancy rate and childhood poverty rate of 55 percent” (Community Counseling Centers of Chicago, 2014). Another study revealed that within the social and demographic characteristics of Hispanics in the U.S. with respect to the economic status, Hispanics are disproportionately symbolized among the poor. The also pointed out that the “higher rates of pregnancy and childbearing among Hispanic teens in the U.S. may reflect preexisting disadvantages and cultural differences” (Ryan, Franzetta, & Manlove, 2005, p.7).

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Economic factors are a great determinant of high risk behaviors such as teen pregnancy and childbearing mostly among the poor people.

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Graphs: Histogram And Bar Graphs:

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Graphs cont.

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Graphs cont.

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Graphs cont.

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Amadi, O. (2015). Week_Assignment_PUBH-8545-AdvAnalysis-Summer. Retrieved from


AHIMA (2012).Dictionary. Retrieved from http://library.ahima.org/xpedio/groups/public/documents/ahima/bok1_049331.hcsp?


BioMedSearch.com (2015). Using a five-step procedure for inferential statistical analyses. Retrieved from


CDC (2015). About Teen Pregnancy; Teen Pregnancy in the United States. Retrieved from


Crossman, A. (2014). Statistics. Retrieved from http://sociology.about.com/od/Statistics/a/Descriptive-inferential-statistics.htm

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References cont.

Community Counseling Centers of Chicago (2014). Parenting Effort in Puerto Rico Huge Success. Retrieved from

https://www.c4chicago.org/community-counseling-c-enters chicago/parenting-effort-puerto-rico-huge-success

IBM (2015). Crosstabs statistics. Retrieved from http://www


google.com(n.d).Images for teenage pregnancy images. Retrieved rom

https://www.google.com/search?q=teenage+pregnancy+images+photos&biw=1438&bih=677&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0CEQQ7Alq FQoTCMrCs


Lund Research (2013). Linear Regression Analysis using SPSS Statistics. Retrieved from https://statistics.laerd.com/spss-

tutorials/linear-regression-using-spss- statistics.php

NIST (2013).What are statistical tests? Retrieved from http://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/handbook/prc/section1/prc13.htm

Miller, F. C. (2000). Impact of adolescent pregnancy as we approach the new millennium. Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, 13(1), 5-8.

University of the West of England (2015). Data Analysis. Retrieved fromhttp://learntech.uwe.ac.uk/da/Default.aspx?pageid=1440

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References cont.

utoronto.ca (2015). Pol242 lab manual: exercise 3a: Crosstabulation with Nominal Variables. Retrieved from


Waldenu.edu(2015).USW1_PUBH_8545_Week01_DataDictionary_forPuertoRico_DataSe. Retrieved from https://class.waldenu.edu

Ryan, S., Franzetta, K., & Manlove, J. (2005). Hispanic Teen Pregnancy and Birth Rates: Looking Behind the Numbers.

Child Trends Research Brief. Publication# 2005-01. Child Trends.

Shuger, L. (2012). Teen Pregnancy and High School Dropout: What Communities are Doing to Address These

Issues.Washington, DC: The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy and America’s Promise

Alliance. Retrieved from http://www.americaspromise.org/sites/default/files/legacy/bodyfiles/teen- pregnancy-and-hs-


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