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Student Success and Equity Advisory Committee (SSEAC) Meeting Minutes

March 15, 2017

1:00p – 3:00p

Manzanita Conference Room

Members Present:

Matt Fox, Colleen Henry, Tracey Hickey, Michael Igoe, Lindsay Laney, Kirsten Miller, Jill Olson, Elizabeth Pfleging, Brandon Price, Kristin Rascon, Brian Sanders, Adrienne Seegers, Marnie Shively


Colleen Whitlock, Coordinator of School & District Support, Tuolumne County Superintendent’s Office


Randy Barton, Stephanie Beaver Alder, Kelsie Bonavia, Laureen Campana, Wendy Griffiths-Bender, Tamara Oxford, Melissa Raby, Rick Rivera, Karin Rodts, Anneka Rogers Whitmer, Joe Ryan, Kathy Schultz, Diana Sunday, Klaus Tenbergen, Lahna Von Epps, Michelle Walker


1. Update on Changes to Council and Committee Structures

2. Updates on Student Success Initiatives

3. Development of 2017 Integrated Plan for Student Success

a. Develop recommendations regarding funding of Summer 2017 and Fall 2017 proposed initiatives (All)

4. SSEAC Research Update – Prison Program

5. Review and Discussion of Spring Grant Proposals

a. Innovations Grant, b. S-STEM, c. MESA, d. Middle College


Brandon Price chaired the meeting which began at 1:05p when Brandon welcomed attendees and introduced Colleen Whitlock, Coordinator of Scholl & District Support, from the Tuolumne County Superintendent’s Office.

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TOPIC: Update on Changes to Council and Committee


Brandon Price


Brandon distributed a Council and Committee Structure for Columbia College handout created by Brian Sanders to explain the hierarchy and structure of current College Council and Standing Committees, including the Student Success Council (currently SSEAC). College Council makes recommendations to the President, and other standing committees, including Student Success Council, make recommendations to College Council (see Council and Committee Structure attached).


SSEAC’s transition to Student Success Council has not been approved by Academic Senate yet, but they are supportive as the change is needed to increase transparency and obtain reps from each constituent group. Approval to be obtained by start of fall semester.

Action items:

Person Responsible:


TOPIC: Updates on Student Success Initiatives All

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Brandon reviewed the draft of the 2017 Integrated Plan for Student Equity and Success Matrix (attached). Each initiative was discussed and updated as follows:

Developmental Education Initiatives: Acceleration Project has been halted. CSUs prefer to continue with same math class requirements to accept/reject transferring students. Path to Stats class, currently being created by Lahna Von Epps, will be acceptable for Gen Ed majors but not acceptable for 15 other majors. Basic skills is moving forward, per Lindsay. Adult Ed:

a. Brandon met with ATCAA to begin evening ESL classes in Calaveras and Jamestown. Will try to offer childcare during ESL classes at both locations.

b. GED prep class at prison camps to take place next fall with Tara and Melinda instructing. GED testing may take place at camps if computers are available and accommodations can be made.

c. Five classes being created for adult ed as non-credit courses. Matt Fox will submit to curriculum committee next week for approval; to be offered next fall. ATCAA may offer some of these Adult Ed courses at Blue Bell location.

Multiple Measures: Mike Igoe continuing to work with English Department at Columbia and local high schools to agree on equitable ways of assigning students to English courses via their high school transcripts; next meeting to be held at end of semester. EAP and Multiple Measures form has been adopted. Elizabeth Pfleging said that rigorous use of multiple measure is best avenue to get students placed in highest math class possible. The Multiple Measures Assessment Project (MMAP) rubric possible way for counselor to place students in higher math classes.

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Career and Major Pathway Initiatives: Major Selection/pathways project: This is included in the Innovations Grant. Kirsten Miller almost done with creation of ADTs—four more to go. Last week’s Board presentation brought supportive feedback from attendees. Kirsten is asking faculty to review ADTs, once drafts are completed. Hope to have all ADTs for fall done by end of semester. ADTs will include what careers are opened to those with Associates, Bachelors, and Master’s degrees in each major. Comprehensive Career Program: Brandon stated that the Strong Workforce grant will enable hiring of staff to oversee the Career Transfer Center and implement a one-stop shop for students. Future Educators: Website is done but need to finalize location on CC website. Overview of teaching as a career for TK-12 and the different routes to get there. Webpage created for community specific information about Tuolumne and Calaveras county schools with student-teacher ratios, links to school websites, page on opportunities at Columbia College re student groups in place. Aimed at people who want to teach as a career. Special Programs and Populations Initiatives: Disabled Student Access and Awareness Initiative: Discussed paring Adaptive PE with other non-credit courses for disabled high school students which may lead to enrollment in WATCH program. Foster Youth Initiative: No new news. Veterans Initiative: Nothing new since last meeting. Campus Engagement and Wellness Initiatives: Campus Wellness Initiative: Title IX videos completed; must now link videos to online orientation. Engagement Initiatives:

Cram night planned for April 20.

Special programs holds end-of-year celebrations, as does the AAC.

Welcome week planning underway for fall.

Matt Fox discussed priority registration event for EOPS that may be enlarged to include general students on May 9.

Kirsten discussed new tool via Starfish that enables a user-friendly Early Alert tool which enables instructors to advise students as to their course progress (i.e. good class participation, bad attendance, good/bad grades, etc.). Easy for instructors to use and will improve persistence for students if they are aware or the areas where they need help.

Net Tutor great tool to help students get tutoring assistance 24x7. Important to make students aware of resources available before midway through semester to increase success rate:

Adrienne suggested two phone calls per semester from a Student Support Specialist to see how students are doing.

It was suggested that faculty be encourage to call students as well to express an interest in their progress in their class.

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Have student ambassador escort students to instructor’s office, show them how to make appointment, come alongside failing student to help them succeed.

Possible assignment of caseloads to Instructors suggested. Teaching and Learning Initiatives: Academic and Social Integration:

First Semester Experience co-hort cancelled for fall 2017 semester. Math-602 and Guide 100 will run as a co-hort. English 151 no longer being offered as part of the FSE cohort.

S-STEM grant to be submitted by March 31. Teaching and Learning: Not discussed Core Services/Enrollment Initiatives: Orientation, Assessment, Educational Plans…: Not discussed Access / Enrollment: Joe Ryan submitted CCAP agreements between both Sonora High and Summerville High; classes to begin next call. CCAP agreements have gone to Board for approval for Calaveras and Bret Hart High Schools, working on Tioga High, Don Pedro High, and Oakdale High.


Action items: Person Responsible: Deadline:

TOPIC: Development of 2017 Integrated Plan for Student Success All


Brandon requested recommendations from attendees regarding funding of Summer and Fall 2017 proposed initiatives. New Student Success Council (previously SSEAC) will approve which activities to fund. FIG funding requests previously began in April, but funding not received until November. This raised a problem when fewer funds were received than expected. Would like to change FIG requests to be due in October and have Student Success Council review in November. Activities undertaken in summer/early fall will need review before incoming funding is received (i.e. On-Ramp). Funding for 2017 Integrated Plan for Student Equity and Success Matrix (attached) were then reviewed by attendees: Acceleration: Faculty professional development needs $2K. Possible support of Lahna Von Epps to create Path to Stats class for Columbia College. Basic Skills Support: No changes made. Adult Education: Supplies reduced from $7K to $6K. Reduced Instruction from $15K to $10K and moved $5K to Student Worker. GED vouchers reduced from $5.5K to $3.5K. Equipment reduced from $4K to $3K. Student Certification reduced from $1.5K to $1K. Added $4.5 for Childcare. Multiple Measures Exploration: No changes made Adult Education: Supplies reduced from $7K to $6K. Reduced Instruction from $15K to $10K and moved $5K to Student Worker. GED vouchers reduced from $5.5K to $3.5K. Equipment reduced from $4K to $3K. Student Certification reduced from $1.5K to $1K. Added $4.5 for Childcare. Multiple Measures Exploration: No changes made. Major Selection and Pathways Project: No changes made.

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Comprehensive Career Program: No changes made. Future Educators FIG: No changes made. Disabled Student Access and Awareness Initiative: No changes made. Foster Youth Initiative: Added $3.3K from Student Equity funding for Student Ambassador salaries. Veterans Initiative: Veterans book vouchers OK as is at $4k> Campus Wellness initiatives: Wellness Fair needs $2K. Welcome Week funding (Student Equity & SSSP) was reduced from $5K to $3.5K. Student worker training funds reduced from $1K to $750. Academic and social integration: FSE Support of $2.5K removed from SSSP and $10K from BSI. On-ramp funding OK at $600. Teaching and Learning: On the Road Fig is OK at $4.5K SSSP: Orientation, Assessment…: Student Equity funding for Student Ambassadors was reduced from $35K to $28.5K; moved 3.3K to student ambassador for foster Youth. Access / Enrollment: No changes made. AWE Facilitation: No changes made. Lindsay discussed AWE’s FIG proposals for fall. Wants to have smaller group reviewing projects proposed and evaluating prior to presentation to AWE committee. Behavioral Intervention: Student Equity funding of $2K OK. Alicia applied for mini-grant. If she receives, no funds needed. If not, need to take another look at the allocations and decide then.


Action items:

Person Responsible: Deadline:

TOPIC: SSEAC Research Update – Prison Program Kristin Rascon


Kristin reviewed Course Success Rates and Course Retention Rates for fall 2015 for Sierra Conservation Center students as compared to Columbia College’s general student population: Course Success Rate 89% for SCC and 72% for Columbia College. Retention rate 89% retention for SCC students and 85.2% retention for general population.


See Columbia College Research Brief attached for more details.

Action items:

Person Responsible: Deadline:

TOPIC: Review and discussion of spring grant proposals Brandon Price

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Brandon reviewed spring grant proposals:

Innovations Grant: $2.5M grant financed by State of CA, Department of Finance. Will be used to increase completion for rural students and improve common registration with MJC; collaboration for aligning courses; development of more OEI courses; collaboration with high schools to allow high school students to attend college courses; collaborate with MJC to enable AST courses for Columbia students (may not have students interested at this time); keep guides up to date and research crediting students for past work/military experience or to clear pre-requisite. Financed by State of CA, Department of Finance.

S-STEM: Grant funded by Nat’l Science Foundation for $650K. Sixty percent must go toward scholarships for students. Activities include scholarship pre-launch to make students feel like they can be successful. Stem Mentors will be assigned to instructors. Pathways enable development and review of Ed Plans. Exploration enables trips to universities. Have not had a lot of STEM graduates but Kristin Rascon to do research on this. Due at end of March.

MESA: Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) request for application (RFA). Brandon to get copy from another college that applied for this grant. A dollar for dollar match is required with this grant. $75K per college. Due May 15.

Middle College: $100K to fund success for Middle College program due April 24. Will work with

Sonora High to do a request for application (RFA). 3 years at $100k per year.


Brian Sanders mentioned that CC has rec’d $6-7M worth of grants to supplement state funding. Great job!

Action items:

Person Responsible:


Adjournment: There being no further business, meeting adjourned at 2:40. Record of meeting respectfully submitted by Colleen Henry

Page 8: Agenda - Columbia College...Mar 15, 2017  · Campus Wellness Initiative: Title IX videos completed; must now link videos to online orientation. Engagement Initiatives: Cram night

Columbia College 2017 Integrated Plan for Student Equity and Success Matrix Draft

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2017 Student Access and Success Initiatives

Problems / Needs Evidence

Additional Inquiry

Proposed Proposed Activities

Data Collection / Measures of Effectiveness

Source of Funding / Support

College initiatives to promote student

success (funded in part by BSI, SSSP, Student Equity, AB 86, etc).

Impediments to student access, matriculation, progression, completion, and transfer.

Results of inquiry which suggest an impediment to

success or disproportionate impact exists.

Additional research to be


Summary of activities currently suggested to address problems or needs identified.

Method for measuring the effect of the activity on

student success

Areas from which initiatives will be


Developmental Education Initiatives

Underprepared students are

much less likely to reach their

educational goals.

The proportion of students who

are placed in basic skills and go

on to complete college level

coursework is relatively small.

Students who complete basic

skills courses often fail to enroll

at the next level.

Research suggests student

placement may be inappropriate

(below levels in which they

could be successful, in some


ESL participants rarely progress

to college level coursework.

College lacks a comprehensive adult education program.

Columbia College basic skills tracker data (English, Math, and ESL) Columbia College placement data California Acceleration Project Data

Local inquiry regarding the effectiveness of multiple measures placement.

Acceleration Project Proceed with development and implementation of Path 2 Stats course. Explore development of additional accelerated courses, such as one similar to the MJC English 45 course.

Basic skills progression


Change in student

placement and course

performance following

participation in prep


Student Equity

Basic Skills Support

Provide support for students enrolled in basic skills

courses including tutoring, supplemental instruction,

writing center, and math lab. Provision of basic skills support online and off campus. Provide access to

textbooks and basic skills resources via Textbook


Student participation in

basic skills support


Success rates in basic skills


Basic skills progression

Basic skills


Adult Education (ESL, GED, Etc.)

Provide support for coordination, professional

development, access to technology, improved assessment

(CASAS and CAI). Improve marketing and recruitment,

through MEOC. Update college’s non-credit Course

Outlines of Record (CORs). Explore serving incarcerated

individuals (GED) and expanding offerings for students with disabilities. Develop additional offerings

(citizenship, personal finance, parenting, etc.).

Success rates in ESL and

GED coursework.

ESL and GED student

progression to college level


AEBG, Non-

Credit SSSP

Multiple Measures Exploration and Examination

Complete competency mapping for the CAI. Complete

full adoption of the EAP. Explore adoption of MMAP


Student Equity


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Career and Major

Pathway Initiatives

Students are disadvantaged in their efforts

to reach their educational goals due to:

Failure to identify a major or career


Lack of navigational capital / clarity

regarding major pathway.

Impediments to completion of major due

to factors such as availability of courses /

course sequencing.

Lack of connection to discipline / career.

Statewide data

related to



Results of

local inquiry

related to



Comparisons of




students, students with a declared

program of study,

students with an

ed plan



participating in an

internship or work

experience, etc.)

Major Selection and Pathways Project

Conduct major program pathway review. Develop major

advising guides. Develop META Majors.

Proportion of students with

declared program of study.

Student time to degree or


Student Equity

Comprehensive Career Program

Develop a “one stop shop” to coordinate career

exploration, career counseling, student employment,

internships, work experience, etc. Improve coordination

between CTE and Student Services related to career


Number of students

accessing career services.




Future Educators

Provide support for students interested in pursuing a

career in education. Offer Education 11, develop future

educators website, create future educators club, develop

marketing materials, etc.

Number of students

completing AAT in


Special Programs

and Populations


Campus research suggests disabled

students are disproportionately impacted in

access, degree and certificate completion,

and transfer.

Campus research suggests foster youth

have much lower course completion rates

than their peers.

Campus research suggests veterans are

disproportionately impacted in access.

Results of

local inquiry

related to

student access,

success, completion,

and transfer.

Development of



methodologies for

determining the expected

enrollment among

individuals with


Examination of

the reasons

individuals with

disabilities, who

are enrolled on campus, do not

participate in


Disabled Student Access and Awareness Initiative

Improve access and support to individuals with

disabilities. Activities will include sponsoring a DSPS

awareness campaign, addition of a DSPS peer mentor,

campus and community outreach, “above and beyond” tutoring in barrier courses. Develop additional non-credit

course offerings for students with disabilities. Improve

collaboration with WATCH and TCSS.

Number of students receiving DSPS services. Awareness of DSPS services throughout the campus & community. DSPS student performance in barrier courses. DSPS completion / transfer rates.

Student Equity /


Foster Youth Initiative

Development of foster youth workgroup to explore

impediments to success for foster youth. Addition of a special programs counselor who will provide intensive

services (through EOPS) for all identified foster youth.

Provision of food closet and transportation vouchers to

foster youth. Improve collaboration between Foster

Youth Program, Foster Kinship Care Education program,

and Community Partners. Revision of FKCE curriculum.

Course completion rates

among foster youth.

Retention and completion

rates among foster youth.

Student Equity,



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Examination of

how income

relates to student

success (further


than current methodologies


Veterans Initiative

Development of a workgroup to explore impediments to

access and success for veterans. Development of a

veterans’ center. Addition of student workers funded by

VA to support veterans program. Provision of textbook

and transportation vouchers for veterans in need.

Veteran enrollments.

Veteran student


Student Equity,



Engagement and



There has been an increase in the demand for

mental health services on campus.

Research suggests student engagement is

critical factor in student attrition.


related to


from Kou,

Tinto, Astin,


Results of

Columbia College




Campus Wellness initiatives

Addition of fulltime mental health coordinator, develop

and market Columbia College Alert Team (CCAT), offer

a college Wellness Faire, develop and market Title IX

videos, provide support for financial literacy / wellness.

(Student satisfaction/

engagement / wellness


Student Equity

Engagement Initiatives

Expansion of Welcome Week. Development of training

program for student workers. Expansion of peer mentor training program.

Student satisfaction with

Welcome Week.

SSSP, Student

Equity, TRiO

Teaching and



Research suggests academic and social

integration (such as learning communities)

are effective strategies for increasing student

retention but that there is little opportunity

for this type of engagement on college


Faculty and staff would benefit from

continued professional development related

to teaching and learning.

Results of




of the effect of FSE on student


Examination of

the efficacy of the

on-ramp program.

Academic and social integration

Support for the First Semester Experience, support for

On-Ramp, submission of S-STEM grant and

development of “STEM scholar” cohorts.

Course success rates,

retention, and completion

rates among students

participating in these


BSI, Student

Equity, NSF,


Teaching and Learning Support for teaching and learning workgroups. Support

for professional development for faculty and staff.

Participation rates in professional development.

BSI, Student Equity

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Core Services /



Research suggests the provision of

matriculation services is a key factor in

students’ effort to reach their educational


Preliminary research suggests a negative correlation between student performance in

coursework and distance from campus.

Research also suggests distance from campus

disadvantages students in their efforts to

attend college (place-bound students).

Statewide study

and Riverside


College study

examining the

effect of the provision of


services on

student success.

(referenced in

the CCC



Examination of the

effectiveness of

current placement


Examination of the effect of early

interaction with

probation students.

Examination of the

relationship between

distance from

campus and student

success /


Orientation, Assessment, Educational Plans,

Counseling and Advisement, Academic Progress /


Implementation of EPI

Update online orientation.

Exploration of adopting MMAP recommendations.

Promote completion of comprehensive ed plans

among first year students.

Conduct early outreach to probation and undeclared


Conduct “matriculation days” for high school


Develop college course for inclusion “Get Focused,

Stay Focused” program.

Provide FAFSA and college application workshops

at all local high schools

Proportion of students

completing orientation.

Performance on orientation


Number and proportion of

student completing

educational plans.

Number and proportion of

students receiving

counseling or advising.

Student satisfaction with

counseling or advising.

Number and proportion of students with a declared

program of study.

Course success and

retention rates among

students on probation.

SSSP / Student

Equity / MEOC

Access / Enrollment

Launch of MEOC program

Develop student registration portal

Develop CCAP agreements with local high schools and offer CCAP courses

Apply for innovations grant to explore development

of: common registration system, course alignment,

OEI courses, guided pathways, meta majors, and

collaborative programs with MJC.

Improve process for awarding students credit for past


College enrollment.

MEOC, Student




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