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FACE Adult Education Implementation 2014

FACE Adult Education:

The Role of Goals

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FACE Adult Education Curriculum


• K-12 curriculum

• College syllabus


• FACE Adult Education curriculum

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A Variety of Goals

Improve Basic Skills

(reading, writing, math, technology)

Study to take the GED test

Enroll in college and pass college


Improve their finances

Improve work skills,

get a job

Get a better job

FACE adult students may want to:

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Support and teach

their children

Become more active

in their children’s schools

Learn more about their

language and culture

Study issues of importance

in their communities

Improve their own and their families’ health

A Variety of Goals

FACE adult students may want to:

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Adult Goals Drive

FACE Programming

Adult education students

are diverse

FACE is student-centered

Each classroom is unique

Curriculum is designed with each student in


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Everyone Has Goals

Set the tone by telling your own story about setting, achieving, and even falling short of a goal.

Ask students to think of goals they have set and achieved in any area of their lives and what helped or what hindered them.

Ask students to share some goals that they currently have, make a list, and discuss common and unique goals.

First Steps – Share Stories

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The Importance of Making a Plan

Do an activity with students that forces them to make

plans such as preparing for an event, inviting a guest

speaker, or making a special card for their children.


Do the Goals, Goals, Goals activity (University of

North Carolina) with students.

Discuss the importance of making plans when setting


First Steps – Active Learning

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Let’s Set a Common Goal

Choose a goal that students have in common such as reading each night as a family, maintaining 100% attendance, or eating more fruits and vegetables.

Use the Goal Setting Step-by-Step handout as a large group activity.

Help students learn goal setting terms and become familiar with the process they will use individually when they set their own goals in FACE.

First Steps – Define Goal Setting Terms and Process

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Identifying Goals

Ask students, “What are your dreams for five years in the future?”

Provide art supplies and magazines for students to create a mural, a vision for their future.

Hang the boards at school or home where students will see them often.

Talk about how we can create what we want in our lives through our efforts and positive attitudes.

“My dream is to study a lot because I want to help my daughter in her homework and I want to get a job to help my husband because we want some day to have a house and be together always.”

Activity #1 – Create a Vision Board

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Identifying Goals

Provide examples of goals in the categories of our adult roles.

Give students time to brainstorm their goals for this year in FACE in all the categories.

Have students talk aloud about their goals for this year.

Students who have goals in common may want to work together in achieving them.





Activity #2 – Brainstorm One-year GoalsCategories for Goals

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Questions to discover my goals

What can FACE do for you?

What interests do you have in these


What are your strengths in these


What’s important to you in these


What do you want to learn more about?

What would you like to accomplish

this year?

What would you like people to say

about you?

What are some things you would

like to change?

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FACE Monthly Progress Sheets

Use the FACE Adult Progress Sheets to identify goals.

At the beginning of the month have students choose at least one FACE goal.

During the month, provide materials and support for them to complete these goals.

Group students together who are working on the same goals.

At the end of the month reflect on achievements and progress.

My Goals – Choose Monthly GoalsSY 2014-2015 FACE Adult Education Monthly Progress Sheet Month ____________ Do one of these each month to identify short term (and long term goals). This form is documentation needed for the end of the year reporting. (To be completed by the student – and also reviewed/referred to at the end of the month)Adult’s Name __________________________________

Worker Role:

W1: Completes job application

W2: Attends job interview or Job/Career Fair

W3: Becomes employed

W4: Receives work promotion

W5: Retains employment for more than 3


W6: Obtains a better job

W7: Completes Employability Skills Training

W8: Completes work-based project or training

W9: Participates in job-shadowing (1/2-1 day)

W10: Participates in volunteer work experience

(1 week or more)

W11: Receives food handler’s training

W12: Receives food handler’s permit

W13: Works on CDA

W14: Receives CDA

W15: Receives other certification/license

W16: Uses specialized technology on the job

Citizen/Community Role: C1: Registers to vote or votes for 1st time

C2: Votes in local or national election

C3: Obtains driver’s license or CDL

C4: Volunteers in child’s school, including reading to elementary children, after-school programs, judging science fair, etc.

C5: Volunteers in community improvement activities (e.g., recycling, making quilts and/or clothing for those in need)

C6: Serves on Tribal Council or school board

C7: Participates in fundraising for community projects

C8: Produces RealeBooks for school and/or community

C9: Writes a letter to the local newspaper or to a politician to express his/her point of view

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Steps to Reaching Goals

Goal Setting – Step by Step

Have students choose one goal that they really

want to accomplish and write it on the top of the Step-by-Step Goal Setting


Give students time to

brainstorm all the steps they will need to take to

achieve this goal.

Ask students to categorize the

steps, then have them think about which steps need to happen first.

Have pairs of students review each other’s steps to reach their goals, give

feedback and discuss how long it might take to

complete the steps. Think about what

resources, information, skills, and help they will


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Step-by-Step Brainstorming:

Get a Job

List things I do well

Write a resume

Get references

Get experience

Get a new outfit

Arrange childcare

Do the interview

Consider the pay

Have a back-up plan

Learn about the worksite

Find out who is hiring

Brush up on my skills

Practice for the interview

Talk to people doing this job

Arrange transportation

Explore jobs in the area

Fill out the application

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Categorize & Prioritize: Get a Job

•List things I do well

•Explore jobs in the area

•Consider the pay

•Find out who is hiring

•Talk to people doing this job

Job Search

• Get experience

• Write a resume

• Get references

• Brush up on my skills

Qualify for


• Arrange transportation

• Arrange childcare

• Get a new outfit

• Have a back-up plan


• Learn about the worksite

• Fill out the application

• Practice for the interview

• Do the interview

Apply for a job

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Goal Setting Motivation

After students write their goal on the top of the What’s My Motivation? handout, challenge them to take 10 minutes and think of 20 reasons they want to achieve their goal.

Have students list people who will support them in achieving their goal.

1. Write down why achieving this goal would make those other people happy.

2. Have students think about who they will talk about their goal with in addition to the other students in class.

Have students think about some positive messages they have heard that might pertain to their goal.

1. Have students write these messages down.

2. Ask students, “Why are these messages important to you?”

Goal Setting – Motivating Reasons, People, Messages

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Find a Quote to Inspire Your Goals

Goal Setting – Inspiring Messages

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Let’s Get Specific

Guide students to reflect on their goals.

1. Present the elements of SMART Goals.

2. Have students evaluate their goals against these elements.

3. Ask, ”Does this goal inspire you? Are you ready to do the work it takes to

accomplish this goal?”

Have students rewrite their goals and then read them aloud to one another.

Provide a weekly or monthly calendar.

1. Have students think about when they are going to work on the steps to

achieve their goal.

2. Have students designate times on the calendar to work on their goal.

Have students make a plan for the following day, week, or month.

1. Have students write specific actions they will take on the calendars.

2. Ask, “What first steps did you decide to take and when will you take


Goal Setting – Reflect, Write it, Say it Aloud, Take Action

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What will I do and when will

I do it?

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Adapting along the way

Have daily and weekly check-ins with students about their goals and encourage students to support one another.

Guide students with the resources, information, skills, and help they need.

As they learn new information, help them to adapt their steps toward reaching their goals.

On the Path – Check-in, Support, Guide, Teach

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This is what I have done so far

Find ways to acknowledge what students have done along the

way; celebrate achievements both big and small.

Create a bulletin board where students can post the steps they

have completed to reaching their goals.

On the Path – Celebrate Achievements

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The Role of Goals

Drive the adult education curriculum

Set the foundation for goal setting

Envision long-term goals

Identify the steps to achieve goals

Keep motivated

Get the resources, information, skills, and help

Keep track of what to do

Reflect and adapt

Celebrate achievements

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FACE Adult Education: The Role of Goals

FACE Adult Education Implementation 2014

For more information contact:

[email protected]

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