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Page 1: •Employee Data Entry •Posting of employees’ cps amounts ...dwabmstg.cgg.gov.in/bms/CPS Document_1.pdf · CPS EMPLOYEE DATA ENTRY AND GENERATION OF FPU 1 •Employee Data Entry


1 • Employee Data Entry

2 • Posting of employees’ cps amounts against each Voucher

3 • Verification of Data

4• Deletion of Wrong Entries

5 • TEO Entry in FACTS

6• TEO Generation

7• FPU Report Generation

8• Posting of Cheque

Page 2: •Employee Data Entry •Posting of employees’ cps amounts ...dwabmstg.cgg.gov.in/bms/CPS Document_1.pdf · CPS EMPLOYEE DATA ENTRY AND GENERATION OF FPU 1 •Employee Data Entry

1. Adding Employee Data

DEO Login

Select CPSIndividual Employee Related Enter Employee Details

Select Department

Select DDO

Enter DDO Registration Number given by NSDL – (format: TXX12345X)

Enter Name of the Employee

Enter Employee ID allotted by DTO – 7 digit number

Enter Date of Joining - Date of Joining should be greater than 31.08.2004 and less than current


Select whether PRAN Number allotted or not

If “Yes” Enter PRAN Number else system will generate a Temporary PRAN Number

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2. Data entry of cps amounts of employees against each voucher (regular)

Select CPSRegular Posting Enter Employee Details

Select Department

Select DDO

Select Financial Year

Select Month

Select Voucher Number

Enter Amounts (regular, arrears) against each employee

Enter Pending amount if any and enter reason for the pendency.

Click Calculate Amount (amount should match the voucher amount)

Click Save

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Data entry of cps amounts of employees against each voucher (arrears)

Select Department

Select DDO

Select Financial Year

Select Month

Select Voucher Number

Select Employee from the List

Enter Amounts (arrears) against each employee

Enter Remarks

Enter Pending amount if any and enter reason for the pendency.

Click Calculate Amount (amount should match the voucher amount)

Click Save

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3. Verification of Data

Select CPSRegular PostingCPS Monthly Status Report

Select Financial Year

Select Month

Click Submit

Verify whether the Voucher Amount is tallied with amount of CPS amount

Difference must be zero

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4. Deletion of Wrong Entries

Select CPSRegular PostingDelete Vouchers Data

Select Department

Select Financial Year

Select Month

Click Submit

Data will be displayed

Delete records which is are wrong

This process cannot be done if TEO is generated

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5. Entry of TEO (FACTS)

Select Transactions TEO

Employee Contribution: 8342-00-117-00-04-001-000 (Debit)

Government Contribution: 2071-01-117-00-04-320-000(Debit)

Receipt Head: 8342-00-117-00-04-002-000(Credit)

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6. Generation of TEO

Select CPSRegular Posting TEO Generation

Select Department

Select Financial Year

Select Month

Click Submit

Data will be displayed

See whether the Voucher amount and CPS Posted amount is same

Then Click on Open TEO Button to generate the TEO

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Verify the Details

Save and take a print out

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7. FPU Generation

Select CPSRegular Posting FPU Report

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Select Department

Select Financial Year

Select Month

Click Submit

Data will be displayed

Download excel file

Upload in NSDL website

If file has been successful, note the NSDL Reference Number

Click the Generate FPU button (to tell the system that process is completed)

8. Posting of Cheque Details

Select CPSRegular Posting Cheque Posting

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Select Department

Select Financial Year

Select Month

Click Submit

Data will be displayed

Enter PAO-ECheque Number

Select PAO-ECheque Date

Enter DDO Physical Cheque Number

Select DDO Physical Cheque Date

Enter NSDL Reference Number

Click Post Cheque button


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1• Verifying the Temporary PRAN Numbers

2• Updating Temporary PRAN Numbers to Permanent PRAN Numbers

3• Verifying Updated PRAN Numbers List

4 • Arriving TEO Amount

5 • Entry of TEO (FACTS)

6 • Entry of TEO Number and Amount

7 • FPU Generation

8 • Posting of Cheque

Page 14: •Employee Data Entry •Posting of employees’ cps amounts ...dwabmstg.cgg.gov.in/bms/CPS Document_1.pdf · CPS EMPLOYEE DATA ENTRY AND GENERATION OF FPU 1 •Employee Data Entry

1) Verifying the Temporary PRAN Numbers

Select CPSTemp Prannos PostingTemp Prannos List

Select Financial Year

Data will be displayed

Click the Hyperlink(blue colored) to view individual details

Page 15: •Employee Data Entry •Posting of employees’ cps amounts ...dwabmstg.cgg.gov.in/bms/CPS Document_1.pdf · CPS EMPLOYEE DATA ENTRY AND GENERATION OF FPU 1 •Employee Data Entry

2) Updating Temporary PRAN Numbers to Permanent PRAN Numbers

Select CPSTemp Prannos PostingUpdate Temp Prannos

Enter Employee ID

Click Submit

Data will be displayed

Enter PRAN Number (permanent)

Click Update button

Page 16: •Employee Data Entry •Posting of employees’ cps amounts ...dwabmstg.cgg.gov.in/bms/CPS Document_1.pdf · CPS EMPLOYEE DATA ENTRY AND GENERATION OF FPU 1 •Employee Data Entry

3) Verifying Updated PRAN Numbers List

Select CPSTemp Prannos PostingUpdate Prannos List

Select Financial Year

Data will be displayed

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4) Arriving TEO Amount

Select CPSTemp Prannos PostingTEO Generation of Temp Prannos

Select Department

TEO Data will be displayed

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The TEO amount displayed here is to be posted in FACT-TEO

5) Entry of TEO (FACTS)

Select Transactions TEO

Employee Contribution: 8342-00-117-00-04-001-000 (Debit)

Government Contribution: 2071-01-117-00-04-320-000(Debit)

Receipt Head: 8342-00-117-00-04-002-000(Credit)

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6) Entry of TEO Number and Amount

Select CPSTemp Prannos PostingTEO Generation of Temp Prannos

Select Department

TEO Data will be displayed

Page 20: •Employee Data Entry •Posting of employees’ cps amounts ...dwabmstg.cgg.gov.in/bms/CPS Document_1.pdf · CPS EMPLOYEE DATA ENTRY AND GENERATION OF FPU 1 •Employee Data Entry

Enter TEO Number

Select Financial Year

Select Month

Take a Printout and click Save Button

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Reprinting of TEO generated for PRAN Numbers updated from Temporary to Permanent

Select CPSTemp Prannos PostingReprint TEO Temp Prannos

Select Department

Select Financial Year

Select Month

Enter TEO Number

Click Submit

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7) FPU Generation of for the data updated from Temporary PRAN Numbers to Permanent PRAN


Select CPSTemp Prannos PostingFPU of Temp Prannos

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Select Department

Select Financial Year

Select Month

Enter TEO Number

Click Submit

Data will be displayed

Download excel file

Upload in NSDL website

If file has been successful, note the NSDL Reference Number

Click the Generate FPU button (to tell the system that process is completed)

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8) Posting of Cheque for the data updated from Temporary PRAN Numbers to Permanent PRAN


Select CPSTemp Prannos PostingCheque Posting of Temp Prannos

Select Department

Select Financial Year

Select Month

Enter TEO Number

Click Submit

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Enter PAO-ECheque Number

Select PAO-ECheque Date

Enter DDO Physical Cheque Number

Select DDO Physical Cheque Date

Enter NSDL Reference Number

Click Post Cheque button

Following screen will be displayed


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Verifying Pending Amounts

Select CPSPending Amount Pending Amount Report

1• Verifying Pending Amounts

2• Updating of Pending Amount (after raising TEO for the

pending amount)

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Select Financial Year

Data will be displayed

Click Hyperlink for detailed information

Updating of Pending Amount (after raising TEO for the pending amount)

Select CPSPending Amount Pending Amount Details/Upload

Select Financial Year

Select Month

Click Submit

Data will be displayed

Click on Voucher Number (Hyperlink)

Voucher data will be displayed

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Enter Amount in Pending Uploaded box

Enter Reason

Click Update button


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