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Best quality,Latest designs at theLowest prices

~~._~~... _. ~ ~'1



Has all ~h~ !lIood points of othor

ma~esi wi~h ~~her de~JrablO' im- ,

provBments added. The "Malle­

ablEl/l":hare iDiore. than. saqsfied '

the eipectat,tRDs of people .iho •

. har.~ ~.'o~g~.t~lithe.m.. . Illvesi.iga.••te.IItheir superlo 'jnerlts and YO~ WIll ,. , i

. ha~e no othe~' kind. '






j I


'Ill ,I " .1'.\ I \.1'/ " hi,) , , I "'ilI ' .' .' /1: .·.0.""'i,, .•

..........aE·WA~E_. -~~ ,..,w~IFft'OlcNTO DEATHI;:::~"b:.·::~co.o~mh:::m:y~u{v::~jWAYNE G.'O.·llEGE"~~~ I .. r (!!os lifo" e t: an ndveniser talks ,bat way to a Dew!!- fi1 "~~:. J.ne:'s,' 'Bs"Io"·tsi' ,: re ~~IBOdYOf Walter A. King :::::~nn~~~:;::~y;;':::;:"rei~t=;IISGrealiy an N~""i: ,:i 1';;".II·· ..··_·~~··· ..··" d . C mercbant. wbo .pend tbat amount or New Bllildin rJ _.. ~W,·.·A'L.J.JT.

It Foun In a reamery. nearly a. muoh. II ls·tbia kind 01 ad- . .... b' ".~ t'"ertisl.og that makes 1lanson one' af the ~~-,=-~ I

~ ~ DISAPPEARED dECEMBER 23 be.t ItodlDgpoliltololbls pori 01 the ONE PROPOSED TO C05.... <;15.000 I;\ ~ ~ .tate.--",_ (lnwa) JllIU'll&l. . .• I~ . I' is making preparation for I Helplea. Child A~"ndoned and A· ) ¥---"Wi (Larger, Quarter. _l'jIee~ed to. Accorn-~ I lowed to Dle-Ar~e.ted fOf Sellin T.IIMEL ' iAftNINQ. modate the ~!.~~~ilv, Increasing. Al-

I' .i.. ,I',' a large and complete line.;' =:"'4I~e:4I.~~~er'L;it'~:~W.k~ t~t~ L~li ~~_,~.~ft), .': ~~r;::n~:"O~Gi':t~~~~:i~~~Pp~~~I'of field Propolel to Pu.h Telephone We ~oul~' be, "very glal1 ~ imp~'" pOled Impror,ement-Collell.:e 1& of .

.-,.u ,-~<OIj -i Building. upon our ~b.et.~.t;~~~~~~ Inestimable ~~efi.~ t~ Wayof). (1ft d lh, great daoger. tb&l II. In welt . J!..Wall. 'raper, Mouldings an.d Wind,ow Sha BS Wljl<efteM propo.e••o revive and re- tor lbo mallimde 01 ,..ong girl. th.t More roOm foriitbe Wayno oo/Jogo '"I'I I b ---d are llooklol' to' 8i. Lena", and DOl.bIT indilpeDl!Iab.Ie t.P -.full realization of. itoOI'g&!;l.ize te rass~ • , " -If"

i .at .Ihil, dme. The ooaD\1'J' preu le. PossIbl1tttetl. Whim ~he prflls6nt bDlld_1It will be, a new, tasty Th~ Are department at Norfolk"811 'remel1dou- power fdi' MOod, 'b.od 11 they tagH wllIre provirted there were ample

callell" oul· for duty four time8 lain 1_ bel tb Ir0; I t k W coold keep tllLa matter ora e accommodations, but the BtelM1y in-~ I and up-to-date 8 OC. e Thursday. readel'B, ooostantly :WBlD.lnlf art a8 to oreue of atteud_nce from year to year~ ! : shall have patterns that' ~mel'8QD -barbers have entt'lred aD tb.e open door to r1110, mlUl1 migbt be has rendered th"m olearly immfDoient. I~ I wreoment to close their !bops Sunda,. •.•aved who 8186 were'I01t. The gateway There 111 eyery indication that the tu-Si will make that room after Ma.roh 1. to St. Lotti. is the great union depot iure will double- the influx of students~ The debate between the OarroU and vvbioh i. beset with a thousand sn~1 if ~he college quartera am enlarged 10~ "i beautiful and at a moder


WinSide'lehoo18 wID be held at tbt" ror unwU'y feM. ADy yanni girl who aooowmodate tbenI. The Cw! rooms.,. ate expense. We frame latter pla.oe the 2~th tn8~ comes through tbe gatel int I tbe mid· and audtenoo rOOm are too small and, in~ The uvo I_lag ,taros at Wake.6old- lIf8y is at ODoe lpotted, ~ it it bf> rac~, aU departoient8 are mor6 or le't8~ pietures and sell picture t,be Fair 8IJore Bod EkerQtb, Oar18on & OMlble the snare will be spread io oramped. A oew bundwg to oost. not

I00',. stl1re-hB'Ye OODBolidated. her path that she canuot SOILp8. No 10811 thau 115,000 i8 need1d this year and

. frames tirl should come hem UDI~S8aLBoluool) will nm faU to lUateti"U"e if t,he Pl'.!It---++----------.,......,....--,------- The Stanton Picket stateR tbfa' lertam as to hel' COurse. he many enterprise of P,esldent Pile llnd theI Nd.than Ohaca contlnnes to improTI

J B k· ! -emptlng adV'ertiB8nl":"ntA often mere publlo ill a criterion of whnJ, uW,y bo

OneS· 0O"S'.tore aDd bis l"£"covery is now expeoted. 0 .. ts for igno1'8.oce and innocence. And p.'o·.ed. . . , ;::·:r0o:r1flSl;-1r~01S'1f'If1i1i0if1f0lr1j001f0...nrornr,.f-I;'50~~~'"'\ ~ H O. Per8hing baR l'!old the Pierel b't .~~tie.

~;::l~~ ~Iil· •. rxJ'>'1J':~'"~~'.'"~ Oount,y Leader to A. H. BsokhsOR." ~:h:r~~=ri:l~:::: ~~p;o;~: i8~::8~~:~1:~r~;:1l~~~:;)~~~;:~~11::'::I' ~ financial Standing Unaffected ~~ newspaper man of experteoce aud l:\:biJ· aka b t good ob a bo di . dt I-d· I H: ~ _

Ity. p~ll~e, 0' :- a~o.apt-r Lh~ fl~t pi~::t.i:: :~:::s:el1l~~~~;&;;1ie~'~l;:tcYty and I ~

~l It til announoed that bids (or rebuild· -,tIered where "Doexperleno bnquired" neighboring farms. 'Ie btOadell8 and im-I EPHOENIX INSURANCE COMPANY ~

r--- -::::. '.,.-- --.----~"' ... DR. J. C. Clark. Eye SAM.taUst iOll .the" asylum at Nortolt will bt .he mllY as well bid adleu to innooence proves sooi6lY EVtc"ry dollar mOOn by I ~ Of Brooklvn, New York

" , r..-.: open~d for oonsideration on the 20 b Il.nd bope when she 18AV9ll her home the mstituSion is de.vored to improTe· ~ ~H1(:Mt(', Jr.j,. Feb ~, HW,l .." I .OLTON BLOCK, .IOUX CITY, I.~ inst. Aurt all a matter Of coone, 'be YOUDJt menta and is tbus a benefit t.o the town I:';] §

IG1·,.···.··.0 0 D .~.~;:~h:.:.::-D.~.~:~~. 'l'hQ La.urel Advooate warml its rell.d· rnan il almost equally 9xpot1ed a.A far as As f(lunder.find prcllideut vi: ~b,e t::{~l- I !~ ,'to on!y 1;;;:l~~~(':htl~ ~i:f8:~)~~ Oll:j,~ j Ii , 11 '~':)Il:~~:~~ ~O~:Bera against trH,veling doctors, Op61'8.tinll Illoml or even physical safety is con· I"Re, Mr. Pile de8rl"Vt'8 ,g'.ea<i; CRH!ll,.! e HU[]lmollln

n... red iDflamed lids in that vioinity, and urges'them 10 pa· :erned. H tbf' oouairy papers will only Many well i'\1mijmOOl tolw pJl'eCllrlOUe I g• d r Tho ]08ses WIll of course, be as prompt!) ..d~u,t€d u.nd paid lUII\, ero.Hd .,.... bhJrr ow, trnnize local ialent tt theit health nEli'd,. {eep theae things bttf~ their rea e111 .truggle of t~ lnetttullou durlDK It.! ~lJoogh WD were lnvolvod for ODfl t-euth ttlR am( nnt lours truly,IUELI weLL .11 IN ."'HI ."It. al. ,"" fIxing hey w1lJ serve God and- ommity. I ftni; yean and ihe uoUllug, p6ril@venng ~ T R TJENEHA ~T f1-"nHBI Agent.

IFl ' .' I REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. energy with whlob thowoclhy pro" dOD! ~

! i ~~H. Y. swan::';:~:. ::I~~:': ~:~IO:l =~t~ ;:,?:r~~:.]~~;.~~:~·::: 'o=: ;:::..~~a:'I;~,I;:~~d~;~. :'~~d ~V:arb~o~~ee~:::~~::gBdM:=~I t,ePol1Cles~1~~~d;nlvl~theny s Fire Insur- ~I tU~::~'i,... G.J(Ul.... Ir.1tb;O.A. Klt,•. A.·t tral bank of Ott.kllllud. OAt.. towhicb I dd ~,-~ \" ~ndoned1t but not BOWlth the man A e c Wayne N'e "~""'_'.,w. A 'er, boD e .uou.-..~8r, "-RYDe, a' the helm. Hil indomitable WIll and ance g *y~ '\_( Casb. Dlreoton~P.L. Mlllor. B. F. pla.oo he ""iII remove itl Mareb. Nebnvik&: T t b f '"

I.' kl ! SW~b w.n Ph'~1.J.O Mm~, o. , maD~)galrilftyleatoatriumph over ras a, are sa e. ,;

Geq;moe Hoo ng _....J~...;, IToday ill the Ohin~~e New Year fl &ollie W Ley to Auna M Newkirk. aU olut8cles an'd the building un of 1!> G(

LUJ,p and W ...bed lJut. 1 VI YNE N' 'TION 'L B"NK holiday ond 'be ooly 0.blnam~u in Nor· middle 5O!O Its 10 11 U blk 13 N aohool that would be a o,edlt 10 ~ 'owol lU.Ul.lllU.Ul.ll.uJl.VUl.~Jl!LQ..''''.Jl.<L'.'L'U'.JUULJl.jl.JllllLU.ll.ll.ll.UL . ... A. A folk,SamGoonthu.~lppedlna lot 01 add to Way ne···,·'11'· ·····1······$1400 ten times tbe eize otWayne Hf-Il!lnow ---I--- ~ _ "-

H.oq;K; Springs Nut. ohoioe firewater aDd llteworks witb OR Munaon to JAIl Estep til Ij 9 ....~L '. . •.' Oapita' ~o I()()(). Snrp'us f7 ,000 . HIll W .'lD assured Of COu'UDjUed !lucce!ffi, and the t+.H••r.-:-to-ot.++l:.+'...:--+.:--¥{ :--:.+ i-H + +"'.{.y.h~"').~ "' "i'T"'++++++++++Wi~ing'on StlU' Lump, ' whloh to oelebrate the:occP81oo. 10 blk 3 Ooll add ayoe ~ b f i :t ....

I s01nlonH.rd008L 1- I.n.._:o:::::::::::~:::£~1~:::':~1;:':·E::ee:::~D~E::~:;:~o:~~~,"~b~W~~ 400 :;~~g:Jl~~;j~:::;o;~~;!f. WE WANT TO BET iI' , prise praTed a failn~ becauae the red- '3taie of NebrukB to Leopold RRb- add to the i~iliUnon'A nroApo:ritv Ilnd I' .'.PHILLEO & \\-M. DAMMEYER skJDsbeoameaddictedtodrinkingabys- mUBDwS6·25·2 1300 ,hu!tfnableit,)o improve i~ ra~iiiUef !';'

t ; J iDthe. dta\e of Nebra..ta to John G Foe· , IUld f'nlarl{'8 itito0pe. The pnbUo, reSO --.., - a DOOItS, W~T OF P. O~ Z. T. Funk retnrned to his hO~l!I d tar 8e 86·25·1 .. ~... 7 1120 glLl"dlng thllil btpefits ~o be derivl'd, ,wn , .~ ~ I CIOAO FACTORY Laurel ~t week aUel' .4av~g AP ('ye ObU,~ ~~~Il", y.p ,1, ~}f~enoh It 1 1 doub~188.lend 6tlOonragemoni. and ,"1. " EV£lry mall, woma.n nnd chilli jll-+ ~ ~IDQved in &0 Omaha boepiW. I The btk add Way, e _ ~. 600 ~ developing the wOItby tlllterprUlfl. . ; Wayne or any other cJunty tlH''!"..................... eye W1lM bl1nd aud h&d heoome dilM!8f1e.d Bert Brown to O){, OrfLl"en ne f· J__ - - - -----:- price of a :10'060t bettIe or

~ aod1tllnaJlybeoamebeoe8llaryto han'! J:.6~~·~bi~·t,~·Olliiz~~~"B~·I;~·1·26700 ~::~o:Po:~.Dg:~~~~B::n::Y·.al~ S f Tar Compound"'*+UIII,+ItIIIIIUIIIII.II++++++++++4*":+,,,.+++++++_+<-+ lttkeuout 'Y yrup 01 .Il . 3 OOU Hill ad.d W.y'ne 1l!lO Daily .New.• Ie.lis of .. fierooencountt-r .• "_ . ~~'= ,

I+-+t4+-++++++++++++++++++++++++++....++++-+++++++"" .Tohn P. D. John ill to leetnn in Oar- E P Olmsted to T B Heok~rt 1&1 10 between aJ.tizens and bank robberB &t t (RAY)lo.....m·~ COl"(lIl SYRrr)

! .. .) ~~I:ol~:.::~~.,,~:':~~~:~:..~~: T~~::~~~·~·~~:.:7i::;9·4500 ~;~~::~,PixOnUOUDty, ••dyMOU", t. That l't .'11 Stop "h"ilt rough :I'S 1·0 SU'letS' Ja,i~cf,ke: t's madeGod."Viewtngtbemannermauy 1°00 1 . b d' W ~... Ipr g . 25·1. 0 For two bom. ear y m I. e oy" y __people strut througb the wodd onf R J K-hby I 00 Sl b k boo i"


'," 1 I d tb I' t b t OSStraightto .~ I. pltobodhattlobetweenfi•• an ro " Tbat .1 will o"r. tbat booteewou d oono u e 13 a"tQr 0 e corrp.Q • Sl! 0011 Hill add Wayne 231 Idld thi1 ohb7eOI of tbiB village raged "'''"' I W. J. Ooffel .. oharged with sellin" Carde Norling to Peter Kautz Ita tiercely.; Behind a barricade the rob- DOSS and,rebev6.tha.t Bore ~hroa,


tSlelk Wraps, Sk,i.•'rts mor'pgfd pTOperty in' Dixon oonnty, 56 bllr. 4 Hoskins............... 500 ben kept tip a fusillade of ebots, rePIY-i" If 1t don t we WIll pay tor lt

:1= was lUTeBted at Mis80nri Valley la6t Mintle Edgerton to Burle Oru.ig It fng to the voHey1DgB of citizens in con- -- ~ J

;:~:"::::::::::::::~: ~;: 0~b~d~~~~~~'~~~"2'j,ik'; uoo :;:'~:!:..:.t.s.~~::=:::"it:e~b~:m:l~: Raymond's Drug StoreI and firaveaette Raia Coats olrouit oomt with bond, fixed.t .1.000. B & p'. 2nd .dd WID,ide. 2" the po",oftloe·l.looated. I I

He formerly lived seven miles north· John ReiDhart to Oscar ReiJlhart In tbe emf four men, who were 08.

wellt of Emerson. It is allegetil that he e of nw 80~25~4 ... 4000 poolally aoj1~ in the fight, ma,ueuYt'ref1

:j: sfPECIAL SA'LE bad sold mortgaged property Itt differ· J 0 Prooter to John Huringtoo 8W su s00C8sa'flJ/:,J.r that, they could sweep ,*i ,.' 1 'ut thu., to th. brmk, .t Ems"on, 13-27·2.. .. " 4612 "e b";"k ai'·~ a hail ot lead. and tbe ROTm,.d·, B••d.,be CU'" cu'c, tbe ~b•.. "Oe.bs: Web6~ld and Allen. State of Neb to HlIomel' F Willlon s robbera-on. '",r,;h~tnu.Pf'ru'enily wound· Y' ++++++++++++++++++++++++4.';'+++1.+-++++++++++++$+ :

Tbe d.-ad bod v of a ne,wly born ba.be ot ne 8 26 4. .. t· • • •••• •• •• • • •• 534 rm-were pelled to retreat undf>r tlt ++=++=+++========================showing all the new thiI:~'gs Wall fOUlld in a box 01\1' at North Bend J A Jones to W B Hornby lt16 blll: l10t fire, 88n~g pack bullet for bnlltl1 ~ __~ ~_. _

in above lines. Samples Friday evening, and as 'he car ha.d just 12 he add O..rroll. t··········· 470 JoI they l".an.1;,tJ;'hey aeizoo. G team whichfrom the old and reliable been hauled from Fremont it is thonght Andrew F Jo080n to FreJerlCK &bey ha.d a~n and made good theIr

the infan' Will put in the car there by Miller Its 1231,66 bUt U 1104- 680apq'1 :"ihouse of Percival Palmer aome me'cllf'llil wretch. Tbe babe had 1118 ..... ~... .....•.. ...•...... 70(', The baDk~811re Wat:l blown to pieoes,

, CO.• of Chicago. All d.ay the appearallce of hav!iug been dead Musical oomed1itleems to hne great ,owe, of th~' _Iron beiop: burlod t,hrongbj 'I tmt a short time and there: WRS no hold 011 the pnblio nowaday". In Ne\\ the oeiliuK and the Hoor, dllnuK Ihtl'Fr·~ay FebrurJry 1~ flvideuce of violence. To at:taudon 0., York "Florudorll.·" rim for two montt,~ tun l'IJ:p]09IoUfl or nitroglyceriue, but'. 1:'. tlJ...' , he'plefl8 child an t oaoae ita i death, is' during tbe PfLll~ tlwumer. Six big mU/i1. t.he rO~bt\rs,,~'hi1e 011 thll ver{l'o of get·

I oold- blooded miurder. j i o,,} Q"IDPdiea ran' all 80mmer long III \UK '1.800 ,in tbe Ilteel oheat. werfl

I . lIt d h (arced tp, 'fl'ec. They secured only $70YOll Are InviteCl Mra. HarTiet'IPllohfOr who ~s olosely Broadway_ The ate!'! . au oue 0'. t t' ttl pOstage j9.tamps which wore lOClked

i '~:::,~;a~~~,~11:~:~\~:;~g~::;~e:::::~ ::::i:~~d~~::~:o'i~:b::O ,~~v;u:;a:~; InB~~:'~~:if:/:U~":I'~~~~bo·t '~~;'~~:~~rR I

" T' H'ERACRIB'J VJi where it w." depo,hed .4 ye....~o, Malob wb'Ob oom., 10 I,. op." -numbering about niooty people-we,. ift' h M' k1

,1 .xplltiua that Do rewmrmlhslD.fter her ~onaeS8turlay,Feb.20th. ItiR.O~Ij01 Best· 'ange' on tear 'et. , .... ....1' , :', O~O,' runnlo.i'(l3 ahe and her hU8ba04 "'UDt to tho iJrigbtl:'8t ani a-everest, da,1utlebl ~~k~~hr'::n i t::on:a~Ii~~:r(J~1 ~h~~~ " ' , il

vi"ir. 'ht'r wothtll" who pfe8e"eet1':he j ir pieot-'8 of the kind ev",1' I\fford(·cf to tll~

,)1 butter to theUl. Un tbeir Wl1Y bOILW ~U1ed(Jd.u pnbliol. Now, B mU?iC,I) t,ridg~ Bb~UIt, 112. 38 nnd <14 oaliber,~, "

~t!lleY':l!ltopved with ttu~ r.mllY til Stt"pheu oomt"d, is ootcomplElt'e wit~out~es.leUL tl:1roWl'o tl'ie~ by the k'obbl'f!j fio' log the ~~~~...........~~

I, 1 Tb lal t •• ~ 01 "~ltnn~w b .ttle! 'lib" bauk wind""" w.re blowo >IL O"~.~".~.~.•~"_.Dl:lo-tltui' and W~il8 t~er" pUI. the, butter e speo aa , I' ,~ a, out, ~be ill. ~nlt~re da.maged and, thtl ;:y:::

u). the Bpriog, L~ter "tbey iOOQ1dnot Ahtoh" 'bil'! 8e~n ~8 "N~()y Browu" safe vtaa. Ii. ~~..'..Tf1..ck. B.. oth doors hRd been I

find it. I !fo6xtelle. N ,.001 IBllown J,8 oq,e Q~ the 'oro Llf. l..i~.. L., ~.' 'torn torn loose and I' ,':' ,I I ;DOIt popn1&1' 800gB ot' tbe !day j h.viDj! ,., ,'!Jj uuliThe Wok, AId Bep~blioaJl s.,.s it i.. baeD lung allsum:mer lon~ loi the bill blown iDttf"','\t~e floor. A heavy piece

iDfo~mt'd tbd.s 'he ff'rm~l'II ,trBigbl otty produotio!lll. ,! There ifll8~ a' malt" or th~ ~,'fot the -.te had been hurled I

north 01 town and thpee hvioS OD the nartette a miXe~ quartett~' a+,d"a tbrough t~ '0.ealing .. . . j I~8Ont~ road one m11~ we~t. ono.wI' wlsb ~nmber ~I olhe.. bright Ian~ te.lllDg iTO MUCH SALT. . *to h4Te lh~ Home ~ele~on8; ,O~. build lpeoiPltlei. i I I! I There .' ; 'r1~ke in all trade,' a,!1~ ~phm!o IIn.o for Ith~ "1'11 nnd.r· . , " .".,

, Itand that thlB eqm' By ,*mjoomplJ Attend the ...t\l~ OflhOU~ldlgo¥eat even tbe' mer, upon some OCO~IQDPi '"'it~ &:bt:-ir wllbet:1 ~ liOOIl' as I!pnoll !$tricklaud's bar~ 8~turda. ft~tet1toon hal l\1a-anif .liat he oan pl!\y. At l~aBt

OP.~.' R.. nd t.h.e.ll'OIl.'I~ Jnt. ~.bel;unuo ,.\, ftr.. ola.. BII,gol-., .ew ug l,mO.iObln. one ~.ri'.'.' wbtl '.Old',om.tbios; ,Wh.l?bIn lb. m01i1\tlme .~ yo. torkln. 10111 alao be otr.rfd; i " ongbf to· ive ),oe.. bntl~r but wa•• IiI,.. ~'belr exop.Dgd inl this vu:ge an I)'id y__ ""lIiloi'-el'ol 1'1.:'. al to tlj_ ',. r ',tor'" W88next to ~ thlDg

d: t. d ...- -"'1' I 141 Del Of .two. t" WD\ in the mid~l., of ~willbaveiti :ope ti niu te, weekt LaIle'aDr1l8'StoJ!e? I Hair,olo ,'r th, pound i 1. L,'~110W, tempting ::butte~'I t, w..th.~ w.ll pe~lJIll. ~ . iiau,lalJIer~ I ' 'WIiIob ." !Dlgbt' think wao 1lI8d~i T edead,~ bo1.Y" ot:W ter A. BQ1101';"h-ap4POl'-POl~ltdt ~labe" from!. ~IJ~)"aream, Wal ~rtedlKin who: dlliBPP U'E I f Norfolk.\t Gaudy's. I I, iralong, 8 ." g, thioll! b'ar of tla1&i wbroW

De... .m.be.r.~8.1...t •.... 88. oun~lD~c."rea .. m.. I? had loob~, ~t: oole ,oen~ and~'whlo~1. erT Il~ IJ>at.~. 'f,a! Epnn. w.. poI~it rby'tber~lrot..e /)ple'll~

rrh .w".noe~ e~o;, .od... l.J' [i']!'1 1Il.\'&tIllDf'~"DtoaJ>OU 'i

],~ ~~.'t!.~;·~:I:r.:.U~;:j~n~i1 ':.~....'.~.,.E....•. ~.it¥~'.~,'.I.,f·.'.··:Jli~ ..;- i£}i~i~i~!~;~~~I,170 g·man h "* ·.,re. le~ilnhl' . : ' . 9 , and .pr,ij;;;;'e4 ,,,ponlbe obarlle o~'.~;'

'l.lE,iblt UB,an.t\,,~,; '. m', 11~,awaYiI·tI"Qnl 'COO IN OUI'inlltb8f'n10Jl8r'4ndel':f~lJte-PteteD~t~ .'

.·'i.>!i~iW:::~~;;w;~~~=~~i~~~~;=·II'r.;'~'I':~;E-J['r.~~or~t.t~r~~ i '.. EXHI 1111',1ori.01 !,.. ~NOr~~~iif~ TEA.CHER~ •. ;!tIJ

.' PIa. "~:,~"'. ;"'r""h'·' Now 01 at I I t~:a~;,..~;t.t~rir:.y~.~:~;:~~t' ...

!I,I~~~~~~~~!;r:, ,:~::: Terw ·JI!,W Bro,·1 Janu&rYI!r~bftlr.1,fand March, 1m ". .. ,"I~ 'i'~'PdU;- ..... •",;, '11!!lIGRT' 00. Bu~t"1 '

·,/,8t .• ,:~~;. ¥on' ";IT ~~' .... Ii •.•• .... ~~.¥~f,~.~Oaoha!1,.~J~r.:ric ,;: \,l'J*iki i:.:.t ..,'",6,'·',1,':i":' :·;·r:.I> k. <."'if,; :,"';,!;::;!;;,!;"."".,.:,tl: .' Ie' ,.h,~ .. ·. ..... ..,.i!. :, .I1ic:

"by 'Jumble" Art; So Called:Ho\\ nllnv ill'!l€':-i l \1:1\ It) \\e ll."e

"ol"(lR wltllO 1t sfop\lmg: to thql\. \,;1 Itth{>t 11l(~1111 I VPf\ 111\ at Uunrlie-ollnnd fit dinnf'r 1\ p drlllk out of atumbler But l, fol' Ol'P n"", er tbous:-ht"hy the llli"g(' ~1B,<:s that holds our mllkOJ water \\1110; so cnJleti I1JltJl OI1(e Upo!l

n 11111;> 1 hnppdled to lJl\E' IUIlllHllnat \1J .suul s C(lUpg.... O;,[(OI'U, '\\ her\ tI e(u.IOl'ltv of IU fill' st,angeT5 pl(»;ent"as <'xclted h\ u "pt or the nioot nttlactl\f' 11(111' IOIlJld 110\\18 of anrllllt1'11\( r about flu· sJZ(' or I larg-e- Or1l11geI'lH':#' ll"P \\(1 1011 W'1" tutubhrsand n f' "PI'(' ~[le-f'(Ilh ~lJO\1 II lJ{m th( i"('ll!llP iJv thed, IUlHlt

"ben one or ~1I('&' little ~1\ls '\,ISt>D1pty It '\\:18 r~l!l0fd upon ~Ue t loll'mouth OO'UDwaJ1l IllL"tuntly, so pe-r·teet was its bnl~nct" It flew bllck mtoIt~ pl"Op~r IJOt'IUi>n .IS. It 3.£kmg to befilled agaIn ~o mattrT how It ":1~

troo.tt'd- tl'1mtlllKl 1101 go the fibor, bnlIlIl(ed <,ulpfully ou lt~ slIle-t-up Itl"OUcd ngun md <:.dt1(~1 It''t'J.r, With 1

({"\' genllr ",h!tklIl.1:'S lind I:m:ll Itt6>1, III 0It" plnC'P Sel('(!ted

JO,O()() PIl'ln-;; fO~1ThiR Iii n If>UlIll1knhlp orrpr the John A,

P-lllzl'r SQf?d Co Ln Cro"s~' \\ 18, makes.Tbe~' Will scud you thelf lng plant ands{'l!d t'lltalog'ue togethel '" Ith enough seedto grow

1000 finp, i'lohd C Ibhn;;es,2,000 deliCiOUS Carrots,

}~ ~:(I~e~1~:~1('r~tl\~~tr;~~~ry.1,000 splelHhtI 011100"lOOO rnre IUi'lCIOUS n l,h"lhf's1 000 glorlOuslv 1111111 tnt FloW'rrsTIlI~ g'le.<tt offer I~ mild" HI orf]('r to w­

due£' \0\1 to tn their '\IUllUt{'(l se-eds­tor \\hf>n \011 onf!e- plunt tbem you willgro\\ no others and

\f L FOR UeT 1():e POSTAGEprovllhnlZ you Will retnrn thiS oot1C(', andit you", iiI seutI them 20c In pos~ge! they"0111 ndd to tIle nbo\'f' \ packa e 0( thetamons Hcrhuer Cauhflo\\ er ( !'i. U)

AJ!Iked Bnd Ah8werOd


Ilo\\ do )011 account for the net thnt,0 t1\any wldows lead hacbdo to themarrlflge altar"" naked the ,ontli

'l:h~~a~:\:nb~:~~.rl~~e';(Pit:~:dllrde~:~~the Wll) "--~-i---

D;.fD.. J.n.ot B. Car-'b~ 19ca! reaeh 'btl~;Toed 1$ ~~tf~~t10tlalnamed

CflAPTER VWhen Aunt Mndelmo came up next

lnornhig ~'auce toM lier ~ot to sead 11lI;IbreaktIl8~, up, for lJe 11 1/3 coming down"It m(lY hurt J Oll 8( rlo~slJ ,.

"No~ fblt WOlse than to (ret up here,Bunt)! '1.11 not going to be coddled likea bob;y er nothln;:;- but n IlplfilDeoJ nnklel ~u,t l'I(!'nd 811m to lauk up Bornecrntch~'l pleli$e I"

~1I8$ 1\ atIeiloe knew tl18t "heo Vanc!"'Would h va hIs way he \vould, so Rhecalled Sn,-n, tbe crutehell 'HIe hrouKbtfrom tile j:l'nrtct :lod 'llnea hobbled JIltothe dIning room Jllst as the family '';Cle!llttlDi' dd" n to breakfast

"Wh).1 hello OIJ boy' Able to benhout al~eady?' II HI> tlle Sqlure S greetIng

l'f'''l $lr Couldn't be a prIsoner flO,longer' Good morlllng, ~Il I'('IU GoodmornlJig Mr Le Dru"

'Goo 1 momJOJ;' \'no«e I to glnd ,011lire hcttl'lr,' sIlHI :\IurcHl, \\ l~h a lJn~lJt



cjlrcl~n BtU(lodts in German}.

( ~f thug::;:J:(~n~~e;~~~n m~::) b~ 21

1731, 01' mQre t~an 7 per cen.t. ot'

the ~otltl at 37,BW watriculated stu­de- B,. BerUn, Heldelbelg and LeI[)sJcare the fnvorlte- I"nstitutlone tor ro~lgn­

e~"'llQ' constitutE! if> l)ET cent. ot tbe1lh eM body tn each The stndents't RUBSia In)aU'the urri:vernitlC'8 ag­~ gate 860, Ansttla·Hungnry follow&:wi h {)36, AillE'Tlcd contributes 21G;S~lt~erland. 253. Engll1nd, 149, and.A1a, 133. It Js nqteworthy that near<ly {all the Asians ore Japanese, Lind H18 iP.:athqr sUrJ?rloln,l!; that so wany us

26i,iTW'kS are enrailed.

Tbree Doct,rs" Opinion".Ufllllo, N Y.I Feb 15t1l-Pbvsl-

~~ ~s ll~tl~'~enjt~e~J:~d ~~~~;. 1~:d:~~i('R p~ ot: the I{ldnl'Ys llnd kIndred (Om·III lnts R U Dunaway, :\f D oItl~l lton III SU} S -.I--

PO(l<l'~ hluney Pli18 cmed ml' QfV Ill'tp!i utter e\l't'Jthlng ('I~ hntl fadl'{[ ,lull! "as ght>fl up to diP I hU\l(''l'l) 1(' pl('<;cribt>(} tJllelll III my Il';;:-nl~l1) I tile for e\('lj form of hhlnp,,r., 'ftlhlP :lIltl 111" e nevpr as yet :"no\\111t1l m to f[ul"

1('$<:(' L LlUU'S, ~f D, 8t Joh"

hf\\S~~(':~~~;I I~odd" r(ldue~ ~Pillflfj) lIH' htlp dll\l~ht('1 of Mr and 'I[~!ll\~ Btule of HUH pl.lce \\ bo suITt I ('f}

fl Jlt l~pI1f'Jltlc fits follo\\ Lll~ N( ,LI

1(" Ina teF;lIlt~ \\('I£' mltll('llloIlS, I IHl,en \ t'l 8E'f'-U '\11\ thIng like It'

LE'lund \\1i111fltl!!'Iqn :'II DIoriot ,n Ail, ~[lHI-

llodds Kidney Pill!"! flll:' the bl'l'tlll'didne I 1,]10'\ of for llll fmIII!'; 1)f] nne\ Dl<l{1UR(' I lJ('lh~, (' In 1I'ilq~

tl (' l"t'~u('dy that reIH'\('!'I ,IntI CUl(!4 !lISP tlellt$ wtw,tlH I ptlIH:II ot not Ullrl !

: ~n~~tlpr;~~dll~l;P t~:l~~lr\~l ~.. hll/i;l~ rJ \,;),1;

iii eornpl!Rh ~ {)('11Il Llll Ilt llud lWI feUIre of all Kjdney Cornpl tllltS '

I ~E:1p141ll~(i ~j llonson-'\~lY doe!! Jour flH~IHl :'Iflg'

'KIpS always c try IllS \\lltlh 1Il the rellr"~)Ck{'t or hiS troll,cr~'1

DR" I>on- n. h"13 a crnnk on Iltlnl'tpllll\

H."nson-But "Jllnt hilS thnt .':"ot to ~oWIth cnrrYlil/t hiS *,ntlh [JS nforcsllld?

,I D!,\\son-\1fh'l ,t E'n~hJ«s hlln to ?I, III') ~how u" n llnl!' 11111.'8(1 of tIme

( ~~~JjPlah~

tBoo" novII(h-Old Blo" ltz nHer tt, lid ... church, dOl8 he I

•...,mlllIJn<:k,-+-;\o I It Isn t llf'('esstlryHro\\llO'jtCb-]~!(allSe v;hy I

J SfllllhulSk)-Oh he s one o( tllOi~H'l,lr III ul<' In('lj wI! urI' ul\\u}!1 Ilrlll~l1lg

Tllr maker

:'I[mgls~.~l~~J:III:k~n;1~~~~(llt dUr~ng the quarttel b¢hH f'll tbis man npdIliA l\ 1((' I •

I \\ Itncss-¥f'I ~our honor ''[a~lRtrtlt \\ lint dId tl1(' man Aa~?


"Itnpss- otlJltJ~ ~hp dido t gIvellm a chane to gl't I \\oru In Nlge\ n\$

II IIn\e used P'IO'II Oure for CODllImp

~n~o~~~rj:;,tt: li~~rsll~'lo~~nll~,ll~~~~Il(K(t) Cal, Sep~ 2 ID01

N't U{lQor MClI.

lone or tll~ tbut Il.:tll~ lit .he oltll:.ny was C~plaltl l't', , ,.11, r.\tllilllrlydied ';)Iau Jlluk ' ,,1.w~e \\ 1,.{J.:hdl

~Wd Ilrasclble 81)'111;:;' llOt ouly a11Hlsed

hiS ftontempor.lll(S, !-tit are stIli gO[1I';he rounds At olle tllne, S3yS the


rew xork TrlbuJle thf' SUU or Ollp of

I HI> ~ld fneuds \1,18 Ullpoloteu a wid

I]lIplnanAs there was no n:1> 11 acadf'Oly III

Ihose dn) S at AtJ IHl {1011s the Inu "asrart('d to Cflpt.dn ['llcn"l s ship

I '1 bp tatilet "rate at 011('C to his!frh'Od to 1llllHlllIlce the fnct that his


8011 \\IIS all sllll)liOllld llnd nfter theusual pllte~Hlll f\.'( ollllllelldntious to

f:lt'lfl' Jole c10spd hiS letter with

I "~JY son hus cntfletl upon a profl'slou where he '" III go down to his

,;rave, "ept. honou'd and sung, orun'WIept, unllonored. nIH] unsung"

The young midship wan had not

Ibee~ on bonrd long before he arousel}

i the wrath ot his commander, who atquee snt down and \\lote to the lad'statl1~r:

I "~~Y Dear SIr Yom &on 1s goIng tothe grave unwept, \lllhonOled IUlll un8UU,lot' "

At another time when Cnpffllu PerIvaI was a melD\H~r of the hoard for

IZ:~~1;:~~~~1~~nJ r%t S~ll:d~~:t~~ ~~roth¢r friend came b\'fore tbe hoard

ftlar the e::tnmlntttlOli I'en:hlll, w~sb­

Iiog to annQunce the l<'I>Ult to thel1Joy.~~ father. wrote, ,\ 'til dellgbttulm~lcaUon(:"ncar OIU Mf'ssmllte Your boy baa

1~:1~~lU:bt:~~tr:~o~~~~?OU~h~I~~ns~nuted."-'--- _

Meekison Suffered t~ith Catarrh--Read ms Endorsement ot iP'£-ru-na.

\' ~r~(na D~~d b':;:~I~~l~ \~fI;7~~afncon~~~/1(1)\ 0e~~,\I:l~llllr~\~r u(~~13ll~~~~:h[~~~O:~11' If or !lIp to\\11 III \\hH!l he lives, dUrin.'; ,dll(!J IJ1lI- lit lo!.'f'uIne Vildely known111'1 the fO\lnll~r of Lll(' \letJkl!lOn Bank of !\npoleoll Ullin He was elef teo to thel'lftv firth (·ong-rl.'f.:>1 h) fl vprv Inrge mltJfJrJly. and I!! the acknoViledgeu leadel! othi!> 111I1t\ llJ Ills ~lltH)n lOr tilt ~tltl'

(111]1' 'Ill' tll\\ JllIllltd tlw ()llll'n'l~e completp "11(,(f"~ or thJ~ rising lttatesman..(al llrh with Its 1I1s1JlOq~ npprO.I('!J ot1,l t('nn('lOll~ j!fnsp '\llfl hu\ onl,. UDcon~

:lll~,( 1~~ f~~ t 111:~r I~:l~~tl~ll )(O~'l~~. ht~ 71~:~~H~~~1l~'I~~;IlI~~\I~~I~~f~~etl~;~~T~~~~~ f:::rD:~lIr llurtl1ll.l1l llS tlte- result

,,' b.ve used several bottles of PeruolJ and I feel greatly beneOtedthereby from my ca.tsrrb 01 the bead, I fed enrourged to b~1Jev" tHat IIIIJ~e /t II. short time longer I will be fully able to eradicate tbedl.ede 01thirty years' standIng, "-DavId Me klson. (lx-Member of Congress.

Couldn't Pasfo Her.SIr Tbomu8 Lipton hll>-l a g:l11:1M

'\uy at pU)'lllg pretty ('olJlpllmpnt~ to

~~dl;~e u~;I~~glu~~;;r~lt,~~u:h~~~:f;lhouse ~lth Pl'esldt"nt noosP\elt, hepnssed It large red ll\'1tOlIlObllp lliatstood bp(ore nn lUlllosJng llmll::;101l otg",'n) stom', A yOUllg' girl In II "bitegown sat In tlw nutomobUe, nnd. a.sSir Thomas glided hr, silt} bowed tohim, smUlng' II lfitllill\t au(l charmlllg';11lH(' 1[(' Ilq" ('\ ('I' fllllp!t to see- h~1'

l'llt' }oung g:lll loold'll ,'mb,lll,\<isf'dpx('t! :-;hl' lut 11I'1 lrp ~hp UlOught

.' 'llOlllPllt 'liwil slip {oak hold of thC'\\ hC'I'1 of !J('[ mu( hllw llr('s~C't1 "lthhel sm,lll foot tll(' bulb that made tbf'hOiIl toot g'lllm~, lind ~m iftlj amIsmoothI} ~hot ortpl the gngliHh knig,'ht ! l\1EXICAN

Soon the ",en' .. ntomohl'. o'.'teokl Mustang linimentthe C'unillfW and haltt>d Tbe voung Igirl. an old friend of ISir thom~s. I~X" I cures Cuts, B~a,Bnd--.tended her hand, nnd ~ be took It, ~hO'I jsuul rep~oaC'hrully,- I" L r~, ;~~~-+-+D-O-"-

"You pfl~",pd !Ill" n Iwblle ngo, "lth'j IS' C N U - ~No~_

OU~yll~~ll';:I;lt;~l::~P :~ll1e r\I'd lllclln~UonI Bt:GGSJ CHERRY COUGHof thl~ I~PlHl SIr 'I 11001:1<; an~werl'd,-I SYRUP cures c:ouj;bs andlcold..

If T Imd h1oltf'll at ~eHl, I ~ollidn'ti ._...rr-Io:I -r~-,ha\c lln~~(d '011" I

l'ht'ro ~~nol In ~atw;-~, IllIll" tlIal IIrna~e!i n tuun $0 deforl~ed fis intem~t'r·atel ungt'r -John Webster, I I i

Wayne, Nebr.



It)~ a big thing (uj(i IJecause it

means absolutely all-wool f;,brics. reo

liable lining~ and tnmn1Jugs, (;;Hefn]

tailoring; honesty in the par~: YCIU can't

:--.ee, ,,:t)-'18 and finish seldunl equaled III

clothe.. It meaus your money back if

yon want It; not hceaus8 we're afraid

the el()tlJ(~~ wiil go wrong, hut so you

can bo ~ure you WOllt. ()U:' 'i\jhoJe Cer·

tificate of Uuarante" "" "ondensed into

that label.

HERE'S tbe Jahpl you've beard

abuut ,t Slllal, \ Illng tu iook

for, a big tlung to flnd; as one

of our friends say" "It cov­ers a multitude of ~i1Jf]e(:,·

J. P. Gaertner,

A lil~~-~-,-~-t-.~~,~.~~~ N"' ~_Ilecticm. We.have just received our 'prill!( stock. The Istyles, patterns and designs arA IIf the latest. We alsohave a complete line of special '''llIl'le hooks of IN·DRAINS, t:ltEPANS alld VAHNlSHED TILES that Wecan supply on 24 hOIll's' notice, g;v;ng you the benefitof selecting at Omaha prices from " complete assort·ment.

I''Y I

OUf ,;ream Harness 'I'

VRriOO in,stfle and finish aooording topriC(l, bat at lOUl figures there's goodvalue,

The stook med throughout ifl goodoak tanned leather. The trimmings,whether of niokel, bnwf:l, :mbbe.' a.troIl,are of ~xoonent l1ualit" The workman­ship': :Visible,'o.nd invisible. is fimt-oIMn.Thi~ ho.fnc5s will wcar out. but it

wou't break'out.

I -= .,~

p'~int~ t~! R~m~m~~r~:

IF .VOII bdy a SINoE:R, VOll get' the bf'lItTI::lero iI'J a8 Frrltat':a dltrca~n,ce ,In ~he

th6~~j1\:\I~~ak~:,:(O.E:~'h.ma~~I~be:~wu ....·h will indica e, t\rne with fair f'lccur-1l.c» fol' (l p,hol't th*e~ all'\'Y go"d 11t\~htng

gt~h~~~O~~fl~gB~:tJi~:~:h'~~t'H~~~;'~:~::;~oobnU~e~~eciur~':ryh~~d'~~I~l~ll.:hf:~t~ ~:r::t:I\~~:~~~;lt~~~~';~t~4Ja~ttr~'~Ille' a'ld wlJI do (~~t~r wllrlc ,IUj~ 110 itlOnll:~r th~n lmy olb<>r, bCN'IlIfa It I~ ofb ..tt r d IIlgn f\lid" co"etrliClt UII, ell,thell ll!llulrtlunl by t.rlll!. Apply, at Iiny~1~1:i;~ Stpra located_)ln ~very c~t:y In the


ISIN~~B M~~"~~t~~!~~!~~ CO.ALWAYS ,P,!T? DATE

J.W. OulHO!l, MaflagerI First o;oor 1"'est 01 Po~~o~ilce, 'Ya,vne. Nebraska.


~ h'" 'OI,lI hi. dray~:rohnBoc~. ~A:"!<£T REPoRT.j ~ IfJ't'811't\OlUe. ' , JaF.: " . Pr}ce8}D W8yne today, Tbursds,F•

•. ':1 'II ~' Om.otalPo.por~,:w~qe.n W yraeo(f'utJ:tr Bepry"YfetzUobhaabeen tran8Mting Wbee.t 11 69 Oe.ttle 4.25to4.7G'.1 ",.. Pu_bl",M verT • "Y. ••. b.... illOtnaltathlBw••t. Oorn 88;~ HOll8 4.70

Dr.1 ~a'ldwell of Chicago w. nu ,1'-qN+,tors,', "enry tund Fred Kenzler are, pre. O.t.. 32;; Baltar 18Pr~c~i~\ng .A\eopBthy Homeopath'S' Sntered ettfi~lro~t<jmce.tW.lt.D~,~eb.• p&riDs to~ove to :.,41oblgau and engage Ba.t'ley 27 EA:R~ 21. U::::~'~~rfO: sad G~ne;al Medicine.' .•••eco~dc .fII~I'I1.I~m.ter. " in sUlar~et railing. For ~ent-My farm of 320 &or&8.-

Vt':~lI, ':bYI Requtest, Visit Pro. SubecrlptionJ.J 00" VIII. inl Advan;ce.', W~ ar&:lntormed: 'hat R. G ~hrke Ja~. B'neh.: ~~88joo811y, Wayne, Nebr ' . ~,' I i baa ~ld qia bl!8tneas to John Huebner ~----- II\ Since the ,~nnou~,nn.ntlof Htfn:J. and wm,o il)New York in the epring. 01'11 conn8ct II.lId u8e<l rn onrld p1'cm- Bird'; wm~'vl,oltO~VI'mb'"n trom lobe first Klim-I

B.,i 1 B. Df8ll1ore ji',oand 1! lot goT 'I' .M.:1.' n ..ndwgsr was do D. from ~d~"oP;:~~':a'i~:6:~t~~t~b~r~:1ep;e~l~~~ Rooky Mon taln Tea work8 far man·

'V 81 N.. Ell.DA. Y, FEB. 24, at \.be BOYD. oth.er.poUtlcalleade h've Ibeen. n· W.•; th 11 * t th k w m~~~~l:e~)j~~~H~~ t~~B~~zu~~l o~~~l~i~e~ ttnCt bot day and night,;;11'13 ill :'Return Every Four Weeks. tloned tor t~a' o~oe atJd ,",11k., til ',lie e 1'1 0 e wee. On or before the Uth da1 0' MI~rcb; 1004. That's ~hy it is famoull th~ world o'er

Jns~tHer While The Oppor- enter.:the raoeZI amoQR' tb.m belDI ~Oa. John ADdel'lOu baI be\,n hlOre from BL~a.K(BOJl BOOB. all<lo'er,

II .,unm'l.Y ill ai, Hand. W. M. RObe. Ion 0 N-..J. I , Litcb1leld., several. day. looking atter his By Geo, W. Wllble, Its At.toruey. It wUJ j)ot 16' you turn OTe1 and take~ III...... oq' I drug 8~. Da.ted Ja.null.ry 27th, 1004. aj:a.ther 800M.

_._ I'-j' -. We: .hall,e t; a"be.t r ~owi.Dk os W,. E: $leason and wile went to Fre. NOTICE. TO OS,RDI'rORS. Ra1ZQond'l Pharmacy,

,. - the ptrt 01 t ,Ruaalaos rtetth~ve moot ye.:!l$erday for a Bhort viBit with S~t:Y~lteN:J~~~~;.a. faa. In County Court. FARMERS'I 'f reoeived aDd +SlimJ ,.ted ,!a trw DeIJ relatives. ';t1~,~~~~~~~ of the Ratat.e ct dlllus B';llt- I 8m aaent for .'l'he 8t..t,ft [11&Tm~r'8, I' ~ of Nebr8l1l:a :eat. 'ThoUgh".the oti...Oioe, S~-rlfl".o- has had bnolu••• ,'n IhI". I 'D M'.lt\la.I 'Uf<.nmoce Co.orSouth 0mabR.au .JMo ........... "':JHuuter, rount,. Judge o~'d count.y, d ',t r h '

Ir IItrso,theniD Nebriuka 'ar~cle 0 not . 11.. 1P1G IIt",t.. her by nutifY all t.IJUS h .. v- 011 orget me w en wsntlDg IlIsnr·

: :,1 altOgether anpply ihe l&ot': of Ilkht, it vioutlty (or 88ve~ dayB pa.st. ~1;&cifll~ls(})~~Wr::r::,I~::;::s:l.~h i rhll::t:;~ B.oco. _~ GRANT t'. MEARa.will give end'*ranoe: and mfDimi~ de- Carl B,~•• is buIlding a new hOUBe io aud appointed the folloWlu/I: days for "be re It isn.~:~: ,how much oold cream III wo-feat. , ! I I I the tQuthweBt part of &own. ~:rJJ~iah~:II.~JdaJ~~iu,d~~ u.~~!~~~i~:: t:; man pn f! on her face but how muon

b L Th dao.. 'U_ olla ...I"'hl law, at tbtl County Odurt roo II Je Wayett. Rocky; "" nnaUQ tea ebe talu I In.ideA man onon ~tIJ ltillntmt'AUed ,e 1¥J.08 i"Duay >oUtS was very WaYlie County, and Bta.te afort'8ald, tow It ~ Bout real beauty Hollister's

beoauee he :t:ne~fee.: Aja-;-;r.tter well, ..tte~ded. i :'ii~~~~~~ ~~\ln~nr~e~3ul':: ~~I~ ~~te ~~~ Ro nhtain Tea oomplexioDB f1tay,'

f I it h hall, ..I.. I .: t ••••••~ appe"r I\t .l:lIUd tlme tid ptllCO, and duly 35 T!'a or tablets. Ra,mond'al

o act, e , nO""""1 t lndloatel I pr..flent thelr,sald chums and domands In the IPhar y.a career of B all ilsef ~ne.s A I FROM CARR i mllLluer reqUired b} law. or Iihow caUiO for, . --- 'who aocomp~:es tibins: w1~bout ~:;:. OLL. ::~Jio:~h:o: ~'~.~~~ebB.~~~~u~~lf;ltb~~~~ _ RELIEF IN ONEMINUTE.sinon or creating ,1enem,ies, would be a 1 ••••••••••••••••••'i:tN'i.1I thOI~~C::°~,~~~~b~~or:,~~d ~a~dt't~el1eRIof 'h'1 . One M~nnte Cough Oure ,gins l'~li~fphenomenon. It is ~pl1~entiatY to Mra. Walter Yaryan went to Oon- 00{8~~:furt, thIE..~~:'IlLiR~~~~~~~'Jd~:~' ~~ob~e~lA~:~i~~::~= i~:~~~h~:;:one's abill" Jt.nd power ot ~bfev~nt ~d lut Friday for a few days visit brane, CROSWg the oough, and M the

i :'1' ',~;l., f tiooredithim,wtthaf8W~tlveenepllei. Wlthrelativ88. CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE. Ssme'f.imeol~lll'8thelhltogm,drawllont

!I .:::sIt:: Dao Daily who baa been foreman of By virtue of chl:l.ttel mbrtg~e, d~ted Jbe illfidnU1ldlon ab he·ls ADd~I!

D .i(Jaldwelllunl:t8 nev'praclice tio the The no'e :88nti Out by the United the 88Otion here for several yean bas JH".lyYe.23,'n IlllOovlo'r "o.,ou,"het;l bF"'nUaehaBrpoll.'•• the aft'tloted parts. Qne Mmute Ooogh I;pec ftr.~atment ot d~e8 01 the Eye, States Mking t.ha'~he integrity and ' . d Mi Oare slrength6DEI the 100gB, warda oft'I~llr OBe, Throat, LU~' PemBle Die. rit f Oh· be maU:I.... ed dbrf been b'aDsterl'fld '0 Blair. His family Threshing Machine C:l., npon whiob pnenmonia and is a harm.less and never"lase 'I Diseases ot a Idren BDd all seou yo, InB~; n ,nr will follow in Do 'ew days. Louie there iB now due tbe sum ot $1703.80, 1aiJlrr", c>ute in all ourable eaBeB 0; I,Jbr ~io, NenoWi dond urgtcal Di&euell the Jap and! Ru, war haa m~t the H~vergeis the forenuwllhip bere. default having been nJade iu the pay- OODg>bs, Cold8 and Oronp. ODtlllinu~Iof ~'l>.r'bl.a natura.,. Batty Oon8l1mption, approvBl 01 a.l 'he great Europ88' D& roeut of tlie soma sf:cn;red by Bait1 chat· Coogh' Cum is ,pleaeanJi, to take, harm· II3r ~~liti!s, Bronohial 06tarrh. Ohronio *ions, eTen France; whose "Jmp.thles Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Yaryan were tFll mortgage, the property deBoribed in 1f'ss and fiood al,ike for~O'ODg and old.'~t, h, Head AoM, Con8t1patiod, have been 0008piduou81y allied with oalled to Iowa last; week On aooouqt of saId mortgage aB follows, to·v. it· Sold by R~ymond'sPharmacy.o th .nd BowolTfoubl88, Rheumo· Ihe azar'. ,inle"~'., ThIIJI,' .nolher the death of Mr. Yaryan'. molher. aue hlock bor.e, I~ ~eor. ~!~, wel.hl 120000 &TARVING. !

,,';':IKi~~~SiDi,~f.:,1J8~:t~~ ~~ vlotory 10 the oredll 0' Soo..tary !JJ.y'. They will _pend .om~ time Ihere vi.lI· ~~~~rl~n::;r~~l~~w,t:~~~500~~~:;! We lOe.. ' the 120 000 hal.. o. our'LiverlaDd B~adder,LDlzziU'e88, NervOUl- statesmanship. : ing rela'ives belore rp'urr:a1ng to Oarroll, called . 'Dick ;'1 one broWll mare, 10 head. Th~y are s1;uving. Their ~OOdDeBS, ~ndhl68tio.u., 1VbM.il.y, 1Dierrnpied. Bty&D Youn~ lflllt M'ednesday morn- !oBars ol~, weight 1450 pounds, called is so poo~ they are already le.nng yOll~~~'t:~aa~i:gW D~=th.lnlnadaul~~~i:~ The pro~ltioD to give Wayne: a iog WIth his paren s for OMS COOO'y F~ora, Ott6 SOl rei ~a, II )""are old, very rapIdly. lJooh yon will Dot have

1 '"' government building should DO' be 4'C- where be will make Is futore home welght 1450 pound.. , cl1lled "Pu~s;" o",e lel' u~'eS8 yoo use Ayer'. Hairtor i_.ieB

i'OlO.b-B66t, Ou)'va'ure of cepted as Utioal bun be b t 11 . one ced ruan horse, 7 yearll old, weIght VIgor. ThI, stops falling of the ha.ir

the pine. DiBelifi~or the Brain. Par- d d po ocom , u a 'We Rey. Samnel Jone died at his home 1000 poundR, called "Dan;" one rAd and ma.kes ~ the hair grow nch andalyslA, H~a t DiReQlJO, Dropsy, Swelling groun e prospect. loouneitioannot tn Oarroll today Wednesday at .2 roan horse, 4 yftsr5 old, weiaht, 1100 heavy. I

()f t1he LImb"!, Stlriot,me, Open Sores, be assured ot)tU OODll'eB8aot8fBTotably, o'cloek H had' . b 'h I h poulld~, called "Boxer,';" ODA light bay -w---------------' ---~"tid tn rhe B mesl Grarlnl&r EnlarJ;re- thougb, knowing 'the men behiDd Che . e en. 1D a.d ea t borse, 3 yf'ars old, weIght 1100 pounds,

ntR~ aod R.ll loog standil'g di8eMes, mewmre and,conslderi.D tih _ for 80me time, so t h18 death wos not c ...ll'ld "Ohowmey;" one gray mare,Bl..ooD AND SKIN DI8BA8E8 . .. d. g ~ campara unexpected. He w 75 years old last 8 years old, wtllght 1100 poonds, callp.d

i:>iknpleB. Blotob.~8. ErtlptioDa, Liver tlve 8lze an !unportance of ayne, Ute Saturday, aDd hnd been a reBident of "B,ird;" one brown ma~e, 6 YP

f1r8 old)lt~ ~~"Iliug of tb.~ H<t.i.r Bad OOID HERALD has leMon to beli~va tibe ap- () 11 d . i i f weight 1000 pounds, caU"'11 "Sl1be;" on",'d~~, Eczema., Tbroat lnoere, Bon~ propriation will be :granted arro 8n VIO n t or twelve yearJ;!1 bay mare, (J yenrs old, weIght 1000

'~B10l.rlder TroUbles, Weak B"Ok, ,_.' j of which he wag tor 01 the Welcb pouods, ca.lled "~f)('k;" one yen/I'IlSI!'g Urine, Paea1ng Urine too often. Last week Judge Hooter reeelv~ Oongreg.tiona.\ ohnroh west of town, filley, now 3 yenrs Din; al·o ODe Min-:fects of c0D8titutiona1siekoea8 or from bis danghter ao extract fWIn a Thrte years ago be g&l'e op the pastor- ~:~~~~~'Bli~~)~~~sefl';:i;~~'nt~:~~~~n'2;o;1

ciueJ~k;:ef:~oo::-~:hl~~nri~;:'t:~~ Manila paper, giving the deti&ils or a ate on &COOnnt of fa1~lng h~tih and h88 complete with all parh It.od atta,. h:prompt relief and a aure fnr lih. oelebration at whioll the display ot ann. since lived tn reUnment. He was a mentfl; ono Miunf'spoliR Repnrator wirh

Di.sE1B8Els of Women IrrAgular Men Ameriean fealint( I1mouQted to gl'088 in- man above reproach, :b010Vlld by all who 36 inoh ~ylillder, f\~·juch rflllt, nornbflrstru).t,iofl. Fallin' ~l 'he Womb, D~ft_~ L_ 7146 wtth trocks under Aa

" " .L.>OD" suit. AB a~ iostanoe. "Ati\:uiuJ'ldo's knew him, aodm..tdtmtih triumpbantly. AWin'g stacker, cr)lDphltfl, IIlHn~~:~ 8~~~~~fg~SH~~::ri,~::'IQ~~~~=~~:;~ Mnroh" brought the native. to' sheil' The remains will be "hipped to Walee, om~ main drive. belt, HiO It'et longility'Qr B.LITenneas, consult Dr. O~ld- fe~t and aroQsed emhual••tio oh4erfufl, Iowa, }I"rld",y morn~ng for interment. eight inohl'1l wide. 4 pl:v Gllndy; anawellj 'Ed ahA Will show tbem the oaulI8 while t.hey ifmedlatel, 8a' doW'~ IW,d Be WM tiwioe mUted. He leaves a W8

KO. n loader, number 288; ooe pomp

of t~.~ trouble and the way to become put on their r.ate "hen tihe llStar '8~. wUn, IIOD and dau ,ier and three step an~i~~~ aold o.t public o.p.cHon on Sll.t-oure ~'I gled Bauner j' WB8 plaiy.ed. Tb$ ~U. daughters to mourn IS departnre. The urdlly, March 12, 1904, at: 2 o'chck p.

C C1RR, GOITER, FISTULA, PlLEB pinos are tQo 19noran', 6114 Iliuptd' to sympatby of a large oirole of friends m" at WaJne, Wayne COtlDty, Nebr88'

aDd 4~ flrged glands treated with tbe know when they aree web~; goes out tio them in 'heir bereavement, ~~ldth~n a~;~~n:e:~~~~~d. hb~,-we·••lotbeheRubc-q." r~eoofl injection method, ab80 =-=""tllll ' 'thout pa.in llnd ,witbout; the An incid~nt shows the wllbr10Ull ~o:~:~~~ ~~~8i~~~';~~:t/~v:~e~:~fdd;~~~+ ":~P;:dhlo;;;t'r~:;eo~~er:.~~quality of ~ayoe couDit,'s olim~: A nn the same day after Balo of flfliclRoien . (! mf\thod n-r this ailvanoet1 age. man by the ~eorumoo;~me, of Soiith hOffleS, on the lot itl1me~ill.telysouth ofDr. 0 ~ well has practiced her protes- removed to Oklahoma,' where he was Smith & HarriDgton's lumbAr yard, to~ion"i some of tho 181'gest hOllpitals taken sick and died tdlter a ~gertDg ap£l?~~,);'!h~::~:vor~:.ali~~lndAbtednesB.thron out the oountry. She has no il1088S. To~ bUfied iq. Wa-tne f"u~.''" trip tb the oounty se"t Saturday. Tm: MI~NEArOUB'f TnR'ltsm,N'O MA-tmpe ~, in treating and ~OHingdu- ad" I \0 ,~l. Idases~L,~elormhi~s, etc. 'She h~ late- was m e or parr 0 ~iJ ...... req1l,l'8~. Hr. and Mrs. H.: G. Smith are in CHINE 00 , MnrtRa~eAIf op~~ an. offi're io Omaha, Nebr., Accordingly~ sortowing rel,ati'tM ~eD' Wayne today to att~nd the fuoeral ot By its e~entl ~_,~~B--" "wher be will spend a portion 01 each 08.sJ'd his remaios'in a .mat, oomfortl.ble the Leuck babe. i P M' N III"

. f'r many patientiB. No ' dI, I "1 ~:.telYmy18~ooAd l"ookH••••ch"dm'h.o.m'l"hh·,o, WM 'PIEPENSTOCK8OOf'pted for treatmenti. wooden overcoat an : ItIu1ed Ihhither. Ob.., Aroher ret ned Tuesday from '"

n, eDUQ.ination and advioe, Tbe mome..t tbe. bod,~ into lu. "estern trip, oompanied by bis Hollister s Rocky Mountaib T~a Have 'I' ,to tho$>l iDterestad. Wayne county, bfe ~gan ',too ~Tetnm. wilo whom he ~d in the west fully rfl~aioertmv ~eallh," ™ or tab- 'WA'YN E NEB

Ad s aJl communioations to Bee Smith lJi~led ,the aWn:£;,In. '*.tth Oon~atnlatioDBarf'J :x:tended. . lets. 35 cents. Ra:rmond~s Pharmac~'I' , , "" '" '" '" RASKABUild[' Omaha, Nebr. the toe of his boot .qd w relwed

n I,. ORA oALDWELL & 00. from his gTews~me, mort ' habill. It ilJ repo~d tih t J. P. ~ar~in'B ' " ,Om .•, Nebr. ahloago, Ill. menl.. Th~ ne.1 de, he *...bl. to .on, J ."Y,' IS .lok ith typbOId lever.~""'~~""'~,""""',""'....

--~"ti-'----------1 husk seven~y bushel. of com and has R~eL 8 MUBIC Nov~lty compaDy ~~ been in pe~l heaJ'b IWer 8itwe.'.' filled one ~f the n,?" barB In t.he lecture $F. I f SKEEN, ....~=~""''''''==''''' , oon... Fnday Dig I. The ue.t .od

Allf"TDey and Oounselor at Law. DEATH ~.F SENATOR ~At.~P... lut eUtiertiainmen3: tbe coorae wUl bel'Oolleotions a Specialty. The death 01 BoQator Matous A "Cook, the Ha.lIloc t." $

, ' Notary Publio. BanDa in :WuJilingkm City 1&ODda; Fnmk Weible kKl Wayne Fri@y.

WAYNF' NEBlU.6KA evening re~oveBone of the mOll,oon Dr. Sam Scruggs Ivisited hill brothtlri.plonou. 1I8ur•• ln 'he pollll""l hi8tory In O..aha 1••1 w..~.of Amerie~. HI3 was a man ~f fOrce, Mr. and Mf8. Ai. 0, Goltz abd chil·energy, goo~ jo.(\gment and high ,lnte. dreu 'are planning! for a trip throoghgrity, a bus.oePB mau of great 8uQcell8 the 80uthern states

1==±o'f~~~~~';;:~;';;2=1I1::daB a po1i~ca~96mah~~ha~! fe~. if The debate betw .Q. Oarroll Bnd Win-

int:r=:' ~e:e.1' ot t;e nom~:ti:l:~ side ~hooJ. wlll ta e place her~ OD the SPre8lde~t ~oK'nle1 land hlB: 1l$oe8ll ::::~I:' :il7~ Bme~~~:~ the de-made him :'chaitmaa lot the republicannational aC#Dmj~tee. ;:'1n that :,n:u~mor· . M18. T. E. Johns n has Bold her farmiable camp_ign ~e showed remar~able' 3uR e88t o~ to"'~ t R?bert Packrandt,

I-~+"':::"::::;:::'-.....,_';;';'''''';';':''-IItact and exeoqt1ve '. tr eng ~ h : andi oonsiderMion bem t8 j' per acre. Mrs.trium.phed lin the f~ of lh~ ft~rce.t': JohlUlOn expects to l'emove from Win-

'oppoeition.l, He :WB.S .J)pointed; M1~.tor' .ide.,from ohfol to. ~u608i8d JOhtS ' W. S. Goldie. ft.he Wayne Demo·

:~~~~~~~~~~~~~land has Wten elected to e orat, W8ll o1rculati g, among the people $

Iwloe .1001. Iholn by i Ihe I ',jI 1.slnctWUIIlBUldcte;J;M;I;S;a~u;r;d;·y;,;;~uu~ Ith.1 .telo: I He iheld ~he ohaitu/oinsbip

of the notl"nal ,/om..lt.tee up "1lh~ t1m~iiiof hi. de1th ljnd II' WMlhe:deli.. ot AL ONAPresident il~~velt tihat he,1 m~Dag!t •hiB 6ampa~. 1:11 18ar. ",I :1, O~Jey Meyer lold niB lajt year'B ..

, Benator an. W8I the mOllt bltterl~ oorn orop to Pe ,IWitt for 29 oents: abu13ed m n -f, tihe Unitied tt~B' bn$ per bwdlel. I '

ii•• liii_••'1 WM misre resepted and mfeju lJed aod ,. ~ 1 ' 'I ~neither t ri~cule of the artoonllJ! Riley Rooth~ 1.Dted the li'erguson " 'nor Ihe o.*.,lol.l!On of th.j~t do f• .., or 160 oove.. . e .oy. he 'fill hnr ""'~"""""'~,:,~""""'~ .tierred him) in~ work, In time, 'oOu' five

ihorIN-three or the far~ wor~ ;

vlnoodOr.~101.udabIemolive.' and.!>] _twologive t Igirls. bnggf rid.. -~proolallng I hlo good deedo, ,.~le Aui,6r\.' A~gn.1 FiBher il. moving hl.raruinan peopl~ le.rn.ed to adlll.tr/>, "'l.he~ property 10 kis n~. pi... n.al, Winithan belit~le. his oharaoter., : Bide. . I ,"

, He w¥ 11_~ employer,l and it i~ Pete BOlensl thel' Altona m~ob, i~said to, oredit that his ,I empl~,. bullY plastering !ttie new hqo~es ofhave nev h~ occasion to 8 OJ': b8~ 1I(8UI'8. Ablve", ,andll,Te~sen. ," :

ill.'liiBlliiiifiiii~.iiiiiii••11 oome.d '1I•.1I.M with Ihe ,tm.,.~ iI. Arl Shawgo viol .d Wayne t om So.t.I:' VoQoorded

lhe~. O,f late 8 bei.-w urda, utll Monda, .'1 I

devoled, ~I deal of at ' nll~n '." .. ~ .~.m.I1oro! I 'the dI I. T. lIIr, llJ1d, Mr.. o.rn Ralnh I rlave''--+_+_..:- ~ IgeoeralIX ga'i d..;n ~on, of ,h'1'; boqhior G.o.. F. 'hie. the h n.~ 00':

with oa~i"l.• II~e U~~dl':oF'::D~r C.•p1ed.~YIFte.,,d, Ab r~"an~w l ~ovehigh oh ieI' .od gre.1 ,.' I.. := 10 Alto.... Marc~ 1 • tak. life"r 'pnbllo m • , I: ,: i :rJle Dew lel~pho i~e Iro A~tona'

,I~;:;t~;t;;;,;;;;;;l;';;~~110WBJne'h" .wen two 'ph .s/.od:Ia givm~ good mtlaf Ou. "

4Jneo J4&rtio: d:om tee 000

i 'h~~,-~.turlJed'bo & Saturda'

~"ff~""""'''"!"'', foa. '"'1',,"' vIoil wi 'relative In AI.'~ , , .&aua.,,', ': i 1

he.re.· '1.: 111 fred Irrendltlr,Wh .. b.en .Iot for'.f· ~L IO"'~I, ~ ,now be to .ronnd

o ~ ~ ..,m. 1ii" I

='", 1\11 .bu'Do h .; make and Ih~I' . Ilellh lIoo4,wanle 'n, i,

t~ ~~nt~£!rhi~:~:~:n::jil:':=::::::~~;f:::~::~~~~t~::~:~~~±~i.~ ~I ~ l;bn...... Hoen.'.gg.;, 2o·nl·;i

. ,"I: ' H .. .~~~;ic" 8~e;M,. 1I::~,i85'''1'I that Dr. Gr. Wa:WlII A.....he1lll.'...' ,s busi wTlllnll.1~ gq 10 1<0 00\Rl I .. • ,I

I of the very Jldor~q W tJ........,0.1d~"I. "t,::;, , Di~D,.

(hu~.~ M,~ j ~7:.


Is the place to go for ,your Fine \I'ines, Liql/oril

alld Cigars. Choicest, Bottled Beer$. and Fin­

est Keg Beer al wa ys OIl tap. Our Wines and

W"niskies ar~ the hesl and we can make y6u an

exce~di~glyIbw pric~~n them whell tak~n in

gal1qn loti! or more. Our Bottled B~ers :lVer~ /

bottled expressl)' for :~mily use. Wlien wan~r

iIIg something in this I, pne that is particularl~

nice call us on tl)e tel~rbone and ask for a.,ca"t

of the famous ElDEIr-''''EIS BE~R, which wfwill, deliver to: your' home free of charg1.

Alsq carry a !ul~ line ~P:~ high l(rade. ci~ars. iI. "I

MY SALE on apples this seasonequals that ofa}l of the rest ofthe merchants! of Wayne andWayne county. Six cars, that'sall.

A DISPLAY of fancy New Yorkapples may be.seen at my storeany day Come in and see Withyour own eyes who has the bestline of frUits.

Ralph· Rundell,

See RundellFor Apples

U t,: i

AB~le of Cotton..500Ibaiat 15c, 16c aud 17c, No telling how high it will go.

Don't seem like those old 9c prices, but if you buy cotton

goods here you will not pay more than last year. Our

orders were placed early last iall, before the big rise in

r~w cotton. Our spring and summer wash goods. white

goods and title ginghams are now here.-

l''e,1 !, ! 't et' Algi I:.. i IlJ'HE' lOGAl'NEWS' :~;:~::~:t::~:;::'t:e.:: i ~~te6e\~otes. ','"" 'at'eaI' '~ln·' ,I " ,by••talllonal Pender Mondar night. "~iOifn~'"~''''''''R''': ' ,. ' ,", ~ l\ii~Gellaneous, Person- Tbo anlm.l bo<ltl.mo frigbt.n¥ "~bo Mia> R!>as, ~l ear'. teacher>''I j' ",::1' aland Otherwise.' eate",d II••tall ami eltnck him and cl.,., now:te~hl Win,lde. was

"i j; ~~,.,.,.,.,.,.~,.,. Ii! I' . \ cl'1l~bedhlmaobad1.Ytbath~ln;edtml,. 838D()l'er:Bll~~• .f lIitheool1ege.

~e:'fomme~,: ed, to invoice .this SOOtra J~\i8f ~\eek to P,':"OUNT,.Y TREASURER BUSY IO~O~:~hand ~leventhBriW~ of th" Be~~8~,~~:e.w~::,r~.'te;~:~~:OO~M:::s l.low .t,he busI."ess. was' pannIng qu. 4.,8",' a. r .• as we .....'-_ I'

t~ - : . high" sohool 'enjoyed sooiaJ.' t§.~ring. de.y. ~!,'

h. v~ gOll. e w.e hat.'~ found quite a number ?l~thiQ.,.: gs that :, ~~i;tt:t'sn!~:~e~~::."~~~i~C: ~~:O~i Tuesday eveniDg-tihq forme~;,Bt the Rev. E. B. YOQn\,\. conducted cha.pelmust leave here t once. We make it a rul tha:t. no ar- ,.' Preparing Orat,ons-Death of In- 7flldden09 01 Oeo OJ"OBlland .'ADd the devotions Mond&1 1j(,lrning e.nd gu.ve au

, "I f'ant Child of Mr. and Mr..: Frank lattet at the residence ot Jy. Bush. inspiring five miliU'itll' tIlJk to the stu.ti' Ie can sta,y in lhis store more than two'~, !Lrs.: If no ;~~~~;Rev.Wright'. Lectur. Po.t- All hail Ii good lime. .' dontl. ~il'olJe want~ it we burh it. We will not hav~ old', shop- Mombol. of the .enlor clas. orlhe Th.aoclallliven! Ihe senior clas'

I h I If I I'k t D,·.trlot court convene. here AprU 26. highllOhool8l"eprep&rlngtheiror&.tiona wuaBuooeBsfulan ,;erymnohenjoyel:1 i\\'Pro. outjof,dat l1 goods qn our s eves. YOll 1 e 0 and Reiling ,e.dy. 10 gradnato. The dOir. ,howing th.t~h.membero of the ±b,Iu barry.. "',"ll,'; and, are noi particular to hav.6, the latest Wm. Wright went to Winside yester- olalUl consists of 81xteen st?denu.-ten gra.duat\ng clas86~ t_i.ll be leader8 in f


" I !lay. glTI.and.lxboye. Lastye""n\neglrlB theooulm.nltiesint~'whlohthey m"y f~tlyIe, we can accpmmodate you if you ,will, Icall ! during The annual Lenten seMon OORan llndone boy paduated. ' . _ / go, not onlJ"lntelleotmally but in social Ztlie next thirty dhys. Price cuts 00 fiRUr.k in, selling testord.t: ' Nlok Hanlen relfit'llAd last Ba"!tday m.lter... well. .~

1,r il A .' For S.t.Je,. a good mUk cow. Inquire from Oorreotionvil1e, Iowa, where hf'l Quite a nUQlOOr of oM6S of measlell +

o ds and. ends at i.

this store, a.nd much of t'le o"lds and Of 0, H. K"hl. .pont!Jlx ....ts viJJiliog ..1.li"". Mr. h.ve been cared ro~ ""onod the ooU.ge td~ 've lh~ ve e as good as ever but broke~ in sizes If P"te Pryor ot near WiDlide was in Hansen prpeotg to enter the_ et:nploy of dormitories, ~u' at,the present writing f

~ e ~an 1-' t ayOJ]~:~U get a bargain. We don~t know how Wayne jreeterday. Wal'ter Weber on bis farm el"I;.' miles nearly all have reriovered. Two cases +t~ is bus·.uess win! pan out, but if.we mad.e. niore. money ()=~l;~~::;~:;dea businoss trip to so: ~h~:~:~~b::tl:n~~~~\viDe~: ::=::i:::::t~:od::~isO:cC:;8~~:±J .b. h d Lilje were unitert in marrlBge at tihf'l Williams and t~6 Qareful nursing O' ,;;

tlJan wethink we ought to we Will cut prICrS rIg t an u. E. Gall"l'her or W••••• w.. • Germ.n Lntheran cboroh••or'hof to..n Mr. Oroaaltw4. I1 .~ t tb - tid' th WaIne visitor Tnesday.I~ft.LOOl< out for la seusation a IS sore urlDg e Mr•. o. H. K.hlla oonval.,olng .fler ~•• t ~h=~"f .rto,:";',.n, Rev. ~.t1; Rev. Wrlghl wlllj a chapel vi,itor}lb,xt fe\";" nreeks. Read our ad. uext week. nec 00. mg. rge num r 0 Wedne8daymOrrio~tandg"Ve lhe atu-

Il-. 'f f. a severe spall of illness. the frieDds ot the oontiracUQ8 partiel dents a helptq, t~' oD the value of";~~";~,,;~,.,,,,, Gilbert Frenoh came do~n from attended. thorougha.8l!I8. '~'rl!¥b like thiB coming

Winside this morning. A. J. Ferguaon hu rented the butJd- at tbe tormativ;~~iPM1o'd or young pea-

Miw Winnifred Northrop iB reported inR', now oooupted by the Republican pIes' Jives may,~ meaD a. grea.t deal ir • S I M'III ~ +very ill with pueumonia. office, to C. W. Garlock who will move properly appreoIated, for there 8eomB to .. prln~' 1lnery :\:

Mr. Butterfi,ld of Norfolk, WaR doiog here with hi. f.mily from Sioux Oily bo two phiiosopl;;es 01 life eotert.in",l .~ +bnsiD1)f!S in Wayne TU£lsday. March 1. Mr. Garlock will ebgnge in by the bOYB aodiBir1fl of our day, Om"-:- :t.

:M. J. Dendinger went to H06kins buying and selling poultry, 8ggs aod is that the 8eC86,t'or ;mc~!:ls con8iHt8 in j; IMonday, rl'\turnlng Tuesday. butter and handling groceries. merely pn\ting!p the beat ahow of at- t

u_•• A. A. Weloh visited in Sio....... The Burt Couuty Sohool Boards' M- tainment, and :~.he other is that true \ I t'f II' f "t t I' t d C~l~<Xl<Xlrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnccccccrocccctxla:la:la:la:la:l~1 -... ........ suoc6RRre8tfjOn-'ten i effor.t and tho i J,('(lU I nIne 0 \:J ree! ~a 'S an ap~.• OUy the fore part of the wetk. Rootation haB its annnal meeting on the' i I U ne. r: +t'" i

27t:h inet.. and among th0B6 IWnOnnced OURh mastery "t _now'ledge. Those ~

I Mrs. E. R Borq ot WIalkefleld, ia in to Jrlve addre88es is SUpt3fintendent wbo ~~d the' ~~~er vi~W areambitiouB \ •.~.. ,the city today vl.litiog re at vel'. BrtKht ot thiA OOUltty, who wnt.t&lk qn only I;.() pa/18 ,U) then' B~hool work.

+·;.4-t·$·:-+·~++**++++""+++++++++++++·>++~·Ho+++"'++++·H'+ Alva Beeson who runs a billiard hl'Lll "Oompullory Eduoation" and "Annu~ They come by a,,(\ by to beheve largely :1:+'1 ABER,·R.'Ii~ I,:t I ' in Winside, 'was in Wtlyne yesterday. Meetings," ~n the virtae of &cheming and wire-pull- {: \~·t i- B·II f·P f 1904 .hs.-6aird,who liveateu miles Bonth- . lDg,andthinlrpf statesttlen [I," merely t'.J,; ~~ . J 0 are or east of,town, was doing bcaineB8 here Memlrs. Nellie and Young of ~t~a.n- successfnl politic:iaus, the rich as fortun-• tic!. Iowa, ha.ve rented tbe bUIlding, a.te tricksterS I.ntl the honest and honor- t;f: yesterd.y. recenlly v.cated by WiI,on Bro,,: and .bl....kUlfa!, deoelvero. The boy or " :l:* OFFERED BY H. E., Koch aDd wife of Hartington, expect to occupy It March 1. wltb a girl who beU.ves fn the virtne ot ++++.}--+++~--+--:.++++++++++++++.:'~"":+++-++-Ho--Moit i r It., it •• l ++ I _. Bore hAte visiting' their daughter, Mill. 6tock ot genera~ merchandiBe.. T~e thoroughness ~6me8 in doe time to be

t ;A GPO W E R S O. H. Kuhl. adjoining room, eIghty feet deep, IS In the nnfailing factor in community or-!-========__====-==_'=-=-=-===_========"..,.===1::.. '.John T. Bressler and familyeJ:peot hands of A..J. Eerguson for rent. ganization and, ijIe real element of the.... to r6tnrn from their eastern trip in Snp~rlDtendent Bright informs the oommon-w6&lth's' progress and stabil- ~~*~,U<U<UUUUUUU"*,,,*,u.~* Sur-cessor to PhiUeo & Son in the }1'arah about ten da}:'s. HERALD that distriots whioh bad hired lty. Let every teacher preach and ext ,Im~lemeDt ;usine81 at W.Rvne, N~brask.•," , Sheriif Mears went to HJ8kioB '1'n68- teaohors without of>rUflcates, have empliry the d~trlne ot thoroughnesB.+ "" da.y to Reno offiJial papers, returning ohanged their habitflllnd employed nnly ~~.---'' ---"t I home yest.erday. those duly authorized to teabh. With Salt and I'l~ked fish at Hnndell'll.

t.~i.! I)eering Harvesting Mar.hlnery and TWIne. Mr. and Mrs. H. H MoEiroy ot Yin- that trouble a oloBed inoide.nt. hill ofli· Don't fail' r. see the Grea.t MajeEotic

~oline line of Plow Goods. ("Good Enough" : ton, la., lU:e here visUing their daugh- oial duties are DOW DiovinR' along Range bake h I!,~ctiite in 2 to 3 minatel3:,P~Ows.) : tar, M'·II. D O. Malo. smoothly. all the week ., erwiU~ger Bros.

<" I T G. Mandt "nd L"using Wagons. E. J. Tocker, f""merly of Wayne, Th. ten,d.y.·old ,on of Mr.•nd Mr.. e~~e~~: ElAn ney and Peru Buggies: now in tho drug business at Pender, Fmnk Leuck or Altona, died Tuesday :"f :~ :,:" _'J" I IJ T. Case Thre,hing MachIn~ry. vlait.d he,o ye'torday. 01 this week. Fauoral ""..ioe we.. !( C!ltiRCH NOTES. ~:!

-~ d . b Shellers and Repairs held in the Lutheran ohumh t.hie atter-;; ~1£_~ '. t'ian WIC . D" D.. MailiQ,dale, ex l!Iuperintendent noon Rl'Jv. Ringer offi'li8tin~. Mr. and~~.." .....~....~~

l ' I of schools of' Knox: county, was a Mrs. II G. Smith, M.r. and :M.; i John There WCiIAITbHeQ.·,Le·'rOvl·cCesHlJRlll·OIIth

,e a.tholic ~I A Oordial Welcome to One a.nd All. I Wayne visitor Monday. Agler and Otto PQh~ler of WlnBide, are church here every Friday evening dnr. i

.: A.~. Powers, Wayne, Nebraska MM~' ~:.~':.: ,~o~~t~::=e~::=~~~~ heretoattendlheruneraL . . iogLent. Father H.ley willholdm· ~.:t: I ,Miss ~an~lewho iB stck. Judge Hunter IBsned a manlage 11- 'fices next SmJd.,. at Hand 10 o'clock ....'

+4':-++--lo 40++++++++++-+-+-+-+++++++++++++++1++++++++++++++ I w. Q. Gamble .hipped a oar of cattle :~8:e~~:B:~;~~;hir:r t~:o~~t:~: a. m. rIRf'T ~lI'Tf~'T (lnURe!l !I ~ to Oma.ha Tuesday. Joe Cunover went purt or the county. and one yesterday 'I i~ -~'--n- f to the::city to market them. to Mr. Leonard ,1, OlllOn Rnd MislI Anna Subjeot ot BhOday morning sermon :~

1*1XXXX*,':,III****"*"'*'" ,MIs$- BeX'~r ,haa resumed herpl'aoe S. WeBtland, bothotWakt'fleld. The "TheGo~pel.·':' In tho evonillgin placo . ~

8.S te~her in the publlo sohool, having latter otluple were United. In mnrriage, or the regula~ Berman the plloBtor will !reoov~X'ed from per late illoesl. by Rev. Wright, of the Af. E. churoh. conduot a 80ng lernoe--"The Elongs our

] NEW STOCK OF Joh!) Lntt, who lives Ihree milee The att6Iltion ot breederB is o.lIed to mo\hers sang." Oome and help osI II west ~f Wakefield, is reported improv- the advertisement or the big oombina- 8ing. PRE6BYTUIAN CHUROH. !

ing iIi he,,~th Bloor a lopg 8pellc:>tilloess. ti'lD sale of R"gistered Heretrd. cattle, "Where are the Zebedees?" BubjMt ~

S·PRING GOODS Tho case of the state VB. Geo. D whiop. will he held io Sohuyl r, }'riday, tor Sunday DI~~ning. Why don't the :~. ','. . :.' Kneeland of Sholes, set for hearing be· March 11. The offering .includes Rome men go to o_ttroli? Speoial,music is ott

fore ,Judge Hanter last Monday, was very ohoice animals and "he sale will prepared for.) the 'evening. Sunday id\B.tniBIed., canse a larg., orowd ot bJleeders to visit IOhoo~ fono~.";: 'the. ,.II!~g ~ern~e. 'I/> •

The nlqth grade boys of the high Sohuylet on the 11th., llead the ad tor Juniors at 8i.· '. m.". SeDlor 6 :30 p. :q:I. ~Bobool meli yesterday to prepartl tor an partioulars. You are oordi~:J invited to any of our t~

:.~ AT THE .;::;~:~enllnhonor of the girlB of pr:;~..~ol:c:r~~ e:~~:~I"F::;.~::~: ~=.p::;l:~~n~::;rr;~:::: :;

i' F. M. Skeen.b.. rontedlhe resld.nce ment. A. p.rl or the program Mi•• d.yov.nlng. .!, IJl Sole Agent for "Sleepy Eye" Flour, STORE Spenc.r will render Ihe pleasing mono, --- '""-G'iERMA~T! ~~::E~~t:f~::d~R~~::~t~r~i :~f.":;~~o~~~~~~:.~:~t·~a;eh~;::;; M~~'t:~I·c:'~ a:x~~:~~ige~::::~ ============="'_~__~~_~. __~~.l..~ pleased their audienoe heretofore. Re- invited. Dou:' i it. _ Q

II The leoture advertised to be ,given: by. serTed sea~, sale. opens I ,Monday 22nd The geDeraJ: '6rdiot ot ~he theatre-go-

Rev. Wright pn 2300 lust., uuder the iost. ing publio thl~UleMOn is that "Runaway MILDNER'SI The latest and best in rdress auspice. of t~e F::erati~n ~e,. h.. ah... D.vld.on who Q.d eom. tro.ble M.toh" that '~,. billed to make It. fIr.t -_~.. '. " ~',_"..'II!: ;' 1 W 'h been P?Stpone4 un' Maro 1. with hiB wife a tew montbs~ in Te~ appearance. h,6/ffJ;'."at the .opera hOUB[l Slit-:, ,: goods, aces, etc. e: ave I bI The o~, so r'l()l~ are making their, kRIDRh, WbATe he WBB' preaohinll, W8.fl urde.y. Feb. 2. ,is the funniest and: stocked with a oomplet~ lIne selflctiou.ll' of piotnros preparatory to in Wayne Tnpsday and lett Tnesday o~everest pie~:ot faro~oal construction

sending ~n orders in accordauoe with eveniD~ f'nr Norfolk wh~re he expeotB. that filver ha8~:l>een soeu on the stageof everything for the $prlng the porpo~e or the late art exblbit. .. the HEU' n und.rstand,. to looale Ibr eeveral y....... l'h. pleo" was builttradl8. We take prod~ce in AoomJanYOf colored .lngere .nter· ••d en,a~e In bn,ioe'•. H. u,ed to for l.ngh,m~i"g ro<pc,eonly, 'tl1.t

. " tained _ small andienoe in the opera preaoh in Oarroll ~d was married in is its only exc(I,BO tor.e:dstenoe. It iB R

exchange at highest prices. hOlloe ~'1nrd.y .vening. The .lnglng Ihl. connty., .0rO of a dra"",,/ic nledlolne next to1 \' l".aSig4~8Ddmeri~ed a large: andience. The Ben Hurl Kavel a party in their fresh air ,aud Is11l18b1ne. Laughter lB

P t I · II nature's o'oter, tot aU' mental ills. "A' • gl ,nrllu", l) lD$truO 008 from the hall Saturday Avening in honor of the

F r hner DUerl &CA postal de artmollt, the rural free de- birthdav anniversary Of Mr. and MrB. Runaway Matoh U ':i8 Il. Bort of n jollyC V. .livery 0 iers will not, make.ltheir triPB D. E. Newton. The occasion was 8 hurrah from 'start to'finish. The story, '1' "n w1~lngtoq,s birthday,. the 22nd very agreeable sorprite to them. Games, is a oomp~p~ted.: arid fv.nny one. T.he

I 'I ' oharaotelB ~f'tb.,Ji hioamadoll of theI ~ ,081t. ;'; Tefresbments and, geqeral sociability 8])irit or b~' . :!,4! clev~r OOIilpBiUy~J:n:n~:n:n~:D:D:D:D:D:D:lI:1:D:D~:D:J~L:D.~':D:D~:nr":J:l ,-the tno ~ovelty 00 s~owed to a made the f'vening RasR pleasantly. Mr direot from,' N,w .Yo,rk' elr.y inte~r.•t.,. 1*1"I'*'li.:;t,*'*'*I"'l • g~-si~e~ audienoe Mondaylnijrht and and Mrs. Newtou.! were: the reoipients the taroe. iver"'l new and clever-===j""'--:=='F'"======;""=--:=I==:F=t'===i=~'9'=, Iithoee who likJ 8Iet(J'ht-ot.han~skUl and of apPI"opriate girts." vaudeville t' ,',.. tUri.I". ,~.:r~ fntroduoAd ~nd 1I= ~ e I. 'he enterta dtj'-fronJ beg1Dntn~' to

. lpeltor fll dqgs were ~teBSeQ and well Oounty TreaBurer jOborry: report. end is brigh~ltl', ~'pafknng in the ex. ,M+++++++++H'+IBatiBfle' l r that Jan~1"YViM ~e banner mo~th :in treme. i"f,; I Ii \

r-;::j:±t::::=:::~::::::::::::::t:=::~;:::::;:::;:~)1 Tile ~ny ends ~ Nathan Ohace the history of the qonnb in thj3 maUer - ,t~G :MJli~e;tt~ Range at ', 1 who hi he~. d.ngeron,ly l1\ ,wllh of I...tng receiptl· Frain Ille 7th to .' !iJl18 Week. yon will

pneum ia. at his ~ome in B~abtoD, "U1 the olOfle of,the month ~f Janul\ry, 989 ~l.. d t tbe glad t Ie n that he is on the road receipts were 18s~ed, ~e8tdeB,1 redemp- ,',o~:::~o~;~~e 0 ge i

0, na~ch Steo'l go 1,1 torecoT~ry· tion,soh"'ol land afd ~IBcel1aneouB ,reo "A AWFUL FATE.Terwt'~h~erl Bros i serving an ex- ceiptis. The inorease vf work ma~es 'Me

I, I' I oellent alit of,,~o1f e and bisou~tli p.t life deoidefUy etl'1'nuofs for ,the tre'as· os, bit~~l~:ih~d ~~:

their w e It!Qre Is we~k to im- urer and bts deputY., i' : iuld be donal for

I~~:f:t:::::::;:::::=::=:::t::=:i::'.:===~':!1 I presst Ipub 10 'f;ith ~o mer~ts 0' *0 Yester,l8,'s N~IIOl)[ News: E. M. m9. Iw ~ i~'Ki~gh~ ~~I- I Majest Ehee range. II I I Locke 61.... Hoskin ,~fRr~er who drove of a treeI 'I to N'orf IL to d I d all '- d hi on, induoed me , I ! I"

, On <\O.d M Je nI. ll~er \~.t a o. yeo y 0"" • to 1r71t: larWng. l'am I II I I -, b Ih 'T I d team to nand Ollt Ii Ih.

1driving wind now on~. OR .rr and ow~ .U WI' N Ii>

' ~':'~~ go w d·b~ :: ~I:"of froIn Iq lin tQ. m,brn~8'ontll 90'olook ty Dr. "03:...' v.ry. Xt ••ved ayn'I~'" "II'er I: •' : i:' Ii : th••n .ble Io'.t= atllillhl'I.lnlall'OI1leChar... or bll· :~I:''' I . n,: I n~ ~t':."';;Ad you lookin~. for bue o.fhe. ,tloll I ling drnnk. and ~ ".Ity to •.nlm.•1s. A.F. ~,Druglillli Prlce;;O oenl' ,

, I , I \' u.w..r....lted te tlrlgh~llyNlghl andfl 'ffull"omes'~e\)es~ steel ran~esl T!fYOll ,~;", I Thhe . A ..~ Ra liolp d vi~ln- Watohm"" 0",,1 II rand hlah"""'. A' ill'" . OZ'OMA ' ~ 1 II ' I I, ,.",

I l ' 'I tr on. p,re ~ur eveD~D&,. were it~bled. :~'8 i ':theR obn'dOase ' ~ 'I 10;,' .. , 1,~t::E~~::E~;~::~~~$5~~~'~I~[I;,~~~alfand.' ex.amine.t~.e COt ,.a.t.,.: A. J.•r.non of I Ia p w•• 1n nl Ol'UI'1.t,,,.to a.ul. '1'.'.•.th...... Ch.m•.,."".' MYba.b1'.. h eo... bad., Ih.'I,II. ~~ , ,1 I M I .. S ' 1 Yitd att dl d Ii addJ..... <I, __2' I' r8oe'wll8~.1 ln' 8OabS,and'its,a eah e, onarc" llt • n ~.n ~ ve , 1..•• fore.N.O.rfOlt po.loe. nrtthla w.ek. bol1'all lid tried m '.''R" " M: 1f. I th I I. U~ but ~n. ]e pdo I' ~, ~ The hoN,. whe ta 'n 'u.p~ IWere 8.1. 'rt'm~die8 11:Y,

, age. Q,Parcr 9~ eJ/1 a , Wm. .....,. hoI bee .mpl yedlllost fro~n, " l ,,' ~ I' II ' .l"."lt1:, .~.,YV ll'~,! I II I I I' III Its • her "In tl I': om or '. .':',' :" ' I l,".I..~M .,e<.. .I.! I" ., !:.' i.. I ·1 Welc'& .vI« 10 I""'; dol" ~"" .W.n~wh.v.n~c10t.,~!.dFrul~ 1.i:"cili~3~J:l·

worl< I ~Inn I1Alro I 8&rva,it~n. -.. ·.h••.tg\-.ad•.",.,ln,!~ tr.~~u~; ..E~.~ry "'.IIIll. b""ulil:nlly,

iii ~..In for erelhlll\iOr~l~g. .••.•••.k.llU...•.,.••..nt..•..•.d.....•• '.....•.... ' EPI~r,a..d.0........... .100 m.•Ch. p.e.'a1a.h]~:j;;;:::+::j=:::::=::::;::t:=+::H++:tR+:*::fttil~1 fSI. avi II, llal~e•• de le", i~now . '~~e ~'u~d~"i: ,'+.,' ~" I I! ."}aa. .~t:.'J.~i::M n I"~I.O a~. i3 .'. l'rt .1 iohe. aud ~~.; I... k.P1I1 for"ll!l1\r;t'l!:',il.it: I I'~ the P.....~lofl\rreo .UOh" ....'pot./..~~' ,..... l~e nligln.l ,olidtrip q the St.lt"lU e:tpoe tlon. I Sam tornlPl,; 'Psl'tluiP "aD. . Iw:eet potn~.. .1~ o.i~t 'Iltc::.:~~~~Is Ihel'ldeo aa"rlllv ,i.'t ne a agt~lln f\-11 kind. ohmo .d,. dfloll~. : .d: ~Y I~YIllO~d'. ,iPh.,..

I 'b~. ~te, ". Ii '. ....J~....["" . ._Bem!I!\~' a~,'of ,~. lie.. cP1I1rln~ . ' " " " ,

"I ..11;' ...li">i.'" d ..·._.r.~... '. '.'i."'.'.W:.,.. i.•.. ....... on .DI'tl> ....~te... \i.'.•.IIB;."'.d...... .' I~"".r...J '~"l' an.d... -.'. '..:.,!b.•

lijii~~~~~il~i~~i!~~~I~I:;,11;~\i"iLeia .~&.' ..Ktl:.. ~' ,n..~.I1.,.". '.,~..~.."!.e.,\i1!..~.h. _..ll9•.lv.~.1l ~.w'9'.. ,.li'bIo.• !Tb~ 0-della. ·~OA~1J!1~: ..\ ' 11l1:f.J: f iil\!lWlim"": ·~llf_~Il.i" wew:::

;"l;';.~.'.,'",.i\.f.{.~,;!.c...'.·.".,.',.i:,..:!;\ .!i,,:;:,I:il·t~':,,:,I.i,,;'iY:;"'<'~:"i'.i:11:::;~:~:!~.I~':';:;:~::~'~:~,:ii~l!\fij,:'·i{t~:;:::':;~::i,;H;:,:r/:::~~'l~~I:~':,;;:i'~:':,;':~x;.r~~s:,;~,;/::-:/-,;' ~(~':':[.:,:,~~::;~::I\'>l:':~':!!: ',jl'"



WR.yne, Nebra.ska.


--DEALERS "1"---


Farm Implements

. y-~:~---,Forty,.Five

R.egistered Hereford Cattleat Auction at

Tb6 flJl1owiui{ ill OUT !llle lor 190~'~T~-Dcer~ and Dfofiance PlowGood8 Blldger two-row Onltiva.oors, John Deer and B adJey Oorn Plant.era, McOormlck HlSorvesH01it M~hine··y and Twine, AdTance and RusiellThre.hem. Stoullhton Bnd Lq,k~ Oity W8Jlcoa, JqhD Deere and PioneerB•••i-. SHAIWLESS CREAM SEPARATORS.

Wfj WJ11 Appreoiate a Share of Your Patron;;;- YOU1'8 for Bl18inel!El.

THEO WOLF IMPLEMENT COMPANY~********'*'aaxxxxxxxxx

OLDEST BANK IN WAYNE: COUNTYJ. M. STBAE..l.N, President. F. E. STRAHAN, Vtce-Pres, H.Il'. WILSON,C~hlel'

H. S. RP.iGLAND, ABB't CR!hier

Capital and Surplus. $100.000.DraEOTOB8:- J. M. Strahan. F. E. Straball, B. S. RinglaDj:l. GeOl'Jil8 aogart

Fra.nk FuJler•.Jobn T. Brel'l.lJler Bnrl H. F. -WI_ROU.


1~~~-JoIj."'<-Il"·'''''~':-i>;lJ.m;lJ.~~;lJ.;lJ''- ~


I> i



~s the .INeveral1p" shoe for borses.!

!J"; & FORTNER,I; WAYNE MEAT MARKET~1r8t. \JIBes meats 8iWB18 on hand.

A~~O dee.I(lrs in hides, to.rs and pelt8.

f~AS' M. ORAVEl\',.! PHOTOGRAPHERI Cabinet Photos B SpoofaItf·

I l' Gallery over Post OUlae.

I-I' -

,! j. w'. ALTER..

I BONDI;;D ABSTRACTORI ! Real Esiate and Loan•.

i IUBurtt.nce and OolleottoD8.

QJp081te Love Hotel. Wayne, NebI

E. A. lUNDBURG.lawyer

Oter First National Bank.+-~-------~

~j ~'" WELCH. A. R. D....VIB


o~oe up-stairs over the OltlzensBank.

iOqlm~ over the Wayne N..tional Bank.,


~rl _,,:at t': I I

't~t~~~t" f19t~. i 'L

Utll.t b'~ !!l'tma/lung ~.on. !l/o( na !/ll.gl.t. I .i __ 1'1·

,£l.tr ~ugufll .iraQ mar om !1llitnftag.in unftrtt <!5tabt. ('

~ttt 1:J04artn ,£lotb.t ultb .!tlitll.:.....;..:..::....+_....:.. 1I lJJliU.t IUlma ilt b.t [••I.a (l41(t. btt'

gang.a,f !IIlo~. W.fd/dfl. ~alb.t iab.r €Slabl. II :

(I.tt 204an~' lllobad.t. belta ~UC~ilion· lIIi1t Id/o . bor .hllgtr '18tH rr·111114nttnf 4at lId/ tiu .j)au; itl..· Il:arroa

. Igihu(1 lunb riJlrb baf~bjt Ilin (I.imImad/t.a. I . .

~m l~ l1.bruor c.a. fonb in heri~,ulfdj.~ \!ut4trifd/tn ltird1t bt!(lttta !jlajtor QJutla'd/t, bit tlod/,tllbt6 tl.r~a (!;4rlft l!S*m milOtdUltin.'!lIbin. ~j[i' [loll.

iJrau·.j). \llrimm f.nioti a.un~Jleil.a fUblid) boa !IIloba. 1II04a40fl,

't~~~~~~~~~~~~!I"Jar f.it~'tilli9tr 3.it frallf, ill j.bod)- mi.ber u[ bem !IIleg b.t !!l.ft.ruag.

A. DANIIlILSON. 'Ilr. 'Ili. aaa 4all. Ii. ill !ll'4anblung.


flJJl.rltal boa ~mrrfoa, btt

I.. bOt uag (d4t .intm 4atb.a :Ja4re aU:I"",,ond door we.t of Po.t omne. itrfialli b.fuab.a lIIurb. unb fftt b.a

maa ia, .ia.m !Jlribal.~ma4.U·'llMin lIimlrtaali, O~io, .j).i1uag fudjl.,ijt b.m IISlaatl :;)mn~aul in l!iacolnftbrrmit!tn lIIorheR•.

.j)ttt ~04aaa l5:ar[t.a, IIItld/tr ij4·4er .iu. J60 ~d.r l1arm adjl bil atU~norbm.~lid) bOll !IIlaba. b.fat, laufilJttbi.f.lb. ~.g," tIa.a l!d~ u. oUltttjtaaia l!aur~l. (£r b,abfidjllgl in RUt,.•.in. ~lllllion non [aablllitlfdlafllid/tn(ijerlil.n !lli.4 u. f. Ill. aul (.in.maU.a !\lIp. ,u 4alt.n.

(I.m~l!J,ol)l !!li.gltrl el!llDi.grr·muller, rau ij . .j)inbalong in !llloom~fi.lb fl rb am eamjtag 'Illiltag.1.!1Ing,a 1I1,liabung lIIar bit lolbring••nb. !!janf4.H. eit lilt ungtfa4t,mti !!Bodl.n. <Si. 4inl.rGitl dnm!IIltlllD.t uab (itben giab.t, bit l.iI!nad) ia aatltm !lIller jt.4,n.

'Ill. lll.brlib.r :>:.tmiUig.t 4abtnbi.[, !!Bodl. ~inbutd/ b.n lllrrlteltt btt'Illai' lIit€St.tl !!lang. 110mqanq (lmn~olman, .inen iung.n ~ulfdl.nbon €SI. l!ouiG, I))/a., ia i4r.m l!,~.u.

b.r bit tort,iI. i4ttG Rol!l41tb.G· bintt!ptelilltn ~dultrn l.iQI. Q:t 14ulbi.G niilll nut in !!Bart.a. foubtrnaudl lnl bet ~~at. inbtm tt in brei'IIlinut.! g.badra. !!liteuit b.n l!Iall.n,um Ro~.n bleltt uab tin. ~aff. auG.g.,.id)all.n gaffe! aabittel. :!li.ftgabtillPar bit .tjtt bit bat 34 ~a~ttn

ilodl4't~. au~ ela~lplall.n unb ~dm.mttbartlt ~ifrn ~.rjt.alt; fi.fabti,itttai~IG anPtr.G JIll bit rln,ig. ep.,ialt:.lal unb b.[tljalligl bab.i in i~rt~

lYa~ril ,b'lIdnbig 500 !ltb.\Itt. (!;GifI .in I aUGQ.~idlntltt Of.lt, b.n fl.4ttll.nt,~m iDlonlag I))/otg.n mucb. unf.t

'Ilad)bat:lldbldlen 'Illarlin.;butg ia


, ,

! her Wantiog

In;l~~q~~~e.• F AS$enheimer.

I 'lorAltono.( Ilun Bgent fpr The Continental

~lrel:Ill6orBn~ea6mpaoy of New Yorl<

~ G. LEISE;JllRING, M. D.I ·S1JIilGEON AND PHYI:lIOIAN;X Rar Examinations made R.t om

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