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Marketing TeamAugust 2015

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Technical Optimization – On Page and Off Page Factors

Content Optimization

Link Building Strategy

Submission to different Directories etc.,

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Technical Optimisation is a fundamental part of the overall onsite optimization process. It is predominantly concerned with ensuring that the content you want to be indexed is completely accessible to search engines and given the correct value,.

This is often what is meant when someone says they are making their site ’search engine friendly’.

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If the search engines cannot crawl the site because there are technical issues blocking them then the content you need to indexed will never make it to the search engines results pages. Search engines use programs called robots (also known as spiders or bots) which view individual web pages, retrieve the information from the page they are designed to retrieve and log it against the URL of the page. Hence it is recommended to have a technically optimized and a search engine friendly site.

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Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing a webpage to improve ranking and to achieve higher visibility in search engines.

It is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in search engine's, natural or unpaid results.

1. On Page Optimization - On Page Optimization is a process of what can be done on the pages of a website in order to make it more search engine friendly to achieve good search engine ranking for targeted keywords.

2. Off Page Optimization - Off-page SEO is a process of optimizing your web pages outside your website.


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On- Page OptimizationOn Page optimization is one of the very first step of SEO which every webmaster should look into.

This technique includes the optimization of texts, images, tags, URL structure, internal links, headers etc.

Proper on-page optimization for a website will not only rank well in a search engine but also increase the overall readability of the website for our visitors.

On page search engine optimization is the most important part in the process of SEO. It is said that if on page SEO is perfect, 45% job of the SEO is done and rest depends on the off page SEO.

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Important Components of On-Page SEO

1. Title Optimization

2. Meta Tags Optimization

3. Important HTML Tags (HI Tags / Alt tags)

4. Keyword Optimization

5. Internal linking/External Outbound Linking

6. URL Optimization

7. Image Optimization

8. Content Optimization

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TITLE OPTIMIZATION Title tag is the page title what is displayed in the title bar of your browser window. A site’s title tag is the most important website optimization element and this page

title appears in two places

Google search results page On the top of a user’s browser bar and

A title tag should be short but descriptive enough for your visitors to identify you and your business.

Title tag is the first thing that is shown & indexed by the search engines.

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Guidelines for giving Page title or Title tags

1. Each page should have a unique title.

2. The primary target keyword should appear first.

3. The <title> tag is the first element in the <head> section of your page - this makes it easier to find by Google

4. Each keyword phrase should be separated by pipes (|)

5. Each page title on your website should be unique

6. The title shouldn't consist of much more than about 9 words or 70 characters.

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Meta Tags OptimizationThere are two important Meta Tags. They are Meta description tag, Meta keyword tag, Revisit tag, Robots tag, Googlebot tag.

Meta Description Tag

A site’s Meta description should contain a brief description of your website focusing on the areas and services that your business is specialized in.

• The meta description appears on a Google search results page under the Page Title.

• If your Meta Description is too generic and isn’t written too well then there is a chance that your site will simply be ignoredGuidelines for giving Meta Description:

•Be under 150 characters (but not under 100 characters; take advantage of the space you have

• Incorporate the primary target keyword.

•Provide a valuable, compelling reason for why someone should visit the page

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Meta keyword Tag

Meta keywords are the least important tag for Search engine like Google. But it is an easy way to tell our important keywords to search engine.

Meta keywords should contain less than 250 characters.

Now Google is not considering Meta keywords as one of the ranking factor. But other search engines still use them in their algorithm

Guidelines for good meta keywords tags

• Use synonyms

• Use unique keywords

• Add very few meta keywords(Max 10) to the page that are related to the page title and content

Note: Do not stuff too many keywords

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Robots tag

Use a special HTML <META> tag to tell robots not to index the content of a page, and/or not scan it for links to follow.


Inserted in the <head> section <head> <meta name=”robots” content=”content”> </head>

Googlebot tag

Googlebot obeys the noindex, nofollow, and noarchive Robots META Tag. If you place the tag in the head of your HTML/XHTML document, you can cause Google to not index, not follow, and/or not archive particular documents on your site. Example:<meta name="googlebot" content="all, index, follow" />

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Important HTML Tags

It is necessary for you to highlight certain parts of your website that you want your readers to look at and there are several tags in html which allows you to do• Header tags [h1] [h2] [h3]• Bold [strong], • Italic [em]

The text inside your header tags (e.g. [h1]) is given very high importance by the search engine

Header Tags:

Header 1: Header 1 should be used to define the most important section of your page. Usually Header 1 is used for Site’s title or header text.

Header 2 & 3: Header 2 and 3 can be used for Page/Post titles or important sections of your pages. Separating your content with headers is a good practice as it makes your site more readable and easy to navigate.

Text Styles:

Bold: You can bold (e.g. [strong]) certain words which are of high importance. Sometimes it’s good to bold your keywords where appropriate. However overdoing this may get you penalized.

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Keyword Optimization

In web terminology a keyword is a term that a person enters into a search engine to find specific information.

Most people enter search phrases that consists of between two and five words. Such phrases may be called search phrases, keyword phrases, query phrases, or just keywords. Good keyword phrases are specific and descriptive

Your site’s content needs to be optimized in such a way that it can suit both search engines & your readers

Stuffing your site with too many keywords can make your site unreadable. So have balance between your keywords & your content.

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URL Optimization

The website page’s URL should include the primary target keyword.

Make SEO-friendly URLs.

Use keywords in your URLs and file names.

Each word in the URL should be separated using dashes (-)

A file with 3+ hyphens tends to look spammy and users may be hesitant to click on it.

Use hyphens in URLs and file names, not underscores

Hyphens are treated as a “space,” while underscores are not

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Image Optimization

If your site has lot of images, you need to optimize them as they can’t be read by the search engines. It’s very easy for a human reader to interpret the image into its meaning. However for a Web crawler the whole interpreting process is completely different. Search Engine spiders can only read text but not images. So you need to use some special tags for your images in order to give them some meaning.

Image Optimization Elements

Alt text : ALT text or Alternate Text is the text to describe your image when your mouse moves over an image on your web page. The text should be meaningful but short. You can use your relevant keywords as ALT text. If your browser can’t display the image for some reason, the alt text is used in place of that particular image.

Image Title : always use the title tag in images which will show the title as tool tip when a user moves his mouse over the image.

Image Linking : Whenever you want to link to your image, use the image keywords in your link text. Example: use “view an Apple iPhone”, instead of “Click here to view” as the anchor text.

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OFF PAGE OPTIMIZATIONArticle Submissions – Create good articles about your product or services and

then post them on top article websites. Back link important keywords to your website and leave a link to your website as well. Counts as a good back link.

Blogging - writing or installing your own blog helps to get good traffic to your website. In fact Google Loves blogging as it promotes discussion commenting etc.

Forums – Forums is great from Internet Marketing and search engine optimization point of View Google Loves Forums. This is a discussion board where you can discuss about your problems related to your product or services etc.

Press releases – Quite similar to Press release of a newspaper. Write PR and post then online PR websites. However no benefit from back link point of view. Good for branding

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Increases Visits. Increases Visibility on search Engines. Increases your website Authority Get Position on Search Engine Ranking

Positions Get Huge traffic to your website.

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Content optimization is the process by which your content is engineered to work to your advantage by ensuring you rank well in the search engines. Your site’s content, its wording and phrasing, the location of specific keywords and phrases and the frequency with which they appear should all be naturalistically engineered to generate the best possible search outcomes.

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Content Optimization

Content basically includes what you see on the site: the text, graphics and even links to outside world.

Superior the quality of your content, the higher the ranking you achieve, larger the traffic you gain and greater the popularity of your website.

A relevant, fresh, and timely content is crucial to attracting and keeping visitors to your web pages. It will help you both draw traffic from search engines and create audience loyalty.

Search engines prefer good quality sites in their index and search results.

Unique, High-Quality Content

SEO Content Writing ( Copy Writing)

SEO Content Writing (also referred as SEO Copy Writing) involves the process of integrating keywords and informative phrases which make up the actual content of your website.

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The content should be directed for the specified target audience.

Keyword density is strictly adhered as per search engine guidelines.

Titles should always be eye-catchers, compelling your visitors to read on and want what you have to offer in your website.

Don't use confusing and complex language. Use small statements to make your content more understandable.

Keep your web pages short and don't put all the content on a single page.

Divide your web page content also into short paragraphs.

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Link building is one of the primary part of SEO and is done to influence the popularity and reputation of a website within the overall web and in the eyes of the search engines.

Link building can help improve rankings and, if done correctly, it can also improve the direct level of traffic to a site.

It is an integral part of the overall offsite search engine optimization process.

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This is the first part of our link building process. One looks in detail at current inbound links, the mix of links (blogs, forums, partners etc), the value they are passing to the site and their relevance. It is to look at the opportunity to improve the links by changing anchor text or directing them to different parts of the site.

One also has to look at all the sites that currently rank for the keywords one need to target and identify the inbound links these sites are benefiting from. This can uncover many links which are easy to source and could have a beneficial effect on your search engine rankings if we were able to acquire them for your site too

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This process looks at your marketplace and identifies obvious candidates for links from trustworthy, high relevance sites. These could be companies or associations you already have a relationship with or could build. It also looks at the main online ‘hubs’ for you industry. These may be high profile industry blogs, online magazines of news sites.

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The best way to naturally attract links is to add something special or unique to your site. It could be as simple as an insightful blog that could become popular within your industry or as complex as a unique web application or online tool that solves a common industry problem. Anything that would make other sites want to recommend you through a link, would work; it could even be a special offer or a competition.

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TYPES OF LINK BUILDING PLATFORMS Blog Forums Social Media Social Bookmarking Press Release Infographs Presentations E-books Marketing Video Marketing Audio Sharing Image Sharing Article Sharing PDF Sharing Business Listing Q/A Platforms Directory Web 2.0 & so on…

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