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Throughout the first year, infants grow at a tremendously fast rate. In fact, by the end of the first year they will have tripled in birth weight. Length can be expected to double. By their first birthday, most infants will be crawling and even may be taking a timid first step! The most essential ingredient in infant care is a warm, responsive, and dependable adult caregiver. Try to spend lots of time holding, cuddling, and playing with the infants in your care. You will be richly rewarded with babbles, smiles, and squeals of laughter.



weight: 10-18 pounds length: 23-27 inches sleeps about 6 hours before waking

during the night averages 14-17 hours of sleep daily lifts head and chest when lying on

stomach holds both eyes in a fixed position follows a moving object or person with

eyes grasps rattle or finger wiggles and kicks with arms and legs rolls over (stomach to back) sits with support


cries (with tears) to communicate pain, fear, discomfort, or loneliness

babbles or coos loves to be touched and held close responds to a shaking rattle or bell returns a smile responds to peak-a-boo games


explores objects with mouth plays with fingers, hands, toes reacts to sound of voice, rattle, bell turns head toward bright colors and

lights recognizes bottle or breast


Page 2: AGES & STAGES INFANT AGE EIGHT INFANT AGE ONEecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/72+sl5gI5JL.pdf · AGES & STAGES – INFANT – AGE EIGHT INFANT ... smiles, and squeals of ... Do not


weight: 14-23 pounds length: 25-30 inches first teeth begin to appear drools, mouths and chews on objects needs at least 3-4 feedings per day reaches for cup or spoon when being

fed drinks from a cup with help enjoys some finely-chopped solid foods closes mouth firmly or turns head when

no longer hungry may sleep 11-13 hours at night

although this varies greatly needs 2-3 naps during the day develops a rhythm for feeding,

eliminating, sleeping, and being awake true eye color is established rolls from back to stomach and

stomach to back sits alone without support and holds

head erect raises up on arms and knees into

crawling position; rocks back and forth, but may not move forward

uses finger and thumb to pick up an object

transfers objects from one hand to the other

hair growth begins to cover head


cries in different ways to say he is hurt, wet, hungry, or lonely

makes noises to voice displeasure or satisfaction

recognizes and looks for familiar voices and sounds

learns by using senses like smell, taste, touch, sight, hearing

focuses eyes on small objects and reaches for them

looks for ball rolled out of sight searches for toys hidden under a

blanket, basket, or container explores objects by touching, shaking,

banging, and mouthing babbles expressively as if talking enjoys dropping objects over edge of

chair or crib


responds to own name shows fear of falling off high places

such as table or stairs spends a great deal of time watching

and observing responds differently to strangers and

family members imitates sounds, actions, and facial

expressions made by others shows distress if toy is taken away squeals, laughs, babbles, smiles in

response likes to be tickled and touched smiles at own reflection in mirror raises arms as a sign to be held recognizes family member names responds to distress of others by

showing distress or crying shows mild to severe anxiety at

separation from parent



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weight: 17-27 pounds length: 27-32 inches sleeps 11-13 hours at night some babies will stop taking a morning

nap; others will continue both morning and afternoon naps

begins to refuse bottle or weans self from breast during day

needs 3 meals a day with 2 snacks in between

enjoys drinking from a cup begins to eat finger foods continues to explore everything by

mouth enjoys opening and closing cabinet

doors crawls well pulls self to a standing position stands alone holding onto furniture for

support walks holding onto furniture or with

adult help

says first word says da-da and ma-ma or equivalent "dances" or bounces to music interested in picture books pays attention to conversations claps hands, waves bye, if prompted likes to place objects inside one



imitates adult actions such as drinking from a cup, talking on phone

responds to name likes to watch self in mirror expresses fear or anxiety toward

strangers wants caregiver or parent to be in

constant sight offers toys or objects to others but

expects them to be returned may become attached to a favorite toy

or blanket pushes away something he does not



Help infants develop a sense of trust and security by responding to their cries. Feeling secure encourages infants to try new things. Be consistent so that they will know what to expect.

Place babies in new places and new positions so that they can see you and others from different angles.

Hold and cuddle infants when feeding them. Even infants who hold their own bottle need to be held. Being held and cuddled frequently is extremely important in the development of baby's sense of self-worth and security. Holding and cuddling a baby is also a great stress releaser for an adult. Do not prop infants drinking from a bottle as it may cause choking.

Respect a baby's natural schedule. Most babies will settle into a regular routine for eating, sleeping, and soiling their diapers, but the schedule will vary depending on the baby. Some babies need to eat more frequently than some others. Some will sleep more and take longer naps.

Baby-proof everything! Store toxic substances such as dishwasher detergent, make-up, paint, or medicine up high. Put safety latches on cabinets and covers on electrical outlets. Lower crib mattresses so that older infants can't fall over the rail. Cover sharp corners of tables or shelves that infants might bump into.

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Expose babies to bright colors and a variety of objects to look at. Pictures, moving objects, brightly colored or contrasting color toys attract infants.

Provide an environment rich with sound. Help infants learn to recognize common household sounds such as a vacuum cleaner, a radio, a clock, a whistling tea kettle, or a doorbell.

Provide interesting objects for infants to feel, touch, mouth, and explore. Square nylon scarves, cold metal bowls, plastic measuring cups, large wooden spoons, and wet washcloths are favorite household toys. Keep easy-to-swallow objects out of infant's reach. Babies should not be allowed to play with anything smaller than a half dollar (about 1-1/4 inch).

Provide opportunities for infants to smell different smells. Lemon, vanilla, and apple juice are wonderful kitchen smells. Babies also enjoy smelling tree bark, dirt, grass, and other natural things.

Expose older babies to a variety of tastes and temperatures in food. Offer cold sherbet, warm oatmeal, mashed peaches, and chopped cooked carrots.

Help babies develop a sense of movement and balance by gently bouncing, swaying, swooping, and swinging with them.

Talk to infants. Face infants when talking to them so they can see you and smile with you. Talk about what you are doing, familiar objects, or people. You may even want to babble back or echo sounds your baby makes much as you would in a regular conversation. Even though an infant cannot understand everything you say, he will be learning many words that will form the basis for language later on.

Read to infants. Babies enjoy cuddling on a caregiver's lap, looking at colorful picture books, and hearing the rhythm of their voice. With time they begin to understand that words have meaning and can be used to identify objects.

Encourage older infants to feed themselves by offering pieces of banana and soft bread sticks. Give babies a spoon with some mashed potatoes or other sticky food, and let them practice eating with a spoon. Yes, it will be messy! Be patient. Learning this skill takes lots of practice.

Play peek-a-boo. Hide your face behind a blanket and then peek out at the baby. Older babies will learn to do this themselves and will enjoy this game for a long time.

Give babies the freedom to move around. Young infants enjoy being on their backs so that they can kick, wiggle, and look around. Older infants need space and time to practice crawling, creeping, pulling up, and walking. Spending too much time in a walker, playpen, or infant swing may inhibit the development of these important skills.

Stay with infants when someone new is around. Encourage strangers to approach slowly. Introduce an infant by name, and let him explore someone new in the safety of your presence.


National Network for Child Care - NNCC. Part of CYFERNET, the National Extension Service

Children Youth and Family Educational Research Network. Permission is granted to reproduce

these materials in whole or in part for educational purposes only(not for profit beyond the cost of

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Lesia Oesterreich, M.S. Family Life Extension Specialist Human Development and Family Studies Iowa State University Copyright/Access Information Two-year-olds like to be independent! Favorite words are "Mine" and "No" and "I do it!" Emotions take on a roller coaster-like quality as 2-year-olds can go from excitement to anger to laughter within a few moments. A great deal of time is spent exploring, pushing, pulling, filling, dumping, and touching. Two-year-olds are surer of themselves and of what they can do as they grow. Their bodies stretch out, and most will lose the potbellied look during this third year of life. Their appetites lessen, and they may be particular about food. They are still growing fairly rapidly. Toddlers are very attached to their caregivers. You may find them trying out new ideas and exploring their surroundings, but still staying close to you as they need a base of support and trust. Two-year-olds are usually interested in other children. However, social interest and physical abilities sometimes collide as a hug becomes a tackle and a gentle pat becomes a whack. You will need to teach children how to express affection appropriately.


plays alongside others more than with them

acts shy around strangers

likes to imitate parents

easily frustrated

affectionate - hugs and kisses

insists on trying to do


weight: 22-38 pounds

height: 32-40 inches

has almost a full set of teeth

walks up and down stairs by holding onto railing

feeds self with spoon

experiments by touching, smelling, and tasting

likes to push, pull, fill, and dump

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several tasks without help

enjoys simple make-believe like talking on phone, putting on hat

very possessive - offers toys to other children but then wants them back

needs considerable time to change activities

capable of frequent tantrums, which are often a result of his inability to express himself even though he has ideas

can show aggressive behavior and the intent to hurt others

can be extremely demanding and persistent

destructive to objects around him when frustrated and angry

possessive about caregiver's attention; show feelings of jealousy

has fears and nightmares

has sense of humor; capable of laughter

shows interest in dressing, brushing hair and teeth

cannot sit still or play with a toy for more than a few minutes

can turn pages of a book

stacks 4-6 objects

scribbles vigorously with crayons or markers

many children (but not all) will learn to use toilet

walks without help

walks backwards

tosses or rolls a large ball stoops or squats

opens cabinets, drawers

can bend over to pick up toy without falling


enjoys simple stories, rhymes, and songs

uses 2-3 word sentences

says names of toys

hums or tries to sing

enjoys looking at books

points to eyes, ears, or nose when asked

repeats words

interested in learning how to use common items


Baby-proof your house again. Two-year-olds are taller and more skillful at opening doors and getting into mischief.

Read aloud to children every day. Encourage toddlers to look at books with large pictures and sturdy pages. Simple story lines are best.

Try to expand a 2-year-old's knowledge of words and sentence structure. Let her hear the correct word order, but don't demand that she imitate you. For example, if she says "more juice," say "Anna wants more orange juice."

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Encourage them to identify noises like vacuum, tap water, dogs barking, thunder, airplane, and car.

Let toddlers help you with simple chores such as picking up toys or putting clothes in the laundry basket. Encourage them to name things that you are using.

Add new information to what a child is saying. "Yes that's a blanket, a soft, warm blanket."

Give toddlers clear and simple choices. "Do you want to drink milk or juice? Do you want to wear green or blue socks?"

Know how to handle a temper tantrum: 1. don't yell or hit the child, 2. remain calm, 3. talk in soothing tone, 4. put your hand gently on child's arm if possible.

Provide newspaper, flattened grocery sacks, and computer scraps for drawing and painting. Color books, workbooks, and ditto sheets are not recommended.

Avoid making models of clay or drawing pictures for children to copy. They learn more by working out their own ideas, and adult-induced items can actually hinder learning.

Do not expect toddlers to share or take turns. Right now they are focused on learning how to physically handle themselves and on learning to talk. Learning to share will come later.

Provide spaces where toddlers can spend time alone. An old cardboard box or a blanket over a card table works great.

Avoid pressuring children to be right or left handed. A few 2-year- olds will begin to show preference for one hand, but many children will continue to use both hands for a few years.

Provide safe outlets for physical activity and space exploration like small steps, boxes, barrels, tires, pulling and pushing toys, ride-on and ride-in toys.

Provide opportunities for learning about cause and effect by giving toddlers many opportunities to fill, dump, collect, gather, give, hide, and seek.

Play "parade" or "follow the leader." Sing sequential songs like "Old MacDonald" to explain sequences.

Encourage verbal skills by giving simple directions like "Close the door, please" or "Would you pick up the doll?"

Encourage a toddler's love for imitation by teaching fingerplays and songs. Play "you are a mirror." Stand or sit facing the children and have them copy everything you do. Reverse roles and let the child lead while you mirror the actions.

Encourage sand, mud, clay, and water play. Toddlers enjoy messy play and learn a great deal from mixing, sifting, pouring, stirring, and shaping.


National Network for Child Care - NNCC. Part of CYFERNET, the National Extension

Service Children Youth and Family Educational Research Network. Permission is

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granted to reproduce these materials in whole or in part for educational purposes

only(not for profit beyond the cost of reproduction) provided that the author and Network

receive acknowledgment and this notice is included:

Reprinted with permission from National Network for Child Care -NNCC.

Oesterreich, L. (1995). Ages & stages - two-year-olds. In L. Oesterreich, B. Holt, &

S. Karas, Iowa family child care handbook [Pm 1541] (pp. 199-201). Ames, IA:

Iowa State University Extension.


Lesia Oesterreich, M.S. Family Life Extension Specialist Human Development and Family Studies Iowa State University Copyright/Access Information The 3-year-old is full of wonder and spends a lot of time watching, observing, and imitating. Their days are filled with busy exploration of their world. Three-year-olds are interested in perfecting motor skills, and it is common for them to spend the entire morning going down the slide or riding a favorite tricycle. Three-year-olds have very little memory for past events and do not understand "yesterday" and "tomorrow" the way adults do. They often repeat activities or may do and undo actions such as putting a puzzle together. These sequences are important to later understandings of change and consistency.


talks so that 75 to 80 percent of his speech is understandable

talks in complete sentences of 3-5 words. "Mommy is drinking juice. There's a big dog."

stumbles over words sometimes - usually not a sign of stuttering

enjoys repeating words and sounds

listens attentively to short stories and books


weight: 25-44 pounds

height: 34-43 inches

develops a taller, thinner, adult-like appearance

develops a full set of baby teeth

needs approximately 1,300 calories daily

sleeps 10-12 hours at night sleeps through most nights without

wetting the bed (occasional accidents are still quite common)

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likes familiar stories told without any changes in words

enjoys listening to stories and repeating simple rhymes

able to tell simple stories from pictures or books

enjoys singing and can carry a simple tune

understands "now, soon, and later" asks who, what, where, and why


stacks 5-7 blocks

enjoys playing with clay or play dough (pounds, rolls, and squeezes it)

can put together a 6-piece puzzle

draws a circle and square

recognizes common everyday sounds

matches an object to a picture of that object

identifies common colors such as red, blue, yellow, green

can count 2-3 objects

can solve problems if they are simple, concrete, real, and immediate, and if wants to

interested in similarities and differences

can distinguish, match, and name colors

interested in features of animals that make them unique

has good self-knowledge; can understand difference between self and younger children, but not between self and older children

can say his age

uses the toilet with some help (many boys may not be ready for toilet learning until sometime during their third year)

puts on shoes (but cannot tie laces) dresses self with some help (buttons,

snaps, zippers) feeds self (with some spilling) tries to catch a large ball throws a ball overhead

kicks a ball forward

hops on one foot walks short distance on tiptoes

climbs up and down a small slide by self pedals a tricycle

walks on a line

can stand, balance, and hop on one foot jumps over a 6" barrier can feed self with spoon and small fork;

often butters bread with knife

can use toilet independently

can brush teeth, wash hands, get a drink

interested in handling food and cooking procedures


seeks attention and approval of adults

sometimes shows preference for one parent (often the parent of the opposite sex)

accepts suggestions and follows simple directions

enjoys helping with simple household tasks

can make simple choices between two things

enjoys making others laugh and being silly

enjoys playing alone but near other children

spends a great deal of time watching and observing

enjoys playing with other children briefly, but still does not

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cooperate or share well enjoys hearing stories about self enjoys playing "house" enjoys imitating

other children and adults

answers whether he is a boy or a girl expresses interest in ethnic identities of

self and others if exposed to a multicultural setting


Be patient with toileting. Many children (especially boys) will not be ready for toilet learning until after age 3. Accidents will happen for a while; treat accidents calmly and matter of factly. Avoid shaming a child.

Encourage development of hand-eye coordination by providing large buttons or old beads to string on a shoe lace.

Play ball - show children how to throw, catch, and kick balls of different sizes. Show children how to hop like a rabbit, tiptoe like a bird, waddle like a duck,

slither like a snake, and run like a deer. Talk frequently with children; use short sentences, ask questions, and listen. Add new information to your children's sentences. "Yes that's a flower - it's a tall,

red flower and it smells so good." Teach children to memorize first and last names. Provide books for children to read, and read the same books to them. Read

poetry and nursery rhymes. Encourage a child to repeat a story and discuss the ideas and events. Read titles and point to important words on pages, packages, and street signs.

Encourage interest in reading and writing by sharing a grocery list or note for parents. Provide paper, small notebooks, and markers for use in dramatic play.

Count objects of interest; for example cookies, cups, napkins, or dolls. When possible, move one at a time as you and the children count. Measure, and have children help measure and count as you follow a recipe.

Explain why and how things happen with the help of a reference book. Help them do simple science activities like magnetic attraction, freezing water, planting seeds, making a terrarium, and flying kites on a windy day.

Provide sets - toys and other objects that go together. Discuss similarities and differences. For example, point out sequences in cooking. Let children experiment with faucets, tools, light switches, knobs, latches, and toys that come apart.

Sing simple songs. Make simple rhythm instruments: oatmeal box or coffee can drums, rattles of dry beans in a box, etc. Encourage a variety of body movements

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and dance to music of many kinds. Play musical games such as "London Bridge," "Ring-around-the-Rosie," and "Farmer in the Dell."

Encourage free expression in art projects. Avoid asking "what" children are drawing. Three-year-olds may not know or care, but simply enjoy the process of drawing.

Ask parents to bring baby pictures. Talk about "When you were a baby."

Draw a face on an old sock and show children how to "talk" with puppets. Talk about colors, numbers, and shapes in your everyday conversation. "We

need ONE egg. That's a RED car. The butter is in this SQUARE box." Ask for help with very simple household tasks such as putting the napkins by

each plate, putting socks in the drawer, watering plants, or stirring the muffin batter.


National Network for Child Care - NNCC. Part of CYFERNET, the National Extension

Service Children Youth and Family Educational Research Network. Permission is

granted to reproduce these materials in whole or in part for educational purposes

only(not for profit beyond the cost of reproduction) provided that the author and Network

receive acknowledgment and this notice is included:

Reprinted with permission from National Network for Child Care - NNCC.

Oesterreich, L. (1995). Ages & stages - three-year-olds. In L. Oesterreich, B. Holt,

& S. Karas, Iowa family child care handbook [Pm 1541] (pp. 202-204). Ames, IA:

Iowa State University Extension.


Lesia Oesterreich, M.S. Family Life Extension Specialist Human Development and Family Studies Iowa State University Copyright/Access Information "Energetic" and "imaginative" best describe the 4-year-old. Often impatient and silly, they discover humor and spend a great deal of time being silly and telling you "jokes." A 4-year-old's language may range from silly words such as "batty-watty" to profanity. Loud, boisterous laughter may accompany such language. Imagination suddenly becomes greater than life for the 4-year-old, who often confuses

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reality and "make-believe." Wild stories and exaggerations are common. Four-year-olds feel good about the things they can do, show self-confidence, and are willing to try new adventures. They race up and down stairs or around corners, dash on tricycles or scooters, and pull wagons at full tilt. You still need to watch them closely as they cannot estimate their own abilities accurately and are capable of trying some outlandish and dangerous tricks.


can place objects in a line from largest to smallest

can recognize some letters if taught, and may be able to print own name

recognizes familiar words in simple books or signs (STOP sign)

understands the concepts of "tallest, biggest, same, more, on, in, under, and above"

counts 1-7 objects out loud - but not always in the right order

understands the order of daily routines (breakfast before lunch, lunch before dinner, dinner before bed time)

speaks in fairly complex sentences. "The baby ate the cookie before I could put it on the table."

asks a lot of questions, including ones on birth and death

enjoys singing simple songs, rhymes, and nonsense words

adapts language to listener's level of understanding. To baby sister: "Daddy go bye-bye." To Mother: "Daddy went to the store to buy food."

learns name, address, and phone number, if taught

asks and answers who, what, when, why, and where questions

continues one activity for 10-15 minutes


weight: 27-50 pounds

height: 37-46 inches

uses a spoon, fork, and dinner knife skillfully

needs 10-12 hours sleep each night dresses self without much assistance (unzip,

unsnap, unbutton clothes; lace but not tie shoes)

can feed self, brush teeth, comb hair, wash, dress, hang up clothes with little assistance

walks a straight line

hops on one foot pedals and steers a tricycle skillfully

jumps over objects 5-6 inches high

runs, jumps, hops, and skips around obstacles with ease

stacks 10 or more blocks

forms shapes and objects out of clay or play dough, sometimes human and animal figures

threads small beads on a string

catches, bounces, and throws a ball easily

likes to gallop, turn somersaults, climb ladders and trees, hop on one foot


enjoys playing with other children

takes turns and shares (most of the time); may still be rather bossy

seeks out adult approval understands and obeys simple rules (most of the


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names 6-8 colors and 3 shapes

follows 2 unrelated directions (put your milk on the table and get your coat on)

has basic understanding of concepts related to number, size, weight, colors, textures, distance, position, and time

understands immediate passage of time as in what happened yesterday, but does not understand calendar time

has long attention span and finishes activities

understands and remembers own accomplishments

may ad "ed" to words. "I goed to the door and put-ed the cat outdoors. He hurt-ed me."

changes the rules of a games as she goes along

likes to talk and carries on elaborate conversations

capable of feeling jealous

persistently asks why

boastful - enjoys showing off and bragging about possessions

fearful of the dark and monsters

begins to understand danger - at times can become quite fearful

has difficulty separating make-believe from reality

lies sometimes to protect self and friends, but doesn't truly understand the concept of lying - imagination often gets in the way

may name call, tattle freely

likes to shock others by using "forbidden" words

expresses anger verbally rather than physically (most of the time)

still throws tantrums over minor frustrations

imitates parent of the same sex, particularly in play

enjoys pretending, often with imaginary playmates

pretending goes far beyond "playing house" to more elaborate settings like fire station, school, shoe store, ice cream shop

loves to tell jokes that may not make any sense at all to adults

can feel intense anger and frustration

has vivid imagination and sometimes imaginary playmates

enjoys dramatic play and role playing


Read aloud each day and encourage children to look at books on their own. Provide alternative reading material with a collection of outdated coupons, junk mail, newspaper ads, and old cereal boxes.

Say nursery rhymes and fingerplays together. Encourage 4-year-olds to tell stories to younger children.

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Encourage interest in writing and words. Provide children with paper and notebooks for writing. Print letters and numerals on art work, and label toy shelves with pictures and words that describe objects.

Provide a variety of art experiences. Make play dough. Create collages from magazine pictures, fabric, wallpaper, and newsprint. Encourage children to experiment with new media like wire and cork, soda straws, string, or yarn. Teach children to mix different colors with paint.

Teach important number and space concepts. Sort and count everything in sight, like silverware, socks, rocks, leaves, etc. Talk about things being in, on, under, behind, beside, before and after, larger than, too far, etc.

Teach children the correct use of the telephone. Four-year-olds have a strong need to feel important and worthwhile. Praise

accomplishments, and provide opportunities to experience freedom and independence.

Teach the use of landmarks to find their way around your neighborhood. Encourage physical development. Play follow the leader. Pretend to walk like

various animals. Set up an obstacle course indoors with challenges such as crawling, climbing, leaping, balancing, and running across stepping stones. Encourage walking with a beanbag on the head.

Promote respect for life and living things by letting them help you build a bird feeder and hang it up. Record the kinds of birds observed, and teach them to identify birds by significant characteristics like the red male and green female cardinals, the black caps and white cheeks of the chickadee.

Encourage 4-year-olds to help you plan and plant a garden. They will love to water plants daily and will enjoy measuring plant growth.

Encourage multicultural awareness through representative dolls, puppets, pictures, and books. Encourage cultural aspects of all the families, and learn recipes, songs, and information about cultural celebrations.

Expand dramatic play by providing a variety of props for themes like grocery store, pizza parlour, birthday party, and firefighter.


National Network for Child Care - NNCC. Part of CYFERNET, the National Extension

Service Children Youth and Family Educational Research Network. Permission is

granted to reproduce these materials in whole or in part for educational purposes

only(not for profit beyond the cost of reproduction) provided that the author and Network

receive acknowledgment and this notice is included:

Reprinted with permission from National Network for Child Care - NNCC.

Oesterreich, L. (1995). Ages & stages - four-year-olds. In L. Oesterreich, B. Holt, &

S. Karas, Iowa family child care handbook [Pm 1541] (pp. 204-207). Ames, IA:

Iowa State University Extension.

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Lesia Oesterreich, M.S. Family Life Extension Specialist Human Development and Family Studies Iowa State University Copyright/Access Information Five-year-olds are cheerful, energetic, and enthusiastic. They enjoy planning, and spend a great deal of time discussing who will do what. They especially enjoy dramatic play, usually with other children. Five-year-olds are more sensitive to the needs and feelings of others around them. It is less difficult for them to wait for a turn or to share toys and material. "Best friends" become very important. Many 5-year-olds will be going to kindergarten. Be sensitive to the needs of a 5-year-old returning from school. She may want to rest, play by herself, be free for a while from adult-directed activity, or catch up with the group happenings. Pace afternoon kindergarten children during the day with a balance of rest and activity. All-day kindergarten children need to be given every consideration when they return to your home as they may be tired, talkative, hungry, or wanting to share the day's happenings.


invents games with simple rules

organizes other children and toys for pretend play

still confuses fantasy with reality sometimes

often fears loud noises, the dark, animals, and some people

can take turns and share, but doesn't always want to

expresses anger and jealousy physically

likes to test muscular strength and motor skills, but is not emotionally ready for competition

carries on conversations with other children and adults

often excludes other children in play


weight: 31-57 pounds

height: 39-48 inches

requires approximately 1,700 calories daily

sleeps 10-11 hours at night may begin to loose baby teeth

able to dress self with little assistance

learns to skip

throws ball overhead

catches bounced balls

rides a tricycle skillfully; may show interest in riding a bicycle with training wheels

balances on either foot for 5-10 seconds

uses a fork and knife well cuts on a line with scissors

left or right hand dominance is established

walks down stairs, alternating feet without using a handrail

jumps over low objects

Page 16: AGES & STAGES INFANT AGE EIGHT INFANT AGE ONEecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/72+sl5gI5JL.pdf · AGES & STAGES – INFANT – AGE EIGHT INFANT ... smiles, and squeals of ... Do not

- best friends only

uses swear words or "bathroom words" to get attention

sometimes can be very bossy

likes to try new things and take risks

likes to make own decisions

notices when another child is angry or sad - more sensitive to feelings of others

prefers company of 1 or 2 children at a time; may become bossy or sulky when others join in

likes to feel grown up; boasts about self to younger, less capable children

begins to have a very basic understanding of right and wrong

plays contentedly and independently without constant supervision

takes turns and shares (sometimes) understands and respects rules -

often asks permission

understands and enjoys both giving and receiving

enjoys collecting things

sometimes needs to get away and be alone

can understand relationships among people and similarities and differences in other families

seeks adult approval sometimes critical of other children

and embarrassed by own mistakes

less fearful of the world than toddlers because understands the world better

has a good sense of humor, and enjoys sharing jokes and laughter with adults

can run, gallop, and tumble

can skip and run on tiptoe

can jump rope

interested in performing tricks like standing on head, performing dance steps

capable of learning complex body coordination skills like swimming, ice or roller skating, and riding bicycles

may be able to tie shoelaces

may be able to copy simple designs and shapes


understands about 13,000 words

uses 5-8 words in a sentence

likes to argue and reason; use words like "because"

knows basic colors like red, yellow, blue, green, orange

able to memorize address and phone number understands that stories have a beginning,

middle, and end

able to remember stories and repeat them

enjoys creating and telling stories

understands that books are read from left to right, top to bottom

enjoys riddles and jokes

draws pictures that represent animals, people, and objects

enjoys tracing or copying letters

can place objects in order from shortest to tallest can understand and use comparative terms like

big, bigger, or biggest sorts objects by size

identifies some letters of the alphabet and a few numbers (if taught)

understands "more," "less," and "same" counts up to 10 objects

recognizes categories ("These are all animals; these are all toys.")

understands before and after, above, and below

block and dramatic play is much more elaborate and complex

has good attention span and can concentrate well

Page 17: AGES & STAGES INFANT AGE EIGHT INFANT AGE ONEecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/72+sl5gI5JL.pdf · AGES & STAGES – INFANT – AGE EIGHT INFANT ... smiles, and squeals of ... Do not

is project minded - plans buildings, play scenarios, and drawings

interested in cause and effect can understand time concepts like yesterday,

today, and tomorrow


Encourage body coordination and sense of balance by playing "Follow the Leader" with skipping, galloping, and hopping. Skip or jump rope to music, teach folk dances and games, provide a balance beam, a tree for climbing, and a knotted rope suspended from a sturdy frame.

Teach sack-walking and "twist-em," "statue," or "freeze" games to provide an outlet for their drive for physical activity.

Play games that can teach right and left directions, like "Hokey-Pokey," "Looby-Loo," and "Simon Says."

Help children learn to use a pair of scissors by letting them cut out coupons. Provide a plastic needle, thread, and beads to encourage small muscle

development. Provide carpentry, take-apart, and put-together experiences with junk clocks and

old small appliances. Show children how to repair toys and books. Add drama to your reading sessions each day by using different voices for

different characters. While reading a familiar story, stop before the end and ask children to add their own end to the story.

Ask 5-year-olds to tell you a story. Write it down and post it on the wall or refrigerator.

Ask "what if" questions. What if there were 5 little pigs instead of 3? What if Little Red Riding Hood saw a rabbit instead of a wolf?

Involve children in writing "thank-you" notes, holiday greeting cards, and letters. If a 5-year-old enjoys copying letters, let him dictate a short message to you and copy it from your writing. Old typewriters are favorite writing tools.

Give 5-year-olds opportunities to sort, group, match, count, and sequence with real life situations such as setting the table, counting the number of turns, sorting out socks, and matching fabric swatches. Lotto games and card games such as "fish" involve matching pairs.

Help children learn to make rules and play simple games by providing opportunities for them to play in small groups.

Help children understand and cope with strong feelings by giving them words to use when they are angry. "I can see you are SAD about going home, ANGRY at your friend ...."

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Observe how a child plays with other children. Teach him to request, bargain, negotiate, and apologize.

Take questions seriously. Talk to children about what happens and why. Give answers they can understand.

Specific praise helps children understand the true value of their actions. Say "Stacking those toys on the shelf that way really helped - thanks!" rather than "You did a good job!"

Provide a comfortable place to be alone. A large cardboard box makes a wonderful hideaway.

Take fears seriously. Reassure children that you will make sure that nothing bad will happen to them.

Allow 5-year-olds some privacy in the toilet. Remind them to wash their hands until it becomes a habit.

Be patient with the untidiness and clutter. Allow plenty of time to clean up. It helps to store and organize materials on low, open shelves so that they can be found and put away easily.

Five-year-olds will show an increasing interest in numbers. Encourage them to count anything of interest - cups, leaves, drums, bells, number of children absent, meters, etc.

Encourage interest in jokes, nonsense, and riddles by reading humorous stories, riddles, and nonsense rhymes. Join them in jokes from school, books, and TV.

Give opportunities to express dramatic and creative interest. Teach children how to move their bodies to dramatize the opening of a flower, falling snow, leaves, or rain; wiggly worms and snakes; and laundry blowing in the wind.


National Network for Child Care - NNCC. Part of CYFERNET, the National Extension

Service Children Youth and Family Educational Research Network. Permission is

granted to reproduce these materials in whole or in part for educational purposes

only(not for profit beyond the cost of reproduction) provided that the author and Network

receive acknowledgment and this notice is included:

Reprinted with permission from National Network for Child Care - NNCC.

Oesterreich, L. (1995). Ages & stages - five-year-olds. In L. Oesterreich, B. Holt, &

S. Karas, Iowa family child care handbook [Pm 1541] (pp. 207-210). Ames, IA:

Iowa State University Extension.

Page 19: AGES & STAGES INFANT AGE EIGHT INFANT AGE ONEecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/72+sl5gI5JL.pdf · AGES & STAGES – INFANT – AGE EIGHT INFANT ... smiles, and squeals of ... Do not


Lesia Oesterreich, M.S. Family Life Extension Specialist Human Development and Family Studies Iowa State University Copyright/Access Information Six, seven, and eight-year-olds build on the important developments of the first 6 years of life and seem to settle down to a steadier pace of growing and learning. Young school-age children are interested in real life tasks and activities, and pretend and fantasy lessen considerably. School-agers want to make "real" jewelry, take "real" photographs, and create "real" collections. School-age children have longer attention spans. They are more likely to stick with things until the project is finished, the problem solved, or the argument resolved. Doing things together with friends, teamwork, and following rules become very important. This age group is fascinated by rules and can develop games with extensive rules and rituals.


being with friends becomes increasingly important

interested in rules and rituals

girls want to play more with girls; boys with boys

may have a best friend and an enemy

strong desire to perform well, do things right

begins to see things from another child's point of view, but still very self-centered

finds criticism or failure difficult to handle

views things as black and white, right or wrong, wonderful or terrible, with very little middle ground


skilled at using scissors and small tools

development of permanent teeth

enjoys testing muscle strength and skills

good sense of balance

can catch small balls

can tie shoelaces

enjoys copying designs and shapes, letters and numbers

can print name

long arms and legs may give gawky awkward appearance


may reverse printed letters (b/d) enjoys planning and building

doubles speaking and listening vocabularies

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seeks a sense of security in groups, organized play, and clubs

generally enjoys caring for and playing with younger children

may become upset when behavior or school-work is ignored

reading may become a major interest increased problem-solving ability

interested in magic and tricks

longer attention span

enjoys creating elaborate collections

able to learn difference between left and right

can begin to understand time and the days of the week


Provide opportunities for active play. Throwing at targets, running,jumping rope, tumbling, and aerobics may be of interest.

Provide opportunities to develop an understanding of rules by playing simple table games: cards, dominoes, tic-tac-toe, etc.

Provide opportunities for children to do non-competitive team activities such as working a jigsaw puzzle or planting a garden.

Encourage children's sense of accomplishment by providing opportunities to build models, cook, make crafts, practice music, or work with wood.

Encourage children's collections by allowing them to make special boxes or books in which to store their collections.

Encourage reading and writing by allowing children to produce stories with scripts, create music for plays and puppet shows, produce a newspaper, record events, go on field trips, or conduct experiments.

Help children explore their world by taking field trips to museums, work places, and other neighborhoods. Invite community helpers to your home.


National Network for Child Care - NNCC. Part of CYFERNET, the National Extension

Service Children Youth and Family Educational Research Network. Permission is

granted to reproduce these materials in whole or in part for educational purposes

only(not for profit beyond the cost of reproduction) provided that the author and Network

receive acknowledgment and this notice is included:

Reprinted with permission from National Network for Child Care - NNCC.

Oesterreich, L. (1995). Ages & stages - six through eight-year-olds. In L.

Oesterreich, B. Holt, & S. Karas, Iowa family child care handbook [Pm 1541] (pp.

211-212). Ames, IA: Iowa State University Extension.

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