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Page 1: Agenda booklet - Learning weeken, WAKE UP 2013

B o o k l e t

Page 2: Agenda booklet - Learning weeken, WAKE UP 2013
Page 3: Agenda booklet - Learning weeken, WAKE UP 2013

Objetivos Conseguir que @Antofagasta sea un comité motivado

e integrado hacia una cultura de intercambios.

Enganchar a los newbies y reencantar a los oldies con AIESEC y sus oportunidades.        

Page 4: Agenda booklet - Learning weeken, WAKE UP 2013


Page 5: Agenda booklet - Learning weeken, WAKE UP 2013



Integrated  commi9ee  


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Page 7: Agenda booklet - Learning weeken, WAKE UP 2013

Purpose  Challenge  your  world  view  &  @History  

Tell  me  Why  

ExpectaEon  SeGng   Culture  

Envision  @Antofa  

Making  happen  

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Page 9: Agenda booklet - Learning weeken, WAKE UP 2013



Know  my  team  

My  role  TMP/TLP/


SimulaEon  and  


Page 10: Agenda booklet - Learning weeken, WAKE UP 2013
Page 11: Agenda booklet - Learning weeken, WAKE UP 2013

Integrated  commi9e  

Extra  mood  team  

Page 12: Agenda booklet - Learning weeken, WAKE UP 2013

Todo tiene un sentido…

Page 13: Agenda booklet - Learning weeken, WAKE UP 2013


• Peace  and  fulfilment  of  humankind's  potenEal.  •   64  years  of  experience  in  developing  high-­‐potenEal  youth  into  globally  minded  responsible  leaders  • World  view  • Our  impact  • Culture  &  idenEty  of  @Antofa  

How  • Exchange  • My  role  • An  integrated  commi9ee,  Extra  mood.  

What  • Exchange  • FuncEonals  teams  • Next  steps  

Page 14: Agenda booklet - Learning weeken, WAKE UP 2013

Ingresa a la agenda en h9p://bit.ly/agenda_wakeup  

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Page 16: Agenda booklet - Learning weeken, WAKE UP 2013

Y por supuesto no se nos podía

olvidar lo más importante

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Page 19: Agenda booklet - Learning weeken, WAKE UP 2013

Está todo listo para que

tengamos una gran experiencia!!

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