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Adventurers with Jesus 3rd Quarter 2016 Online Activities

Lesson 1

Bible Quiz: Multiple Choice

Circle the correct answer.

1. What was the main point of Psalm 104?

A. God made a promise to Abraham.

B. God is worthy of praise.

C. Jesus walked on water.

2. God is clothed with honor and ____________.

A. majesty

B. love

C. truth

3. God “set the earth on its ____________” (Ps. 104:5, NRSV).

A. throne

B. orbit

C. foundations

4. Which of the following is not a way to praise God?

A. Complaining about other people

B. Singing praise songs

C. Thanking God for His creation

5. “In wisdom you have made them all; the earth is full of your ____________” (Ps. 104:24, NRSV).

A. glory

B. creatures

C. praise


The book of Psalms is the longest book in the Bible and is consistently considered the most popular book

in the Old Testament. It has many different writers, including Moses and Solomon, but many of the

psalms were written by King David. The psalms are songs or poems often used in worship to God. They

cover many different subjects, such as war, peace, judgment, prophecies of the Messiah, and praise, and

even include laments (or expressions of sorrow). This long book includes 150 psalms, and it is actually

separated into five books. The most well-known psalm is Psalm 23, which begins, “The LORD is my

shepherd, I shall not want” (v. 1, NRSV).

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Lesson 2

Bible Quiz: True or False

Write the letter T if the statement is true or the letter F if the statement is false.

_____1. We should show appreciation when we receive a gift.

_____2. Today’s Scripture passage was from Matthew 10.

_____3. Even when we disobey, God loves us and helps us.

_____4. The only way to thank God is by singing praise songs.

_____5. God’s love endures forever.


God is pleased when we respond to His gifts and blessings with a thankful heart. In Luke 17:11–19, we

read about how Jesus healed ten lepers. Only one leper, after seeing that he was healed, returned to

Jesus, bowed down, and thanked Him. Verse 15 says the man was “praising God with a loud voice”

(NRSV). Jesus then told the man that his faith had made him well.

It is important to thank God for what He has given to us. A thankful heart keeps our thoughts on God,

and it keeps us from being prideful. When we thank God for something, we admit that He is the Source

of all good things. We did not achieve these great things on our own. How can we thank God? Like the

leper, we can humbly bow before Him and thank Him for what He has done. We can also write poems,

sing songs, create artwork, or help others who are in need. There are many other ways to praise God as

well. All these things reveal that we are thankful for everything God has done.

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Lesson 3

Bible Quiz: Fill in the Blank

1. “Praise the LORD from the ____________; praise him in the heights!” (Ps. 148:1, NRSV).

2. “Praise him, sun and moon; praise him, all you ____________ stars!” (Ps. 148:3, NRSV).

3. “Praise the LORD from the earth, you sea ____________ and all deeps” (Ps. 148:7, NRSV).

4. “Let them praise the name of the LORD, for his name alone is ____________” (Ps. 148:13, NRSV).

5. All blessings come from God—the Father, Jesus, and the ____________ Spirit.


There are many expressions of praise seen throughout the Bible. One of the most well-known

expressions is “hallelujah.” Hallelujah means “praise God.” This word is mainly seen in the books of

Psalms and Revelation. In Revelation 19:1, John wrote, “After this I heard what seemed to be the loud

voice of a great multitude in heaven, saying, ‘Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power to our God’”

(NRSV). Other familiar expressions of praise found in the Bible include “glory to God in the highest,”

which was proclaimed by the angels because Jesus was born, and “blessed is the king who comes in the

name of the Lord,” which was proclaimed by the Jews as Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a colt. But, of

course, we don’t have to use these expressions of praise if we don’t want to. We can express praise to

God in our own way. The important thing is for us to praise God in every situation.

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Lesson 4

Bible Quiz: Short-Answer Questions

1. How can a person benefit from going through hard times?



2. Did we earn God’s grace? Why or why not?



3. How can we have hope in Jesus?



4. Will God always answer yes to our prayers? Why or why not?



5. Write out today’s key verse.




In today’s lesson, we learned that Jesus said we should expect to have troubles in our lives. But did you

know that Jesus experienced incredible suffering during His life? Before Jesus was crucified, He was

beaten and whipped so severely that His face could not be recognized. He was mocked, and the soldiers

put a crown of thorns on His head. He also experienced incredible spiritual anguish as He took on the

sins of the world. In His agony, He cried out to God, “‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’”

(Mark 15:34, NRSV). When we experience troubles, we can find peace in knowing that Jesus

understands our pain. During our own suffering, we can ask God to help us through it, and we know that

He will use these hard times to make us more like Him.

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Lesson 5

Bible Quiz: Crossword Puzzle


3. “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is ____________ life in Christ Jesus our Lord”

(Rom. 6:23, NRSV).

4. ____________ is a symbol that shows that we join Jesus in His death and resurrection.

Down 1. We should reflect God’s love and ____________.

2. If we have ____________ in Christ, we should not return to our sin.

3. Before we gave our lives to Christ, we were ____________ of God.


Before we become a part of God’s family, we are sinners who live in darkness. When we decide to

follow Jesus, one of our first acts is to be baptized. Baptism is a symbol that shows that we are joining

Jesus in His death, burial, and resurrection. We are no longer living in darkness but are living in the light

of Christ. Baptism is often done publicly as a visible statement that we are dedicating our lives to Christ.

Jesus even commanded us to make disciples and baptize them: “‘Go therefore and make disciples of all

nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit’” (Matt. 28:19,

NRSV). All believers should be baptized in obedience to God.

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Lesson 6

Bible Quiz: True or False

Write the letter T if the statement is true or the letter F if the statement is false.

_____ 1. God promises to give us an easy life.

_____ 2. God will help us to be more like Jesus.

_____ 3. Difficult times can separate us from God’s love.

_____ 4. Those who believe in Jesus will live in heaven with God one day.

_____ 5. In heaven there will be joy, love, and peace.


God won’t give us everything that we ask for, but He will always be with us through the hard times.

Psalm 46:1 reads, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (NRSV). Jesus said that

we don’t have to worry about our needs, such as food and clothing, because God will provide those

things if we “‘strive first for the kingdom of God’” (Matt. 6:33, NRSV). Proverbs 3:5–6 reads, “Trust in

the LORD with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge him, and

he will make straight your paths” (NRSV). These verses teach us that we can trust God to help us and

that, even during troubling times, we should focus on doing the work of the Kingdom and praising His


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Lesson 7

Bible Quiz: Multiple Choice

Circle the correct answer.

1. Isaiah 55:8–9 reads, “For my ____________, nor are your ways my ways, says the LORD” (NRSV).

A. love is not like your love

B. thoughts are not your thoughts

C. desires are not your desires

2. Jesus is a descendant of ____________.

A. the Apostle Paul

B. Esau

C. King David

3. Those who ____________ will receive salvation.

A. believe God

B. are direct descendants of Abraham

C. try to obey God’s laws

4. Salvation is offered to ____________.

A. the Jews only

B. the Gentiles only

C. all those who believe in Jesus

5. “This means that it is not the children of the flesh who are the children of God, but ____________ are

counted as descendants” (Rom. 9:8, NRSV).

A. the children of the promise

B. the Jews and the Gentiles

C. those who observe the Law


God first promised salvation in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve had sinned against God, which

severed their relationship with Him. They were forced to leave God’s presence and the Garden of Eden.

Their relationship with God could be restored only with a righteous payment for their sins. Adam and

Eve could not make this sacrifice because they were sinful. So God spoke of a redemption that would

come. He said to the serpent, “‘I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your

offspring and hers; he will strike your head, and you will strike his heel’” (Gen. 3:15, NRSV). This

statement was a prophecy of the coming Messiah. The woman’s offspring is Jesus. Although Satan

would “strike” Jesus by tempting God’s own people to reject Jesus and crucify Him, Jesus would

overcome all sin and death. Jesus lived a perfect life and gave up His life to die for us. His sacrifice paid

for our sins. Anyone who has faith in Jesus and gives his or her life to Him will be saved.

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Lesson 8

Bible Quiz: Fill in the Blank

1. The Apostle Paul hoped that ____________ would draw the Jews back to God.

2. Only the Jews who had faith in Christ were rewarded with ____________.

3. Paul compared the promise of salvation to an ____________ tree.

4. The Gentiles were like wild olive shoots that were ____________ into the tree.

5. Some of the Jews were cut from the tree because of their ____________.


Today’s lesson focused on the promise of salvation. But what are we being saved from? We are being

saved from God’s wrath. We have all sinned and deserve to be punished for that sin. God is a just God,

so He requires payment for wrongdoing. If a person steals, we expect him or her to pay for those actions

by paying a large fine or spending time in prison. In the same way, God requires a payment for our sins.

But because we are sinful and cannot make a righteous payment on our own, God sent His only Son to

pay for our sins. Jesus came to earth to die on the cross for our sins. If we accept His payment and give

our lives to Him, we will be saved. John 3:36 reads, “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life;

whoever disobeys the Son will not see life, but must endure God’s wrath” (NRSV).

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Lesson 9

Bible Quiz: Short-Answer Questions

1. What does it mean to be a living sacrifice?



2. How can we renew our minds?



3. What is God’s will for us?



4. What are some ways you can show love to others?



5. Write today’s key verse.




Jesus was the perfect Sacrifice. He lived a sinless life, and He gave His life to pay for our sins. If we accept

this payment for our sins and give our lives to Him, then we will be saved. Before Jesus died and rose

again, the Israelites made sacrifices to God. They sacrificed animals, and they gave food and drink

offerings. But these sacrifices were not the perfect sacrifice that could forgive sins eternally. The author

of Hebrews wrote, “Since the law has only a shadow of the good things to come and not the true form

of these realities, it can never, by the same sacrifices that are continually offered year after year, make

perfect those who approach” (Heb. 10:1, NRSV). Verse 4 reads, “It is impossible for the blood of bulls

and goats to take away sins” (NRSV). Only Jesus’ sacrifice could pay for our sins eternally. In response to

His sacrifice, we should give our lives to God by being a “living sacrifice” (Rom. 12:1, NRSV).

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Lesson 10

Bible Quiz: Crossword Puzzle


3. Isaiah prophesied about a time of ____________.

4. Isaiah described the coming King as someone who would have much understanding, knowledge, and


5. The day of peace is coming where a wolf will live with a ____________.


1. The Jews expected the coming ____________ to be a warrior king who would take over nations.

2. ____________ is the father of King David.


Isaiah was a prophet of God, and his name means “Yahweh is salvation.” Isaiah often prophesied about

the salvation that would come through the Messiah. Many Jews during Jesus’ time and later were able

to read Isaiah’s prophecies and recognize that he spoke of Jesus. The book of Isaiah has even been

nicknamed “The Gospel According to Isaiah.” During Isaiah’s ministry, Kings Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and

Hezekiah reigned. Isaiah’s ministry also overlapped with other prophets’ ministries, including Hosea’s

and Micah’s. Isaiah spoke of God’s judgment, and he warned the Israelites that God would punish them

if they did not repent of their ways.

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Lesson 11

Bible Quiz: Multiple Choice

Circle the correct answer.

1. The celebration that Isaiah prophesied about would be ____________.

A. upon a mountain

B. beside mighty waters

C. beneath the Tree of Life

2. The mountain that Isaiah prophesied about represents __________.

A. the ups and downs of life

B. heaven or the glory of God

C. a towering enemy

3. The celebration would not include ____________.

A. a feast

B. rejoicing

C. weeping

4. “For the ____________ of the LORD will rest on this mountain” (Isa. 25:10, NRSV).

A. hand

B. strength

C. face

5. While we wait for the celebration, we should spend our time ____________.

A. napping

B. shopping

C. growing closer to God


Although we don’t know exactly what heaven will be like, the Bible gives us clues to what our eternal life

will be like. Philippians 3:20–21 reads, “But our citizenship is in heaven, and it is from there that we are

expecting a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. He will transform the body of our humiliation that it may be

conformed to the body of his glory, by the power that also enables him to make all things subject to

himself” (NRSV). We also know that there will be “‘many dwelling places’” there (John 14:2, NRSV). Most

people have heard there will be streets of gold and pearly gates. This idea comes from Revelation 21:21.

The Bible also says there will be “no night there” (v. 25, NRSV). And only those “who are written in the

Lamb’s book of life” will enter into heaven (v. 27, NRSV). We also know that heaven will be without any

mourning or suffering. Instead, there will be rejoicing, and we will praise the name of God. Anyone who

believes in Jesus and gives his or her life to Him will get to be in heaven with Him one day.

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Lesson 12

Bible Quiz: True or False

Write the letter T if the statement is true or the letter F if the statement is false.

_____ 1. God wants us to be scared.

_____ 2. For God, making the heavens was as easy as opening curtains.

_____ 3. Only a few kings on earth were as powerful as God.

_____ 4. God knows every star by name.

_____ 5. God gets weary at the end of the week.


Sometimes we forget how powerful God is and how present He is in our lives. When bad things happen

or when we become scared, we don’t always run to God for His help, even though He is all-powerful.

God loves us and cares for us. He wants to be a part of our lives and to use His strength to save us.

Zephaniah 3:17-18 reads, “The LORD, your God, is in your midst, a warrior who gives victory; he will

rejoice over you with gladness, he will renew you in his love; he will exult over you with loud singing as

on a day of festival” (NRSV). When we are in need or are fearful, we can come to God. He will be with us

through our troubles. We know that one day we will be in heaven with God, and we will see more of

God’s power displayed.

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Lesson 13

Bible Quiz: Crossword Puzzle

Across 1. The only One who will never let us down is ____________.

3. Today’s lesson title is “A Promise That Lasts ____________.”

4. The Israelites had to wait for God to send the ____________ in His perfect timing.

5. The ____________ were God’s chosen people.

Down 2. Isaiah was sent to bring good news to the ____________.


Jesus preached the Good News to the Jews. The Good News is the Gospel message that the Kingdom of

God has come. We can be saved by accepting Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins, and then our relationship with

God will be restored. One day we will go to heaven and have perfect peace in God. While we wait for

this promise, we should do the work of the Kingdom, which includes helping those in need and showing

love to everyone we meet. We must also tell others about salvation through Christ so they can have the

opportunity to give their lives to Jesus and be saved.

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Lesson 1

1. B; 2. A; 3. C; 4. A; 5. B

Lesson 2

1. T; 2. F; 3. T; 4. F; 5. T

Lesson 3

1. heavens; 2. shining; 3. monsters; 4. exalted; 5. Holy

Lesson 4

Answers may vary.

Lesson 5

Across: 3. eternal; 4. baptism

Down: 1. goodness; 2. freedom; 3. enemies

Lesson 6

1. F; 2. T; 3. F; 4. T; 5. T

Lesson 7

1. B; 2. C; 3. A; 4. C; 5. A

Lesson 8

1. jealousy; 2. salvation; 3. olive; 4. grafted; 5. unbelief

Lesson 9

Answers may vary.

Lesson 10

Across: 3. peace; 4. strength; 5. lamb

Down: 1. Messiah; 2. Jesse

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Lesson 11

1. A; 2. B; 3. C; 4. A; 5. C

Lesson 12

1. F; 2. T; 3. F; 4. T; 5. F

Lesson 13

Across: 1. God; 3. Forever; 4. Messiah; 5. Israelites

Down: 2. oppressed

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