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Page 1: Adventure Cycling - SPDs or Flat Pedals?

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Page 2: Adventure Cycling - SPDs or Flat Pedals?



There are two distinct types of pedals you may have seen on a bike, be

it a mountain bike or a road bike, or you may think all pedals are the

same. Well think again! There are clear advantages and disadvantages

for both types, and you need to decide if SPDs (the clip in type) or

traditional (flat) pedal is better suited for your adventure cycling.

Page 3: Adventure Cycling - SPDs or Flat Pedals?




SPD stands for ‘Shimano Peddling Dynamic’ and refers to the clip in type

of pedals. There is a mechanical cleat within the pedal, which clips into a

small metal block attached to a specific SPD type shoe. The rider’s foot

will not leave the pedal in an upward direction, except under extreme

force. To disengage the rider twists their foot in either direction.

Pros: Increase in pedaling

efficiency, the rider can pull

up on the pedal, as well as

down to give an increased

pedaling motion. No risk of

foot slip.

Cons: You may get stuck.

Arriving at a set of traffic lights

and fumbling to release your

foot from the clip can result in

an embarrassing situation.

Cost of new SPD pedals and

shoes to match.

Page 4: Adventure Cycling - SPDs or Flat Pedals?




Flat pedals are commonly sold with new bikes and consist of plastic or

metal blocks, with grip that allows your foot to be help in place without

slipping. The rider is free to choose any type of footwear including,

barefoot to be able to ride a ‘flat’ pedal, there is no special shoe to clip in

like with SPDs, and the rider can simply remove their foot at anytime, in

any direction.

Pros: Comfort, the rider can

use any type of footwear.

Easy to mount/dismount as

there is no clips involved.

Confidence for riding as the

rider can place their foot at

any point and use as

balance for cornering. Cost

no special shoe required.

Cons: Reduced pedaling

efficiency as the rider can

only push down and not pull

up on the pedal. Foot may

slip out from the pedal.

Page 5: Adventure Cycling - SPDs or Flat Pedals?



Choosing the right type of pedal will depend on the

type of adventure cycling you are doing. Road

cyclists swear by SPD’s as their foot rarely leaves

the pedal and it gives them more efficiency.

Downhill mountain bikers are constantly removing

their feet to help balance around sharp corners

and walking over steps and obstacles, so there is

no right choice. Just try both and let us know what

you prefer.

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