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Page 1: Agfa Rondinax 35U User Manual



Page 2: Agfa Rondinax 35U User Manual

Summqrized Instruclions

1. Moke up Z nuid oz. (200 cc.l eoch or developiis bdih ofd fixer (vizp. q. Ihef bring boih solurionr, dnd ihe ionk ibalf, to & 6€o F

03-2t. c.).2. open ihe ionk by removiis ihe lid, ond hons rhe nlm reisiod bofd

ovsr tha tap edse or rhe tonk out oftha wdy.3. Cdr ofi rhe ionsue of the n m 0hi! i5 ioi necasory wirh Korot

.o$ere5l ond pull ort dbour %' {2 cm.) liLm rrom ihe co$ete.,1. lood the film coseiia ido rhe iofk. (Sea paseg.)s. Open rhe lilm c ip otr the eid of ihe tensiof bond, ond ploc it i"

ihe rece* dt the top of rhe portiriod iiiide rhe ionk. Pldce rheend of rhe filh beNeei rhe idM ol the clip oid d6e ihe lonenrokins eddi' thorihe meiolresth perforote rhen n, {see pdqe 12.)

6. 3y iurnins rhe wifdins knob of ihe spno drun, pul oboer 2 iid'er{5 cm.) of liln rrom the co*ette Gee pose I lor specio ln*ruciion5 wirh Kdrdt film) ifio rhe fi m suide. The co.neu oi the leod-ifg edse of rhe nlm:hourd be b

7. lf fece$ory, open the co$efie contoinins ths lilm, {see pdses

3, By ruriin! rhe windins kiob or iha spndl drum, drow off ihe lLndtrd wind it on the d.um. Then use ihe film knif€ to cur ofi the film

9. coreiully pour rhe developins ro dioi inro rhe hole provided inihe iork top, ond simu toneouny turn ihe windins knob of the drumwiih d qui.* did iefky odion abour hd f d iurn rouid every tua5ecoidr, Coitinue iohins the d'um in rhir moin€r until the timeof deve opmetrr l5-12 min., 3ee i.ble or pose 23) hdr eLopsed.

r0. Pour our ihe developer, sri rurfins rhe windins knob, ond rhenrin5€ for obour od€ minurs in cleor wohr.

ll. Fix th3 film by pourins in 7 nuid oz- (200.c.) of fixins $lution,cnd iufn the wifdins knob ds before for iei minura.

12. when nxins; compreie, remove rhe firm frod rhe ronk ond wdhit rhoroush y for 20 to 30 nlnuies. (See pose ld.) Fi',olly hons upihe wo3hed r,lh ro dry.

13. Toke the rodk io piecB ond wo5h it rhoroushly, tokins .dre rhor no*oief ssB ido sither ihe conri.lse donb3r of ihe dor in whicirhe fi h kdira hove5. Dr/ the fln s0ide oid iensioi bond corefully,oid finolly reo$emble ihc tonk.


AG FA RONDINAX 35UDqylisht developins ldnk for oll 35-nm. minicture fln3



s. Scol€ indi.oiiis lensrhof filn on rpndi drun.

7. Guidins 5lorfor.utrins ktrire.

L Co$erre locoiiig pes.

1s. Beorlns pessofihefirn suide.

Page 3: Agfa Rondinax 35U User Manual

Detoiled lnstruciions {or Using iheAgto Konotndx JJ u tdnK

The Rondinox 35 U deveopins toiI moy be 6e.] for doylishr develop

i/pes of f m c.$ene. os indicore.l on posei 9-12.belda fi6t rsna

b'l.u ..rtttu!, Md ta .h4 ortonk enp9i prefqqbtv wnh q i'ip af ftn th* x .nhq al na

''dlnht'x 'rd tatsed. 4 thi3 k done, rheba f'n)ti, p*h

t na'ut tuh t at ftln k ftt .].teta4d.

Prepdrins thoSolulion3Belor€ loddirs rhe f m inio ihe r.nk, ler reody the folow,dsil. / nuid oz. (200 cc.) of.leve oper, read/ fof u5e, oid or o iemperoiure

of 64. F. 1r3' c.). ls* fda otr p. '0.)2. / nuid.z.1200 cc.)ol deor woier for rinsiis.

3. 7flutd oz.1200cc.)of fxins boih-preferobry ropid nxins borh oioo F. lrso 20c c ).

,l A deveopins di5h, o thermomerer, ofd film (i5sou.5. A sofi ddd .eon wlidow ledrher.6 Two rrn clips or.priig dorhenpeqs.

Sifce rhe iemperoiure feeded for coiied developne n between 6{qond 70'F. {13' ond 2l'C.l ii is c aof ihoi borh ihe devslopiis solutioi

ronse beforc the 6in is looded inio the roik oid develdped

ins!rfcie ly hi!rhtemperoiures by voryins the rine ol developnent ore vsrylidble to leo.l ro imperfe.t r6ulr5, ond 5holld not b3 node.

Ihe temperdrure of rhe empty iofk wlrh lt lid dosed ir showtr by ihebuili in rhermomeier r/ {ns. r), ond ir G deslroble ro keep rhe ionk,rhen ior in use, ii . wormed room, since if rhe toik ibelf hos b3€i

of-soy-soo F. (r0! c.) ir wil hove ro nondin o wodn rcon ror oboul lya houc before ir hor wornsd up io

L rid. 2. Serokd arip. 13. Lockis

Page 4: Agfa Rondinax 35U User Manual

Fie- 1

I D" aropis. onb..' cr o ns 30' ro, . I ns ..ir". 3. ooonq. orb... o Co,.4 d lo dr rs o ho o s ft**ts.r2. T"rsion bord. 11.Eir9ude. 3 to,.hetrcb. i9.wi.di.st.cb.

Openi4 the TonkHo d 10 .Fs d fis. 3, o) , .e.,o ed s,,p. 2 f,q Jl r.. (ho e td

rom*. o . boo.. A .on,dqobt- iD,,of ihe sprins . iP whidr hod ihe hik

Ad .r r\- t. \ 'q (noo 3rnob o 6s. 4 d I r'n. ,sodi /. out .h" b"drinq i. p

Puli oui ihe ie'sion bo,d 12 ond ho,s ii rour over rhe edse of rherdnk, ThG G hode eo5i€r by rororins the sptol druh by rhs windinq[nob l9 slishtly while ]he bo^d is pulled. h is impo{dnr io mdke cedoLnihoi ihe co$eiie chomber 3, rhe film slide rl ond the tsnsion bdfd t2ore a | .onplebly dry before ihe nlm is ioaded. lr rher€ is dny doubiof $n, rhey !hourd be corefuIy dried w:ih o cloih.


Cutiins ofi rhe Film longueFirns to be developed in the Rondindi 35 U shoutd ior be comp ereyrewouid inro rhe cd$ehe, Th€ and of rhe ionsusenoush ro oirow rhe fitm ro be p!|ed our uiri ihs whoe tefsih of

It n prcves I'drd ro pull od rhe rrn rongue jf rhb woyr mecdsefle moy be ddmased, oid in ihir cose iher€ h o risk rhdi

toad corcdt/, The caseie shoutd beeioFined, ofd ihe fi h r€wound in rhe dorkroom f ddmdqehds occured-n ro ihe core of o sood cd$efle. The fewoundFrn shoutd ihei tood coredty inro ihe ,dnk,

Fis.5showhq rh€ fflm ionsue cd ofi ond rhe edqe of rhe fid bsye ted.

, cu' on .ih dshovn in fg.s, ond ii hust be obse.ved ihoi rhe cur doe! nor posrh,ousn rhe psforciions of rhe film. {This operorion h nor necesorywirh the Kofar coseha, 5ince ihn 6 m ho5 no rofsua.)Aner.unin! ofi ihe ionsue, rhe leodin! edge of rhe titm i3 beve ed ofiby clnrns owoy o smdLl trlonsle on eo.fi rid6 or shown in iha ffsur€.The hevered edses a.e rheo ishny beni under.

Page 5: Agfa Rondinax 35U User Manual

Looding the Film itto lhe TqnkThG operorioi moy be cored out in ddylsht bli di io occoud in

Belore loodinc onr ryDo ol co3$lr. ido rhe rcnt, rhe 6rorns IGY l0(fis. 4 nBr inr 6. iumsd ro rhe morr "1" dnd pulled ouhdd rhepes 9 nusl3imildrly be !ulled.urwurdh ir imroddni to debrmine whoi tpe oI co$etre is invoved, ond ro

oodlns operdriotr thor ore dBcribed in deroi

TVPes af Cassette s

1. LIflire$dl Film Cassettes (Cdf*idses) or Ddvlisht

Cnssettes (Cdttridses) 1nd Madel D Lei.4 Cassettes

(Leit z- Asf a C as s et t es)

The co$ere is owtred veiilcoly iiio irs .homben rhe 3 ir or then su de. o d r'' rpool I ob ro

e/ 1o Ls. 4. rla rq l0 q' I An o h"dinwcrdr to hold rhe co$etie ii pos ioi.The film end i! then dtdched to the .l p, ond fudher optrorions dredr ds&ribed lrom pose 12 onwdrdr'

2. Kotat Cassettes (.Cattridses)

Thii rvoe of co$ede n loadsd into ihe .homber iirh. ";i"--l hbe d8cribed 'bove,

bui the peo 9 did the kev l0 munbehl

'n rne Du led.o n Do. I on T" r ! he oro'd o he lp

o. oauibs.;r " d qLoool n ool d''very c"diouily jlrn;d while rhe eodiis edse of the liln n led inro

h. r . " "; r. r-ro -?'. d- d'ohn o r ol

o .\ o roqo' s: rher reolaced oid ihe fi m {ou^d on i. ihe splrcl drum os d6.ribedbelow si;.e rhe lilm is not oddched to o .ore of onv kind, ihe filmknifs ieed not bs used. Al fuiher detdik dre sivei on pose l2

Page 6: Agfa Rondinax 35U User Manual

K KDob of co$etre. 9. Co$ete locor ns peg. t0. Robrins key holdjiqco$ere. 14. Firm su de. 12. Deyile fof openins co*ere.

3. 9tafld d Leitz Metal Cdssettes (Model B)rho co$ene is lowercd veiildly inro iha chdmbe irh rhe exremosprins fociis downwords, ir m!* be ptocod so rhor whei !he roroi nskey r0 (fi!.3) k p6hed inwords rhe oroe cdoui s*itan bstde,cor rhe key 3 ides over ihe operor iq koob "K" of rhe coserie. rr moy be.ecesory io rld dish y enher the cd*erh of rhe rcroiins key betorerhk cln be d.ne. Boih ihe pes 9 ond rhe rordrind key l0 ore rheoplshed ifwords, ofre whkh rhe f m moy be droched Ioson pdse12.Thcionk sctosedwirh ir lid,rhe roiorns keyt0 isrurned

ihe co$ene. Funher innrudions (windifg rha firh oi to rhe spndl drum, elc) se pose t,

rf on y o podron of rhe litm is io be developed Gee pose l3l

' i bo.r rra (dro. el. i. docd


Fi m suide. 19. Roroiiis knob.

4. CD4tar Cassettes

. wirh rhi5 rype of co$erie, rhe Etrion botrd s ptoced so rhdr rhe firnf clip ll ies opefed ii rhe rhe porrition of rhe toir

lsee fis!re 6). Hordine rhe coniox co$efte in rhe hoid, the fi m i3inches 15 cm.) and ib leddins edse ploced

edrc ry if ihe oped io{5 of rhe nrn crip. rhe crip is ihen ctosed oidit5 lo*5 pre$od hord toserher so rhdt the ieeth perforote rhe filn.

Ihefiin n iowcd!riouslywound towdrd5 rhe spnol drum by the kiobl91fie 9) unrii when ihe co$ene is owered inro irs chombe he operdrinskiob "s" (fis.9) is sladr, opposite rhe proiediotr mdrled 'C' and iherorotins tey 10. rhe pes I is thei presed

knob "s" 5 exadrr oppo5ire rhe krie. "c".


Page 7: Agfa Rondinax 35U User Manual

Th. tonk lid i. now pur oi, cnd rheroioilns key l0 pr.$sd hod iiwd.dsdsoinn iho.dsere ond rorcbd ro ihe poiirion "ll-. The cd$efle k

lf oRly d podioi of ihe film n io be develop8d 15€e pose 13)iurn bd.k rhe key roword po5itionishiiishi befo4 cuflins ofi the fi m. Ihe Coftox co$eie mo/be removed lorer on dnd lockad by hond.

The funher operoiions vith ihe c

5. Robot Cdssetres

These ore loaded iui in the some woy os uiiveiidl Filn coserrer,

.o$efe hos beei lowered inro ib chomber. cedoin other rpe.iol

.dseh6 rp$ le. s. Phorovir oid Dkdi) die redbd ii ihe sme voy

Excepr os hdi olreody beei lndicored, o I tpei of .o$tter oiceoo.led, Ore neoted by rhe ro lo

Attd.hing the Filfr ClipThe fi m clip ll (ls. d) oioched to the aid of the knsioi bdnd ir finiopeied oid thei plo.ed :i rhe re.es 23 rhor n fourd lf the ceniie orrhe podiiion .t rhe tonk. About %" (2 cm.) of flF i5 codiouny puledoui rrom the cosetle (2" or 5 ch. with coddx .ose'i8l, dtrd ihe leodins edse of ihe nlm placed centoly in the open lo*' ot rhe fi m . ip.The clip i rhen ct6ed, ond ih idws pre$ed

he flm dnd ensage lrmly in ii

winding the Film on the Spirol DrlnExcept with Ko.oi (pos6 9) ond codrdi (pdse rl) cdseres, rhe windinsknob 19 lfis. l0) of the spkol druh k dow cddioudy rurned s ishtly hrhe dne.riof of ihe orow dorked od l, lntil obori 2' {s .m.) or f mproieds rrom rhe .s5etre. rhk lensth oI nlm is dmpe io eDsure thdihe film suide is eddins the fi m conectly iiio rhe

'piroL drun.

lr ir inpo.rcni rhoi rhe baveled edse5 of ihe 6lm ore llshr y beni down.wordr before ihey ors wound inro the nlm slide, if rhis n not,roiedlfiiculiies mdy be experiefced in windins thsfilm on to the sp rcldrum.rhe rdi[ lid k now replaced, ond pre$ed dowi ved]cally od io rhetonk top ro rocl ii in posirioi.


) c d - ld rdrolns po ic.. 9. w nd s Laob2r. adt6iins (rews.

B/ tunino tho *iodids kiob in the d rcction or & oiraw, rhe film wiliow be wo!nd inro the groovs ol the splrol drum. Whils the *hdiispoars which hove been wouid od of ihe cd$ete .id inro rhe tonk.

wh6o ol the film ho5 been wo!id oi io rhe spnoldrum {ihe poinrerl6will uiudlly indicoia '36' ot thG ]ose)i!nh€r wiidiDg wlll be retcdseffe ccre, rhe lever 20 whidlpwords os sho*i ii lis 10, uniil it reoches o hor.l $op.

lf oD y o podoi of ihe 6lm - e. s. 21 expo5ures - n b badeveloped, the windins knob is i!rned unt I rhe poinrer l6 lies

le 5, ofd rhe fflm kn fe 20 redto .ur of ihe nlm dr ihor poinr. Ths spidl drun virl thei hovaon ir iha 24 expasurcs, plus obou' 2 inds (5 cn I or exnd u m.Leico did Contox ol-merdl cdsetes have to be do'ed 6cfd,





Page 8: Agfa Rondinax 35U User Manual

/ fluld oz. {200 c..l al d*e oper ore iow poured iiio rhe redo'gu orrece$ formed by rhe nep in rha lld, ds ii fis, f, ond rhe spno drumn comidnry rordred ii o sfie5 of ie*s of obod hor d revddioioi o i me (o woy5 ir rhe diredion oI ihe diiowl whire rhe sotdio' i5

krky rchrion of ,re 5pirol drum b/ rhe windtigrfob mur be coniiiu€d rhroushour ihe who e of dsye opmed, obod

srourd be runed lo.wqd obod ho f

rhe rhehom+ef on rhe iotrk side shauld 5e wokhed d! ns rh_A

I rwo m nde5 of developneii,

Rin5ing dfier Development

wheD ihe devaopmefi rine hos eropsed, rh€ ionk s i bd (hodiiq iros showi if ns r2)did rh'devslopsr poured ourofrhe tiporne.orner

ofi the 50 ui oi, whi e rlrnlis ihe wlidiis krob.


The operoiiois of devs opmenr de5crlbed be ow mln be .onied

cdvonce ro kiow iu$ whci mst be done, oid ii is oko e$edlolro hove reod ond disened ihe nformo,ior or deve opmenr

n poses 20 r. 21.

so urioi did tonk is.oned by meons of rhermoneiec. They should borhle in ihe ronse 6,1'33' F. (13' 20' c.-se p. sl, ond the iime or de

ru ins mur ba ocored uP

Ihe flow or developef ito rhe rdnk is morc sinple if rhe therho.netef eid of ihe t.nk n roise.l s shrly, 03 :hown ir fis. !1,


Page 9: Agfa Rondinax 35U User Manual

Ihe ^'ndi o nob mut be rurned ronriiuoudv o" ns 'hn ope'orio-

,r' . ""i;i. G ommended r'dr de/elopcr lhould b' ulad o .e or t )

Arso.t ,--;"er"e-,o,,unou or h.!'..7nudo 1700_c o

.l€o, wo "r o? poJ'ed r f's ) ond he ':nd

ns L tob ru'l'd Lo

"o - r ,he1 poi r"d o

Aha 'r-! /

,;;i .; ;;.;,". ,s* s. i.r Du.s ' ins. h" * 1d

i".^.i "-**rty, * s".-r*., r., the f wo m ides orso' or'erwhid ilr", u" r - rti'* q".

ir".. a * r" 'd i "mo "d odJ ' 6i- F"m'ieo ,r dn of rrr/ nr _ "t 'hid i d !oF3

"rn,.i ,l*, !"tr", *. a.". i" rumed ro ihoi this poii'n of rha r'lm

i, ii'",*J r" *. n't"s *r"troi rhe tonk is rhen cro*d osoii, didd fldher rwo m ndes siven to .o

| " - ins bo n d' b" u 'o epeotsolrcqord'ns rorins

AFr 6\ ia, I F LlmI "; ;;; "*

F. ' " " ioa ole' o - o'd 'h'

roor r'i 'd * 'h eo 1

-, irii"" ' I ,.-";vi-,aio rae$nohoI'ooi"n'nI'n"d,."do oo a o, si " o l'"" on) oi' b'bblei-r".a. rt'".** "

tt* p"*.d oFafd rresh pui in, ihewindjis knob

oein; 'o

o,ed d b"ro''

"1 LJi." r .u rs,ns. 3, , ;,o",. ,F" "nd'e l oh t dqdded

r, i--.-r,. d,".-i .a r;i a:". ,r,,t"a hta rorFn o.' or 'h. o L dnd

"ri,-:j ,. i'a.'.p .." -s.rr o d wo, so tr ,unn q

wdrer under ihe iop tor obour 30 m nurer'

lhe f' n ro, b" .oapq"t -o1h"d n' orL ir o"'eo he b'\

'tJ,i. "a * "t"r ... rloi , '41'ed ro L"ep rhs d n rur'ri-."d onoIe" d q \ 'ob I I "o o! d'!rib"d dbo e ro rcro ';, ;;'. ;,;"; ." . '"," , " *",., R po 'd o. ono 'eord'cdthi3 proce$ beiis repaored fiv€ or rix iid6


ra Lo.kiis kiob

..."-,i" ".ar" , ;."drh-rhe J' ' rre d'"

oid h. or. q .ob 3od "i dnsr

Fs 3 rh' r( s 'iob ! looB ed r shr 'o'o r'' P tsd q"' l' oueiroi bond u rhen opeied


c d. "looeo _ n

hoor.d o rooro{{ qioIo' he6 -oyhdol€^hd tr

;';,i"i.";;-. i r' " . a . oo " r si oq n ou'! r o e' o1d


Page 10: Agfa Rondinax 35U User Manual

wdrerdrops oi barh ironr ond hock, mu$ be Emoved. Ihk is done bypu lins on ih8 c ip or rhe free end of rh6 firm 10 noke l our, ond rh€n

f rhe filn wiih d credn, moisr lnd verywe I worhed window eoth6r. Tha wiping mu* be exesdingly senu.,ond ihe pullon ihe owerend ofthefi m noisufiici€niro deiod, irfroo15 upper clip. Old

Filhi 5hou d noi be drled ln Iu I iunlisht or neor rddioroE of ony kiid.

Du* i3 ths sreora{ enenr of o I minioture nesouv€s, for €wry du5tsrdln ii enlorsed with rhe imose ofd becom* urpledrdftly troticedblen th6 enlorsemani. lt i5 thu5 e5'eitiol to dry th€ l m in o pioce thot

Cloonins dnd Reo3lembling Icnk

Afrer use, the ionk mu* be rhorolsh y wo3hed in woier, bd i i3 veryimpotunrro b..edoin rhoi neiih€r dev.lopef,liE, norro.hins roEl9.re inro eirher rhe lo.diis d,dnbe! 3 (lis. ra) .r rhe dor T ii *hidl rhefiln knit. mo{.!. Woier oi enh.r ol }his poinh will (ure houble.

lf by accidefi a ro ur on or *oter folk slot 7, ii G e$entio toderodr the film diomher uiir rron rhe deveopins .hdhber byrdkins od ihe rhree nxins rcrews 2l- This mut be dore core-tully of,he 5.rew rh.eod5 in thebod/ of rr. ronl s I b" do-osed. Th" r r I- fa i 10* .,.po5ed ro view, did hoy reodily be dried oid replo.€d id iktoi.ll fecesory rhe ipriis holdiis i down mut be re o d.he.l.

Cleonins ihe rank k sihplified by blins ii io pieces. lsee ns.la)Theiockins knob l3 is unscre*en ond token oui wlih the vindins knob 19,cher whkh rhe firh suide l,t dnd indly rhe 3pndl drum l3 dre removed.The sroov€s of rhe lpndl drum should be exomined, ond if nec€$or/c eoned frce from selorine shreds ond sinildr mdreridlwirh o ofibru5h.

Afier prolonse.l uF wih hod woier, dolky deposib mot.ppedr in the ronk, ond 5hould b3 reFoved by keoiheir wi$very diluie aceric ocid soldioi, Arier rhn iolurioi hos been!:edi rh3 jonk mu5r be patt&lary @.ll wo5hed.


/ slor or fflm ln'le. 3. oodr q d,o 1b- .3 9pr'o d' "3 !o_ irs !no! lo wno'!g -rcbi 2 r'i o r_'r

when o$emb ins the tdnk dfler w$hins oid dryjas, ihe ip;ar drum 6Fui plt boc[ fihe squore ho e ihole in ihe side of ihe ionk) ld repldcitr! ihe windins knob 19 did itslo&in! knob l3 th€ rubber .ins 24 ofd the spocine r ns 25 n*t nor beoniried: ihs 'ubher

rifo 21 soe5 ne* io the wiidinipd.iis .i',s 25 over ii. Ihe lo.ri^q knob h rishien€.1 l6t afii.ieiilytomoke ths ioik worerrishr,yei ollow ihe drum io iurn reodilvhonrhew ndliq knob. Fino Ly, ihe f n suide 14 is reP oced. Ln P!ffins it bdck,

'h. b"o 1no pes,15 run rh r!.lloE6 orlhohninliq l<


Page 11: Agfa Rondinax 35U User Manual

d. Fi m suide bedriiq. /. sror of n m k. t€ t4. Fitn su de.rs. Bedfins peq5 ofrhe nrm suide. t3 ro.tiis kiob. l9.wirdi,s [nob.

Developer. Type of Fllm - Ienperolu re - Developnent Time

Ihe developer so dan hu* be .orefuly mode !p d.cordtns ro iheinrrudiois or forrlto provided. tf severot fitms orc ro 5e deve opedone ofref oiorhef, ir j5 preferob e ro ndke !p o slirob a ii.reosedvo lme of deyeloper, ond to uie rh. 5oldion on.e oity.

The deve opmeni intrudiois provided wih ihe n m should olwdys beThe .leveropmeir rihes ond iem

in rrr€m sho! d, n poritcu or, be fcltowed oc.!rcret/.

when rhe tdnk n connonily used uidef +dndod coidions cofsonr

of ihe vorious i/pes of fi mi very 5oon be.ome c eor, ond rhe rpecinc


n speciol cncunnodce5 cdi be reodirvlldqed ln th3 hble on pdoe 23 of ihir booklet we sive d€valopmenrtlmes whkh hdve been Jouid by prdciicdl exp€ri3nG ro ba suiiob sfor corodl/ exposed Astd 35 mm. nlm whei usifq Aqro Develope6,ond rhee 5holld 5ene os o su de io ihe u5er.

Ar wlLl be seen from the tobLe, hlsher iemperotures g0)F =2l'C)requne o shorier1640 F. : 130 c.). rimas tor

'emperctu.er lyins betueetr ihe vol!B sivei

ii ihe iob e will be in propo{ion io the volues siven. once oaiiob e rime or developmenr ho3 been round, it

'hould be noted oid

*ri.ry moinroinsd in fur!rci sin.e ii ir only in rhis woy rhoi optih"h

As o ru e,lf8h wdre. from rhe cold top is toocold to use d3 ddevaoParilutioi. li is rhur.le5tobe io moke !p rock soldio's in sood tlmeoid dllow rhem to come to roobe kept in weIcorl€d brown slo$ borles, oid ioi dLlowed ro *ondin unheobd 6cm3 durins rhe winier nodhs

Fiting Both.

ro 6x only oie Fln, ly? oz. {10 sm.) or Asro Fixiis solr ore di$ovedii / fluid oz. 1200 cc) oJ wdrer. A noc[ solution i3 mod€ by dissolvinslth a.. \vrn sn.) or nxins soLr in 35 nlid oz. (l LiteJ or worer. Iheso ution coo5 nronq y di the 3oli d $ove5,50 thoi fixidq both5 mrr bamode up if ddvonce ond olosed io wdrm up io 616€" F. 113'20'cl


Page 12: Agfa Rondinax 35U User Manual

Devclopnent Record for Iine qd Temp.roturo




Agfo Filn. o Agfo Deyeloper.Devolopmsnt tim.s ott mperoiurA of d,ro F.03. c.) oid /0o F. pr. c.)

D8v€lophenr times o, temperorura lyi.s be*eei &c F. otrd 70o F(l3o C. ond 2lo C.)will bo in proporlion ro rhe dbove.



7 9 12 12

70. F. 67 7 t0 t0

6 8 8 12 12

5 6 10 t0





t0 I5 t5


8 T2


Page 13: Agfa Rondinax 35U User Manual

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