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Page 1: Agenda  Introduction  Characteristics Of Penguins  About Penguin Species  Species of Antarctic Penguin  Habitat of Penguins  Adaptation of Antarctic.
Page 2: Agenda  Introduction  Characteristics Of Penguins  About Penguin Species  Species of Antarctic Penguin  Habitat of Penguins  Adaptation of Antarctic.


Introduction Characteristics Of

Penguins About Penguin Species Species of Antarctic

Penguin Habitat of Penguins Adaptation of Antarctic

Penguins Diet Exploitation of Penguin


Page 3: Agenda  Introduction  Characteristics Of Penguins  About Penguin Species  Species of Antarctic Penguin  Habitat of Penguins  Adaptation of Antarctic.
Page 4: Agenda  Introduction  Characteristics Of Penguins  About Penguin Species  Species of Antarctic Penguin  Habitat of Penguins  Adaptation of Antarctic.

CHARACTERISTICS OF PENGUINS Penguins are unique birds in that they do not fly.

Their wings are adapted as swimming flippers by their wing bones being flattened and rather solidly joined so that they are very useful for swimming (up to 30 miles per hour). Penguins often look like they are flying when viewed under water.

Page 5: Agenda  Introduction  Characteristics Of Penguins  About Penguin Species  Species of Antarctic Penguin  Habitat of Penguins  Adaptation of Antarctic.

CHARACTERISTICS OF PENGUINS Most penguins spend the majority of their life at sea

and return to land to reproduce. Getting to and from their reproductive areas (called rookeries) on land can be quite a walk but when there is snow to traverse, they often sled downhill to make quick descents.

Page 6: Agenda  Introduction  Characteristics Of Penguins  About Penguin Species  Species of Antarctic Penguin  Habitat of Penguins  Adaptation of Antarctic.

CHARACTERISTICS OF PENGUINS On land, penguins walk (often in straight lines) to and

from the ocean between their nesting colonies and their feeding grounds in the ocean.These trips can be only a few hundred yards over rocky beaches or they can be miles inland, often over snow and ice. Penguins tend to follow the same paths to and from the ocean to feed and bathe. When there is snow in their path they leave footprints.

Page 7: Agenda  Introduction  Characteristics Of Penguins  About Penguin Species  Species of Antarctic Penguin  Habitat of Penguins  Adaptation of Antarctic.

CHARACTERISTICS OF PENGUINS Most penguin species spend the year at sea without

staying with their mate. Returning each summer to their original breeding grounds and often to their original mate. The numbers of Antarctic penguins has been increasing over the years, a result perhaps of the decrease (from whaling) in the number of baleen whales visiting Antarctica. Without so many baleen whales (krill eaters) visiting Antarctica the krill population has increased and there is more food than ever before for the antarctic penguins

Page 8: Agenda  Introduction  Characteristics Of Penguins  About Penguin Species  Species of Antarctic Penguin  Habitat of Penguins  Adaptation of Antarctic.

PENGUIN SPECIES There are 17 species of penguins on Earth,

Six of which can be found in Antarctica - three brush-tailed, (genus Pygoscelis) - the Adelie, chinstrap, and gentoo; one crested (genus Eudyptes) - the macaroni; and two species of Aptenodytes - the king and emperor

Page 9: Agenda  Introduction  Characteristics Of Penguins  About Penguin Species  Species of Antarctic Penguin  Habitat of Penguins  Adaptation of Antarctic.

• The largest living species is the

Emperor Penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri): on average

adults are about 1.1 m (3 ft 7 in)

tall and weigh 35 kg (75 lb) or


• The smallest penguin species is the

Little Blue Penguin (Eudyptula

minor), also known as the Fairy

Penguin, which stands around

40 cm tall (16 in) and weighs 1 kg

(2.2 lb).


Page 10: Agenda  Introduction  Characteristics Of Penguins  About Penguin Species  Species of Antarctic Penguin  Habitat of Penguins  Adaptation of Antarctic.

ADELIE PENGUINSThis small penguin (rarely over 11 pounds) nests on rocky areas that are free of snow in the summer. Adults return to the same rookery (nesting area) where they were born and build nests out of pebbles. The giving of pebbles to the female by the male is part of the nesting courtship. Eggs are laid in November and chicks hatch in December. The females lay two eggs and the parents take turns incubating the eggs. When they hatch they are fed by the parents who take turns both feeding and watching the chicks very closely for their first several weeks.

Page 11: Agenda  Introduction  Characteristics Of Penguins  About Penguin Species  Species of Antarctic Penguin  Habitat of Penguins  Adaptation of Antarctic.

CHINSTRAP PENGUINSChinstraps get their name from the thin line which circles from behind one eye under the chin to behind the other eye, much like a strap on a helmet. They are the same approximate size as Adélies, 27 inches (68 centimeters) high and weighing 10-11 pounds (4.5-5 kilos).

Page 12: Agenda  Introduction  Characteristics Of Penguins  About Penguin Species  Species of Antarctic Penguin  Habitat of Penguins  Adaptation of Antarctic.


Once the eggs are hatched, feeding duties are shared by the pair. After nine weeks, Chinstrap chicks are ready to leave the colony for the open ocean.

Page 13: Agenda  Introduction  Characteristics Of Penguins  About Penguin Species  Species of Antarctic Penguin  Habitat of Penguins  Adaptation of Antarctic.


The colorful orange bill (and white spot on the head) of the gentoo penguin, Pygoscelis papua, sets them apart from other penguin species

Gentoo, meaning "turban", refers to the whitish markings behind the eyes of this species. Gentoos range in size from 27 inches high (68 centimeters) and 12 pounds (5.5 kilos) in the south to 30 inches high (71 centimeters) and 13.5 pounds (6.2 kilos) in the north. The 60 degree parallel marks the general separation point between the Gentoos' north and south ranges.

Page 14: Agenda  Introduction  Characteristics Of Penguins  About Penguin Species  Species of Antarctic Penguin  Habitat of Penguins  Adaptation of Antarctic.

Most of their colonies run along the Antarctic Peninsula. To ease their burden walking to and from the sea, Gentoos establish a common path for everyone. This continuous use wears down the path and makes it easier to use.

Gentoo chicks stay with the parents for about eight weeks.During their 9th and 10th weeks, chick return home at night to be fed.


Page 15: Agenda  Introduction  Characteristics Of Penguins  About Penguin Species  Species of Antarctic Penguin  Habitat of Penguins  Adaptation of Antarctic.


Macaronis earn their name by the ornate yellow plumage above each eye. They were named after flamboyant dressers in the 18th century who were called "Macaroni Dandies"--just like in the song "Yankee Doodle".

Macaronis are similar in size and stature to the Adélies and Chinstrap penguins. On an average, they stand 27.5 inches tall (70 centimeters) and weigh 9 pounds (4.2 kilos). They typically frequent the island around Antarctica and don't venture onto the main continent. Their largest colonies are found in South Georgia and Heard Island.

Page 16: Agenda  Introduction  Characteristics Of Penguins  About Penguin Species  Species of Antarctic Penguin  Habitat of Penguins  Adaptation of Antarctic.

EMPEROR PENGUINSThey are the largest of all the penguins and live in the harshest weather on our planet. They have brown eyes , black head, chin and throat and have patches of yellow on their throat and near their ears. They have short wings that help them to dive. They eat fish and crustaceans such as crabs and shrimp. They weigh about 60 to 90 pounds and are about 36 to 44 inches tall.

Page 17: Agenda  Introduction  Characteristics Of Penguins  About Penguin Species  Species of Antarctic Penguin  Habitat of Penguins  Adaptation of Antarctic.


Rockhoppers are the smallest of the penguins in Antarctica. They measure only 21.5 inches high (55 centimeters) and weigh only 5.5 pounds (2.5 kilos). Similar to Macaronis, Rockhoppers have a feathered crest on top of their heads.

Although frequently found among Macaronis, this species is much more aggressive. Their colonies are found among rocky slopes of islands out near the Antarctic Convergence. Two eggs are typically laid, one smaller and one larger.

Page 18: Agenda  Introduction  Characteristics Of Penguins  About Penguin Species  Species of Antarctic Penguin  Habitat of Penguins  Adaptation of Antarctic.

HABITAT OF PENGUINSAlthough all penguin species are native to the southern hemisphere, they are not found only in cold climates, such as Antarctica. In fact, only a few species of penguin live so far south. Several species are found in the temperate zone, and one species, the Galápagos Penguin, lives near the equator.

Page 19: Agenda  Introduction  Characteristics Of Penguins  About Penguin Species  Species of Antarctic Penguin  Habitat of Penguins  Adaptation of Antarctic.

ADAPTATION Their Adaptation to the cold includes oily, unwettable feathers which cover the

outer layers of penguins. Underneath is a layer of soft down feathers and under that a thick layer of fat.

In addition to their fine attire, penguins are well known for their swimming abilities. Through the use of air sacs to protect their lungs, penguins can stay under water for 15 to 20 minutes and dive as deep as 275 feet (900 meters).

Although very near-sighted on land, penguins posses exceptional vision in the water. Their eyes, like the many sea animals, are attuned to the colors of the sea--green, blue-green, and violet.

Page 20: Agenda  Introduction  Characteristics Of Penguins  About Penguin Species  Species of Antarctic Penguin  Habitat of Penguins  Adaptation of Antarctic.


In the water, penguins typically feed on krill and fish. The dietary habits of penguins are relatively easy to monitor. Krill eating penguins excrete pink quano, while those eating fish leave behind white guano. The yolks of penguins eggs often are red denoting the consumption of krill. The yolks of penguins eggs often are red denoting the consumption of krill.

Page 21: Agenda  Introduction  Characteristics Of Penguins  About Penguin Species  Species of Antarctic Penguin  Habitat of Penguins  Adaptation of Antarctic.

Exploitation of Penguin Species

i. Millions of Penguins were slaughtered for their fat .

ii. Factories turned penguin oil into soaps and fuels .

iii. Penguin oil also is used to make medicine.

iv. Penguin feathers is used to make clothes , hats , shoes and bags.

Page 22: Agenda  Introduction  Characteristics Of Penguins  About Penguin Species  Species of Antarctic Penguin  Habitat of Penguins  Adaptation of Antarctic.

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