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Africa ReviewApril 27, 2015

Expressions of Culture

• Expressions are ways people show their thoughts, feelings, values, and beliefs.

• Expressions of culture include art, music, dance, literature, language, sports and games.

A Pictograph Comparing Canada and Africa:Population of Canada: - around 34 million (34 000 000)Population of Africa:

- around 100 ten millions or 1 Billion People! (1 000 000 000)Area of Canada: - around 10 million km²

Area of Africa: - around 35 million km²

Name _____ Lesson #1 - The Location Gr. 6__ And Geography of Africa

Legend: 1 = 10 million people

Legend: 1 = 5 000 000 km²

Read Pages 157-159 Objective: to identify, locate, and map West Africa; to list examples of its major geographical features.How does Africa compare to North America and the other continents?• Africa is 2nd largest in both size and population; only Asia is larger. North America is 3rd in size.How far to the North and South of the Equator does Africa stretch?• Africa stretches about 4 000 km north and south of the Equator.\What does “Sub-Saharan” Africa mean?• Sub-Saharan Africa means is the region in Africa south of the Sahara Desert. Sub-Saharan Africa is divided into 4 regions:1) East Africa 2) West Africa 3) Central Africa and 4) Southern Africa.• Africa has 54 countries and more than 2 000 languages!

Name _____ Lesson #1 - The Location Gr. 6__ And Geography of Africa

Algeria Seychelles

Egypt The Comoros





Burkina Faso


Cape Verde


Cradle of Humanity

• Archaeologists investigate the origins of humans by digging for remains of bones and for artifacts, like tools, pottery, and shelters.

• When archaeologists find human remains, they examine them for DNA

• DNA is a substance contained in a living things; it carries our genetic information - ex. hair and eye color.

• Artifacts from Africa have shown that human-like creatures called hominids lived in Africa millions of years ago before modern humans.

Traditional musical instruments in West Africa were used for religious ceremonies, celebrations, and entertainment.• Dancing usually accompanied the playing of these instruments.• There are 5 instruments that are commonly used in most West African countries. Match the instruments to instruments that are similar here in Canada:

African Instrument Canadian Instrument1. Jeli-koni from Mali ukulele

2. Shekere from Ghana maracas

Music and Dance

African Instrument Canadian Instrument3. Kakaki from Niger trumpet

4. Tiohoun from Burkina Faso xylophone

5. Gan gan or Dun Dun bongo drums (small) (large)

Music and Dance


• 3 ways to beat a drum- slap, tone, bass• The musician in the video played a drum

called a “djembe.”

Art & Proverbs

• A proverb is a short well-known saying that expresses a wise thought. (Example: if you are hiding, do not light a fire)

• Examples of art include textiles, sculptures and masks.

Families of African Languages

1) Afro-Asiatic2) Niger-Congo (has the most number of

speakers)3) Nilo-Sahara4) Khoisan


• Swahili is one of the easiest languages for English-speakers to learn.

• Letters written in 1711 in the region of Kilwa are believed to be the first ever documents to be written in Swahili.

Numbers 1-10 in Swahili

0 sufuri 7 saba1 moja 8 nane2 mbili 9 tisa3 tatu 10 kumi4 nne5 tano6 sita

What is your phone number in Swahili?

Endangered Species• Endemic- only found in a certain area• Examples of endangered species in Africa


Pygmy Hippopotamus

African Elephant

Sports and Games


• Ball game played in an open field• Player kicks the ball as far away as possible

from the opposing team.• He or she tries to run the length of the field

before an opposing player gets the ball.


• Requires fast reflexes.• Several small stones are placed in a shallow

hole in the ground.• One player throws a stone into the air.• Player must scoop up as many stones as they

can from the hole before catching the airborne stone before it hits the ground.


• Target game with two playing fields at opposite ends

• Peg planted upright in a sandpit between the two teams

• Teams of four try to topple the peg using a skei.

Why are indigenous games important?

• They celebrate and preserve culture.• They boost community/country spirit.• Teaching younger generations is important.• Helps everyone understand their own culture

(reaching out to one another)• Celebrating together shows the diversity of

the different regions.

Values & Sports

• Today, almost all cultures believe it is important for children to “play.”

• Playing sports and games is a great way to be physically active and stay healthy.

Values & Sports

• Some cultures prohibit people from playing games of chance such as card games and gambling. Sometimes, this is related to religious beliefs.

• Some cultures believe that women should not play sports in public. Different beliefs and values mean that sports play different roles in people’s lives.

Values & Sports

• Some cultures feel it is very important to spend a lot of money on athletes and sporting events.

• Other countries think money should be spent on things that benefit the whole community (hospitals, schools, etc).

Values & Sports

• Countries make their own decisions based on their own needs and values.

Globalization of Sports

• Global means relating to the world.• Globalization refers to the process of

spreading around the world.

The Olympics

• When the modern Olympic Games began in Athens, Greece, in 1896, only 14 countries took part.

• 204 countries took part in the last Olympics.• Today, all African countries participate in the

Olympics.• This is evidence of a new trend- the globalization of

sports. • People all over the world are playing the same


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