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Page 1: Advisory Committee on  Arts Development

Advisory Committee on Advisory Committee on Arts DevelopmentArts Development

New Funding Scheme

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Arts and Sport Arts and Sport Development FundDevelopment Fund

An injection of $1.5 billion into the arts portion of Arts and Sport Development Fund (ASDF)

Annual investment returns of around $60M to provide sustainable resources for long-term arts development

$30M - Hong Kong Arts Development Council

$30M – New Funding Scheme

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Advisory Committee on Advisory Committee on Arts DevelopmentArts Development

Established in November 2010 Advise the Government on matters

pertaining to arts development in Hong Kong, covering performing arts, visual arts and other art forms

Other areas of work cover Arts Development Fund, arts education and funding for performing arts

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New Funding SchemeNew Funding Scheme

Initiative to establish a new funding scheme with matching grants elements to fill the gaps of existing public funding sources

Support the development of the performing arts, visual arts and other art forms except Cantonese opera (which is supported by Cantonese Opera Development Fund)

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Visions of the SchemeVisions of the Scheme

To cultivate a supportive culture for the arts in the community, garner public and corporate support and foster tripartite partnership among the government, arts groups and the private sector to promote arts and cultural development in Hong Kong

To nurture local budding artists, enlarge the pool of local arts talent and enhance the artistic milieu in the community by supporting promising small to medium arts groups with a strategic and long-term funding arrangement

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Arts Capacity Arts Capacity Development Fund Development Fund (tentative)

4 Major Objectives

Contents Development

Arts Education

Audience Building

Capacity Building


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Contents DevelopmentContents Development


Innovative and impactful new works/exhibitions/festivals

Brand building of established works/exhibitions/festivals

Serial /developmental programmes

Programmes/exhibitions for overseas marketing

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Audience BuildingAudience Building


Building new audience base(in addition to schools and community)

Use of creative marketing by means of new media such as social networks on the Internet

Partnership with commercial corporations in marketing and publicity

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Arts EducationArts Education


Development of teaching kits or information kits for parents for appreciation of major art forms or successful art works/exhibitions

Teachers’ training(e.g. art appreciation and criticism)

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Capacity BuildingCapacity BuildingExamples

Professional advancement

Training of creative marketing personnel, professional producers, agents/impresarios for overseas marketing, fundraisers, technical staff, middle management

Artist-in-residence programme

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Categories of GrantsCategories of Grants Springboard Grants (for non-profit making arts

groups) More than a dollar-to-dollar match for income

over a threshold for overall institutional development of an arts group for 2-4 years

Submission of comprehensive plans on

Programmes and activities

Manpower resources

Marketing and fundraising

during supported period to achieve marked improvements over past capability and performance

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Categories of GrantsCategories of Grants Project Grants (for non-profit making

activities) Budget over $2M dollar-to-dollar

matching grant

Budget below $2M matching/direct grants

Matching grants awarded on dollar-to-dollar basis

Priority for applications for matching grants

Projects may last more than one year

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Eligibility of applicantEligibility of applicant

Individual arts practitioners*

Specially formed ensembles of professional arts practitioners*

Arts groups not receiving recurrent subvention

Arts management companies*

(*for project grants to organize non-profit-making activities)

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Application in 2011/12Application in 2011/12

Two rounds of application 1st round –

April to June ApplicationJune to July ProcessingAugust Announcement

2nd round – Oct to Nov Application Nov to Dec Processing Jan (2012) Announcement

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No Double SubsidyNo Double Subsidy

Project grantees are not allowed to accept funding support from other public funding sources for the same projects but non-cash support is allowed (e.g. venue booking, publicity)

Springboard Grantees may have to opt out from other public funding sources which offer them cash support

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Venue and Other SupportVenue and Other Support

Grantees should not assume automatic support from other organizations such as LCSD for venue booking, publicity support, etc.

Contingency should be planned and indicated in the application

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Income to be MatchedIncome to be Matched

All cash income generated from funded activities by CDF, including but not limited to:

commercial sponsorship private donation

(sponsorship and/or donation in kind can be accepted but not accounted for matching)

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Disbursement of FundsDisbursement of Funds

Disbursement by installments

Matching grants to be disbursed upon evidence of income obtained

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Assessment CriteriaAssessment Criteria

Assessment criteria Artistic merit Creativity and originality Impact on arts sector and

community Technical feasibility Financial viability Track record and execution ability

of applicants and participating arts practitioners

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Expert AdvisersExpert Advisers

A pool of expert advisers, expandable on ad hoc basis for individual applications, to assist in assessing the artistic merit, creativity, originality and impact of the proposed projects and applicants

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Assessment Mechanism &Assessment Mechanism &Grant ApprovalGrant Approval

ACAD Sub-committee on Capacity Development Fund to make overall assessment of applications

Sub-committee to recommend to ACAD the order of priority of grantees and conditions for disbursement, if applicable

ACAD will make proposal to the Government for funding approval and arrangement

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Evaluation MechanismEvaluation Mechanism Project delivery reports and audited

financial reports for all grantees

Performance to be measured against qualitative and quantitative indicators

Applicants are welcomed to propose additional performance indicators(both qualitative and quantitative) to enhance evaluation

Interim reports will be required for Springboard Grantees and Project Grantees for projects of longer timeframe and larger scale

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Under PerformanceUnder Performance

Grantees must bear the consequences of under performance and may not receive the grant in full

“Break” clause may apply if projects cannot be completed or deliver as pledged

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Thank YouThank You

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