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Page 1: Agenda - Little Friends Foundationharborcitync.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/March2017-AGENDA-PACKET.pdfMar 03, 2017  · 2. Presentation: Sharefest Kyle Aube, Partnerships Manager

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Harbor City Neighborhood Council Board and Stakeholder Meeting Harbor City/Harbor Gateway Public Library 24000 Western Ave., Harbor City, CA

Wednesday, March 15 2017, 6:00pm

Agenda 1. Call to Order (6:00pm): Pledge of Allegiance & Roll Call. REMINDER TO PLEASE TURN


2. Reports from First Responders (LAPD: SLO; Frank Lopez; Fire Department, etc.)

3. Presentation: Representatives of Your Representatives: Your Contacts: Congresswoman Waters, Congressman Lieu, State Senator Bradford, Assemblyman Gipson, Assemblyman Muratsuchi, Mayor Garcetti, Councilman Buscaino

4. Budget/Finance Committee Report: Jennifer Corral, Treasurer (action items) a. Approval of Financial Reports b. Approval of NPGs:

i. Fire Station 85 Refrigerator: $5,000 ii. Sharefest: Beautifying Pedestrian Bridge: $5,000

iii. San Pedro Art Association, All Schools Art Contest: $1,500

5. Reports from Meeting Representatives: a. Los Angeles Harbor Chamber of Commerce, Joeann Valle b. Budget Advocates – Hayes Thrower, Wayne McGee c. Public Works Representative: Eric DeKlotz d. HANC – Greg Donnan e. Legislative Liaison – Caney Arnold

6. Reports from Committee Chairs:

a. Education/Youth – John Gonzalez b. Outreach – Joyce Fredericks c. Planning/Zoning/Land Use – Eric Deklotz d. Ad Hoc – Homeless – Sydney Baune e. Ad Hoc – By-laws – Joeann Valle

7. Old Business:

a. ROC (Recognition of Outstanding Citizen) Awards b. Harbor City 10K Race c. Update Discuss on painting of Utility Boxes in Harbor City d. Officer Robert Sanchez Memorial Pocket Park e. Options for Western Avenue Cleanup f. Petroleum Street Problems Letter

8. New Business:

9. President’s Report (Raymond Moser)


Page 2: Agenda - Little Friends Foundationharborcitync.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/March2017-AGENDA-PACKET.pdfMar 03, 2017  · 2. Presentation: Sharefest Kyle Aube, Partnerships Manager

10. Approval of Minutes

11. Public Comment on Non-Agenda item: The public is invited to speak on issues of general interest during the public comment periods. Comments on the specific agenda items will be heard only when the item is considered. To ensure that all are heard, a 2 minute time limit applies on each public speaker. All speakers must fill out a speaker’s request form and submit it to the Harbor City Neighborhood Council Secretary.

12. Announcements

13. Adjournment: Next Stakeholder meeting April 19, 2017.

As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and upon request, will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services, and activities. Sign language interpreters, listening devices, or other auxiliary aids and/or services may be provided upon request, Please make your request at least 3 business days (72 hours) prior to the meeting you wish to attend by contacting us at (310) 918-8650.

In compliance with government code section 54957.5, non-exempt writings that are distributed to all or a

majority of the Board members in advance of a meeting may be viewed at our website by clicking on the

following link: www.harborcitync.com, at a location given in the item number of the agenda or at the

scheduled meeting. In addition if you would like a copy of any record related to an item on the Agenda,

please contact the Harbor City Neighborhood Council at 310-918-8650.

PUBLIC POSTING OF AGENDAS– Harbor City Neighborhood Council agendas are posted for public review as follows: • Harbor City Library, 24000 Western Avenue • Harbor City Chamber Office, 1400 W. 240th St. • Harbor City Boys and Girls Club, 1220 256th St. • Harbor City Recreation Center, 24901 Frampton Ave • www.harborcitync.com • You can also receive our agendas via email by subscribing to L.A. City’s Early Notification System at: http://www.lacity.org/government/Subscriptions/NeighborhoodCouncils/index.htm

RECONSIDERATION AND GRIEVANCE PROCESS: For information on the Harbor City Neighborhood

Council’s process for board action reconsideration, stakeholder grievance policy, or any other procedural

matters related to this Council, please consult the HCNC Bylaws. The Bylaws are available at our Board

meetings and our website http://harborcitync.com/board/

SERVICIOS DE TRADUCCION Si requiere servicios de traducción, favor de avisar al Concejo Vecinal 3 días de trabajo (72 horas) antes del evento. Por favor contacte a the SLNC Secretary, al 213-485-1360 o por correo electrónico [email protected] para avisar al Concejo Vecinal.


Page 3: Agenda - Little Friends Foundationharborcitync.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/March2017-AGENDA-PACKET.pdfMar 03, 2017  · 2. Presentation: Sharefest Kyle Aube, Partnerships Manager


Page 4: Agenda - Little Friends Foundationharborcitync.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/March2017-AGENDA-PACKET.pdfMar 03, 2017  · 2. Presentation: Sharefest Kyle Aube, Partnerships Manager


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Page 7: Agenda - Little Friends Foundationharborcitync.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/March2017-AGENDA-PACKET.pdfMar 03, 2017  · 2. Presentation: Sharefest Kyle Aube, Partnerships Manager

Ad Hoc Committee on Homelessness

Meeting Report

Meeting held on Thursday, March 9, 2017 at 6:30 PM.

There was no update on the flyer for businesses to donate funds to a non-profit organization

for emergency motel shelter. Lila Omura-Garcia and Joeann Valle will meet to create one.

However, Ms. Valle stated that she was in contact with a community member who is interested

in partnering with the company Books En More to raise money for the emergency motel shelter


The Ad Hoc Committee on Homelessness would like to ask for a fund of $500 in order to do


Ms. Omura-Garcia was informed by Gaby Medina (Councilman Busciano's office) that they are

waiting to hear back from DWP on whether the 2nd storage container can be housed on their


Ms. Valle said she would contact Mark Ridley Thomas about putting it in the area of Lomita and

Vermont. Stakeholder Craig Townsend offered to also ask the oil company and the growers if it

could be placed on their lot.

Community member Dan Rivera, from the John Maxwell Team, spoke about the root of


Lila's update on the issues facing Harbor City's homeless included a large sweep in early March

which moved them from the area known as "The Pit" to various parts of town. One positive

result was that three homeless people, tired of moving, were reunited with their families

thanks Lila's diligent work.

Stakeholder Karen Ceaser informed us that Central San Pedro Neighborhood Council will be

having an event tentatively set for May 20th in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Sydney Baune

Harbor City Neighborhood Council Ad Hoc Committee on Homelessness


Page 8: Agenda - Little Friends Foundationharborcitync.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/March2017-AGENDA-PACKET.pdfMar 03, 2017  · 2. Presentation: Sharefest Kyle Aube, Partnerships Manager


Page 9: Agenda - Little Friends Foundationharborcitync.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/March2017-AGENDA-PACKET.pdfMar 03, 2017  · 2. Presentation: Sharefest Kyle Aube, Partnerships Manager

February 15, 2017 Stakeholder Minutes Page 1 of 2

Official Minutes

Board Members Roll Call

Caney Arnold Present

Sydney Baune Present

Jennifer Corral Present

Eric Deklotz Present

Greg Donnan Present

Joyce Fredericks Present

John T. Gonzales Present

Wayne McGee Present

Raymond Moser Present

Roberto Ramos Absent

Joeann Valle Present

Vacant Seat

1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by President Raymond Moser. A quorum of 10 board members was present (see list above). Approximately 20 stakeholders in attendance.

2. Presentation: Sharefest Kyle Aube, Partnerships Manager a. Mr. Aube submitted a Neighborhood Purpose Grant in the amount of $5,000.00 for a Sharerest

workday project to beautify the pedestrian bridge. b. He hopes to have stakeholder and students at Narbonne to help. c. Mr. Aube answered questions from the board and stakeholders.

3. Presentation: A Look at Measure S: Lou Baglietto; Chair, Government Affairs LA Gateway Chamber of Commerce & LA BizFed

a. Mr. Baglietto distributed handouts outlining some of the components of the measure. b. Measure S would impose a two-year moratorium on projects seeking General Plan Amendments. c. Mr. Baglietto answered questions from the board and stakeholders.

4. Presentation: Captain Oreb, LAPD Harbor Division; David Bozanich, City Attorney; marijuana dispensaries; Nooshi Nahiri, Neighborhood Prosecutor LA City Attorney’s office

a. LAPD Senior Lead Officer Lopez introduced Captain Oreb. b. Captain Oreb gave a brief overview of his history with LAPD. c. Two of the things that have contributed to the current situation; AB109 early release from prisons

program, and Prop 47 lowering felony drug arrests to misdemeanors. d. To report marijuana dispensaries you can email the LA City Attorney at

[email protected], and on the City Attorney website. e. The participants answered questions from the board and stakeholders.

5. Reports from First Responders: a. LAFD Captain Fred Magalona Station 85 – Not present b. LAPD Senior Lead Officer Frank Lopez – deferred his report in lieu of presentation above.

i. Contact information for Officer Lopez, cell phone 310-836-2106, office phone 310-726-7931

GOT ISSUES – GET INVOLVED www.harborcitync.com

PUBLIC MEETING Harbor City Neighborhood Council

Stakeholder’s Meeting Harbor City/Harbor Gateway Public Library

24000 Western Avenue, Harbor City. Wednesday, February 15, 2017, 6:00 pm


Page 10: Agenda - Little Friends Foundationharborcitync.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/March2017-AGENDA-PACKET.pdfMar 03, 2017  · 2. Presentation: Sharefest Kyle Aube, Partnerships Manager

February 15, 2017 Stakeholder Minutes Page 2 of 2

email [email protected].

6. Reports from Government Officials: a. Office of Mayor Garcetti – Field representative, Manny Lopez

i. Mr. Lopez provided a written report which included some of the following. ii. The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) will offer free volunteer tax preparation and

electronic filing for low income taxpayers at the San Pedro Library on Saturday, February 25, from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.

iii. Mr. Lopez answered questions from the board and stakeholders. b. Department of Neighborhood Council (DONE) – Octaviano Rios

i. Mr. Rios distributed hardcopy of the Monthly NC Profile that is emailed to each board member on the first of every month.

ii. He reminded the board to review the information included in the profile. iii. The monthly profile includes an overview of the council’s finance information, policy

updates, the current board roster, and upcoming events. c. Office of Assemblyman Muratsuchi – Cody Bridges, Harbor City Field Deputy – Not present d. Port of Los Angeles – Cecilia Moreno, Community Affairs Advocate – Not present e. Neighborhood Council Budget Advocates – Danielle Sandoval – Not present

7. Budget/Finance Committee Report – Jennifer Corral, Treasurer a. Approval of the January MER and bank statements. Motion by Joeann Valle to approve the

January MER and bank statement, seconded by Greg Donnan, and passed with 9 Yes (Arnold, Baune, Corral, Deklotz, Donnan, Fredericks, Gonzales, McGee, and Valle), 0 No, and 1 abstention(s) (Moser).

ALL OTHER ITEMS DEFERED – Due to time constraints

8. Reports from Meeting Representatives: a. Friends of the Library – Grant Reed b. Los Angeles Gateway Chamber of Commerce – Joeann Valle c. Public Safety – Greg Donnan d. Budget Advocates – Hayes Thrower, Wayne McGee e. HANC (Harbor Alliance of Neighborhood Councils) Greg Donnan f. Public Works Representative – Eric Deklotz

9. Reports from Committee Chairs: a. Education/Youth – John Gonzales b. Outreach – Joyce Fredericks c. Planning/Zoning/Land Use, Eric Deklotz d. Homeless – Sydney Baune e. Ad Hoc By Laws – Joeann Valle f. Legislative Liaison – Caney Arnold

10. Old Business: a. ROC (Recognition of Outstanding Citizen) Awards

11. New Business:

12. President’s Report: Raymond Moser

13. Approval of Minutes:

14. Public Comment on Non-Agenda item:

15. Announcements:

12. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm. The next Stakeholder meeting is March 15, 2017.

Respectfully submitted, Sheryl Akerblom for the Harbor City Neighborhood Council


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