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  • 8/18/2019 Agency Rule


    Company and agency rules

    Legal person= cannot act except through the

    agency of natural person.

    Company has two organs – members and BOD

    Their acts are considered as companys act.

    !n most instances" these two organs delegates the

    power to others# example $D" etc.

    The company as principal – bound by the act of the

    authorised agent.

  • 8/18/2019 Agency Rule


    %gents authority

    %ctual express


    '# %pparent ( ostensible authority

    %ctual authority – company and agent entered intoconsensual agreement

    #)xpress  oral

      written *$O%(%O%(BOD resolution(+$resolution,. e.g. art -

    #!mplied # to be understood from the circumstances

  • 8/18/2019 Agency Rule


    e.g his position is an $D – to do anything

    reasonably incidental to the conduct of the

    ordinary business of the company such as/#executing BO)"

    #recei0e repayment of debt"

    #to borrow money and gi0e security for the debt on

    #behalf of the company"

    #institute legal proceedings"



    #guarantees on the companys behalf etc.

  • 8/18/2019 Agency Rule


    1ely#1utchinson 0 Brayhead Ltd 2 anor

    3  c(man of B. 1e often contracted on behalf of Bwithout the 4nowledge of the board until late when

    he reported the matter. The board 4new of the

    action and ac5uiesced in that.

    6lf  # chairman and managing director of 6. 6lf ga0e

    personal loan 789"999 to 6. Later 6lf  became director of B.

    6lf  met 3  – 3  promised that B will pro0ide guarantee if 6lf  

    gi0e loan to 6. B will also indemnify 6lf  for the loss of thepersonal loan. 6romises were written on Bs paper.

  • 8/18/2019 Agency Rule


    6 went into li5uidation. 6lf . sued B on the


    :# was 3  an agent of B; Did he possess thenecessary authority to bind B to the promises;

    1eld# 3  had actual authority" to be implied from the

    conduct of the parties and the circumstances of

    the case" to enter into the contracts with the

    6lf. on behalf of B.

  • 8/18/2019 Agency Rule


    '# %pparent(ostensible authority

    %ppear to others to be authorised. !n reality he

    does not ha0e any authority

    Company cannot deny the authority when/

    i# The company represented to others that the

    alleged agent has authority<

    ii# the representation made by authorised indi0idual<

    iii# the others must ha0e relied on thatrepresentation when decided to contract with thecompany

  • 8/18/2019 Agency Rule


    3epresentation how it happened;

    a,%pparent authority deri0ed from actual authority.

    hen the actual authority has been reduced or

    terminated. e.g. company secretary was not to boo4

    any hotel room for +$ until recei0ed appro0al of the

    BOD. 1e boo4ed rooms despite the limitation on hisauthority.

    :# can the hotel enforce the contract; Did thesecretarys act bind the company;

    %nswer – apparent authority as a company secretary

    to organise meeting of the company.

  • 8/18/2019 Agency Rule


    >ince the third party" hotel did not ha0e notice of

    the limitation of the actual authority – company is

    bound by the act of the secretary.

    b, hen the company informed others about theagents authority. The agent himself did not 4now

    about his authority.

    hat is a 0alid representation;

    a, The representation must be made by authorised

    person. e.g BOD" resolution of the company"

  • 8/18/2019 Agency Rule


    %rmagas Ltd 0 $undogas >%

    3epresentation by the agent cannot pre0ent thecompany from denying the agents authority

    British Ban4 of the $iddle )ast 0 >un Life

    %ssurance Co of Canada

    BB wrote a letter to >L to confirmed the authority

    of an officer Dehnel to execute an underta4ing to

    repay >Ls customers debt. !t was addressed to

    +$ but answered by Branch $anager" Clar4e.

  • 8/18/2019 Agency Rule


    :#Did the representation made Dehnel an agentwith apparent authority;

    1eld# since Clar4e himself did not possess

    authority to ma4e the representation" his actiondid not gi0e Dehnel apparent authority. >L did

    not liable for his action.

    b, The third part must ha0e relied on therepresentation

    ?now ( ought to ha0e 4nown about the agentslac4 of authority cannot rely on the representation(

    was put on en5uiry" cannot rely on apparent


  • 8/18/2019 Agency Rule


    Constructi0e notice doctrine 2 agency rules

    %n outsider dealing with a company is

    deemed to ha0e notice of all the company@s

    public documents.


    #to ha0e 4nown about their presence andtheir contents< and

    to ha0e read and understood

  • 8/18/2019 Agency Rule


    ?L )ngineering >dn Bhd 2 anor 0 %rab

    $alaysian Ainance Bhd

    The documents include $O%" %O%" Aorm

    -" %D other public notice

    This is a harsh rule which effect is

    mitigated by the Tur5uand rule.

  • 8/18/2019 Agency Rule


    Tur5uand rule( indoor management rule

    Find the article online:

    otis ?onstru4tif 2 ?aedah Dalam 3oyal BritishBan4E Tur5uand ...

    Companys public document – useful to chec4 the

    authority of the companys agent. 

    The law allows outsiders to assume that acts w(in

    the companys $O% and powers ha0e been properly

    and duly performed. 1ence" outsiders are notbound to in5uire whether acts of internal

    management ha0e been complied with.

  • 8/18/2019 Agency Rule


    1ow to determine whether the organ( the

    agent was authorised to act;

    !n most instances when the agents

    authority is lac4ing – outsiders would notha0e 4nowledge because the matters are

    within the companys internal management

    procedures and processes.

  • 8/18/2019 Agency Rule


    3oyal British Ban4 0 Tur5uand

    Company incorporated to operate mine and railway.%O% # directors may borrow on bonds sum or sums

    of money if authorised in the +$.

    Two directors singed a document wh issued a

    bond ac4nowledging the companys indebtedness

    to the ban4 for the sum of 7'"999. The bond was

    issued under the seal of the company with the

    appro0al of the +$. 1(e0er" the resolution did not

    state the authorised amount.

  • 8/18/2019 Agency Rule


    :# did the contract bind the company;

    1eld# Fes. the outsiders were bound to read the

    companys constitution. But they were not bound

    to en5uire into the internal proceedings of the

    company. Outsiders ha0e right to assume that all

    acts of internal management had been fully carried

    out unless they 4new or ought to ha0e 4nown of the

    failure to adhere to the procedures.

  • 8/18/2019 Agency Rule


    Conditions to be fulfilled to rely on this rule/

    third party must ha0e acted in good faith. !f he

    4new about the irregularity he cannot rely on this

    rule. The 4(ledge must be present at the time of

    entering into the contract

    1oward 0 6atent !0ory manufacturing Co.

    %O% of the company pro0ides that directors may

    borrow money on behalf of the company not

    exceeding 7&999 at any one time.

  • 8/18/2019 Agency Rule


    They lent money to the company secured by

    debentures for the amount exceeding the limit.

    They wanted to enforce the debentures.

    :# can they rely on tur5uand rule to enforce the

    contract upon the company;

    1eld# the debentures were 0alid to the extent of

    not exceeding 7&999. They cannot rely on

    Tur5uand rule because they 4new about the

    lac4 of authority to borrow more than 7&999

  • 8/18/2019 Agency Rule


    Tur5uand rule cannot be relied on by the outsider

    against the company if/

    i# outsider has actual 4nowledge of the irregularity<

    ii# ought to ha0e 4nown of the limitation<

    iii# outsiders who deal with company is put onin5uiry but fails to in5uire<

     # the facts 4nown may be such as would ma4e itob0ious to a reasonable person that somethingwas definitely wrong< or

  • 8/18/2019 Agency Rule


    # the facts 4nown may raise only a 5uestion in the mind of areasonable person as to whether something is wrong

    i0# irregularity concerning forged document1ence" if the companys seal or signature

    was forged – company is not bound.

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