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Page 1: Agenda - College of the Desert · Student Trustee Bonner: Welcomed President Patton back. Thanked students for their attendance at today’s meeting. Thanked Vice President Edwin


Desert Community College District Board of Trustees 43-500 Monterey Ave., Palm Desert, CA 92260


Persons with disabilities may make a written request for a disability-related modification or accommodation, including for auxiliary aids or services, in order to participate in the Board meeting. Requests should be directed to the Office of the President as soon in advance of the Board meeting as possible. I. CALL TO ORDER – PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - ROLL CALL


A. BOARD MEETING AGENDA: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2(b)(2), the Board may take action on items of business not appearing on the posted agenda, upon a determination by a 2/3 vote of the Board, or (if less than 2/3 of the members are present, a unanimous vote of those present), that there is a need to take immediate action and that the need for action came to the attention of the local agency subsequent to the agenda being posted as specified.

B. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA: Approve the agenda of the Regular Meeting of December 16, 2011, with any additions, corrections, or deletions.



1) Chairperson 2) Vice-Chairperson 3) Clerk 4) Secretary 5) Representative/COD Foundation Board of Directors 6) Representative/County Committee 7) Representative/Inland Valley Trustees’ Assoc. 8) Representative/Business Affairs (Finance/Facilities/COC) 9) Representative/Student Affairs

10) Representative/Academic Affairs

Page 2: Agenda - College of the Desert · Student Trustee Bonner: Welcomed President Patton back. Thanked students for their attendance at today’s meeting. Thanked Vice President Edwin

IV. CLOSED SESSION 9:45 – 10:45 Closed session shall not extend past the designated time, but should the business considered in closed session require additional time the board shall reserve time after the public meeting to continue discussion.

1. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR, Pursuant to Section 54957.6;

unrepresented groups & labor unions on campus include CTA, CODAA, and CSEA; Agency Designated Representative: Dr. Edwin Deas

2. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT, Pursuant to Government Code section 54957

Position to be filled: President

V. OPEN SESSION 10:45 a.m.

Closed session report (if any)



1. The Regular meetings of November 18, 2011.


IX. CONSENT AGENDA: All items on the Consent Agenda will be considered for

approval by a single vote without discussion. Any Board member may request that an item be pulled from the Consent Agenda to be discussed and considered separately in the Action Agenda.


1. Employment Group C Appointments 2. Extension of Assignment

Page 3: Agenda - College of the Desert · Student Trustee Bonner: Welcomed President Patton back. Thanked students for their attendance at today’s meeting. Thanked Vice President Edwin

3. Change in Assignment

B. FISCAL SERVICES 1. Purchase Orders and Contracts for Supplies, Services & Construction 2. Warrants 3. Payroll #5 4. Out-of-State Travel



B. BOARD OF TRUSTEES 1. Revision to Administrative Procedure 2735: Board Member Travel – First Reading 2. Revision to Board Policy 2100: Board Elections – First Reading 3. Adopt Resolution 121611-1: Support of Senate Constitutional Amendment 5 4. Approval of Board member travel 5. Revision to Board Policy 1101: College President – First Reading 6. Announcement of Presidential Search Advisory Committee


1. Approval of the Certification of Signatures Form

D. HUMAN RESOURCES 1. Employment Group A Appointments – Classified 2. Employment Group A Appointments – Leadership 3. Employment Group C – Over 60 Days

E. FISCAL SERVICES 1. 2010-2011 Audit Reports 2. 2010-2011 College of the Desert Foundation Audit Report 3. Resolution #121611-2 – Budget Adjustments 4. Desert Community College District’s Proposed Amendments to Conflict of


1. Curriculum Modifications

Page 4: Agenda - College of the Desert · Student Trustee Bonner: Welcomed President Patton back. Thanked students for their attendance at today’s meeting. Thanked Vice President Edwin


1. Student Trustee Evaluation (Details on COD Website) 2. New AP 4021: Program Discontinuance (details on COD Website)


1. President a. Faculty Acknowledgement: Jose Simo, Counselor, HSI b. ARCC Report

2. Interim Vice President Student Affairs – Adrian Gonzales a. Overview of Student Affairs grants and Title 5 HIS update

3. Vice President Business Affairs – Dr. Edwin Deas a. 2010/2011 Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee Annual Report b. Update on Center Status for EVC

XV. CLOSED SESSION (Continuation if needed) XVI. ADJOURN

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Vice Chair Bonnie Stefan called the meeting to order at 9:32 a.m. and asked Trustee Marman to lead the Pledge of Allegiance.

President Patton called the roll. Trustees Broughton, Marman, O’Neill, and Stefan were present.

Trustee Hayden was absent, but excused, as he was attending the Community College League of California Annual Conference. Student Trustee Aaron Bonner was present following the Closed Session.

II. CLOSED SESSION 9:30 – 10:30


Specify number of potential cases: 1 2. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR, Pursuant to Section 54957.6;

unrepresented groups & labor unions on campus include CTA, CODAA, and CSEA; Agency Designated Representative: Dr. Edwin Deas



There was no closed session report.


A. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA: Approve the agenda of the Regular Meeting of November 18, 2011, with any additions, corrections, or deletions.

A motion was made by Aaron Bonner, seconded by John Marman, to approve the agenda of the November 18, 2011 Board meeting. Motion carried unanimously with Trustee Hayden absent. Iliana Madrigal was asked to read the EOPS/CARE proclamation, which will be approved later in the meeting. V. PUBLIC COMMENTS:

Page 6: Agenda - College of the Desert · Student Trustee Bonner: Welcomed President Patton back. Thanked students for their attendance at today’s meeting. Thanked Vice President Edwin

There were no requests to address the Board.


There were no corrections to the minutes of the regular meeting of October 21, 2011 and they stand approved.


A. GOVERNING BOARD Trustee Broughton:

Attended an East Valley Friends and Alumni meeting, which was well attended. She received glowing reports about the fine job Dr. Deas did presenting at the Indio State of the City event. Indio is very excited about that event. The more visibility the East Valley committee has the more people will be interested in helping them to help the college. Their next event is a breakfast meeting with the Indio Chamber of Commerce in February

and Trustee Marman has agreed to help with that meeting and be COD’s representative.

Attended the math lecture on probability. She thought it explained statistics in a palatable way. She thanked the math and science departments for these opportunities.

Thanked Carlos Maldonado and Adrian Gonzales for their outreach to the local middle schools.

Thanked Bob Blizinski for the time he spent with the Board members getting them ready for making a decision on the search process.

Good to have President Patton back. Trustee Marman:

Attended several Think Tank meetings Attended the luncheon for Colleen McBride, Foundation Development Director, who

will be leaving for a new position. Attended several athletic contests Attended the Alumni Pumpkin Pie Social Attended the Dance Choreography festival at the McCallum Theatre. This event was

started 14 years ago by COD in the gym. Met with COD nurses on a project with the Historical Society of Palm Desert, which

was a fun project. Attended the Palm Desert and Indian Wells City Council meetings for the fire safety/art

project, which he hopes will interest young artists in attending COD. Commented on the retirement of Deputy Chief Ignacio Otero from the Riverside County

Fire Department. He is retiring December 30 after 35 years of service. He has been an instructor here at COD and was instrumental in putting together the fire safety program.

Trustee O’Neill:

Welcomed President Patton back

Page 7: Agenda - College of the Desert · Student Trustee Bonner: Welcomed President Patton back. Thanked students for their attendance at today’s meeting. Thanked Vice President Edwin

Attended a Think Tank meeting and he thanked everyone for the time and energy they

put in to all the Think Tanks. He’s hearing the recommendations being generated are

excellent. Student Trustee Bonner:

Welcomed President Patton back. Thanked students for their attendance at today’s meeting. Thanked Vice President Edwin Deas, Tom Jones, and Carl Farmer for their leadership on

the Accreditation recommendation teams on Policies and Procedures review. Met with Bob Blizinski regarding the search firms Appointed to Student Advocacy Committee and had the opportunity to take the lead on

various student advocacy events, including the ACCT Law Alerts. These are sent to students. He also took the lead on implementing higher education flyers on the bulletin boards in order to convey the message to our legislators to support education, as well as the saving student aid project regarding Pell grants.

The index card survey is moving along and thanked the Academic Senate President Zerryl Becker and all faculty that have encouraged this project. He looks forward to concluding the survey and will report on this info at the December meeting. He also thanked ASCOD for helping with the project.

Attended a COD basketball tournament Attended the COD Veterans Day ceremony and thanked the 5 branches of the military for

protecting us. Attended the International Day festivities. Shared his story for StepUpForCOD and encouraged everyone to share their story. He took some surveys to the ASCOD meeting regarding the bus passes. He will work

with the office of Student Life to see if students will benefit from the passes. Another survey is regarding the 5 to 3-day drop for lack of payment. He wants to see how students feel about it. One of the ASCOD officers wants to do another survey on the smoking policy.

Trustee Stefan: Attended the homecoming and related festivities Attended an open house for Desert Sands Teachers Association. Thanked and congratulated Lee Ann Weaver, Sr. Administrative Assistant to the Board

of trustees on celebrating her 5 year anniversary at COD. The Board appreciates all her hard work and support of the Board.

She’s glad the President is back. Attended the jazz concert, which featured Doug Webb, saxophonist. Attended the Chair/Vice Chair agenda review meeting. Attended the John Mendes Memorial speech showcase. Attended the EOPS/CARE recognition ceremony. Attended the Foundation event Attended the PaCE meet and greet. Attended a training for tobacco cessation and awareness.

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Simon Myers was present and gave a brief report.


Jim Hummer was present and gave a brief report.


Gene Marchu was not able to be present but had submitted his report via email.


Zerryl Becker was not able to be present but had submitted her report via email


Gary Bergstrom was not able to be present but had submitted his report via email.

G. C.O.D.A.A. David Bashore was present but did not have a report

H. CSEA Mary Lisi was present and gave a brief report. VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS

A. President Patton introduced Dr. Jon Fernald, Librarian and Professor Library and Information Studies, and acknowledged his contributions to College of the Desert.

B. Vice President Business Affairs – Dr. Edwin Deas

Dr. Deas provided a handout and reviewed the funding sources of the major capital programs. Mr. Steve Renew, Director, Facilities, reviewed a Power Point Presentation with the members on the college’s space inventory.

C. McCarthy Family Child Development & Training Center NAEYC Accreditation


Dr. Leslie Young, Dean, School of Health Sciences and Education, gave an overview of the Child Development Center and introduced Dr. Ellie Kaucher of the NAEYC. Dr. Kaucher reviewed a Power Point Presentation with the Board members.

Page 9: Agenda - College of the Desert · Student Trustee Bonner: Welcomed President Patton back. Thanked students for their attendance at today’s meeting. Thanked Vice President Edwin

D. Interim Vice President Student Affairs – Adrian Gonzales

Legislative Update Mr. Gonzales provided a handout and reviewed the various pieces of legislation affecting community colleges.



Motion to approve the consent agenda by Michael O’Neill. Trustee Bonner requested HR #12 be pulled and discussed on the Action agenda. Motion by Michael O’Neill, second by John Marman, to approve the consent agenda as amended. Discussion: Trustee Marman asked if the Director of Nursing was a new position. Mr. Blizinski explained the Director of Nursing is currently an interim position. Vote Yes: Aaron Bonner, Becky Broughton, John Marman, Michael O’Neill, Bonnie Stefan No: None Absent: Charles Hayden Abstain: None Final Resolution: Motion carried.

1. Employment Group C Appointments 2. Resignations/Retirement 3. Volunteers 4. 2nd Reading of Proposal from the DCCD to the CTA 5. 2nd Reading of Proposal from the CTA to the DCCD 6. 2nd Reading of Proposal from the DCCD to the CSEA 7. 2nd Reading of Proposal from the DCCD to the CODAA 8. New Job Description - Classified 9. Reclassifications 10. Approval of the 2012-2013 Holiday Schedule 11. Termination

12.New Job Description – Leadership Moved to Action Agenda for discussion


1. Purchase Orders and Contracts for Supplies, Services & Construction 2. Revenue Generating Agreement 3. Extension of Lease 4. Warrants

Page 10: Agenda - College of the Desert · Student Trustee Bonner: Welcomed President Patton back. Thanked students for their attendance at today’s meeting. Thanked Vice President Edwin

5. Payroll #4 6. Out-of-State Travel



1. New Job Description – Leadership

Motion to approve by Aaron Bonner, second by Michael O’Neill. Discussion: President Patton explained this is a new position but eliminates the Executive Assistant position. A number of administrative positions were eliminated a few years ago and it has become apparent some of this work needs to be done, primarily communication. This position will be a different step but the same pay.

Vote Yes: Aaron Bonner, Becky Broughton, John Marman, Michael O’Neill, Bonnie Stefan No: None Absent: Charles Hayden Abstain: None Final Resolution: Motion carried.


1. Proclamation: EOPS/CARE

Motion to approve by John Marman, second by Michael O’Neill. Discussion: None.

Vote Yes: Aaron Bonner, Becky Broughton, John Marman, Michael O’Neill, Bonnie Stefan No: None Absent: Charles Hayden Abstain: None Final Resolution: Motion carried.

2. Annual Organization meeting date

Motion to approve by Becky Broughton, second by Michael O’Neill. Discussion: None.


Page 11: Agenda - College of the Desert · Student Trustee Bonner: Welcomed President Patton back. Thanked students for their attendance at today’s meeting. Thanked Vice President Edwin

Yes: Aaron Bonner, Becky Broughton, John Marman, Michael O’Neill, Bonnie Stefan No: None Absent: Charles Hayden Abstain: None Final Resolution: Motion carried.

3. Board Member Travel

Motion to approve by Michael O’Neill, second by Aaron Bonner. Discussion: None.

Vote Yes: Aaron Bonner, Becky Broughton, John Marman, Michael O’Neill, Bonnie Stefan No: None Absent: Charles Hayden Abstain: None Final Resolution: Motion carried.

4. Legal Counsel for Board of Trustees

Motion to approve by Becky Broughton, second by Michael O’Neill. Discussion: Student Trustee Aaron Bonner asked how this would work for the Student Trustee. Trustee Broughton thought that since the Student Trustee was part of the Board their concerns would be as valid as every other member.

Trustee Marman said there have been occasions when the Board would like an official opinion from someone with the appropriate background with things like Brown Act questions. Having legal counsel would give the members the opportunity to know what options there are, since ultimately the Board is responsible. Trustee Broughton said that sometimes things are in a gray area. She learned at one of the first conferences she attended as a trustee that most Brown Act violations are easily repaired and we need legal counsel to help us know what to say and how to repair it if and when those violations should occur. We must be very careful, especially moving into a new presidency. President Patton suggested selecting a firm that has a multiple of professionals on staff. He also suggests having a single point of contact for the college. Vote Yes: Aaron Bonner, Becky Broughton, John Marman, Michael O’Neill, Bonnie Stefan No: None Absent: Charles Hayden Abstain: None Final Resolution: Motion carried.

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Trustee Marman suggested a 2 person committee to research the various firms and report their recommendations to the members at the December meeting. Trustee Stefan and Trustee O’Neill volunteered to work together on this committee. 5. Search Firm Selection

Motion to approve the selection of a search firm and appoint a liaison by Michael O’Neill,

second by Becky Broughton. Discussion: Robert Blizinski, Director, Human Resources, provided information comparing the various firms that responded to the Request for Proposals. Trustee Marman originally felt we could do the search in-house but now thinks a consultant would be best in order to keep the process transparent, especially given there are in-house candidates. He also thought the liaison should not be part of the college so no one on campus will be held responsible. Trustee O’Neill has concerns that with the amount of in-house work to be done we have to have someone here to be that liaison, specifically Mr. Blizinski. Mr. Blizinski said that Human Resources will carry the burden for the procedural components and scheduling and the mechanics of the process. He appreciates the Board’s efforts to keep the process transparent. He does not see a conflict with Human Resources taking on the liaison role as they will not be in a decision-making position. Trustee Stefan agrees the liaison needs to have the ability to have the direct communication between the Board and the search firm. Mr. Blizinski thinks the point person is someone from the Board that will communicate to the liaison and that liaison will communicate to the search firm. We are looking at doing the search differently than in the past and it will be a much more robust process than it has been. Trustee Broughton asked Mr. Blizinski how important he thought it was for the firm to have local representation. Mr. Blizinski didn’t think it that important. Trustee O’Neill thought the Board should address the cost of this search. He feels we need to spend this money to avoid having to spend additional money down the road. And this is a good indication of needing this outside assistance as we would be spending money in staff time and additional support staff overtime and/or comp time. It’s important that faculty know we are doing this in the best interest of the college in order to make the best decision and have the best information to make that decision. Trustee Stefan agreed we need to communicate to faculty and staff that we want to have a large pool of quality candidates and don’t want to make any mistakes.

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Trustee O’Neill also thought with the possibility of numerous in-house candidates makes having a search firm more critical. Mr. Blizinski agreed as the search firm will be handling all the applications, none will go through the Human Resources Department. Trustee Bonner said he didn't feel comfortable at first with the cost of hiring a search firm but now understands the importance and stressed the importance of educating the faculty and staff. Mr. Blizinski agreed with hiring a search firm as the quality of time the HR office could give to handling it might be marginalized due to everyone’s existing workloads. Vote Yes: Aaron Bonner, Becky Broughton, John Marman, Michael O’Neill, Bonnie Stefan No: None Absent: Charles Hayden Abstain: None Final Resolution: Motion carried.

Motion by Michael O’Neill, second by Becky Broughton, to appoint Human Resources

Executive Director, Robert Blizinski, as liaison between the search firm and the Board of Trustees. Vote Yes: Aaron Bonner, Becky Broughton, John Marman, Michael O’Neill, Bonnie Stefan No: None Absent: Charles Hayden Abstain: None Final Resolution: Motion carried.

Trustee O’Neill commented that many of these firms have been around for a long time and have

ties to the same groups of people. There is one he feels doesn’t have that same connectivity but

could do a good job for us and that is the ELS Group. This firm has all the qualities needed for him to trust them to work with us effectively.

Motion by Michael O’Neill, second by Becky Broughton, to select ELS as the search firm to

work with College of the Desert on the President search. Discussion: Trustee Broughton was impressed with the presentation by ELS. She thought it good the presentation was open to those that could not attend, like the Skype presentation with Dr. Stan Arterberry of Ralph Anderson & Assoc., and the phone conversation with Dr. Narcisa Polonio of the ACCT. Trustee Marman also felt like ELS was the group that stood out for him. Trustee Stefan asked what added-value services are based on. Mr. Blizinski said that is the level of support they have in-house for themselves as an organization vs. having to rely on us.

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Trustee Bonner asked about the references for the various firms. Mr. Blizinski said all references given by the firms themselves were excellent. Several of the colleges called offered information about previous firms they had used and why they wouldn’t use them again. It was agreed that fit is important and all of the members present felt that ELS was a good fit. Vote Yes: Aaron Bonner, Becky Broughton, John Marman, Michael O’Neill, Bonnie Stefan No: None Absent: Charles Hayden Abstain: None Final Resolution: Motion carried to select ELS as the firm to assist with the President search. The members took a 30 minute recess. 6. Adoption of Resolution #111811-3 of the Board of Trustees of the Desert Community College District Establishing Trustee Areas from which District Governing Board Members will be Elected and Approving the Election of such Board Members in a By-Trustee Area Election Process

Motion to adopt the resolution by Michael O’Neill, second by John Marman.

Dr. Deas explained this is the formal resolution required for application to the Board of Governors. College of the Desert’s application will go to the January Board of Governors meeting. Vote Yes: Aaron Bonner, Becky Broughton, John Marman, Michael O’Neill, Bonnie Stefan No: None Absent: Charles Hayden Abstain: None Final Resolution: Motion carried with a roll-call vote.


1. Appointments

Motion to approve by Michael O’Neill, second by Becky Broughton.

Discussion: None. Vote Yes: Aaron Bonner, Becky Broughton, John Marman, Michael O’Neill, Bonnie Stefan No: None

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Absent: Charles Hayden Abstain: None Final Resolution: Motion carried.


1. Budget Transfers

Motion to approve by Becky Broughton, second by Aaron Bonner. Discussion: Trustee Marman asked about the green jobs item for salaries at $32,000. Dr. Deas explained Green Jobs is a special grant program in the School of Applied Sciences and Business. The original budget was gathered into one line and now they are breaking out the different line items. Vote Yes: Aaron Bonner, Becky Broughton, John Marman, Michael O’Neill, Bonnie Stefan No: None Absent: Charles Hayden Abstain: None Final Resolution: Motion carried.

2. Resolution #111811-1 – Budget Adjustments

Motion to approve by Michael O’Neill, second by John Marman.

Discussion: Dr. Deas explained this is a special state grant for the nursing program. We are required to identify the budget and the county requires a resolution. Vote Yes: Aaron Bonner, Becky Broughton, John Marman, Michael O’Neill, Bonnie Stefan No: None Absent: Charles Hayden Abstain: None Final Resolution: Motion carried.

3. Public Hearing Categorical Flexibility for Fiscal year 2011-2012

A Public Hearing was opened. There were no requests to speak and the Public Hearing was closed.

4. Adoption of Resolution #111811-2 – Categorical Flexibility for Fiscal Year 2011-


Motion to approve by John Marman, second by Michael O’Neill.

Page 16: Agenda - College of the Desert · Student Trustee Bonner: Welcomed President Patton back. Thanked students for their attendance at today’s meeting. Thanked Vice President Edwin

Discussion: Trustee Broughton asked why this needs to be a resolution. Dr. Deas explained the legislation from the Chancellor’s office requires it. Trustee Bonner asked if there was a maximum or minimum amount we can move? Dr. Deas said there is not. There are limitations as to which categorical funds can be reduced but in theory we could take all the funds form one categorical fund and transfer them to another. Vote Yes: Aaron Bonner, Becky Broughton, John Marman, Michael O’Neill, Bonnie Stefan No: None Absent: Charles Hayden Abstain: None Final Resolution: Motion carried with a roll-call vote.

E. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS 1. Approval of the 2011-2012 College of the Desert Catalog Addendum Spring 2012

Motion to approve by Aaron Bonner, second by John Marman. Discussion: Trustee Broughton asked how we publish this. Dean Gonzales said it will go on the website with the other catalogs and will likely notify students via email. Vote Yes: Aaron Bonner, Becky Broughton, John Marman, Michael O’Neill, Bonnie Stefan No: None Absent: Charles Hayden Abstain: None Final Resolution: Motion carried.


1. Board Self-Evaluation Discussion (Evaluations on COD Website)

Trustee Marman thought the members were more realistic in scoring this time and believes everyone realizes the areas the Board can improve upon. Trustee Stefan commented that last year was a rough year for her personally, as well as for the college and it was important to get the message out about the tough economic times and things cannot continue as they have been. Everyone has to buy in to this being the situation. We were pessimistic about the future but forgot to look at and highlight the successes. StepUpForCOD is an example of one of those successes and another is we are still meeting the needs of students. We must set priorities as there are more trials/tribulations coming our way.

Trustee Marman would like to pull out the 2’s and 3’s for the board to review and make a priority

as those are the areas needing work.

Page 17: Agenda - College of the Desert · Student Trustee Bonner: Welcomed President Patton back. Thanked students for their attendance at today’s meeting. Thanked Vice President Edwin

Trustee O’Neill listed a 2 regarding board committees and thinks the Board could be more functional with more committees. He does not want those committees to impact staff time but there are times when it would be advantageous. He and Trustee Broughton formed an ad-hoc committee to look at changes to the reporting methods of contracts and warrants. This was a positive committee activity with a great outcome and thinks we could do more of that. We will need a committee to look for legal counsel. He did say there have already been many positive changes since he completed the self-evaluation several months ago. One of his comments was about not having enough back-up information on agenda items and that has changed. There are many positive notes in the self-evaluation and he’d like to see that positive attitude maintained. Trustee Marman liked having the closed session early in the meeting. There was consensus among the members to try it this way for a few months.

2. Board Governing Policies and Interactions relative to the Brown Act

Trustee Marman has concerns about possible Brown Act violations but suggested this be discussed once legal counsel has been hired.

3. FTES Claims President Patton reported there is an independent 3rd party audit being done. These auditors are finding it is taking longer than they thought and are anticipating being done at the end of November. There are 3 years at risk. Within those 3 years we have summer FTES we can move from one year to the next because the courses started before July 1 and ended after July 1. Those courses that fit that description can be moved forward or backward. That is a provision in Title 5. Of those 3 years we might only be looking at being at risk for 1 of those years and that is roughly $600,000. Trustee O’Neill asked if there were any other legal repercussions as a result of this. President Patton said not that we are aware of. The Chancellor’s Office will ask for a correction of the FTES in terms of dollars. There are several schools that used the same methodology as us and after our calculations are done they might be looking at these other schools as well. President Patton will keep the members updated. Trustee Marman asked if we called the newspaper or did they contact us and President Patton responded they contacted us. Trustee Marman commented on several points noted in the Chaparral and Desert Sun articles. He estimated the internal review, consultant and auditor’s fees could cost the college approximately $90-100,000. He referenced a letter he found to the board from 2002 warning us it will cost the college some money to go to Datatel and it will take a lot more money and time to train our employees to use it than we had anticipated. He thought we rushed the decision to go to Datatel. Trustee Broughton asked if there were alternatives to Datatel. President Patton said there are other products out there but they are the same – some pros and cons with all. President Patton said our mistake was underestimating what it would take to get implement it. We did not

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implement it correctly and took to many shortcuts to try to get it up and running. Trustee O’Neill reported he was on the extended search panel and said at the time we couldn’t buy all we needed and had to piece-meal it. We based our decision on what we could afford. Dean Gonzales said we had to move quickly at the time as we were using an in-house system that was about to collapse. Trustee O’Neill asked if we will we get the report from the independent auditor or does it go right to the state? President Patton replied we will get it. XII. SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE AGENDAS Trustee Marman would like more information on grants, including TRIO and other grants like those, who is writing them, what are they being used for, etc. Mr. Gonzales explained they have developed an annual profile for all categorical programs and will share this with the Board. Pam LiCalsi said this is important information and needs to be shared. There are millions of extra dollars brought in through the grant process and everyone needs to know what those dollars allow us to do. Trustee O’Neill said some of those dollars are used to co-fund various positions and it is important for people to understand the savings to the college. Trustee Broughton thanked Mr. Gonzales for the legislative update and asked he share these with the Board when he receives them. She had previously requested ongoing reports on the accreditation follow-up. Vice President Herzek was not present at this meeting but he will report at future meetings. Trustee O’Neill received a letter from Senator Simitian regarding a resolution in support of a senate constitutional amendment to change the parcel tax revenue from 2/3 to 50%. We will have a resolution at the next meeting. Trustee Stefan reported that PaCE has a beautiful Power Point presentation during their event, as did the Foundation during their recent event. She thought these would be nice to watch during the Board’s lunch break at future meetings. She also asked that future presentations be limited to study sessions when possible. XIII. BOARD COMMENTS Trustee Marman read something about curricunet being difficult to work with. Mr. Gonzales said that Amy DiBello and Farley Herzek are working on getting a training program started. They are strongly encouraging faculty to go down to the TLC to learn how to use curricunet. He thought that like any electronic tool the more you work with it the more comfortable you are with it. Trustee Stefan encouraged everyone to tell their “Step Up” stories. Trustee Bonner is the only one to have told his story. XIV. ADJOURN The meeting adjourned at 3:02 p.m.

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DESERT COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES Meeting Date: 12/16/2011 AREA: Human Resources ITEM #: 1 TITLE: EMPLOYMENT GROUP C APPOINTMENTS BACKGROUND: Under AP 6300(a), the undernoted appointments included in Group C have been made as noted. Classified Temporary/Substitute employees in an aggregate amount of $23,046.00 (details on COD website). Faculty stipend in aggregate amount of $45,172.00 (details on COD website). Contract/Non-affiliated in the aggregated amount of $69,600 (details on COD website). Student Workers/Tutors in the aggregate amount of $67,717.50 (details on COD website). FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: All positions fully funded as noted on details in the Board portal. RECOMMENDATION: Board of Trustees approves or ratifies, as appropriate, the appointments as presented. Administrator Initiating Item:

Edwin Deas

Cabinet Review & Approval: 12/5/2011 Chair & Vice Chair Review: 12/8/2011


Page 20: Agenda - College of the Desert · Student Trustee Bonner: Welcomed President Patton back. Thanked students for their attendance at today’s meeting. Thanked Vice President Edwin


1. To provide an extension of assignment for Guadalupe Cabrera, Part-Time Outreach Specialist Financial Aid/Title V HSI-Student Affairs, from 1/11/12 – 1/20/12.

2. To provide an extension of assignment for Alfonso Cumplido, Part-Time Outreach

Specialist Financial Aid/Title V HSI-Student Affairs, from 1/11/12 – 1/20/12. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Both positions will be fully funded by restricted funds. RECOMMENDATIONS: Board of Trustees approves the extensions of assignment as presented. Administrator Initiating Item:

Edwin Deas

Cabinet Review & Approval: 12/5/2011 Chair & Vice Chair Review: 12/8/2011


Page 21: Agenda - College of the Desert · Student Trustee Bonner: Welcomed President Patton back. Thanked students for their attendance at today’s meeting. Thanked Vice President Edwin

DESERT COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES Meeting Date: 12/16/2011 AREA: Human Resources ITEM #: 3 TITLE: CHANGE IN ASSIGNMENT BACKGROUND: To provide a change in assignment for Barbara Lokker, from Secretary, PaCE, to Secretary, Student Health. Salary will be at Range 7, Step I, in the Classified Salary Schedule, effective 10/20/11, as negotiated between CSEA and the District. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Position will be funded 90% by restricted funds and 10% unrestricted funds. RECOMMENDATIONS: Board of Trustees approves the change in assignment as presented. Administrator Initiating Item:

Edwin Deas Cabinet Review & Approval: 12/5/2011 Chair & Vice Chair Review: 12/8/2011


Page 22: Agenda - College of the Desert · Student Trustee Bonner: Welcomed President Patton back. Thanked students for their attendance at today’s meeting. Thanked Vice President Edwin

DESERT COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES Meeting Date: 12/16/2011 AREA: Fiscal Services ITEM #: 1 TITLE: PURCHASE ORDERS AND CONTRACTS FOR SUPPLIES, SERVICES & CONSTRUCTION BACKGROUND: Under AP 6300(a), purchase orders have been issued and contracts have been executed for the period November 30, 2011 as follows: Purchase Orders in excess of $25,000 In the aggregated amount of $335,190.64 as presented (Details on COD Website) Contracts in excess of $25,000 In the aggregated amount of $14,009,730.20 as presented (Details on COD Website). Purchase Orders and Contracts that do not exceed $25,000 In the aggregated amount of 14,882,093.30 as presented. (Details on COD Website) Note that the report includes all purchase orders and contracts including those reported above. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: All purchase orders and contracts are appropriately funded from unrestricted or restricted sources, as confirmed during the process of preparation of the documentation. RECOMMENDATION: Board of Trustees ratifies or approves, as appropriate, purchase orders and contracts as presented. Administrator Initiating Item:

Edwin Deas Cabinet Review & Approval: 12/5/2011 Chair & Vice Chair Review: 12/8/2011


Page 23: Agenda - College of the Desert · Student Trustee Bonner: Welcomed President Patton back. Thanked students for their attendance at today’s meeting. Thanked Vice President Edwin

DESERT COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES Meeting Date: 12/16/2011 AREA: Fiscal Services ITEM #: 2 TITLE: WARRANTS BACKGROUND: Board action is required to ratify District warrants under AP 6300(a). Details of all warrants are posted on the COD Website. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: These expenditures are in conformance with the District budget. RECOMMENDATION: Board of Trustees ratifies the warrants in the amount of $2,845,749.87 as presented. Administrator Initiating Item:

Edwin Deas Cabinet Review & Approval: 12/5/2011 Chair & Vice Chair Review: 12/8/2011


Page 24: Agenda - College of the Desert · Student Trustee Bonner: Welcomed President Patton back. Thanked students for their attendance at today’s meeting. Thanked Vice President Edwin

DESERT COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES Meeting Date: 12/16/2011 AREA: Fiscal Services ITEM #: 3 TITLE: PAYROLL #5 BACKGROUND: Board action is required to ratify the District payroll under AP 6300(a). FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: These expenditures are in conformance with the District budget. RECOMMENDATION: Board of Trustees ratifies Payroll #5 in the amount of $2,967,176.24 as follows: Certificated: $1,946,222.33 Classified: $1,020,953.91 $2,967,176.24 Administrator Initiating Item:

Edwin Deas Cabinet Review & Approval: 12/5/2011 Chair & Vice Chair Review: 12/8/2011


Page 25: Agenda - College of the Desert · Student Trustee Bonner: Welcomed President Patton back. Thanked students for their attendance at today’s meeting. Thanked Vice President Edwin

DESERT COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES Meeting Date: 12/16/2011 AREA: Fiscal Services ITEM #: 4 TITLE: OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL BACKGROUND: 1. Academic Affairs – Dr. C. Douglas Kroll, Associate Professor, School of Arts and Sciences, and COD Student, Noel Arvizu, to attend the Student Veterans of America 2011 National Conference in Las Vegas, NV, December 8-11, 2011.

Dr. Kroll, in his role as COD Student Veterans Faculty Advisor, will attend this conference with Noel Arvizu, COD Student Veteran Organization Vice President. Employers from across many different sectors that want to hire veterans will also attend this conference and bring national and local internship and job opportunities. 2. Academic Affairs – Ms. Margaret Rose, Associate Professor, School of Health Sciences & Education, to attend the National league for Nursing Faculty Leadership Conference – Transforming Leadership into Action: Competency-Based Models are Our Future in Atlanta, GA, January 5-7, 2012. Ms. Rose will attend this conference to integrate its content into our curriculum to greatly improve the success of our students. The experience and guidance of the National League of Nursing will be used to enhance the simulation experience for our students as the ultimate goal is to prepare the new graduate for entry level practice. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: 1. Costs estimated at $1,361.08 and will be funded by a restricted source (Club Funds). 2. Costs estimated at $1,666.12 and $800.00 will be funded by a restricted source (Faculty Development Funds) and the balance will be funded by another restricted source (VTEA Funds). RECOMMENDATION: Board of Trustees approves and/or ratifies the out-of-state travel requests for the individuals listed. Administrator Initiating Item:

Edwin Deas Cabinet Review & Approval: 12/5/2011 Chair & Vice Chair Review: 12/8/2011


Page 26: Agenda - College of the Desert · Student Trustee Bonner: Welcomed President Patton back. Thanked students for their attendance at today’s meeting. Thanked Vice President Edwin

DESERT COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES Meeting Date: 12/16/2011 AREA: Board of Trustees ITEM #: 1 TITLE: REVISION TO ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE 2735: BOARD TRAVEL – FIRST READING BACKGROUND: The Board members requested this Administrative Procedure be revised relative to the amount available for each member’s use. (Details on COD Website) FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the revision of Administrative Procedure 2735: Board Travel for a first reading. Administrator Initiating Item:

Jerry Patton Cabinet Review & Approval: 12/5/2011 Chair & Vice Chair Review: 12/8/2011


Page 27: Agenda - College of the Desert · Student Trustee Bonner: Welcomed President Patton back. Thanked students for their attendance at today’s meeting. Thanked Vice President Edwin

DESERT COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES Meeting Date: 12/16/2011 AREA: Board of Trustees ITEM #: 2 TITLE: REVISION TO BOARD POLICY 2100 – FIRST READING BACKGROUND: Under Education Code Section 5019.5 and consequent to the decennial federal census, the District approved a change from At-Large Elections to Elections by District in order to comply with the California Voting Rights Act. As a result, Board Policy 2100: Board Elections, is being revised to reflect that change. * *Details on COD Website FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. RECOMMENDATION: Accept revised Board Policy 2100 for a first reading. Administrator Initiating Item:

Charles Hayden Cabinet Review & Approval: 12/5/2011 Chair & Vice Chair Review: 12/8/2011


Page 28: Agenda - College of the Desert · Student Trustee Bonner: Welcomed President Patton back. Thanked students for their attendance at today’s meeting. Thanked Vice President Edwin

DESERT COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES Meeting Date: 12/16/2011 AREA: Board of Trustees ITEM #: 3 TITLE: RESOLUTION 121611-1 IN SUPPORT OF SENATE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT 5 (SCA-5) BACKGROUND: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds have dried up and the revenues from the one-time tax increases as part of Budget Act of 2009 have expired. California was not picked as one of the recipients of Race to the Top funds. K-14 education funds have been reduced by billions of dollars. As a result, the future of funding for California’s K-14 education system does not look promising. SCA 5 would allow school districts, community college districts, and county offices of education to pass a parcel tax with a 55 percent majority vote rather than the currently required two-thirds. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of Resolution 121611-1 Administrator Initiating Item:

Michael O'Neill Cabinet Review & Approval: 12/5/2011 Chair & Vice Chair Review: 12/8/2011


Page 29: Agenda - College of the Desert · Student Trustee Bonner: Welcomed President Patton back. Thanked students for their attendance at today’s meeting. Thanked Vice President Edwin



WHEREAS, Senate Constitutional Amendment 5 (Simitian), which reduces the two-

thirds vote requirement on parcel taxes, will be acted on by the California State Legislature; and

WHEREAS, reductions in the state General Fund revenue have led to reduced school funding; and

WHEREAS, state General Fund revenue is unstable and erratic, which results in unpredictable funding levels for school districts and county offices of education; and

WHEREAS, parcel tax revenue can provide a stable, predictable source of school revenue; and

WHEREAS, passage of SCA 5 will empower local voters to invest in their schools based on the needs of their communities by requiring a tough, but fair 55 percent vote to pass local parcel taxes, while protecting taxpayers and homeowners with accountability provisions that will ensure that funds generated from parcel taxes are not wasted or mismanaged; and

WHEREAS, revenue from parcel taxes can be spent according to local priorities and are not subject to state control; and

WHEREAS, the two-thirds vote requirements result in minority rule by requiring two “yes” votes to cancel out one no vote; and

WHEREAS, passage of SCA 5 will allow local voters to decide to make investments in their neighborhood schools in addition to state funding; and

NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Governing Board of the Desert Community College District strongly urges the California State Legislature to support and adopt SCA 5.

ADOPTED, SIGNED AND APPROVED this 16th day of December, 2011.

________________________________________ Chair of the Governing Board for the Desert Community College District

I, Michael O’Neill, Clerk of the Governing Board of the Desert Community College District, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was adopted by the Governing Board of said District at a meeting of said Board held on the 18th day of November, 2011, and that it was

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so adopted by the following vote:





__________________________________________ Clerk of the Governing Board of the Desert Community College District

Page 31: Agenda - College of the Desert · Student Trustee Bonner: Welcomed President Patton back. Thanked students for their attendance at today’s meeting. Thanked Vice President Edwin

DESERT COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES Meeting Date: 11/18/2011 AREA: Board of Trustees ITEM #: 4 TITLE: BOARD MEMBER TRAVEL BACKGROUND: Per AP 2735 “Travel expenses for attendance at meetings of these and other organizations will be approved by the Board of Trustees at a regularly scheduled meeting.” Board of Trustees – Mr. Charles Hayden will travel to the Community College League’s Annual Legislative Conference and Effective Trusteeship Workshop from January 27 to 30, 2012 in Sacramento. This conference provides an opportunity to connect with other advocates and learn the latest news on the state budget and economic outlook for California. Attendees will also learn about new members of legislative committees, legislative proposals affecting colleges and student learning, and advocacy strategies for the current legislative year. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Costs estimated at $2000.00 and funded by General Funds. RECOMMENDATION: Board of Trustees approves travel as presented.

Administrator Initiating Item: Charles Hayden

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It is traditional for the position of CEO of single college California Community College Districts to be titled “Superintendent/President”. CEO’s at multi-college districts are titled “Chancellor.” In multi-college districts, the title “President” is used for the presidents of the individual colleges. Therefore, it is appropriate for the CEO of Desert Community College District to be addressed as “Superintendent/President.”

*Details on COD Website FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. RECOMMENDATION: Accept revised Board Policy 1101 for a first reading. Administrator Initiating Item:

Charles Hayden Cabinet Review & Approval: 12/5/2011 Chair & Vice Chair Review: 12/8/2011


Page 33: Agenda - College of the Desert · Student Trustee Bonner: Welcomed President Patton back. Thanked students for their attendance at today’s meeting. Thanked Vice President Edwin

DESERT COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES Meeting Date: 12/16/2011 AREA: Board of Trustees ITEM #: 6 TITLE: ANNOUNCEMENT OF PRESIDENTIAL SEARCH ADVISORY COMMITTEE BACKGROUND: After review of the interest forms distributed to the entire campus the Board of Trustees will announce the members appointed to the Presidential Search Advisory Committee. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the members of the Presidential Search Advisory Committee as presented. Administrator Initiating Item:

Charles Hayden Cabinet Review & Approval: 12/5/2011 Chair & Vice Chair Review: 12/8/2011


Page 34: Agenda - College of the Desert · Student Trustee Bonner: Welcomed President Patton back. Thanked students for their attendance at today’s meeting. Thanked Vice President Edwin

DESERT COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES Meeting Date: 12/16/2011 AREA: President ITEM #: 1 TITLE: APPROVAL OF THE CERTIFICATION OF SIGNATURES FORM BACKGROUND: In accordance with the provisions of Education Code Sections 42633 and 85233, a certification of signatures form must be completed following the annual organization meeting of the Board. The annual organization meeting of the Board is on December 16,2011. The Certification of Signatures form verifies the signatures of members of the . governing board and persons authorized to sign orders drawn on the funds of the District and New Employee Authorization Transmittals. In accordance with Education Code 42632, no person other than an officer or employee of the District can be authorized to sign orders. (Form on COD Website) Rebecca Broughton - Governing Board Member Charles Hayden, Jr. - Governing Board Member John Marman - Governing Board Member Michael J, O'Neill - Governing Board Member Bonnie Stefan - Governing Board Member Jerry R. Patton - sign warrant orders, orders for salary payment and sign notices of employment Edwin Deas - sign warrant orders, orders for salary payment and sign notices of employment Wade W, Ellis - sign warrant orders, orders for salary payment and sign notices of employment Robert Blizinski - sign notices of employment FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. RECOMMENDATION: Approve these individuals to provide authorized signatures for the purposes of contractual obligations for the District. Administrator Initiating Item:

Charles Hayden Cabinet Review & Approval: 12/5/2011 Chair & Vice Chair Review: 12/8/2011


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1. Mr. Martin Talamante has been appointed to a vacant position of Part-Time Custodian/Maintenance & Operations. The appointment, effective November 14, 2011, is ongoing. Placement on Range 8 of the Classified salary schedule is at Step A. *

2. Ms. Darlene Peceimer has been appointed to a vacant position of International Education Program Specialist, International Education. The appointment, effective December 5, 2011, is ongoing. Placement on Range 9 of the Classified salary schedule is at Step A. *

*Details on COD Website


1. Position is fully funded from unrestricted funds.

2. Position is fully funded from restricted funds. RECOMMENDATION: Board of Trustees ratifies the appointments as presented. Administrator Initiating Item: Edwin Deas

Cabinet Review & Approval: 12/5/2011 Chair & Vice Chair Review: 12/8/2011


Page 36: Agenda - College of the Desert · Student Trustee Bonner: Welcomed President Patton back. Thanked students for their attendance at today’s meeting. Thanked Vice President Edwin

DESERT COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES Meeting Date: 12/16/2011 AREA: Human Resources ITEM #: 2 TITLE: EMPLOYMENT GROUP A APPOINTMENT- LEADERSHIP BACKGROUND: Ms. Revae Reynolds has been appointed to a new position of Director, Community Relations, at Range VII, Step V, on the Leadership Salary Schedule. Due to reorganization in the President’s Office, the position of Executive Assistant/Supervisor has been eliminated with duties being transferred, effective 12/16/11. (Details on COD Website) FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The position will be fully funded by unrestricted funds. RECOMMENDATIONS: Board of Trustees approves the appointment as presented. Administrator Initiating Item:Edwin Deas Cabinet Review & Approval: 12/5/2011

Chair & Vice Chair Review: 12/8/2011


Page 37: Agenda - College of the Desert · Student Trustee Bonner: Welcomed President Patton back. Thanked students for their attendance at today’s meeting. Thanked Vice President Edwin

DESERT COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES Meeting Date: 12/16/2011 AREA: Human Resources ITEM #: 3 TITLE: EMPLOYMENT GROUP C – OVER 60 DAYS BACKGROUND: Contract for Mr. Brent Rausch, Assistant Football Coach, was actually held up due to incomplete new hire paper work. His actual start date was 9/6/11, and he started working as he thought everything was complete until Human Resources notified him. * Contract for Mr. Tim Bruneau, Music Instructor, Arts & Sciences, was lost in the system. He had several contracts for private lessons for different students which were all processed and, when it was realized that one was missing, the contract was then located and processed for signatures. * *Details on COD Website FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The position will be fully funded by unrestricted funds. RECOMMENDATIONS: Board of Trustees ratifies the appointments as presented. Administrator Initiating Item: Edwin Deas

Cabinet Review & Approval: 12/5/2011 Chair & Vice Chair Review: 12/8/2011


Page 38: Agenda - College of the Desert · Student Trustee Bonner: Welcomed President Patton back. Thanked students for their attendance at today’s meeting. Thanked Vice President Edwin

DESERT COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES Meeting Date: 12/16/2011 AREA: Fiscal Services ITEM #: 1 TITLE: 2010-2011 AUDIT REPORTS BACKGROUND: Board action is required to accept the report* of the District’s auditors, Lund and Guttry LLP, for the 2010-2011 fiscal year for the District (Report on COD Website), the Desert Community College District Auxiliary Services (Report on COD Website), and Measure B Bond Financial and Performance audits (Report on COD Website). FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. RECOMMENDATION: Board of Trustees accepts the 2010-2011 audit reports for the District, Desert Community College District Auxiliary, and Measure B Bond Financial and Performance audits for study and discussion. Administrator Initiating Item:

Edwin Deas Cabinet Review & Approval: 12/5/2011 Chair & Vice Chair Review: 12/8/2011


Page 39: Agenda - College of the Desert · Student Trustee Bonner: Welcomed President Patton back. Thanked students for their attendance at today’s meeting. Thanked Vice President Edwin

DESERT COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES Meeting Date: 12/16/2011 AREA: Fiscal Services ITEM #: 2 TITLE: 2010-2011 COLLEGE OF THE DESERT FOUNDATION AUDIT REPORTS BACKGROUND: In accordance with State regulations, the College of the Desert Foundation has undergone the required annual audit*. The report is the result of the auditor’s review of finances, financial procedures, accounting controls and compliance with applicable State and Federal requirements. The report is also filed with the required State agencies. *Details on the COD Website FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. RECOMMENDATION: Board of Trustees receives the 2010-2011 audit report from Brabo & Carlsen, LLP for the College of the Desert Foundation. Administrator Initiating Item:

Edwin Deas Cabinet Review & Approval: 12/5/2011 Chair & Vice Chair Review: 12/8/2011


Page 40: Agenda - College of the Desert · Student Trustee Bonner: Welcomed President Patton back. Thanked students for their attendance at today’s meeting. Thanked Vice President Edwin

DESERT COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES Meeting Date: 12/16/2011 AREA: Fiscal Services ITEM #: 3 TITLE: RESOLUTION #121611-2 – BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS BACKGROUND: Changes to existing school budgets and addition of new school budgets requires approval of the Board through a resolution. This agenda item covers the following budget adjustments:

Fund 12 – General Fund – Restricted 502 – DSPS Active Minds - $6,850 represents a grant for the Student Affairs with the Riverside County Department of Mental Health and the District

FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Fund 12 - Income $6,850 Expenditures: Certificated Salaries $ -0- Classified Salaries $ -0- Fixed Charges $ -0- Supplies $1,500 Contractual Services $4,050 Fixed Assets $1,300 Other Outgo $ -0- Total: $6,850 RECOMMENDATION: Board of Trustees approves Resolution #121611-2 for Budget Adjustments as presented. Administrator Initiating Item:

Edwin Deas Cabinet Review & Approval: 12/5/2011 Chair & Vice Chair Review: 12/8/2011


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WHEREAS the governing board of the Desert Community College District has determined that income in the amount of $6,850 is assured to said District in a different amount than previously budgeted, as is reflected on the attached page (agenda item): WHEREAS the governing board of the Desert Community College can show just cause for the budget adjustment of such funds. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED such funds to be appropriated according to the schedule on the attached page. This is an exact copy of Resolution adopted by the governing board at the regular meeting on December 16, 2011. _____________________________ Secretary, Board of Trustees or Authorized Agent of the Board

Page 42: Agenda - College of the Desert · Student Trustee Bonner: Welcomed President Patton back. Thanked students for their attendance at today’s meeting. Thanked Vice President Edwin

DESERT COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES Meeting Date: 12/16/2011 AREA: Fiscal Services ITEM #: 4 TITLE: DESERT COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT’S PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE BACKGROUND: The Political Reform Act (Government Code Section 81000, et seq.) requires state and local government agencies to adopt and promulgate conflict of interest codes. The Fair Political Practices Commission has adopted a regulation (2 California Code of Regulations Section 18730), which contains the terms of a standard conflict of interest code, which can be incorporated by reference in an agency’s code. After public notice and hearing, it may be amended by the Fair Political Practices Commission to conform to amendments in the Political Reform Act. Therefore, the terms of 2 California Code of Regulations Section 18730 and any amendments to it duly adopted by the Fair Political Practices Commission are hereby incorporated by reference. This regulation and the attached Appendix designating officials and employees and establishing disclosure categories, shall constitute the conflict of interest code of the Desert Community College District. Designated employees shall file their statements with the Desert Community College District which will make the statements available for public inspection and reproduction (Gov. Code Section 81008). Statements for all designated employees will be retained by the Desert Community College District. The proposed amendments* provide for non-substantive revisions to position titles for positions that manage public investments and the inclusion / exclusion of added / deleted positions from the previous report. *Details on the COD Website FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None.


Page 43: Agenda - College of the Desert · Student Trustee Bonner: Welcomed President Patton back. Thanked students for their attendance at today’s meeting. Thanked Vice President Edwin

RECOMMENDATION: Board of Trustees approves the Desert Community College District’s proposed amendments to the conflict of interest code pursuant to Government Code Sections 87300-87302 and 87306. Administrator Initiating Item:

Edwin Deas Cabinet Review & Approval: 12/5/2011 Chair & Vice Chair Review: 12/8/2011

Page 44: Agenda - College of the Desert · Student Trustee Bonner: Welcomed President Patton back. Thanked students for their attendance at today’s meeting. Thanked Vice President Edwin

DESERT COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES Meeting Date: 12/16/2011 AREA: Academic Affairs ITEM #: 1 TITLE: APPROVAL OF CURRICULUM MODIFICATIONS FOR SPRING 2012 BACKGROUND: The Curriculum Committee approved modifications to the College curriculum to be effective for Spring 2012. (Details on COD website) FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: There is no cost to the District. RECOMMENDATION: The Board of Trustees approves the curriculum modifications for Spring 2012. Administrator Initiating Item:

Farley Herzek Cabinet Review & Approval: 12/5/2011 Chair & Vice Chair Review: 12/8/2011


Page 45: Agenda - College of the Desert · Student Trustee Bonner: Welcomed President Patton back. Thanked students for their attendance at today’s meeting. Thanked Vice President Edwin

DESERT COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES Meeting Date: 12/16/2011 AREA: Academic Affairs ITEM #: 1 TITLE: NEW AP 4021: PROGRAM DISCONTINUANCE BACKGROUND: This new Administrative Procedure has been approved by the Academic Senate, President’s Cabinet and College Planning Council. (Details on COD Website) FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. RECOMMENDATION: This is provided as information only. Administrator Initiating Item:

Farley Herzek Cabinet Review & Approval: 12/5/2011 Chair & Vice Chair Review: 12/8/2011


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