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  • ME469B/5/GI 1

    Advanced Physical Models

    Heat Transfer Buoyancy Combustion and reaction modeling Multiphase flows Solidification and melting

  • ME469B/5/GI 2

    Heat Transfer

    Thermal analysis are crucial in many industrial applications

    Turbulence is enhanced is internalturbine cooling passages to improveheat transfer

    Roughness elements (ribs) areplaced in the channels

  • ME469B/5/GI 3

    Heat Transfer Modeling

    An energy equation must be solved together with the momentum and thecontinuity equations

    For incompressible flows the energy equation is decoupled from the others(r is NOT a function of the temperature)

    For laminar flows the energy equation can be solved directly; for turbulentflows after Reynolds-averaging the equation contains an unclosedcorrelation:



  • ME469B/5/GI 4

    Heat Transfer Modeling



    The Prandtl number is the measure of the momentum diffusivity vs. thethermal diffusivity

    Pr=cp m/k

    Pr is order 1 for gases (typically 0.7 for air)

    Prt is an additional parameter in the turbulence model (typically 0.9)

  • ME469B/5/GI 5

    Set-Up for Heat Transfer Calculations

    Activate the energy equation

    Define Models Energy

    Specify material properties

    Define Materials

  • ME469B/5/GI 6

    Wall thermal boundary conditions

    The options are:

    1) Fixed temperature2) Fixed thermal flux (temperature gradient)




  • ME469B/5/GI 7

    Flow-thermal simulations

    For incompressible fluidsthe temperature andmomentum equations aredecoupled

    For the energy equations all the numerical options (discretization, under-relaxation, etc.) are available

  • ME469B/5/GI 8

    Periodic flows

    Many heat-transfer devices are characterized by geometrically periodicconfigurations (ribbed passages)

    Temperature behaves like the pressure: it varies in the streamwise direction butits variation (gradient) is periodic

    The energy equations can be rewritten in terms of a scaled temperature:

    And the modified energy equation can be solved with periodic BC

  • ME469B/5/GI 9

    Wall heat transfer (temperature gradients) are strongly connectedto wall friction coefficients and therefore to turbulence modeling

    Example of Heat Transfer Calculations

    Ribbed Passages

  • ME469B/5/GI 10

    Problem set-up Solver Set-Up

    Material Properties:r = 1kg/m3

    m = 0.0001kg/msCp = 1000 J/Kg/oKk = 0.142 W/m oK

    Reynolds number:h = 1m, L=10m, H=LReh = rUbh/m = 10,000

    Boundary Conditions: Periodicity m=rUbH=10Kg/s No-slip walls

    Initial Conditions:u = 1; v = p = 0

    Turbulence model:k-e

    Segregated Solver

    Discretization:2nd order upwindSIMPLE


    Example: Ribbed Channel Flow


    Periodic boundaries




  • ME469B/5/GI 11

    Grid points are clustered at thewalls and in the shear layers

    Grids in Ribbed Channel Flows

    Unstructured gridding allows to separate the bottom and top BLshaving different resolutions in the streamwise direction

  • ME469B/5/GI 12


    Heat Transfer Predictions

  • ME469B/5/GI 13

    In many cases the correct prediction of the thermal field in a devicerequires the inclusion of conduction effects in solids

    Conjugate simulations are referred to coupled fluid-solidtemperature calculations

    Conjugate Heat Transfer

  • ME469B/5/GI 14

    Set-Up Conjugate Heat Transfer

    We need to specify two zones (fluid and solid) in the grid generationAnd then specify the material properties

    Define Materials Fluid Define Materials Solid

  • ME469B/5/GI 15

    Wall thermal boundary conditions

    The boundary between the two zones is ALWAYS a wall and a shadowzone is created automatically by Fluent







  • ME469B/5/GI 16

    The temperature field is affected by the treatment of the rib walls

    Conjugate Heat Transfer

    The rib is insulated

    The rib is heated from the base

    The rib is uniformly heated

  • ME469B/5/GI 17

    Effect of the Thermal Wall Bc

  • ME469B/5/GI 18

    Effect of the Thermal Wall Bc

  • ME469B/5/GI 19

    Comments on Thermo-fluid simulations

    In incompressible flows the energy equation is decoupled from themomentum equations and can be solved a posteriori with the velocityfield frozen

    Additional modeling is involved for the solution of thermal equation inthe RANS context (therefore additional approximations and errors)

    Wall quantities (temperature and heat flux) are very sensitive to themodeling of near-wall turbulence

    Conjugate heat transfer (coupled fluid/solid) are often necessary todescribe accurately a physical device

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